Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-07-02 Thread bossanova808

Robin Bowes;316770 Wrote: 
 Themis wrote:[color=blue]
 That's not what people are saying.
 We're saying that the difference between the SB3 DAC and a $400-$500
 is likely not all that significant, and that a better use of funds
 be to look at other areas of the system.

But a $200 DAC and try it - the difference IS significant.  It may not
be as much as with a $1000 DAC but then again it might be that the
designer of the cheaper DAC is focusing more on performance and audio
quality than marketing and's perfectly feasible, is it not,
that a good audio engineer could design and build a DAC for that short
of price, still make a profit, and outperform the SB3 DAC (which is
indeed not at all bad, but hardly the holy grail).

Maybe it's just that other DACs sound different, but for me the
differences in this case (Beresford) mean better - it's much more open
sounding, much lower noise floor, everything seems just separate and
less, I'm sorry to say it, digital.

It's just silly (and snobby) to rule out these things based soley on
price...which is exactly what a lot of people have argued about the Sb
versus the Sonos, for example


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-07-01 Thread bossanova808

I think mine is V or VI


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-07-01 Thread bossanova808

mvalera;316337 Wrote: 
 Again we have qualified engineers that know how to treat a signal from
 end to end in our designs... I think you can draw a conclusion about
 what I am saying about some of the other less expensive DAC boxes that
 were recommended earlier in this thread. 
 You're better off spending that money on better speakers.

So you're implying the makers of those DACs don't know what they are
doing, essentially, or at least as much as your engineers.  Not sure
how you can conclude this, and I already have several sets of very nice
speakers (Sonus Faber, Rega etc) and with any one them, the DAC in the
humble Beresford is noticeably a better sound than the analogue out
from the DAC in either my SB2 or my three SB3s.

The evidence implies to me you're wrong about this.  I imagine the
Benchmark is better again, but there's simply no question the Beresford
is a humbly priced improvement to the SB system.

Why knock it if you haven't tried it?  It's jsut another engineer in a
room trying to make a decent product, much like Sean was those years
ago.  No reason to think this guy is any worse or different...and I
*love* the squeezeboxes, but I definitely was disappointed in the
analogue out when I bought my first one compared to my Nakamichi CD

Once I popped the Beresford MKV into the system, I was happy again,
indeed it's better than the Nak wasand that was pretty good.

Not that I disagree - money first into speakers, if you have crappy
ones, but once you've reached a certain point a DAC can make a very
pleasing difference.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] What DAC to use?

2008-06-30 Thread bossanova808

I think you're being harsh on the Beresford - I have one and it made a
substantial improvement in the Sb3's sound.   Hard to go wrong for the
price and if you ask me there's no reason per se a good DAC can't be
built for that sort of price.  Most of the price with the others is
sheer hoo hah and a pretty box.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Simpler (less demanding) EQ than Inguz?

2008-05-15 Thread bossanova808

I've looked but can't find a plugin that offers a simple set of EQ
controls (not room correction etc) but in a relatively lightweight form
(on Win32)

I'd like it to bew lightweight because it will be running on our main
server here at work, so would prefer something that does not
significantly impact server performance for our other 'more important'

Does such a thing exist?  Any chance of a cut down Inguz or Brute on

I'd be happy to Paypal some dollars for such a thing, if it existed...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Simpler (less demanding) EQ than Inguz?

2008-05-15 Thread bossanova808

I'd really like to avoid extra hardware if possible.

At the moment it's an Sb3 into AudioEngines and it's a very neat little
solution but I feel it could be tweaked to be better...or at least more
how I like it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Simpler (less demanding) EQ than Inguz?

2008-05-15 Thread bossanova808

Ok I'll give Inguz a go - my experiments with it on the home server
(mucking around with room correction) are that it is wildly
inefficient...the cpu goes bananas when it is on and it effects
streaming video (which the server is also used for).

Worst that can happen is I need to uninstall it I guess...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beresford 7510 MK V and Sb2

2008-03-13 Thread bossanova808

Yep I've seen that and hold out hope.

Stupid name for it though...don't think it helps in the 'loudness wars'
for your label to be 'turn me up' somehow


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beresford 7510 MK V and Sb2

2008-03-12 Thread bossanova808

Just a quick note to say - several months on now - I'm still really
happy with my DAC purchase.  It cost next to nothing and has really
made a huge difference in my enjoyment of music.

Fortunately I'm not the type that wants to endlessly spend and explore
optionsI've reached a level with my system where I'm more than
happy with itwhen given well recorded material it's sounds

If only mastering were by and large done betterthat's the only real
remaining problem I have.  There's such a huge gap between the well
recorded and mastered stuff and the rest, it's amazing.  And
unfortunately, the majority of music I listen to falls in the badly
recorded/mastered category.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beresford 7510 MK V and Sb2

2007-08-17 Thread bossanova808

Those little brass knobs on the front switch the inputs, the LEDs
indicate which is active.

I'd suspect a remote control will be in the offing with later versions.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beresford 7510 MK V and Sb2

2007-08-14 Thread bossanova808

signor_rossi;220652 Wrote: 
 I own a MK V and while I can hear a difference in some songs and now
 listen only through it and enjoy it I haven't made a final judgment
 yet, but would say that the Beresford certainly isn't a step back. ;)
 Once I have set up the speakers right (position/decent cables) I will
 do more a accurate comparison.
 It's power supply makes a buzzing high frequency sound ... Is anyone
 experiencing the same? I don't know if that affects the sound in any

I did once hear a high pitched whine from the supply, but only for a
moment and I've not heard it since.  I am not sure why it went away
though.  Replacing the power supply would be easy.

No funny noises through the speakers - there's no background to speak
off, silences and quiet passages are wonderfully pure.

I think if your system is capable of expressing the difference you'll
hear it pretty clearly.  Not on all things, I guess, especially on
things that have been very badly recorded originally (eg the latest
Bloc Party CD - shameful)...but on well recorded stuff it sounds much,
much, much improved on my system.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beresford 7510 MK V and Sb2

2007-08-13 Thread bossanova808

That doesn't mean much to me as I just don't get electronics (is there a
'golden' textbook for starting with this stuff??)

Also, does this include the MKV version??  I believe Stanley regularly
adds new tweaks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beresford 7510 MK V and Sb2

2007-08-13 Thread bossanova808

adamslim;220550 Wrote: 
 Shame it's so darn ugly!!

It's not THAT bad.  It could certainly be prettied up like some other
DACs but it's neat enough and functional in appearance.  I'd love it to
have remove input selection etc.  

I'll take good sound and a decent price first everytime.

Anyway, for me the big visual problem is cords.  Frickin cords
everywhere.  There's just too many to hide properly.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Beresford 7510 MK V and Sb2

2007-08-12 Thread bossanova808

Oh I should add even the Zensonic sounds bloody amazing.I don't have
5.1, just two channel, but it sounds amazing now.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Rotel RA-04, RA-05 RA-06. Any thoughts...

2006-10-29 Thread bossanova808

I've always found Rotel gear to offer excellent value for money and very
neutral, un-coloured sound.  I'd have a listen to see if it suits you
but I think they're often as good or better than many much more
'premium' marques at a substantially lower cost.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Slim Devices NAS Device

2006-07-12 Thread bossanova808

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What do you think about the new SD NAS device?

- Awesome! Where can I get one?
- Nice. I'll put that on my wish list.
- Not for me, but it sure is pretty.
- Lame idea. Have the SD folks lost their minds?

I have bout 8000 songs, 700 artists - a complete re-scan on the slower
X6 from scratch takes about 3 hours.  I set it to do this every now and
again when I know I am not going to use it.

If I just want to add a new album, you can 'browse music folder' to the
album and it will be added.  So full re-scans aren't necessary very
often really, once you have a moderately tidy and well set up library.

I do find that every few weeks or so Slimserver benefits from a
re-start (not the whole NAS - that often runs for months)...slimserver
will definitely slow down a bit over time.  

Overall though it all works a treat..and is suprisingly zippy
actually...although I am increasingly nervous about upgrading
slimserver versions as they seem to change the tag scanning algorithms
with each versions which is irritating.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: So what is the audiophile approved firmware

2006-05-02 Thread bossanova808

To my ears 6.2.2 and its included firmware restores the SB to its former
glory, gets rid of the tinny highlights and allowd me to start using
ReplayGain ahead...

So for me, this is the 'approved firmware' -  anyone else agree?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: *CROSS-POST* ReadyNAS 600/X6 SB2

2005-12-29 Thread bossanova808

I have 400Gb of flacs as well and a set up very similar to the one
listed above.

TURN OFF THE LIBRARY STATISTICS!  This option is *only* available in
the infrant version of slimserver (under server settings-performance).
99% of operations should be every bit as good as with a dedicated
server, the only ones where there is a slight pause ( 1 second) is
when entering browse artists or browse albums.  Everything else should
be super zippy.

This will speed everything up A LOT!  When browsing on a PC, use Moose
instead of the web front end, works much better.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Wired vs. Wireless audio differences

2005-07-06 Thread bossanova808

I've just switched from wired to wireless and done a few blind tests and
can't hear a difference - using Rotel pre-amp/amp and Rega Jura

The amp is a bit older so I'm using RCA outs from the SB2

All files are FLAC.

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