Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog sound Xbox 360 vs SB3?

2008-05-12 Thread bigbwb

i know this is not the appropriate location for this question, but since
i have the thread going I will ask it here.

I will be most likely buying the SB3 very soon and already downloaded
the squeezecenter software last night to try out.  It found all my
music  etc just fine.  I thought I had read somewhere that it will
find Windows media player 11 playlists?  I have spent a lot of time
organizing this playlist with album art, tags,   etc.  Is it possible
to use this exsistng playlist for the SB or do I need to create a new
compatible one.  I know it recognizes Itunes playlists, but I only have
playlists on the ipod itself not on the pc.

Thanks again guys,



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog sound Xbox 360 vs SB3?

2008-05-11 Thread bigbwb


I do plan on auditioning a deperate DAC in mysystem some time down the
road.  For now, I am really just looking to get the best analog
performance from a streamer that i can for my price point.  The xbox
360 just sounds to dull and lifeless in comparison to the same tracks
from a CD.  I am hoping to snag a SB3 to try out and see what
improvements i can gain in that regard.

I also don't have to turn the darn Tv on just to start media center 
pick a playlist:)  

For the money  convenience the SB3 looks to be the best choice so



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog sound Xbox 360 vs SB3?

2008-05-10 Thread morris_minor

bigbwb;300554 Wrote: 
 What is the difference between the classic  new SB?  The site only
 shows the classic now anyway with burr brown DACS as you mentioned. 
 Has the newer unit took a step down in any way?
 I may try to score a deal on a used one to save a few bucks too:)

Though the DACs are different in the SB3 and Receiver, the boxes have
been designed to sound pretty similar - ie very good. The Receiver is
really just a different form factor for people who don't need a display
on the box and want the the functions provided by the controller. 

So, no, the newer box is in no way a step down. I would suggest you
base your choice on your needs - unless your system and your ears are
ultra sensitive, IMO you wouldn't hear a different between SB3 and SBR.
[Others in the Audiophile forum may beg to differ :o)]



Living Room: SB3/SBC  Sonifex RB DAC1  Musical Fidelity X10v3  Sudgen
Headmaster  Sennheiser HD 595
Kitchen: SBR  Sony Minisystem [via Homeplug ethernet]
Michell Gyrodec SE DC [Tecnoarm, Goldring 1042]  Graham Slee Era V
Pioneer DV565 universal player, Yamaha DSPAX750SE, Kef Cresta 30
(fronts), Tannoy Profile 633 (rears)
Mac Mini [1.83GHz, 2Gb], Iomega Minimax 500Gb, LaCie Ethernet BigDisk
1TB, D-Link DSL604+, M-Audio Transit USB, Audiolab 8000A, Monitor Audio

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog sound Xbox 360 vs SB3?

2008-05-10 Thread bigbwb


Thanks for the clarification between the 2 units.  So are the
audiophiles saying the SB3 is better than the SBR or vice versa?

As for the oppo 980, I love it so far.  I came from owning the 970
also.  I have used it for both SACD, DVD-A, and CD's.  The osund is
very good and the DAC's do a great job considering its price point.  I
will be using it for Multi ch music via HDMI to my yamaha 2600 receiver
and its analog outs into my 2 ch pre-amp.  I think the differences
between these oppos and higher end CD players would be very small and
difficult to hear.  You have to pay alot in order to get that last few
percent of sonic bliss, probably:)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog sound Xbox 360 vs SB3?

2008-05-10 Thread pablolie

as far as audiophile music delivery goes, i'd recommend using an
external high quality DAC anyhow. many high end CD players will allow
you to feed in digitally into the DAC, and i have always applauded Slim
Devices for that design decision. excellent as it is for the price, i
think expecting the built-in DACs in SB3 or SBR to perform up to the
level of equipment that costs over 10X more optimistic - albeit
possible, it all depends on one's preferences.

i have just bought a new SB3 and the Duo, and shall compare them - but
i always feed them via optical IF into my Accuphase CD's DAC, either
because it is better or simply because i got used to its sound over the
years - in any case, i prefer it, and i very much doubt the SB3 or SBR
will sound any different given that.

why do i prefer optical? clean separation, no grounding issues to ever
look into.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog sound Xbox 360 vs SB3?

2008-05-09 Thread bigbwb

I am thinking based on the design of the Squeezebox, it should exceed
the 360 in terms of audio performance.  In general, how does streaming
lossless files across the SB3 using its analog outs compare to playing
the same tracks on a CD using something comparable to my oppo?

I truly feel the xbox is to blame in my current setup.  The CD sounds
so much fuller  crip in comparison.  I am very intersted in the SB3
and will probably pick one up very soon.  

Also, I have read many people mod the different units for improved SQ,
would it make more sense to mod the SB or buy a sepearte DAC and run
its digital output into that instead?

Thanks again,


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog sound Xbox 360 vs SB3?

2008-05-09 Thread Malor

Most computer-style soundcards that resample from 44.1 to 48khz do it
badly, and you can hear it the most in the treble.  It sounds like
someone threw a towel over the speakers.  Some are particularly bad;
the USB Audigy 2NX, for example, is just appalling.  

If you can hear a clear difference between a CD and WMA lossless, then
it's the XBox's resampling that's almost certainly the issue.  

The Squeezebox Classics have an excellent DAC; I don't know about the
new ones.  If you play a lossless file through one, you should get
sound that's at _least_ as good as your CD, and very possibly better. 
There's no resampling going on, and the DAC is a nice Burr-Brown part. 
It's an older, cheaper DAC, but it's still excellent.  

You should solve your problem very nicely with a Squeezebox.  If you
can tell a difference between the two, you'll probably prefer the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog sound Xbox 360 vs SB3?

2008-05-09 Thread bigbwb

Thanks for the help.  I figured that the conversion from 44.1 to 48khz
was the downfall for the xbox.  Its funny you mention that it sounds
like someone through a towel over the speakers because thats how i
felt when I compared the 360 to my CD player.  I had mentioned the
sound was dull in my first post and you also feel the same way.

What is the difference between the classic  new SB?  The site only
shows the classic now anyway with burr brown DACS as you mentioned. 
Has the newer unit took a step down in any way?

I may try to score a deal on a used one to save a few bucks too:)



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Analog sound Xbox 360 vs SB3?

2008-05-08 Thread bigbwb


I am new to this forum and have a question for you seasoned squeezebox
users out there:)

I am putting togther a 2 ch system in my home consisting of ascend
sierra speakers, proceed amp3, proceed pre-amp, an oppo 980 DVD player
 currently my xbox 360 for streaming.  The music I listen to varies
from mediocre quality MP3's to WMA lossless files.  I really enjoy very
accurate clean sounding gear and last night I begain A/Bing my oppo with
a CD versus the Xbox playing the same track in WMA lossless form.  What
I noticed was that the xbox sounded very dull in comparison, not as
much clarity or punch, and less bass.  I beleive the 360 re-samples all
muisc from 44.1 to 48khz.  I imagine this and the quality of the 360's
DAC's are the culprit.  

I am looking for thoughts on how much of an improvement replacing the
360 with a SB3 will add? I do require using the analog outs of the SB3
because its going directly into the proceed 2 ch pre-amp(no seperate

Thanks in advance!

Take care,



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