[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-18 Thread King Saul

Have on order a dac for mine, a Digital Storm DO2, my system is  for
headphones only. Check out the links. Highly rated over on the Head-Fi
forums, even over the DAC-1. Can't wait to get it.  



King Saul

1.)  Squeezebox 3  Storm Digital D02 (ordered)  Grado RA-1  Grado

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-17 Thread Robin Bowes
holmsn wrote:
 tomsi42 Wrote: 
 50GPB a day! Do you get a refund if you buy it ?
 Well actually I suggested a 3 day rent for 100GBP +VAT less 50 if I
 bought ( a separate brand-new item from them)

Most good Hifi shops will let you return stuff if you're not happy, i.e.
buy it and return it if you don't like it.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-17 Thread samplesj

ModelCitizen Wrote: 
 The difference between the Dac1 and the SB2 analogue outputs is easy to
 discern on my system, the Dac1 is crystal clear, needle sharp, punchy
 and the detail and precision is exceptional (I can see how people may
 think it is thin though). The SB2 DAC is slightly mushy and pedestrian
 (dull?) in comparison.
 However, I am not at all happy with the set up when I compare it to
 using my Naim CDX CD player. Although the difference in sound quality
 is not immediately identifiable with tests (although the Dac1 has a
 certain thinness), it becomes pretty obvious after a while that most
 music (and I have catholic tastes) played via the CDX is more involving
 than that played via the Dac1. The Dac1 seems cold and and clinical,
 whereas the CDX just sort of keeps your attention and draws you in
 and encourages me to listen longer (I am talking about intense, dark
 room, lie back listening). The sound it produces has an unquantifiable
 warmth and atractiveness (I hate the Pace, Rythym and Timing bit too
 but you find with Naim that the term is unavoidable). This may be
 something to do with the Dac1 being an oversampling dac... I don't know
 as, as you have found, it is difficult to try out dacs.

When I first got my DAC1 I felt it might be losing some of the emotion
also.  Like you said straight out of the box it had wonderful level
detail and sparkly cleanliness, but almost felt sterile.  To be fair I
also run digital amps and transformer volume control both of which have
been accused of being almost sterile by themselves.  However today I
hardly even think about it.  I don't know if I got used to it, it broke
in, or it was one of the many changes I've made since then, but its
pretty much all back now.  There are many songs that make me want to
dance and I still feel the extreme joy in Beethoven's 9th.

Originally the room wasn't treated much and its heavily treated now. 
I've also moved all of my source gear to individual balanced
transformers and built a linear supply for the SB (Sonicaps helped a
lot).  One of the things that helped most in the PRaT department was
the addition of a Running Springs Audio power conditioner.  It
definately helped out with the toe tapping factor a lot.  In other
words it may not have been the DAC1 that was sterile, but rather my
system and the better DAC was able to expose it so now that I've fixed
the other parts of my system its not sterile anymore.

In the end its like any other piece of gear and you have to try it
yourself in your system to see how it meshes with everything else and
your tastes.  While I might like to hear the Lavry Black, the Benchmark
would still be on my very short list if I were shopping today.


'2 Channel system'
(http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/member_systems.php?sysid=619) / 'HT
(http://www.audiocircle.com/circles/member_systems.php?sysid=620) /
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-17 Thread Mike Anderson

I'm taking the optical out of an SB2, into a DAC1, then balanced cables
in a Pathos Logos (all balanced tube preamp, SS power section) into
Magnepan 1.6QRs.

It sounds excellent to me.  I've never tried blind A/Bing it with the
SB2 analog outs, but I bet I could tell the difference.

I also like being able to put a 24/96 signal into the DAC1 (e.g. from a
DVD player, not the SB2).  That's a real treat.

Mike Anderson

RADIO!' (http://nvo.com/cd)  Hours of free radical MP3s.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-16 Thread Andrew B .

holmsn Wrote: 
 Wow !, what a year !, after initially purchasing a SB to evaluate it
 for possible in vehicle use ( with MP3's etc) I tried a FLAC rip quite
 casually on my old home system , including an Audiolab 8000A amp which
 you folks in the US might have heard of :) and was immediately
 impressed despite not listening intently or anything as I wasn't
 expecting a great deal.
 Now after getting hold of some Spendor S5E's and listening , still with
 the SB3 Analog o/p's to the system, can it get any better if I get a
 Benchmark DAC1?

Yes it can, if the rest of your system is up to that standard.


Andrew B.

SB3- Benchmark DAC1 - ATC CA2 pre - ATC SCM50ASL active speakers...

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-16 Thread tomsi42

holmsn Wrote: 
 Yes, all very interesting and thought provoking.
 I have found a UK company who would rent a DAC1 for 50GBP/day so maybe
 I will try this, also the old Marantz CD65-DX has a coax digital output
 so it would be fun to try this in circuit as well.

50GPB a day! Do you get a refund if you buy it ?


SB3, Rotel RC-1070/RB-1070, dynaBel Exact.

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-16 Thread holmsn

tomsi42 Wrote: 
 50GPB a day! Do you get a refund if you buy it ?
Well actually I suggested a 3 day rent for 100GBP +VAT less 50 if I
bought ( a separate brand-new item from them)


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-16 Thread Phil Leigh

Then you doubtless understand that most Naim gear is designed to give of
its best in a synergistic all-Naim system...

Personally I find the (all) Naim sound rather tiring and I've never
liked Naim gear in  mix  match system...but that is purely my personal
subjective impression which I wouldn't expect anyone to agree with.

In my circle of friends (admittedly not a statistically significant
sample!) there are strong pro/anti Naim camps.

I do agree that the SB 2/3 DAC is a bit vague at the top and bottom
end - it certainly doesn't sound like any Naim I'm familiar with - you
could never accuse them of being vague.

I also agree that the SB DAC is less engaging than the DAC1 - but
whilst the DAC1 is good there are alternatives. I personally prefer the
presentation of the MF DAC's, but my system is not straightforward.

Most (all?) NOS DACS are going to be more imprecise and vague (and
warmer) than the stuff you've been listening to...if you want detailed
and warm/sweet/engaging at least give the MF's a try...

OK - and here's the REALLY controversial bit: for me the difference
between being happy listening for an hour or so vs. deep relaxed
listening all night was room correction - regardless of source. Once
the room correction is engaged,  the difference is night and day -
way WAY more significant than the difference between DACS for instance.
My wife - who is a complete sceptic on technical matters - has very
touchy hearing and without room correction she'll get up and leave
the room to do some ironing or something. She won't say anything but
I've seen her doing it. With RC on she'll happily sit through all sorts
of rubbish I put on and read her magazines/books etc. Occasionally
she'll start tapping her foot or singing along...

YM (and W!) MV


Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-16 Thread cliveb

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 OK - and here's the REALLY controversial bit: for me the difference
 between being happy listening for an hour or so vs. deep relaxed
 listening all night was room correction - regardless of source. Once
 the room correction is engaged,  the difference is night and day -
 way WAY more significant than the difference between DACS for instance.
Phil, when you talk about room correction, are you referring to
acoustic treatment (bass traps and the like), or digital EQ (eg. TacT,


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-16 Thread Phil Leigh

cliveb Wrote: 
 Phil, when you talk about room correction, are you referring to
 acoustic treatment (bass traps and the like), or digital EQ (eg. TacT,

TACT (in my case) with Good Vibrations software. My room doesn't lend
itself to physical treatments with any degree of WAF.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-14 Thread Phil Leigh

The amp is not the most important component in the system. Garbage in -
louder garbage out...
Also, it's the speakers and the room they are in that ultimately
influence what you hear (or not), no matter how good the upstream

In any system, all components make a contribution. I would argue that
the amp is the easiest to get right from a design point of view
(especially with line level sources).

I do agree that a great amp with mediocre speakers will generally sound
better than an underpowered amp with demanding speakers...but that's a
classic case of not creating a synergistic system.

Likewise, the worlds greateast CDP (whatever that is) + a basic amp and
speakers is not going to be as good as the second-best CDP + great amp
and speakers.

By the way, it's worth remembering that any component with electrolytic
capacitors in it will probably have drifted out of its design spec after
10-15 years of use...

In my experience this impacts pre  power amps the most and the cost of
a quality recap may be better employed replacing the complete unit with
a better modern unit.

Phil Leigh

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-14 Thread Patrick Dixon

Each component does a different job in the system and needs to be judged
in appropriate terms.  An amplifier is required simply to increase
voltage and supply current to drive the loudspeakers: whether the
amplifier will be good or bad in the system depends a great deal on how
difficult the speakers are to drive.

Speakers are generally the most imperfect element in the chain, and
therefore make the most dramatic differences to the sound. 
Source-first proponents argue however, that if the musical cues don't
make it to the speaker, it's ultimately unsatisfying, no matter how
good those speakers are.  In any event, the speakers need to be matched
to the room to perform at their best.

Whilst measurement clearly have their place, IME things can appear to
measure very similarly but sound quite different.  The fact that you
hear a difference between your CDP and the SB3 is eveidence that CDPs
do have a 'sound'.  It may not be as 'obvious' as the difference
between different loudspeakers, but IME, over a longer time you will
find it just as significant to your musical enjoyment.

Patrick Dixon


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-14 Thread jhwilliams

Tagore Wrote: 
 Have recently been trialling the Benchmark DAC with the SB3 and was
 disappointed by the lack of apparent stepup in performance.
 This is not just to my ears but also many friends that I have asked to
 listen for improvements. If there is an improvement I and they fail to
 hear it.
 Am running the Linkwitz Orions which are pretty revealing speakers
 which makes it even more of a disappointment.
 SB3 alone I am more than happy with.

I'm running a DAC1 also. A few things that really made a difference in
getting my DAC1 up there:

1. Moving to balanced cables - one of the pluses of the DAC1 (presuming
you have a balanced power amp). Not sure if you are running balanced in
your setup.

2. Getting good balanced interconnects. A friend of mine made a great
set of cables up for me. I'm not in the least an interconnect zealot,
but I must admit, it helped a lot.

3. Ditching the SB digital volume control and using the DAC1 control.
Another admission - I think I'm just biased on this... and that the
remote volume control is sorely missed.

4. I got a tube based amp - I found that it rounds out the DAC1 nicely
(which is quite clinical to my subjective ear + my speakers are quite
clinical to boot...)

5. Decent subwoofer (sore point - I don't actually one at the
moment, but I've lent out the DAC1 to other people). Not sure why this
is - I think the DAC1 response has a very clinical response and a good
subwoofer can really push the sound.

Altogether these are probably minor, but for my setup which is:

EAC+Flac - SB2 - DAC -(Balanced)- Power Amp - Speakers

... I think it's one of the most straight-forward, purest setups you
can get. For me that is the real strength of the DAC1 - it really
pushes towards having a transparent system. No preamp, etc, etc.
Basically signal straight out to the speakers.

That said, that kind of transparency grates on some (many?) - For me,
the addition of the tube stage injects a bit of needed personality.
Subwoofer helps even more.

Anyway - Going from that setup to SB2 -RCA- Amp is a quite noticable

DAC1 isn't a quantum leap better, but I think it's good value in the
right system.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-14 Thread RooX

(no offence to anyone whom owns or plans to own a Benchmark)

I demo'd a benchmark in my system for a week or so about a year back,
during the initial craze they drove up.

I was  not to fond at all of the sound it produced, found it thin and
lacking in many areas.  It had decent PRaT (there is a term i hate!)
but was just not very involving if i recall.  Im not fully remembering
exactly what i heard now as it was a while ago, i do remember it was
one of the least favored dacs i have had in my system ever.

more than likly a system synergy thing.. but it does tell you that you
should look around before spending money.  I prefered dacs costing less
than half as much, and also ones that were rather dated in terms of
technology far more (in my system)  I ended up witha way more pricy dac
than the benchmark, but i could have lived with many of the low cost
options as well.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-14 Thread gusi

I have an SB3 and a DAC1 going into Naim 52/250/briks.

I find I can't hear any difference between the SB3 analog and the DAC1.
I can toggle between the two as separate inputs on my amp and if it
wasn't for the occasional slight pop you couldn't hear that you
switched over. Admittedly I don't use balanced output on the DAC1.

The DAC1 does a wonderful job on the dvb-t receiver. Although sometimes
the sound effects on doccos can be too pronounced and I don't really
need to hear the news reader inhale so vigorously.

If you are looking for a DAC just for the SB3 I'd look elsewhere as
imho the improvement is too small for the price.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-13 Thread sleepysurf

I'm feeding my SB2 to a Benchmark DAC-1, then DIRECT to my Amp. 
Stepping up to the Benchmark brought SUBTLE improvement, evident only
on some recordings.  Actually, bypassing my Pre, and feeding the
Benchmark DIRECT to my Amp brought MUCH greater improvement.  Whether
the Benchmark offers $975 worth of sonic bliss is an individual
decision.  For me it was worth it.

I now have a Musical Fidelity X-10 on order, and will see if it offers
that last bit of sweetness that I crave in my system.  If so, for a
TOTAL outlay of $1600 ($200 for wired SB2, $25 for Elpac linear PSU,
plus Benchmark and X-10), I will have achieved sonic nirvana for MY
ears.  YMMV.


squeezebox2 (with elpac linear psu) to benchmark dac1, direct to sunfire
cinema grand 200 ~five (vertically bi-amped) driving ml aerius i's, blue
jeans cables.  'click to see my system'

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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-13 Thread holmsn

Didn't mean to be inflammatory , only quoting what to me was a
surprising statement, that the amp was the key component to the sound
rather than the source or the speakers. In my case changing the source
to the SB3 ( from an old Marantz CDP) was immediately reveletory ,
following that with the new Spendor S5E's a further clarity to the
sound became apparent. I haven't bothered with any power supply mods to
the unit and just wondered if the Benchmark would be a further
incremental step forward or not



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Benchmark DAC1, the next step ?

2006-05-13 Thread Tagore

Have recently been trialling the Benchmark DAC with the SB3 and was
disappointed by the lack of apparent stepup in performance.
This is not just to my ears but also many friends that I have asked to
listen for improvements. If there is an improvement I and they fail to
hear it.
Am running the Linkwitz Orions which are pretty revealing speakers
which makes it even more of a disappointment.
SB3 alone I am more than happy with.


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