Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread cunobelinus
It can disprove, though, or reveal an absence of disproof, (as in  
that WS quotation) or illuminate a parallel or a correspondence or a  
similarity. Wit's a serious business, and proof isn't everything, (as  
that Voltaire bloke would have realised if he'd read a bit more John  
Donne), but then again, too many cooks spoil the ship and a bird in  
the hand is worth two brass monkeys in a poke.

Quantum? It could take the Transporter into a whole new dimension.  
Don't tangle with it.

Perhaps Sean could put up a prize for the silliest post in this  
thread. Tough choices so far.

On 3 Oct 2006, at 03:21, jacobdp wrote:

joncourage;142244 Wrote:
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are  
dreamt of

in your philosophy.

- Billy S. c 1601

A witty saying proves nothing.
- Voltaire



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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread Pat Farrell

jeffluckett wrote:
This reminds me of when Bose sued Consumer Reports when they first 
introduced thier reflecting speaker technology a while back.

CR had done thier testing in an anechoic chamber, and as a result 
reviewed the speakers very poorly. (Now, say what you will about

Bose, I know they're not very popular with the Audiophile crowd..)

Bose sued CR because the testing conditions weren't valid ... you
can't test a speaker that RELIES on reflections in an anechoic

I don't remember the outcome of the suit, but this does prove one 
point.  If the test conditions aren't appropriate, all the fancy 
measurements you can make don't mean diddly.

The Bose 901 speakers were fairly well received when they came out, 1970
or so.
They had a huge downside for the times: they used active EQ to change
the normal uneven response of their array of small speaker drivers into
something close to flat. It ate huge amounts of power, and most amps of
the time didn't have the power to spare. A lesser problem was that the
EQ made the phase be very weird. But they sounded good for the times and
good for their price.

It is not clear if the current Bose brand has any corporate connection
with the one of 1970. A fair number of the old names are owned by
totally unrelated companies.

To that same end, it's pretty easy to set up a test that makes your
mod or whatever look better by carefully crafting the testing

That is bad science. You have to define the hypothesis first, then test, 
then confirm or disclaim it.

BTW: Engineering is not research. The job of an engineer is not to make 
the perfect amp/speaker/cdplayer... it is to make the best component 
that can sell for price X. The definition of best is usually not the 
engineer's job.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread Pat Farrell

joncourage wrote:

If the subjectivity in audio systems design results exclusively from
economic choices, why hasn't someone invented the cost-no-object
perfect audio reproduction system?

No one, not even Bill Gates or Warren Buffet has that much money.
Plus, you'd have to design the room acoustics.

At some point, it is cheaper to buy Carnegie Hall and hire the 
appropriate talent.

The most expensive speaker's I've seen reviewed are the PipeDraeams, 
which were about $100 large, and the most expensive amp I can remember 
was $350 large. I think the max turntable was only $85G or so


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-03 Thread Pat Farrell

jhm731 wrote:

On another forum, there's a post by someone who ordered two
Transporters and had them shipped directly to his favorite 
I'm sure this modifier will take time to listen to the stock units,

take measurements and understand how the circuit works before making
any changes. I'll bet the modifier finds ways to upgrade the

Last month's Car and Driver had a feature on a guy who bought a rare new 
Ferrari and had Pinninfarina put a new body on it. The base car cost 
about $800K, and the custom work probably cost several million.

Google for Ferrari P4/5

You can always improve things.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-10-02 Thread Pat Farrell

tyler_durden wrote:

That should drive the final nail in this coffin!

Any time someone posts something about quantum mechanics or sub atomic
particles and relates it to audio you know the thread has come to an
end.  What else can anyone say when the irrationality has climbed to
such an extraordinary level?

But you haven't waited for Godwin's law.


audiophiles mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: The modifying crowd and the Transporter

2006-09-30 Thread Pat Farrell

niknik wrote:

With a modded SB the max level into the amp is 1.1 volts. This should
not usually cause any speaker to blow -as far as I have heard. 

So I'm not so scared of running directly to my amp. Especially when
it's a modded SB..

If you are not scared, just try it. But this is an engineering issue, 
not voodoo or theater.

The actual problem that seems to get lost in all the hype
has nothing to do with the SB being bone stock or modded. It has to do 
with the maximum output voltage, and what your amp will do with it.

The key idea that keeps getting lost is not that you need a preamp, but 
that you need to be sure that if the SB drives a signal at its loudest 
possible level, that your amp and speakers can handle it.

The amp part is important because if you overdrive the input, your amp 
may clip. And any amp that is clipping it putting out ugly waveforms. 
That is the definition of clipping. Putting such a waveform into a 
speaker is very bad, and at high volumes, it can destroy a speaker in 

If the amp can drive your speaker load without clipping, then you have 
to be concerned that the speakers can handle the power.

If your amp and speaker are clean when fed the output of a SB when it is 
set to zero attenuation (aka 11, or 40 depending on the firmware/web 
skin) than all you have to care about is your hearing. If it is under 
110 dBa (120 for some folks) then you are done.

If it is too loud, then you need to use physical attenuators to make 
sure that no matter what the SqueezeBox does, you don't over drive the 
amp. This can be a preamp, or it can be some in-line attenuators.
The attenuators that Sean posted a while back cost about $40, and even 
if you have to use two in series, it is much cheaper than a preamp.

It is hard to test with music, you are better off with a pure sine wave 
at 200 hz, and another at 5000 kz or so. Or even a signal with a few 
clean sine waves, something like 200, 400, 800, 1600, and 3200 hz

If you can do that without blowing a speaker, you are done. If not, 
don't blame me. YMMV, etc.


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