Re: [aur-general] galaxium package ownership

2008-08-08 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Anders Bergh ha scritto:

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 9:42 AM, rabyte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There's some strange issue with the galaxium package actually
maintained by myself (previously).
I mainted it until last week or so and can't remember having orphaned
it. Then I found it to be "taken over" by somebody else, namely
ekerazha. I mailed him asking what happened, no response. So I really
don't know what happened, but I'd be grateful if I got it back :-)

Well, maybe he didn't the mail where you was asking for orphan those 
packages, and he adopt it randomly, and probably his spam filter 
filtered your e-mails, besides i saw him 2 weeks ago or something on and #archlinux on freenode, if i see him again, i will 
talk to him.

I have orphaned galaxium and libanculus-sharp for you.

Anders rocks!! :) (i was writting this e-mail then i got a reply from 
Anders); besides, next time, please try to adopt the package soon :).

Re: [aur-general] TU Vote: Daenyth

2008-08-10 Thread Ángel Velásquez
I got *no* and  *abstain* votes against me, and i don't asked why or 
something; I'm most worried  because the participation of the TU team 
actually we were 25 and just 21 voted (in this SVP), where was the other 
4 TUs?

I saw two resignations on that period and still missing 2 votes(bjorn, 
xilon), and i saw 3 inactivities (Dragonlord,DaNiMoTh,BaSh) notices 
after the SVP maybe 2 of them didn't vote too, but i'm not so sure.

I think that everyone is free to vote anything, and i don't know if 
bardo (or anyother) will resign because now Daenyth is a TU (that will 
be childish in fact), the point is, that he reached a quorum, he now is 
a TU, and welcome to the team, honestly i just hope that Daenyth will do 
a good work, no matter what others (including me, yes i voted against 
Daenyth) can think.

I don't like this *type* of discussion on public list, imho not-TU 
people shouldn't read this kind of e-mails, so if anyone (or you 
Daenyth) want to know why i voted against him (just the TU/Dev team) 
feel free to ask, BUT as i said, and sincerely i hope that you will do a 
good job, and if you need help feel free to ask, while you want to be a 
tu, you will get any help (if you need it) from me.

Please, let close this, congrats anyway.


Re: [aur-general] TU Vote: Daenyth

2008-08-12 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Anders Bergh ha scritto:

Hello TUs,

The voting period for Daenyth is now over.

5. Add yourself to


Daenyth, can you add yourself to the wiki?



[aur-general] Orphans in community

2008-08-12 Thread Ángel Velásquez
Hi, after the resigns of Shinlun and Bjorn, we decided to orphanize all 
of their packages, any TU can adopt them, else packages that won't be 
adopted will move it to unsupported. (I think if someone *not-tu* thinks 
that can maintain many of these packages, should send a TU application 

This is the list of the orphaned community packages:

aconnectgui 0.9.0rc2.1-1
amsynth 1.2.0-2
atari800 2.0.3-1
bitmeter 1.2-1
caps 0.4.2-1
cdck 0.7.0-1
codeine 1.0.1-2
coldfire 0.3.1-2
empathy 0.23.4-1
farsight 0.1.28-1
fluidsynth-dssi 0.9.1-2
gdb-armulator 5.0-2
gnome-art 0.2-2
gnome-splashscreen-manager 0.2-2
gnonlin 0.10.9-1
gstreamer0.10-farsight 0.12.8-1
hexter 0.6.1-2
jamin 0.95.0-5
jdelay 20060513-3
jrtplib 3.7.0-1
jthread 1.2.1-1
kanatest 0.4.4-1
lash 0.5.4-1
libmimic 1.0.4-1
libtelepathy 0.3.3-1
ltris 1.0.12-1
lzma-utils 4.32.6-2
meterbridge 0.9.2-3
mod_ruby 1.2.6-1
pcmanx-gtk2 0.3.7-1
physfs 1.0.1-4
poweriso 1.2-1
python-geotypes 0.7.0-1
python-telepathy 0.15.0-1
qmmp 0.1.6-1
qtm 0.6.3-1
ruby-amazon 0.9.0-3
ruby-atk 0.16.0-1
ruby-event-loop 0.3-1
ruby-gconf2 0.16.0-1
ruby-gdkpixbuf2 0.16.0-1
ruby-gettext 1.90.0-1
ruby-glib2 0.16.0-1
ruby-gnome2 0.16.0-1
ruby-gnomecanvas 0.16.0-1
ruby-gnomeprint 0.16.0-1
ruby-gnomeprintui 0.16.0-1
ruby-gnomevfs 0.16.0-1
ruby-gtk2 0.16.0-1
ruby-gtkhtml2 0.16.0-1
ruby-gtkmozembed 0.16.0-1
ruby-gtksourceview 0.16.0-1
ruby-gtktrayicon 0.1.0-2
ruby-libart 0.16.0-1
ruby-libglade 0.16.0-1
ruby-pango 0.16.0-1
ruby-postgres 0.7.1-5
ruby-rcairo 1.6.1-1
ruby-rsvg 0.16.0-1
ruby-scw 0.4.0-2
ruby-shout 2.1-1
rubygame 2.3.0-1
scw 0.4.7-1
seq24 0.8.7-2
sfarkxtc 1.03-5
sineshaper 0.4.2-3
skyeye 1.2.3-1
sofia-sip 1.12.7-1
softgun 0.16-3
stella 2.5.1-2
tablet-apps 0.3.1-1
tapioca 0.3.9-1
tapioca-xmpp 0.3.9-1
telepathy-butterfly 0.3.1-1
telepathy-gabble 0.7.2-1
telepathy-glib 0.7.10-1
telepathy-idle 0.1.2-1
telepathy-inspector 0.5.2-1
telepathy-mission-control 4.67-1
telepathy-salut 0.2.3-1
telepathy-stream-engine 0.5.3-1
tetringo 0.3.1-1
timemachine 0.3.1-2
tk707 0.8-2
vkeybd 0.1.18b-1
waveutils 1.18-2
xsynth-dssi 0.9.0-4
zynaddsubfx 2.2.1-2

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Missing Packages

2008-08-13 Thread Ángel Velásquez

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

Missing i686 Packages:
No new package supplied for python-numpy 1.1.1-1!

This is an automated message. If you wish to stop receiving it twice
a day, fix the package(s).


Built and uploaded

gcarrier any possibility for i686 building on that powerful machine that 
you have?

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] TU Cloak

2008-08-14 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Daenyth Blank ha scritto:

Can I get my TU cloak on IRC? I'm on as Daenyth


You should write to Aaron Griffin (read #archlinux-tu topic).

Anyway Aaron (if you are reading this e-mail), you can remove the 
following cloaks:

* shastry
* bjorn  (because he recently resigned :/)

And we should consider change the #archlinux-tu password.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Orphans in community

2008-08-17 Thread Ángel Velásquez

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:

I'm not a TU, but I can adopt poweriso (the only one I'm familiar to).
Can I upload it to AUR instead of REPO (CVS)?
Good, i got no others answers yet, so i think is time to moving the 
orphans in community to AUR again.

Part and the crew i hope your help moving those all packages to AUR 
again, but i prefeer if someone check again the list and get enthusiasm 
to maintain many of those all packages (imho ruby hackers would like 
maintain some orphan ruby packages, then they can propose themselves as 
a TU), but .. let's wait, what about a date for starting the removal? 
anyone propose one? i expected to do the move this tuesday (just a week 
before i sent the first mail), any ideas?


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Orphans in community

2008-08-19 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Loui ha scritto:

On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 11:23:32PM +0200, Ronald van Haren wrote:

Yes just go for it. If someone was interested they should have stepped
forward by now. It's a pity though that we have these frequent
removals. It really would be better if we as a team would not add too
many non-popular packages. Ah well, that has been discussed before.

Retiring TUs should really announce that they plan on leaving, allow

other TUs to adopt packages, then move the rest to unsupported themselves,
then finally quit.

They did it Loui (i mean they announced their retirements and their 
packages), you have to check frequently your e-mail (i mean check it 
more do an effort please),

They just didn't move their packages to unsupported and now we have to 
do it.. so .. let's start moving things ;) (all of us should do this, 
you can collaborate too Loui).

Now i'm on my work, when i'll arrive to home i will start with someones.

Please if someone move any package to unsupported please send an e-mail...

Thanks everyone


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Applying for TU-ship

2008-08-19 Thread Ángel Velásquez

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto:


 my name is Stefan Husmann, I am 40 years old and live near Hanover in
 Germany. I am working for a big ITC company as system administrator
 and in projects.

 I was encouraged by Ángel Velásquez to  apply for TU-status. With this
 mail I want to do that.

 At the time I maintain 108 packages in AUR. Not all of them were
 written my me, but some of them I made after package requests on Also I am active in the forums at and

 I consider myself still being in a learning phase. Two months or so I
 was not able to do a proper patching of packages, now I am. So
 packaging is a hobby to me now.

 I only own a i686 computer, have no experience with the x86_64
 architecture. Building packages for both arches seems a lot of work to
 me, especially if you are bound to a remote machine. So as a TU I
 would have to concentrate a bit more on really important packages. But
 on the other hand it is hard for me to see orphaned packages lying
 around, an often I pick them. :)

 In the forums i act under my real name, in AUR I have a nick, haawda.
 I can change that if you mind.

 I speak german, english and  with the help of dictionaries and a lot
 of time I might decrypt a french text also.

 Please consider voting for me.

 Sincerely Stefan


I'm glad to sponsor him; So let's start the discussion period.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] TU Inactivity

2008-08-22 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Andrea Scarpino ha scritto:

Come back!

Welcome back BaSh

...and 11 packages out-of-date :)

Good I've update some of your packages (elisa related), I hope you 
enjoyed your vacations!


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Missing Packages

2008-08-22 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Allan McRae ha scritto:

Loui wrote:

On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 10:11:15AM +0200, Ronald van Haren wrote:

Missing i686 Packages:
No new package supplied for assaultcube 0.93-1!

Missing x86_64 Packages:
No new package supplied for assaultcube 0.93-1!

This is an automated message. If you wish to stop receiving it twice
a day, fix the package(s).

I just untagged assaultcube half an hour or so ago but it seems it
haven't helped a bit (so we have to retag it again when it is fxed).
I found it a bit strange that the repo version is 0.93-2 when the
message is about 0.93-1.

Anyone any ideas?

Yeah that one is pretty odd. I'm pretty sure I tagged the 0.93-2
revision. Well, untagging should do it anyways.

This is because community/games/actioncube/ contains the 0.93-1 
version of assaultcube as there was a rename.  I removed actioncube 
and retagged assaultcube so it won't be removed.


I hope now we can upload our packages (until the repo is blocked cuz 
missing packages, nobody can update anything)


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] TU Inactivity

2008-08-22 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Andrea Scarpino ha scritto:

2008/8/22 Ángel Velásquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Good I've update some of your packages (elisa related)

I saw, very thanks!

Now elisa 0.5.6 out. I update it 24hours ago but it doesn't appear in community

Do you know what is the problem?


Yeah Loui a.k.a louipc broke the repo and now we're stucked until he 
will fix it :-)


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

[aur-general] TU Vote: Stefan Husmann

2008-08-25 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Hi TUs,

This begins the 7 day voting thread for the addition of Stefan Husmann
(StefanHusmann or haawda) as a TU.

Please, dont forget to vote. You can see his introduction and the
discussion period here:

You can vote using the web interface.

Good Luck Stefan!!

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Remove bad packages

2008-08-26 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Tom ha scritto:

Hash: SHA1

Allan McRae, could you remove pdfsam so i can reupload it again?


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Remove bad packages

2008-08-26 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Ronald van Haren ha scritto:

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Ángel Velásquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tom ha scritto:

Hash: SHA1

Allan McRae, could you remove pdfsam so i can reupload it again?



are you sure, I can still see it on the aur filesystem?

I believe Allan is on it, the permissions are wrong so we can't delete it.

Eh i'm pretty sure in fact i delete the package cuz i see the directory 
empty (without any .tar.gz or PKGBUILD or something), now when i go to 
the url to pdfsam:

i just see "the details of this package can't be found"

Let's wait for an answer from Allan anyway

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Remove bad packages

2008-08-26 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Eric Belanger ha scritto:

On Tue, 26 Aug 2008, Ángel Velásquez wrote:

Ronald van Haren ha scritto:
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 4:21 PM, Ángel Velásquez 

Tom ha scritto:

Hash: SHA1

Allan McRae, could you remove pdfsam so i can reupload it again?


are you sure, I can still see it on the aur filesystem?

I believe Allan is on it, the permissions are wrong so we can't 
delete it.


Eh i'm pretty sure in fact i delete the package cuz i see the 
directory empty (without any .tar.gz or PKGBUILD or something), now 
when i go to the url to pdfsam:

i just see "the details of this package can't be found"

Let's wait for an answer from Allan anyway

We are talking about removing it from the server, not the AUR 
interface. It's still there:

The permisions are incorrect so Allan or any of us that recently got 
permission to do this stuff can't do it. Someone with more privileges 
must do it.
Yes, I saw this; another AUR bug, that I suppose is reported right now 
(i will check the FlySpray in a few hours but now i can't)..

Plus, i thought even if I can't remove the directory of the package (cuz 
I don't have that kind of permissions, and the AUR script doesn't work) 
someone should do it from the website in any case.

My humble opinion of course.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Remove Firefox-

2008-08-26 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Leonardo Andrés Gallego ha scritto:


I need someone (a TU maybe?) to remove a wrong named pkg in AUR.

I own Firefox2- and Firefox- The Firefox- 
should be deleted.

Firefox2- is a work in progress and may not function in its 
current state. I will be asking the list a few questions as soon as i 
get some free time this weekend.



Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Request to orphaning gecodej

2008-09-01 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Gustavo A. Gómez Farhat ha scritto:

Hi all. I would like to adopt the gecodej package in AUR. This package
is not updated since June, and the maintainer "nikor" does not reply
my comments and messages. As I am the gecode maintainer, and gecodej
depends on gecode, I could update this package very easy.

Could anyone orphan it?

Thanks in advance.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Request to orphaning gecodej

2008-09-01 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Andrea Scarpino ha scritto:

2008/9/1 Ángel Velásquez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


maybe the ex-maintainer was on holiday...
about 3 months IMHO isn't more time for me

Hi Andrea, *on holidays* around 3 months? really most of us really beg 
for a vacation of 3 months ;). I think if he (ex maintainer) is alive 
and he will want to maintain the package again, he will contact us in 
any case ;), so i don't see any *issue*.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] TU Vote: Stefan Husmann

2008-09-02 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Hi TUs,

The voting period for Stefan Husmann (StefanHusmann or haawda) has now 

Vote count on AUR: Yes - 19, No - 0, Abstain - 1

By my counts we have reached quorum and Stefan is now a TU.

Stefan, what you need to do now is:

1.- Send the output of "htpasswd -n " to Simo (htpasswd is in
the apache package)
2.- Contact Eric to change your account on forums
3.- Make sure your sponsor (me) has given you TU status on the AUR
4.- Ask some TU for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] key.
5.- Add yourself to the Trusted Users page on the wiki
6.- Read the Trusted User Guidelines and
AURTools Tutorial again
7.- If you are not upgraded to a Trusted User group on bugtracker in
two days, report this as a bug to Roman
8.- Ask Aaron for access to the x86_64 build machine if you need it
(when it comes back online); Ask Geoffroy for a x86_64 on koon too
9.- Start contributing!
10.- Enjoy it! (suggested by pressh =])

Congrats! and welcome to the team Stefan!.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

[aur-general] Moving packages from community to unsupported

2008-09-07 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Hi everyone,

After weeks that i've send a request to TU team interested in packages 
which are orphans, and still remaining orphan packages, we decided to 
move to unsupported.



Anders helped me with:




and BaSh helped me with:






python-geotypes is orphan but is required by mezogis (dtw)
telepathy-glib and sofia-sip are orphan but are required by 
telepathy-sofiasip and telepathy-haze (gummibaerchen)

Thanks to BaSh and Anders for helping me, and I'd like to know if dtw 
and gummibaerchen are active at this moment, to know what will we do 
with the remaining orphan packages.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-09-10 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Kessia 'even' Pinheiro ha scritto:


My name is Kessia Pinheiro (a.k.a even), I'm a 22 years old
finishing my computer scientist degree at Federal University of Bahia
in Salvador/Bahia/Brazil.
I'm working now part-time on sysadmin stuff's (as treinee). I've
used Linux since 2004, with Slackware, but I had problems with many
things and decided switch to another distro. I tried many light
distros, but none was completed to me. So I discovered Arch in 2006
and I got involved with the brazilian community, helping people and
writting some docs [1].
Me and my friends (hdoria and dsa) did a speech about ArchLinux in
FISL [2] this April in Porto Alegre/Brazil. Other contribution is the
pacupdate (developed with hdoria), a tray notifier for new updates for
pacman [3].

Recently I'm interested in packaging for Arch, because some
applications I used aren't in the repositories. Before Arch, I
packaged a private .deb for my work, finally I sweat a lot and I
couldn't remember exactly what I did, but i did it. So, I discover the
Arch way to package and in few minutes my package was at AUR, I was so
happy! So, now my contributions with PKGBUILDs are 16 [4] and growing.
I'm packaging some stuff's that i have not found in repositories and
these are helpful for some people. I'm also adopting some to help the
number of orphans be lower.
So, as a TU, my plans are help manage AUR and community repo, also
trying alert the contributors about problems with their PKGBUILDs,
because many packages are out of date for a long time or with
incomplete PKGBUILDs or incorrect. I want to help with some security
apps too (my major contribution was snort package, hdoria adopted it
in extra), helping to make more eyes at the security topic.
My main machine is a Dell laptop and i am using Arch i686 (but
this laptop has an x86_64 architecture, so I'll install Arch64 this
week). I have an old machine at work, but normally I use the laptop
there too. My boyfriend also have the same laptop with Arch i686.

In my free time I like stay with my boyfriend, play videogames,
listen music, read things are out of my degree course, viewing tv
Oh, the last thing, hdoria and angvp encouraged me to do this
proposal, in fact they fought for who will be my sponsor, but angvp
finally push more and he wins. However, hdoria is a friend of mine and
he will share the sponsor with angvp (to be fair and no one cry). =)
Let's start the questions, I'm honored to answer. Thanks for your time!

To find me:
even @
even [at] archlinux-br [dot] org


Even, finally our beloved brazilian hacker girl :D, as she said, i 
pushed her to do this, so i can say that  it's an honour for me 
sponsoring Kessia, she is very qualified to be a Trusted User.

Let's start the discussion period

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-09-11 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Paulo Matias ha scritto:


My name is Paulo Matias. I'm 19 years old, and I'm currently at the
third year of a four-year Bachelor of Computational Physics course at
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

I'm a Linux user since 1998, when I started using Conectiva Linux.
This was my main distribution until 2003, when I changed to
Debian-based distributions. Then I switched to Gentoo at 2005.
Finally, since about one year, Arch Linux has become my distribution
of choice. I was very attracted by the lack of bureaucracy and by the
warm and friendly community.

I'm a programmer experienced in C, C++, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, AWK,
PHP, Java and Fortran77 languages. I've learned something about Lua
and Haskell, too. I have written some open source projects: trayion,
samsutools, qvm, opensvs, pycyber, fastsight, ziprecv, gcbq,
stegomaster, ruby-v4l, The Damn Small OS's VM, MPBot addons, BRNews
and K-Lite Linux.

I currently mantain some packages at AUR, notably the VirtualBox PUEL
edition packages and Open Sound System (OSS) related packages, among
others. My packages are listed at I often
contribute to packages not maintained by me. I had recently
contributed to the iverilog, vmware-player-modules and qc-usb

I was already experienced at packaging software for NetBSD, as a
pkgsrc-wip project contributor. My packages at pkgsrc are listed at|a| I had packaged
software there whose packages are currently maintained by others too,
such as gnash and ghc.

I recently started to develop some projects directly related to Arch
Linux, namely arch-sheriff and pkgbuildtools. The arch-sheriff project
is security-related and was recently presented at Arch mailing lists
by our friend Hugo Doria. The pkgbuildtools project is currently being
planned, and will provide some tools inspired by pkgsrc pkgtools and

I'm an official member of the ArchLinux Brasil group, and have a blog
(in Portuguese) at and some stuff at

Hugo Doria has offered to be my sponsor as a Trusted User. I hope to
bring more useful packages to community and to help managing AUR.

Currently, I sadly don't own any x86_64 capable machine.

I will be happy to answer any question.

Best regards,

Paulo Matias
O Paulo, i know very well this guy, he is very active with the brazilian 
community like dsa, hdoria, and even, they really do a great job.

I like to know that you people are encouraged to be TUs.

I will wait until the discussion period *officialy* starts to contribute 
with this thread.

P.S: Good to know that you like Ruby, we had many packages in community 
that were moved to unsupported recently, maybe you should applied 
before! ;] (I told the same to even btw!)

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

[aur-general] TU Vote: Kessia 'even' Pinheiro

2008-09-15 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Hi TUs,

This begins the 7 day voting thread for the addition of Kessia Pinheiro
a.k.a 'even' as a TU.

Please, dont forget to vote. You can see his introduction and the
discussion period here:

You can vote using the web interface.

Good Luck Kessia!


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-09-24 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Imanol Celaya ha scritto:


My name is Imanol Celaya, I'm 19 years old and I'm studying Electrical
Engineering in Bilbao, Spain. On the forums and irc you can find me as

I started on linux on 2003 and first used fedora core, then debian and
finally arch since late 2006 testing some more like gentoo, solaris,
and openbsd on dual boot. a bit later I got involved in the Spanish
arch community translating the docs and one iso installer. I'm also
developing pyalpm [] (not the 2005's
attempt using ctype, but using distutils) I'm also one of the
developers of the bot on #archlinux-es

As you can see with some of my packages
[] I'm
interested in packaging for arch some developer tools(as NetBSD's make
and the TenDRA C compiler, svn at the moment as the latest "stable"
release is from 1998 but I wouldn't mind try to package it if somebody
wants it), of course, I'd be interested in packaging some more C/C++
compilers(which are not gcc, variety is a good thing), I'm also
interested in python, EDA software and 3d apps. If possible I also
plan to package some GPGPU software.

I have both a x86_64 machine and a i686 machine with arch installed.

On my free time I like to go out with some friends, see a movie or do
3d modeling.

I've been some time wanting to be a TU and angvp told me that when
I feel prepared I could ask him to be my sponsor, and as today I feel
prepared to apply angvp is my sponsor.


As he said, I told him 'apply when you feel ready to do it', he will be 
a good addition to our team, so i am pleased to sponsor him, guys like 
ornitorrincos are always needed in a team.

Let's start the discussion period.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] TU Vote: Imanol 'ornitorrincos' Celaya

2008-09-29 Thread Ángel Velásquez

member angvp ha scritto:

Hi TUs.

This begins the 7 day voting period for the addition of Imanol 
'ornitorrincos' Celaya as a Trusted User.

Please don't forget to vote. If you want to see his presentation and 
the discussion thread:

You can vote using the web interface.

Good luck Imanol!


P.S: I am having issues with my principal e-mail account that's why i 
sent this e-mail from this and i surely delay a little bit ;-).


Good i have my e-mail account back again!, sorry for this.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

[aur-general] TU Vote: Imanol 'ornitorrincos' Celaya

2008-10-06 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Hi TUs,

The voting period for Imanol Celaya (a.k.a ornitorrincos) it's over. By my 
counts we have reached quorum and ornitorrincos is now a TU, so
Congratulations, ornitorrincos!!.

Now, please, follow the steps described here:

Congrats and Welcome to the team!.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

[aur-general] Orphans in community part II

2008-10-07 Thread Ángel Velásquez
Hi fellas, there is a new list of packages which are orphans, many of 
them, could be dependences of other packages which are adopted, if this 
is the case, please TUs adopt all dependencies of their packages.

The following list are the packages which i am talking about:

dvd-slideshow 0.8.0-4
eclipse-mylyn 3.0.0-1
gambas 1.0.19-1
glib2-docs 2.18.0-1
gtk2+extra 2.1.1-1
kdvdauthorwizard 1.4.6-4
ktechlab 0.3.6-1
openlh-server 0.1-4
opensips 1.4.2-4
qmc2 0.2.b4-1
qstardict 0.12.9-2
scilab 4.1.2-4
sofia-sip 1.12.7-1
telepathy-glib 0.7.10-1
wqy-bitmapfont 0.9.9-4
wqy-zenhei 0.6.26-1

Many were maintained by DaNiMoTh, since his resign we adopt many of his 
packages, but the rest still orphans, please new TUs adopt some of them 
if you consider able to maintain it, else I want to propose an date for 
move these packages to unsupported. 21/10/2008 (two weeks) sounds good 
to me.

Opinions are open.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

[aur-general] AUR CleanUp Day v2

2008-10-07 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Hi all,

This idea was originally sent in this thread:

At the end, we didn't decide a final day, but the work was done, so I 
propose another CleanUp Day following the model that we used the last time. --> here you can 
obtain information and put suggestion, ideas, etc.

What do you recommend to maintain a more efficient thread?, a post on 
the forum ? and what do you suggest for the Day that we will do the clean.?.

Opinions are open!.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Orphans in community part II

2008-10-07 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Daenyth Blank ha scritto:

I propose no packages are moved unless they are out-of-date.  There is no
point removing perfectly good binaries from the repos.


I second this.
This have sense. so let's wait to the day in which these packages are 
out of date to move to unsupported...

Now, this is not the subject but i will point it because Allan mentioned 
'out-of-date'. The other question that I have is: what about community 
packages out-of-date because the maintainer seems to be dead? and these 
aren't inactive (not officially).

This is quite complicate, some maintainers let grab their packages, and 
some don't, and the case is worst, when we are talking about any Dev. 
E-mailing without any reply (btw I consider a lack of respect, i prefer 
a reply later or any contact try to reply) is the most common case, and 
maybe nobody dare to point people, I won't point with my finger anyone 
(so don't worry), I am just trying to do a call for reflection, to 
improve our work.

Nothing more, and I apologize if exist some inconvenient with this e-mail.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] Orphans in community part II

2008-10-07 Thread Ángel Velásquez

DaNiMoTh ha scritto:

Sorry for my prev (blank) email.


Owned by a mac? :P

angvp, I think that all TUs will agree with you; but you just consider
that this is an hobby, so the upgrade sometimes will come with delay.
Come delay should be weeks, not months... imho. Plus i know that this is 
a work "volunteer" (non a hobby), so what is the complaining grabbing 
packages that one person who maintain time ago can not do it (maybe 
because he don't have the time or something), even packages that i 
maintain are available when i won't be able to update and any TU desires 
to adopt it, this is a just a *reflexion* as I said.

Anyone of new TUs that want to adopy my ex-packages?
I adopted some of you, and others TU too, sergej in fact adopt some of 
them, this kind of e-mails works for alert some TUs to adopt packages, 
and the community people who can propose themselves to be TUs and 
maintain them. Again, thanks for your contributions! and for your offer 
to help maintaining your "ex"-packages ;)


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] BugDay (was: AUR CleanUp Day v2)

2008-10-07 Thread Ángel Velásquez

DaNiMoTh ha scritto:



I dislike the idea of a bug day. We have well defined bugtracking
interfaces (Community Bugtracker or AUR comment-pages).

This is a short description of a BugDay, maybe you misspelled it :)
( It isn't a day where we search a bug, but where we search a
solutions for they :D )

What do Roman and who manage bugtracker think?

I'd like to participate in this kind of events too..

PS: I use 'we search' because I was accepted as a ArchLinuxPPC dev..
I'm still running :D

Will be official the PPC architecture?

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2008-10-07 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Evangelos Foutras ha scritto:


My name is Evangelos Foutras. I'm 20 years old and currently a student 
of Informatics at the University of Piraeus in Athens, Greece.

I had my first taste of GNU/Linux a few years back with Mandrake 9.0 
(if I remember correctly) that came with a magazine I bought. I didn't 
know much about computers back then and gave up quickly. Since then, I 
used Windows (2000 and then XP) pretty much until 2007. At that time I 
discovered Ubuntu and started messing around with it, setting my 
system to dual-boot XP and Ubuntu. I gradually increased the time 
spent on Ubuntu especially during the summer of the same year, and 
finally dumped Windows all together on Oct 20 2007. I've never looked 
back since.

During this one and a half year, I've tried several distributions, 
including Fedora and Debian; they were alright. I really liked that 
Fedora shipped with very up-to-date software and I still use Debian 
for server environments. My first Arch installation was done this 
spring but for some reason I can't recall, I went back to Ubuntu the 
following day. My next Arch encounter I owe to Alex Cartwright, 
founder of TangoCMS[1]. He had recently switched to Arch himself and 
urged me to give it another try. This time I got to understand and 
love the Arch Way, so I didn't bounce. "Love at second sight", I guess.

Currently, I maintain 8 packages in AUR. Two of them feature (crappy) 
software I've authored, two others are new contributions and the rest 
are orphans I've adopted. I'm somewhat experienced at C, Python, PHP 
and Bash, skills which have aided in handling issues that arise when 
packaging a piece of software.

Let me say that I'm amazed at the quality of the distribution as a 
whole, and the tools that have been developed for it. The community is 
wonderful as well, composed of smart and skillful people who enjoy 
being of assistance to others. I'd like to get more involved in Arch 
and help wherever I can; therefore I'm applying for TUship. Daenyth 
has offered to be my sponsor and I sincerely thank him for that. :)

Feel free to ask me any questions you might have.

Kind regards,


Hi Evangelos, you seems to be known for me(maybe on IRC @ #archlinux ;-D).

Well, I reviewed your packages and I found this:

* Remove this (vim tag) # vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et: from your packages.
* gcompris, gnome-hearts, movic, xdotool: Maintainer tag is just for TUs 
(if this become a reality then you can change again to Maintainer, but 
consider to do this change to the next release)

* gnalert: license is an array, change license="GPL" by license=('GPL')

Now let me ask few questions, what are your plans becoming a TU? 
Adopting orphaned packages in community?, move some AUR packages to 
community (which ones?), help developing/patching AUR?.

Btw you missed to point us to your AUR link or at least your nick in AUR 
(foutrelis), i guessed by your e-mail address ;).

Good luck!

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] homepages not found

2008-10-09 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Abhishek Dasgupta ha scritto:

Hi all,

I wrote a script to find out the packages whose
homepages cannot be found. An HTML version of this
list is at:

Most of this list comprises Perl packages, whose URL
can be fixed (usually) by prefixing a ~ before the
username, like:

Hi Abhishek, Good work!.



I checked the url of these ( ) and it's working.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] xautomation package

2008-10-30 Thread Ángel Velásquez

Daenyth Blank ha scritto:

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 22:40, Christian Scharkus

Hello everybody.

The current version of the package xautomation at the AUR is outdated
the maintainer xcsd seems to be careless about it. The package was
submitted about October 2006 and the reffered source is from April

Disowned. You may now adopt and update it.

Two tip, license is an array use license=('GPL') instead license="GPL"

Remove the empty arrays (depends), then add your package with these 
fixes to AUR.

Thanks for contributing!

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Trusted User (TU)

Re: [aur-general] [arch-dev-public] The "Great Python Rebuild of 2010" begins

2010-09-19 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2010/9/19 Christopher Brannon 

> Allan McRae  writes:
> > That is great work by the TUs in the past week to do all those
> > rebuilds in [community].
> One TU did most of them.  Of the 235 packages in [community-staging],
> 195 were rebuilt by Jakob Gruber.
> -- Chris

Yes I just pm'ed him giving a thankful note.

Now I am fighting with scipy, any hint is always good :D. Thanks Jakob! we
owe you "n" burritos for a month :D

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] everyone welcome our newest TU: Peter Lewis!

2010-09-21 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2010/9/21 Christopher Brannon 

> Votes:
> yes 19
> no 1
> abstain 1
> Quorum was reached, and the application was accepted.
> Peter, please read the following document:
> .
> It contains a list of tasks which every new TU must complete.
> If you have not already done so, familiarize yourself with our bylaws:
> .
> Also, I have changed the status of your account on the AUR.
> Welcome to the team!
> -- Chris

Congratulations peter!

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] pkgstats and unused [community] packages

2010-10-25 Thread Ángel Velásquez
Well, we can discuss the generated list of the unused packages, I'd be
agree if a package that I maintain it will be removed (in fact is not
remove at all, is a move to AUR) if it's unused.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Welcome our newest TU, Kaiting Chen!

2010-11-10 Thread Ángel Velásquez
Welcome aboard Kaiting

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] AUR Improvement Thread

2010-11-17 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2010/11/17 Kaiting Chen :
> How can we make the AUR even better? I'll start:
> 1. Integrated distributed version control system

+1 but I think distributed is not necessary at all, but keeping the
revisions of a PKGBUILD or the rest of the files will be nice.

> 2. User provided binaries (if case anyone wants to volunteer) (this should
> probably be carefully controlled)

-1 ... if anyone wants to volunteer, they can apply to be a TU.

> 3. Time-adjusted 'relevance' measure (votes are useful but suck at the same
> time; nobody cares if a packages was upvoted 9000+ times a million years
> ago, especially if it's already been obsoleted by something else)

0 No comments, maybe we should do one better statistic, number of
downloads per day or something like.

> 4. An official client

-1 No, but if point 1 is accomplished you will do your own client for
handle it :)

> 5. LDAP support because LDAP makes everything so much better

0 LDAP support just for AUR? I thought in LDAP to manage all our
systems (forums, bbs, wiki, dev/tu backends) -but this requires soo
manpower-, so I'd like to implement this, but not just for AUR .. and
it will be good if these ideas goes to AUR2, because having LDAP + a
VCS system will make a little bit painful the migration process, from
the actual aur to the new aur.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Various new packages in [community]

2010-11-17 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2010/11/17 Kaiting Chen :
>> You are Devs (kinda), I assume from that, that you are a trustworthy
>> person as the people we all trust(devs) trust you.
>> I see no problem with you maintaining a few packages in [community] as
>> long as you - like this - say what you want to move in or out to/of the
>> repository and wait at least 24h for feedback from TU side. If nothing
>> happens, pick 2 or 3 directly and ask them, they shall just send a
>> public yes or no, the reason can be kept private as long as you know it.
>> If you break something by accident we simply blame Allan as it's common.
> I don't know either of these guys at all. From what I've heard I think
> they're capable of pushing these packages. If anyone has any concerns about
> Junior Dev's pushing binaries I'll be happy to audit all of their PKGBUILD's
> so long as they send me an email about it 12 hours in advance. --Kaiting.

What ? 12 hours? audit their PKGBUILDS beurocracy? no thanks. They are
dev juniors, they now how to
use their tools, and we are a team, if they need any support or help,
they surely will contact us to help them.

So I'd say +1 to give access to the jr devs who want to be more compromised

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] MPD maintainer wanted + some apps

2010-11-26 Thread Ángel Velásquez
> * sonata

Taking sonata too

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Fwd: [arch-dev-public] Help on maintaining LXDE packages wanted

2010-12-02 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2010/12/2 Ionuț Bîru :
> maybe this was missed. Does any TU wants to maintain this?
> LXDE needs a maintainer to fit together all the pieces and currently is in
> bad shape.
> I don't want to push fixes that i can't test and i don't want to touch them
> anymore.


I've been maitaining part of the principal packages of LXDE, I surely
need more feedback and help. If anybody wanna collaborate it with,
feel free to drop me an e-mail

>  Original Message 
> Subject: [arch-dev-public] Help on maintaining LXDE packages wanted
> Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 21:11:29 +0200
> From: Jürgen Hötzel 
> Reply-To: Public mailing list for Arch Linux development
> To:
> Hi,
> anyone wants help out on this topic? I personally don't use LXDE
> anymore.
> Jürgen

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User / Equipo Hispano
Linux Counter: #359909

[aur-general] Moving subtle to [community]

2010-12-03 Thread Ángel Velásquez

I'd like to move subtle [1] to [community], as you see have 48 votes
atm (including mine) and I think in [community] many people will give
it a try.



Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] removal proposal for Ranguvar

2010-12-04 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2010/12/4 Ray Rashif :
> On 5 December 2010 06:46, Ionuț Bîru  wrote:
>> we are all nerds and not layers and we are not in a judge curt to follow,
>> bylaws letter by letter
> The bylaws are what empower us to act upon and make decisions - it's
> not about following the laws word by word. Without them, we wouldn't
> take ourselves seriously :)
> Granted, the wording can be a little too formal for non-English
> speakers. Perhaps there should be some translations for it?
> In any case, this _is_ the motion. There is also a second TU behind
> the motion (Angel/angvp) but he hasn't replied. In fact, if we were to
> count informal (IRC) conversations, then Ionut would be the second.

IRC doesn't count, I had this problem before, let's do the votation
process when discussion is over, maybe Ranguvar shows up to say some

Even if nobody shows disagreement on this motion, we should follow the
bylaws.. and do the votation process, etc.. IMHO those special cases
are very open and won't never be applied, so let's go on with this
discussion period and then the votation process.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] removal proposal for Ranguvar take 2

2010-12-04 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2010/12/4 Laurent Carlier :
> Le samedi 4 décembre 2010 23:58:33, Ionuț Bîru a écrit :
>> hi,
>> because of my lack of understanding of bylaws and failing to comply with
>> them on my first proposal, i like to take the chance and redo the
>> proposal, following letter by letter the removing procedure.
>> Conform bylaws a motion procedure should be sent on aur-general with
>> reasons.
>> Here are my reasons:
>> 1) i noticed in January he doesn't have an account on our devel panel, i
>> asked him to send all the infos to get one and he replied that he
>> doesn't need one because none of his packages are suitable for
>> community. Replying to his email i encourage to get one and adopt some
>> packages from community. At that time we have ~700 orphans and i haven't
>> got any replies from him.
>> 2) no commits in community since the addition.
>> 3) he's not marked as inactive and conform bylaws this deviates from the
>> "above", above being, 5 days discussion period + 7 voting. Because of
>> that i'm starting a 3 days discussion period and 5 days voting.
>> Please discuss the motion(really discuss and not like in
>> previous,couples of hours and the next days arguing about bylaws)
>> Ranguvar can defend himself.
> I'm the second TU for the removal procedure for Ranguvar
> Laurent Carlier

I should be the first one, but let's be the third this time.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Moving packages to Community

2011-02-05 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/2/5 Gergely Imreh :
> Hi,
> Recently a couple of my packages have been moved to Community but the
> process feels a little uneasy to me.

First of all remove that "my" before packages, that's a problem, some
maintainers thinks that they're owners of the PKGBUILD, and isn't like
this, all PKGBUILDS belongs to the Arch Linux project, and you
contribute with them if you want, isn't an obligation.

> My impression is that AUR is treated as a "second class" source of
> packages compared to the official repos. Not surprising, of course, so
> many packages have problems. This is also underlined by the fact that
> yaourt and other AUR managers are not allowed in the official repos,
> as "not to give the impression that AUR is official" (paraphrasing
> what I've read before).

Not at all, many of the packages on official repos belongs to AUR in
sometime, AUR is a playground, where you can find scripts for install
(PKGBUILD) experimental software.

> If there is indeed this divide, it feels more than little weird, that
> popular packages are just taken in to Community without even asking
> the current managers. It gives me the message that "AUR has no value,
> except when we say it has, at which time thanks for your work but now
> bugger off". I beg your pardon, if it comes through too harsh. I
> wouldn't have objected to have those packages moved. I, however,
> object to unilateral decisions.
> My proposition is: could it be a policy to check with the maintainer
> first before initiating a move? If someone wants to keep a package
> then they should be able to, especially since they could not have been
> doing such a a bad job if their package has become popular.

Absolutely no, as I said PKGBUILD doesn't belongs to anybody, just the
project, if a Dev or TU take one of them and move it to any official
repo is good to you, that means that the software that you were
packaging by hand it will be on binary 'cause is pretty stable and not
experimental at all.

I understand your point about, I'm giving my time and receive nothing,
well dude, you should give without expecting anything, and you will be
more happier. I also understand the point about TU/Devs didn't said
anything to the PKGBUILD that you were maintaining will become a
package, well, maybe a little courtesy from the TU or Dev who did this
is good, but he doesn't have to ask your permission, remember you
contribute with the project giving your effort on those PKGBUILD but
that doesn't imply that you are owner of those PKGBUILD.

Thanks for contributing with the Arch Linux project, And I hope now
you will contribute without hoping regalies or something.

> Cheers,
>   Greg

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Moving packages to Community

2011-02-05 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/2/5 Nicky726 :
> To Angel Velasquez: the nature of the relation is not like an ownership, but
> more like an authorship. Is it that much to show your respect to the author by
> a polite question? After all we are people, not mindless machines nor animals.

Hi Nicky,

This is opensource world dude, can you see it?, so forget those
"autorship" and "license" of those PKGBUILD, plus, in many cases, many
of the packages went from one people to another. Btw I don't know why
people refers to packages when we are talking about aurballs
containing PKGBUILD, this is different from a package.

As Ioni said, he kept the Contributor tag, I don't see the point of
whining if your work as a maintainer is recognized on that PKGBUILD
but I don't see the point of contributing expecting recognition, we
are humans, I know, but what can make you happier than the fact that
your work evolved and now you have opportunity to evolve with it too
(i.e maintaining new PKGBUILD and then applying to be a TU).

We eventually show our respect to the author to notice him that we do
will move your package, but it's arrogant and too stupid to pretend
that a TU or Dev have to `ask you for permission` <--- THIS IS
MADNESS, you aren't the owner of that PKGBUILD ! even if you wrote it
from scratch! the next thing after from asking for permission will be
"please pay me" .. so hell no.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Moving packages to Community

2011-02-05 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/2/5 Gergely Imreh :
> 2011/2/6 Ángel Velásquez :
>> 2011/2/5 Gergely Imreh :
>>> Hi,
>>> Recently a couple of my packages have been moved to Community but the
>>> process feels a little uneasy to me.
>> First of all remove that "my" before packages, that's a problem, some
>> maintainers thinks that they're owners of the PKGBUILD, and isn't like
>> this, all PKGBUILDS belongs to the Arch Linux project, and you
>> contribute with them if you want, isn't an obligation.
> There are way too many comments to reply them all, but I do want to
> take an exception on this one.
> When I say "my", that is "packages that I have been maintaining". I'm
> not "owning" them, of course. There's a sense they do "belong" to
> someone: you don't delete or orphan a package on anyone's request
> until they made sufficient effort to contact the maintainer and fix
> any issues. The original issue I wanted to bring up: if delete/orphan
> needs some form of cooperation, then why moving does not?
>>> My impression is that AUR is treated as a "second class" source of
>>> packages compared to the official repos. Not surprising, of course, so
>>> many packages have problems. This is also underlined by the fact that
>>> yaourt and other AUR managers are not allowed in the official repos,
>>> as "not to give the impression that AUR is official" (paraphrasing
>>> what I've read before).
>> Not at all, many of the packages on official repos belongs to AUR in
>> sometime, AUR is a playground, where you can find scripts for install
>> (PKGBUILD) experimental software.
>>> If there is indeed this divide, it feels more than little weird, that
>>> popular packages are just taken in to Community without even asking
>>> the current managers. It gives me the message that "AUR has no value,
>>> except when we say it has, at which time thanks for your work but now
>>> bugger off". I beg your pardon, if it comes through too harsh. I
>>> wouldn't have objected to have those packages moved. I, however,
>>> object to unilateral decisions.
>>> My proposition is: could it be a policy to check with the maintainer
>>> first before initiating a move? If someone wants to keep a package
>>> then they should be able to, especially since they could not have been
>>> doing such a a bad job if their package has become popular.
>> Absolutely no, as I said PKGBUILD doesn't belongs to anybody, just the
>> project, if a Dev or TU take one of them and move it to any official
>> repo is good to you, that means that the software that you were
>> packaging by hand it will be on binary 'cause is pretty stable and not
>> experimental at all.
> I beg your pardon, but I don't think this is at all about what is
> "good" for me (and by "me" I mean maintainers). If it was really about
> the good of the maintainer, then instead of just moving, the TUs and
> Devs would offer continued maintaining rights in Community for the -
> apparently successful - care taker. I know that this is technically
> not feasible at the moment. I believe, though, that it would be the
> The Right Thing (and saying this as part of that "Arch Linux
> Community", whose good you want to above all), but that's for another
> time, I'm not pushing that agenda here at all.
>> I understand your point about, I'm giving my time and receive nothing,
>> well dude, you should give without expecting anything, and you will be
>> more happier. I also understand the point about TU/Devs didn't said
>> anything to the PKGBUILD that you were maintaining will become a
>> package, well, maybe a little courtesy from the TU or Dev who did this
>> is good, but he doesn't have to ask your permission, remember you
>> contribute with the project giving your effort on those PKGBUILD but
>> that doesn't imply that you are owner of those PKGBUILD.
>> Thanks for contributing with the Arch Linux project, And I hope now
>> you will contribute without hoping regalies or something.
> I'm sorry again, but you don't seem to get it: I don't want anything
> more in return than what you expect from me -common courtesy.
> As for the comment that only very few people write back on the TUs
> notes of moving: I didn't either. Why? It's all settled already,
> what's there more to say? I don't think th

Re: [aur-general] AUR & Copyright

2011-02-06 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/2/6 Nicky726 :
> If I may add my two cents, I would go for GPL for PKGBUILDs, as it ensures
> stuff remains OSS. Though some broader discussion/voting may be good. And a
> compromise in form of selection from OSS licences when uploading, defaulting
> to one could not be that hard to implement.
> Nicky
> --
> Don't it always seem to go
> That you don't know what you've got
> Till it's gone
> (Joni Mitchell)

Why you didn't reply on the thread ? :S now this thread is splitted
without reason

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Moving packages to Community

2011-02-07 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/2/7 Yaro Kasear :
> On Saturday, February 05, 2011 14:49:49 Ángel Velásquez wrote:
>> 2011/2/5 Nicky726 :
>> > To Angel Velasquez: the nature of the relation is not like an ownership,
>> > but more like an authorship. Is it that much to show your respect to the
>> > author by a polite question? After all we are people, not mindless
>> > machines nor animals.
>> Hi Nicky,
>> This is opensource world dude, can you see it?, so forget those
>> "autorship" and "license" of those PKGBUILD, plus, in many cases, many
>> of the packages went from one people to another. Btw I don't know why
>> people refers to packages when we are talking about aurballs
>> containing PKGBUILD, this is different from a package.
> They're still packages, whether they contain actual binaries or source code is
> irrelevent. What do you think tarballs are? The ONLY difference is in how the
> packages are installed.

As I aurballs and pkgs are different, even for harder you try to seems
equals is not the same.

> Also, open source does not mean "no credit" or "courtesy free." All he's
> asking is to be told when the PKGBUILD he is maintaining is taken over and
> moved to [community]. I personally would enjoy being asked permission first as
> well.

Forget about permission, a PKGBUILD isn't your daughter and moving to
community doesn't mean marry her, so, get off that cloud, I can notice
you that I TU or Developer will move your package to community /
extra, that's courtesy, but I don't and I won't expect you to give me
any kind of authorization, is that clear for you?

>> As Ioni said, he kept the Contributor tag, I don't see the point of
>> whining if your work as a maintainer is recognized on that PKGBUILD
>> but I don't see the point of contributing expecting recognition, we
>> are humans, I know, but what can make you happier than the fact that
>> your work evolved and now you have opportunity to evolve with it too
>> (i.e maintaining new PKGBUILD and then applying to be a TU).
> So if you're maintaining a bunch of PKGBUILDs on the AUR and, say,
> hypothetically, that I, if I were a TU, were to move every single one of your
> packages effectively to [community] without typing a word to you about it, you
> won't get mad that suddenly you don't get any consideration? No, names in
> PKGBUILDs is NOT enough, as many people DO use AUR helpers and never even see
> the PKGBUILDs they are working with. Also, his point isn't recognition, but

That happened to me and I didn't whine, that works for me when I
applied to be a TU, and plus, if you want to be famous doing packages,
find other place where the devs get payed, I guess you use pacman or
any helper to install your packages and you aren't doing pacman -Qi
for every package that you installed for free and I guess you also
doesn't send a note of `courtesy` congratulating the maintainer for
his work, so WHY if you install stuff without permission (which is the
sane thing) why you pretend a Dev or TU should ask you for anything?,
many of TU or Devs started like you or the rest (me including),
maintaining stuff on AUR then applied to be a TU, and nobody of us
pretended to ask for permission, that is beurocracy, what if you don't
want to give me the maintainership of a PKGBUILD and I want to put it
into binaries repos, users will be affected (downloading sources +
compiling) just because you're selfish, and is `YOUR PACKAGE` so hell
no, as long we publish the sources of our packages and users can do
everything they want with it (add flags, remove patches, etc) we can
do the same with the users contributions, we are developers, and users

>> We eventually show our respect to the author to notice him that we do
>> will move your package, but it's arrogant and too stupid to pretend
>> that a TU or Dev have to `ask you for permission` <--- THIS IS
>> MADNESS, you aren't the owner of that PKGBUILD ! even if you wrote it
>> from scratch! the next thing after from asking for permission will be
>> "please pay me" .. so hell no.
> Why is it madness to show someone courtesy and some consideration for being
> the maintainer of the PKGBUILD? No, it's madness to be an asshole to the
> maintainer of the PKGBUILD and not even give thought to TELLING them their
> package is now in [community].

The madness is to pretend to I as a TU or Dev have to ask your
permission, as I said before, a PKGBUILD is not your daughter and I am
not asking to marry with, so I don't have to ask you permission for
anything, or you've asked devs or tu permissi

Re: [aur-general] Moving packages to Community

2011-02-07 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/2/7 Yaro Kasear :
> On Monday, February 07, 2011 12:22:41 Ángel Velásquez wrote:
>> 2011/2/7 Yaro Kasear :
>> > On Saturday, February 05, 2011 14:49:49 Ángel Velásquez wrote:
>> >> 2011/2/5 Nicky726 :
>> >> > To Angel Velasquez: the nature of the relation is not like an
>> >> > ownership, but more like an authorship. Is it that much to show your
>> >> > respect to the author by a polite question? After all we are people,
>> >> > not mindless machines nor animals.
>> >>
>> >> Hi Nicky,
>> >>
>> >> This is opensource world dude, can you see it?, so forget those
>> >> "autorship" and "license" of those PKGBUILD, plus, in many cases, many
>> >> of the packages went from one people to another. Btw I don't know why
>> >> people refers to packages when we are talking about aurballs
>> >> containing PKGBUILD, this is different from a package.
>> >
>> > They're still packages, whether they contain actual binaries or source
>> > code is irrelevent. What do you think tarballs are? The ONLY difference
>> > is in how the packages are installed.
>> As I aurballs and pkgs are different, even for harder you try to seems
>> equals is not the same.
> They're not that different. They still result in a package managed by things
> liek pacman. The only difference is they're built from source. Same goes for
> anythign in the ABS.
>> > Also, open source does not mean "no credit" or "courtesy free." All he's
>> > asking is to be told when the PKGBUILD he is maintaining is taken over
>> > and moved to [community]. I personally would enjoy being asked
>> > permission first as well.
>> Forget about permission, a PKGBUILD isn't your daughter and moving to
>> community doesn't mean marry her, so, get off that cloud, I can notice
>> you that I TU or Developer will move your package to community /
>> extra, that's courtesy, but I don't and I won't expect you to give me
>> any kind of authorization, is that clear for you?
> Except your attitude seems to be against any form of courtesy or communication
> with the community at all. I don't give two shits if you're a TU, if you move
> my PKGBUILD to [community] without telling me, I *will* be pissed off.
>> >> As Ioni said, he kept the Contributor tag, I don't see the point of
>> >> whining if your work as a maintainer is recognized on that PKGBUILD
>> >> but I don't see the point of contributing expecting recognition, we
>> >> are humans, I know, but what can make you happier than the fact that
>> >> your work evolved and now you have opportunity to evolve with it too
>> >> (i.e maintaining new PKGBUILD and then applying to be a TU).
>> >
>> > So if you're maintaining a bunch of PKGBUILDs on the AUR and, say,
>> > hypothetically, that I, if I were a TU, were to move every single one of
>> > your packages effectively to [community] without typing a word to you
>> > about it, you won't get mad that suddenly you don't get any
>> > consideration? No, names in PKGBUILDs is NOT enough, as many people DO
>> > use AUR helpers and never even see the PKGBUILDs they are working with.
>> > Also, his point isn't recognition, but COURTESY.
>> That happened to me and I didn't whine, that works for me when I
>> applied to be a TU, and plus, if you want to be famous doing packages,
>> find other place where the devs get payed, I guess you use pacman or
>> any helper to install your packages and you aren't doing pacman -Qi
>> for every package that you installed for free and I guess you also
>> doesn't send a note of `courtesy` congratulating the maintainer for
>> his work, so WHY if you install stuff without permission (which is the
>> sane thing) why you pretend a Dev or TU should ask you for anything?,
>> many of TU or Devs started like you or the rest (me including),
>> maintaining stuff on AUR then applied to be a TU, and nobody of us
>> pretended to ask for permission, that is beurocracy, what if you don't
>> want to give me the maintainership of a PKGBUILD and I want to put it
>> into binaries repos, users will be affected (downloading sources +
>> compiling) just because you're selfish, and is `YOUR PACKAGE` so hell
>> no, as long we publish the sources of our packages and users can do
>> everything they want with it (add f

[aur-general] Inactivity

2011-03-21 Thread Ángel Velásquez

I'll be away from March 25 to April 4, I will be travelling to
Venezuela and then Spain.

I will have limited connection so I won't be able to update stuff as
soon as possible, however I will check my e-mail very quick from my

Please anything you need send me an e-mail.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] removal request

2011-05-05 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/5/5 Grigorios Bouzakis :
> Please delete this:
> Its provided by pciutils now in core.
> Greg


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Please orphan python-vpython

2011-05-08 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/5/8 Andrzej Giniewicz :
> Forgot the link, here it goes:
> On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 6:46 PM, Andrzej Giniewicz  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> the package python-vpython (which moved from extra) is terribly
>> outdated. Currently at 5.32 and broken, while 5.71 is out for quite
>> some time. The package wasn't updated since 13'th Nov 2010 (exactly at
>> time when it moved from extra, it was never updated even a bit), and
>> it is sole package of this maintainer. Multiple people tried to
>> contact the maintainer, including me (trough comments and email) and
>> we had no luck. New, working versions of packages are posted in
>> comments, but not uploaded. In this case I'd like to take over the
>> package, at least to bring it up to date, and most likely maintain it
>> afterwards.
>> Thanks,
>> Andrzej.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] AUR deletion of jsvc

2011-05-10 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/5/10 Guillaume ALAUX :
> Hello,
> Same deletion request for AUR package "jsvc" now officially in 
> extra/java-jsvc.


I've updated your account to Developer status so you will can do this
on the future.

> --
> Guillaume
> -- Forwarded message --
> From: Byron Clark 
> Date: 10 May 2011 14:41
> Subject: Re: AUR Comment for jsvc
> To:
> Thanks for getting jsvc into extra. This package is ready for deletion
> as there are no packages that depend on it in aur and I've updated all
> my personal packages that use it.
> --
> Byron Clark
> On 05/10/11 at 06:08am, wrote:
>> from
>> galaux wrote:
>> Hello byronc,
>> "commons-daemon" recently made its ways to extra. Hence I will ask for
>> this AUR packages to be removed.
>> You might want to check/update other AUR packages you own that depend
>> on this one to use the official ones. Please report any issue you
>> might have with the new packages through the bug tracker.
>> New official packages are "tomcat-native", "java-commons-daemon" and
>> "java-jsvc".
>> Thanks
>> ---
>> If you no longer wish to receive notifications about this package,
>> please go the the above package page and click the UnNotify button.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] [arch-general] DropBox problem

2011-05-17 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/5/17 Bernardo Barros :
> 2011/5/17 Ángel Velásquez :
>> And answering your question, I don't know if there is any kind of
>> alternative worst or better on the repos (I don't use dropbox or
>> similar), the fact is, you are asking about unofficial packages here,
>> and probably you won't get many lights.
> Dear Ángel,
> My reply to cédric wasn't addressed for 'general', but yours.

Was addressed for both.. (arch-general and aur) .. mine was replied on
general, my bad, anyway, in case you would like to ask again on
arch-general you should copy all the mail (including original) as
Cédric did to you.

So feel free to put over this mail the original one with the original
question (error about dropbox)

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Deletion Request

2011-05-31 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/5/31 speps :
> Hi,
> mpd in extra provides jack support since version 0.16.2-2
> please delete mpd-jack >
> if jack support for mpd in extra is definitive


And yes, jack support is definitive, btw, next time you will fork a
package to add some feature, please keep the original contributor /
maintainer tag on them.


> - speps -

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Please remove package awmcc (replaced by awmtt)

2011-06-28 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/6/28 Evan LeCompte :
> The package is just a shell script, but awmcc has been flagged out-of-date
> and awmtt not.
> All it does is allow awesome window manager users to test their
> configurations
> inside an instance of Xephyr X11 display nesting application. It's actually
> quite handy if you use Awesome WM. It can easily be applied to any WM
> for testing as well.
> They are both exactly the same package.
> I believe the awmcc package was created by mistake (wrong name)
> Thanks!
> -- Evan LeCompte

Please provide aur links

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] [RFC] Inclusion of CPANPLUS in community

2011-07-01 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/7/1 Florian Pritz :
> Hi,
> I'd like to move perl-cpanplus and perl-cpanplus-dist-arch to community
> so users can install software from cpan easily without bypassing pacman.


> I'm not sure whether this is a problem or not because cpanplus automates
> the installation of software from a possibly untrusted source. It uses
> the metadata from CPAN to generate a PKGBUILD and runs makepkg -i on that.

Well packages will be downloaded from cpan, and users should be aware
that they have to compile them after make the src.tar.gz, and then
install it.

So +1 in general.

> More information about perl-cpanplus-dist-arch can be found here:
> --
> Florian Pritz

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Private mailing list for TUs?

2011-08-12 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/8/12 Florian Pritz :
> Hi,
> I think it would be nice if we had a closed mailing list for TUs only
> (and maybe devs if they want to) so we can move more important stuff
> from IRC to mail because not everyone uses IRC or is online all the time.
> Keep in mind that it will likely be low traffic.
> Any hard feelings on that?

+1 .. sometimes we have issues that we need to discuss first on TU
side before discuss with the rest of people who might not know how to
deal or how the things might work on our side.

This is not for "hidding" anything, but sometimes is hard to make a
meeting with the tus, we have an irc channel, but we have different
timezones and not all of our TUs uses irc ...

Well that said, the main idea is not to having "secrets" just to
organize us better

> --
> Florian Pritz

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

[aur-general] Dropping PCManFM

2011-08-14 Thread Ángel Velásquez

This release of PcmanFM is hard to built (at least on Arch and other
distros) .. libfm refuses to build, and pcmanfm cannot build without
libfm >= 0.1.16 ..

Since LXDE upstream have been doing slow releases (and full of bugs
and patches) I am not so sure if we should drop many of LXDE
components to AUR, maintaining buggy software is a hell, patching it a
lot, and reporting bugs to their upstream isn't nice, and it becomes
worst when upstream seems to be dead.

If anyone (TU or Dev) would like to maintain pcmanfm or the rest of
the components of LXDE, please adopt it go ahead and let me know, but
in the contrary case, I think PcmanFM and buggy LXDE software should
go to AUR


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Putting mariadb into community

2011-09-27 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/9/28 Sven-Hendrik Haase :
> Hi,
> Due to Oracle's recent and absolutely unforeseeable new plans with MySQL, I 
> thought it might be a good opportunity to put mariadb into community for 
> those that depend on MySQL. Mariadb is designed to be a drop-in replacement 
> for MySQL and as such I wondered whether it would make sense if mariadb 
> replaced MySQL. Mariadb also conflicts with MySQL files which at least 
> necessitates installing them to an alternative path.
> I'm willing to maintain mariadb in community.
> I'd like opinions on this.

I agree even bringing other forks of mysql to community, my unique
concern is, how qualified do you feel to maintain them? I hope you're
not bringing mariadb just because oracle, else because you feel a
master (relatively speaking) with mariadb.

That said, if you feel you're qualified, i don't have any concern to
have mariadb in community under your responsability.

> -- Sven-Hendrik

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Putting mariadb into community

2011-09-28 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/9/28 Massimiliano Torromeo :
> Hi.

Hi Massimiliano, thanks for joining the conversation.

> Being a sysadmin with a lot of experience on database servers I
> thought I would share my experience on this case.

Sven. that kind of guy is who should maintain a package like that
(*tsk* ask him if he want to be a TU *tsk*).

> I'm using mariadb as a MySQL replacement on a few servers using a
> custom package[1] that uses standard mysql paths and configurations.
> I've had a few inconsistencies with mysql in certain cases. MariaDB
> seemed to be afflicted by old bugs that were fixed on MySQL.
> On the other hand I never had a problem using percona-server [2], even
> though it took me a while to tweak the package to be a functional
> replacement.

I said to the guys on #archlinux-tu channel that check percona, i've
used it a year ago and ran some tests and got better performance than
mysql and mariadb, again, that was on our environment we're far to
know if this is the same in all the cases.

> Obviously the tipycal environments in which I deployed this servers do
> not cover all possible situations. For instance, I don't know if they
> play nicely with kde (amarok uses an embedded mysql server, akonadi
> spawns a mysql server to store its data).

Yes, Andrea (the actually mysql maintainer and one of the KDE
maintainer) should try this, cc'ing him. I think he is aware, but just
in case.

> [1] 
> [2]
> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Sven-Hendrik Haase  
> wrote:
>> On 09/28/2011 09:07 AM, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
>>> "Ángel Velásquez"  wrote:
>>> 2011/9/28 Sven-Hendrik Haase :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Due to Oracle's recent and absolutely unforeseeable new plans with MySQL, 
>>>> I thought it might be a good opportunity to put mariadb into community for 
>>>> those that depend on MySQL. Mariadb is designed to be a drop-in 
>>>> replacement for MySQL and as such I wondered whether it would make sense 
>>>> if mariadb replaced MySQL. Mariadb also conflicts with MySQL files which 
>>>> at least necessitates installing them to an alternative path.
>>>> I'm willing to maintain mariadb in community.
>>>> I'd like opinions on this.
>>> I agree even bringing other forks of mysql to community, my unique
>>> concern is, how qualified do you feel to maintain them? I hope you're
>>> not bringing mariadb just because oracle, else because you feel a
>>> master (relatively speaking) with mariadb.
>>> That said, if you feel you're qualified, i don't have any concern to
>>> have mariadb in community under your responsability.
>>>> -- Sven-Hendrik
>> My android K-9 mail fails at proper quoting.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] TU Application

2011-09-29 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/9/29 Bartek Piotrowski :
> 2011/9/29 Sven-Hendrik Haase :
>> We could use somebody who will maintain some of our orphans
>> ( Would you be
>> willing to do that?
>> Is there any general topic of the packages you'd be interested to maintain?
> As in first message, from [community] I will take simple-scan and
> mpdscribble. If I can choose some packages from [extra], it will be
> fsarchiver, lua and hplip. I think there is no general topic - I want
> to take packages which I'm using.
> Bartek Piotrowski

Which is the correct attitude, not just adopting packages 'just because' ..

Good luck on your application.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] TU Application - Massimiliano Torromeo

2011-10-03 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/10/3 Stefan Husmann :
> Am 03.10.2011 18:39, schrieb Sven-Hendrik Haase:
>> On 03.10.2011 18:32, Massimiliano Torromeo wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:30 PM, Dave Reisner  wrote:

 On Mon, Oct 03, 2011 at 06:27:29PM +0200, Massimiliano Torromeo wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:24 PM, Thomas S Hatch
>  wrote:
>> Are we getting rid of MySQL? Or just making Maria a "replaces"
>> package?
> Getting rid of MySQL would be crazy!
> Of course, I'm going to use the replaces/provides flags, for both
> mariadb and percona.

 Please don't do this. provides and conflicts, yes, but there's no
 reason this should be forced as an upgrade path for mysql users. Using
 replaces here is just as good as killing it off entirely. Users still
 have a choice -- don't take it away from them.

>>> Sorry, I got confused, my mistake. Only provides, of course!
>> No, make it provides and conflicts. That is the way we handle
>> alternative but conflicting choices of packages.
> Wow what an outcry! I think he got it!
> Massimiliano, I saw you have some ruby packages in your github repo, but
> you did not mention ruby as a language you have skills in. I think we lack
> someone with that skill.
> Sven-Hendrik, do you sponsor Massimiliano? And do you mind to let the
> discussion period begin? (Yes, I am a nitpicker)

I thought he forgot about saying the magical words "let the period
discussion begin?" oh come on we are already discussing it? right?

Massimiliano i don't personally trust you, but i did a quick research
before indirectly suggest to Sven to sponsor you, i'm glad you applied
and I hope good luck on this process.


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] TU Application - Massimiliano Torromeo

2011-10-03 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/10/3 Ángel Velásquez :
> Massimiliano i don't personally trust you, but i did a quick research
> before indirectly suggest to Sven to sponsor you, i'm glad you applied
> and I hope good luck on this process.

Lol i've failed again, i wanted to say "i don't personally know you,
but i trust in your knowledge"

hahaha .. #fail

Sorry, good luck!

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Virtualbox kernel modules and initscript?

2011-10-04 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/10/4 Heiko Baums :
> Am Tue, 4 Oct 2011 18:30:39 -0400
> schrieb "David J. Haines" :
>> By the way, thanks to the maintainer(s) for the change. It was a
>> really odd way of handling things before.
> I mean, I don't mind, but is it really such a big difference if you
> have to run the script /usr/bin/vboxbuild instead of the
> script /etc/rc.d/vbox setup every time you have updated either the
> kernel or virtualbox except that it's less typing?

Dear Heiko, could you sometime stop complaining and start
contributing? (flames or complainings are not allowed)

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

[aur-general] Orphaning some community packages

2011-10-09 Thread Ángel Velásquez
Hi people,

I've been orphaning a list of packages in the few days, but I do want
to find a maintainer first before orphaning them (*tsk* *tsk* for
non-TU maybe if you're interested in some of them is time to apply to
be a TU :D).

Reasons to orphaning these packages are enough like (I don't need or
won't use them on the near future, or I stopped recently to follow the
development of them for whatever reason), so, if none of the TUs are
interested on these packages and nobody wants to be a TU in order to
maintain them, they will unfortunately go to AUR waiting for a new

Some of them have opened bugs, are out of date, please if you think in
adopt those packages is not just "bump the pkgrel" .. please take care
of the bugs, updates, patches, etc.

The mentioned list is:



Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Orphaning some community packages

2011-10-09 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/10/10 Bartek Piotrowski :
> 2011/10/9 Ángel Velásquez :
>> lxappearance
>> lxdm
>> lxtask
> I'm glad if I could take these packages.

All yours, adopt them and i will be orphaning them

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] TU Application - Massimiliano Torromeo

2011-10-16 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/10/15 Massimiliano Torromeo :
> Nice!
> I was about to leave for the night but I want to thank everybody for the 
> trust.
> I'm very happy to be a part of this great team!
> I'll take all the necessary steps of the TODO list tomorrow.
> Have a good night!

Congratulazioni :)

Welcome aboard.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Replacing nexuiz with xonotic

2011-10-21 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/10/21 Ionut Biru :
> On 10/21/2011 11:00 AM, Massimiliano Torromeo wrote:
>> On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 9:20 AM, Gaetan Bisson
>>  wrote:
>>> [2011-10-21 08:45:46 +0200] Dieter Plaetinck:

 On Fri, 21 Oct 2011 02:50:31 +0200
 Sven-Hendrik Haase  wrote:

> I'd like to see nexuiz replaced by xonotic in [community]. Problem is
> that nexuiz is still a fairly popular package despite being dead
> upstream. xonotic devs recommend dropping nexuiz in favor of xonotic.
> Technically, xonotic does not replace nexuiz because its gameplay is
> somewhat different.
> I'd like some opinions on this.

 hi, imho:
 different game ->  additional package
 nexuiz still popular ->  keep package as is.
>>> My two cents: I'm of those who believe that we can't keep throwing 1GB
>>> packages in the repos like there's no tomorrow. So if nexuiz and xonotic
>>> are quite similar, it makes sense to only package one of them and save
>>> the extra gigabyte for a different game.
>>> --
>>> Gaetan
>> I think that's the wrong reason for choosing to keep only one of the
>> two packages.
>> If the sizes of the packages are problematic that's a different issue.
>> That said, being nexuiz a dead project may be a good enough reason to
>> remove it.
>> If not for that I would keep them both.
> i say to remove all games :D

+1000 oh yeah, no kidding here :)

> --
> Ionuț

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] Replacing nexuiz with xonotic

2011-10-21 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/10/21 Massimiliano Torromeo :
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Gaetan Bisson  wrote:
>> [2011-10-21 10:00:37 +0200] Massimiliano Torromeo:
>>> If the sizes of the packages are problematic that's a different issue.
>> Okay. Suppose that issue isn't entirely theoretical. How do we solve it?
>> --
>> Gaetan
> Well, first we should define why it is an issue.

As every _replacement_ it will be an issue, people used to the old way
will complain to the new way (in this case games). If the new game is
enough mature, have many servers, etc, then for me the "public" of
that game is getting used and you should totally bring the new one,
instead of that, stick with the old until the new one will became the
actual one.

For me, considering having the two games on the repos, yes is
excessive, as i've manifested several times, i prefeer to see 1 GB in
libraries of a language program instead of 1 GB used in an old
deprecated (according to their authors) games.

And..  Sergej, please try to focus on the problem that brings having
huge packages and add the fact if those huge packages won't be
demanded it will be a waste of space + mirror bandwidth.

Just my 10 AR$ (yes, that was the cost of the coffee that I paid while
I used the internet of that store to reply this mail :D)

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] TU Resignation

2011-10-25 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/10/25 Brad Fanella :
> *sigh* I dreaded having to write this message. If anyone has noticed, I've
> been inactive in the Arch community for at least two or three weeks now, and
> my TU duties haven't been fulfilled in at least as long, if not more.
> With the start of the academic year, I was hopeful for enough spare time to
> continue what I enjoy (TU-ing, hobbies, both computer and non-computer
> related) ~ looks like I was sorely mistaken. Operating on the minimum amount
> of sleep that a human can survive on is not enjoyable, in case you were
> wondering.

I know that sensation, it's happening to me in a sort of way, and its
stressful.. I hope you the best of wishes and thanks for being part of
our team.

Don't feel bad, eventually everything it gonna be allright (like the
song) and you can go back with us :).


Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] TU Resignation

2011-11-20 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/11/19 Thomas S Hatch :
> I have a lot of regret doing this, and I have been working hard to find the
> time to keep up with my TU duties, but every day I have less and less time
> because work is continually ramping up, and what free time I have left ends
> up going to Salt (
> So, very sadly, I need to resign from my position as an Arch Linux TU. I
> hope I can be of assistance to Arch in the future and I am still planning
> on maintaining the Varch project:
> So with deep regret, I must resign my brief stint as a TU, it was fun, and
> I greatly appreciate the opportunity, but it is very unfair of me to not be
> maintaining my packages.

Hi Thomas,

I understand your reasoning but I cannot stop thinking "dude, come on,
stay a little bit more" but well, you will be missed.

Salt looks great indeed, i will be checking the development and maybe
i will be using some day.

Good luck in your future and thanks for being a part of this project.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] TU Application - Timothy Redaelli

2011-11-29 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/11/29 Hector Martinez-Seara :
>> Where I come from, plagiarism is a serious offense. It seems to my
>> non-TU eyes that writing an original application is the least Timothy
>> could do...
> Seems to me that where you come from the people has too much free
> time. I'm starting to be sick about this thing of plagiarism. If
> something has been done fine once why to reinvent the wheel. It is
> better to invest one's time in doing something useful. Maybe the only
> thing that was done wrong in this case was not to add the correct
> citation to the original source.
> Hector
> --
> Hector Martínez-Seara Monné
> mail:
> Tel: +34656271145
> Tel: +358442709253

Ok I don't have time to write this mail, but I have to do it.


Timothy admited he used the Massimiliano's application e-mail for
template, that's it, AFAIK i didn't knew (and though he didn't knew
either) it was mandatory to write the application from scratch, it's a
plus, but it's not mandatory for me. Looking at the work that Timothy
have done over the years on OSS world it's impressive and enough for
me to consider him a good candidate.

This of course will be a lesson for the next applicant I hope, so
let's pass that issue, and get focus on the information inside the
application based on Massimiliano's one.


1) Please low down your tone, your replies (yes, not only this mail)
to this list seems to me arrogant, and non-constructive, you can
express the same idea with different words.
2) And btw off-topic. That though about "not reinveint the wheel" is
the most conformist thing that i've heard over the years, thanks God
not everybody thinks like that, or we will be using one software for
one need instead to have options, flavours and fun of learning in the
process of the reinvent, and being a master in the process of improve
that old wheel. (yes, nobody is using the first wheel invented,
everybody actually uses improved versions, 'reinvented')

Finally Timothy,

Your application even if you didn't wrote the basic template, looks
goods to me, your replies seems you are a motivated person, and you're
not new in the OSS world, so you can contribute a lot giving thoughts
or experiences that you had. But you have to be more communicative, I
personally didn't knew about you neither on IRC, forums, bugtracker,
this mailing list or whatsoever, so, if you finally pass you have to
know that eventually you will have to communicate with the rest of the
community, i hope this won't be a problem for you.

That said, good luck with your application, (in bocca al lupo).

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

Re: [aur-general] GPG Key Signing

2011-12-01 Thread Ángel Velásquez
2011/12/1 Xyne :
> Hi Allan,
> I'm in the process of getting my key signed (Pierre has signed, Thomas and
> Ionut should sign soon, not sure if Dan will sign due to not knowing my real
> name).

I can't understand yet your drama giving your name.

Seriously, grow up.

Angel Velásquez
angvp @
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909