Re: [aur-general] spam messages

2019-09-26 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 9/26/19 8:17 AM, Lone_Wolf wrote:
> Hi,
> cndrvcups-lb gained  a new spam message, and I also listed older ones.
> Lone

Thanks for the heads up! This is resolved now.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Spam from user stupidblogger

2019-09-08 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 9/8/19 9:50 AM, Michael Duell wrote:
> User:
> spamming here: 
Resolved thanks.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Spam user report: melissareese

2019-09-06 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 9/5/19 8:38 AM, Stanislav Seletskiy via aur-general wrote:
> Profile:
> Spam message: 

Resolved. Thanks for reporting this!



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Spam account

2019-08-27 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 8/22/19 7:33 AM, Rafael Fontenelle wrote:
> "Julia_Rose1" [1] was created yesterday and sent spam to
> skypeforlinux-stable-bin [2]. Please someone nuke this spam account.
> [1]
> [2] 

Resolved. Thanks for being patient!



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Spam account: csjoshi9755

2019-08-26 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 8/26/19 9:56 AM, Tom Wambold via aur-general wrote:
> An account created three days ago, csjoshi9755 [1] is spamming links
> on my package at [2].  Can they be removed?
> Thanks!
> -Tom Wambold
> [1]:
> [2]:

Hi Tom,

The comment has been removed, thanks for letting us know!



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Spam Comments: rmmagentd

2019-08-19 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 8/19/19 8:55 AM, Sean Snell wrote:
> Hello, upon investigating how I as a package maintainer should deal with
> spam comments on the packages I maintain, I found that I'm supposed to
> email seeking more direct assistance.
Hi Sean,

That would be correct :)

> The relevant package in question:
> Let me know if there's anything further I can do. Thanks! Sean

I've removed the spam comments--thanks for the heads up!



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Spam user: david34

2019-06-13 Thread Andrew Crerar
Thanks for bringing it to our attention. I've deleted the comments and user 



On 6/13/19 11:36 AM, Joseph Fox-Rabinovitz via aur-general wrote:
> User david34 posted spam on easyloggingpp package and others. Pretty sure
> it's a spam account.
> - Joe

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Trusted user application: Drew DeVault

2019-02-27 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 2/27/19 3:10 PM, Darren Wu via aur-general wrote:
> As a complete newbie I might not have the rights to chime in here.
As a member of the community, regardless of how long you've been around, you are
absolutely entitled to post to threads on aur-general :) All we ask is everyone
keeps things civil in nature ;)

> But isn't it never too late if Mr. DeVault may add an apologetic comment to
> @noobpurple under now?
> Sincerely yours,
> Darren Wu
>I honestly think Necroposting on that GitHub issue would not be a good idea.

In reading this thread so far it's clear to me that Drew just lost his temper,
as we all sometimes do. By observing his efforts to explain, acknowledge (the
first step towards correcting something undesirable in oneself), and take
actions to adjust his behavior, I'd say I'm personally okay with his current

It goes without saying that there is an expectation amongst Dev's and TU's to be
professional with user requests, bug reports, etc. I am of the opinion that if
Drew decides to "turn" and revert back, then we as TU's address it then.
However, until then, I think the behavior in the application should represent
who he is now.



> On Wed, Feb 27, 2019, 21:53 Drew DeVault via aur-general <
>> wrote:
>> On 2019-02-26 11:37 PM, Brett Cornwall via aur-general wrote:
>>> I would also chip in with the following from early 2017:
>>> (I am also not in any sort of witch hunt, just thought this would be
>>> relevant.)
>> It should go without saying that I regret what I said here as well. I
>> was going some stressful financial problems when those comments were
>> written.  Doesn't excuse anything, and I'm sure we could find examples
>> of my jerkitude that I can't say the same for.
>> Instead I'd like to ask this: if I'm to be damned by my past behaviors,
>> is there a path to redemption? Is there any criteria we could establish
>> for demonstrating good behavior? Or, would I have to live with a forever
>> vague sense of unease among the voters? Not to say that the unease isn't
>> justified - it may in fact by the right answer to reject applications
>> based on that unease. If any concerned can think of more tangible
>> criteria, though, it would make it easier for me to dispell your
>> concerns or give me some personal development goals to meet.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] spam comments on cndrvcups-lb

2019-01-20 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 1/20/19 1:50 PM, Lone_Wolf wrote:
> Again spam messages on aur cndrvcups-lb page.
> This time 9 messages from 2 accounts, first spam comment at 2019-01-18 
> 09:47.
> Please remove comments.
> Lone_Wolf

Hi Lone_Wolf,

I've suspended the account and removed the spam comments. I'm starting to get
the feeling this is targeted? ..Not sure. Anyways, thanks for reporting! Let us
know if it happens again :)



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Package Notifications

2019-01-17 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 1/17/19 6:39 PM, Gonçalo Pereira wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been suspended from AUR but still have the notification enabled for 
> every package I've owned. Can you disable that for me please?
> Regards,
> Gonçalo Pereira

Hi Gonçalo, I've disabled notifications for your account.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] spam comments on cndrvcups-lb page

2019-01-15 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 1/15/19 1:47 PM, Lone_Wolf wrote:
> Hi,
> I had noticed spam comments on 
> but forgot to report them.
> Can a TU remove the 4 comments from 2018-11-15 18:27 upto 2018-11-29 16:04 ?
> The accounts used look like fakes / bots, you might want to look at 
> other posts they made (if there are any) to determine whether they 
> should be blocked/deleted.
> Lone_Wolf

Thanks for reporting! I've removed the spam comments from the package and also
suspended the accounts as they weren't maintaining anything anyways.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] [PATCH][tu-bylaws]: raise threshold of sponsors to two

2019-01-08 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 1/8/19 4:31 PM, Santiago Torres-Arias via aur-general wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 08, 2019 at 07:55:47AM -0200, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:
>> Em janeiro 8, 2019 0:23 Santiago Torres via aur-general escreveu:
>>> - Have two TUs review the applicants PKBUILDs
>>> - Have two TUs actually decide to support this canididate
>> I'm fine with the patch, but these two lines are ambiguous. Are the TUs that 
>> are
>> going to review the PKGBUILD's the same as the sponsors? 
> This is a good point. My understanding is that sponsors generally do a
> preliminary review, yet everyone is encouraged to continue reviewing any
> PKGBUILDS during the discussion period.
>> Also, if we are heading
>> this direction of having a different set, other than the sponsors, of TUs 
>> requiring
>> to review the PKGBUILD's, shouldn't this also be added to the bylaws?
> This is also true. I'm not sure if that's something we want to put in
> the bylaws or it's just somewhat of an untold rule/expectation.
> What're everyone's thoughts on this?
> Thanks,
> -Santiago.

I don't think the bylaws should *explicitly* state or require two additional,
non-sponsoring TU's to conduct reviews. I can think of a number of downsides
with making that a requirement with possibly one upside.

However, I do think it should be a well-known and documented (i.e. in the wiki)
best-practice that during the review process, there's two or more non-sponsoring
TU's reviewing the applicant's packages. Informal, but effective.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Maintainership for gnudatalanguage

2019-01-08 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 1/8/19 4:27 PM, Jan Kohnert wrote:
> Hey there,
> I'd like to contribute and maintain the orphaned package [1]. Reading through 
> the docs, I found, I should contact this list for doing so.
> What do I need to do to get in? Any docs/contacts to consider?
> Thanks in advance!
> [1]
Out of curiosity what documentation did you come across that mentioned
contacting the list before adopting an AUR package?

Since there is no maintainer for gnudatalanguage at the moment, if you have an
AUR account, you should see a link on the right hand side under Package Actions
named Adopt Package. Click that and you'll become the maintainer of the package.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Delete spam comment/account from aur

2018-06-15 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 6/15/18 5:13 AM, Cedric Girard wrote:
> On 2018-06-08 13:01, Morten Linderud via aur-general wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 07, 2018 at 11:36:54AM +0200, Maxim Andersson via 
>> aur-general wrote:
>>> Regarding this page 
>>> Could the comment from 2018-06-06 (and maybe spammer-account?) please
>>> be deleted.
>> As a headsup. I removed the comment and deleted the user.
> Another one there:
Thanks, deleted the comment and the user.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Ivy Foster

2018-01-27 Thread Andrew Crerar
On 1/26/18 4:23 PM, Ivy Foster wrote:
> Hi, folks,

> I'm writing to apply to be a TU, and Alad Wenter has kindly agreed to
> be my sponsor.
> > I've been an Arch user for the last 10 years or so. Some of you may
> know me from IRC or the forums, where I use the nick escondida.
> Lately, I've been much less active on IRC, but have contributed a
> handful of patches to pacman. I also maintain [a few buildscripts][1]
> in the AUR.
> Arch has always been a rewarding community to contribute to, and I
> figure that maintaining some packages and generally helping out could
> be a good way to contribute a bit more.
> If accepted to be a TU, my plan of action is as follows:
> 1. Go mad with power^U
> 1. Bring a handful of packages into [community] (see below)
> 2. Help out with rebuilds and package updates where that does not
>   involve stepping on toes
> 3. Continue to submit occasional patches to Arch projects
> 4. Help with to-do lists. Off the top of my head, taking a quick look
>   at current to-do lists with actual outstanding items:
>   I'd be interested both in simply weeding out those
>   with inappropriate deps and in bringing in deps I'd
>   consider actually useful, such as tcllib for tcl-remind.
>   I wouldn't mind tracking down lost sources.

> Thanks for your consideration, and I'm of course happy to answer
> questions and address critiques.
> Cheers,
> Ivy "escondida" Foster
> # Packages
> If I'm accepted, there are a handful of packages I already have in
> mind to bring to the repos:
> - [bemenu][2]
>   Though dmenu is already available, bemenu is a solid
>   alternative for X, Wayland or terminals.
> - [farbfeld][3]
>   An oddball but interesting new image format
> - [frotz][4]
>   I don't know about you guys, but I think that text adventures
>   are positively xyzzy.
> - [ledger][5]
>   This program is super useful, and I doubt I'm the only one who
>   dreads every boost update because this takes so long to build!
> - [muttprint][6]
>   I don't always print emails, but when I do, I use muttprint.
> - [opendoas][7]
>   OpenBSD's much simpler alternative to sudo is now available
>   for Linux.
> - [physlock][8]
>   A tty screen locker
> - [sndio][9]
>   OpenBSD's excellent and simple sound system is now available
>   as a userspace daemon for Linux, and a surprising number of
>   things can build against it easily.
>   Note that if I did bring this in, I wouldn't be including my
>   very basic XDG basedir patch (see AUR scripts). I'm going to
>   try and submit a better one upstream, and if that fails,
>   then...oh, well, I guess.
> - [t-prot][10]
>   It's just a simple script, but as a mutt user, it comes very
>   much in handy for making many emails more legible.
> - [translate-shell][11]
>   Very useful for simplifying or scripting translation tasks
>   (not that you should be counting on google translate to handle
>   anything longer than a few words, but still)
> - [xurls][12]
>   Saves you the trouble of parsing strings to find links
> # Links
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
> [5]:
> [6]:
> [7]:
> [8]:
> [9]:
> [10]:
> [11]:
> [12]:

Awesome! Well, best of luck, I think you'll make a great addition :)



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Perl PKGBUILD review

2017-12-02 Thread Andrew Crerar

Hi François!

Would it be possible for you to upload the PKGBUILD to a pastebin service (e.g. and provide the link? Or better yet, does your package [1] 
have the latest changes? It looks like it does. Asking because the formatting 
was destroyed in your email.




On 12/2/17 4:02 PM, François Freitag wrote:

Hi all,

I'm new to Perl packaging. I wrote my first PKGBUILD [1] following the
wiki [2].
I would be very grateful if somebody could give it a read and suggest
improvements? namcap does not emit any warning.

|# Maintainer: François Freitag  # Contributor:
Victor van den Elzen  pkgname=pgbadger
pkgver=9.2 pkgrel=4 pkgdesc="A fast PostgreSQL Log Analyzer"
arch=("any") url="";
license=("custom:Dalibo") depends=('perl>=5.10.0') optdepends=(
"perl-text-csv-xs: parse PostgreSQL CSV log files" "perl-json-xs: export
statistics as JSON file" ) options=('!emptydirs')
prepare() { # Override perl command line options we don't want. Source:
# export
PERL_MB_OPT="--installdirs vendor --destdir '$pkgdir'" \ PERL5LIB=""
PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="" \ MODULEBUILDRC=/dev/null } build() { cd
"${srcdir}/pgbadger-${pkgver}" /usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL make }
package() { cd "${srcdir}/pgbadger-${pkgver}" install -Dm644 LICENSE -t
"${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" make pure_vendor_install
INSTALLDIRS=vendor DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" # Remove perllocal.pod and
.packlist find "${pkgdir}" \( -name .packlist -o -name perllocal.pod \)
-delete } |

Thank you for your time,


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU Application: Andrew Crerar

2017-11-29 Thread Andrew Crerar

On 11/29/17 4:43 PM, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:

On 11/29/2017 04:10 PM, Johannes Löthberg via aur-general wrote:

Quoting Johannes Löthberg (2017-11-22 20:58:02)

Quoting Johannes Löthberg (2017-11-17 13:25:20)

I confirm my sponsorship and all that jazz.  Let the discussion period

Discussion period is over, and the polling stations are ready.

So the results are in, and you've been voted in as a TU, congrats!

Yes: 25
No:   5
Abstain:  7
Total:   37

Congrats, Andrew! I have upgraded your bugtracker account, you are now a
TU in the Community Packages project, and a member in the Keyring project.

Thank you all for this incredible opportunity!! I couldn't be more excited :D



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU Application: Andrew Crerar

2017-11-21 Thread Andrew Crerar

On 11/21/17 3:17 PM, Eli Schwartz wrote:

On 11/21/2017 11:41 AM, Andrew Crerar wrote:

I double checked this one and I am adding git-shell to /etc/shells within the
install file [2]. This is the same behavior as git in [extra] [3].

Whoops, I must have gotten confused while `diff`ing your files against
the version in extra.

I dug around a bit and found this ticket [4] where it seems if you didn't have
hdf5 as a makedepends, then the build would fail (I personally don't think it
should have failed given the documentation [5]). This really should be
optdepends now since you can build without it. Fixed. I also took the liberty of
adding opencv-samples to the conflicts array (since opencv-git provides samples
without the split package).

As anthraxx said... I have no personal experience with the package but
it should either be a makedepends+optdepends as with the non-git
package, or if something has changed in git and it cannot be made
optional it shouldn't be both a depends and an optdepends.

Mhmm, after reading what anthraxx wrote I realized the mistake I made in not 
putting it in makedepends as well. It's like yes, the package will compile 
without it but the support will be missing and if you install hdf5 _after_ 
installing the package you still don't get the hdf5 support (since you needed to 
have hdf5 installed before compiling to enable it in the first place).

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU Application: Andrew Crerar

2017-11-21 Thread Andrew Crerar

On 11/20/17 8:18 PM, Eli Schwartz wrote:

On 11/17/2017 07:22 AM, Andrew Crerar wrote:

Hi Everyone!

My name is Andrew Crerar (aka andrewSC) and I'm applying to become a
Trusted User. Big thanks to Johannes Löthberg for being my sponsor!

At the moment I'm a Research Software Engineer at The Laboratory for
Analytic Sciences [1] where I primarily write Python 3.x (in
combination with various other tech like nginx, gunicorn,
elasticsearch, etc.) for the prototypes we're building here. Prior to
working at the lab I was a Software Engineer and Computer Scientist
at Adobe Inc. [2] where I lead and managed the development of Custom
Creative Networks [3] (primarily PHP with some JS heavy elements) on
the Behance [4] team. My Bachelor's degree is in Computer Science
which I received from The Rochester Institute of Technology [5].

I've been using Arch Linux since 2008-2009ish and have seen it grow
into something incredible. Over the past several years I've picked up
a handful of packages [6] in the AUR which I enjoy maintaining. I
also participate in package signoffs for [core], [extra], and
[community]. I wish to grow my ability to contribute by becoming more
involved in maintaining and managing the AUR while also making
contributions to [community] where appropriate.

Nice to see you applying, and good luck! :)

Thanks :)

Some quick comments on your AUR packages, but they basically look fine.

- consider adding the latest systemd service changes from [extra]/git


- Why does this depend on glib2-git

Initially it was because Namcap reported that glib2-git (which provided and was needed for the files 
git-core/git-credential-libsecret and git-core/git-credential-gnome-keyring. 
Honestly it didn't need to be glib2-git as glib2 from [core] would work just as 
well in providing those libs. Seeing as libsecret from [core] has a dependency 
on glib2 I'll take glib2-git out and put libsecret in the optdepends array.

- why are libgnome-keyring and libsecret hard dependencies for people
   not using those helpers?

You're right, these should be optdepends. Also I took the liberty of removing 
libgnome-keyring as it's deprecated [1].

- Why go to all that extra effort to create a sysusers configuration
   when the benefit of using sysusers is removed by the need to set a
   login shell... which you do not add to /etc/shells? In the event that
   the sysusers configuration is ever made use of, the shell will still
   need to be fixed.

I double checked this one and I am adding git-shell to /etc/shells within the 
install file [2]. This is the same behavior as git in [extra] [3].

- url redirects to HTTPS version, this is really an [extra] issue


- url redirects to HTTPS version, this is really an [extra] issue


- The repo package has hdf5 as a makedepends/optdepends, why is this a
   depends? More importantly... why is it also still an optdepends?

I dug around a bit and found this ticket [4] where it seems if you didn't have 
hdf5 as a makedepends, then the build would fail (I personally don't think it 
should have failed given the documentation [5]). This really should be 
optdepends now since you can build without it. Fixed. I also took the liberty of 
adding opencv-samples to the conflicts array (since opencv-git provides samples 
without the split package).

- `install -dm755 ...; install -Dm644 ...;` is kind of like sprinkling
   your code with `sleep 1`


- Instead of copying licenses to a per-font subdirectory, I would use


- Mercy on your soul for having the bravery to touch VLC, I'm skipping
   this one. :D Nothing jumps out at me anyway.




Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU Application: Andrew Crerar

2017-11-21 Thread Andrew Crerar

On 11/21/17 10:25 AM, Jeremy Audet via aur-general wrote:

- `install -dm755 ...; install -Dm644 ...;` is kind of like sprinkling
   your code with `sleep 1`

(I think) I understand what you mean, but Andrew might not. To put a finer
point on it, `install -dm755` is unnecessary, because install's `-D` flag
creates directories anyway. For example, this:

 install -dm755 "$pkg_license_path"
 install -Dm644 "$src_license_path" "$pkg_license_path"/OFL.txt

Could be replaced with this:

 install -Dm644 "$src_license_path" "$pkg_license_path"/OFL.txt

Thanks for the heads up, yeah, I was being overly verbose/explicit with the 
commands in the PKGBUILD. I'm making the changes now :)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] TU Application: Andrew Crerar

2017-11-17 Thread Andrew Crerar

On 11/17/17 7:47 AM, Evangelos Foutras via aur-general wrote:

On 17/11/17 14:22, Andrew Crerar wrote:

If I were to become a Trusted User, I would like to move firefox-developer [9] 
to [community] as well as adopt Evangelos Foutras's [community] packages [10] 
if he doesn't want to move them to [extra].

You told me about this privately on IRC and asked if it was OK to
mention it in your application. That was kind of you, but you should
have waited more than 9 minutes for my response before going ahead and
sending in your application.

To answer your question though, I will keep my community packages in
[community] since I don't see a reason to move them and Developers are
allowed to maintain packages in [community].

Thanks for the thought though; it's always good for orphan packages to
get adopted. Good luck with your application!

You're right, it was impatient of me to send this before hearing back. I 
apologize. Thank you for following up and the well wishes!

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[aur-general] TU Application: Andrew Crerar

2017-11-17 Thread Andrew Crerar
Hi Everyone!

My name is Andrew Crerar (aka andrewSC) and I'm applying to become a Trusted 
User. Big thanks to Johannes Löthberg for being my sponsor! :)

At the moment I'm a Research Software Engineer at The Laboratory for Analytic 
Sciences [1] where I primarily write Python 3.x (in combination with various 
other tech like nginx, gunicorn, elasticsearch, etc.) for the prototypes we're 
building here. Prior to working at the lab I was a Software Engineer and 
Computer Scientist at Adobe Inc. [2] where I lead and managed the development 
of Custom Creative Networks [3] (primarily PHP with some JS heavy elements) on 
the Behance [4] team. My Bachelor's degree is in Computer Science which I 
received from The Rochester Institute of Technology [5].

I've been using Arch Linux since 2008-2009ish and have seen it grow into 
something incredible. Over the past several years I've picked up a handful of 
packages [6] in the AUR which I enjoy maintaining. I also participate in 
package signoffs for [core], [extra], and [community]. I wish to grow my 
ability to contribute by becoming more involved in maintaining and managing the 
AUR while also making contributions to [community] where appropriate.

More recently I've created and open sourced Checkthat [7] with the intention to 
help other AUR package maintainers increase the quality of their packages by 
combining makepkg and namcap to produce a status + lint report in an automated 
fashion. I'm not entirely sure if this could be considered an AUR helper so 
I've refrained from adding it to the wiki for the time being. I also contribute 
patches to upstream projects on occasion, the most recent being for Gtk+ [8].

If I were to become a Trusted User, I would like to move firefox-developer [9] 
to [community] as well as adopt Evangelos Foutras's [community] packages [10] 
if he doesn't want to move them to [extra]. I should mention that the 
firefox-developer package in the AUR, as it exists, would not be moved to 
[community]. I've been working with Jan Steffens to produce an acceptable 
PKGBUILD [11] that would. I would ask the TU's to review that PKGBUILD in place 
of the current AUR package. Furthermore, the primary reason I'm refraining from 
landing these changes immediately in the AUR is because it would dramatically 
increase build times for all current users of the package.




Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [aur-general] Package ownership change request for yaourt-git

2014-08-03 Thread Andrew Crerar
Stefan and Johannes,

Thank you for replying to the request, I've noted that requests should
now be done through the web interface and will be updating the wiki
shortly to reflect that. I was under the impression that the PKGBUILD
was incorrect (pointing to the wrong repo, per the latest comment) but
did not actually check the PKGBUILD to see if that was true. I'll be
more through in my checks next time.



On Sun, Aug 3, 2014 at 2:08 PM, Johannes Löthberg  wrote:
> On 02/08, Andrew Crerar wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I (andrewSC) would like to request ownership of yaourt-git
>> ( as it's been flagged
>> out-of-date for some time now.
> Disregarding the fact that there seems to be nothing actually out of date
> with it, orphanship requests should be done from the AUR web interface now,
> under the 'File request' link on the package's page.
> --
> Sincerely,
>  Johannes Löthberg
>  PGP Key ID: 3A9D0BB5

[aur-general] Package ownership change request for yaourt-git

2014-08-02 Thread Andrew Crerar
Hi all,

I (andrewSC) would like to request ownership of yaourt-git
( as it's been flagged
out-of-date for some time now.



[aur-general] Package ownership change request for gtk3-git and delete request for gtk+-git

2013-04-28 Thread Andrew Crerar
Hi all,

I (andrewSC) would like to request ownership of gtk3-git ( as it's been flagged
out-of-date for some time now.  If it's also possible could gtk+-git ( be deleted?  Not only is
the '+' breaking some things but it's also identical to gtk3-git.  Let me

