Re: [aur-general] Disconcerting commit dates and lack of comments for slickpicker

2016-09-01 Thread ShadowKyogre via aur-general

It seems a bit... inefficient... to re-clone a repository under someone
else's control every time you want to update something.

So, why should AUR packages be different from any other form of source code?

It shouldn't be. I just haven't gotten around to setting up a git repo 
somewhere else to mirror my AUR PKGBUILDs.
That being said, at the time of writing the OP, I was scrambling for a local 
copy before panicking and running off to the mailing list.

Thankfully most of them are cloned now, so this shouldn't be much of a problem.

If you want a good example of a way to manage multiple AUR packages,
this is what I do (uses git subtrees):

It has the advantage of preventing common maintainer mistakes

(forgetting to update .SRCINFO/updpkgsums, autofilling default commit
messages, handling remotes on-the-fly for new packages, etc.)

Basically, additional reasons for being ordered about this sort of
thing, in case you weren't convinced already. :)

Oh sweet! I currently just have a dedicated subfolder for my AUR PKGBUILDs, but 
none of the niceties that this provides. Thanks a bunch!

Re: [aur-general] Disconcerting commit dates and lack of comments for slickpicker

2016-08-31 Thread ShadowKyogre via aur-general

I'll be re-putting the updates on the AUR.

Hopefully they don't disappear this time. I'll have to make local clones 
of all my AUR packages so this doesn't happen again.

[aur-general] Disconcerting commit dates and lack of comments for slickpicker

2016-08-29 Thread ShadowKyogre via aur-general
There was a comment earlier about a PyQt4 <-> PyQt5 Error with 
slickpicker and mikidown on mikidown. I woke up thinking that it was due 
to them not updating a PKGBUILD, but...

I checked the AUR3 archive and the data up there only matches the 
initial import.

Even more disturbing is the fact that the comment I left about putting a 
proper pkgver() on slickpicker-git is missing. That was something I 
clearly remember doing this month.

Can someone check the activity log of the AUR servers? I'm pretty sure 
there had to be some unusual activity because I clearly remember 
updating those packages for their pyqt5 updates.

[aur-general] fbterm-git has an AUR git repo, but it isn't available in the web view?

2015-08-13 Thread ShadowKyogre
fbterm-git has an AUR git repo, but it isn't available in the web view 
for some reason. A clone of the package git repo shows a PKGBUILD and an 
INSTALL file. But when I try to visit the corresponding overview page, 
it says that it's not found.

Relevant URLs:

- ShadowKyogre

Re: [aur-general] [AUR4] Unsure whether to adopt, wait for maintainer to re-upload, and/or merge packages

2015-07-24 Thread ShadowKyogre

On 07/17/2015 02:34 PM, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:

Em 15-07-2015 13:45, ShadowKyogre escreveu:
Decided to email the submitter yesterday. Should I wait for a 
response for about a week? 
I don't think there are any hard rules on that. I mailed him on a 
Friday. If I didn't got a response, by Monday I'd took over the 
package. Truth be told, they had 2 months, at least, to be aware and 
do something. I think this was just a courtesy, but in my case the 
maintainer did answered me. In yours it might do down differently.

Giancarlo Razzolini
I re-uploaded the relevant PKGBUILD to the AUR4 at (I still need to adjust the 
descriptions and dependencies, but everything is split properly).

With the packages that're still here,, should I file 
merge and/or deletion requests?

- ShadowKyogre

Re: [aur-general] [AUR4] Unsure whether to adopt, wait for maintainer to re-upload, and/or merge packages

2015-07-15 Thread ShadowKyogre

On 07/14/2015 09:26 AM, Giancarlo Razzolini wrote:

Em 14-07-2015 12:26, ShadowKyogre escreveu:
I was planning to wait until August to make a decision, but, like the 
title says, I'm not sure whether I should just submit updated 
packages on the AUR4 that point to the same sources as 
magicseteditor-mtg, wait for elegua to re-upload the packages for 
magicseteditor-mtg*, or upload the second set of links and add elegua 
as a contributor to make sure he still has write rights. I originally 
orphaned the first two links because I was thinking that elegua might 
be interested in merging it into the packages he uploaded so there 
aren't duplicate packages floating around. 
I was faced with same decision yesterday. The original submitter of 
the tinyssh package didn't migrated to AUR4. I've contacted him by 
e-mail and he not only updated the packaged, as he made me his 
co-maintainer. I know people had warnings and all, but it wont hurt to 
be polite and ask.

Giancarlo Razzolini
Decided to email the submitter yesterday. Should I wait for a response 
for about a week?

- ShadowKyogre

[aur-general] [AUR4] Unsure whether to adopt, wait for maintainer to re-upload, and/or merge packages

2015-07-14 Thread ShadowKyogre
These were the original uploaded PKGBUILDs, still referencing to a stale 


These were the uploads with the new content re-hosting, but the 
maintainer hasn't contacted me back about wanting to maintain the other 
MtG templates that're floating around (there's a few more):


I was planning to wait until August to make a decision, but, like the 
title says, I'm not sure whether I should just submit updated packages 
on the AUR4 that point to the same sources as magicseteditor-mtg, wait 
for elegua to re-upload the packages for magicseteditor-mtg*, or upload 
the second set of links and add elegua as a contributor to make sure he 
still has write rights. I originally orphaned the first two links 
because I was thinking that elegua might be interested in merging it 
into the packages he uploaded so there aren't duplicate packages 
floating around.

[aur-general] [AUR4] Recommended procedure for merging several split packages into one pkgbase with split packages inside?

2015-06-09 Thread ShadowKyogre
In the AUR, these packages are currently split off as their own separate 
packages without a common package base:


For the new AUR, I've prepared a split PKGBUILD and .SRCINFO for the 
AUR4 submission, but I get this error when I try to submit my finished work:

Counting objects: 4, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 1.52 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: error: cannot overwrite package: mse-extrafoils-fracture
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master
To ssh://
 ! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 

I was contemplating either filing a bunch of merge requests or a bunch 
of deletion requests before trying to resubmit, but there's probably a 
better way to handle this that I'm not sure of.

[aur-general] Merge vba-m-gtk-svn and vbam-gtk-svn

2014-01-08 Thread ShadowKyogre
Requested merge for renaming since vbam-gtk is available in the 
community repos. The rename is to maintain consistency.

Old package:
Renamed package:

[aur-general] font-futhark and ttf-elder-futhark: Delete one or merge?

2013-06-03 Thread ShadowKyogre

Fonts in question:

I noticed that both of them share 
[this]( ), so I wasn't 
exactly sure whether I should delete the package I put up.

[aur-general] Package removal: ttf-theban

2012-12-27 Thread ShadowKyogre

AUR Link:

I still need to find a properly licensed Theban font, as that one in the 
link is for personal use, not freeware.