[aur-general] Merge Request

2013-10-06 Thread Stefan Husmann

please merge fixme [1] into sortpuz[2]. Reason: Upstream renaming

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fixme/
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sortpuz/

Thanks and best regards,

Re: [aur-general] Broken libdbf in the AUR

2013-10-15 Thread Stefan Husmann
Am Mon, 14 Oct 2013 22:09:27 -0700
schrieb Quentin de Metz :

> I've contacted the package's maintainer. but have yet to receive a
> response. What's next?

How long ago was the contact try? If it is more than two weeks ago, a
TU might want to disown the package for you.

Best Regards Stefan.

[aur-general] Deletion request

2013-10-27 Thread Stefan Husmann

please delete matio


It is a duplicate of libmatio


Thanks and best Regards.


[aur-general] Merge and deletion requests regarding slime packages.

2014-03-03 Thread Stefan Husmann

the "Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs" is now maintained on GitHub. So 
my package slime-cvs [1] should be merged into slime-git [2].

slime-snapshot [3] host sources on AUR and should be removed or changed to use 
a GitHub snapshot. There is also emacs-slime [4], fulfilling a similar purpose.

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/slime-cvs/
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/slime-git/
[3] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/slime-snapshot/
[4] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/emacs-slime/

We once had a slime package in [community]. The name of the cvs-packege and now 
the git packge was modeled after this. Should slime-git be renamed to 

Best Regards

Re: [aur-general] Axiom (CAS) -- Same program, three packages (and licenses)?

2014-03-07 Thread Stefan Husmann

Am 16.01.2014 23:24, schrieb oliver:


I looked up some information...

Axiom has been forked in 2007 into
FriCAS and OpenAxiom.


So, Axiom and OpenAxiom are the same.

no, that conclusion is false. Both projects exist and are more or less active. 
They are even using different programming languages internally (Arcor vs SPAD).

Nevertheless there are two AUR-packages with OpenAxiom,
and the mentioned licenses (in the package description)

How will such a case be handled?

The wrong one should (GPL) be changed by the maintainer.


[aur-general] libwww in [community]

2014-03-16 Thread Stefan Husmann


I wonder whythe libwww packages still remain in [community].

1. It is a library, and
2. no other package depends on it. Even perl-libwww apparently does not.

Normally libraries are not maintained in a repo for their own sake, are they?

Best Regards


Re: [aur-general] Delete & merge requests

2014-04-20 Thread Stefan Husmann

Am 20.04.2014 05:01, schrieb Felix Yan:

https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/lxappearance-git/ please merge into

I'm not sure the naming conversion here - why do you want the "2" after its
name? Because any other lxappearance packages in the repos our in the AUR
don't have that versioned suffix.

Anyway if there was a reason behind this particular naming, and the current
maintainer of lxappearance-git has agreed to the merge, I'll do it.


I stumbled over that orphaned PKGBUILD of lxappearance-git yesterday, and
updated it. But that was my only maintanance step for that package.

I have the same question as Felix has. I'd say, merge it the other way around, if no 
valid reasons are there for keeping the "2" in the name.

I orphaned lxappearance-git it again.

Best Regards


[aur-general] Merge request le-editor

2014-04-20 Thread Stefan Husmann


there are two packages in AUR which give bascally the same, "le"[1] and 

"le" is difficult to find, so please merge "le" into "le-editor". The current 
maintainer of le-editor agreed to this in the comments.

Same ist true for "le-git" and "le-editor-git".

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/le
[2] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/le-editor/
[3] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/le-git/
[4] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/le-editor-git/


Re: [aur-general] Delete request: fontmatrix-svn

2014-05-12 Thread Stefan Husmann

Am 01.04.2014 09:51, schrieb Maxime Gauduin:

On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Jerome Leclanche  wrote:

https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fontmatrix-svn/ - they are
available on github.com/fontmatrix/fontmatrix now.
J. Leclanche

I've submitted a fixed/updated fontmatrix-git and merged fontmatrix-svn
into it. fontmatrix-git is available for adoption. Thx.

Sorry, I accidently uploaded fontmatrix-svn again. Please delete it again.

Best Regards, Stefan

[aur-general] Merge request python2-pycha

2014-05-18 Thread Stefan Husmann


please merge python2-pycha into python2-pycha-hg. The PKGBUILD pulls
from a mercurial repo at bitbucket and therefore should be named accordingly.


Best Regards Stefan

[aur-general] Upload package blacklist, maybe upcoming merge request

2014-05-29 Thread Stefan Husmann


I think that the package openjade1.3 [1] in AUR is badly named, and so wanted 
to upload
an openjade PKGBUILD. But doing so burp (from git) told me this:

error: failed to upload openjade-1.3.2-2.src.tar.gz: openjade is on the package 
>blacklist, please check if it's available in the official repos.

(with this strange apostrophe).

So I want to ask, if there is such a blacklist, and why openjade is on it. I 
know that there is a package jade in the repos, but that is not entirely the 
same as openjade.

Should openjade1.3 be removed? Or merged into openjade?

[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/openjade1.3/

[aur-general] wxpython3 removal request

2014-06-24 Thread Stefan Husmann


I hope this has no been brought up already:

https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wxpython3/ is a duplicate of the wxpython in 

Please consider deleting it.

Best Regards


Re: [aur-general] New mailing list for AUR requests (delete, merge, orphan, ..)

2014-06-27 Thread Stefan Husmann

Am 25.06.2014 22:02, schrieb Florian Pritz:


As requested by Lukas, I've created a new mailing list for AUR related
requests such as deletion, merge or orphan requests.

The AUR will soon feature a web interface to create such requests and
for history and discussion purposes mails will be sent to this new list.

Please start using it for new requests already (maybe wait a couple
hours so TUs can subscribe). Discussion about anything apart from such
requests should stay on aur-general.

You can subscribe here[1].

[1]: https://mailman.archlinux.org/mailman/listinfo/aur-requests

I expect traffic on aur-general to go down quite a lot due to this
change, so if you aren't subscribed because of this request traffic feel
free to give it another try now.


I think this is worth an announcement on the news page on archlinux.org.

I felt free to do so on archlinux.de already.


Best Regards


Re: [aur-general] Package ownership change request for yaourt-git

2014-08-03 Thread Stefan Husmann

Am 03.08.2014 um 04:56 schrieb Andrew Crerar:

Hi all,

I (andrewSC) would like to request ownership of yaourt-git
(https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yaourt-git/) as it's been flagged
out-of-date for some time now.



What is wrong with the package? The AUR maintainer is the upstream maintainer.

How can VCS packages be out of date at all? So the flag is wrong.


Re: [aur-general] TU resignation.

2014-08-04 Thread Stefan Husmann

Am 04.08.2014 um 18:41 schrieb Peter Lewis:

Hi all,

I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but based on mounting evidence,
I've come to the conclusion that I should resign as a TU. Most of you
probably already forgot I was here, and I'm sorry that I just haven't
been able to keep on top of things and participate lately.

A lot has happened with me over the last year: became a father, got a
new job, moved house... and I'm realising that my life has changed such
that I haven't found time to keep up with Arch / TU duties.

I'm still a day-to-day Archer at work and home, and don't see that
changing any time. And it's great to have been part of such a talented
and welcoming team. Thanks to all of you for the effort you put in to
keeping Arch the great distribution it is.




very good reasons indeed. All the best to you and your family.

And when time has come, come back and sponsor your son/daughter :)

Best wishes


Re: [aur-general] Pinning dependency versions in PKGBUILDs?

2014-08-06 Thread Stefan Husmann

Am 06.08.2014 um 14:31 schrieb Florian Bruhin:


I'm maintaining the vim-full[1] package which is a vim with all the
gvim features (Ruby/Lua/Python/Perl/Netbeans) but without GTK/X.

Now obviously I have to depend on vim-runtime, and I currently I have
the version number pinned (just like the vim package).

However that makes upgrading vim-runtime difficult, because pacman
doesn't know about the vim-full upgrade. A possible solution is to
build via `makepkg -d` (ignoring the old vim-runtime version), then
upgrading both vim-full and vim-runtime.

Should I just not pin the version at all (as in "partial upgrades
aren't supported anyways") to avoid these problems?


[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/vim-full/

I'd say, regarding pinning keep it as it is.

I have other issues: Built from AUR, this is not an official Arch Linux 
package, so you should use

--with-compiledby="$PACKAGER"  instead of --with-compiledby='Arch Linux'

(users who do not set PACKAGER in their makepkg.conf will get an empty string, 
but this is their fault)

And: If this is named -full, it should be full, so also python3 should be 

Best Regards


Re: [aur-general] Can't run Nested: ImportError: No module named Image

2014-08-30 Thread Stefan Husmann
Am 29.08.2014 um 14:41 schrieb Yichao Yu:
>> Looks like you need python2-pillow (pkgfile -s Image.py). You should
>> notify the package author so they add this dependency.
> In addition to it, nested need to be patched for using (or rather
> being able to use) pillow instead of PIL[1].
> I've also noticed that pywebkitgtk is necessary to start the nested
> executable but is only listed as optional dependency.
> Yichao Yu
> P.S. IMHO, this discussion belongs to the package comment or Arch-General.
> [1] https://www.archlinux.org/todo/replace-pil-with-pillow/

try this PKGBUILD.


But this list definitely is the wrong place to discuss this further. For such 
things AUR comments were invented.

Best Regards


[aur-general] VCS guidelines for svn-packages

2014-12-31 Thread Stefan Husmann
Hash: SHA256


I know of at least two PKGBUILDs in AUR where the new makepkg puts an "M" 
behind the pkgver 
after last pacman upgrade. Is ther any advice how to handle this?

Best Regards
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: [aur-general] VCS guidelines for svn-packages

2014-12-31 Thread Stefan Husmann
Hash: SHA256

Am 01.01.2015 um 00:59 schrieb Karol Blazewicz:
> On Thu, Jan 1, 2015 at 12:42 AM, Stefan Husmann
>  wrote:
>> I know of at least two PKGBUILDs in AUR where the new makepkg puts an "M" 
>> behind the pkgver
>> after last pacman upgrade. Is ther any advice how to handle this?
> How exactly are the pkgver created? Which PKGBUILDs are you talking about?

sorry for the noise. I just encountered that they both use 

pkgver() {
  cd "$srcdir/ccl"

which was a version formerly recommended in the Wiki.


pkgver() {
  cd "$srcdir/ccl"
  local ver="$(svnversion)"
  printf "%s" "${ver//[[:alpha:]]}"

everything is fine.

Best Regards

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: [aur-general] VCS guidelines for svn-packages

2014-12-31 Thread Stefan Husmann
Hash: SHA256

Am 01.01.2015 um 01:34 schrieb Anatol Pomozov:
> Hi

> I would like to point to importance of using revision number delimiter
> (by convention we use letter "r"). This delimiter allows avoid
> problems in case if upstream decides to make first release or uses
> versions with different number of components.
> e.g. if at revision "455" upstream decides to release version 0.1 then
> the revision delimiter preserves version monotonicity:
> 0.1.r456 > r454
> without delimiter monotonicity fails:
> 0.1.456 < 454
> This is true for other VCS as well.
Thanks, I indeed never got the point why we use this "r".

Happy new year!
Version: GnuPG v2


Re: [aur-general] package review

2015-01-18 Thread Stefan Husmann
Hash: SHA256

Am 05.10.2014 um 18:35 schrieb carstene1ns:
> Am 05.10.2014 um 14:41 schrieb Thiago Barroso Perrotta:
>> I wonder why you have a test program but don't use it in the test()
>> function of your PKGBUILD? Not that this is needed, but as soon as I saw
>> 'test.c', I thought I would find a test() too.
> Just a small correction: test() is no default function, the function you
> should use is check() [1].
> best regards,
> carstene1ns
> [1]: https://www.archlinux.org/pacman/PKGBUILD.5.html#_packaging_functions
And additionally: test is also a built-in function of popular shells, so running
a script or binary named "test" can be the source of strange, unexpected things

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: [aur-general] Mozc UT cannot build.

2015-02-01 Thread Stefan Husmann
Hash: SHA256

Am 01.02.2015 um 15:37 schrieb MASAKI Yuhsuke:
> Hi.
> Mozc UT relative packages cannot build because fail to checkout Mozc SVN 
> repository.
> Error occur thus:
> ==> Retrieving sources...
>   -> Cloning mozc-1.15.1917.102 svn repo...
> svn: E000111: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 
> 'http://mozc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src'
> svn: E000111: Error running context: Connection refused
> ==> ERROR: Failure while downloading mozc-1.15.1917.102 svn repo
> **
> * The Rider, Hacker and Musician.
> **
> *   MASAKI Yuhsuke.
> * hydrangea...@reasonset.net
> * Website: http://reasonset.net/
> * GitHub : https://github.com/reasonset/
> * Twitter: @reasonset
> **
In the AUR comments there is an entry.
==> Connecting to mozc SVN server...
Error: SVN version is older than 1.4: (r1295709) 

Seems the project is dead.

Best Regards 

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: [aur-general] Duplicated Trash folder in thunderbird

2015-03-18 Thread Stefan Husmann
Hash: SHA256

Am 17.03.2015 um 21:04 schrieb Ralf Mardorf:
> On Tue, 17 Mar 2015 20:31:00 +0100, Florian Bruhin wrote:
>> This seems unrelated to the AUR - did you mean to send this to
>> arch-general rather than aur-general?
> Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2015 14:40:35 -0400
> To: General Discussion about Arch Linux
> Subject: Re: [arch-general] Duplicated Trash folder in thunderbird
> [snip]
> You should post to the aur mailing list since that's an AUR package.
> [snip]
Maybe at this point we should start a discussion for what purpose the several 
mailing lists are there. IMHO in this case neither arch-general nor aur-general 
are appropiate, but the comments page in AUR for the requested package is.

Citing from https://lists.archlinux.org//listinfo/
arch-generalGeneral Discussion about Arch Linux  
aur-general Discussion about the Arch User Repository (AUR)

If we take it literally, both mailing lists are not appropiate for problems 
regarding a specific AUR package. 

And even the existence of the package is dabatable: it is just a perl wrapper 
script hosted in AUR to let the user _interactively_ (bad!) select the language 
in which she wants to use thunderbird. It then downloads a binary version of 
thunderbird and creates a package. 

Current pkgver is 36.something, not 37 -- maybe for a reason? Ask the 

Just my 0.02 €

Best Regards

Stefan Husmann

Version: GnuPG v2


Re: [aur-general] Account suspended, no reason given.

2015-08-29 Thread Stefan Husmann
Am 29.08.2015 um 20:47 schrieb Keith Henderson Jr:
> I tried signing into my AUR account when I was greeted with this:
> http://i.imgur.com/qMjEz2Z.jpg
> What bothers me is that there isn't *any* information given as to why, and
> there doesn't seem to be a way to dispute this suspension.
> I wasn't given a reason, a warning, or anything; just a straight up
> suspension.
> I'm assuming I was suspended because I accidentally marked a package as
> out-of-date. I couldn't find a way to undo it, maybe I should have
> commented, but I find the punishment a little harsh.
I am not an expert, but does it work using aur.archlinux.org instead of aur4...?

Best Regards

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Pierre Neidhardt

2015-10-11 Thread Stefan Husmann
Am 04.10.2015 um 21:01 schrieb Alexander F Rødseth:
> The discussion period is over. Let the voting begin!
> https://aur.archlinux.org/tu/?id=83
> ---
> Sincerely,
> Alexander F Rødseth / xyproto
Any results?

Re: [aur-general] PKGBUILD for touchcontrol-android

2015-11-12 Thread Stefan Husmann
Am 11.11.2015 um 15:44 schrieb Rodolphe Breard:
> Hi,
> I'm not a packaging expert, however I noticed something that should be 
> improved:
>> license=('custom:"Copyright (c) 2014 ternes3 / reBTSOFT" 
>> src:https://github.com/ternes3/TouchControl-for-Android#license')
> This is a MIT license, not a custom one.
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License
> Regards,

MIT and other BSD like license flavours _are_ custom licenses. 

Do a ls /usr/share/licenses/common, anything not listed there is custom license.

Best Regards 


[aur-general] qtikz-git

2016-02-07 Thread Stefan Husmann

I hav uploaded a package qtikz-git to AUR and got no error message doing so, 
but the package did not show up in AUR.

Should I open a bug report for this?

Best Regards

Re: [aur-general] qtikz-git

2016-02-07 Thread Stefan Husmann
Am 07.02.2016 um 18:47 schrieb Doug Newgard:
> On Sun, 7 Feb 2016 18:41:19 +0100
> Stefan Husmann  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I hav uploaded a package qtikz-git to AUR and got no error message doing so, 
>> but the package did not show up in AUR.
>> Should I open a bug report for this?
>> Best Regards
>> Stefan
> You mean this one?
> https://aur.archlinux.org/pkgbase/qtikz-git/
> You didn't set a pkgname.
Ouch, that was it, thanks.

Best Regards

Re: [aur-general] qtikz-git

2016-02-07 Thread Stefan Husmann
Am 07.02.2016 um 18:48 schrieb Lukas Fleischer:
> makepkg --printsrcinfo
No, I used mksrcinfo from pkgbuild-introspection-8-1.

The script ends in 

# TODO: replace this with 'makepkg --printsrcinfo' once makepkg>=4.3 is 
  srcinfo_write_from_pkgbuild "${1:-$PWD/PKGBUILD}"
} >"$srcinfo_dest"

So maybe this package needs an update.

Best Regards


Re: [aur-general] Please remove pidgin-pushbullet

2016-04-19 Thread Stefan Husmann
Am 18.04.2016 um 20:20 schrieb merp boop:
> Hi all,
> Please remove this package from the AUR:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pidgin-pushbullet/
> The package pulls from git sources, so I have created a
> new pidgin-pushbullet-git package to accommodate that.
> Thanks!
> -Max

please use the AUR's "submit request" feature for requests like this.

Best regards 

[aur-general] My AUR account

2016-08-14 Thread Stefan Husmann

something happend to my AUR account.
 git push
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

I then changes my public key, making things worse.

The RSA host key for aur.archlinux.org has changed,
and the key for the corresponding IP address 2a01:4f8:160:3033::2
is unknown. This could either mean that
DNS SPOOFING is happening or the IP address for the host
and its host key have changed at the same time.
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/haawda/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this 
Offending RSA key in /home/haawda/.ssh/known_hosts:2
RSA host key for aur.archlinux.org has changed and you have requested strict 
Host key verification failed.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Can someone please help?

Best Regards
Stefan Husmann

Re: [aur-general] Nee help with a python PKGBUILD

2016-10-14 Thread Stefan Husmann
Storm Dragon via aur-general  writes:

> Howdy,
> There is a new console screen reader in the works. It is written in python. I 
> have written a PKGBUILD for it. The PKGBUILD works, it installs things where 
> they are supposed to go, but the problem is the reader won't launch once 
> installed in this way. If you just run setup.py it works fine though. Can 
> someone please take a look and let me know how to fix this?
> Thanks
> Storm
  cd "$srcdir/$_gitname"
  python setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" install 
and do not put install file into source-array. This gives less errors,
but still is not working.

[haawda@frege fenrir]$ fenrir
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/fenrir", line 137, in 
  File "/usr/bin/fenrir", line 132, in main
app = fenrir()
  File "/usr/bin/fenrir", line 21, in __init__
raise RuntimeError('Cannot Initialize. Maybe the configfile is not 
available or not parseable')
RuntimeError: Cannot Initialize. Maybe the configfile is not available or not 

Best Regards


Re: [aur-general] LaTeX compilation error in makepkg

2017-02-09 Thread Stefan Husmann
Bennett Piater  writes:

> Hi,
> I resurrected beamer-theme-metropolis when aurphan showed me that it's
> maintainer had orphaned it because I use it quite a lot.
> The upstream was recently updated, but I cannot get it to compile from
> makepkg -- the latex compiler complains that it cannot write to it's log
> file.
> I didn't change the PKGBUILD besides updating the version and dependencies.
> Output:
> https://vps1.piater.name/commie/#5O9xSO3P
> Everything works if I cd into $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver and execute make
> from the shell.
> Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?
> Cheers,
> Bennett
> -- 
> GPG fingerprint: 871F 1047 7DB3 DDED 5FC4 47B2 26C7 E577 EF96 7808


the PKGBUILD in AUR works fine here. You probably need to show your
PKGBUILD for version 1.2 here.

Best Regards

[aur-general] Gcc-6.3: ldd shows wrong symbols

2017-06-27 Thread Stefan Husmann

I have put gcc63 to AUR, merely to have a working gcj implemetation, but
something is wrong with it. If I compile anything with it, ldd shows
that the resulting binaries have wrong symbols. For  instance,

ldd ~/paketierung/meine_Pakete/fotoxx/pkg/fotoxx/usr/bin/fotoxx |grep -v usr
linux-vdso.so.1 (0x7ffcbe5cf000)
libstdc++.so.6 => /lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/libstdc++.so.6 
libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/libgcc_s.so.1 
/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x7fd4fe8d6000)

IMHO it should be libstdc++.so.6 => 

What am I doing wrong? I do not know how to fix this.

fotoxx is written in c++, but this happens also for programs compiled
with gcc or gcj. The pdftk PKGBUILD especially suffers from this, as you
can see in the AUR comments. 

Help is much appreciated.

Best Regards


Re: [aur-general] Gcc-6.3: ldd shows wrong symbols

2017-06-28 Thread Stefan Husmann
Eli Schwartz via aur-general  writes:

> On 06/27/2017 08:56 PM, Stefan Husmann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have put gcc63 to AUR, merely to have a working gcj implemetation,
> Wait, isn't there already a gcc6 package in the AUR?
It is newer than mine. 
>> something is wrong with it. If I compile anything with it, ldd shows
>> that the resulting binaries have wrong symbols. For  instance,
>> ldd ~/paketierung/meine_Pakete/fotoxx/pkg/fotoxx/usr/bin/fotoxx |grep -v usr
>> linux-vdso.so.1 (0x7ffcbe5cf000)
>> libstdc++.so.6 => /lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/libstdc++.so.6 
>> (0x7fd4fb0e7000)
>> libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/libgcc_s.so.1 
>> (0x7fd4fabbe000)
>> /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x7fd4fe8d6000)
>> IMHO it should be libstdc++.so.6 => 
>> /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/libstdc++.so.6
>> What am I doing wrong? I do not know how to fix this.
> How does the resulting binary have "wrong symbols" as a result of where
> the linux dynamic linker resolves a soname without a path to? Also are
> you aware that on Linux, "/lib" is a symbolic link to "usr/lib" and
> therefore your preferred result resolves to the same filename?
Yes, I am aware of that.

>Also, gcc
> 7 was released to [core] a month ago.
It does not come with gcj anymore, they dropped it.
> A better question would be, why is the linker looking in
> /usr/lib/gcc/$CHOST/$gccver/ instead of /usr/lib? And, do you have some
> sort of actual issue whereby any of this would be relevant?
Running pdftk without having LD_LIBRRY_PATH set to
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/ results in

pdftk: error while loading shared libraries: libgcj.so.17: cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory

> And, I think you are lying about the command you ran, not that it really
> matters as the command wouldn't show anything interesting anyway.
> Namely, I think you prefixed it with LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$blah"

>> fotoxx is written in c++, but this happens also for programs compiled
>> with gcc or gcj. The pdftk PKGBUILD especially suffers from this, as you
>> can see in the AUR comments. 
> The pdftk PKGBUILD and others suffer from being run with a custom
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH and therefore having the dynamic loader match sonames to
> non-default shared library filenames? Or something else?
see above
> -- 
> Eli Schwartz

Re: [aur-general] Request to add aspell-bn package to AUR repo

2017-08-26 Thread Stefan Husmann
Pavel Sayekat via aur-general  writes:

> Dear Team,
> Hi, I would like to add a PKGBUILD file for aspell-bn to the AUR repo for
> the convenience of Bengali language. So file is added in the attachment.
> Thanks,
> Pavel Sayekat


so what is your question? Do you need help in uploading the PKGBUILD or
do you want us to doublecheck it?

If the latter: For me it is not working at all.

Warning: future versions will require --vars before variables are set
: error: invalid variable name: --prefix

The configure-script does not know that option.

Figure out how it is done right. Probably the other aspell-?? packages
in AUR can be taken as an example.

Best Regards


Re: [aur-general] Package Removal Request (various)

2009-03-01 Thread Stefan Husmann

M Rawash schrieb:

here's a few packages that are no longer needed in AUR

- hamster-applet (part of gnome, in extra) 
- xulrunner-devel (older than extra/xulrunner) 
- ejourn (project no longer exists) 
- openoffice.org-style-human (no longer exists) 
- gnome-device-manager (part of gnome, in extra)

- gnome-panel-ubuntu (no longer exists)
- firefox-qt-mercurial-ubuntu (no longer exists)

i suggest the TU's do a "AUR cleanup day", we sort of had something like
that back in openSUSE, where the devs get together (on irc) and organise
a "bug squashing day" - basically we go into bugzilla and pickup invalid
and wontfix bugs and start deleting or otherwise fix/assign them -

M Rawash


Re: [aur-general] Removal Request

2009-03-04 Thread Stefan Husmann

Nezmer schrieb:

Hi ,

I adopted spim .

spim provides a working xspim now . so you can delete xspim :


Re: [aur-general] become a TU

2009-03-20 Thread Stefan Husmann

Jens Maucher schrieb:

Hi all,

i'm using Arch since Gimmick (0.72), and now i think it is time to be a
part of active members like trusted users.

About me:
My name is Jens and i'm from Germany, 36 years young (old? *g*), and i'm
working as an electronic technician.

During my freetime i'm actually learning for my big ham-radio licence
python and a bit of bash programming.

At the moment i maintain 19 packages

On the forum, wiki, aur and on irc i'm named as 'defcon'

Feel free to ask me, if something is obscure or you want to know more
about me.

Of cource i'm looking for someone to sponsor me (Stefan Husman, do u
like to this job? ;) )

Kind regards
Jens 'defcon' Maucher 


I want to sponsor the appliance. I know defcon from german Arch Linux 
Forum and from jabber. I think, he will be able and willing to help us 
maintaining the AUR and community repo. So let us start the five day 
discussion period.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Chris Brannon

2009-03-20 Thread Stefan Husmann

Chris Brannon schrieb:

Hello everyone!
I wish to become an ArchLinux Trusted User.  To that end, here
is a bit of information pertaining to me.

I started using Linux in the summer of 2000.  Before that time, I used
Unix shell accounts offered by various Internet service providers.
I've been using some flavor of *nix since 1995.
I'm blind, and I've always worked from a text console.  Dialup Unix shell
accounts had mostly vanished by 2000, so I installed Slackware.

I used Slackware until early 2007, and I learned a great deal about Linux
in the process.  I could describe my reasons for dropping Slackware, but
I won't.  It's a fine distribution, and the answer to the "which distribution
is best" question is mostly subjective.
After looking at several distros, I settled on Arch in September 
of 2008.  Moving to Arch was easy for me, because of my years of experience

with Slackware.

Currently, I maintain 8 packages in unsupported, and this number is growing.
See the following URL for my work:
My username on the BBS, AUR, and wiki is cmb.

I want to do my part to make ArchLinux more accessible to the blind.
My first order of business is to submit two packages to the community
repository: speakup and espeakup.
These two packages provide one reliable method of supplying spoken output from
the text console under Linux.

I will endeavor to faithfully represent the interests of the whole
ArchLinux user community, not just those of the tiny subset who are blind.

Allan McRae is my sponsor.  Thank you Allan.

With kind regards,
-- Chris


your goals are important, so you will have my vote.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Orphaning request

2009-03-20 Thread Stefan Husmann

Christoph Zeiler schrieb:

Could a TU please orphan the package "eduke32" by user "funkyou"?
The software has had three new releases since the PKGBUILD was last
updated, which was in 08/12/05. 11 days ago I posted a comment on the package's 
page to notify the maintainer that the PKGBUILD is in need of updating. I also 
stated the PKGBUILD needs a general overhaul as it's not meeting the packaging 
guidelines. I didn't receive a response, so I sent him an email four days ago, 
no response to it either.


I guess eduke32-clean can be deleted then?

btw, funkyou is one of the kdemod guys. No excuse, though.

Regards Stefan.

[aur-general] become a TU, Jens Maucher]

2009-03-28 Thread Stefan Husmann


the discussion period is over, so let us begin voting on the TU 
appliance of Jens Maucher (defcon).


--- Begin Message ---

Jens Maucher schrieb:

Hi all,

i'm using Arch since Gimmick (0.72), and now i think it is time to be a
part of active members like trusted users.

About me:
My name is Jens and i'm from Germany, 36 years young (old? *g*), and i'm
working as an electronic technician.

During my freetime i'm actually learning for my big ham-radio licence
python and a bit of bash programming.

At the moment i maintain 19 packages

On the forum, wiki, aur and on irc i'm named as 'defcon'

Feel free to ask me, if something is obscure or you want to know more
about me.

Of cource i'm looking for someone to sponsor me (Stefan Husman, do u
like to this job? ;) )

Kind regards
Jens 'defcon' Maucher 


I want to sponsor the appliance. I know defcon from german Arch Linux 
Forum and from jabber. I think, he will be able and willing to help us 
maintaining the AUR and community repo. So let us start the five day 
discussion period.

Regards Stefan

--- End Message ---

Re: [aur-general] Voting period: Chris Brannon

2009-03-31 Thread Stefan Husmann

Loui Chang schrieb:

On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 02:45:56PM +1000, Allan McRae wrote:

 Allan McRae wrote:

Hi TUs,

It is time to vote so head to the AUR voting interface.  You can refresh 
your memory here: 

 And voting is now finished.

 The votes are 17 yes, 1 abstain, 0 no.  According to the wiki, we have 26 
 TUs, so we barely make the quorum (bad TUs - do more voting!).

 Chris:  Follow the instructions on this wiki page


Congrats from me too. Regarding the low voting quote, is it possible 
that some votes were not counted? When I pushed the voting button on the 
website, the number of votes did not increase.

Regards Stefan

[aur-general] Orphaning packages

2009-04-04 Thread Stefan Husmann


I would like to orphan the following packages in [community]:
gputils (just uploaded a new version)
diacanvas (dependency of gnuconcept)
python-pychart (dependency of gnuconcept)

Feel free to adopt them.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Resigning as a TU

2009-04-04 Thread Stefan Husmann

Allan McRae schrieb:

Hi all,

I have decided it is time for me to resign as a TU.  This has been a 
decision that has been on my mind for a while.  I am wanting to focus my 
efforts on what I see as core parts of Arch (primarily pacman 
development and what I consider "core" packages).  I currently leave any 
requests for package orphaning and deletion and AUR password change 
requests to others and I have been relying on others to check TU 
applicants packaging skills, so I am not doing TU stuff anyway.  I will 
still be around to give my opinion is someone wants it.

I will continue maintaining my packages in [community] (at least for the 
time being) but I no longer use the following packages and so they are 
up for adoption if someone wants them:

exaile (with cddb-py)
gimmix (with libnxml)
gnome-do + gnome-do-plugins (with flickrnet + gnome-keyring-sharp-svn + 

gnome-mplayer + gecko-mediaplayer
gnome-sbtitles (with sublib)
ogmrip (with gpac)
pytube (with ffmpeg2theora)
supertuxkart (with plib)
xmltv (with perl-fcgi + perl-html-tree + perl-http-cache-transparent + 
perl-http-response-encoding + perl-lingua-en-numbers + 
perl-lingua-en-numbers-ordinate + perl-lingua-preferred + perl-soap-lite 
+ perl-text-bidi + perl-text-kakasi + kakasi + perl-unicode-utf8simple - 
Note all are rarely updated so this is not much work...)

I think any TU can disown another's packages so just go ahead and adopt 
what you want from that list.  But stick to the list as I am keeping 
some packages that I do still use...


Allan, I always wondered how you managed to do all the stuff your 
involved in. So thank you for your engagement and good luck to upcoming 

I adopted :

According to xmltv's PKGBUILD I also have to move perl-date-manip to 
community as a dependency.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Resigning as a TU

2009-04-04 Thread Stefan Husmann

Stefan Husmann schrieb:

Allan McRae schrieb:

Hi all,

I have decided it is time for me to resign as a TU.  This has been a 
decision that has been on my mind for a while.  I am wanting to focus 
my efforts on what I see as core parts of Arch (primarily pacman 
development and what I consider "core" packages).  I currently leave 
any requests for package orphaning and deletion and AUR password 
change requests to others and I have been relying on others to check 
TU applicants packaging skills, so I am not doing TU stuff anyway.  I 
will still be around to give my opinion is someone wants it.

I will continue maintaining my packages in [community] (at least for 
the time being) but I no longer use the following packages and so they 
are up for adoption if someone wants them:

exaile (with cddb-py)
gimmix (with libnxml)
gnome-do + gnome-do-plugins (with flickrnet + gnome-keyring-sharp-svn 
+ notify-sharp-svn)

gnome-mplayer + gecko-mediaplayer
gnome-sbtitles (with sublib)
ogmrip (with gpac)
pytube (with ffmpeg2theora)
supertuxkart (with plib)
xmltv (with perl-fcgi + perl-html-tree + perl-http-cache-transparent + 
perl-http-response-encoding + perl-lingua-en-numbers + 
perl-lingua-en-numbers-ordinate + perl-lingua-preferred + 
perl-soap-lite + perl-text-bidi + perl-text-kakasi + kakasi + 
perl-unicode-utf8simple - Note all are rarely updated so this is not 
much work...)

I think any TU can disown another's packages so just go ahead and 
adopt what you want from that list.  But stick to the list as I am 
keeping some packages that I do still use...


Allan, I always wondered how you managed to do all the stuff your 
involved in. So thank you for your engagement and good luck to upcoming 

I adopted :

According to xmltv's PKGBUILD I also have to move perl-date-manip to 
community as a dependency.

Regards Stefan

Oops, forget my last remark, the package of perl-date-manip in AUR is a 
double of that in extra. I will remove it.

[aur-general] TU appliance Jens Maucher (defcon)

2009-04-04 Thread Stefan Husmann


the voting period for Defcon has ended, and he did not get the majority 
of votes. He got four times "yes", eleven times "no" and four abstains.

So, that is democracy, but it would be nice if there would be some 
discussion about the reasons for the failure.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] OneSwarm in AUR wants to update itself

2009-04-05 Thread Stefan Husmann

Mathias Burén schrieb:


I just created a package for OneSwarm [1] and uploaded it to the AUR [2].
The package works fine except that it has an auto-update feature, which of
course doesn't work since the user does not have write access to
/opt/OneSwarm. What is the correct way of dealing with this? Should I make
/opt/OneSwarm writable by the users group?



[1] http://oneswarm.cs.washington.edu/

[2] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=25245


your package relies on the binary tarballs from upstream. Did you try to 
build from the sources?

There may be more possibilities to influence the behaviour using that level.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] TU appliance Jens Maucher (defcon)

2009-04-05 Thread Stefan Husmann


I think Jens and me got some thoughts about the reasons now, why the 
appliance failed. I would have expected this discussion in the 
discussion period, which was quite calm 8I now see that you guys 
expected some answers from Jens and me).

But now I think it is time to calm down a bit and to answer some questions.

Yes, the zattoo-software is bad, and the symlinking is dangerous. But on 
the on hand discussion was about TU appliance, not about moving zattoo 
to community.  The latter will never happen, I think also the license 
forbids this. On the other hand, if we follow the arch way, we do what 
upstreamers want us to do, without much patching. And I really do not 
see a way to get zattoo working without much googling and searching 
libraries from third sources. And on i686 zattoo works surprisingly well 
with that bad symlinks (no known way for x86_64).

install -d is preferable over mkdir -p, but also in extra are packages, 
that do not fullfil this point. As Angel said, I think this was a minor 
issue inthe rejection.

So let us now stick moree to the other Appliance we have these days. 
again thank you for th discussion.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Biru Ionut

2009-04-05 Thread Stefan Husmann

Jaroslav Lichtblau schrieb:

On Sun, Apr 05, 2009 at 12:10:27AM +0200, Biru Ionut wrote:

My name is Biru Ionut Mircea and i'm addicted to archlinux. :)

I'm a 23 year old student from Romania, studying at University
Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer,
Computer Science department.

I'm using linux for more than 6 years, using different distributions
before i discovered archlinux 3 years ago and in this time i can say
that i know almost everything about archlinux.

Mainly my contribution to archlinux community was on the forum, bug
tracker and aur(username wonder), where i maintain 14 packages [1]. I
helped on bug day on 21 march and for my work i got credit from allan
and hdoria which i want to thank for that.

I want to became a TU because i've noticed that important people in our
community are resigning and my favorites packages aren't been updated
because of lack of free time. I just want to do something  so that our
community to enjoy packages up to date.

In the future I want to help more in archlinux projects and maybe i will
start other projects that the archlinux community could use. Also i want
to inform that i don't intend to move in community any of *-ubuntu package

My sponsor is Hugo Doria. Thank you.

[1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=wonder


I went through your packages and found out many of them have been
previously created and mainained by someone else. I would like to
see some of your own contributions, could you maybe point them out?

I see in some of your packages the 1st line like: "# $Id: PKGBUILD,..."
which comes in PKGBUILDs moved to AUR from the repos, but actually
should not be there. You may remove this. I'm also not sure about
the actual status of the #Maintainer/#Contributor lines. Maybe some
other TU knows, if Maintainer is now allowed in AUR PKGBUILDs.

I'm wondering if you are talking about any particular projects you
want to help with or start, in your last paragraph?



I think we some time ago came to the conclusion that the one who 
actually takes care of the package _now_ is the Maintainer, and everyone 
who formerly maintained the package is a contributor.

IMHO exactly this are the meanings of the words "maintainer" and 
"contributor". But I may be completely wrong.

Regarding your packages:
makedepends=('autoconf' 'automake' 'libtool' 'pkgconfig') is not needed 
(cairo-ubuntu). All these tools are in base-devel.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Biru Ionut

2009-04-05 Thread Stefan Husmann

Abhishek Dasgupta schrieb:

2009/4/5 Daenyth Blank :

That is no longer the case. I could dig up the ML thread in which it
was discussed, but I'm rather lazy. Can you link to the page that has
that wording so it can be updated?
Maintainer is the person responsible for updating the package,
contributors are as Stefan said, previous maintainers (or people who
have submitted updates)

I didn't know about this... namcap -i still shows
 'Maintainer tags for TUs and devs only.'

Could you provide a link to the ML thread where this was discussed?
I've no preferences either way, but atleast if it was decided that the
definition has changed, then it should be reflected in the wiki and namcap.

I think it was discussed in October 2008 in concern with the applicance 
of foutrelis.

The Thrread is named "[aur-general] Where to put your name when you 
adopt an AUR package (was: TU Application) "

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] First Package

2009-04-07 Thread Stefan Husmann

hollun...@gmx.at schrieb:

On Tue, 7 Apr 2009 10:51:24 -0400
Lucas Salies Brum  wrote:

My first package in AUR was submitted today, someone could check to
see if I did not crap?

Thank you.
Lucas Saliés Brum
lsbrum @ irc.freenode.org

I'd do a few minor things different but you can guess what from the
recent discussions.
Since it's actively developed afaik I'd bug upstream about the
compiletime warnings instead of applying a patch.


Not "instead of", do both :)
Well done!

[aur-general] Problems with scilab packages

2009-04-22 Thread Stefan Husmann


I have a strange problem with the scilab packages I maintain in 
[community]. The i686 version lacks a directory 
/usr/share/scilab/modules/helptools/jar/ , which is needed for the help 
browser. The package for x86_64 has this directory. I have no idea why 
this ist the case, since they both use the same PKGBUILD.

Any hints are appreciated.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Problems with scilab packages

2009-04-23 Thread Stefan Husmann

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi schrieb:

Stefan Husmann wrote:


I have a strange problem with the scilab packages I maintain in
[community]. The i686 version lacks a directory
/usr/share/scilab/modules/helptools/jar/ , which is needed for the
help browser. The package for x86_64 has this directory. I have no
idea why this ist the case, since they both use the same PKGBUILD.

Any hints are appreciated.

Regards Stefan

Hi :)

You are building from a clean dir on x86_64? rm -rf src pkg because...

That was my first thought, too, but yes, the dir was clean.

In the Changelog:
* bug 4302 fixed - Do not build the helptool module when
   is used

You use -disable-build-help in PKGBUILD

PS: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-install-help-file

Without --disable-build-help the build fails on both architectures. I 
will try without --with-install-help-file.

Thank you for your suggestions.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Problems with scilab packages

2009-04-25 Thread Stefan Husmann

Stefan Husmann schrieb:

Gerardo Exequiel Pozzi schrieb:

Stefan Husmann wrote:


I have a strange problem with the scilab packages I maintain in
[community]. The i686 version lacks a directory
/usr/share/scilab/modules/helptools/jar/ , which is needed for the
help browser. The package for x86_64 has this directory. I have no
idea why this ist the case, since they both use the same PKGBUILD.

Any hints are appreciated.

Regards Stefan

Hi :)

You are building from a clean dir on x86_64? rm -rf src pkg because...

That was my first thought, too, but yes, the dir was clean.

In the Changelog:
* bug 4302 fixed - Do not build the helptool module when
   is used

You use -disable-build-help in PKGBUILD

PS: configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-install-help-file

Without --disable-build-help the build fails on both architectures. I 
will try without --with-install-help-file.

Thank you for your suggestions.

Regards Stefan

Sorry, that did not help. Other ideas?

Regards Stefan

[aur-general] Inactivity

2009-05-02 Thread Stefan Husmann


I will be inactive for next week until Saturday, because I will have a 
lesson at Augsburg, Germany. Feel free to do updates of my packages.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Delete request

2009-05-17 Thread Stefan Husmann

Ralf Barth schrieb:


Please remove the two packages:

1) xbmc-smoothvideo
   http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=26372 and

2) xbmc-vdpau

as they are both obsolete now that xbmc-svn has incorporated the same


Done, thank you.

Re: [aur-general] (Reminder) gnome moved to git

2009-05-24 Thread Stefan Husmann

nez...@gmail.com schrieb:

The gnome project moved their source repositories from svn to git(1). Maybe
that's old news for some readers but It's certainly not for all of them
All gnome-related svn PKGBUILDS are already obsolete or will
become obsolete in the near future .

I wonder what is the best solution in this case . Let individual
maintainers upload new git packages and ask for removal of the old svn
ones ?

(1) http://svn.gnome.org


maybe we should make an announcement on archlinux.org about that. Not 
every package maintainer reads this list.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Package Removal discid

2009-05-24 Thread Stefan Husmann

Ronnie Collinson schrieb:

There appears to be a copy of discid in both the AUR
[1]and community repo.

Thanks, Ronnie

[1] discid from AUR http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=3110

Ronnie, all community packages also appear in AUR. This may change, but 
now its is true.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] PKG needs deleting

2009-05-31 Thread Stefan Husmann

nathan owe. schrieb:

On Mon, 01 Jun 2009 01:05:33 +0300
Evangelos Foutras  wrote:

nathan owe. wrote:


i need the about pkg deleted, it is a duplicate pkg sorry. i tried
to find a way to delete it myself but couldn't

Deleted. :)

thanks sorry for the touble. is there any way i can delete if i have to?


no, only TUs can do so. Ther was some misuse of the feature that 
everyone could delete his or her own packages some time ago.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] updating pkg trouble

2009-05-31 Thread Stefan Husmann

nathan owe. schrieb:

I adopted linkage to update the version since it was outdated. i
believe that it is requesting libtorrent-rasterbar but it is saying
libtorrent>=0.13 is needed but there is no such version i searched for
libtorrent that is atleast 0.13 and it points to rasterbar's
version and i have it installed for sure but it saying i
still need libtorrent>=0.13 what do i do.

Try to remove the "extra/"-prefix from the dependency array in your 


Re: [aur-general] new pkg error

2009-05-31 Thread Stefan Husmann

nathan owe. schrieb:

The following packages will be built:
==> linkage
 Do you want to continue? (Y/n): y
==> Building linkage [package 1 of 1] ... 
==> Making package: linkage 0.2.0-1 i686 (Sun May 31 18:12:04 CDT 2009)

==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
==> Retrieving Sources...
  -> Found linkage-0.2.0.tar.gz in build dir
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
linkage-0.2.0.tar.gz ... Passed
==> Extracting Sources...
  -> bsdtar -x -f linkage-0.2.0.tar.gz
==> Removing existing pkg/ directory...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting build()...
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for pkg-config... /usr/bin/pkg-config
checking pkg-config is at least version 0.9.0... yes
checking for GTKMM... yes
checking for LIBGLADE... yes
checking for GCONFMM... yes
checking for GTHREAD... yes
checking for LIBTORRENT... configure: error: Package requirements
(libtorrent >= 0.13) were not met:

No package 'libtorrent' found

Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
installed software in a non-standard prefix.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables LIBTORRENT_CFLAGS
and LIBTORRENT_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.

make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
==> ERROR: Build Failed.
==> Installing linkage-0.2.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz [package 1 of
1] ...makepkg failed! ==> ERROR: I was unable to install these
packages: linkage

Oops, that is really annoying. There are so many incarnations of 
libtorrent running around. But I guess libtorrent-rasterbar is the 
correct one.

The configure script is looking for libtorrent and should look for 
libtorrent-rasterbar. Use an sed command to do the replacement.

sed -i 's+libtorrent+libtorrent-rasterbar+' configure

If that fails, try to make a PKBUILD for libtorrent using


You may be able to do so via abs with the PKGBUILD from 
libtorrent-rasterbar. Install that and try again.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Deletion request.

2009-06-01 Thread Stefan Husmann

Peter Lewis schrieb:


As part of my attempt to rationalise these packages in the AUR, and as 
described in the explanation / warning notices on the packages' pages, 
could these two packages please be deleted?


maintained by me

They are superseded by vim-latexsuite and vim-latexsuite-svn 



Done, thank you.

Re: [aur-general] Delete this package: [python-configobj]

2009-06-05 Thread Stefan Husmann

Tomás Acauan Schertel schrieb:


As far as I know, configobj is a third part lib for python, working in a
different way of ConfigParser.
ConfigParser != configobj.

Tomás A. Schertel
Linux Registered User #304838
Arch Linux User
"I wanna rock and roll all nite and python every day"

X Fórum Internacional Software Livre - fisl10
24 a 27 de junho de 2009
PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brasil

2009/6/5 Angel Velásquez 


Python's ConfigParser module is part of the standard library right now,

So even if you don't have this package installed you can do:

$ python

import ConfigParser

And this will work :)

Maintainers of these packages should rebuild the packages and remove
the dependency of the PKGBUILD:


Opening a bug in the flyspray anyway


Angel Velásquez
angvp @ irc.freenode.net
Linux Counter: #359909

I read it the same way as you, Tomás, but in python-mathplotlib I will 
remove the configobj dependency, because it is not mentioned on 
matplotlibs homepage.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Lost AUR password

2009-06-12 Thread Stefan Husmann

John Briggs schrieb:

Hi list,
Is the AUR admin able to send me my AUR password.
When I registered with AUR I didn't use it for a while and somehow I have
not saved it. Now I use AUR frequently and I want to be able vote for
some of the packages.



Email sent.

Re: [aur-general] Leaving Arch

2009-06-13 Thread Stefan Husmann

Angel Velásquez schrieb:

Why don't disown all packages at one time? and people will take care
of adopt them, and let this thread die?


I just had the same idea. Any objections?

Christoph, sad to see you go, but as Allan would say: "they all come back".

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Leaving Arch

2009-06-13 Thread Stefan Husmann

Thorsten Toepper schrieb:

Hash: SHA224

Stefan Husmann wrote:
| Angel Velásquez schrieb:
|> Why don't disown all packages at one time? and people will take care
|> of adopt them, and let this thread die?
|> Thanks
| I just had the same idea. Any objections?
Yes, now you are able to search for packages with him as Maintainer, so
you can search explicitly if there are packages affected that you are
using, as soon as they all are orphaned you have to check explicitely
for every package. So I think it's better to wait another few days
before orphaning them all.

| Christoph, sad to see you go, but as Allan would say: "they all come
Well I hope you have a nice time with your machine whatever system you
are now using.

| Regards Stefan
- --
Jabber: atsut...@freethoughts.de Blog: http://atsutane.freethoughts.de/
Key: 295AFBF4 FP: 39F8 80E5 0E49 A4D1 1341 E8F9 39E4 F17F 295A FBF4
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Good point.

Re: [aur-general] java pkgbuild

2009-06-15 Thread Stefan Husmann

nathan owe. schrieb:
i am trying to find an example java build on arch wiki, also been 
looking at the forums. is there no example pkgbuild that i can copy and 
put in /usr/share/pacman/


I do not think it is typical but if you want to see a java package witch 
 uses a buildsystem and which does nott only copy files from here to 
there, have a look at writer2latex in AUR.

Regards Stefan

[aur-general] Orphaning packages

2009-06-15 Thread Stefan Husmann


I just orphaned the packages of a user who obviously left us. He did not 
follow suggestions by other users and did not respond. The packages are


Regards Stefan

[aur-general] Short period of inactivity

2009-06-22 Thread Stefan Husmann


I will be on vacation until 27nth june, and will therfore be inactive. 
There are two packages of mine, yaz and scilab4, which will need a 
rebuild when readline hits core. If this happens this week, it would be 
nice if someone would do a rebuild.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Deleting a PKGBUILD from AUR

2009-06-28 Thread Stefan Husmann

reality gaps schrieb:
I packaged wordpressmu (badly) a few months ago, and recently rebuilt it properly as wordpress-mu, is there a way to delete the 

> old wordpressmu package that is replaced by wordpress-mu?



the way to do so is to ask on this list for deletion. You cannot do it 
yourself. I just deleted wordpressmu.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] AUR Moving

2009-06-29 Thread Stefan Husmann

Aaron Griffin schrieb:

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 3:51 PM, Evangelos Foutras wrote:

Pierre Schmitz wrote:

On Monday 29 June 2009 18:03:50 Aaron Griffin wrote:

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Abhishek Dasgupta

>From the ftp://archlinux.org/community/os/i686 page

community.db.tar.gz. . . . . . . Jun 27 18:01
so it hasn't been updated at all since the AUR move. If the
new [community] repo is at the new server, then what's the
link to access the repofiles, or does gerolde sync the packages
back to itself? Since the mirrors all sync from archlinux.org they'll
be getting the old community.db.tar.gz only.

Actually, this wasn't setup it seems - gerolde should be rsyncing the
repo back to itself.

I'll get to this today

Btw: The new website is prety slow for me. Is there some configuration
issue with mysql or php? Maybe forgot to isntall apc or mysql cache to

I've noticed this as well, as have several other Devs/TUs and also a
user[1]. It looks like a networking issue (i.e. the load on the server is
not excessive).

@Aaron (or whoever has contact with the host): Is it possible to have the
company providing the server look into this?

[1] http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=75047

It's weird that it seems to work fine for me:
$ ping aur.archlinux.org
--- aur.archlinux.org ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 8996ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.244/12.402/12.666/0.184 ms

Is anyone from North America having issues? Is it a continental thing?


not slower from wester europe (Germany)

--- aur.archlinux.org ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 10 received, 0% packet loss, time 9011ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 163.687/165.039/165.703/0.783 ms

But uploading seems to be much slower now.

Regards Stefan

[aur-general] communitypkg does not work

2009-07-01 Thread Stefan Husmann


I cannot upload packages to community. I have a ssh account and did set 
CVS_RSH and CVSROOT. Yesterday it worked. I have no idea what is going 
wrong here.

[haa...@frege yaz]$ communitypkg
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/tupkg", line 209, in 
  File "/usr/bin/tupkg", line 191, in main
  File "/usr/bin/tupkg", line 53, in connect
self.socket.connect((self.host, self.port))
  File "", line 1, in connect
socket.error: [Errno 111] Connection refused

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] AUR webpage

2009-07-01 Thread Stefan Husmann

Ray Kohler schrieb:

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 8:18 PM, Xyne  wrote:

nathan duane  wrote:

I have a suggestion, it would be nice to have a text editor for the AUR


so u could edit your PKGBUILDs without having to download then resubmit

I think that's an interesting idea and it should only need a few tweaks
to the code that displays the PKGBUILDs already (wrap the output in a
text area, add it to a form and then handle the POST data).

If we added this then changed the AUR so that any registered user could
edit any orphaned package online, it might encourage drive-by updates.
This would not present any new security concerns because any registered
user can already adopt a package, edit it, upload it then disown it. On
the other hand, not having to jump through those hoops might encourage
people to update it on the spot.

This might make such drive-by updates so easy that, since users would no
longer have to download the package data at all, they would submit their
edits without even bothering to compile-test them. At least now it's likely
that most people would at least run makepkg since it's only a single extra
step once you have it all downloaded and updated.



[aur-general] CVS problem? AUR Comment for moovida

2009-07-05 Thread Stefan Husmann


I got an AUR Comment for my package moovida, that the CVS button dos not 
work. What did I do wrong?

Regards Stefan
--- Begin Message ---

from http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=27871
globalmatador wrote:

the "CVS" link gives me a 404

If you no longer wish to receive notifications about this package,
please go the the above package page and click the UnNotify button.

--- End Message ---

Re: [aur-general] CVS problem? AUR Comment for moovida

2009-07-05 Thread Stefan Husmann

Abhishek Dasgupta schrieb:

2009/7/5 Abhishek Dasgupta :

Also [community] does not have a repo viewer right now
since aur.archlinux.org is not on gerolde any more.


Forget that, repos.archlinux.org does have [community] but I
don't know whether it's updated against the latest CVS
(after the AUR move).

Hm, other community packages do not have that problem.

Re: [aur-general] Disowning monsoon, monotorrent and mono-nat

2009-07-06 Thread Stefan Husmann

bardo schrieb:

2009/7/6 Angel Velásquez :

I'm not really sure where you're gathering your rules from.
If excess traffic on the list does become a problem, we'll find ways to
solve it.

Common sense, just let everybody believe that they have to report
anything on this list (as the childres ask the teachers for permission
to go to the bathroom) and you will get a nice flood, "mathematics
never fails", but go ahead, do what you want, you will remember me,
when you will get pissed off about this :)

Please guys, calm down. Let's sit down a minute and think about it.
Tomás brought to our attention a problem that all of us have noticed:
there's no mean, for willing contributors, to find out if a package
has been orphaned. I think Angel is right with this ML not being the
right place to signal orphan packages, since there's usually no
discussion involved. On the other hand, I feel that he expressed his
ideas in a bit too strong way.

Anyway, back to the problem. I see two (non-mutually exclusive)
possible solutions:
 1. Add a notification e-mail for package orphaning. In fact,
orphaning is a very important phase in the package life, and between
package subscribers there will probably be at least one person who
wants to step up and adopt it. I'm all for this one.
 2. Add an "orphaning RSS feed". Many willing contributors are always
looking for nice packages to maintain, and they have no way to find
out if their favorite package has been orphaned. An RSS feed would
allow contributors to quickly substitute former maintainers, thus
allowing an overall better AUR quality.

What do you think?



I think the easiest way to archieve something similar to point one is to 
encourage everyone who orphans a package to leave a short comment, i.e 
"orphaning", on AURs comment page. Everyone who gets notifications about 
that package (and these are the candidates for adoption) will get a mail 
then, and no code changes are needed.

Regards Stefan

[aur-general] Moving xaralx to unsupported?

2009-07-06 Thread Stefan Husmann


th xaralx package in community does not compile since gcc 4.4 is to be 
used. Now with upcoming libjpeg 7 xaralx will need a rebuild, but I do 
not know how to deal with this problem:

basebar2.cpp: In constructor 'BaseBar::BaseBar()':
basebar2.cpp:364: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(364) : Port 
Message: Not using dither pattern
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'virtual void 
basebar2.cpp:499: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(499) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::SetFormatVariables - do nothing

basebar2.cpp: In member function 'void BaseBar::CloseCombos()':
basebar2.cpp:527: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(527) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::CloseCombos - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'virtual wxRect 
basebar2.cpp:702: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(702) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::GetFormatRect - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'virtual DockBarType 
basebar2.cpp:776: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(776) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::IsPointerOverDock - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'virtual wxRect 
BaseBar::SetBarSize(DockBarType, BOOL)':
basebar2.cpp:825: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(825) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::SetBarSize - do nothing

basebar2.cpp: In member function 'BOOL BaseBar::Show(DialogBarOp*)':
basebar2.cpp:923: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(923) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::Show - do nothing

basebar2.cpp: In member function 'BOOL BaseBar::Hide(DialogBarOp*)':
basebar2.cpp:1003: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(1003) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::Hide - do nothing

basebar2.cpp: In member function 'BOOL BaseBar::Create(DialogBarOp*)':
basebar2.cpp:1041: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(1041) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::Create - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'BOOL BaseBar::RecreateAt(KernelBarPos, 
DockBarType, BaseBar*, DialogBarOp*, wxWindow*)':
basebar2.cpp:1226: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(1226) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::RecreateAt - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'BOOL BaseBar::Recreate(DockBarType, 
BaseBar*, DialogBarOp*, BOOL)':
basebar2.cpp:1346: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(1346) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::Recreate - do nothing

basebar2.cpp: In member function 'KernelBarPos* BaseBar::GetBarPosition()':
basebar2.cpp:1671: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(1671) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::GetBarPosition - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'BOOL BaseBar::FormatLineFeeds(INT32, 
wxSize*, INT32*)':
basebar2.cpp:2032: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(2032) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::FormatLineFeeds - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'UINT32 
basebar2.cpp:2249: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(2249) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::GetNearestControl - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'virtual BOOL 
BaseBar::FormatFloatingBar(BOOL, ForceControlSize)':
basebar2.cpp:2464: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(2464) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::FormatFloatingBar - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'virtual BOOL 
BaseBar::FormatHorizontalBar(BOOL, ForceControlSize)':
basebar2.cpp:2772: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(2772) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::FormatHorizontalBar - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'virtual BOOL 
BaseBar::FormatVerticalBar(BOOL, ForceControlSize)':
basebar2.cpp:3021: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(3021) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::FormatVerticalBar - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'void* BaseBar::GetModuleInst(const 
BarControlInfo*, UINT32*)':
basebar2.cpp:3257: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(3257) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::GetModuleInst - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'BOOL 
BaseBar::CreateControlItem(DLGITEMTEMPLATE*, BarControl*, void*, UINT32)':
basebar2.cpp:3614: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(3614) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::GetModuleInst - do nothing

basebar2.cpp: In member function 'void BaseBar::InformControlsDead()':
basebar2.cpp:4313: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(4313) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::InformControlsDead - do nothing
basebar2.cpp: In member function 'virtual void 
BaseBar::StartDrag(wxPoint, DlgDragType)':
basebar2.cpp:4465: note: #pragma message: basebar2.cpp(4465) : Port 
Message: BaseBar::StartDrag - do nothing

basebar2.cpp: At global scope:
basebar2.cpp:4568: error: '#pragma' is not allowed here
basebar2.cpp:4597: error: expected '}' before 'wxEventTableEntry'
basebar2.cpp:4597: error: expected ',' or ';' before 'wxEventTableEntry'
basebar2.cpp:4597: error: expected declaration before '}' token
make[2]: *** [libwxOil_a-basebar2.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory 

make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory 

make: *** [all-recursive] Error

Re: [aur-general] CVS problem? AUR Comment for moovida

2009-07-11 Thread Stefan Husmann

Aaron Griffin schrieb:

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Aaron Griffin wrote:

On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 9:15 AM, Loui Chang wrote:

On Sun 05 Jul 2009 15:22 +0200, Stefan Husmann wrote:

I got an AUR Comment for my package moovida, that the CVS button dos
not work. What did I do wrong?

The cvs repository on repos.archlinux.org doesn't reflect the current
repo, so if your package was added after the AUR move then it won't show
up there.

Regarding this: what do you think a proper solution would be? Putting
a repo viewer on aur.archlinux.org? Or rsyncing to gerolde?

Keep in mind this will change when I finally get to the move to SVN
(soon, I promise! Been sick)

Just an FYI - gerolde is now rsyncing community CVS because I've been
slow on the SVN move. The repo viewer should work fine in the interim.

Sorry for the late reply: It works! Thank you.

Re: [aur-general] Pike pkg

2009-07-11 Thread Stefan Husmann

nathan owe. schrieb:

[ndow...@arch pike]$ sudo pacman -U pike-7.8.316-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
loading package data...
checking dependencies...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: pike: requires unixodbc gtk gnome-panel postgresql-libs

but it is in my depend array and yaourt says they are installed but 
still it won't let me install the pkg


there are missing ' before some dependencies in the depends array. BTW 
libffi seems to be a makedependency.


Re: [aur-general] orphaning simulavr in AUR

2009-07-11 Thread Stefan Husmann

taptaptap dödödö schrieb:

Hello TUs!

Can anybody orphan this package?
http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=12869. I can maintain it, and I
maintain such an embedded packages in  AUR, thank you.

Btw, http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=26259 <- this package is a
duplicated for the previous one, i think.

Laszlo Papp


obvioulsly someone did orphan 
http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=12869 already.

http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=26259 will be deleted.

Regards Stefan.

Re: [aur-general] CVS freeze and move to SVN/official tools

2009-07-18 Thread Stefan Husmann


i am still failing to upload packages to [community]. The communitypkg 
script from the aurtools wants a password, which I do not have, I only 
have aa passphrase. The devtools package does not include a communitypkg 



Re: [aur-general] CVS freeze and move to SVN/official tools

2009-07-18 Thread Stefan Husmann

Allan McRae schrieb:

Stefan Husmann wrote:


i am still failing to upload packages to [community]. The communitypkg 
script from the aurtools wants a password, which I do not have, I only 
have aa passphrase. The devtools package does not include a 
communitypkg script.

The communitypkg script has not been updated yet so you need to do 
something like this:

svn co 
cd /trunk
(update pkgbuild, build package, and scp it to ~/staging/community on 

svn commit -m "update message"
archrelease community-{i686,x86_64}

on sigurd:

The whole upload, commit and archrelease will be handled by communitypkg 
once it gets updated

Hope that helps...


Thank you, that worked for the package apvlv.


[aur-general] wrong permissions on sigurd

2009-07-22 Thread Stefan Husmann


the file /srv/ftp/community/os/i686/community.db.tar.gz.old cannot be 
written by the group tusers. Please do a chmod 664 on it.

Thank you.

Re: [aur-general] wrong permissions on sigurd

2009-07-22 Thread Stefan Husmann

Ronald van Haren schrieb:

On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Stefan Husmann 


the file /srv/ftp/community/os/i686/community.db.tar.gz.old cannot be
written by the group tusers. Please do a chmod 664 on it.

Thank you.

looks fine here...

-rw-rw-r-- 1 root tusers 374933 2009-07-22 16:32 community.db.tar.gz


its is the .old file.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] yafc doesn't compile

2009-07-25 Thread Stefan Husmann

Dieter Plaetinck schrieb:

did anyone manage to get yafc to compile?
( http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=298 )
I tried playing with the configure options and doing ./autogen.sh but i always 
get errors :(



if I do  add --without-readline to the configure line id builds. Without 
doing so I can confirm your problem.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] yafc doesn't compile

2009-07-25 Thread Stefan Husmann

Dieter Plaetinck schrieb:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 13:26:11 +0200
Stefan Husmann  wrote:


did you remove the src dir before recompiling?

I used the following PKGBUILD under x86_64.

# Contributor: Roman Porizka 
pkgdesc="yet another ftp client"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')

build() {
   cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
  ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-krb5 --without-readline || return 1
   make || return 1
   make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1

I guess not. didn't know that was needed.
just too bad we don't have readline anymore now.  Guess we'll have to wait 
until upstream makes it work with the new readline.

Thanks for the help


The PKGBUILD needs some adjustments regarding proper manpage and info file 
handling. I will post a better one to AUR. Also support for kerberos 5 can 
be given using a small patch.


Re: [aur-general] yafc doesn't compile

2009-07-25 Thread Stefan Husmann

Henning Garus schrieb:

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:

I guess not. didn't know that was needed.
just too bad we don't have readline anymore now.  Guess we'll have to wait 
until upstream makes it work with the new readline.

That could take some time, last release was 2005. I have attached a
patch which seems to fix the compile issues with readline6. This is
more or less the result of some sed lines, so please don't start
shouting at me if it breakes your system.


Hello Henning,

attachments do not make it through this mailing list, so can you please use a 
pasting service and post the link here?

Thank you


Re: [aur-general] yafc doesn't compile

2009-07-26 Thread Stefan Husmann

Dieter Plaetinck schrieb:

On Sat, 25 Jul 2009 18:52:39 +0200
Henning Garus  wrote:

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 3:29 PM, Henning
Garus wrote:

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Henning
Garus wrote:

On Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Dieter Plaetinck wrote:

I guess not. didn't know that was needed.
just too bad we don't have readline anymore now.  Guess we'll have to wait 
until upstream makes it work with the new readline.

That could take some time, last release was 2005. I have attached a
patch which seems to fix the compile issues with readline6. This is
more or less the result of some sed lines, so please don't start
shouting at me if it breakes your system.


Ok forget about this, after donvla stated on AUR that it works with
readline-6-00, I looked at the differences between readline-6-00 and
readline-6-003, the latter puts libreadline.a into /usr/lib instead of
/lib. It seems when yafc looks for readline it starts in /usr/lib and
uses libreadline.a which exports xmalloc and which leads to compile

If you run configure --with-readline-lib=/lib it uses libreadline.so
and compiles.

Allright! I can confirm that this works. happy yafcing !


PKGBUILD updated!

Re: [aur-general] sort new AUR packages by date

2009-07-31 Thread Stefan Husmann

zachsmith...@gmail.com schrieb:

I see that new packages are tagged "new" in the list on the AUR Home 
page.  How can I browse newly added packages by date and see the 
packages that have been added in the last month, for example?  I want to 
exclude packages that are just recent updates.


select "advanced" and "sord by", there you can scroll dow to "age". 
Then choose "ascending" or "descending".

The "new" does not in first mean, that these packages are newly updated, 
but that they are submitted for the first time.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Deletion request

2009-07-31 Thread Stefan Husmann

Ryan Coyner schrieb:

Can somebody please delete jboss5 5.0.0.GA-1? [1]

The appropriate package jboss 5.1.0.GA-1 already exists. [2]

[1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=23798
[2] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=5293

done, thanks

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Laszlo Papp

2009-07-31 Thread Stefan Husmann

Laszlo Papp schrieb:


I'd like to formally express my interest in becoming a Trusted User.
My name is Laszlo Papp and I'm addicted to archlinux. :) I'm a 23 year
old from Hungary, working at a resourcement/development company as
Embedded Linux Developer.

I've been using Linux for more than 7 years. I used Gentoo until early
2008, and I learned a great deal about Linux in the process. I settled
on Arch more than 1 year ago, nearly 1 and half :) Moving to Arch was
easy for me, because of my years of experience with Gentoo. I was very
attracted by the lack of dominance of money and business world and by
the warm and friendly community.

I have got some experience in Assembly, C, VHDL languages. I have
written some open source usb kernel driver (for Passport Reader,
Fingerprint Reader, etc.), and a pci kernel driver.  I've worked with
PIC, AVR microcontrollers, DSP processors, ARM architecture, and FPGA
design. I deal with Blackfin DSP board with Embedded Linux on it
recently, and I try to help to write C/ASM API for this.

My username on the BBS, AUR, Wiki, Bugs, and Freenode is
djszapi. Mainly my contribution to archlinux community was on this
sites. See the following URL for my packages in AUR:

I think that Arch does not have a significant presence in the embedded
development area of community. I wish to make Arch a viable choice for
an embedded developer, by maintaining more popular embedded
development related packages in [community].  My Second purpose to do
the best support in Arch for vim editor. I like to work from a text
console, with framebuffer, and vim :) As a TU, I will offer my
knowledge and time to improve my favourite distribution and also the
open source world, which gave me so much in the last few years.

I would like to add these packages to the [community] repo.
1. AVR microprocessor: avarice, avra, avr-gdb, kontrollerlab, simulavr,
tavrasm, uisp,
2. PIC microprocessor: picasm, picp, picprog, pikdev, piklab, pk2cmd
3. Blackfin Digital Signal Processor: blackfin-toolchain-elf
4. Tinyos: nesc, tinyos, tinyos-tools
5. ARM architecture: openocd-svn
6. Picoblaze Softcore processor: kpicosim
7. FPGA design: ghdl-bin, verilator
8. Some common, like usb-serial converter driver: libftd2xx.

Feel free to ask me, if something is obscure or you would like to know
more about me.

Thanks to Stefan Husmann for sponsoring me.

Best Regards, Laszlo Papp

Hello TUs and other listmates,

I am glad to sponsor Laszlo for his TU applicance. He is very active
on forums and this list, and I think his goals in making Arch Linux a
preferred Linux distribution for embedded Linux developers can make Arch more
popular. His packaging skills are very well, and I think he would be a
valuable team member.

So let us consider his applicance and discuss it in the next five days.

Regards, Stefan

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Laszlo Papp

2009-07-31 Thread Stefan Husmann

Biru Ionut wrote

not many days ago you asked be if is frustrating to have 300 packages in 
comparative with the number of packages that some TUs have. i see that 
you got now only 78 packages. Can i asked you why did you got rid of the 
rest? you picked up only the good ones?


Hello Birot,

of course you may ask any question but can you please explain why you 
think the packages Laszlo orphaned are worse than the packageges he kept?

IMHO reconsidering priorities is a right every user has, TU or not. 

Regards, Stefan

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Laszlo Papp

2009-08-01 Thread Stefan Husmann

Heiko Baums schrieb:

Well, I'm not a TU, and can't vote, but keep in mind, what a TU is,
what TU means and what a TU's task is.

I don't want to offend Laszlo, and I'm probably doing him wrong.

I guess you TUs know this anyway, but let me say it anyhow.

Trusted User doesn't mean, he likes Arch Linux - I like it, too -, he
likes to contribute to Arch Linux and to the community. Trusted User
means, that this user is completely trustworthy and that this user can
be completely trusted especially in security-related stuff. 

I must say I am really shocked about that statement. What makes you think so? 
do you have a technical problem with one of his packages?

There are
so many doubts about Laszlo, that I don't think, that he is really
trustworthy. I, too, have my doubts about it. And keep in mind, that
not only other TUs but also every other normal user must trust a TU.

I that would be true, we cannot have any TUs. There may always exist a user 
who is paranoid about any specific person. These doubts should not be 
published on mailing lists if there is no concrete case that has happend. 
Also, even if there is a concrete case, we are humans and make mistakes.

And we are able and willing to correct them, to learn and not to do them again.

The task of a TU is not to maintain a few - maybe 300 - packages in
AUR. This can do every user. Writing documentations in the Wiki can
also be done by every normal user. And every normal user can help other
people in the forums.

Sure can these things be done by any user. But one of the latest applicances 
was done because someone was very helpful on AUR bug day. And it turned out 
that he is a very good TU. 

Btw., I don't know, why someone needs to maintain or at least
contribute 300 packages in or to AUR. Most of them - except of about 2
or 3 - are vim plugins anyway. 

so what?

I only maintain a few packages I need
myself, so that I can test them, before I upload them to AUR. I don't
think, that I could do it with 300 packages.

That point has been often discussed. Noone uses so much packages on adaily basis. 
But if every TU only maintains packages he or she actually uses, we would have, 
let's say, about 200 or 300 packages in [community]. I am quite sure there would 
be an outcry if we stop maintaining [community]-packages we do not use often. 

The task of a TU is especially maintaining and compiling packages in
the community binary repository and to do administrative and security
related stuff in the AUR like orphaning packages etc. A TU needs to be
able to write working and trustworthy PKGBUILDs, and a TU needs some
more than only basic scripting skills, because some applications need
PKGBUILDs which are not quite trivial, the people - every Arch Linux
user - rely on and trust the binary repositories in terms of security
and stability. I don't see this with Laszlo.

Why not? He is kernel developer! Where do you see "only basic scripting skills"?

Particularly see the symlink thing in his PKGBUILD for the library. 

What do you mean?

he was a Gentoo user for more than a year - I was one for about 6 years
-, he should know, that a library doesn't have to be symlinked to keep
or get reverse dependencies compatible to updated libraries. See
revdep-rebuild, which every Gentoo user knows only too well. Symlinking
a library can only be a quick and dirty workaround locally on one PC
until the reverse depedency is rebuilt or fixed. If such a symlink is
needed by another package, than he should file a feature request to
upstream. So this shows me, that Laszlo doesn't have enough scripting
and packaging skills, at least not enough to be able to build and
maintain packages in a semi-official binary repository, which every
user trusts.

We can discuss this point, but can a single package destroy trusts in a person? 
The majority of Laszlo's packages give me the impression that his skills are 
good enough. If you find one that is bad, make suggestions how it can be made 
better, but do not say you do not trust him.

I also read his comment in the forums, which Xyne posted here.

Well the "Welcome to the forum" can be seen friendly. But then he
writes "We must realize whether...", and just repeats, what Allan has
already written. For me it sounds as he feels like already being a
developer, or that he wants to presume to be one. I don't know Laszlo's
intention, and I can do him wrong, but somehow it looks like craving
for recognition, there are at least doubts.

So I don't know, if I could trust him enough.

Well, you will never know. You cannot look into someones head. I cannot see 
any reasons to not trust Laszlo's willingness and skills to be a good TU. 

Sorry for the long reply.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Laszlo Papp

2009-08-01 Thread Stefan Husmann

Heiko Baums schrieb:

Regarding your other answers in your reply to my e-mail, I can tell
you, that I read all your e-mails in this thread. Nevertheless I still
have doubts. You theoretically can tell anything. Not meant offending.

On trial, and I am really get associations that this is one, there is the 
principle "in dubio pro reo". 

Why are you so enthusiastic? Why do you want so absolutely become a TU?
Why are you so in a hurry? Why don't you just maintain some packages in
AUR as a normal user, write documentations in the Wiki, help people in
the forums or do anything else, what you like to do, for Arch Linux or
the community as a normal user?
Well, why are _you_ so enthusiastic to prevent his election? 

In the applicance Laszlo wrote why he wants to become a TU. Did you read that?


Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] TU application: Laszlo Papp

2009-08-05 Thread Stefan Husmann

Laszlo Papp schrieb:

Hello TUs!

Thanks this discussion period for you! It was very edifying for me, really
thank you.
It was a very special applicance, because of large amount of mails, and with
some doubts, critics. I hope I didn't hurt anybody with my answers, and with
this application, but if did that, really sorry, I wouldn't have liked to do

I decided so not to start the voting period now. Maybe I could get some
vote, but this is absolutely unimportant for me. Instead of it, I will try
to improve myself, where I'm lacking. I will try to dispel the doubts there
are around me, maybe this 5 five days wasn't enough for you, and I accept

It will be weird, but I'm happy with your mentality, and behaviour not to
choose everybody into the team. (If anybody knows the history of gentoo
developer team, he/she will understand this sentence :) )

At last, I really thank you everything for Stefan, he is a great person, he
helped me tirelessly so much, I don't know how to give back it, but forever
gratitude for him ;)

Best Regards,
Laszlo Papp


I want to express my respect for Laszlo's decision. It will hopefully correct 
some of the doubts and critics that came up in the animated discussion, and at 
least to me this decision is a very mature and honorable one. So I want to 
thank Laszlo for his fairness in this discussion, and wish him all the best. 

Laszlo, I hope you are not too disappointed, and that you do not stop 
supporting and contributing. From that I know from you I think this will not 
be the case. I wish you all the best.

Best Regards 

Re: [aur-general] latexmk is gone?

2009-08-06 Thread Stefan Husmann

Florian Preinstorfer schrieb:

is there any reason for this deletion?

best regards,


latexmk is part of texlive-bin 2009 in [testing]. This can cause file 
conflicts, so I removed the PKGBUILD from AUR.

This issue came up in the forum, too. You can do a forum search and copy and 
paste the PKGBUILD from there.

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Need help updating nbd package

2009-08-06 Thread Stefan Husmann

Peter Simons schrieb:


the nbd package at AUR, http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=9691,
has been out-of-date for quite a while. I have an updated PKGBUILD
(attached below) and wonder whether there is a way to make that update
happen even if the maintainer of that package has apparently lost

Take care,


the maintainer of nbd is a wellknown person, who is probably busy with the 
upcoming new Arch Linux iso releases. Let us give him some time to answer. 

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] PD license/no license

2009-08-08 Thread Stefan Husmann

Anton Shestakov schrieb:
Hey there. 

I want to submit sdlmame-cheats package to AUR. Basically, this package would 
provide a single file; archived collection of user-provided xml files for using 
in sdlmame. But I have some difficulties with it's license. I couldn't find it 
nor on the official site, nor in the archive.

Actually, I've asked on local forum what license they are providing their work under [1]. The reply 
was, I quote, "Any individual cheats in this forum/submitted can be taken as Public Domain. I 
don't know if the collection needs a license or what type of license to put on the full 
collection". So what do you think, can I put a "license=('PD')" in PKGBUILD? Or even 
no license at all?

[1] http://www.mamecheat.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3450&start=0


to my knowledge, not in every country something like "Public Domain" is even a valid term in justice, so I would say, wait a little if there are other answers on that forum, and if not, put license=('unknown') into the PKGBUILD, but provide a license file with the answer you cited from the forum. 

Regards Stefan

Re: [aur-general] Moving from AUR to community

2009-08-09 Thread Stefan Husmann

Xyne schrieb:

What's the recommended procedure for moving packages from the AUR into




if the package has more than 10 votes or more than 1% usage in pkgstats, 
you can just do it. It would be nice to leave some friendly words on the 
AUR comment-page or in a private mail to the maintainer.

If the package has less than 10 votes and less than 1% usage in pkgstats,
you can ask on this list. You will need 3 TU's affirmation to move it.

For the technical side refer to



Best Regards Stefan.

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