Re: advice

2015-09-09 Thread Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen
Since i3 is not programmable there will naturally be things you can't do
with i3. Out of the box I'd say that i3 is prettier than awesome.

Awesome and i3 both have plain text configs, remember that lua code is
written in plain text :). I don't know of the i3 community, but I know that
the awesome community is really nice.

The largest difference, which probably is the difference which should make
you choose between the window managers is that one has manual tiling and
the other dynamic tiling.
Awesome has dynamic tiling. This means that you set a layout, and the
windows are tiled according to the layout. For example there's a layout
that places one window to the left filling up the entire left of the
screen, and the rest of the windows are stacked to the right.
i3 has manual tiling, this means that you simply move the windows around in
a grid you change to your liking.
Manual tiling sounds nice, but personally there's always a layout which
places the windows the way I want, and when you use a layout, it's faster
than manual placement.

Note that one of the layout rules in awesome is floating which makes every
single window a floating window, which many find useful. This is not
possible in i3.

ons. 9. sep. 2015 kl. 04.50 skrev Ray Andrews :

> On 09/08/2015 02:02 PM, Paweł Rumian wrote:
> > If awesome won't appeal to you, you can give i3 a try - I remember
> > that I liked it really a lot - in some aspects more than awesome.
> Paweł
> That's the other one I'm thinking of trying.  From what I hear, it's
> 'easier' but less powerful.  How would you rate them side by side? They
> say the docs are better and it's plain text config. But they will not
> have such a helpful community ;-)
> --
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Re: advice

2015-09-09 Thread Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen
I'm not convinced that java is a terrible language, it has a really good
standard library, and with lambdas in the newer versions it really is
becoming more useful. The problem is simply that it has a lot of
boilerplate, but this simply means it's more designed for larger projects.
Anyway if you're fluent in C, you should grasp the concepts of programming
and as long as you can keep track of the 1 based indexing you shouldn't
have a problem.

You could of course always ask the mailing list if you're having issues
with your configuration.

- Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen

Tlf: +45  23 70 75 12

2015-09-09 16:55 GMT+02:00 Ray Andrews <>:

> On 09/08/2015 11:29 PM, Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen wrote:
>> Awesome and i3 both have plain text configs, remember that lua code is
>> written in plain text :).
> True!  Even 'plain text' config must have syntax.  As long as lua isn't
> too horrible, like Java :-(
> I'm fluent in C.
> I don't know of the i3 community, but I know that the awesome community is
>> really nice.
> Yes, I've had so much help already, and I'm not even a user yet.  I will
> get my sh** together, and give it a go.
> --
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Re: advice

2015-09-08 Thread Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen
I've done my best to address your requirements.

*I have dual monitors, and I can't drag anything between monitors.*
This will definitely not be an issue, if you hold the Mod4 key (usually
windows key) you can drag windows around in the "grid" of the screen and
between screens.

*I hate trying to configure things using those stupid pop up dialogue
boxes. I'd like text configuration files that I can edit, save, backup and
You will not be configuring anything in dialog boxes with awesome.

*It would be nice if it worked sensibly out of the box.*
It works, but is pretty ugly. Take a look at awesome-copycats which someone
else mentioned for better look.

*I don't need fancy effects.*
You won't find any of these in awesome.

*I want windows on screens that I can resize, maximize, minimize, etc.  **Nice
if they snap to borders to avoid wasted space.*
Maximizing windows is not really a concept used in tiling wm land. You
don't arbitrarily move around windows with your mouse, instead you have a
few layout rules, which define how the windows are located and sized on the
screen. All the default rules place the windows in a way such that the
entire screen is completely filled with windows, and no windows overlap.
You can make specific windows floating which means they are not part of the
layout rule and you can arbitrarily move the windows around like you're
used to.

*Xfce gives normally six or so desktops than you can change to, that's
In awesome you have a thing called tags, they're basically like your
desktops in xfce but you can put a window on several tags, and you can show
several tags at the time.

*The mouse has to work.*
The mouse moves around when you move your physical mouse around, and clicks
on things when you press the physical button on the mouse. I'm not sure
what kind of answer you're expecting here.

*I need custom keyboard shortcuts.*
In the configuration file you have a list of keyboard commands, so you can
just add your own. They can perform arbitrary lua code.

*Basically nothing strange.*
Awesome is a tiling wm and that may be strange to you, however that does
not make it a bad thing, and you should definitely give tiling a try.

*I don't want to have to spend six months learning Lua.*
Lua is a pretty simple language.

*I want a simple, predictable, *
If you read the code of the configuration file, you will definitely be able
to predict what's going to happen.

Since you can program it, there are no other more configurable options.

*WM that is usable** but doesn't bother me with bells and whistles*
You will not find any bells or whistles beside the ones you program youself.
tir. 8. sep. 2015 kl. 20.23 skrev Bruno Ferreira :

> @ray I like the configurations that get installed with Manjaro Awesome
> respin ( The initial
> configuration may be too minimal. I don't know if you need to install
> packages besides awesome to use this config. use the virtual machine first.
> @alexander try searching for "awesome wm" instead of just "awesome"
> Cumprimentos,
> Bruno Ferreira
> 2015-09-08 19:14 GMT+01:00 Alexander Tsepkov :
>> Not sure what you want to hear. If you've expecting to hear a sales pitch
>> on awesome, I don't think there is a need, you're installing a free wm, not
>> buying a car, just test it in virtualbox first if you're worried. If you're
>> asking about specific features of a modern wm, they're all there - some not
>> through vm itself (for example I installed awesome on top of xfce and use
>> thunar file manager, and several xfce widgets). It's been a while since I
>> installed awesome, I didn't like the idea of tiling wms at first, but now
>> got so used to it I installed hammerspoon on my OSX to emulate it.
>> Awesome works fine out of the box, I don't remember if I had to do
>> anything to get my dual-monitors working but xrandr drives that and I
>> mapped windows+P to switch between display setups via bash script. One
>> thing to note is that keyboard shortcuts weren't intuitive to me right away
>> so I switched some around. The default theme is also pretty ugly, but
>> replacing it with one of preset ones from github is pretty easy (
>> It also doesn't
>> come with a compositor at first (so no shadows or transparent windows you
>> may be used to), but that's a good thing since it gives you more
>> flexibility. I use compton as my compositor and really like it. Unless you
>> plan to customize your look and feel, you don't really need much lua. There
>> are available widgets like volume, networking, etc. you can plug in (and
>> will need to do if your theme doesn't already come with them). My only pet
>> peeve with awesome is it's name, try googling for anything regarding
>> awesome and see how often the first page contains a relevant result.
>> On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Ray Andrews 

Re: keeping awesome responsive

2015-08-26 Thread Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen
You could set awesomes niceness value to something negative.

tor. 27. aug. 2015 kl. 04.09 skrev Carlo Cabanilla

 Is there a good way of keeping awesome responsive even when certain
 clients are using up all the cpu? Maybe something clever with cgroups?


Re: How do I set up Awesome with MATE?

2015-05-11 Thread Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen
What's not happening? You cant select awesome? Awesome doesn't start?
Something else?

man. 11. maj 2015 kl. 05.25 skrev Greg Meyer

 Can you explain what is not happening that you expect to happen? I don't
 really understand what your issue is.

 On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 3:01 PM Nickolai Leschov

 I still need help.

 Is this a wrong kind of mailing list for this kind of question?

Re: How do I set up Awesome with MATE?

2015-05-11 Thread Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen
I'm not sure what's wrong, but it seems mate doesn't use nautilus, and you
might need to replace something else. Personally I simply use awesome
directly and start it with startx

man. 11. maj 2015 kl. 14.21 skrev Nickolai Leschov

 Awesome doesn't start. I don't know where should I be able to select it; I
 don't use a greeter (yet).

Re: Last main loop iteration took 45 seconds

2015-05-03 Thread Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen
Are you doing anything fancy in your rc.lua?

- Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen

Tlf: +45  23 70 75 12

2015-05-03 8:12 GMT+02:00 Rena

 On Sat, May 2, 2015 at 5:09 PM, Rena wrote:
  I've always got a handful of messages when first starting Awesome:
  W: awesome: a_glib_poll:239: Last main loop iteration took
  1.7487seconds! Increasing limit for this warning to that value.
  But just now, everything froze up (could move the mouse around, but
  couldn't click on anything, windows didn't focus when pointing at
  them, etc) for about a minute, followed by that same message again,
  but this time taking a whole 45.594669 seconds.
  No idea what triggered it; was just browsing in Firefox. Any ideas?
  Nothing interesting shows up in system logs.
  Sent from my Game Boy.

 102 seconds that time... getting pretty annoying.

 Sent from my Game Boy.

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Re: Different screen resolution for each virtual desktop?

2015-03-29 Thread Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen
The easiest way to manage screen resolutions is with the application
arandr, it can also generate a bash script for setting the resolution to a
specific configuration. If you plan to have each virtual desktop with a
different resolution, you can edit rc.lua to run the appropiate bash script
when you switch desktop.

søn. 29. mar. 2015 kl. 18.09 skrev Felix E. Klee

 I am looking for a window manager with virtual desktops, where I can
 configure different screen resolutions for each desktop. A lower
 screen resolution may also be realized by some kind of software zoom

 Background: For a user, turning 80 this year, I plan to set up a
 laptop with a 3K 5.6 screen. Some applications can be adapted to the
 high resolution. Other applications, however, for example Xfig, likely
 are hard to use because icon size and line width cannot be scaled in
 configuration. The idea is to use these applications on a virtual
 desktop with a lower resolution, or with a full-screen zoom. The user
 is familiar with the concept of virtual desktops.

 Ideally there would be widget to scale the resolution with buttons, on the

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