I'm not convinced that java is a terrible language, it has a really good
standard library, and with lambdas in the newer versions it really is
becoming more useful. The problem is simply that it has a lot of
boilerplate, but this simply means it's more designed for larger projects.
Anyway if you're fluent in C, you should grasp the concepts of programming
and as long as you can keep track of the 1 based indexing you shouldn't
have a problem.

You could of course always ask the mailing list if you're having issues
with your configuration.

- Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen

Email: kristof...@ryhl.dk
Tlf: +45  23 70 75 12

2015-09-09 16:55 GMT+02:00 Ray Andrews <rayandr...@eastlink.ca>:

> On 09/08/2015 11:29 PM, Kristoffer Ryhl-Johansen wrote:
>> Awesome and i3 both have plain text configs, remember that lua code is
>> written in plain text :).
> True!  Even 'plain text' config must have syntax.  As long as lua isn't
> too horrible, like Java :-(
> I'm fluent in C.
> I don't know of the i3 community, but I know that the awesome community is
>> really nice.
> Yes, I've had so much help already, and I'm not even a user yet.  I will
> get my sh** together, and give it a go.
> --
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