[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: Production closing error: Quantity ordered may not be reduced, as there are

2007-01-23 Thread futzawm

I am sorry Harry, but exactly where and how do I do that? I mean I
copied the data to a test environment and I do know how to make manual
changes on tables (though I am very uncomfortable doing that). But I
am not sure exactly which table and exactly which fields to change
(clear out the inventory reference, inventory reference number).
Thanks for bearing with me!


--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, Harry Deshpande

 Ok now copy the data to a test system. Clear out the inventory
reference (set it to none) and inventory reference number (set it to
) manually. Close the production order and check if the problem goes
away. This will confirm the root cause of the problem
 From: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of futzawm
 Sent: 22 January 2007 18:33
 To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: Production closing error:
Quantity ordered may not be reduced, as there are
 Hi Harry, thanks for the response. I can't find the line in any of the
 BoM journals (there isn't a BoM journal associated with that
 particular production which has not been registered). So just to be
 sure, would the line in the database you mention be the line in the
 'InventTrans' table--i.e., the line with references?
 Thanks again!
 --- In
Harry Deshpande
 harryd@ wrote:
  If this field is filled up then there is a BOM journal that has not
 been posted. If you cant see this in the form then search for the line
 in the database.
  If (you find the line)
  Delete this line and you should be ok
  Let me know.
  This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no
 rights. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms
 specified at http://www.microsoft.com/info/cpyright.htm;
  The code provided (if any) may be written from the point of view of
 a third party and the programming style/development standards may suit
 such a point of view.

On Behalf Of futzawm
  Sent: 17 January 2007 18:21
  Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: Production closing error:
 Quantity ordered may not be reduced, as there are
  Thanks for your response, Harry. I believe you are referring to the
  'General' tab of the 'Transactions' form. Yes, there's an inventory
  reference (the field is 'TransChildRefId' and the Type is 'Picking
  List Journal'). Would that be of significance? Note that the status of
  the transaction is 'On order' as pointed out in my original question.
  --- In

 Harry Deshpande
  harryd@ wrote:
   Is there any inventory reference on the inventory transaction for
  the item? I dont have Ax in front of me right now, but this reference
  is I think on the second tab and the field is InventRefChildId or
  something similar


 On Behalf Of futzawm
   Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 9:23 PM

   Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Production closing error:
  Quantity ordered may not be reduced, as there are..
   Please help on the following problem (I have seen similar
questions in
   the forum but none Were resolved):
   We are trying to close a production order and the following error is
   being generated:
   Calculating BOM Consumption
   Posting - Picking list journal
   Journal: PJ
   Voucher: PV
   Line No: 1
   Item No: 00123
   Quantity ordered may not be reduced, as there are not enough stock
   transactions with 'on order' status.
   The items are 'Sold', 'Deducted' or 'Picked'.
   The production was started with the item in question but another
   was substituted during production. Registration of the picking list
   journal was thus done with the item consumption = 0. There are no
   transactions with 'Sold', 'Deducted' or 'Picked' status

[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: Production closing error: Quantity ordered may not be reduced, as there are

2007-01-22 Thread futzawm

Hi Harry, thanks for the response. I can't find the line in any of the
BoM journals (there isn't a BoM journal associated with that
particular production which has not been registered). So just to be
sure, would the line in the database you mention be the line in the
'InventTrans' table--i.e., the line with references?

Thanks again!

--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, Harry Deshpande

 If this field is filled up then there is a BOM journal that has not
been posted. If you cant see this in the form then search for the line
in the database.
 If (you find the line)
  Delete this line and you should be ok
  Let me know.
 This posting is provided AS IS with no warranties, and confers no
rights. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms
specified at http://www.microsoft.com/info/cpyright.htm;
 The code provided (if any) may be written from the point of view of
a third party and the programming style/development standards may suit
such a point of view.
 From: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of futzawm
 Sent: 17 January 2007 18:21
 To: Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: Production closing error:
Quantity ordered may not be reduced, as there are
 Thanks for your response, Harry. I believe you are referring to the
 'General' tab of the 'Transactions' form. Yes, there's an inventory
 reference (the field is 'TransChildRefId' and the Type is 'Picking
 List Journal'). Would that be of significance? Note that the status of
 the transaction is 'On order' as pointed out in my original question.
 --- In
Harry Deshpande
 harryd@ wrote:
  Is there any inventory reference on the inventory transaction for
 the item? I dont have Ax in front of me right now, but this reference
 is I think on the second tab and the field is InventRefChildId or
 something similar

[EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:Axapta-Knowledge-Village%40yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of futzawm
  Sent: Monday, January 15, 2007 9:23 PM
  Subject: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Production closing error:
 Quantity ordered may not be reduced, as there are..
  Please help on the following problem (I have seen similar questions in
  the forum but none Were resolved):
  We are trying to close a production order and the following error is
  being generated:
  Calculating BOM Consumption
  Posting - Picking list journal
  Journal: PJ
  Voucher: PV
  Line No: 1
  Item No: 00123
  Quantity ordered may not be reduced, as there are not enough stock
  transactions with 'on order' status.
  The items are 'Sold', 'Deducted' or 'Picked'.
  The production was started with the item in question but another item
  was substituted during production. Registration of the picking list
  journal was thus done with the item consumption = 0. There are no
  transactions with 'Sold', 'Deducted' or 'Picked' status for the item
  as referring to that particular production. However, the item
  transactions show a quantity equal to the original started quantity
  with status 'On Order' for that particular production (therefore, no
  reason for the error not enough stock transactions with 'On Order'
  status). I saw one earlier response to this type of problem by
  fvatne where it was suggested that the problem can be a result of
  mismatch between different dimensions. This seemed a logical reason
  but the problem was not solved even after we removed all dimension
  restrictions on the particular item. How would we be able to resolve
  this problem? Would be very grateful for some pointers.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: Cancel Reservations Generated by Production Orders

2006-11-18 Thread futzawm

Thanks, Markus, please be here always:-)!

If you mean the picking list which reserved the item in the first
place, yes those picking lists are open. And it is those reserved
items that I want to release. I do not want to (or let's say can't)
delete the picking list (or the picking list line) for that specific
production, I just want it to release the items that it has
automatically grabbed and wait for its turn, so to speak. I have
changed the parameters so as to prevent automatic reservation in the
future but the problem is what should we do for the items already
I tried to remove the reservation from the picking list line as you
suggested but the result is exactly the same--i.e., the reservations
form comes up but with no figures in the 'Reservations' field and so
no possibility of deleting the reservation. I also read somewhere that
one possible solution is to reverse the status of the production back
to 'Created' but that sounds to me as an extreme type of a solution.
Surely there's a simpler way of removing reservations of the kind I

Thanks a lot again Markus, I do appreciate your help.


--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, markusotte2

 It's me again!
 Probably there are opened picking lists for the items?
 Then the reservations are tranfered from the ProdBOM to the picking 
 You habe to delete the picking list or remove the reservation from 
 the picking list line.
 --- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, futzawm 
 futzawm@ wrote:
  Hi all. 
  We have reservations on some items generated by production orders. 
  wanted to cancel these reservations through the method outlined in 
  manual (Item--Transactions--Select line with Reserved
  Physical--[button]Inventory--Reservation: and try to 
  the Reservation field). However, this field comes up empty in 
  cases (even though there's a quantity reserved on the item as can 
  viewed in the transactions form) and so no changes can be made
  (negative quantities are not allowed in the field). 
  How can one release/cancel the reservation in such a case? A 
  question: why is it that in some cases it is possible to see (and 
  edit) the reserved quantity and in other cases not? We have AX3.0 
  I would greatly appreciate any help in this matter! Thanks.

[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Re: Inventory Issue and Receipt cost problems

2006-11-16 Thread futzawm

Thank you very much for your response, Markus, and your effort to
help. Sorry for not having responded immediately, I was not able to. I
am including below the settings you asked for. However, I have also
noted that sometimes, the cost distributes correctly as you state
although I have not been able to discover why only sometimes. Would
greatly appreciate your help in identifying why. Thanks again!


Number Groups:  
General Tab:
Allocation Group: Only for inventory transactions: Checked (allows
for multiple number per purchases, etc.); On physical update: Checked
Activations Tab:
Purchase Activation: Checked; Order Activation: Not Checked; Inventory
Activation: Checked 

Inventory Model Group: 
Setup Tab: Ledger integration: Register financial inventory; Physical
Udate: both parameters are not selected.

Inventory Dimension Group: 
General Tab: Serial number control: checked; Blank receipt/issue
allowed: not checked; Physical/Financial inventory: not checked

--- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, markusotte2

 I tried to reproduce your problem, but I could 't achieve.
 So I need all settings:
 -Inventory model group, Setup
 -Dimension group, Serial number, General
 -Serial number group, on physical update?
 In my example the first packing slip distributed
 the physical cost equally to each serial numbered item
 (Transactions, Tab:Update, Physical cost amount), as you required.
 --- In Axapta-Knowledge-Village@yahoogroups.com, futzawm 
 futzawm@ wrote:
  Hello, I am stuck on a problem that I hope someone will help me 
  (I posted this on the Dynamics AX community site but unfortunately 
  one has replied). (I am using AX 3.0 Sp3)
  We have an item which requires serial numbers. The serial number 
  parameters were setup for Only for stock transactions 
 and  Purchase 
  Activation (automatic generation of serial numbers). The dimension
  group the item was assigned to had serial numbers as primary 
  I noticed that if the items arrive in groups (of 2 or 3, say from 
  original order of 20), then updating the packing slip (delivery 
  will assign the physical cost to the first item (and not 
 distribute it
  equally to each serial numbered item). This in itself would not 
  been a problem since (I assume) recalculation after financial 
  would correct the costs or, one can use the adjustment form to do 
  The problem arose when (let's say due to a rush on the order) 
  somehow generated an invoice for partial shipment without first
  creating and posting the packing slip. The shipped items (per each
  S/N) now show as having a financial cost on the On-hand form (but 0
  quantity). Transactions on the item have an amount on the 'Cost
  Amount' field for the receipt (Purchased) transaction but nothing 
  the corresponding issue (Sold) transaction (to offset, I believe). 
  inventory close has been made since those transactions but the 
  was not closed. 
  How does one correct this? Recalculations do not do it and I also 
  not able to get the transactions to adjust (Closing and 
 Adjustment --
  Adjust -- Transactions -- Select: Item number and all other
  selection criteria as well--the form comes up empty). I would 
  appreciate for some help on how one goes about rectifying this
  situation. A related question is, was this situation really caused 
  shipping not generating a delivery note before posting an invoice? 
  assumed that AX automatically completes previous steps if not
  explicitly performed). 
  Thanks a lot!

[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Cancel Reservations Generated by Production Orders

2006-11-16 Thread futzawm

Hi all. 

We have reservations on some items generated by production orders. We
wanted to cancel these reservations through the method outlined in the
manual (Item--Transactions--Select line with Reserved
Physical--[button]Inventory--Reservation: and try to change/cancel
the Reservation field). However, this field comes up empty in some
cases (even though there's a quantity reserved on the item as can be
viewed in the transactions form) and so no changes can be made
(negative quantities are not allowed in the field). 

How can one release/cancel the reservation in such a case? A related
question: why is it that in some cases it is possible to see (and thus
edit) the reserved quantity and in other cases not? We have AX3.0 SP3.
I would greatly appreciate any help in this matter! Thanks.
