Re: [Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Variables - e-mail templates using HTML

2008-08-04 Thread Nitesh
Hi George,

You can declare the variable  by assigning it between % *variable* % in
email template editor window.To Assign value to this variable use method
SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(str, Map); *Str* decide whether text is
Message or Subject of email .

str Message
Map paramMap
paramMap= new Map(Types::String,Types::String);
paramMap.insert('CustomerName', salesTable.accountNum);
paramMap.insert('SalesId', salesTable.SalesId);
Message = SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(SysEmailTemplate.Mail, paramMap);


On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 7:23 AM, ge_burrell 

   Did anyone have answer yet to question posed by Craig last year?

 Regarding alerts, he asked:

 On the email templates using html there are variables.

 Can anyone tell me where these variables are declared??

 Additionally, is it possible to declare more variables there?



[Axapta-Knowledge-Village] Variables - e-mail templates using HTML

2008-08-03 Thread ge_burrell
Did anyone have answer yet to question posed by Craig last year?

Regarding alerts, he asked:

On the email templates using html there are variables. 

 Can anyone tell me where these variables are declared??

Additionally, is it possible to declare more variables there?
