Can I use Axis-C for http transport?

2006-05-30 Thread Bo Xie

Hi all,

I found there were HTTPTransport.dll and HTTPChannel.dll in
axis-c-1.6b-Win32-trace-bin\bin directory.

My question is: Can I use Axis-C for http transport? e.g., like
windows API URLDownloadToFile[1] or libcurl[2]? If Yes, how to do
it? Is there any sample source code?


Thank you very much!

Best Regards,
Xie, Bo

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XML message does not get validated

2006-05-30 Thread Wolfram Kaiser

when I create the XML message using the Axiom API in my testechoString() method 
it does not matter whether a valid sub-element is created or not. For example, 
both of the following lines of code work:
OMElement requestElement = 
OMElement paramElement = factory.createOMElement(string, defaultNamespace);
OMElement requestElement = 
OMElement paramElement = factory.createOMElement(string12, defaultNamespace);

My WSDL extract looks like this (with the complex type echoString named 

xs:schema xmlns:xs=; 
elementFormDefault=unqualified attributeFormDefault=unqualified
  xs:element name=echoString
xs:element type=xs:string name=string /
  xs:element name=echoStringResponse
xs:element type=xs:string name=return /
  wsdl:message name=echoStringMessage
wsdl:part element=ns2:echoString name=part1 /
  wsdl:message name=echoStringResponseMessage
wsdl:part element=ns2:echoStringResponse name=part1 /
  wsdl:portType name=MyServicePortType
wsdl:operation name=echoString
  wsdl:input message=ns:echoStringMessage /
  wsdl:output message=ns:echoStringResponseMessage /
  wsdl:binding type=ns:MyServicePortType name=MyServiceSOAP11Binding
soap:binding style=document 
transport=; /
wsdl:operation name=echoString
  soap:operation style=document soapAction=urn:echoString /
soap:body namespace=; use=literal 
soap:body namespace=; use=literal 

Thus, I would expect that the string12 sub-element would be rejected by the 
web service but it is not. Can anyone advice me how to enable validation for 
XML messages when working with the Axiom API?

Thank you,

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[axis2] Exception at code generation using JAXME databinding

2006-05-30 Thread donnerdrummel2000-mailing

trying to use Jaxme for databinding causes the
following exception during code generation in

Exception in thread main
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException:
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] ... 2 more
 [java] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
 [java] at
 [java] ... 3 more

Using XMLBeans for instance, everything works fine. So
are there any known problems with this type of

Thanks Ted.

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[Axis1.4] ??!! Why there is no type definition in wsdl generated by the Attachments sample??

2006-05-30 Thread 蘇 軼(CEC)

hi all,

I want to parse the wsdl of the 
'attachments' sample by accessing
the URL:
but in the wsdl, there is no type 
definition of "tns1:DataHandler", so when
I use to parse it, I got error below 

Reading WSDL document from 
Type {urn:EchoAttachmentsService}DataHandler is referenced but not defined/ 
[en]-(Type {urn:EchoAttachmentsService}DataHandler is referenced but not 

How to define the type 

Thank you very much !

- sukie

Maybe I have time difference of 12 hours, 
sorry for late reply. :)

Re: axis compile error - package does not exist

2006-05-30 Thread femke

yes, the jar files are in the looks like an obvious
classpath thing but given it compiled with javac under the dos prompt, it
doesn't quite make sense.

any other ideas would be most welcome.


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RE: [Axis2] Multithreaded client, performance degradation.

2006-05-30 Thread Ramanathan, Subramanyam

My client code spawns n number of threads,
In each thread I send 1000 requests in a loop using a HttpUrlConnection handle.
I am requesting the same server.
Same socket - I have not done anything to force a single socket to be used, but 
I believe http 1.1 tries to use the same persistent tcp connection to send the 

Upon checking with ethereal - I find that the requests are not going over a 
single connection, but over four or five.
Does this impact to a great extent ? But then, I find some performance drop 
even when I ran my client, with 10 threads each and from two-three different 

Thanks and Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Morten Steffensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Axis2] Multithreaded client, performance degradation.

Out of interest - are you requesting the same server. And if so, is the 
requests using the same socket ?

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Morten Steffensen

Emercos ApS

Ramanathan, Subramanyam skrev:

 I've been running a few performance tests on Axis2 to compare it with Axis1. 
 I've found that when I post requests using a multithreaded http client [ that 
 spawns multiple threads each sending a certain number of requests ] , the 
 performance of Axis2 seems to degrade, whereas that of Axis1 seems to be 
 relatively stable when tested using the same client. 

 Here are the figures I have got. Each thread sends 1000 requests.
 I have measured throughput by measuring the time taken for all the threads to 
 finish and then calculating requests per sec.

   Axis2(req/sec)  Axis1(req/sec)
   --  ---
 10 threads  - 1105.530784 545.9761944   
 20 threads  - 635.3480599 556.6025772
 30 threads  - 411.2374179 550.5108726
 40 threads  - 215.8165598 570.8683581

 Apparently, as the number of threads increases, the performance drops in 
 Axis2 whereas it remains reasonably stable in Axis1.
 Can someone tell me the reason for this, and is there any way the performance 
 with multiple threads in Axis2 can be made better / stabilized ?

 My Setup:
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4
 Axis2 version 1.0
 Tomcat 5.5.17
 jdk 1.5.0_04


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Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Morten Steffensen

Emercos ApS

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Re: [axis2] Custom security context token

2006-05-30 Thread Ruchith Fernando

Let me answer your second question first:

says Initializes a new instance of the SecurityContextToken class using the
security token used to sign the Request Security Token (RST), the security
token shared by the security token service and the target Web service, and
the specified identifier.  I'm not quite sure that means.

This means that the client will make a request to a
SecurityTokenService (STS) (defined in the WS-Trust specification) to
establish the security context.
This request is a RequestSecurityToken (RST) request where it will be
signed by the token given as the first argument into the constructor.
In the case where you pass a UsernameToken the RST will be signed
using the UT. The response to RST, RequestSecurityTokenResponse (RSTR)
message will contain the SecurityContextToken that will be used to
derive keys, which will eventually sign/encrypt the actual request
messages to the service. The service will also use the same security
context token to derive keys to verify/ decrypt requests from the
client and sign/encrypt its responses.

 There's one issue though:  The .NET code is creating a SecurityContextToken
with a UsernameToken as its base.  Is there any way to do this with WSS4J?

This is possible with WSS4J 1.5 and Axis2 (svn head).

Right now we have an Axis2 module called rahas in Axis2 which
supports WS-SecureConversation only. We can use this to carryout the
handshake with the STS and obtain an SCT which can be used to derive
keys to sign and  encrypt messages.
Use of the UsernameToken in signing is only in the case of the initial
RST message to the STS and this is supported by rahas right now
using the rampart handlers internally in rahas.

Here [1] you can find some test cases that tests rahas

A word of caution : In a few days the WS-SecureConversation support
will be merged into rampart and rahas will disappear, which will
allow you to setup your scenario simply with rampart.



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Problem with WSDL2Java with HTTP POST

2006-05-30 Thread Jose Manuel Cercós Moreno

I'm trying to create a stub from .wsdl that i had created where the
binding is POST and when i executed the wsdl2java command i get an
void interface. Why? I had been to search in google and i haven't
Thanks in advance.


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
wsdl:definitions xmlns:http=;
wsdl:message name=mensajesencillo
wsdl:part name=Email type=s:string/
wsdl:part name=ServiceName type=s:string/
wsdl:part name=OperationName type=s:string/
wsdl:portType name=SencilloHttp_Post
wsdl:operation name=operacionsencilla
wsdl:input message=tns:mensajesencillo/
wsdl:binding name=SencilloHttp_Post type=tns:SencilloHttp_Post
http:binding verb=POST/
wsdl:operation name=operacionsencilla
http:operation location=operacionsencilla/
mime:mimeXml part=Body/ 
wsdl:service name=WSDLTester
wsdl:port name=SencilloHttp_Post 


package sencillo;

public interface WSDLTester extends javax.xml.rpc.Service {

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Web Service HTTP POST with complex types

2006-05-30 Thread Jose Manuel Cercós Moreno

I understand that in HTTP GET  POST the web service paramaters are
passed as protocol parameters but why can i not use this complex types
in this calls kinds? Moreover when i have a framework that could work
with this object and pass an serialized object in this parameter.
Thanks in advance.

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[Axis2] Best way to use skeleton?

2006-05-30 Thread vandenberget


When I generate the server-side code
from my wsdl, using wsdl2java, a skeleton class is generated that gets
invoked by the (generated) MessageReceiver. From what I read, I understand
that I'm supposed to implement my busines logic in the skeleton. But if
I would do that, and for whatever reason re-run the wsdl2java, the skeleton
is regenerated, hence by business logic implementation is gone! To me,
it seems that in general, one should never manually change generated source

The only thing I can think of to minimise
this problem is to treat the skeleton as an entry point, and only call
the 'real' business imlementation, that I've created myself. However you
would then typically end up with a skeleton and an implementation class
that have identical methods (signatures), which doesn't seem very elegant
to me.

Can't this be prevented somehow, e.g.
by specifying the (existing) business class and method when invoking wsdl2java,
so that the MessageReceiver will call that method, instead of calling the
generated skeleton?


[Axis2] Generated element objects vs. business objects

2006-05-30 Thread vandenberget


I'm struggling a bit with the following.

Say, I have a web service that allows
you to search for customers. It accepts a customer name, and returns a
set (any number) of customers. The response xml may look like



   nameJohn Doe/name


   nameJane Doe/name  

Obviously, in my application I have
a Customer class. Now if I create a wsdl for this web service, and generate
the server side code for it, one of the classes that is generated is a
customer class, that represents the customer in the xml response. On the
other hand, I have the Customer domain object, which is a different one.
To generate the response, I have to create 'xml response' customers, and
basically copy the information from the Customer class to it. The above
example is very simple, but you can imagine more complexe cases that would
involve a lot of copying from domain objects to xml representation objects.
This is very tedious and error-prone work -- typically work that I would
like to avoid.

Is there an elegant way to solve this


http header

2006-05-30 Thread Christian Roth
does anybody know how to access the http header in an axis java client if this
client is based on the generated stubs out of the wsdl? (e.g. in order to add
parameters to this http header)
thx, Christian

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Re: Fw: Re: [Axis2] Pls help ---- about using stub to writing echoStringclient.

2006-05-30 Thread Jenny ZHANG
Ajith and Robert, thanks,

-d xmlbean did work.  the compile was successful,  but when I run the 
echoStringclient.class, my window's cmd didn't 
get the response Axis2 Echo, instead the following information. But my 
SOAPMonitor showed successfully both
request and response message.Any idea what's wrong ? 

 [java] log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger 
 [java] log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
 [java] java.lang.RuntimeException: Data binding error
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at echoStringClient.main(
 [java] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 [java] at 
 [java] at 
 [java] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at )
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] at
 [java] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
 [java] at 
 [java] ... 23 more


=== 2006-05-30 02:06:57 you wrote:===

If my understanding of the situation is correct
The user has a provider of type 'Msg' and is unable to generate the required 
Stubs with WSDL2Java
Could you elaborate on your response that -d xmlbeans will solve this?
Martin -
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- Original Message - 
From: Ajith Ranabahu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 10:30 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [Axis2] Pls help  about using stub to writing 

 Hi Jenny,
 Seems you've mixed up the databinding frameworks. try codegenerating
 with -d xmlbeans flag
 On 5/29/06, Jenny ZHANG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hey Martin,

 What do you mean by 1.0?  I am using Axis2 1.0,  is there v1.3 out for 
 Axis2 ?
 I am actually experimenting using stub (generated by WSDL2Java) to write 
 the client,
 echoString is just a simple example I started with   Do you have any 
 idea where I
 might find some resources about using stub to writing client ? thanks,



 === 2006-05-29 08:54:23 you wrote:===

 Is there a reason why you are using Axis 1.0 instead of 1.3?
 The new 1.3 uses class org.soapinterop.EchoString
 and the specific method call is 
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 To: axis-user 

Re: [Axis2] Best way to use skeleton?

2006-05-30 Thread robert lazarski
For axis2 1.0 and beyond there is a '-ssi' flag you can add that will
generate an interface. So you can now code to that instead of the

See this jira for more info:

Robert 5/30/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


When I generate the server-side code
from my wsdl, using wsdl2java, a skeleton class is generated that gets
invoked by the (generated) MessageReceiver. From what I read, I understand
that I'm supposed to implement my busines logic in the skeleton. But if
I would do that, and for whatever reason re-run the wsdl2java, the skeleton
is regenerated, hence by business logic implementation is gone! To me,
it seems that in general, one should never manually change generated source

The only thing I can think of to minimise
this problem is to treat the skeleton as an entry point, and only call
the 'real' business imlementation, that I've created myself. However you
would then typically end up with a skeleton and an implementation class
that have identical methods (signatures), which doesn't seem very elegant
to me.

Can't this be prevented somehow, e.g.
by specifying the (existing) business class and method when invoking wsdl2java,
so that the MessageReceiver will call that method, instead of calling the
generated skeleton?


Re: [Axis2] Generated element objects vs. business objects

2006-05-30 Thread robert lazarski
Depends how you've mapped your domain objects. For example, instead of
populating your domain object, you could just populate your complex
object. And in some cases - such as hibernate - you're going to
run into lazy issues as you can't transfer those objects across jvm's.
So in the latter case you mostly need to seperate the
domain and complex objects anyways. 

In practice at least for me, the advantages of seperations of concerns
have outweighed the tedious gets and sets between your domain and
complex objects. This has been especially true in web services work,
where there is often more ways than one to get and use the data. 

Now if your domain objects were xml or could be mapped as xml easily
via frameworks such as hyperjaxb, it could open up your options. 

Just my 2 cents. 

Robert 5/30/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm struggling a bit with the following.

Say, I have a web service that allows
you to search for customers. It accepts a customer name, and returns a
set (any number) of customers. The response xml may look like



   nameJohn Doe/name


   nameJane Doe/name  

Obviously, in my application I have
a Customer class. Now if I create a wsdl for this web service, and generate
the server side code for it, one of the classes that is generated is a
customer class, that represents the customer in the xml response. On the
other hand, I have the Customer domain object, which is a different one.
To generate the response, I have to create 'xml response' customers, and
basically copy the information from the Customer class to it. The above
example is very simple, but you can imagine more complexe cases that would
involve a lot of copying from domain objects to xml representation objects.
This is very tedious and error-prone work -- typically work that I would
like to avoid.

Is there an elegant way to solve this


Re: [Axis2] Is there a WSDL file editor for Axis2?

2006-05-30 Thread Kensky Schulz

You can easily write wsdl through eclipse web tool's wsdl editor.

Here is url,

Thanks and Regards

On 5/30/06, Jenny ZHANG [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I saw a WSDL file editor (in IBM's WSTK) developed by IBM,  but with some 
unwanted binding features.
Just curious, is there an editor for Axis2 ? or do you  write WSDL manually 
(although it is not a problem) ?


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Re: [Axis2] Generated element objects vs. business objects

2006-05-30 Thread Rodrigo Ruiz

Hi Tom,

There are some options more or less practical to get what you want.

One is to replace your domain class with the generated one. This will 
probably mean moving the non-bean functionality in your domain 
Customer to another class, maybe something like CustomerHelper. Of 
course, this is not always possible, as you may have some internal 
fields in your domain class you want to keep there.

Another option is to make your domain class to subclass the generated 
class, or include it as an internal field.

Copying does not have to be so bad. If you have a fixed mapping between 
what you have in your domain classes and what you want to return as XML 
beans, you can implement the copying in a helper class. This will reduce 
the probability of an error. If you use the same names for your bean 
attributes in both classes, commons-beanutils maybe of help, as it 
provides some methods to perform conversions between bean classes.

My own experience tells me that using the same object for internal and 
XML binding purposes is not always a good idea. If your service modifies 
the state of your domain objects, using them for serialization will 
probably result in incoherences in your returned data.

Think about it. If you return your Customer, Axis 2 starts deserializing 
it to build the response, and in another request somebody changes some 
fields in the same object, the response may contain inconsistent data. 
Take into account that, once you release your object to Axis, you 
loose control over the transactionality of any operation on that instance.

I am not saying this is the end of the world. This scenario might not be 
possible in your services, or even if possible, it may have little or no 
importance. But if you do need returned data to be consistent, copying 
field values into an XML bean may be the only way to get a valid 
snapshot of your data.

Hope this helps,
Rodrigo Ruiz



I'm struggling a bit with the following.

Say, I have a web service that allows you to search for customers. It 
accepts a customer name, and returns a set (any number) of customers. 
The response xml may look like

nameJohn Doe/name
nameJane Doe/name


Obviously, in my application I have a Customer class. Now if I create a 
wsdl for this web service, and generate the server side code for it, one 
of the classes that is generated is a customer class, that represents 
the customer in the xml response. On the other hand, I have the Customer 
domain object, which is a different one. To generate the response, I 
have to create 'xml response' customers, and basically copy the 
information from the Customer class to it. The above example is very 
simple, but you can imagine more complexe cases that would involve a lot 
of copying from domain objects to xml representation objects. This is 
very tedious and error-prone work -- typically work that I would like to 

Is there an elegant way to solve this issue?


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Re: Problem with 'httpChunkStream = true' through VPN

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Gainty
Good Morning Ken-
download Axis 1.3 and look at the example in
Let me know if you need any help,
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message without making a copy.  Thank you.

- Original Message - 
From: Westelinck, Kenneth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To:; Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 1:43 AM
Subject: RE: Problem with 'httpChunkStream = true' through VPN

Thank you for the quick reply. However, I don't have the
setscopedproperty method. In which version of Axis is this available.
I'm running 1.2.1. How can I do this in 1.2.1?

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 29 May 2006 17:21
 Subject: Re: Problem with 'httpChunkStream = true' through VPN
 Good Morning Ken-
 good news you have been able to determine the workaround..
 for configuring the chunking capability you will need to set 
 the HTTP transport version back to 1.0
  Service service = new Service(); //A new axis Service.
  Call call = (Call) service.createCall(); //Create a call to 
 the service.
 /*Un comment the below statement to do HTTP/1.1 
 protocol (to enable chunking..)*/
 //Hashtable myhttp = new Hashtable();
 //myhttp.put(, yyy); //Send extra soap headers
 //myhttp.put(SOAPAction, dyyy);
 //myhttp.put(SOAPActions, prova);
 /*Un comment the below to do http chunking to avoid 
 the need to calculate content-length. (Needs HTTP/1.1)*/
 //this option will disable chunking..
 Martin --
 This email message and any files transmitted with it contain 
 confidential information intended only for the person(s) to 
 whom this email message is addressed.  If you have received 
 this email message in error, please notify the sender 
 immediately by telephone or email and destroy the original 
 message without making a copy.  Thank you.
 - Original Message -
 From: Westelinck, Kenneth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 9:45 AM
 Subject: Problem with 'httpChunkStream = true' through VPN
 Hi all,
 I am using Axis to call webservices storing business objects in
 Microsoft CRM (works great!!!). I've been developing and calling
 webservices on a server running local on top of vmware. Now I 
 am trying
 to call my colleagues development server which I can access through a
 VPN tunnel ... But it fails. I get the following exception: Connection reset
 Cool, so I started digging and found that I don't get this exception
 when setting 'httpChunkStream = false'. This is the testcode:
 HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
 Credentials credentials = new NTCredentials(user,
 HttpMethodBase method = new
 Message reqMessage = new Message(test);
 MessageRequestEntity(method, reqMessage, false));
 try {
 int returnCode = httpClient.executeMethod(method);
 String response = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
 System.out.println(Response:  + response);
 } catch (HttpException e) {
 } catch (IOException e) {
 How to propagate this property to Axis (I'm using the stub 
 generated by
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Re: [Axis2] Generated element objects vs. business objects

2006-05-30 Thread vandenberget

Hi Rodrigo,

This sure helps. Like you say, there
are multiple ways of dealing with it, and it seems to be related to style,
ease of implementation, and consistency of data. Each method has some pros
and cons. I'll give it some more thought...

Thanks, also to Robert Lazarski for
his response.

Rodrigo Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on
05/30/2006 02:39:31 PM:

 Hi Tom,
 There are some options more or less practical to get what
you want.
 One is to replace your domain class with the generated one. This will

 probably mean moving the non-bean functionality in your
 Customer to another class, maybe something like CustomerHelper.
 course, this is not always possible, as you may have some internal

 fields in your domain class you want to keep there.
 Another option is to make your domain class to subclass the generated

 class, or include it as an internal field.
 Copying does not have to be so bad. If you have a fixed mapping between

 what you have in your domain classes and what you want to return as
 beans, you can implement the copying in a helper class. This will
 the probability of an error. If you use the same names for your bean

 attributes in both classes, commons-beanutils maybe of help, as it

 provides some methods to perform conversions between bean
 My own experience tells me that using the same object for internal
 XML binding purposes is not always a good idea. If your service modifies

 the state of your domain objects, using them for serialization will

 probably result in incoherences in your returned data.
 Think about it. If you return your Customer, Axis 2 starts deserializing

 it to build the response, and in another request somebody changes
 fields in the same object, the response may contain inconsistent data.

 Take into account that, once you release your object to
Axis, you 
 loose control over the transactionality of any operation on that instance.
 I am not saying this is the end of the world. This scenario might
not be 
 possible in your services, or even if possible, it may have little
or no 
 importance. But if you do need returned data to be consistent, copying

 field values into an XML bean may be the only way to get a valid 
 snapshot of your data.
 Hope this helps,
 Rodrigo Ruiz
  I'm struggling a bit with the following.
  Say, I have a web service that allows you to search for customers.
  accepts a customer name, and returns a set (any number) of customers.

  The response xml may look like
  Obviously, in my application I have a Customer class. Now if
I create a 
  wsdl for this web service, and generate the server side code
for it, one 
  of the classes that is generated is a customer class, that represents

  the customer in the xml response. On the other hand, I have the
  domain object, which is a different one. To generate the response,
  have to create 'xml response' customers, and basically copy the

  information from the Customer class to it. The above example
is very 
  simple, but you can imagine more complexe cases that would involve
a lot 
  of copying from domain objects to xml representation objects.
This is 
  very tedious and error-prone work -- typically work that I would
like to 
  Is there an elegant way to solve this issue?
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Re: Problem with code generated by WSDL2Code

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Gainty
Good Monring

In 1.3 the name of the code generator is WSDL2Java
Here is the example I use

java -classpath $CLASSPATH. org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java NameOfService.wsdl

Martin --

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- Original Message - 
From: Paul Gonchar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 6:47 PM
Subject: Problem with code generated by WSDL2Code

 Hi guys,
 I've just started using Axis2. I need to generate
 server skeletons. I used the following command:
 call WSDL2Code.bat -uri
 -ss -sd -d adb -p com.test.generated -o output/server
 and I got a bunch of generated code that can't be
 compiled. I've noticed things like calls to
 (there is no method convertToToken in ConverterUtil)
 which may be fixed by replacing convertToToken with
 The same thing with 
 - must be replaced with convertTodateTime
 Finally I got into problem I can't fix :
private  java.lang.Object fromOM( param,
 extraNamespaces) {
try {

} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return null;
 The problem is in line - there is no
 variable Factory in class  OMElement.
 Am i doing something wrong or Axis2 is indeed that
 Paul Gonchar
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Re: axis compile error - package does not exist

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Gainty
Good Morning Femke-

This is a 2 step process
grep -S -l  jwo.landserf *.jar
note the jar that contains this package
in your startup script (such as .profile or .bashrc) apprise your CLASSPATH of 
the jar which contains 
SET CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:NameOfJarWhichContainsPackage

you MUST ensure your CLASSPATH is setup in BOTH your compile and run tasks

Martin --
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information intended only for the person(s) to whom this email message is
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message without making a copy.  Thank you.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 4:32 AM
Subject: Re: axis compile error - package does not exist

 yes, the jar files are in the looks like an obvious
 classpath thing but given it compiled with javac under the dos prompt, it
 doesn't quite make sense.
 any other ideas would be most welcome.
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Axis - User forum at
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[Axis v1.4] typeMapping or client-side class generation problem

2006-05-30 Thread Artur Kraft


I encountered a problem with the client of my axis web service, but I
could also be a problem on the server side. A "Date[]" array is beeing
transferred and the browser shows the fields correctly (as long as I
can tell), but the client receives only one element instead of five.
Something with the WSDL typeMapping or the axis client generation is
malfunctioning, I would suggest.

Three questions arise:
1) Why don't get all Dates from the SOAP xsd:dateTime elements
transferred into the date array on client-side?
2) Why is so much manual customization required?
3) Am I doing something wrong in my development process?

In the following I provide the necessary information related to this
The service has a "History" class as part of the Interface(History
class shown below), which has a "java.util.Date[]" field called

class History (web service):
import java.util.Date;
public class History {
 public Date lastCalibration = null;
 public Date nextCalibration = null;
 public Date[] allCalibrations = null;

If the client sends its request, the response in the browser looks fine
(SOAP Message shown below), it shows the five dates from the
allCalibrations Date[] field.

SOAP Response of the web service request "getHistory" 
?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
 getHistoryResponse xmlns=""

The web service WSDL, "History" complex type:
complexType name="History"
 element name="lastCalibration" nillable="true"
 element name="nextCalibration" nillable="true"
 element name="allCalibrations" nillable="true"

The cause of the client only receiving a one field Date object in the
allCalibrations field could be due to "deploy.wsdd"-file manipulations.
Generating a wsdl file from the web service interface results in many
typeMappings like the following. But a
"de.qsgrimm.webservice.mdmonitor.GetJobs" class doesn't exist, so I
removed all those entries.

TypeMapping, automatically generated by axis:


One entry was due to the Date array in the History class. The Mapping
was the following:
ArrayTypeMapping, automatically generated by axis:

But leaving the above statement in the deploy.wsdd, the field
allCalibrations(Date[]) maps on client-side to:
private java.lang.Object[] allCalibrations;

Removing also the dateTime array mapping, results in a correct
client-side-mapping as:
private java.util.Calendar[] allCalibrations;

but this configuration of History results in an exception thrown:
- Could not convert java.util.Date to bean field 'allCalibrations',
type [Ljava.util.Calendar;
- Exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

So, I altered the History class on the client-side by hand to the
following for the client to function properly. But it seems as only a
(bad) workaround to me.
private java.util.Date[] allCalibrations;
while lastCalibration and nextCalibration last as:
java.util.Calendar xCalibration
...which seems to me quite weird, but functional.

Again the three questions:
1) Why don't get all Dates from the SOAP xsd:dateTime elements
transferred into the date array on client-side?
2) Why is so much manual customization required?
3) Am I doing something wrong in my development process?

Thanks a lot for your help!
kind regards
Artur Kraft

Re: Problem with WSDL2Java with HTTP POST

2006-05-30 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
You don't have a message part called Body, so this reference doesn't make sense:mime:mimeXml part=Body/Anne
On 5/30/06, Jose Manuel Cercós Moreno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I'm trying to create a stub from .wsdl that i had created where thebinding is POST and when i executed the wsdl2java command i get anvoid interface. Why? I had been to search in google and i haven'tanything.
Thanks in advance.WSDL?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?wsdl:definitions xmlns:http=
xmlns:wsdl= name=mensajesencillo
wsdl:part name=Email type=s:string/wsdl:part name=ServiceName type=s:string/wsdl:part name=OperationName type=s:string/
/wsdl:messagewsdl:portType name=SencilloHttp_Postwsdl:operation name=operacionsencillawsdl:input message=tns:mensajesencillo/
/wsdl:operation/wsdl:portTypewsdl:binding name=SencilloHttp_Post type=tns:SencilloHttp_Posthttp:binding verb=POST/
wsdl:operation name=operacionsencillahttp:operation location=operacionsencilla/wsdl:inputmime:mimeXml part=Body/
/wsdl:input/wsdl:operation/wsdl:bindingwsdl:service name=WSDLTesterwsdl:port name=SencilloHttp_Post binding=tns:SencilloHttp_Post
/wsdl:port/wsdl:service/wsdl:definitionsINTERFACEpackage sencillo;public interface WSDLTester extends javax.xml.rpc.Service {}
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Re: Problem with WSDL2Java with HTTP POST

2006-05-30 Thread Jose Manuel Cercós Moreno

I have changed the input element by mime:content
type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded /and get the interface
without methods.
anyway, thanks Anne.


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
wsdl:definitions xmlns:http=;
xmlns:wsdl=; targetNamespace=http://sencillo;
wsdl:message name=mensajesencillo
wsdl:part name=Email type=s:string/
wsdl:part name=ServiceName type=s:string/
wsdl:part name=OperationName type=s:string/
wsdl:portType name=SencilloHttp_Post
wsdl:operation name=operacionsencilla
wsdl:input message=tns:mensajesencillo/
wsdl:binding name=SencilloHttp_Post type=tns:SencilloHttp_Post
http:binding verb=POST/
wsdl:operation name=operacionsencilla
http:operation location=/operacionsencilla/
type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded /   
wsdl:service name=WSDLTester
wsdl:port name=SencilloHttp_Post 


package sencillo;

public interface WSDLTester extends javax.xml.rpc.Service {

On 5/30/06, Anne Thomas Manes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You don't have a message part called Body, so this reference doesn't make

mime:mimeXml part=Body/


 On 5/30/06, Jose Manuel Cercós Moreno [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to create a stub from .wsdl that i had created where the
binding is POST and when i executed the wsdl2java command i get an
void interface. Why? I had been to search in google and i haven't
 Thanks in advance.

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AdminClient throws NoClassDefFoundException

2006-05-30 Thread Felix Jungermann

Hi there,
I am a total Newbie in SOAP. And so I tried to follow the Installation 
Hints from axis point to point. But as I tried to run the admin client I 
got the following error message:

H:\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\classes\samples\stockjava -cp 
%AXISCLASSPATH% org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient 
-lhttp://localhost:80/axis/services/AdminService deploy.wsdd

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: for

I set the Classpath correctly and by the way, why is Java looking for a 
Class called for???

Any ideas?


Felix Jungermann

Fraunhofer Institut
Software- und Systemtechnik (ISST) 

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Re: AdminClient throws NoClassDefFoundException

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Gainty
If you look for WEB-INF/lib/axis.jar and place that on your CLASSPATH that 
should help 

Martin --
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message without making a copy.  Thank you.

- Original Message - 
From: Felix Jungermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:49 AM
Subject: AdminClient throws NoClassDefFoundException

 Hi there,
 I am a total Newbie in SOAP. And so I tried to follow the Installation 
 Hints from axis point to point. But as I tried to run the admin client I 
 got the following error message:
 H:\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\classes\samples\stockjava -cp 
 %AXISCLASSPATH% org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient 
 -lhttp://localhost:80/axis/services/AdminService deploy.wsdd
 Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: for
 I set the Classpath correctly and by the way, why is Java looking for a 
 Class called for???
 Any ideas?
 Felix Jungermann
 Fraunhofer Institut
 Software- und Systemtechnik (ISST) 
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Re: AdminClient throws NoClassDefFoundException

2006-05-30 Thread Felix Jungermann

but it still doesn't work! The axis.jar already was in the 
AXISCLASSPATH, but briniging it into 'normal' CLASSPATH also makes no 


Martin Gainty wrote:

If you look for WEB-INF/lib/axis.jar and place that on your CLASSPATH that should help 

Martin --
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- Original Message - 
From: Felix Jungermann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 10:49 AM
Subject: AdminClient throws NoClassDefFoundException


Hi there,
I am a total Newbie in SOAP. And so I tried to follow the Installation 
Hints from axis point to point. But as I tried to run the admin client I 
got the following error message:

H:\Tomcat 5.0\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\classes\samples\stockjava -cp 
%AXISCLASSPATH% org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient 
-lhttp://localhost:80/axis/services/AdminService deploy.wsdd

Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: for

I set the Classpath correctly and by the way, why is Java looking for a 
Class called for???

Any ideas?


Felix Jungermann

Fraunhofer Institut
Software- und Systemtechnik (ISST) 

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Felix Jungermann

Fraunhofer Institut
Software- und Systemtechnik (ISST)

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D-44227 Dortmund

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Fax: +49 (0) 231 / 97 67 7 - 198

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[Axis2][xmlbeans] Why so many files?

2006-05-30 Thread vandenberget


I'm generating code for a simple web
service using xmlbeans.

In the first place, what stunned me
was the number of files that are generated for a simple web service: approximately
400 ! The first thing comes to mind (at least my mind, and I presume that
of most users) is why on earth would you need so many files? And what kind
of files are they? Xsb files... e...? I've tried to figure out what
they are, but couldn't find any documentation on them. In fact, I couldn't
find any documentation on xmlbeans at all. 

I presume these generated xsb files
are somehow dependent on the wsdl or xsd, since they're generated each
time I run wsdl2java. However, I've not seen any differences between the
files between subsequent runs of wsdl. Does this mean the files are actually
static? If so, can't they be prebuilt, and simply be shipped with axis?
Also, with each run, a new directory
is created with some unique hex id name, that will contain many xsb files.
Since this directory name is different for each run, it means that the
collection of xsb files is growing and growing. You have to clean it up
Another quirk is the TypeSystemHolder
class, that is generated, and placed somewhere between the xsb files. It's
not a generated source file that is located with the other, regular source
files. You need to have it on the classpath; that's all I know.

I'm sure it is possible to use an ant
script to do all the required copying and cleaning up, but I see this as
a workaround for a not-so-nice solution. Agree, it all works -- but it
is all a bit hairy. 

Thanks for letting me ventilate some
frustration ;)

Connection Pooling, HTTPS and nested params

2006-05-30 Thread Arsalan Zaidi
Hi.Lots of questions here :-)I'm writing a client to connect to a SOAP service. The questions are a follows:1. All communication is over HTTPS where the connection is kept alive and synchronous messages sent over the same link. How do I set up a pool of say Call objects which don't close the connection after every use?
2. The parameters passed in can be nested like so:SomeMethod POS  Source foo=IPKAK/ /POS Origin Code=foo Context=bar/
 Destination Code=baz Context=bar//SomeMethodSometimes, the nesting can be even deeper. How do I addParams to the Call Obj to achieve this? Also, how do I set the attributes of the generated XML.
Thanks in advance for all your help--Arsalan

Re: [axis2] Custom security context token

2006-05-30 Thread Shepherd McIlroy
Thanks again, Ruchith.  Your help is very much appreciated.

It turns out that the UsernameToken was completely superfluous, since
the key was being set directly on the SecurityContextToken after the
UsernameToken was.  No RST request was actually being sent.

So what would be the simplest way to implement this using Axis2?  I need
WS-Addressing, and i'm not confident in Axis1's addressing support.
Could i use an OperationClient to sign and encrypt the SOAP DOM using
WSS4J?  (I'm not clear how this might work.)  Or do i need to create my
own module?  Or should i go with the code in SVN HEAD?


On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 13:30 +0530, Ruchith Fernando wrote:
 Let me answer your second question first:
  says Initializes a new instance of the SecurityContextToken class using the
  security token used to sign the Request Security Token (RST), the security
  token shared by the security token service and the target Web service, and
  the specified identifier.  I'm not quite sure that means.
 This means that the client will make a request to a
 SecurityTokenService (STS) (defined in the WS-Trust specification) to
 establish the security context.
 This request is a RequestSecurityToken (RST) request where it will be
 signed by the token given as the first argument into the constructor.
 In the case where you pass a UsernameToken the RST will be signed
 using the UT. The response to RST, RequestSecurityTokenResponse (RSTR)
 message will contain the SecurityContextToken that will be used to
 derive keys, which will eventually sign/encrypt the actual request
 messages to the service. The service will also use the same security
 context token to derive keys to verify/ decrypt requests from the
 client and sign/encrypt its responses.
   There's one issue though:  The .NET code is creating a SecurityContextToken
  with a UsernameToken as its base.  Is there any way to do this with WSS4J?
 This is possible with WSS4J 1.5 and Axis2 (svn head).
 Right now we have an Axis2 module called rahas in Axis2 which
 supports WS-SecureConversation only. We can use this to carryout the
 handshake with the STS and obtain an SCT which can be used to derive
 keys to sign and  encrypt messages.
 Use of the UsernameToken in signing is only in the case of the initial
 RST message to the STS and this is supported by rahas right now
 using the rampart handlers internally in rahas.
 Here [1] you can find some test cases that tests rahas
 A word of caution : In a few days the WS-SecureConversation support
 will be merged into rampart and rahas will disappear, which will
 allow you to setup your scenario simply with rampart.
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Rude newbie question

2006-05-30 Thread Michael Schwarz
Hello to the list.

I just subscribed today and normally I lurk for a while when I join a
group. Not today. I did do a mailing list archive search before asking
this question, but since I found nothing there, I'm just leaping right in.

I'm doing something people might consider oddball. I'm trying to use the
Sun-free java environment on Fedora Core 5 to run Axis. That means I'm
using gcj as configured under Fedora Core 5.

I've installed the Fedora 5 packages for tomcat5, tomcat5-webapps, axis,
axis-manual, and axis-javadoc.

I found it odd that the axis webapp wasn't included in these packages
(axis must have a standalone mode?), so I downloaded axis1.2.1 (the Fedora
axis package is version 1.2.1) and installed the webapp under my tomcat5

I run happyaxis, and it is happy, with the only complaint being the
absence of  xmlsec.jar, which is not a required package.

Any time I try to run a webservice (for example, clicking Call on the
axis index page which results in going to this URL:


) I get the following error:

soapenv:Server.userException java.lang.RuntimeException: No compiler found
in your classpath! (you may need to add 'tools.jar') 

Now, tools.jar *is* in the classpath. It is also in the tomcat5 common dir
and in the axis webapp/WEB-INF/lib dir.

Let me tell you what else I have tried:

1. Putting tools.jar on the -bootclasspath argument to the java
invocation of tomcat itsel.

2. I dug in to the Fedora javac script and found that it uses the
compiler class from eclipse
(org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main), so I put that jar file in
all the usual places and tried specifying that class as the value of the
java.compiler and axis.Compiler system properties.

None of these worked.

I am within millimeters of having Axis work under FC5, I *know* I am, but
I can't for the life of me figure out how to get my Axis webapp instance
to find the java compiler! I don't pretend to be a tomcat expert. I dug
into the scripts to find out how to do these things. You can, when coming
up with suggestions, assume that I know shell scripts and generic Unix
sysadmin fairly well, but tomcat and Axis admin hardly at all.

I hope someone out there has an answer for me. In any case, hello to the
group and thank you to the folks on the Axis project for their fine

(BTW, my atom bomb solution is to give up on Fedora gcj java and use
jpackage packages, but that is actually a royal pain -- which I hope Sun's
recent moves will make better. I want to give my client a more turnkey
solution, an out of the box Fedora solution if possible.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Michael Schwarz

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RE: [Axis 2][1.0] RPCMessageReceiver with Document/Literal

2006-05-30 Thread Suyog Gandhi
Problem is resolved now.
1) xmlbeans : I used 25th May 2006 Snapshot, it seemed to be fixed.
2) ADB: In my return object, I had few null values, which was causing
NPE. Problem is Axis2 doesnot print complete stack trace, so it is
difficult to figure out which line is giving error. I had to intercept
all the calls and put error handling (which is right way anyways). I
have created JIRA issue for this problem AXIS2-781.

Thanks  Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Deepal Jayasinghe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Axis 2][1.0] RPCMessageReceiver with Document/Literal

Hi Suyoug;

 It seems to me that this is a bug in Axis2 need to fix before next
release, can u please create JIRA so that we will not forget to fix this

Suyog Gandhi wrote:

Basically to summerize my problem,

1) I wrote my simple Java class which has few public methods, which
returns some complex type objects.
2) I wrote my service.xml with RPCMessageReceiver, cause
RAWMessageReceivers will not generate WSDL for me.
3) I deployed the service.
4) Now I generated client-stub by using 2 different data bindings. (
wrote corresponding clients to test).
   - xmlbean : Server side has returned my call properly. While
unmarshalling, client-stub gives me Data Binding error caused by
document element namespace mismatch exception.
   - ADB : Server side has returned my call properly. While
unmarshalling, client-stub gives me NullPointerException.
I have not tried another data bindings.

I hope the problem is clear, and somebody can make sense out of it to
provide me with solution.

Thanks  Regards,

-Original Message-
From: Suyog Gandhi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: RE: [Axis 2][1.0] RPCMessageReceiver with Document/Literal

Some more info:

Now I used following code to create client stub: ( ADB databinding, in
previous case I was using xmlbeans data binding)
C:\WebService\WS_MDSClient2c:\axis2_1.0\bin\WSDL2Java -p
com.vistaar.clemenza.shared.webs.stub -uri
WSDL sholdn't be different, but I am attaching it again. Also attaching
new Client.

Client Console Log:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_05\bin\java -Didea.launcher.port=7533
-Didea.launcher.bin.path=C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA
5.1\bin -Dfile.encoding=windows-1252 -classpath C:\Program
s2_1.0\lib\wstx-asl-2.9.3.jar;C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA
5.1\lib\idea_rt.jar com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Calling ws_init .
After ws_init . return value: Container is up
Calling refreshMDSProxiesRequest .
After refreshMDSProxiesRequest .retur value true

RE: [Axis2] How to build aar and Axis2 war with Maven2?

2006-05-30 Thread Dave Hoffer

Thanks for the reply.

I understand that aar is a jar file with a special format.  What I am
wondering is if maven2 is aware of this 'special format'?  As I
understand maven2, it uses the packaging tag to 'know' what to do to
make the artifact.  So can I do the following?

Or do I have to use the default packaging of jar and then rename?  If
this is the case, how do I rename in maven2?  

Also regarding the services.xml file, is there any help in maven2 to
auto generate this?  If not, this probably isn't a big deal.

Regarding the war, yes I did mean how to package the aar in the war.
You state how to do this but I am wondering if there is any maven2 help
for this as well.  Depending on the answers above, the aar may be known
by maven2 as jar and/or aar and have to be copied and/or renamed as aar.
It seems this could all be automated possibly.



-Original Message-
From: Ajith Ranabahu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Axis2] How to build aar and Axis2 war with Maven2?

an aar is a jar file with a special format. You can copy the compiled
classes into the relevant directory structure and use the jar command
with maven2 if you want.
If you are planning to use generated code then it will be convenient
to call the generated ant build script.

I don't really get what is meant by Take the Axis2 aar and make the
Axis war needed for deployment ! Did you mean to say that you should
have a war with your service pre-packed ? If so just package the
services/xxx.aar into the web-inf folder of the war file.


On 5/26/06, Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Dave ;
 I dont think you need to compile Axis2 code , what I think is you have
 to add dependency into your project to pick Axis2 jars from apache

 Dave Hoffer wrote:

  I would like to start using Axis2 in a new project. The project will
  use Maven2 as the build system. How can I integrate Axis2?
  Specifically, how do I?
  - Compile my sources into the Axis aar format? Or take my
  application's jar and create the Axis2 aar format?
  - Take the Axis2 aar and make the Axis war needed for deployment.
  I would greatly appreciate info on how to do this.

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Re: [axis2] Custom security context token

2006-05-30 Thread Ruchith Fernando


So what would be the simplest way to implement this using Axis2?  I need
WS-Addressing, and i'm not confident in Axis1's addressing support.
Could i use an OperationClient to sign and encrypt the SOAP DOM using
WSS4J?  (I'm not clear how this might work.)  Or do i need to create my
own module?  Or should i go with the code in SVN HEAD?

You can go ahead and use the rahas-SNASHOT.mar (available in the
modules/security/target/ dir after the build) and try it out right
now. Even though code in wss4j supports both sign and encrypt using
SCT and derived keys as of now you can only configure rahas to encrypt
the body of the soap messages using SCT/derived key.

Please have a look at the follwing this [1] (line 87) to see how one
can set the configuration in the ServiceClient's options using the
RahasConfiguration class. You must look at the implementation of
getClientRahasConfiguration() in the RahasScenario3Test [2] class to
see the how a RahasConfiguration instance is used to obtain the
parameter to be set in the options in [1]. RahasScenario3Test is a
test case similar to your case where the client creates its own SCT
and propergates it to the service and uses it to encrypt the soap

Having said the above please understand that we _will_ be moving all
these features (and more) to rampart :-) and there will be no
rahas module in a few days. :-)



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Re: [Axis2] WSDL2Code ?

2006-05-30 Thread Paul Gonchar
I resolved the problem with OMElement.Factory - indeed
this was a WSDL problem. I had 

w:part name=getUserProfileByIdInput

instead of 

w:part name=getUserProfileByIdInput

But still I'm getting problems with generated code.
XSD data types token are parsed as
ConverterUtil.convertToToken() and calendar are
parsed as ConverterUtil.convertToCalendar(). For the
token types, I beleive you need to change
convertTotoken() (yes, 't' is lowercase) in class
ConverterUtil to convertToToken(). As for calendar -
change ConverterUtil.convertTodatetime() to

As for xmlbeans mode, I don't really like it because
it generates bunch of resources and source files in
org package.


--- Ajith Ranabahu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can you post the WSDL ? It seems that your WSDL may
 have a namespace issue !
 On 5/26/06, Paul Gonchar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Has anyone used WSDL2Code generator successfully?
  keep getting code that contains call to
  Axiom spec says OMElement is an interface and it
  contain any Factory.
  Any ideas?
  P.S. Data binding mode does not matter - in all
  I get this code.
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[Axis2] How to design a Java API that is both Java and web-service friendly?

2006-05-30 Thread Dave Hoffer
I have some POJO classes that I am designing were I will have both Java
clients (using the classes directly thru jar) as well as clients
accessing the code through a web-service API (the primary web-service
client will be JavaScript/IE).  Ideally (not required), I would like
both API's to be the same.  Here is the proposed Java API:

public class Driver implements ISpotMeasurement
 * This initiates the process of measuring and registers a listener
for the measurement results.
 * @param listener
public void addSpotMeasurementListener(ISpotMeasurementListener

 * This terminates the process of measuring and removes the
registered listener.
 * @param listener
public void removeSpotMeasurementListener(ISpotMeasurementListener

 * Enable the instrument to take a measurement now.  The actual
measurement may be delayed until the
 * user performs the physical measurement, in the case of
instruments with shoe activated measurement.
public void beginSpotMeasurement()

public interface ISpotMeasurementListener
public void onSpotMeasurement( double[] data, int statusCode );

The client calls beginSpotMeasurement() asynchronously and the data is
returned via the listener.  This makes sense in the case of the Java
application but can Axis2  web-services make this sort of an API?  Can
a web-service API register listeners?  I definitely need state
maintained on the server which I understand Axis2 supports; however is
there a better way to implement this API for the web-service clients?
What about JavaScript?  What client proxies are available?  

I understand, as newbie, that Axis2 can generate synchronous and
asynchronous method calls; how does this work given this API, given the
JavaScript client?



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Re: [Axis2] How to design a Java API that is both Java and web-service friendly?

2006-05-30 Thread robert lazarski
I'll try and answer your questions to a point where you can start
moving torwards a solution. Some of these I haven't tried yet but I
know they exist:

1) For an axis2 _javascript_ service, take a look here:

2) For registering a listener, using JMS as the transport might be what
you're after though I haven't used axis2 with JMS. Axis2 supports JMS,
and while I didn't find any docs where I thought they would be, there
are unit tests in the source such as JMSEchoRawXMLTest . Dims may be
able to comment more. 

3) I typically use an adapter or a Spring service that sits in between
the axis2 / web layer invokations to the business layer that provides
the same glue between the layers. 

4) WS-Addressing generates an UUID that can be used for session
tracking, along with ServiceGroupContext. I often either generate a
UUID and store it via EHCache, or use a stateful session bean to
generate and expire an ID for me - but I'm strange like that ;-) . 


On 5/30/06, Dave Hoffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have some POJO classes that I am designing were I will have both Javaclients (using the classes directly thru jar) as well as clientsaccessing the code through a web-service API (the primary web-serviceclient will be _javascript_/IE).Ideally (not required), I would like
both API's to be the same.Here is the proposed Java API:public class Driver implements ISpotMeasurement{/** * This initiates the process of measuring and registers a listenerfor the measurement results.
 * * @param listener */public void addSpotMeasurementListener(ISpotMeasurementListenerlistener){}/** * This terminates the process of measuring and removes the
registered listener. * * @param listener */public void removeSpotMeasurementListener(ISpotMeasurementListenerlistener){}/** * Enable the instrument to take a measurement now.The actual
measurement may be delayed until the * user performs the physical measurement, in the case ofinstruments with shoe activated measurement. */public void beginSpotMeasurement(){}
}public interface ISpotMeasurementListener{public void onSpotMeasurement( double[] data, int statusCode );}The client calls beginSpotMeasurement() asynchronously and the data isreturned via the listener.This makes sense in the case of the Java
application but can Axis2  web-services make this sort of an API?Cana web-service API register listeners?I definitely need statemaintained on the server which I understand Axis2 supports; however is
there a better way to implement this API for the web-service clients?What about _javascript_?What client proxies are available?I understand, as newbie, that Axis2 can generate synchronous andasynchronous method calls; how does this work given this API, given the
_javascript_ client?Thanks,-dh-To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Axis2][Current Nightly May 30th] ADB: Array Converter Utility is faulty

2006-05-30 Thread Sebastian J. Schultheiss
Hi there,

we have discovered a bug in ADB's array conversion. We are calling a service
that returns an array of integers and another one of doubles.

We used WSDL2Java to create a client and a service using ADB databinding from a
WSDL that contains the following return types:

xs:element name=predictEpitopesResponse
   xs:element minOccurs=0 type=xs:integer name=StartPositions
   xs:element minOccurs=0 type=xs:double name=Scores 

Curiously, WSDL2Java wants the integer array to be of type BigInteger, which is
not what we expected (long maybe? how can we ensure this?)

The code that causes the following exception looks like this:

object.setStartPositions( (java.math.BigInteger[])

java.math.BigInteger.class, list1));

This is the output of the err.println and the exception:

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ArrayStoreException
at org.apache.axis2.SVMHCServiceStub.fromOM(
at org.apache.axis2.schmain.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ArrayStoreException
at java.lang.System.arraycopy(Native Method)
at java.util.ArrayList.toArray(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.axis2.SVMHCServiceStub.fromOM(
... 2 more

We think it looks like the numbers are integers... so there's no reason why the
ConverterUtil should fail like this. We've logged a JIRA bug at
and submitted all relevant files.

Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

-- Sebastian

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Help on creating a MessageElement

2006-05-30 Thread Mona Yazbeck


I need help on this! I am trying make an update 
operation on a web services. I used WSDL2Java to create TestCase class. The 
testcase class use a method taking in parameter two value, a string and a 
updateListItemsUpdates... wich is in fact a MessageElement

binding.updateListItems(new java.lang.String(), new;

I am changing this line to put value in it and I 
wanna pass this:

Method ID='1' Cmd='New'
 Field Name='Title'Family 
Name='FirstName'First Name/Field

as my second argument, but I have no idea how to 
put this in a MessageElement[].

In .NET I was using this and it was working 

Dim xDoc As New 
Dim xBatch As System.Xml.XmlElement = 
xBatch.SetAttribute("OnError", "Return")
xBatch.InnerXml = "Method ID='1' Cmd='New'Field 
Name='Title'Last Name/FieldField Name='FirstName'First 
Dim xReturn 
As System.Xml.XmlNode = 
oListWS.UpdateListItems("Contacts", xBatch)

Any help would be greatly 

Below is the complex type from my 

s:element name="UpdateListItems"
s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="listName" type="s:string" /
s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="updates"
s:complexType mixed="true"
s:any /


[Axis2][Nightly May 30th] XMLBeans databinding still not working -- Classpath problem?

2006-05-30 Thread Sebastian J. Schultheiss
Hi there,

Even after *days* of testing and trying different things, we still arrive at the
same error with the current nightly (May 30th).
We are using Eclipse to build and run our project under Windows XP. Did you ever
try to run a client with xmlbeans under windows? How does the classpath have to
look like? We always get a class not found exception whenever we DON'T include
the xbeans-packaged.jar from the lib directory of the created client. We also
have all the jars from the axis2/lib dir in the classpath. Is there anything we
shouldn't do?

The problem is logged as a JIRA:

This is part of the stack trace:

org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data binding error
at org.apache.axis2.runLoc.main(
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data binding
error; nested exception is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Data binding error
at org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.makeFault(
... 21 more

at org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.init(
... 3 more

Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Out of desparation we
now tried to use ADB instead, but found another bug there, see separate email.

-- Sebastian

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Re: Rude newbie question

2006-05-30 Thread robert lazarski
I'm going to try and give some basic advice. Bounce some more questions to th list if you're still stuck 

Do you have JAVA_HOME etc defined in your .bashrc? Such as: 



Once that's done, do:

. .bashrc 

Then for testing...


You may not need JRE_HOME - i'd try without first. Also, tools.jar must
be AFAIK only part of the bootloader classloader. I'd try taking your
tools.jar out of all the other places. Try:

locate tools.jar 

To know for sure. 

Also, its important to look carefully at the the files under tomcat/logs - you may find a clue there. 

Lastly, you may try looking at CATALINA_OPTS to see how to tweak the tomcat config. 

Robert 5/30/06, Michael Schwarz 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hello to the list.I just subscribed today and normally I lurk for a while when I join a
group. Not today. I did do a mailing list archive search before askingthis question, but since I found nothing there, I'm just leaping right in.I'm doing something people might consider oddball. I'm trying to use the
Sun-free java environment on Fedora Core 5 to run Axis. That means I'musing gcj as configured under Fedora Core 5.I've installed the Fedora 5 packages for tomcat5, tomcat5-webapps, axis,axis-manual, and axis-javadoc.
I found it odd that the axis webapp wasn't included in these packages(axis must have a standalone mode?), so I downloaded axis1.2.1 (the Fedoraaxis package is version 1.2.1) and installed the webapp under my tomcat5
environment.I run happyaxis, and it is happy, with the only complaint being theabsence ofxmlsec.jar, which is not a required package.Any time I try to run a webservice (for example, clicking Call on the
axis index page which results in going to this URL:http://localhost:8080/axis/EchoHeaders.jws?method=list) I get the following error:
soapenv:Server.userException java.lang.RuntimeException: No compiler foundin your classpath! (you may need to add 'tools.jar')localhost.localdomainNow, tools.jar *is* in the classpath. It is also in the tomcat5 common dir
and in the axis webapp/WEB-INF/lib dir.Let me tell you what else I have tried:1. Putting tools.jar on the -bootclasspath argument to the javainvocation of tomcat itsel.
2. I dug in to the Fedora javac script and found that it uses thecompiler class from eclipse(org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main), so I put that jar file inall the usual places and tried specifying that class as the value of the
java.compiler and axis.Compiler system properties.None of these worked.I am within millimeters of having Axis work under FC5, I *know* I am, butI can't for the life of me figure out how to get my Axis webapp instance
to find the java compiler! I don't pretend to be a tomcat expert. I duginto the scripts to find out how to do these things. You can, when comingup with suggestions, assume that I know shell scripts and generic Unix
sysadmin fairly well, but tomcat and Axis admin hardly at all.I hope someone out there has an answer for me. In any case, hello to thegroup and thank you to the folks on the Axis project for their fine
software!(BTW, my atom bomb solution is to give up on Fedora gcj java and usejpackage packages, but that is actually a royal pain -- which I hope Sun'srecent moves will make better. I want to give my client a more turnkey
solution, an out of the box Fedora solution if possible.)Any help would be greatly appreciated!--Michael Schwarz-
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Re: Rude newbie question

2006-05-30 Thread Michael Schwarz
Thanks robert (and to the list).

I have done all the things Robert suggests. The tools.jar file is in
fact on my class path. The homes are set correctly.

Interestingly, tomcat is able to compile .jsp files (or happyaxis.jsp
would not work). But anything that actually involves a webservice (.jws)
file, including examples that come with axis will not compile and in fact
fail with the error from my original message.

REMEMBER: I'm *not* using a real Java SDK at all! I'm not using Sun's or
IBM's. I'm using the GCJ suite included with Fedora Core 5.

Tomcat is working (compiling jsp's); axis is not (compiling jws's).

Michael Schwarz

 I'm going to try and give some basic advice. Bounce some more questions to
 th list if you're still stuck

 Do you have JAVA_HOME etc defined in your .bashrc? Such as:



 Once that's done, do:

 . .bashrc

 Then for testing...

 echo $JAVA_HOME

 You may not need JRE_HOME - i'd try without first. Also, tools.jar must be
 AFAIK only part of the bootloader classloader. I'd try taking your
 tools.jarout of all the other places. Try:

 locate tools.jar

 To know for sure.

 Also, its important to look carefully at the the files under tomcat/logs -
 you may find a clue there.

 Lastly, you may try looking at CATALINA_OPTS to see how to tweak the


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Re: Rude newbie question

2006-05-30 Thread Michael Schwarz
Taking Robert's advice, I will post the stack trace from catalina.out:

java.lang.RuntimeException: No compiler found in your classpath!  (you may
need to add 'tools.jar')
   at org.apache.axis.components.compiler.Javac.init (
   at java.lang.Class.newInstance (
   at org.apache.axis.AxisProperties$ (
   at (
   at org.apache.axis.AxisProperties.newInstance (
   at org.apache.axis.AxisProperties.newInstance (
   at org.apache.axis.components.compiler.CompilerFactory.getCompiler
   at org.apache.axis.handlers.JWSHandler.setupService (
   at org.apache.axis.handlers.JWSHandler.invoke (
   at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit
   at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting (
   at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke (
   at org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer.invoke (
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.QSMethodHandler.invokeEndpointFromGet
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.QSMethodHandler.invoke
   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke (
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet.processQuery
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet.doGet (
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service
   at org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServletBase.service
   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service
   at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter
   at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke (
   at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service (
   at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.process (
   at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
   at (

I guess my next stop would have to be to grab the axis source tarball and
see how it decides what class to call for a java compiler, because
everything else in Fedora Core 5 calls the eclipse java compiler (which is
ALSO on my classpath)

Michael Schwarz

 Thanks robert (and to the list).

 I have done all the things Robert suggests. The tools.jar file is in
 fact on my class path. The homes are set correctly.

 Interestingly, tomcat is able to compile .jsp files (or happyaxis.jsp
 would not work). But anything that actually involves a webservice (.jws)
 file, including examples that come with axis will not compile and in fact
 fail with the error from my original message.

 REMEMBER: I'm *not* using a real Java SDK at all! I'm not using Sun's or
 IBM's. I'm using the GCJ suite included with Fedora Core 5.

 Tomcat is working (compiling jsp's); axis is not (compiling jws's).

 Michael Schwarz

 I'm going to try and give some basic advice. Bounce some more questions
 th list if you're still stuck

 Do you have JAVA_HOME etc defined in your .bashrc? Such as:



 Once that's done, do:

 . .bashrc

 Then for testing...

 echo $JAVA_HOME

 You may not need JRE_HOME - i'd try without first. Also, tools.jar must
 AFAIK only part of the bootloader classloader. I'd try taking your
 tools.jarout of all the other places. Try:

 locate tools.jar

 To know for sure.

 Also, its important to look carefully at the the files under tomcat/logs
 you may find a clue there.

 Lastly, you may try looking at CATALINA_OPTS to see how to tweak the


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Re: Help on creating a MessageElement

2006-05-30 Thread Jaka Močnik
On Tue, 2006-05-30 at 15:10 -0400, Mona Yazbeck wrote:
 I need help on this! I am trying make an update operation on a web
 services. I used WSDL2Java to create TestCase class. The testcase
 class use a method taking in parameter two value, a string and a
 updateListItemsUpdates... wich is in fact a MessageElement
 binding.updateListItems(new java.lang.String(), new;
 I am changing this line to put value in it and I wanna pass this:
 Method ID='1' Cmd='New'
 Field Name='Title'Family name/Field
 Field Name='FirstName'First Name/Field
 Field Name='Email'address/Field
 as my second argument, but I have no idea how to put this in a
well, you can always try parsing your XML to DOM, then create a new
MessageElement from the root document Element using the appropriate
MessageElement constructor. I don't know if that suffices, though...



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RE: [Axis2] How to design a Java API that is both Java and web-service friendly?

2006-05-30 Thread Dave Hoffer


Excellent points, I will look into each suggestion. 

Regarding item 1, do you know if this requires Mozilla's Rhino usage on
the client? I am stuck with MS IE 6.x and later on the client, I wasnt
clear if Rhino was a server only requirement or client  server.

Thanks much!


From: robert lazarski
Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 2:29
Subject: Re: [Axis2] How to design
a Java API that is both Java and web-service friendly?

I'll try and answer your
questions to a point where you can start moving torwards a solution. Some of
these I haven't tried yet but I know they exist:

1) For an axis2 _javascript_ service, take a look here:

2) For registering a listener, using JMS as the transport might be what you're
after though I haven't used axis2 with JMS. Axis2 supports JMS, and while I
didn't find any docs where I thought they would be, there are unit tests in the
source such as JMSEchoRawXMLTest . Dims may be able to comment more. 

3) I typically use an adapter or a Spring service that sits in between the
axis2 / web layer invokations to the business layer that provides the same glue
between the layers. 

4) WS-Addressing generates an UUID that can be used for session tracking, along
with ServiceGroupContext. I often either generate a UUID and store it via
EHCache, or use a stateful session bean to generate and expire an ID for me -
but I'm strange like that ;-) . 


On 5/30/06, Dave

I have some POJO classes
that I am designing were I will have both Java
clients (using the classes directly thru jar) as well as clients
accessing the code through a web-service API (the primary web-service
client will be _javascript_/IE).Ideally (not required), I would like 
both API's to be the same.Here is the proposed Java API:

public class Driver implements ISpotMeasurement
 * This initiates the process of measuring and
registers a listener
for the measurement results. 
 * @param listener
public void

 * This terminates the process of measuring and removes
registered listener.
 * @param listener
public void

 * Enable the instrument to take a measurement
now.The actual 
measurement may be delayed until the
 * user performs the physical measurement, in the case
instruments with shoe activated measurement.
public void beginSpotMeasurement()

public interface ISpotMeasurementListener
public void onSpotMeasurement( double[] data, int
statusCode );

The client calls beginSpotMeasurement() asynchronously and the data is
returned via the listener.This makes sense in the case of the Java 
application but can Axis2  web-services make this sort of an
a web-service API register listeners?I definitely need state
maintained on the server which I understand Axis2 supports; however is
there a better way to implement this API for the web-service clients?
What about _javascript_?What client proxies are available?

I understand, as newbie, that Axis2 can generate synchronous and
asynchronous method calls; how does this work given this API, given the 
_javascript_ client?



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Re: [Axis2] Generated element objects vs. business objects

2006-05-30 Thread Dennis Sosnoski

Hi Tom,

Another option is for to you to use the JiBX data binding option with 
Axis2. JiBX ( lets you work with you existing data 
classes, while also providing extensive control over how these classes 
are converted to and from XML. The downside is that you have to create a 
binding definition file that tells JiBX how to do these conversions.

There are tools to help in going from Java classes to a binding 
definition and then to the corresponding XML schema, but these are 
somewhat out of date - meaning they more or less work, but don't really 
take full advantage of current JiBX features. There's another tool that 
uses a schema to generate a set of Java classes and a corresponding 
binding definition, but that's even more out of date. I'll be working on 
improving these tools in June-July for a JiBX 1.2 release, which will 
also include integrating the code generation tool with WSDL2Java.

Right now the WSDL2Java implementation of JiBX binding requires you to 
have the Java classes and a binding definition already created, and just 
links up the Axis2 code to your classes. I'm working on some 
improvements to the WSDL2Java handling now (unwrapping the top level 
structures to reduce the number of data classes), and once that's done 
I'll post some examples. You can view the existing Axis2-JiBX 
documentation at

 - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA, Web Services, and XML
Training and Consulting -
Seattle, WA +1-425-296-6194 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117


Hi Rodrigo,

This sure helps. Like you say, there are multiple ways of dealing with 
it, and it seems to be related to style, ease of implementation, and 
consistency of data. Each method has some pros and cons. I'll give it 
some more thought...

Thanks, also to Robert Lazarski for his response.

Rodrigo Ruiz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 05/30/2006 02:39:31 PM:

 Hi Tom,

 There are some options more or less practical to get what you want.

 One is to replace your domain class with the generated one. This will
 probably mean moving the non-bean functionality in your domain
 Customer to another class, maybe something like CustomerHelper. Of
 course, this is not always possible, as you may have some internal
 fields in your domain class you want to keep there.

 Another option is to make your domain class to subclass the generated
 class, or include it as an internal field.

 Copying does not have to be so bad. If you have a fixed mapping between
 what you have in your domain classes and what you want to return as XML
 beans, you can implement the copying in a helper class. This will 

 the probability of an error. If you use the same names for your bean
 attributes in both classes, commons-beanutils maybe of help, as it
 provides some methods to perform conversions between bean classes.

 My own experience tells me that using the same object for internal and
 XML binding purposes is not always a good idea. If your service 

 the state of your domain objects, using them for serialization will
 probably result in incoherences in your returned data.

 Think about it. If you return your Customer, Axis 2 starts 

 it to build the response, and in another request somebody changes some
 fields in the same object, the response may contain inconsistent data.
 Take into account that, once you release your object to Axis, you
 loose control over the transactionality of any operation on that 

 I am not saying this is the end of the world. This scenario might 
not be
 possible in your services, or even if possible, it may have little 
or no

 importance. But if you do need returned data to be consistent, copying
 field values into an XML bean may be the only way to get a valid
 snapshot of your data.

 Hope this helps,
 Rodrigo Ruiz

  I'm struggling a bit with the following.
  Say, I have a web service that allows you to search for customers. It
  accepts a customer name, and returns a set (any number) of customers.
  The response xml may look like
  nameJohn Doe/name
  nameJane Doe/name

  Obviously, in my application I have a Customer class. Now if I 
create a
  wsdl for this web service, and generate the server side code for 
it, one

  of the classes that is generated is a customer class, that represents
  the customer in the xml response. On the other hand, I have the 

  domain object, which is a different one. To generate the response, I
  have to create 'xml response' customers, and basically copy the
  information from the Customer class to it. The above 

Re: Rude newbie question

2006-05-30 Thread Bruno Harbulot

Hi Michael,

Apparently, after a quick look at the source code, Axis relies on an 
org.apache.axis.components.compiler.AbstractCompiler to perform the 
compilation. It turns out that there are currently only two 
concretisations of this: Javac (the default) and Jikes.
From what I can see, the Jikes class calls an executable on the command 
line (not that I would recommend that), so it should be quite 
straightforward to adapt it to call gcj (well... in theory).
However, I've done a few quick tests (outside Axis) and gcj doesn't seem 
to compile everything that Sun's javac handles yet (I'm using version 
4.1.1 of gcj). Interfacing the Eclipse compiler might be a better bet. 
Presumably, it's also possible to have a 
org.apache.axis.components.compiler.EclipseCompiler that could call the 
compiler directly.
I would expect an application such as Axis/Tomcat to gain a lot from a 
just-in-time compiler, so if you manage to have it running with gcj, 
some benchmarks would be really interesting.



Michael Schwarz wrote:

Taking Robert's advice, I will post the stack trace from catalina.out:

java.lang.RuntimeException: No compiler found in your classpath!  (you may
need to add 'tools.jar')
   at org.apache.axis.components.compiler.Javac.init (

I guess my next stop would have to be to grab the axis source tarball and
see how it decides what class to call for a java compiler, because
everything else in Fedora Core 5 calls the eclipse java compiler (which is
ALSO on my classpath)

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Re: [Axis2][Nightly May 30th] XMLBeans databinding still not working -- Classpath problem?

2006-05-30 Thread robert lazarski
Sebastian, I just gave xmlbeans a run from the latest nightly, and its
running fine here. I'm the one that actually filed axis2-649 , and it
does seem to solve my problem. 

Here's some links to my test files, if you care to take a look:

My client looks like: 

package org;

import simplens.types.*;
import simplens.types.SimpleLoginDocument;
import simplens.types.SimpleLoginDocument.*;
import simplens.types.SimpleLoginResponseDocument;
import simplens.types.SimpleLoginResponseDocument.*;
import simplens.types.impl.*;
import org.simple.endpoint.*;

public class Tester {
 public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {

 SimpleServiceStub stub = 
 new SimpleServiceStub();

 SimpleLogin simpleLogin = SimpleLogin.Factory.newInstance();
 SimpleLoginDocument simpleLoginDocument = 
 SimpleLoginResponseDocument simpleLoginResponseDocument 
 = stub.simpleLogin(simpleLoginDocument);

 SimpleLoginResponse simpleLoginResponse = 

 String session = simpleLoginResponse.getSoapSessionId();
 String user = simpleLoginResponse.getWebUserName();
 System.out.println(simpleLoginResponse, session:  + session + , user:  + user);
Now you do state you're running windows. Actually, I'm a linux
user. I really don't think this is your problem, but do take a look at
my build.xml that I use if in doubt. 

On 5/30/06, Sebastian J. Schultheiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi there,Even after *days* of testing and trying different things, we still arrive at thesame error with the current nightly (May 30th).We are using Eclipse to build and run our project under Windows XP. Did you ever
try to run a client with xmlbeans under windows? How does the classpath have tolook like? We always get a class not found exception whenever we DON'T includethe xbeans-packaged.jar from the lib directory of the created client. We also
have all the jars from the axis2/lib dir in the classpath. Is there anything weshouldn't do?The problem is logged as a JIRA:
This is part of the stack trace:org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data binding erroratorg.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.execute(
( org.apache.axis2.runLoc.main( by: java.lang.Exception: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data bindingerror; nested exception is:java.lang.RuntimeException
: Data binding errorat org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.makeFault( 21 moreat org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.init( 3 moreAny thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Out of desparation we
now tried to use ADB instead, but found another bug there, see separate email.-- Sebastian-To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * This file was auto-generated from WSDL
 * by the Apache Axis2 version: 0.94 Jan 11, 2006 (08:01:58 LKT)
package org.simple.endpoint;

import simplens.types.*;
import simplens.types.SimpleLoginResponseDocument;
import simplens.types.SimpleLoginResponseDocument.*;
import simplens.types.SimpleLoginDocument;
import simplens.types.SimpleLoginDocument.*;

 *  SimpleServiceSkeleton java skeleton for the axisService
public class SimpleServiceSkeleton {
 * Auto generated method signature
  * @param param0
  * @param SimpleLoginResponseDocument changed from param0
public SimpleLoginResponseDocument simpleLogin
  (simplens.types.SimpleLoginDocument simpleLoginDocument){
//Todo fill this with the necessary business logic

SimpleLoginResponseDocument retDoc =
SimpleLoginResponse retElement =
// Get parameters passed in 
SimpleLogin simpleLogin = simpleLoginDocument.getSimpleLogin();
String userName = simpleLogin.getUserName();
String password = simpleLogin.getUserPassword();

retElement.setSoapSessionId(my random string);
System.out.println(validate retDoc:  + retDoc.validate());


Can I use Axis-C for http transport?

2006-05-30 Thread Bo Xie

Hi all,

I found there were HTTPTransport.dll and HTTPChannel.dll in
axis-c-1.6b-Win32-trace-bin\bin directory.

My question is: Can I use Axis-C for http transport? e.g., like
windows API URLDownloadToFile[1] or libcurl[2]? If Yes, how to do
it? Is there any sample source code?


Thank you very much!

Best Regards,
Xie, Bo

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Re: [Axis2][Nightly May 30th] XMLBeans databinding still not working -- Classpath problem?

2006-05-30 Thread Ali Sadik Kumlali
Hi Sebastian,

Don't know why but, mystery is changing
elementFormDefault=unqualified to elementFormDefault=qualified. I
could manage to successfully run the code against the given WSDL with
this change.

I added my comments and test files to the 

Hope this helps.

Ali Sadik Kumlali

--- Sebastian J. Schultheiss [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi there,
 Even after *days* of testing and trying different things, we still
 arrive at the
 same error with the current nightly (May 30th).
 We are using Eclipse to build and run our project under Windows XP.
 Did you ever
 try to run a client with xmlbeans under windows? How does the
 classpath have to
 look like? We always get a class not found exception whenever we
 DON'T include
 the xbeans-packaged.jar from the lib directory of the created client.
 We also
 have all the jars from the axis2/lib dir in the classpath. Is there
 anything we
 shouldn't do?
 The problem is logged as a JIRA:
 This is part of the stack trace:
 org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data binding error


 at org.apache.axis2.runLoc.main(
 Caused by: java.lang.Exception: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Data
 error; nested exception is:
 java.lang.RuntimeException: Data binding error
 at org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.makeFault(
 ... 21 more
 at org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.init(
 ... 3 more
 Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Out of
 desparation we
 now tried to use ADB instead, but found another bug there, see
 separate email.
 -- Sebastian
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WSDL2Java generates code but fails compile

2006-05-30 Thread B R


I have created a WSDL file (see below), and I am trying to generate
and compile java code for my web service. I can generate code, but ant
build fails with complains about The
errors are about the method newXMLStreamReader() and variable Factory
within this interface.

Specifically, I am trying to add a custom soap header in my request
and response.

I noticed a mail from Davanum Srinivas for a similar problem to make
it a JIRA, but I don't know what JIRA is :-)

I appreciate any insights/alternatives.

I use JDK1.5.03, Axis2-std-1.0-bin and ant 1.6.5 on a windows XP professional.
My wsdl:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap=;
xmlns:xsd=; name=TtsSgsTitleTransfer
xsd:schema targetNamespace=;

xsd:simpleType name=AddressLineType
   xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
  xsd:maxLength value=50/

xsd:simpleType name=CityType
   xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
  xsd:maxLength value=25/

xsd:simpleType name=StateType
   xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
  xsd:maxLength value=2/

xsd:simpleType name=ZIPType
   xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
  xsd:maxLength value=12/

xsd:simpleType name=CountryType
   xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
  xsd:maxLength value=3/

xsd:complexType name=AddressType
  xsd:element name=line1 type=tns:AddressLineType/
  xsd:element name=line2 type=tns:AddressLineType
  xsd:element name=city type=tns:CityType/
  xsd:element name=state type=tns:StateType/
  xsd:element name=zip type=tns:ZIPType/
  xsd:element name=country type=tns:CountryType
default=USA minOccurs=0/

xsd:complexType name=ResponseType
  xsd:element name=transmissionId type=xsd:string/
  xsd:element name=success type=xsd:string/
  xsd:element name=errorMessage type=xsd:string/

xsd:complexType name=HeaderType
  xsd:element name=clientId type=xsd:string/

xsd:element name=updateAddressResponseElement
xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestElement
xsd:element name=updateAddressResponseHeader type=tns:HeaderType/
xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestHeader type=tns:HeaderType/

  wsdl:message name=updateAddressRequest
 wsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressRequestElement
name=addressRequest /
 wsdl:part name=updateAddressRequestHeader
element=tns:updateAddressRequestHeader /

  wsdl:message name=updateAddressResponse
 wsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressResponseElement
name=addressResponse /
 wsdl:part name=updateAddressResponseHeader
element=tns:updateAddressResponseHeader /

  wsdl:portType name=AddressPort
 wsdl:operation name=updateAddress
wsdl:input name=updateAddressRequest
message=tns:updateAddressRequest /
wsdl:output name=updateAddressResponse
message=tns:updateAddressResponse /

  wsdl:binding name=addressBinding type=tns:AddressPort
 soap:binding style=document
transport=; /
 wsdl:operation name=updateAddress
soap:operation soapAction= /
soap:header message=tns:updateAddressRequest
part=updateAddressRequestHeader use=literal/
soap:body use=literal parts=addressRequest /

   soap:header message=tns:updateAddressResponse
part=updateAddressResponseHeader use=literal/
   soap:body use=literal parts=addressResponse /


  wsdl:service name=AddressService
 wsdl:port name=SOAPPort
soap:address location=http://localhost:8080/AddressService; /

Re: WSDL2Java generates code but fails compile

2006-05-30 Thread robert lazarski
I tested your wsdl and it's failing here too with the nightly build ... so to file a jira, go here:

And create an account. Then create the issue under axis2, and follup up by uploading your wsdl . 

Robert 5/30/06, B R [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Hello,I have created a WSDL file (see below), and I am trying to generate
and compile java code for my web service. I can generate code, but antbuild fails with complains about Theerrors are about the method newXMLStreamReader() and variable Factory
within this interface.Specifically, I am trying to add a custom soap header in my requestand response.I noticed a mail from Davanum Srinivas for a similar problem to makeit a JIRA, but I don't know what JIRA is :-)
I appreciate any insights/alternatives.Thanks,BhaskarI use JDK1.5.03, Axis2-std-1.0-bin and ant 1.6.5 on a windows XP professional.My wsdl:---sample-address.wsdl-
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap= name=TtsSgsTitleTransfertargetNamespace= wsdl:types xsd:schema targetNamespace= xmlns:xsd= xmlns:tns= xmlns=  xsd:simpleType name=AddressLineTypexsd:restriction base=xsd:string
 xsd:maxLength value=50//xsd:restriction /xsd:simpleType xsd:simpleType name=CityTypexsd:restriction base=xsd:string
 xsd:maxLength value=25//xsd:restriction /xsd:simpleType xsd:simpleType name=StateTypexsd:restriction base=xsd:string
 xsd:maxLength value=2//xsd:restriction /xsd:simpleType xsd:simpleType name=ZIPTypexsd:restriction base=xsd:string
 xsd:maxLength value=12//xsd:restriction /xsd:simpleType xsd:simpleType name=CountryTypexsd:restriction base=xsd:string
 xsd:maxLength value=3//xsd:restriction /xsd:simpleType xsd:complexType name=AddressTypexsd:sequence

xsd:element name=line1 type=tns:AddressLineType/
xsd:element name=line2 type=tns:AddressLineTypeminOccurs=0/
xsd:element name=city type=tns:CityType/
xsd:element name=state type=tns:StateType/
xsd:element name=zip type=tns:ZIPType/
xsd:element name=country type=tns:CountryTypedefault=USA minOccurs=0//xsd:sequence /xsd:complexType xsd:complexType name=ResponseType
xsd:element name=transmissionId type=xsd:string/
xsd:element name=success type=xsd:string/
xsd:element name=errorMessage type=xsd:string//xsd:sequence /xsd:complexType xsd:complexType name=HeaderType
xsd:element name=clientId type=xsd:string//xsd:sequence /xsd:complexType xsd:element name=updateAddressResponseElement
type=tns:ResponseType/ xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestElementtype=tns:AddressType/ xsd:element name=updateAddressResponseHeader type=tns:HeaderType/
 xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestHeader type=tns:HeaderType//xsd:schema /wsdl:types wsdl:message name=updateAddressRequest
wsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressRequestElementname=addressRequest /wsdl:part name=updateAddressRequestHeaderelement=tns:updateAddressRequestHeader /
 /wsdl:message wsdl:message name=updateAddressResponsewsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressResponseElementname=addressResponse /wsdl:part name=updateAddressResponseHeader
element=tns:updateAddressResponseHeader / /wsdl:message wsdl:portType name=AddressPortwsdl:operation name=updateAddress wsdl:input name=updateAddressRequest
message=tns:updateAddressRequest / wsdl:output name=updateAddressResponsemessage=tns:updateAddressResponse //wsdl:operation /wsdl:portType
 wsdl:binding name=addressBinding type=tns:AddressPortsoap:binding style=documenttransport=
 /wsdl:operation name=updateAddress soap:operation soapAction= / wsdl:input soap:header message=tns:updateAddressRequest
part=updateAddressRequestHeader use=literal/ soap:body use=literal parts=addressRequest / /wsdl:input wsdl:output
soap:header message=tns:updateAddressResponsepart=updateAddressResponseHeader use=literal/soap:body
use=literal parts=addressResponse / /wsdl:output/wsdl:operation /wsdl:binding wsdl:service name=AddressService
wsdl:port name=SOAPPortbinding=tns:addressBinding soap:address location=http://localhost:8080/AddressService
 //wsdl:port /wsdl:service/wsdl:definitions---My stack trace on compile error:
--C:\devtools\axis2-std-1.0-bin\samples\wsdlWSDL2Java -urisample-address.wsdl -sd -s -ss -d xmlbeans -p test.address -oaddress_srcUsing AXIS2_HOME: c:\devtools\axis2-
std-1.0-binUsing JAVA_HOME:C:\devtools\jdk1.5.0_03log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for 

Re: WSDL2Java generates code but fails compile

2006-05-30 Thread B R

Thanks, Robert. Will do that.

Are there any alternatives to create custom headers?


On 5/30/06, robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I tested your wsdl and it's failing here too with the nightly build ... so
to file a jira, go here:

 And create an account. Then create the issue under axis2, and follup up by
uploading your wsdl .


On 5/30/06, B R [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:


I have created a WSDL file (see below), and I am trying to generate
and compile java code for my web service. I can generate code, but ant
build fails with complains about The
errors are about the method newXMLStreamReader() and variable Factory
 within this interface.

Specifically, I am trying to add a custom soap header in my request
and response.

I noticed a mail from Davanum Srinivas for a similar problem to make
it a JIRA, but I don't know what JIRA is :-)

I appreciate any insights/alternatives.

I use JDK1.5.03, Axis2-std-1.0-bin and ant 1.6.5 on a windows XP
My wsdl:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 xsd:schema targetNamespace=;

 xsd:simpleType name=AddressLineType
xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
   xsd:maxLength value=50/

 xsd:simpleType name=CityType
xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
   xsd:maxLength value=25/

 xsd:simpleType name=StateType
xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
   xsd:maxLength value=2/

 xsd:simpleType name=ZIPType
xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
   xsd:maxLength value=12/

 xsd:simpleType name=CountryType
xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
   xsd:maxLength value=3/

 xsd:complexType name=AddressType
   xsd:element name=line1 type=tns:AddressLineType/
   xsd:element name=line2 type=tns:AddressLineType
   xsd:element name=city type=tns:CityType/
   xsd:element name=state type=tns:StateType/
   xsd:element name=zip type=tns:ZIPType/
   xsd:element name=country type=tns:CountryType
default=USA minOccurs=0/

 xsd:complexType name=ResponseType
   xsd:element name=transmissionId type=xsd:string/
   xsd:element name=success type=xsd:string/
   xsd:element name=errorMessage type=xsd:string/

 xsd:complexType name=HeaderType
   xsd:element name=clientId type=xsd:string/

 xsd:element name=updateAddressResponseElement
 xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestElement
 xsd:element name=updateAddressResponseHeader
 xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestHeader

   wsdl:message name=updateAddressRequest
  wsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressRequestElement
name=addressRequest /
  wsdl:part name=updateAddressRequestHeader
element=tns:updateAddressRequestHeader /

   wsdl:message name=updateAddressResponse
  wsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressResponseElement
name=addressResponse /
  wsdl:part name=updateAddressResponseHeader
element=tns:updateAddressResponseHeader /

   wsdl:portType name=AddressPort
  wsdl:operation name=updateAddress
 wsdl:input name=updateAddressRequest
message=tns:updateAddressRequest /
 wsdl:output name=updateAddressResponse
message=tns:updateAddressResponse /

   wsdl:binding name=addressBinding type=tns:AddressPort
  soap:binding style=document
transport=  /
  wsdl:operation name=updateAddress
 soap:operation soapAction= /
 soap:header message=tns:updateAddressRequest

Re: WSDL2Java generates code but fails compile

2006-05-30 Thread robert lazarski
The only one I know of is by code ... ServiceClient.addHeader() - or in a handler of course but basically the same idea. 

On 5/30/06, B R [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks, Robert. Will do that.Are there any alternatives to create custom headers?BhaskarOn 5/30/06, robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tested your wsdl and it's failing here too with the nightly build ... so to file a jira, go here:
And create an account. Then create the issue under axis2, and follup up by uploading your wsdl .Robert
 On 5/30/06, B R [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:  Hello, I have created a WSDL file (see below), and I am trying to generate
 and compile java code for my web service. I can generate code, but ant build fails with complains about The errors are about the method newXMLStreamReader() and variable Factory
within this interface. Specifically, I am trying to add a custom soap header in my request and response. I noticed a mail from Davanum Srinivas for a similar problem to make
 it a JIRA, but I don't know what JIRA is :-) I appreciate any insights/alternatives. Thanks, Bhaskar I use JDK1.5.03, Axis2-std-1.0-bin and ant 1.6.5 on a windows XP
 professional. My wsdl: ---sample-address.wsdl- ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap= xmlns:tns=
 xmlns:wsdl= xmlns:xsd=
 name=TtsSgsTitleTransfer targetNamespace= targetNamespace= xsd:simpleType name=AddressLineType xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
value=50/ /xsd:restriction/xsd:simpleTypexsd:simpleType name=CityType xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
value=25/ /xsd:restriction/xsd:simpleTypexsd:simpleType name=StateType xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
value=2/ /xsd:restriction/xsd:simpleTypexsd:simpleType name=ZIPType xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
value=12/ /xsd:restriction/xsd:simpleTypexsd:simpleType name=CountryType xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
value=3/ /xsd:restriction/xsd:simpleTypexsd:complexType name=AddressType xsd:sequence
name=line1 type=tns:AddressLineType/xsd:element
name=line2 type=tns:AddressLineType minOccurs=0/xsd:element
name=city type=tns:CityType/xsd:element
name=state type=tns:StateType/xsd:element
name=zip type=tns:ZIPType/xsd:element
name=country type=tns:CountryType default=USA minOccurs=0/ /xsd:sequence/xsd:complexType
xsd:complexType name=ResponseType xsd:sequencexsd:element
name=transmissionId type=xsd:string/xsd:element
name=success type=xsd:string/xsd:element
name=errorMessage type=xsd:string/ /xsd:sequence/xsd:complexTypexsd:complexType name=HeaderType
name=clientId type=xsd:string/ /xsd:sequence/xsd:complexTypexsd:element name=updateAddressResponseElement
 type=tns:ResponseType/xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestElement type=tns:AddressType/xsd:element name=updateAddressResponseHeader
 type=tns:HeaderType/xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestHeader type=tns:HeaderType/ /xsd:schema/wsdl:types
wsdl:message name=updateAddressRequest wsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressRequestElement name=addressRequest / wsdl:part name=updateAddressRequestHeader
 element=tns:updateAddressRequestHeader //wsdl:messagewsdl:message name=updateAddressResponse wsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressResponseElement
 name=addressResponse / wsdl:part name=updateAddressResponseHeader element=tns:updateAddressResponseHeader //wsdl:message
wsdl:portType name=AddressPort wsdl:operation name=updateAddresswsdl:input name=updateAddressRequest message=tns:updateAddressRequest /
wsdl:output name=updateAddressResponse message=tns:updateAddressResponse / /wsdl:operation/wsdl:portTypewsdl:binding name=addressBinding type=tns:AddressPort
 soap:binding style=document transport=  / wsdl:operation name=updateAddress
soap:operation soapAction= /wsdl:inputsoap:header message=tns:updateAddressRequest part=updateAddressRequestHeader use=literal/
soap:body use=literal parts=addressRequest //wsdl:inputwsdl:output soap:header message=tns:updateAddressResponse
 part=updateAddressResponseHeader use=literal/
soap:body use=literal parts=addressResponse //wsdl:output /wsdl:operation/wsdl:bindingwsdl:service name=AddressService
 wsdl:port name=SOAPPort
binding=tns:addressBindingsoap:address location=http://localhost:8080/AddressService  / /wsdl:port
/wsdl:service /wsdl:definitions --- My stack trace on compile error:

Re: WSDL2Java generates code but fails compile

2006-05-30 Thread B R

Created JIRA  (key: AXIS2-784) as a bug. Please let me know if any
more info is needed.


On 5/30/06, B R [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks, Robert. Will do that.

Are there any alternatives to create custom headers?


On 5/30/06, robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tested your wsdl and it's failing here too with the nightly build ... so
 to file a jira, go here:

  And create an account. Then create the issue under axis2, and follup up by
 uploading your wsdl .


 On 5/30/06, B R [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

 I have created a WSDL file (see below), and I am trying to generate
 and compile java code for my web service. I can generate code, but ant
 build fails with complains about The
 errors are about the method newXMLStreamReader() and variable Factory
  within this interface.

 Specifically, I am trying to add a custom soap header in my request
 and response.

 I noticed a mail from Davanum Srinivas for a similar problem to make
 it a JIRA, but I don't know what JIRA is :-)

 I appreciate any insights/alternatives.

 I use JDK1.5.03, Axis2-std-1.0-bin and ant 1.6.5 on a windows XP
 My wsdl:
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
  xsd:schema targetNamespace=;

  xsd:simpleType name=AddressLineType
 xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
xsd:maxLength value=50/

  xsd:simpleType name=CityType
 xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
xsd:maxLength value=25/

  xsd:simpleType name=StateType
 xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
xsd:maxLength value=2/

  xsd:simpleType name=ZIPType
 xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
xsd:maxLength value=12/

  xsd:simpleType name=CountryType
 xsd:restriction base=xsd:string
xsd:maxLength value=3/

  xsd:complexType name=AddressType
xsd:element name=line1 type=tns:AddressLineType/
xsd:element name=line2 type=tns:AddressLineType
xsd:element name=city type=tns:CityType/
xsd:element name=state type=tns:StateType/
xsd:element name=zip type=tns:ZIPType/
xsd:element name=country type=tns:CountryType
 default=USA minOccurs=0/

  xsd:complexType name=ResponseType
xsd:element name=transmissionId type=xsd:string/
xsd:element name=success type=xsd:string/
xsd:element name=errorMessage type=xsd:string/

  xsd:complexType name=HeaderType
xsd:element name=clientId type=xsd:string/

  xsd:element name=updateAddressResponseElement
  xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestElement
  xsd:element name=updateAddressResponseHeader
  xsd:element name=updateAddressRequestHeader

wsdl:message name=updateAddressRequest
   wsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressRequestElement
 name=addressRequest /
   wsdl:part name=updateAddressRequestHeader
 element=tns:updateAddressRequestHeader /

wsdl:message name=updateAddressResponse
   wsdl:part element=tns:updateAddressResponseElement
 name=addressResponse /
   wsdl:part name=updateAddressResponseHeader
 element=tns:updateAddressResponseHeader /

wsdl:portType name=AddressPort
   wsdl:operation name=updateAddress
  wsdl:input name=updateAddressRequest
 message=tns:updateAddressRequest /
  wsdl:output name=updateAddressResponse
 message=tns:updateAddressResponse /

wsdl:binding name=addressBinding 

Re: [Axis2] Best way to use skeleton?

2006-05-30 Thread Warren Crossing



When I generate the server-side code from my wsdl, using wsdl2java, a 
skeleton class is generated that gets invoked by the (generated) 
MessageReceiver. From what I read, I understand that I'm supposed to 
implement my busines logic in the skeleton. But if I would do that, and 
for whatever reason re-run the wsdl2java, the skeleton is regenerated, 
hence by business logic implementation is gone! To me, it seems that in 
general, one should never manually change generated source code.

The skeleton is created for your convienience.  It will not overwrite 
the implementation source code and you will receive a message to 
indicate that.

The only thing I can think of to minimise this problem is to treat the 
skeleton as an entry point, and only call the 'real' business 
imlementation, that I've created myself. However you would then typically 
end up with a skeleton and an implementation class that have identical 
methods (signatures), which doesn't seem very elegant to me.

One is an interface and the other is concrete, this is standard oo 
remoting practice.

Can't this be prevented somehow, e.g. by specifying the (existing) 
business class and method when invoking wsdl2java, so that the 
MessageReceiver will call that method, instead of calling the generated 

That would be nice, but at the moment i just use copy in my build 
file. Crude but effective.


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Fw: MTOM Example

2006-05-30 Thread Jim Collins


Can anyone else help with this?


- Original Message - 
From: Jim Collins 
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 7:53 PM
Subject: MTOM Example

Hi Anne,

I have been trying to use MTOM with generated code 
but I am having no luck. I can send adocument using the AXIS2API but 
when I try and send the file using the generated Stub it sends the attachment in 
line within the body. Could you please send an example of MTOM using generated 
code from a WSDL file. Every example I have seen uses the AXIS API.

Many thanks,


Re: Problem with WSDL2Java with HTTP POST

2006-05-30 Thread Warren Crossing
What is the wsdl2java command look like exactley?  I can't believe 
google didn't know the answer ;-(

I would expect the wsdl to look like..

wsdl:input name=mensajesencillo
	wsdlsoap:body use=encoded 


why does it not?

And it's not a void interface it's just empty or with no members

� wrote:

I'm trying to create a stub from .wsdl that i had created where the
binding is POST and when i executed the wsdl2java command i get an
void interface. Why? I had been to search in google and i haven't
Thanks in advance.


?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
wsdl:definitions xmlns:http=;
wsdl:message name=mensajesencillo
wsdl:part name=Email type=s:string/
wsdl:part name=ServiceName type=s:string/
wsdl:part name=OperationName type=s:string/
wsdl:portType name=SencilloHttp_Post
wsdl:operation name=operacionsencilla
wsdl:input message=tns:mensajesencillo/
wsdl:binding name=SencilloHttp_Post type=tns:SencilloHttp_Post
http:binding verb=POST/
wsdl:operation name=operacionsencilla
http:operation location=operacionsencilla/
mime:mimeXml part=Body/   

wsdl:service name=WSDLTester
wsdl:port name=SencilloHttp_Post 




package sencillo;

public interface WSDLTester extends javax.xml.rpc.Service {

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Re: Problem with code generated by WSDL2Code

2006-05-30 Thread Warren Crossing

use adb databinding instread of xmlbeans

java classname=org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java
arg value=-uri/
arg value=callback_endpoint.wsdl/
arg value=-ss/
arg value=-sd/
arg value=-d/
arg value=adb/
arg value=-o/
arg value=callback_endpoint_service/
arg value=-t/
arg value=-p/
fileset dir=${axis2.home}/lib includes=*.jar /

For some reason the code is bungholeio.

Martin Gainty wrote:

Good Monring

In 1.3 the name of the code generator is WSDL2Java
Here is the example I use

java -classpath $CLASSPATH. org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java NameOfService.wsdl

Martin --

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- Original Message - 
From: Paul Gonchar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 6:47 PM
Subject: Problem with code generated by WSDL2Code

Hi guys,
I've just started using Axis2. I need to generate
server skeletons. I used the following command:

call WSDL2Code.bat -uri
-ss -sd -d adb -p com.test.generated -o output/server

and I got a bunch of generated code that can't be
compiled. I've noticed things like calls to
(there is no method convertToToken in ConverterUtil)
which may be fixed by replacing convertToToken with

The same thing with 

- must be replaced with convertTodateTime

Finally I got into problem I can't fix :

  private  java.lang.Object fromOM( param,

extraNamespaces) {

  try {


  } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);

  return null;

The problem is in line - there is no
variable Factory in class  OMElement.

Am i doing something wrong or Axis2 is indeed that

Paul Gonchar

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Re: Problem with code generated by WSDL2Code

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Gainty

Good Evening Warren

What is bungholeio?

Martin -
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message without making a copy.  Thank you.

- Original Message - 
From: Warren Crossing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2006 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with code generated by WSDL2Code

use adb databinding instread of xmlbeans

java classname=org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java
arg value=-uri/
arg value=callback_endpoint.wsdl/
arg value=-ss/
arg value=-sd/
arg value=-d/
arg value=adb/
arg value=-o/
arg value=callback_endpoint_service/
arg value=-t/
arg value=-p/
fileset dir=${axis2.home}/lib includes=*.jar /

For some reason the code is bungholeio.

Martin Gainty wrote:

Good Monring

In 1.3 the name of the code generator is WSDL2Java
Here is the example I use

java -classpath $CLASSPATH. org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java 

Martin --

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message without making a copy.  Thank you.

- Original Message - 
From: Paul Gonchar [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 6:47 PM
Subject: Problem with code generated by WSDL2Code

Hi guys,
I've just started using Axis2. I need to generate
server skeletons. I used the following command:

call WSDL2Code.bat -uri
-ss -sd -d adb -p com.test.generated -o output/server

and I got a bunch of generated code that can't be
compiled. I've noticed things like calls to
(there is no method convertToToken in ConverterUtil)
which may be fixed by replacing convertToToken with

The same thing with
- must be replaced with convertTodateTime

Finally I got into problem I can't fix :

  private  java.lang.Object fromOM( param,
extraNamespaces) {

  try {

({   return;

  } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);

  return null;

The problem is in line - there is no
variable Factory in class  OMElement.

Am i doing something wrong or Axis2 is indeed that

Paul Gonchar

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Re: [Axis2] How to build aar and Axis2 war with Maven2?

2006-05-30 Thread Ajith Ranabahu

Hi Dave,
Unfortunately there is no such maven task right now. But I believe you
can write a plugin to do that in maven2 :)


On 5/30/06, Dave Hoffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Thanks for the reply.

I understand that aar is a jar file with a special format.  What I am
wondering is if maven2 is aware of this 'special format'?  As I
understand maven2, it uses the packaging tag to 'know' what to do to
make the artifact.  So can I do the following?

Or do I have to use the default packaging of jar and then rename?  If
this is the case, how do I rename in maven2?

Also regarding the services.xml file, is there any help in maven2 to
auto generate this?  If not, this probably isn't a big deal.

Regarding the war, yes I did mean how to package the aar in the war.
You state how to do this but I am wondering if there is any maven2 help
for this as well.  Depending on the answers above, the aar may be known
by maven2 as jar and/or aar and have to be copied and/or renamed as aar.
It seems this could all be automated possibly.



-Original Message-
From: Ajith Ranabahu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Axis2] How to build aar and Axis2 war with Maven2?

an aar is a jar file with a special format. You can copy the compiled
classes into the relevant directory structure and use the jar command
with maven2 if you want.
If you are planning to use generated code then it will be convenient
to call the generated ant build script.

I don't really get what is meant by Take the Axis2 aar and make the
Axis war needed for deployment ! Did you mean to say that you should
have a war with your service pre-packed ? If so just package the
services/xxx.aar into the web-inf folder of the war file.


On 5/26/06, Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Dave ;
 I dont think you need to compile Axis2 code , what I think is you have
 to add dependency into your project to pick Axis2 jars from apache

 Dave Hoffer wrote:

  I would like to start using Axis2 in a new project. The project will
  use Maven2 as the build system. How can I integrate Axis2?
  Specifically, how do I?
  - Compile my sources into the Axis aar format? Or take my
  application's jar and create the Axis2 aar format?
  - Take the Axis2 aar and make the Axis war needed for deployment.
  I would greatly appreciate info on how to do this.

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Ajith Ranabahu

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Re: [Axis2] WSDL2Code ?

2006-05-30 Thread Ajith Ranabahu

Hi Paul,
Thanks for the info. I'll look into this


On 5/30/06, Paul Gonchar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I resolved the problem with OMElement.Factory - indeed
this was a WSDL problem. I had

w:part name=getUserProfileByIdInput

instead of

w:part name=getUserProfileByIdInput

But still I'm getting problems with generated code.
XSD data types token are parsed as
ConverterUtil.convertToToken() and calendar are
parsed as ConverterUtil.convertToCalendar(). For the
token types, I beleive you need to change
convertTotoken() (yes, 't' is lowercase) in class
ConverterUtil to convertToToken(). As for calendar -
change ConverterUtil.convertTodatetime() to

As for xmlbeans mode, I don't really like it because
it generates bunch of resources and source files in
org package.


--- Ajith Ranabahu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can you post the WSDL ? It seems that your WSDL may
 have a namespace issue !

 On 5/26/06, Paul Gonchar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Has anyone used WSDL2Code generator successfully?
  keep getting code that contains call to
  Axiom spec says OMElement is an interface and it
  contain any Factory.
  Any ideas?
  P.S. Data binding mode does not matter - in all
  I get this code.
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Ajith Ranabahu

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RE: setting 'holders' or 'sequence'

2006-05-30 Thread Jeffrey Ng


for the reply. But I am quite a newbie in axis
programming. Can u point out to me what are the advanced samples? I look thru
quite a bit but did not see anything that I can re-use.



-Original Message-
From: Anne Thomas Manes
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: setting 'holders' or

In Java you must define symbol as a bean,
and in XML schema, you must define symbol as a complex type.
Likewise, you can define the return value to by a bean or an array.

Take a look at a few of the more advanced samples. 


On 5/29/06, Jeffrey Ng [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am
using the Axis source codes - samples\stock codes from Axis setup as a base
to start my coding. 
There are the following codes in the program: 
call.setTargetEndpointAddress( url ); 
call.setOperationName( new QName(urn:xmltoday-delayed-quotes,
getQuote) ); 
call.addParameter( symbol, XMLType.XSD_STRING, ParameterMode.IN ); 
call.setReturnType( XMLType.XSD_FLOAT ); 

In this case, symbolXXX/symbol will be sent to the remote web
I have 2 questions here. 
1) How do i add params such that the symbols have children/sequence? 
  i.e. I want to sent symbol as 
2) How do i set the return values to more than 1 value? i might need to get a
couple of response values from the remote side rather than 1 float value.

there any examples on the net that i can refer to?

thanks in advance.

