AXIOM - remove namespace

2009-11-09 Thread Alexander Rosemann


I'm trying to remove a namespace from a SOAPBody element. Unfortunately, 
without any luck so far. Here is what I do:

OMElement request = ...
OMNamespace ns = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMNamespace("", "");

Though, when I print the request the namespace is still the there.

Thanks in advance,

Re: remove element from soap body

2009-11-09 Thread Alexander Rosemann

Hi Isuru,

Thanks for your help. It works!
In case someone else encounters a similar issue, that's how I did it 
(removes the very first element of the SOAP body):

SOAPBody body = oMessageContext.getEnvelope().getBody();

OMElement first = body.getFirstElement();
OMElement second = first.getFirstElement();

// remove the first element from the body

// add the request element to the body


Isuru Suriarachchi wrote:

Hi Alex,

Use omElement.detach() method..


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 2:33 PM, Alexander Rosemann>> wrote:


I was wondering what's the best way to alter a soap body within a
handler. I have the soap body (SOAPBody body =
msgCtx.getEnvelope().getBody();) and can navigate though it's
elements but don't know how to alter (i.e. remove) a certain element.

Since I haven't found anything on the web, I was wondering whether
somebody tried to achieve the same and could point me into the right

I'm using Axis2 1.4.1.

Thanks in advance,

Senior Software Engineer,
WSO2 Inc.
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DI(FH) Alexander Rosemann
open source based software solutions
Naunspitzweg 3 | 6341 Ebbs | Austria
mobile: +43-681-10337082 | email:

remove element from soap body

2009-11-09 Thread Alexander Rosemann


I was wondering what's the best way to alter a soap body within a 
handler. I have the soap body (SOAPBody body = 
msgCtx.getEnvelope().getBody();) and can navigate though it's elements 
but don't know how to alter (i.e. remove) a certain element.

Since I haven't found anything on the web, I was wondering whether 
somebody tried to achieve the same and could point me into the right 

I'm using Axis2 1.4.1.

Thanks in advance,

sending an application/json formatted request

2009-07-26 Thread Alexander Rosemann


I'm trying for a while now to get axis2 to accept incoming 
application/json requests (JSONMessageFormatter/ JSONOMBuilder). I 
always get a "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The MessageContext 
does not have an associated SOAPFault" on the client side and a huge 
json formatted soap error on the server side: "ERROR 
http-9080-Processor24 org.apache.axis2.engine.AxisEngine - The endpoint 
reference (EPR) for the Operation not found is 
http://localhost:9082/sm62/services/echo/echo and the WSA Action = null".

The exact same service works fine when sending application/xml requests 

I've configured both the client axis.xml and the server axis.xml 
according to the axis2.xml file that comes with The only difference is that I've disabled the 
transportReceiver since axis runs within tomcat.

I'm using axis2 1.4.1 embedded in another web-app hosted by tomcat 5.5.

client code:

private static OMElement payload() throws Exception {
  OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
  OMNamespace ns = fac.createOMNamespace("", "");
  OMElement request = fac.createOMElement("request", ns);
  request.addAttribute("attr", "some data", ns);
  return request;

private static void runAxisClient() {
  try {
File configFile = new File("resources/axis2.xml");
ConfigurationContext cfgCtx = 

ServiceClient client = new ServiceClient(cfgCtx, null);
Options options = new Options();


OMElement response = client.sendReceive(payload());
System.out.println("response: " + response);
  catch (Exception e) {

Any pointers are much appreciated. Especially a hint why axis is telling 
me that the endpoint is wrong although it's working ok for xml messages?

Thanks in advance,

Re: Is it safe to remove axis-web JSPs?

2009-04-14 Thread Alexander Rosemann

Hi Joe,

I've removed the entire JSP stuff and axis 1.4.1 is still working as usual.


Joe Smithian wrote:

Hi All,

I am working on a web services application using AXIS2. The axis-web 
includes  many JSPs for online management of the web services (upload, 
activate, inactivate, etc.) I don't need these web-admin 
functionalities; I am wondering if I can remove them without affecting 
the web services appliacation. The only thing I need is displaying list 
of available services and thier status (active or not) and acessing the 

Please comment.



DI(FH) Alexander Rosemann
open source based software solutions
Naunspitzweg 3 | 6341 Ebbs | Austria
mobile: +43-681-10337082 | email:
*** Your partner in building cutting edge open source based software 
solutions ***

ServiceGroupContext is null

2009-04-14 Thread Alexander Rosemann


I'm trying to use the ServiceGroupContext to share data among a Handler 
and Services.

I've implemented an AuthenticationDispatcher (extends AbstractHandler) 
and added it to the security phase of the InFlow phase order. The 
AuthenticationDispatcher gets called each time a request comes in.

Within the AuthenticationDispatcher I'm getting the ServiceGroupHandler 
from the MessageContext parameter. Unfortunately calling, 
ServiceGroupContext sgc = mc.getServiceGroupContext(); returns always null.
Afaik is the ServiceGroupContext the right place to share data between 

All services are in one aar-file and declared within a serviceGroup. The 
scope of each service is set to application.

I'm using axis2-1.4.1 deployed as part of a webapp running in Tomcat 5.5.

Any pointers are much appreciated.


Re: Authentication for non SOAP messages

2009-04-14 Thread Alexander Rosemann
Would it be feasible to throw an AxisFaul in the handler? Would the 
AxisFault be able to return an error XML message to the client?

Another question where I'm uncertain is where should I store the flag 
that indicates a client has been authenticated? Would the 
ServiceGroupContext be the appropriate place for that?

Any pointers into the right direction are much appreciated.


Alexander Rosemann wrote:
I've added a handler to the security phase in my axis2.xml. The handler 
gets called each time a request comes in.

I'm just puzzled how I can directly send a response message in case the 
user has not logged in first.


Martin Gainty wrote:
from the HandlerExecution test harness i've seen this depends on 
assigned PHASE

package org.apache.axis2.engine;
public class HandlerExecutionTest extends LocalTestCase
*private void registerOperationLevelHandlers(AxisOperation 
operation) {

ArrayList operationSpecificPhases = new ArrayList();

ArrayList phaseList = operation.getRemainingPhasesInFlow();
for (int i = 0; i < phaseList.size(); i++) {
Phase operationSpecificPhase = (Phase)phaseList.get(i);
.equals(operationSpecificPhase.getPhaseName())) {



operationSpecificPhases = new ArrayList();

phaseList = operation.getPhasesOutFlow();
for (int i = 0; i < phaseList.size(); i++) {
Phase operationSpecificPhase = (Phase)phaseList.get(i);
.equals(operationSpecificPhase.getPhaseName())) {



where PHASES are broken out to
package org.apache.axis2.phaseresolver;
public class PhaseMetadata {

   // INFLOW
public static final String PHASE_TRANSPORTIN = "TransportIn";
public static final String PHASE_PRE_DISPATCH = "PreDispatch";
public static final String PHASE_POST_DISPATCH = "PostDispatch";
public static final String PHASE_POLICY_DETERMINATION = 
public static final String PHASE_MESSAGE_PROCESSING = 

public static final String PHASE_MESSAGE_OUT = "MessageOut";
public static final String PHASE_DISPATCH = "Dispatch";
public static final String PHASE_TRANSPORT_OUT = "TransportOut";

public static final String TRANSPORT_PHASE = "TRANSPORT";

which phase would you be attaching your handler to
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 > Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2009 16:57:24 +0200

Re: Authentication for non SOAP messages

2009-04-13 Thread Alexander Rosemann
 > are allowed to access any of the services.
 > My idea is to implement a simple handler which checks whether an
 > authentication flag has been set in the ServiceGroupContext. In case
 > it's not available the only service accessible should be the
 > authentication service and an error response message should be sent. If
 > the flag has been set, all other services can be accessed until
 > ServiceGroupContext timed out or the client logged off.
 > What I can't see is how to send an error response from within a handler.
 > Any pointers, input, and additional suggestions are highly welcome.
 > Thanks,
 > Alex

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DI(FH) Alexander Rosemann
open source based software solutions
Naunspitzweg 3 | 6341 Ebbs | Austria
mobile: +43-681-10337082 | email:
*** Your partner in building cutting edge open source based software 
solutions ***

Authentication for non SOAP messages

2009-04-12 Thread Alexander Rosemann


I've created a bunch of Web services, including an authentication 
service. All services consume and return raw XML messages (no SOAP) 
which works fine.

Now I would like to force clients to authenticate themselves before they 
are allowed to access any of the services.

My idea is to implement a simple handler which checks whether an 
authentication flag has been set in the ServiceGroupContext. In case 
it's not available the only service accessible should be the 
authentication service and an error response message should be sent. If 
the flag has been set, all other services can be accessed until 
ServiceGroupContext timed out or the client logged off.

What I can't see is how to send an error response from within a handler.

Any pointers, input, and additional suggestions are highly welcome.


Re: Java2WSDL and abstract classes

2009-03-11 Thread Alexander Rosemann

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for the hint. I'll give it a shot when I have to implement 
another service. This time I took the route developing the xml manually 
which works fine now.


Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

Hi Alex,

You'll probably have a much easier time of it if you use Jibx2Wsdl 
(included in the current 1.2.1 release of JiBX) rather than Java2WSDL. 
Jibx2Wsdl has a number of nice features, including Java 5 typed 
collection and enum support, automatic JavaDoc extraction to WSDL and 
schema documentation, and extensive customizations support. To include 
extra classes in your data model (such as the subclasses in your 
example), you just need to specify the extra classes on the command line 
using an '-x' argument flag. See the /examples/jibx2wsdl/example3 code 
and build for an example doing just this, using an interface rather than 
an abstract class.

Using Jibx2Wsdl in no way commits you to using JiBX for your services 
(though it's easy to do so, since you get JiBX bindings out of Jibx2Wsdl 
as well as the WSDL and schema).

See the Jibx2Wsdl documentation on the JiBX site (still somewhat 
limited, unfortunately) for details:

 - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting -
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Alexander Rosemann wrote:


I know, this has been asked before, though I couldn't find an answer 
to it.

I'm busy fiddling around with the Java2WSDL ant task shipped with 
Axis2.  The tool works fine until I try to generate the WSDL from an 
abstract class.

Having an abstract class called Animal and a subclass Dog, it creates 
the schema for the Animal but misses out on the Dog type.

I presume I just can't see what parameter has to be set to get this 

Any pointers that lead to a resolution of my issue are much appreciated.


DI(FH) Alexander Rosemann
open source based software solutions
Naunspitzweg 3 | 6341 Ebbs | Austria
mobile: +43-681-10337082 | email:
*** Your partner in building cutting edge open source based
web applications ***

Re: Java2WSDL and abstract classes

2009-03-10 Thread Alexander Rosemann

Hi Sagara,

Sagara Gunathunga wrote:

Hi Alex,
AFAIK there is  no special  parameter  required for this , according
to method signatures of your service class, Java2WSDL generate correct
schema for in/out messages . in your case it should generates types as







Anyway can you post method signatures of your service class...?

Thanks ,

That's what I get from running Java2WSDL:

http://.../xsd"; targetNamespace="http://..."; 
attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">


type="ax22:Animal" nillable="true"/>

attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified">

The animal type is there. That's my service class:

public class AnimalService {

  public Animal getAnimal() {
return new Dog();


Thanks four help Sagara!


Java2WSDL and abstract classes

2009-03-10 Thread Alexander Rosemann


I know, this has been asked before, though I couldn't find an answer to it.

I'm busy fiddling around with the Java2WSDL ant task shipped with Axis2. 
 The tool works fine until I try to generate the WSDL from an abstract 

Having an abstract class called Animal and a subclass Dog, it creates 
the schema for the Animal but misses out on the Dog type.

I presume I just can't see what parameter has to be set to get this going.

Any pointers that lead to a resolution of my issue are much appreciated.


Java2WSDL and abstract classes

2009-03-10 Thread Alexander Rosemann


I know, this has been asked before, though I couldn't find an answer to 
my problem.

I'm busy fiddling around with the Java2WSDL ant task shipped with Axis2. 
 The tool works fine until I tried to generate the WSDL from an 
abstract class.

Having an abstract class called Animal and a subclass Dog, it creates 
the schema for the Animal but misses out on the Dog type.

I presume I just can't see what parameter has to be set to get this 
thing going.

Any pointers that lead to a resolution of my issue are much appreciated.
