Soap Attachment

2005-12-20 Thread Arnault BELLINA
Hi all, I'm back with my problem of attachment.   My really question is : Is there any other solution that exist in axis cpp 1.5 to use the Soap attachment instead of using dataHandler ?Also, is it possible for example to send with axis cpp 1.5 a sound file  from a client to a server without datahandler? Or do I have to test it  with the axis 1.6a version ?Thank you very much for your help.Arnault  
		 Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! Découvez les tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international.
Téléchargez la version beta.

Re: Use of DataHandler in a webservice

2005-12-19 Thread Arnault BELLINA
I join the wsdl file with the mail.  Thanks for your helpArnaultJohn Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:Can you send your complete wsdl please.thanks,  John.Arnault BELLINA [EMAIL PROTECTED]16/12/2005 16:36Please respond to  "Apache AXIS C User List"To  Apache AXIS C User List  ccSubject  Re: Use of DataHandler in  a webserviceHi again, I download the axis-c-1.6a.n-Linux-trace-bin.tar.gz  fr
 om the
 nightly build.   I generate my client and I didn"t got any error ! that was pretty  cool ;o)However, I have still the DataHandler.cpp and the DataHandler.hpp which  are generated. I didn't find the ISoapAttachment class too. Does it  should be generated too ?   I can't find the samples you  were both talking about... Maybe I don't look in the right place to  find it. Do they should be in the samples of the axis 1.6a build ?thank you for your help ! everytime it's help me a lot !ArnaultJohn Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :but you'll need the nightly build you pointed to to pick up the code that  will work for you :-)   Adrian Dick/UK/[EMAIL PROTECTED]16/12/2005 13:01Please respond to  "Apache AXIS C User List"To  "Apache AXIS  C User List" axis-c-user@ws.apache.orgccSubject  Re: Use of
 DataHandler in  a webserviceSorry, for not making it clear. I updated the example code sent by  John  below.Adrian  ___  Adrian Dick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  Arnault BELLINA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16/12/2005 12:57:14: Thanks John for your Answer. It will be very usefull !   Adrian : which code do you update ? The example code or the axis source  code ?   Do I have to download another time the Axis cpp 1.6 a on http:   // ? Thanks for your answer Arnault Adrian Dic
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :   The example originally attached won't work with some recent changes,  so   I've updated with the correct code. Adrian   ___   Adrian Dick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   John Hawkins/UK/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16/12/2005 10:49:19: Hi,   OK, so Now that I've woken up !   No, we shouldn't be creating the datahandler class (yo u are  correct:-) And in the latest build we don't. We have a number ofdatahandler tests and they appear to be working fine on the latestbuild. May I suggest you try out the latest build -   And see if you still get the same problem. Don't worry that this  isnot a f
 release - we are due to ship the 1.6 release pretty  soon(end of month?). I didn't run through the 1.5 code however, it  mightbe possible to just throw out the extra Datahandler class if  you cansee that the ISoapAttachment class is being used on the service?   This is a sample from one of our tests -(ISoapAttachment is the Datahandler object described in WSDL) ISoapAttachment *att=ws.createSoapAttachment();   char *text=stringToAscii("This is atest message for attachment");   //Adding the content type as text/plain 
 att-addHeader(AXIS_CONTENT_TYPE,"text/plain");xsd__base64Binary b64b1;   b64b1.set((xsd__unsignedByte*)text,   strlen(text));att-addBody(b64b1);//Calling the dataHandlerService,service will return contentResult=ws.echoContent(att);           cheers,John. Arnault BELLINA16/12/2005 09:59   Please respond to"Apache AXIS C User List"   Tobr   Apache AXIS C U
 List   cc   Subject   Re: Use of DataHandler in a webserviceI'm using the current axis cpp version (I guess the 1.5)thanks for your help.   this is the wsdl : xmlns:intf="urn:Message"  xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns:wsdlsoap=""  xmlns:xsd=""   xmlns:wsdl=""  g t;   targetNamespace="urn:Message" elementFormDefault="qualified" ;  

Use of DataHandler in a webservice

2005-12-16 Thread Arnault BELLINA
Hello all !I have a WSDL interface from a Web Service (AXIS-based).  A web service accepts a file as an attachment and a string and return an int.  I got the wsdl from this service (see at the end of the mail).As soon as I try to create the client stub for this WSDL I get a possible error of DataHandler use : Possible error in class DataHandler: class with no attributes  Possible error in class DataHandler: class with no attributesThe webservice is in Doc mode, can I use dataHander with this mode ?  the WSDL2Ws tool create me a DataHandler.cpp and a DataHandler.hpp.  Does this is normal ? I thought DataHandler was a defined type like an int.Could somebody advise me if it's wrong and how to solve this  problem. If it's for you it's correct, is there somebody who can tell me how to use datahandler in c++Thanks a lot f
 or your
 answer.ArnaultThis is my wsdl. wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="urn:Message"  xmlns:tns3=""  xmlns:impl="urn:Message" xmlns:intf="urn:Message"  xmlns:apachesoap=""  xmlns:wsdlsoap=""  xmlns:xsd=""  xmlns:wsdl=""  wsdl:types   schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="urn:Message" elementFormDefault="qualified"   import namespace=""/   element name="pushNewMessage"   complexType   sequence   element name="in0" type="xsd:string"/   element name="in3"
 type="apachesoap:DataHandler"/   /sequence   /complexTypeelement name="pushNewMessageResponse"   complexType   sequence   element name="pushNewMessageReturn" type="xsd:int"/   /sequence   /complexType   /element  
		 Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! Découvez les tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international.
Téléchargez la version beta.

Re: Use of DataHandler in a webservice

2005-12-16 Thread Arnault BELLINA
I'm using the current axis cpp version (I guess the 1.5)  thanks for your help.this is the wsdl : ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?  wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="urn:Message"  xmlns:tns3=""  xmlns:impl="urn:Message" xmlns:intf="urn:Message"  xmlns:apachesoap=""  xmlns:wsdlsoap=""  xmlns:xsd=""  xmlns:wsdl=""wsdl:types   schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="urn:Message" elementFormDefault="qualified"   import namespace=""/   element name="pushNewMessage"   complexType   sequence  
 element name="in0" type="xsd:string"/   element name="in3" type="apachesoap:DataHandler"/   /sequence   /complexType   /element   element name="pushNewMessageResponse"   complexType   sequence   element name="pushNewMessageReturn" type="xsd:int"/   /sequence   /complexType   /element   /schema  /wsdl:types wsdl:message name="pushNewMessageRequest"   wsdl:part name="parameters" element="impl:pushNewMessage"/   /wsdl:message wsdl:message
 name="pushNewMessageResponse"   wsdl:part name="parameters" element="impl:pushNewMessageResponse"/   /wsdl:message wsdl:portType name="Message"   wsdl:operation name="pushNewMessage"   wsdl:input  name="pushNewMessageRequest" message="impl:pushNewMessageRequest"/   wsdl:output  name="pushNewMessageResponse" message="impl:pushNewMessageResponse"/   /wsdl:operation   /wsdl:portType wsdl:binding name="MessageSoapBinding" type="impl:Message"   wsdlsoap:binding style="document" transport=""/   wsdl:operat
 name="pushNewMessage"   wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/   wsdl:input name="pushNewMessageRequest"   wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/   /wsdl:input   wsdl:output name="pushNewMessageResponse"   wsdlsoap:body use="literal"/   /wsdl:output   /wsdl:operation   /wsdl:binding    wsdl:service name="MessageService"   wsdl:port name="Message" binding="impl:MessageSoapBinding" 
  wsdlsoap:address location="http://localhost:8080/services/Message"/   /wsdl:port   /wsdl:service/wsdl:definitionsJohn Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:Hi,   please could you send the whole wsdl.  Yes creation of the datahandler classes is normalWhat version of axis cpp are you using  ?Arnault BELLINA [EMAIL PROTECTED]16/12/2005 09:33  
   Please respond to  "Apache AXIS C User List"To  ccSubject  Use of DataHandler in a webserviceHello all !I
  have a
 WSDL interface from a Web Service (AXIS-based).  A web service accepts a file as an attachment and a string and return an  int.  I got the wsdl from this service (see at the end of the mail).As soon as I try to create the client stub for this WSDL I get a possible  error of DataHandler use : Possible error in class DataHandler: class with no attributes  Possible error in class DataHandler: class with no attributesThe webservice is in Doc mode, can I use dataHander with this mode ?  the WSDL2Ws tool create me a DataHandler.cpp and a DataHandler.hpp.  Does this is normal ? I thought DataHandler was a defined type like an  int.Could somebody advise me if it's wrong and how to solve this  problem. If it's for you it's correct, is there somebody who can tell me  how to use datahandler in c++Thanks a lot f or your answer.ArnaultT
 his is
 my wsdl. wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="urn:Message" xmlns:tns3=""  xmlns:impl="urn:Message" xmlns:intf="urn:Message" xmlns:apachesoap=""  xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd=""  xmlns:wsdl=""   wsdl:types   schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="urn:Message"  elementFormDefault="qualified"import namespace=""/element name="pushNewMessage"complexType sequence element name="in0" type="xsd:string"/ element name="in3" type="apachesoap:DataHandler"/ /sequence/complexType

 element name="pushNewMessageResponse"complexType sequence element name="pushNewMessageReturn"  type="xsd:int"/ /sequence/complexType/elementNouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger  ! Découvez les tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international.  Téléchargez  la version beta.  
		 Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! Découvez les tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international.
Téléchargez la version beta.

Re: Use of DataHandler in a webservice

2005-12-16 Thread Arnault BELLINA
Thanks John for your Answer. It will be very usefull !   Adrian : which code do you update ? The example code or the axis source code ?  Do I have to download another time the Axis cpp 1.6 a on ?Thanks for your answerArnault Adrian Dick [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:  The example originally attached won't work with some recent changes, soI've updated with the correct code.Adrian___Adrian Dick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])John Hawkins/UK/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16/12/2005 10:49:19: Hi, OK, so Now that  I've woken up ! No, we shouldn't be creating the datahandler class (yo
 u are
 correct :-) And in the latest build we don't. We have a number of datahandler tests and they appear to be working fine on the latest build. May I suggest you try out the latest build - http://ws. And see if you still get the same problem. Don't worry that this is not a full release - we are due to ship the 1.6 release pretty soon (end of month?). I didn't run through the 1.5 code however, it might be possible to just throw out the extra Datahandler class if you can see that the ISoapAttachment class is being used on the service? This is a sample from one of our tests - (ISoapAttachment is  the Datahandler object described in WSDL)
 ISoapAttachment *att=ws.createSoapAttachment(); char *text=stringToAscii("This is a test message for attachment"); //Adding the content type as text/plainatt-addHeader(AXIS_CONTENT_TYPE,"text/plain" ); xsd__base64Binary b64b1;  b64b1.set((xsd__unsignedByte*)text,strlen(text)); att-addBody(b64b1); //Calling the dataHandlerService, service will return content Result=ws.echoContent(att); cheers,
 John. Arnault BELLINA  16/12/2005 09:59 Please respond to "Apache AXIS C User List" To Apache AXIS C User List  cc Subject Re: Use of DataHandler in a webservice I'm using the current axis cpp version (I guess the 1.5) thanks for your help. this is the wsdl  :   xmlns:intf="urn:Message" xmlns:apachesoap=" " xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd=""xmlns:wsdl=" "
targetNamespace="urn:Message" elementFormDefault="qualified"  

 location="http://localhost:8080/services/Message"/   John Hawkins  a écrit : Hi, please could you send the whole wsdl. Yes creation of the datahandler classes is normal What version of axis cpp are you using ? Arnault BELLINA  16/12/2005 09:33 Please respond to "Apache AXIS C User List" To cc Subject 
 Use of
 DataHandler in a webservice Hello all ! I have a WSDL interface from a Web Service (AXIS-based). A web service accepts a file as an attachment and a string and return anint. I got the wsdl from this service (see at the end of the mail). As soon as I try to create the client stub for this WSDL I get a possible error of DataHandler use : Possible error in class DataHandler: class with no attributes Possible error in class DataHandler: class with no attributes The webservice is in Doc mode, can I use dataHander with this mode ? the WSDL2Ws tool create me a DataHandler.cpp and a DataHandler.hpp. Does this is normal ? I thought DataHandler was a defined type like anint. Could somebody advise me if it's wrong and how to solve
 this problem. If it's for you it's correct, is there somebody who can tell me how to use  datahandler in c++ Thanks a lot f or your answer. Arnault T his is my wsdl.  xmlns:intf="urn:Message" xmlns:apachesoap=" " xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd=""  xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas."   targetNamespace="urn:Message" elementFormDefault="qualified"   Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! Découvez les tari

Re: Use of DataHandler in a webservice

2005-12-16 Thread Arnault BELLINA
Hi again, I download the axis-c-1.6a.n-Linux-trace-bin.tar.gz from the nightly build.   I generate my client and I didn"t got any error ! that was pretty cool ;o)However, I have still the DataHandler.cpp and the DataHandler.hpp which  are generated. I didn't find the ISoapAttachment class too. Does it  should be generated too ?I can't find the samples you were both talking about... Maybe I don't  look in the right place to find it. Do they should be in the samples of  the axis 1.6a build ?thank you for your help ! everytime it's help me a lot !ArnaultJohn Hawkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:but you'll need the nightly build you  pointed to to pick up the code that will work for you :-)Adrian Dick/UK/[EMAIL PROTECTED]16/12/2005 13:01Please respond to  "Apache AXIS C User List"To  "Apache AXIS C User  List"  ccSubject  Re: Use of DataHandler in  a webserviceSorry, for not making it clear. I updated the  example code sent by John  below.Adrian  ___  Adrian Dick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  Arnault BELLINA [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16/12/2005 12:57:14: Thanks John for your Answer. It will be very usefull !   Adrian : which code do you update ? The example code or the axis source  code ?   Do I have to download another time the Axis cpp 1.6 a on http:   // ? Thanks for your
 answer Arnault Adrian Dick [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :   The example originally attached won't work with some recent changes,  so   I've updated with the correct code. Adrian   ___   Adrian Dick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   John Hawkins/UK/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 16/12/2005 10:49:19: Hi,   OK, so Now that I've woken up !   No, we shouldn't be creating the datahandler class (yo u are  correct:-) And in the latest build we don't. We have a number ofdatahandler tests and they appear to be working fine on the latestbuild. May I suggest you try out the latest build -   And see if you still get
 same problem. Don't worry that this  isnot a full release - we are due to ship the 1.6 release pretty  soon(end of month?). I didn't run through the 1.5 code however, it  mightbe possible to just throw out the extra Datahandler class if  you cansee that the ISoapAttachment class is being used on the service?   This is a sample from one of our tests -(ISoapAttachment is the Datahandler object described in WSDL) ISoapAttachment *att=ws.createSoapAttachment();   char *text=stringToAscii("This is atest message for attachment");   //Adding the content type as
 text/plain  att-addHeader(AXIS_CONTENT_TYPE,"text/plain");xsd__base64Binary b64b1;   b64b1.set((xsd__unsignedByte*)text,   strlen(text));att-addBody(b64b1);//Calling the dataHandlerService,service will return contentResult=ws.echoContent(att);       cheers,John. Arnault BELLINA16/12/2005 09:59   Please respond to"Apache AXIS C User List"   To   <
   Apache AXIS C User List   cc   Subject   Re: Use of DataHandler in a webserviceI'm using the current axis cpp version (I guess the 1.5)thanks for your help.   this is the wsdl : xmlns:intf="urn:Message"  xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns:wsdlsoap=""  xmlns:xsd=""   xmlns:wsdl=""  g t;   targetNamespace="urn:Message" elementFormDefault="qualified"
 location="http://localhost:8080/services/Message"/ John Hawkins a écrit :   Hi,please could you send the whole wsdl. Yes creation of the 
  datahandler classes is normal   What version of axis cpp are you using ?   Arnault BELLINA16/12/2005 09:33   Please respond to"Apache AXIS C User List"   To   cc   Subject   Use of DataHandler in a webservice

RE: Compilation on visual .net

2005-12-14 Thread Arnault BELLINA
Yes ! That's it! thanks a lot ![EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:   
   You are very welcome,You need to make sure that the  Axisclient.DLL is in your PATH or in the same dir that your app is running from.Thanks,John 4400Computer Drive  2nd floor, Mailstop D239  Ext: 35983From: Arnault BELLINA 
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005  11:48 AM  To: Apache   AXIS C User List  Subject: RE: Compilation on visual  .netyou find it ! That was i forgot ! Thanks !However when execute the client now , it can't find the AxisClient.lib...  Do I have to put something in the path of windows or somethong like that ?Thanks for your
 helpArno[EMAIL PROTECTED]  a écrit:Are  you sure you are including AxisClient.lib as a required library from your  project? Thanks,John 4400Computer Drive  2nd  floor , Mailstop D239  Ext: 35983

 From: Arnault BELLINA  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005  10:59 AM  To:  Subject: Compilation on visual .netI try to compile on windows a client I made on Lin
 ux. Also
 I use  visual .net.  I got this error when I generate my client : Client InSoap error LNK2020: jeton non résolu (0A2A) axiscpp.Stub.__dtor  Client InSoap error LNK2020: jeton non résolu (0A29) axiscpp.Call.__dtorDo you have any idea to solve this compilation problemThanks a lotArnoAppel  audio GRATUIT partout dans le monde avec le nouveau  Yahoo! Messenger  Téléchargez  le ici ! Appel audio GRATUIT  partout dans le monde avec le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger  Téléchargez  le ici ! 
		 Nouveau : téléphonez moins cher avec Yahoo! Messenger ! Découvez les tarifs exceptionnels pour appeler la France et l'international.
Téléchargez la version beta.

RE: Compilation on visual .net

2005-12-13 Thread Arnault BELLINA
you find it ! That was i forgot ! Thanks !However when execute the client now , it can't find the AxisClient.lib...  Do I have to put something in the path of windows or somethong like that ?Thanks for your helpArno  [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:
Are you sure you are including  AxisClient.lib as a required library from your project? Thanks,John 4400Computer Drive  2nd floor
 Mailstop D239  Ext: 35983From: Arnault BELLINA  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005  10:59 AM  To:  Subject: Compilation on visual  .netI try to compile on windows a client I made on Linux. Also I use  visual .net.  I got this error when I generate my client : Client InSoap error LNK2020: jeton non résolu (0A2A) axiscpp.Stub.__dtor  Client InSoap error LNK2020: jeton non résolu (0A29) axiscpp.Call.__dtorDo you have any idea to solve this compilation problemThanks a lotArnoAppel audio GRATUIT  partout dans le monde avec le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger  Téléchargez  le ici ! 
Appel audio GRATUIT partout dans le monde avec le nouveau Yahoo! Messenger 
Téléchargez le ici ! 

Re: Soap with attachment whith Axis C++

2005-12-01 Thread Arnault Bellina

I Would like to precise my question.
I saw in some old post that it's possible to use
Soap with attachment using elements under the

What I don't understand is if I canpush
from a client to a servera picture file or a sound file using elements
under the
namespace. Is the xsd:hexbinary type the solution ???

Or do I have to use DataHandler instead

Thank you very much for your help. I'm quite new
in webservices and I guess 


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