Re: Best IDE to use for Axis

2005-06-23 Thread Don Albertson
I haven't seen much on this topic. If it was discussed well, I must have missed it. The one reference I
found to using Axis with NetBeans was
which I didn't find particularly helpful -- probably because something
was lost in translation. 

In the best of all possible worlds, it would be possible flawlessly to
integrate Axis with any IDE. In the real world it seems to me
that the NetBeans community is ignoring Axis as a viable alternative to
the Sun server and that the Axis community has little use for
NetBeans. I have been working with NetBeans 4.0 [for various
reasons 4.1 is not currently an option] and Axis for about a month and
have found it possible to get them to play together reasonably well but
it wasn't easy. The steps I followed were:

Setting up the Axis jars as a NetBeans Library resolves classpath issues;
Changing the default version of Ant to be the one that comes with Axis provides useful tasks;
Creating a separate file under nbproject;
Adding task definitions to build.xml;
 taskdef name=axis-admin 
 classpathref=axis.classpath /
 taskdef name=axis-java2wsdl 
taskdef name=axis-wsdl2java 

Adding tasks to build.xml to use the task defs as needed.

I'm still undecided about whether to use the JWSDP or Axis. Having gotten
Axis working, I'm not currently inclined to delve into JWSDP until I
feel more comfortable with Web Services in general. 

This question has discussed in the past,and you can travel history maillists.Best Regards,
Robert ZhangEmail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]Tel:86-010-62014411-2437- 原邮件 -从: Sammo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
日期: 星期四, 六月 23日, 2005 下午1:10主题: Best IDE to use for Axis I'm currently using NetBeans 4.1 as my Java IDE, but I have no idea how to use it with Axis. Are there any instructions on how to do this, or should I use another
 preferred IDE to develop web services?-- 
It used to be that machines automated work, giving us
moretime to do other things. But now machines automate
theproduction of attention-consuming information, which
takesour time. For example, if one person sends the same
e-mailmessage to 10 people, then 10 people have to respond.Esther Dyson

Re: Post or get

2005-06-05 Thread Don Albertson

Admittedly this is getting OT but...
Why that particular progression -- 128, 384, 8192?  

Jeff said (on or about) 06/05/2005 05:17:

Try telling Tomcat to use more memory, Omar!

Open the Tomcat configuration panel (e.g. 'Configure Tomcat' from the Start
menu if running on Windows) and stop Tomcat. On the Java tab, enter values
for Initial memory pool, Maximum memory pool and Thread stack size. You
could try 128, 384, 8192 respectively. Start Tomcat and test.


- Original Message - 
From: Omar Bennani [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:; Anne Thomas Manes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 5:06 AM
Subject: Re: Post or get


I create my client with WSDL2java, my client send 2
cmoplex array of 100 and 4800 elements and not all the
element are full, when I send them my service is
overloaded(I don't understand why) dso I think that
the amount of xml cause this problem so i won't to
send empty array's element.
So should I modify the wsdl and re-execute wsdl2java ?


If you want to send a SOAP request message, you must
use POST.
In Axis, the GET method is only supported when using
SOAP 1.2, and
only for RESTful web services.

Why don't you want your client to send empty nodes?


On 6/4/05, Omar Bennani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm using soap and i would like to know which is
better to sue for http : post or get? and how can


choose between them?

How can I configure my java client to dont send





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Re: Axis Client using HTTPS w/ no authentication how?

2005-06-01 Thread Don Albertson
As a test, you might try this. It worked for me using xml-rpc
when the certificate on the host was not a trusted certificate.

Step 1 Create your own Host Verifier that will accept anything mine looks like this:
class NullHostnameVerifier implements {
 public boolean verify(String urlHostname, SSLSession session){
 return true;

Step 2 Before using https set your null verifier as the default

HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new NullHostnameVerifier());

When I did this, it would accept any certificate without caring if it
was trusted or not. I only needed it for a test implementation --
the live version checks.
On 6/1/05, Melean, Calixto (Calixto) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Folks,Could anybody please help me with the following problem. I am desperate for help as I can't get this to work.I
don't know if the problem is server or client. Anybody know how to
configure Axis to send HTTPS to servers without using
authentication/certificates.The web service is using gsoap. The client is using java apache axis. The client is trying to use SSL(HTTPS).I dont want want any authentication/certificates. I only need encryption.
In the server I am doing:soap_ssl_server_context( soap, SOAP_SSL_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )The error printed by gsoap is:SOAP FAULT: SOAP-ENV:Server. SSL_ERROR_SSL error:1408A0C1:SSL routines:SSL routines:reason(193). SSL_accept
() failed in soap_ssl_accept()The error on the Axis side Received fatal alert:handshake_failure-Now, I tried setting the soap context using the included 
server.pem (though I dont think I need this). And this is what happens:soap_ssl_server_context( soap, SOAP_SSL_DEFAULT, server.pem, password, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL )Error on gsoap side:
SOAP FAULT: SOAP-ENV:Server. SSL_ERROR_SSL error:14094416:SSL routines:SSL routines:reason(1046). SSL_accept() failed in soap_ssl_accept()Error on Axis No trusted certificate foundThe errors are different. Again, the goal is to have encryption with no authentication. Anybody knows how to get this going.I appreciate any help
It used to be that machines automated work, giving us
moretime to do other things. But now machines automate
theproduction of attention-consuming information, which
takesour time. For example, if one person sends the same
e-mailmessage to 10 people, then 10 people have to respond.Esther Dyson

Re: Cannot query database from web service.

2005-05-27 Thread Don Albertson
I can't say for sure that this is your problem and if my assumption
that your service is running on Windows is wrong then it almost
certainly isn't but

I have had problems with ODBC connections when they are not System
connections. If the ODBC connection is defined at user level, the
web service may not be able to find it.

Another oddity I have encountered has to do with mapped drives.
If the Access db is referenced as a mapped drive and the web service
container is running as a service, it may not be able to reference the
mapped drive. In this case I have used the complete
\\server_name\... method of referencing the drive with the db on it
successfully. As a test you might try replacing the Access db
with MySql, MSDE or other db engine just to see if the service can
connect there successfully.On 5/27/05, Martin Gülich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello!I have a tricky problem that I cannot solve on my own. I want to use JDBCfrom within my web service implementation to query an Access 2000 databasevia ODBC (System DSN) and return the answer. That is, the java method
implementing the web service uses JDBC. For some reason this doesn't work.The program containing the method runs just fine when executed directly fromthe command prompt, but when it is invoked by calling the web service from
an Axis client I get a createSQLException with a trace back toMethod.invoke() among others (see below). I have tried many things and itseems to me that my database cannot be queried from within the Axis-process
that is executing the web service. Why is that?Have anybody else encountered a similar problem, and how did you solve it?Please help!PS. How can I open a text file from within a web service and use it? The
default path/user.dir property is c:\winnt\system32 from the perspective ofthe running web service so the text file is never found. I have tried to setthe user.dir property to directory ..\axis\WEB-INF\classes without success.
DS.Here is the code implementing my web service:public synchronized String getCarsByOwner(String ownerSSN) {String
driver = sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver;String
dbURL = jdbc:odbc:carsdatabase;//
Load driver and connect to databaseClass.forName(driver).newInstance();Connection
connection =DriverManager.getConnection(dbURL);PreparedStatement
stmnt =connection.prepareStatement(SELECT * +FROM
res = stmnt.executeQuery();sqlResult
= convertQueryResultToString();}
catch(Exception e) {StackTraceElement[]
ste = e.getStackTrace();StringBuffer
buf = new StringBuffer();for(int
i=0; iste.length; i++) {buf.append(ste[i].toString());
= buf.toString();}return
sqlResult;}And here is the error received:sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
:339)Best regardsMartin-- 
It used to be that machines automated work, giving us
moretime to do other things. But now machines automate
theproduction of attention-consuming information, which
takesour time. For example, if one person sends the same
e-mailmessage to 10 people, then 10 people have to respond.Esther Dyson

Re: problem integrating the client in another web application: AxisServlet threw exception

2005-05-13 Thread Don Albertson
I've been working on integrating Axis with Netbeans and I just finished
the trivial case of using a JSP to consume a WebService. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] contentType=text/html%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pageEncoding=UTF-8%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] import=play.*%
 headtitleJSP Page/title/head
 String val=earnest;
 HiSEI hiStub = new HiSEIServiceLocator().getHiSEIPort();
 }catch (Exception ex){}%

The import references the package play which was created by wsdl2java and contains the two classes referenced in the scriptlet.

On 5/13/05, Srinadh Karumuri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does any one have a sample code for calling an Axis Web service from a
JSP page?
Interesting thing is:
Same code when I tried on Tomcat 3 gives me the following 
Internal Servlet Error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already beencommittedatjava.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Native Method)atjava.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace(Compiled Code)
atjava.lang.Throwable.(Compiled Code)atjava.lang.Exception.(Compiled Code)atjava.lang.RuntimeException.(Compiled Code)atjava.lang.IllegalStateException.(Compiled Code)
At 01:05 PM 5/13/2005, you wrote:
I checked the HttpClient and understood what you meant. So, it should be
working with my web app on the same Tomcat.
As it shows in the RootCouse:
root cause 
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraints violated when linkingjavax/xml/soap/SOAPMessage classatorg.apache.axis.client.Call.init(
( started using a simple
JSP page but still my Call.init is failing.
At 10:18 AM 5/13/2005, you wrote:
Thanks for your reply.
I just started calling the web service in the .jsp file.
Here is my client code from .jsp
String endpoint =
String[] args =
String method = args[0];
String arg1 = args[1];;
String arg2 = args[2];;
Service service =
Call call =
QName qname =
Class cls =
qname =
TypeMappingRegistry tmr = service.getTypeMappingRegistry();
TypeMapping tmlts = tmr.createTypeMapping();



(ClassNotFoundException e1) {
qname =
call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.setReturnType (qname);

(MalformedURLException e2) {
XMLType.XSD_INTEGER, ParameterMode.IN);
XMLType.XSD_INTEGER, ParameterMode.IN);
method:  + method +
+ arg1 +
+ arg2 +
EmployeeLateTSBean e[] =
Object[] {
Integer(arg2) });
%= e[0].toString(); %
I will look into using HttpClient as you suggested.
Thanks again,
At 05:47 PM 5/12/2005, Michael Oliver wrote:
Its hard to tell what you are doing because we don't see any of the
source, but I can tell you that I use commons HttpClient to access
servlet from another servlet all day long with no problems so you can
least know that should work.
Michael Oliver
Alarius Systems LLC
6800 E. Lake Mead Blvd, #1096
Las Vegas, NV 89156
*Note new email changed from

--  It used to be that
machines automated work, giving us moretime to do other
things. But now machines automate theproduction of
attention-consuming information, which takesour time. For
example, if one person sends the same e-mailmessage to 10
people, then 10 people have to respond.Esther Dyson