Re: AXIS2 - Application Service Scope Questions

2008-04-02 Thread Jonathan Joseph
Tbanks Deepal for your informative response.  Now I feel confident on 
how to write my 'application' scoped web service (ie, taking care to be 

Deepal jayasinghe wrote:

Jonathan Joseph wrote:
I have a couple of questions regarding Axis2 web services configured 
to run with service scope set to 'Application':

1) Is the web service a singleton?


2) Is the web service thread-safe?

yes and no

I think that the answers are 1) Yes, 2) No. I couldn't find an 
explicit answer in the Axis2 documentation.
Once you deploy a service in application scope we create only one 
instance of the service implementation class. And we store the 
instance in the ServiceContext. So each and every request coming to 
that service uses the same service instance. However in web service 
world we have to write our services in a stateless manner , meaning 
write the class so that we do not store any class level variable in 
the service impl class. Then the service invocation would become 
thread safe as well.

Thank you!

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AXIS2 - Application Service Scope Questions

2008-04-01 Thread Jonathan Joseph
I have a couple of questions regarding Axis2 web services configured to 
run with service scope set to 'Application':

1) Is the web service a singleton?
2) Is the web service thread-safe?

I think that the answers are 1) Yes, 2) No. 
I couldn't find an explicit answer in the Axis2 documentation.


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AXIS2 -Ewdc option for wsdl2java using xmlbeans databinding

2008-03-16 Thread Jonathan Joseph
I downloaded the axis2 nightly build in order to try the -Ewdc wsdl2java 
When I run the wsdl2java for the StockQuotePrice quicksample and use the 
-Ewdc option for xmlbeans binding, I get the following errors:

   [javac] Compiling 214 source files to 
cannot find symbol

   [javac] symbol  : method getSymbol()
   [javac] location: interface 
   [javac] map.put(param0.getUpdate().getSymbol(), new 

   [javac] ^
cannot find symbol

   [javac] symbol  : method getPrice()
   [javac] location: interface 
   [javac] map.put(param0.getUpdate().getSymbol(), new 
cannot find symbol

   [javac] symbol  : method getSymbol()
   [javac] location: interface 
   [javac] Double price = (Double) 

   [javac]   ^
cannot find symbol

   [javac] symbol  : method setReturn(double)
   [javac] location: interface 

   [javac] res.setReturn(ret);
   [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
   [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
   [javac] 4 errors

c:\swdev\axis2-SNAPSHOT\samples\quickstartxmlbeans\build.xml:77: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

Here's the ant task for running wsdl2java:
   java classname=org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java fork=true 

   arg line=-uri ${wsdl.uri}/
   arg line=-s/
   arg line=-ss/
   arg line=-sd/
   arg line=-ssi/
   arg line=-ap/
   arg line=-ns2p 

   arg line=-l java/
   arg line=-p samples.quickstart.service.xmlbeans/
   arg line=-d xmlbeans/
   arg line=-o ${build.dir}/service/
   arg line=-Ewdc/

I don't get any errors, when I remove the -Ewdc option.  Do you know 
what's wrong?


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Re: AXIS2 wsdl2java limitations using jibx and xmlbeans databinding

2008-03-09 Thread Jonathan Joseph

Correction: There is no bug to report for jbix/circular imports.

Jonathan Joseph wrote:


The wsdl works with ADB, with the exception of the 2 part declarations 
in a message declaration.  I plan to enter a separte bug in JIRA for 
the jibx/soapheader, jibx/circular imports cases that you can look at 
(I'll provide the wsdl).  And I plan to enter a separate JIRA bug for 
the xmlbeans circular imports case for the xmlbeans experts.  Here are 
my results using ADB binding:

Test Case 1: adb binding: 2 parts in a message.
More than one part for message getPriceMessage

Test Case 2: adb binding: circular imports:
 Results: OK - NO ERRORS
Retrieving schema wsdl:imported from 
'../../../schema/StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 
Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteB.xsd', relative to 
Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 
Retrieving schema wsdl:imported from 
'../../../schema/StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 
Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteB.xsd', relative to 
Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 

Test Case 3: soap header declaration:
 Results: OK - NO ERRORS


Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

Since you didn't provide the modified WSDL it's difficult to say 
what's going wrong with this. Does your WSDL work with ADB?

I gather you're using a header part, which probably has not been 
tested thoroughly. If you want to enter a Jira on this I'll take a 
look at the JiBX handling.

 - Dennis

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Re: AXIS2 wsdl2java limitations using jibx and xmlbeans databinding

2008-03-09 Thread Jonathan Joseph
Thanks Amila for pointing out the missing 'parts' attribute in the 
soap:body of my wsdl:binding. 

7 out of 9 of my tests are now working.  Here are my results thus far 
using wsdl2java for ADB, JIBX, XMLBeans data bindings:

ADB Binding: All my test cases are working for ADB.

XMLBeans Binding: still have a problem with circular imports.
Amila, I don't quite understand how to proceed.  What is the -Ewdc 
option?  I tried the -Ewdc wsdl2java option using the same import 
declaration for the xmlschema that causes circular references, and got 
the same error for circular imports (Duplicate global type).  There were 
no classes, under the build/service/classes directory due to the error.  
I've compiled the xmlschemas via scomp, but am not sure on how to proceed.

   java.lang.RuntimeException: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: 
project://local/StockQuoteA.xsd:17:5: error: sch-props-correct.2: 
Duplicate global type: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(Original global type found in file: null)

JIBX Binding: still have problem with the 2 part message declartion 
(which works with ADB binding)

 Test Case 1: soap header declaration, using a wsdl:part element from 
a wsdl:message element that contains 2 wsdl:part elements.

 Exception in thread main 
java.lang.RuntimeException: No mapping defined for element 

 Relevant parts of the WSDL:
   wsdl:definitions xmlns:axis2=http://quickstart.samples/; 

   xs:schema xmlns:xs=; 

   xs:element name=myHeader type=xs:string/

   wsdl:message name=getPriceMessage
   wsdl:part name=myHeaderMessagePart element=ns:myHeader/
   wsdl:part name=part1 element=ns:getPrice/

   wsdl:binding name=StockQuoteServiceSOAP11Binding 
   soap:binding transport=; 

   wsdl:operation name=getPrice
   soap:operation soapAction=urn:getPrice style=document/
   soap:header message=axis2:getPriceMessage 
part=myHeaderMessagePart use=literal/
   soap:body use=literal parts=part1 


Amila Suriarachchi wrote:

On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 3:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm trying to use wsdl2java from the Axis2 v1.3 distribution to
generate soap headers, and import xml schemas via either jibx or
xmlbeans databinding.  I've run into some limitations using wsdl2java
and wanted to confirm my findings.  All my tests used the
StockQuoteService wsdl provided in the quickstartjibx and
quickstartxmlbeans examples.

1) Test Results for more than one part element per message
  -jibx: obtained the following error.
 Caused by: org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: message
http://quickstart.samples/%7DmyHeaderMessage not found in the WSDL
  -xmlbeans: obtained the following error.
 Caused by:

More than one part for message

This is because of the problem I mentioned earlier.

2) Test Results for Cirular imports in a wsdl, where xml schema A
imports schema B, which imports the original schema A:
  -jibx: didn't try. xml schema is complicated.
  -xmlbeans: Get 'Duplicate global element' Error.
 Caused by: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException:
project://local/AlertInfrastructureTransactions.xsd:14:5: error:
sch-props-correct.2: Duplicate global element:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Original
element found in file: null)

Try this.
When generating the code with wsdl2java tool use -Ewdc option. This 
would generate some dummy classes for Xml beans.

Then generate the Xmlbeans classes with the scomp tool comes with the 
Xmlbeans distribution. 

Then replace the above dummy classes with the latter generated data 
bind classes.

3) Test Results for soap headers added to binding.
  -jibx: Get mapping error when soap:header ... is added to binding.
 Exception in thread 

Re: AXIS2 wsdl2java limitations using jibx and xmlbeans databinding

2008-03-08 Thread Jonathan Joseph


The wsdl works with ADB, with the exception of the 2 part declarations 
in a message declaration.  I plan to enter a separte bug in JIRA for the 
jibx/soapheader, jibx/circular imports cases that you can look at (I'll 
provide the wsdl).  And I plan to enter a separate JIRA bug for the 
xmlbeans circular imports case for the xmlbeans experts.  Here are my 
results using ADB binding:

Test Case 1: adb binding: 2 parts in a message.
More than one part for message getPriceMessage

Test Case 2: adb binding: circular imports:
 Results: OK - NO ERRORS
Retrieving schema wsdl:imported from '../../../schema/StockQuoteA.xsd', 
relative to 'file:/C:/swdev/wsproto/quickstartadb/resources/META-INF/'.
Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteB.xsd', relative to 
Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 
Retrieving schema wsdl:imported from '../../../schema/StockQuoteA.xsd', 
relative to 'file:/C:/swdev/wsproto/quickstartadb/resources/META-INF/'.
Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteB.xsd', relative to 
Retrieving schema at 'StockQuoteA.xsd', relative to 

Test Case 3: soap header declaration:
 Results: OK - NO ERRORS


Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

Hi Jonathan,

Since you didn't provide the modified WSDL it's difficult to say 
what's going wrong with this. Does your WSDL work with ADB?

I gather you're using a header part, which probably has not been 
tested thoroughly. If you want to enter a Jira on this I'll take a 
look at the JiBX handling.

 - Dennis

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