Re: deplyoment problem

2008-03-03 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade

The issue might be that the code is trying to connect to one of the XSD URL's 
and if your machine is not on internet it might not be able to connect to it.

As far as I can remember, there is a work around for this.

Hope this helps.


- Original Message 
From: chitgoks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 3 March, 2008 8:58:02 AM
Subject: deplyoment problem

i know this is a typical error. and i have found no clues in google regarding 

Processing file deploy.wsdd
Exception: AxisFault
 faultCode: {}Server.userException
 faultString: Connection refused: connect
Connection refused: connect

anyone has any idea of possible causes? im deploying it in my own pc using 
tomcat so i cant see any reason why a cnonection refused occurs

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Re: Urgent request : How to change Axis2 SOAP serialization for dates to use local timezone

2007-08-23 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Prakash,

If you are asking for changing the defaut code which AXIS generates then for 
AXIS2 this is simple. Since the code generation logic is stored in the XSL 
files which are present in the axis jars.

If you change the template then you should be able to achieve your goal 
(however again if u want to change the code generated by AXIS)



- Original Message 
From: Prakash Subramaniam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2007 11:18:08 AM
Subject: Urgent request : How to change Axis2 SOAP serialization for dates to 
use local timezone


We are using Axis2 1.2 java version in our  project as the web service client. 
The local timezone is Australia timezone (UTC + 10:00 hrs). Entire application 
is designed to be in Australia's local timezone.. The java Calendar object that 
is part of webservice request message has been set to local timezone (Australia 
timezone). However, when Axis 2 serializes the webservice request objects into 
SOAP message, it converts the time to UTC timezone value. For example, 
australia timezone value 2007-09-01T00:00:00+10:00 is converted to 
00.473Z UTC value. We are using ADB for databinding.

Please let me know how to change this Axis's default behaviour so that Axis 
does not convert the date/datetime to UTC timezone.



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Re: Axis2 on Websphere 6.1

2007-05-21 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Verify that WAS is picking up the correct wsdl4j.jar file. This could be more 
of an issue with the jar mis-match.



- Original Message 
From: Pavan Madiraju [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2007 9:14:45 PM
Subject: Axis2 on Websphere 6.1

Hi All,

I am having trouble in installing axis2 application on Websphere 6.1. Did 
anyone encounter this issue before ? 

Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
javax/wsdl/Operation.getExtensibilityElements()Ljava/util/List; at 
at org.apache.axis2.deployment.ServiceDeployer.deploy( 
at org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet.init( at 



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Re: Can we define multiple web services in single WSDL?

2007-04-11 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Vikas,

As per my knowledge you can define multiple services in a single wsdl.



- Original Message 
To: axis user
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 3:59:04 PM
Subject: Can we define multiple web services in single WSDL?

Hi Friends,
Can we define multiple web services in single WSDL?
[Means If I want to define more than one web services in one WSDL, can we do 
so? If No, why so?]
With best regards
Vikas R. Khengare


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Re: Method that returns HashMap[]

2007-04-04 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Tim can you specify which version of AXIS you are using?



- Original Message 
Sent: Thursday, April 5, 2007 4:20:12 AM
Subject: Method that returns HashMap[]


Can I get some pointers about implementing a service method that returns 

In my implementation, the server method returns a HashMap[] w/ 3 HashMap 
objects.  However, on the client end, the array contains 3 null objects! 

Any pointers on this?  Thanks.



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Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX

2007-03-27 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Anil,
  The JiBX XML file which I had mentioned contains the mapping between  XML and 
the Java classes. You can generate this file using the jibx  commands. Please 
refer the JiBX documentation for more details.
  Secondly your question related to sending a SOAP request. We always  send a 
SOAP request to a Web Service. I mean even if we have a Java  client written 
what we do is create a SOAP request and then send the  same over HTTP or any 
other transport protocol to the Web Service  endpoint. So the Client request 
would always be in SOAP whether you  have a java/.NET/C/C++ client accessing 
the web service.

Hi Nilesh,

Thanks for detailed response. 

So, the AddressBookService example (at
which uses POJO as a data transfer object, can be implemented using any Data
binding framework (JIBX or ADB) to create Java classes. 

What is JiBX binding definition, is this property only applicable to JiBX
-EbindingFile /resources/jibxbindingFile.xml 

And also, can we send the client request using SOAP (instead of writing Java
Client) and get the response back in SOAP? In which case,  this type of
scenario comes in.


Nilesh Ghorpade wrote:
 Hi Anil,
 The Data binding frameworks come into picture when you are generating the
 Java code artifacts from WSDL. If you observe the wsdl2java command
 there is a command line argument namely -d with which you can specify
 the Data binding framework which you want to use. In case u want to use
 JiBX you would be specifying something like 
 $ wsdl2java -o /outputDir -d jibx -EbindingFile
 /resources/jibxbindingFile.xml -uri MyWebService.wsdl
 The above command is just for making things more simpler. Also if there
 are no schema references in the WSDL or if the WSDL is not having any
 schema types then the Data binding framework would not be coming into
 picture. (Others Please correct me if I am wrong.)
 You would just be deciding which Data binding framework you should be
 using. AXIS 2 would internally be using the same and generating the Java
 classes for you. Do not get confused by the approach which you are
 choosing to build the web service and the data binding framework. The data
 binding framework is just to map the schema which is defined in the WSDL
 to Java classes. Thats the only purpose of the data binding framework. 
 Using POJO's for web services means you would be writing a POJO class
 which would be capturing all the information you need for invoking the
 particular web service operation. For example if you see the
 AddressBookService in the AXIS 2 samples you can see that the addEntry
 method takes in a POJO as its input parameter namely Entry.
 Regarding your second question I am not able to understand it correctly.  
 Also the flow which you have mentioned from the Client to the Service is
 correct and it would remain the same for any Web service for that matter
 i.e. not only AXIS 2 but any web service which is developed using any
 other framework.
 Hope that answers your queries.
 - Original Message 
 From: Anil VVNN 
 Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 7:56:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX
 Hi Niles,
 Thanks for answering my questions. As I said I'm a beginner, I have few
 questions related to previous one.
 (1) When exactly do we use Binding frameworks (JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans) ? 
 For instance, the examples given in Axis2 website (i.e. StockQuoteService)
 referring to simple method call, client calling WS for getPrice/update
 operations but there's no XSD involved, I think this kind of operations
 be easily accomplished using POJO option. But I'm confused when to use
 or anyother Binding framework(JIBX).
 (2) What is the difference between XML Processing Model and SOAP
 Processing Model, when do we use these models independently.
 To my understanding, this is the typical flow of Axis2 services,
 Client calls--- Stub (generated by wsdl2java) calls[SOAP
 request]--- Skeleton Interface (generated by wsdl2java) --Business Logic
 And this SOAP request can be handled using any transport (eg. TCP, JMS
 Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
 - Anil
 Nilesh Ghorpade wrote:
 As per my understanding AXIS 2 uses AXIOM API's internally for any XML
 related activities. Hence as you have mentioned that you are confused to
 choose between POJO, AXIOM, JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans, the AXIOM is an
 option here.
 Secondly in AXIS 2 you can create web services using either the Spring
 Framework or POJO. 
 JiBX, XMLBeans and ADB are more related to the data binding frameworks
 which AXIS 2 supports. Hence it depends on your schema on which data
 binding framework you would want to select. As per my knowledge XMLBeans

Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX

2007-03-27 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Anil,
 The JiBX XML file which I had mentioned contains the  mapping between XML and 
the Java classes. You can generate this file  using the jibx commands. Please 
refer the JiBX documentation for more  details.
 Secondly your question related to sending a SOAP  request. We always send a 
SOAP request to a Web Service. I mean even if  we have a Java client written 
what we do is create a SOAP request and  then send the same over HTTP or any 
other transport protocol to the Web  Service endpoint. So the Client request 
would always be in SOAP whether  you have a java/.NET/C/C++ client accessing 
the web service.

Hi Nilesh,

Thanks for detailed response. 

So, the AddressBookService example (at
which uses POJO as a data transfer object, can be implemented using any Data
binding framework (JIBX or ADB) to create Java classes. 

What is JiBX binding definition, is this property only applicable to JiBX
-EbindingFile /resources/jibxbindingFile.xml 

And also, can we send the client request using SOAP (instead of writing Java
Client) and get the response back in SOAP? In which case,  this type of
scenario comes in.


Nilesh Ghorpade wrote:
 Hi Anil,
 The Data binding frameworks come into picture when you are generating the
 Java code artifacts from WSDL. If you observe the wsdl2java command
 there is a command line argument namely -d with which you can specify
 the Data binding framework which you want to use. In case u want to use
 JiBX you would be specifying something like 
 $ wsdl2java -o /outputDir -d jibx -EbindingFile
 /resources/jibxbindingFile.xml -uri MyWebService.wsdl
 The above command is just for making things more simpler. Also if there
 are no schema references in the WSDL or if the WSDL is not having any
 schema types then the Data binding framework would not be coming into
 picture. (Others Please correct me if I am wrong.)
 You would just be deciding which Data binding framework you should be
 using. AXIS 2 would internally be using the same and generating the Java
 classes for you. Do not get confused by the approach which you are
 choosing to build the web service and the data binding framework. The data
 binding framework is just to map the schema which is defined in the WSDL
 to Java classes. Thats the only purpose of the data binding framework. 
 Using POJO's for web services means you would be writing a POJO class
 which would be capturing all the information you need for invoking the
 particular web service operation. For example if you see the
 AddressBookService in the AXIS 2 samples you can see that the addEntry
 method takes in a POJO as its input parameter namely Entry.
 Regarding your second question I am not able to understand it correctly.  
 Also the flow which you have mentioned from the Client to the Service is
 correct and it would remain the same for any Web service for that matter
 i.e. not only AXIS 2 but any web service which is developed using any
 other framework.
 Hope that answers your queries.
 - Original Message 
 From: Anil VVNN 
 Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 7:56:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX
 Hi Niles,
 Thanks for answering my questions. As I said I'm a beginner, I have few
 questions related to previous one.
 (1) When exactly do we use Binding frameworks (JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans) ? 
 For instance, the examples given in Axis2 website (i.e. StockQuoteService)
 referring to simple method call, client calling WS for getPrice/update
 operations but there's no XSD involved, I think this kind of operations
 be easily accomplished using POJO option. But I'm confused when to use
 or anyother Binding framework(JIBX).
 (2) What is the difference between XML Processing Model and SOAP
 Processing Model, when do we use these models independently.
 To my understanding, this is the typical flow of Axis2 services,
 Client calls--- Stub (generated by wsdl2java) calls[SOAP
 request]--- Skeleton Interface (generated by wsdl2java) --Business Logic
 And this SOAP request can be handled using any transport (eg. TCP, JMS
 Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
 - Anil
 Nilesh Ghorpade wrote:
 As per my understanding AXIS 2 uses AXIOM API's internally for any XML
 related activities. Hence as you have mentioned that you are confused to
 choose between POJO, AXIOM, JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans, the AXIOM is an
 option here.
 Secondly in AXIS 2 you can create web services using either the Spring
 Framework or POJO. 
 JiBX, XMLBeans and ADB are more related to the data binding frameworks
 which AXIS 2 supports. Hence it depends on your schema on which data
 binding framework you would want to select. As per my knowledge XMLBeans

Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX

2007-03-27 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Anil,

The JiBX XML file which I had mentioned contains the mapping between XML and 
the Java classes. You can generate this file using the jibx commands. Please 
refer the JiBX documentation for more details.

Secondly your question related to sending a SOAP request. We always send a SOAP 
request to a Web Service. I mean even if we have a Java client written what we 
do is create a SOAP request and then send the same over HTTP or any other 
transport protocol to the Web Service endpoint. So the Client request would 
always be in SOAP whether you have a java/.NET/C/C++ client accessing the web 



- Original Message 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:53:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX

Hi Nilesh,

Thanks for detailed response. 

So, the AddressBookService example (at
which uses POJO as a data transfer object, can be implemented using any Data
binding framework (JIBX or ADB) to create Java classes. 

What is JiBX binding definition, is this property only applicable to JiBX
-EbindingFile /resources/jibxbindingFile.xml 

And also, can we send the client request using SOAP (instead of writing Java
Client) and get the response back in SOAP? In which case,  this type of
scenario comes in.


Nilesh Ghorpade wrote:
 Hi Anil,
 The Data binding frameworks come into picture when you are generating the
 Java code artifacts from WSDL. If you observe the wsdl2java command
 there is a command line argument namely -d with which you can specify
 the Data binding framework which you want to use. In case u want to use
 JiBX you would be specifying something like 
 $ wsdl2java -o /outputDir -d jibx -EbindingFile
 /resources/jibxbindingFile.xml -uri MyWebService.wsdl
 The above command is just for making things more simpler. Also if there
 are no schema references in the WSDL or if the WSDL is not having any
 schema types then the Data binding framework would not be coming into
 picture. (Others Please correct me if I am wrong.)
 You would just be deciding which Data binding framework you should be
 using. AXIS 2 would internally be using the same and generating the Java
 classes for you. Do not get confused by the approach which you are
 choosing to build the web service and the data binding framework. The data
 binding framework is just to map the schema which is defined in the WSDL
 to Java classes. Thats the only purpose of the data binding framework. 
 Using POJO's for web services means you would be writing a POJO class
 which would be capturing all the information you need for invoking the
 particular web service operation. For example if you see the
 AddressBookService in the AXIS 2 samples you can see that the addEntry
 method takes in a POJO as its input parameter namely Entry.
 Regarding your second question I am not able to understand it correctly.  
 Also the flow which you have mentioned from the Client to the Service is
 correct and it would remain the same for any Web service for that matter
 i.e. not only AXIS 2 but any web service which is developed using any
 other framework.
 Hope that answers your queries.
 - Original Message 
 Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 7:56:35 PM
 Subject: Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX
 Hi Niles,
 Thanks for answering my questions. As I said I'm a beginner, I have few
 questions related to previous one.
 (1) When exactly do we use Binding frameworks (JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans) ? 
 For instance, the examples given in Axis2 website (i.e. StockQuoteService)
 referring to simple method call, client calling WS for getPrice/update
 operations but there's no XSD involved, I think this kind of operations
 be easily accomplished using POJO option. But I'm confused when to use
 or anyother Binding framework(JIBX).
 (2) What is the difference between XML Processing Model and SOAP
 Processing Model, when do we use these models independently.
 To my understanding, this is the typical flow of Axis2 services,
 Client calls--- Stub (generated by wsdl2java) calls[SOAP
 request]--- Skeleton Interface (generated by wsdl2java) --Business Logic
 And this SOAP request can be handled using any transport (eg. TCP, JMS
 Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.
 - Anil
 Nilesh Ghorpade wrote:
 As per my understanding AXIS 2 uses AXIOM API's internally for any XML
 related activities. Hence as you have mentioned that you are confused to
 choose between POJO, AXIOM, JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans, the AXIOM is an
 option here.
 Secondly in AXIS 2 you can create web services using either the Spring
 Framework or POJO. 
 JiBX, XMLBeans and ADB are more related to the data binding frameworks
 which AXIS 2 supports. Hence

Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX

2007-03-26 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade

As per my understanding AXIS 2 uses AXIOM API's internally for any XML related 
activities. Hence as you have mentioned that you are confused to choose between 
POJO, AXIOM, JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans, the AXIOM is an invalid option here.

Secondly in AXIS 2 you can create web services using either the Spring 
Framework or POJO. 

JiBX, XMLBeans and ADB are more related to the data binding frameworks which 
AXIS 2 supports. Hence it depends on your schema on which data binding 
framework you would want to select. As per my knowledge XMLBeans is the best 
when it comes to complex schemas. This is because XMLBeans implementation can 
understand all the XSD (i.e. schema) constructs.

To answer your second question, the answer is YES. If you want to use the 
wsdl2java command from AXIS2 for generating your stubs and skeletons you will 
need the WSDL. Generating a WSDL is also not a diccficult task. YOu can have 
your SEI defined i.e. the Service Endpoint Interface with all the method 
signatures which you want to expose as web service operations. On executing the 
java2wsdl command from AXIS2 you would be able to get the WSDL. And using this 
WSDL you can generate the remaining artifacts of your web service. WSDL is 
nothing but an interface and hence even if you have defined an interface in 
Java, you can generate a WSDL from it.

Hope that answers your queries.



- Original Message 
From: Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 3:15:01 AM
Subject: Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX


I found this whitepaper quite informative
SAX2 processes fastest..with DOM bein

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- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2007 4:37 PM
Subject: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX

 I'm new to Axis2, what is the criteria to choose
 between POJO, AXIOM, JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans. How do we
 decide architecture wise. 
 My second question is, is wsdl file mandatory to
 create stub and skeleton interfaces or can we use just
 skeleton file to create wsdl file. 
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Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX

2007-03-26 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Anil,

The Data binding frameworks come into picture when you are generating the Java 
code artifacts from WSDL. If you observe the wsdl2java command there is a 
command line argument namely -d with which you can specify the Data binding 
framework which you want to use. In case u want to use JiBX you would be 
specifying something like 

$ wsdl2java -o /outputDir -d jibx -EbindingFile /resources/jibxbindingFile.xml 
-uri MyWebService.wsdl

The above command is just for making things more simpler. Also if there are no 
schema references in the WSDL or if the WSDL is not having any schema types 
then the Data binding framework would not be coming into picture. (Others 
Please correct me if I am wrong.)

You would just be deciding which Data binding framework you should be using. 
AXIS 2 would internally be using the same and generating the Java classes for 
you. Do not get confused by the approach which you are choosing to build the 
web service and the data binding framework. The data binding framework is just 
to map the schema which is defined in the WSDL to Java classes. Thats the only 
purpose of the data binding framework. 

Using POJO's for web services means you would be writing a POJO class which 
would be capturing all the information you need for invoking the particular web 
service operation. For example if you see the AddressBookService in the AXIS 2 
samples you can see that the addEntry method takes in a POJO as its input 
parameter namely Entry.

Regarding your second question I am not able to understand it correctly.  

Also the flow which you have mentioned from the Client to the Service is 
correct and it would remain the same for any Web service for that matter i.e. 
not only AXIS 2 but any web service which is developed using any other 

Hope that answers your queries.



- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 7:56:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX

Hi Niles,

Thanks for answering my questions. As I said I'm a beginner, I have few more
questions related to previous one.

(1) When exactly do we use Binding frameworks (JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans) ? 
For instance, the examples given in Axis2 website (i.e. StockQuoteService)
referring to simple method call, client calling WS for getPrice/update
operations but there's no XSD involved, I think this kind of operations can
be easily accomplished using POJO option. But I'm confused when to use POJO
or anyother Binding framework(JIBX).

(2) What is the difference between XML Processing Model and SOAP
Processing Model, when do we use these models independently.

To my understanding, this is the typical flow of Axis2 services,

Client calls--- Stub (generated by wsdl2java) calls[SOAP
request]--- Skeleton Interface (generated by wsdl2java) --Business Logic

And this SOAP request can be handled using any transport (eg. TCP, JMS etc.)

Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks.

- Anil

Nilesh Ghorpade wrote:
 As per my understanding AXIS 2 uses AXIOM API's internally for any XML
 related activities. Hence as you have mentioned that you are confused to
 choose between POJO, AXIOM, JIBX, ADB or XMLBeans, the AXIOM is an invalid
 option here.
 Secondly in AXIS 2 you can create web services using either the Spring
 Framework or POJO. 
 JiBX, XMLBeans and ADB are more related to the data binding frameworks
 which AXIS 2 supports. Hence it depends on your schema on which data
 binding framework you would want to select. As per my knowledge XMLBeans
 is the best when it comes to complex schemas. This is because XMLBeans
 implementation can understand all the XSD (i.e. schema) constructs.
 To answer your second question, the answer is YES. If you want to use the
 wsdl2java command from AXIS2 for generating your stubs and skeletons you
 will need the WSDL. Generating a WSDL is also not a diccficult task. YOu
 can have your SEI defined i.e. the Service Endpoint Interface with all the
 method signatures which you want to expose as web service operations. On
 executing the java2wsdl command from AXIS2 you would be able to get the
 WSDL. And using this WSDL you can generate the remaining artifacts of your
 web service. WSDL is nothing but an interface and hence even if you have
 defined an interface in Java, you can generate a WSDL from it.
 Hope that answers your queries.
 - Original Message 
 From: Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 3:15:01 AM
 Subject: Re: [Axis2] AXIOM or JBIX
 I found this whitepaper quite informative
 SAX2 processes fastest..with DOM bein
 This e-mail message (including attachments, if any) is intended for the
 use of the individual

Re: Better way to map from axis generated objects to domain?

2007-03-16 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Yes I believe JiBX is the right way of using your existing domian  objects with 
the Web Service. This would take care of the mapping  required.
  I believe having your own custom mapping layer would not be a good  idea. 
This is because it would require you to update the layer if and  when there are 
any changes to the domain objects.
  Please correct me if I am wrong.

Dennis Sosnoski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  JiBX data binding allows you to map 
XML directly to your domain objects, 
while maintaining a fairly loose coupling between the XML and the 
objects. A binding definition is used to specify how the XML relates to 
the objects.

  - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting -
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Robert Monical wrote:
 Transfer objects. I create a class for each required transfer. In some 
 cases, more than one domain class maps to a Web class.

 At 04:02 PM 3/15/2007 -0400, Josh wrote:
 My application has an existing domain/service layer that does not map 
 1:1 with the entities that will be used on the wire.  My process thus 
 far has been to create a schema for the web service input/output and 
 generate the java objects that map to them.  What I am left with is 
 still two different object models.  Just like we use Hibernate/Ibatis 
 to map between objects and tables, I would like to map between these 
 two layers of objects.  This way, the web service layer can change 
 independently from my existing domain/service layer.  What are you 
 using for your mapping layer?

 On 15 Mar 2007 17:48:58 -, *Robert Monical* 

 I use a mapping layer to go from WSDL generated to Domain
 Objects.  Since this is a legacy system and the domain objects
 are reversed out of a database with Hibernate we have information
 in the domain objects that is not relevent to the Web service

 If you have the ability/desire to tightly couple the Web service
 to your domain, then maybe you don't need to do a mapping. I'ld
 be nervous.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: 03/15/07 - 12:18
 Subject: RE: Better way to map from axis generated objects to
 Starting from a wsdl/schema, Axis will generate some plumbing
 to marshal/unmarshal xml.  Is there an easier way to map to/from
 generated object to my corresponding domain objects?  Is anyone
 mapping layer to do this?  What are the best practices for
 existing java code from changes to the code generated by Axis?

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Skeleton class not being loaded from the services/MyService.aar file

2007-03-14 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Gurus,
  I am getting this error. When ever my client tries to execute a web  service 
operation I get the error saying that the Skeleton class was  not found. 
  I have verified my aar file and the skeleton class is present in it.  The way 
I am deploying my service is in accordance with the steps  suggested by AXIS 2.
  I have a web application. In this web application I have created a  services 
folder under the WEB-INF directory and placed my Aar file in  this directory. I 
am not using any AXIS.xml configuration file. My AAR  file has the WSDL as well 
as the services.xml configuration file placed  in the META-INF directory inside 
the AAR file.
  Thanks in advance.
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RE: Skeleton class not being loaded from the services/MyService.aar file

2007-03-14 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Jorge,
  Thanks for the inputs. However I have tried the the following things on your 
suggestions still the issue persists.
  1. Exploded the aar file under the WEB-INF\services folder.
  2. Checked the name of the service in the parameter locked=false 
name=ServiceClass tag. It is correct.
  In the mean time I created a simple AXIS 2 service and deployed the  same in 
another web application and it was able to load the Skeleton  class from the 
AAR file. I believe this has got to do something with my  particular web 
application. Some jar files might be misbehaving and  hence this exception. 
  Anyways thanks for the inputs. I think I would have to deep dive into this 
  Others in the mean time if have any more suggestions please let me know.
  With Best Regards

Jorge Fernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Nilesh,

I'm a newbie and I had the same problem once. I have some questions you can try.
Have you tried to deploy it in exploded format???

Maybe  this question is obvious: did you look if at the services.xml  
parameter locked=false  name=ServiceClasspackage.class_name/parameter 
is the same  as your package.class_name, with the same folder structure on the  
service directory?? 

or even I had some problems when I dropped  a class with no package in the 
service folder so I had to put it on a  package and then drop the package in 
the service folder.


Jorge Fernández

Nilesh Ghorpade [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió: Hi Gurus,
  I am getting this error. When ever my client tries to execute a web  service 
operation I get the error saying that the Skeleton class was  not found. 
 I have verified my aar file and the skeleton  class is present in it. The way 
I am deploying my service is in  accordance with the steps suggested by AXIS 2.
 I have a web  application. In this web application I have created a services 
folder  under the WEB-INF directory and placed my Aar file in this directory. I 
 am not using any AXIS.xml configuration file. My AAR file has the WSDL  as 
well as the services.xml configuration file placed in the META-INF  directory 
inside the AAR file.
  Thanks in advance.

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Re: SimpleTypeMapper.getArrayList(OMELement) gives NullPointerException

2007-03-05 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
HI Martin,
  I have copy pasted my entire code which I gives the error in the JIRA  bug 
details. If you refer the same you would be able to get all the  details. 
  (The key is AXIS2-2288)

Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Good Morning Niles
How was the original OMEelement   allocated?
  How is the SimpleTypeMapper allocated?
  I look forward to seeing the code to re-create this   scenario
Martin --
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  - Original Message - 
From: Nilesh Ghorpade 
Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2007 4:38   AM
Subject: Re: SimpleTypeMapper.getArrayList(OMELement) gives 

I have filed a JIRA bug for the same. The key is AXIS2-2288



Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Nilesh,

Please   create a JIRA bug with your sample code for us to recreate the 


On 3/2/07, Nilesh Ghorpade   wrote:

 On using   the SimpleTypeMapper.getArrayList(OMELement) API for converting
 the   OMElement to an ArrayList I get a   NullPointerException.

 Does anyone know the solution   for the same?

 I have pasted the StackTrace   below.

 Thanks and Regards,


 === java.lang.NullPointerException

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Re: SimpleTypeMapper.getArrayList(OMELement) gives NullPointerException

2007-03-04 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
I have filed a JIRA bug for the same. The key is AXIS2-2288

Davanum Srinivas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Nilesh,

Please create a JIRA bug with your sample code for us to recreate the problem.


On 3/2/07, Nilesh Ghorpade  wrote:

  On using the SimpleTypeMapper.getArrayList(OMELement) API for converting
 the OMElement to an ArrayList I get a NullPointerException.

  Does anyone know the solution for the same?

  I have pasted the StackTrace below.

  Thanks and Regards,


  === java.lang.NullPointerException

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SimpleTypeMapper.getArrayList(OMELement) gives NullPointerException

2007-03-02 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
  On using the SimpleTypeMapper.getArrayList(OMELement) API for  converting the 
OMElement to an ArrayList I get a NullPointerException.
  Does anyone know the solution for the same?
  I have pasted the StackTrace below.
  Thanks and Regards,
  === java.lang.NullPointerException
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Re: setParam0(OMElement param) or xs:any

2007-02-28 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade

There is a utility tool in the AXIS 2 API's namely the BeanUtil I believe. This 
class has some static methods which would enable you to convert from an Object 
to an OMElement and vice versa.

Hope that helps.



- Original Message 
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 7:27:53 PM
Subject: Re: setParam0(OMElement param) or xs:any

I need to pass a variable number of different objs...
I also tried to pass a Vector of Integer (for an example) but axis2
doesn't know how resolve it and it gives me a xs:any ...
I tried also to pass one my class, called Vettore (with an array of
Object or a Vector) but when I generate the stub, it contains an its
Vettore, different from mine...
I can't explain better...
Thank you for your attention!


2007/2/28, Deepal Jayasinghe [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hi ;

 I am talking about smt like below;
 public Address[] compute(Man []  data){

 Do not use just Object ,use the actual type you want to use.


 Kay* wrote:

  Thank you for your answer, but I don't understand  can you please
  do an example?Do you mean that I have to change parameters ?
  Thank you very very much!!!
  2007/2/27, Deepal Jayasinghe  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Hi ;
  When you have a method which take Object then there is no way to find
  out the type of that object. That is why it generates WSDL with
  To solve that U need to write the method to take the method with
  Object type (String [] or what ever).
  Kay* wrote:
   Hello! (Sorry for my bad English...)
   My problem is that my service is like this:
   public Object[] compute(Object[]  data){
   and MyServiceStub.Compute has
   [] param) and get_return returns an OMElement[]...
   I don't know how to create an OMElement within Object[] ...and
   Please, can you help me ?
   Thank you very much!!!
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AXIS 2 code generator initializing interfaces in parse method

2007-02-21 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Gurus,
  I am migrating to AXIS 2 from AXIS 1.1 version. For this migration I  had to 
use the existing VO classes as we had by mistake coded the  business logic as 
well into the VO classes. At the time when we started  with the Migration 
project AXIS 2.1.1 release was the latest release  and hence we are using the 
  Now I am facing the following issue.
  One of my Web Service operations takes an Interface as a parameter. Now  the 
AXIS code is generating the corresponding Bean class and the Helper  class for 
the same. (I am keeping the Helper classes which are  generated by AXIS and 
discarding the AXIS generated bean classes. I  have made modifications in the 
code generation XSL such that the  methods which are used by the Helper are 
compatible with my existing VO  classes methods.) In the parse method the 
Helper class uses the new  operator for initializing the Interface object. This 
is causing errors  as in our code base the Bean is deifned as an Interface. 
  For example 
  Or code base has something like
  public interface Foo{
//some methods in here  

  AXIS generated Bean class
  public class Foo{
//same set of methods as the ones in our Interface.  
  public class FooHelper {
  //standard methods present in the Helper class
 public static ProgressListener  parse( 
reader)  throws java.lang.Exception{
 Foo object = new Foo();
  return object;
  Now for AXIS 2 it is not able to understand that Foo is an interface,  hence 
it is using the new operator for constructing an instance of  the same.
  I was wondering that this situation might be encountered by many  developers 
who want to use their existing Beans rather than the one  generated by AXIS 2. 
Is there a way out of this issue. If not can we  think of some probable 
solution for the same.
  Another issue that I have encountered is that in my bean classes I had  to 
use an attribute of type Serializable. This was done intentionally  for some 
session replication. However with the axis generated code the  same is 
generating a which does not map to How can I do away with the extra xsd which is  
generated in the package and namespace.
  Thanks in advance.
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Re: How to configure Oracle OC4J and Axis2

2007-02-17 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Daniel,
  I would suggest you use the OC4J commands for deploying and binding the  AXIS 
war file. This is because OC4J makes a lot of entries in its  configuration 
files. Hence when you just drop the AXIS war into the  home/applications folder 
these configurations would not be getting  updated.
  Also I would recommend you use OC4J 10.1.3 instead of OC4J 10.1.2 (if  the 
version is not a restriction for you.) As the OC4J 10.1.3 also  offers you a 
web based ui for deploying, monitoring and controlling you  applications 
deployed in OC4J.
  Hope that helps.

Daniel Teng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi,

Can someone point me to any information on how to configure Axis2 with 
oc4j 10.1.2?  I haven't had much luck getting past the
Happiness Page.  I get an Internal Server Error with no stack trace 
when I click on the Validate button from the Admin page.

I did the following:
1. Dropped the *.war file into the oc4j-10.1.2\j2ee\home\applications 
directory. (after starting oc4j, I can see that it expanded the war file 
into a folder named axis2 in the same directory).
2. Went into oc4j-10.1.2\j2ee\home\config and edited the following:



Are there other steps I am missing?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Servlet filter to retrieve username in call

2007-01-14 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
  Hope I am not too late in responding to your query. :-)
  For the servlet filter you need to write your own class which is a  subclass 
of Filter and override the doFilter method. You would also  have to enter some 
configuration details like the filter class, filter  name etc in the web.xml 
file. If you refer to the Servlet/JSP  specification you would be find the 
details there.
  Secondly if you are using an AXIS service in WebLogic then AXIS does  provide 
a way of intercepting the requests before the same reaches the  Web Service. 
This can be achieved using the handler mechanism.   For the handler as well you 
would have to code a class which would  subclass the AXIS Handler class and its 
configurations would be entered  in the web.xml file. Using the Handler would 
be the best approach in my  opinion for an AXIS based service. Once you have 
the handler you can  retrieve the username and password from the messagecontext 
and do the  verification. If authenticated then you would be forwarding the 
request  to the WebService else would be returning a fault code from the 
Handler  itself.
  Hope that helps :-)

Espen Falkevik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi.
I'm quite new to Axis and webservices. I'm using Axis 1.4 on a weblogic 8.1 

I  want the user of my webservices to send a username and password to me  in 
their call (in stubfiles: _call.setUsername and _call.setPassword),  and then I 
want to retrieve this in the webservice methods. 

I  understood that this is possible by using a servlet filter, but I have  very 
little knowledge of this. Can anyone please tell me which files  that needs to 
be changed and how I should implement the changes.


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Re: Calling one webservice from another web service

2007-01-11 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Amit,
  As per my understanding what you want to do is to get the response from  
WebService 1 and pass the same as input to WEbService 2. If this is the  case 
then I believe you can use a single client code which would first  take the 
WebService 1 enpoint URL and invoke it. On successfully  executing the 
WebService 1 call it would pass the response obtained to  the second WebSerice  
i.e. WebService 2. 
  Hence IMO there you would have to write a client which would be doing  the 
same thing two times for the two different WebServices. 
  Hope that helps.

Amit Andhale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi,
  I want to pass out put of one web service to another web service.
  How can I do that?

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Re: Unbound namespace URI exception with ADB AXIS 2

2007-01-10 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
HI AMila,
  Thanks for the reply.
  I did some more investigation and was able to get to the root cause for  one 
of the issues which I was facing namely the Unexpected namespace  URI. As 
suggested by you I did try generating the code without using  the Helper 
option. The getOMElement method which was generated was very  different from 
the one generated by the Helper option. When I say  different, it means that it 
had a lot of conditional checks for null  and was using the 
xmlWriter.writeStartElement API with three parameters  i.e. prefix, namespace 
and localpart. However the Helper code  getOMElement generated using the 
helper option was using the  overloaded method of XMLSTreamWRiter i.e.  
xmlWriter.writeStartElement(namespace, localPart). On futher changing  this 
function call to three parameters in case of the helper option I  was able to 
do away with the exception. Hence I conclude that the  Helper option code 
generation of AXIS 2 would need some revisiting. 
  Initially I was of the opinion that the code generator would be using  the 
same logic for generating the code with/without the helper option.  However on 
looking into the AXIS 2 code I observed that it was not the  case. AXIS 2 uses 
XSL for code generation and this XSL has a  conditional statement at the top 
level which checks if the code is to  be generated using the Helper option or 
without the Helper option. What  I fail to understand is why is this 
conditional processing required in  the XSL. We can have the same in the code 
generator java class wherein,  depending upon if the helper option is enabled 
or not we can open a new  FileWriter object to write to a different Helper 
class or use the same  Bean for writing the Helper methods as well. Just a 
  My plan is to code another XSL and configure the same in the 
axis2-adb-codegen-1.1.jar file.
  Please let me know if you have any better options.
  Regarding the second issue I am not able to understand what you mean  when u 
say that we can have cyclic reference to classes but not  objects. Can you 
please elaborate. Also is there a way we can tune the  Helper class which is 
having the de-serialization logic to overcome the  same?

Amila Suriarachchi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  

On 1/10/07, Nilesh Ghorpade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi Gurus,
  I have two issues. 
  1. When using AXIS 2 with ADB I get Unexpected namespaceURI   exception. I 
am not sure why the error should arise as it is coming  from one of the AXIS 
generated classes namely Helper class. This  exception is encountered while 
writting the start element of the  response. 
Can you send your wsdl? What are the parameters you used to generate the code? 
Can you try without the helper mode?

2. Is cyclic references allowed in AXIS 2? For example I have the following 
  class A{
   B objB;
  class B{
 //Here I am having an array of the Objects A.
 A[] objA;  
yes, But when creating Object  instances  you can't have  same object  A inside 
its  Object B array. On the other hand there can be a cyclic dependency at  
class level. But not in Object level.  

  Thanks in advance.
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Amila Suriarachchi,
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Unbound namespace URI exception with ADB AXIS 2

2007-01-09 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Gurus,
  I have two issues. 
  1. When using AXIS 2 with ADB I get Unexpected namespaceURI   exception. I 
am not sure why the error should arise as it is coming  from one of the AXIS 
generated classes namely Helper class. This  exception is encountered while 
writting the start element of the  response. 
  2. Is cyclic references allowed in AXIS 2? For example I have the following 
  class A{
   B objB;
  class B{
 //Here I am having an array of the Objects A.
 A[] objA;
  Thanks in advance.
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Re: axis2 with jibx

2006-12-26 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
  I believe the JiBX has not got an extensive support for unwrapped  document 
style. Hence you had to change the WSDL as well as the binding  file. 
  I suggest you go in for the wrapped style which is also a preffered option 
over unwrapped.
  The way you are passing the binding file to the code gen task is correct i.e. 
using the -Ebindingfile option.
  Hope this helps :-)

Benoit Decherf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi,

I'm trying to create a webservice using jibx.
So first, I create my business class and my dto.
Then, I create the jibx binding:
java  -cp ~/tools/jibx-genbinding.jar:~/jibx/lib/jibx-bind.jar:src/   
org.jibx.binding.BindingGenerator -f resources/binding.xml -m   

Then, the wsdl: -o resources/ -cp build -cn 

And now, I want to create the message receiver and the skeleton interface. But 
when if I just execute: -uri TestService.wsdl  -o build -d jibx -Ebindingfile 
resources/binding.xml -uw -sd -ss --ssi
I've got an error:

Caused  by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot unwrap element  
{http://jibx.service.quickstart.samples/xsd}getPersonResponse: no  abstract 
mapping definition found for type  {http://dto.quickstart.samples/xsd}Person 
(used by element  {http://jibx.service.quickstart.samples/xsd}return)

To generate the classes I need first to modify the binding and the wsdl. What 
is wrong with the commands ?

My other question is :
How can I pass the binding file to the codegen task ?


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Re: WSDL2Java Issue

2006-12-20 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Nate,
  The code should be generated properly with the correct method  signatures. 
Please specify the AXIS version you are using as well as  the WSDL.

Nate - Hotmail [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  When I execute the   
WSDL2Java command, I get the skeleton code, but the 
generated signatures are   all void when they shouldn't be.  Is this 
normal for the code   generation, and I just change the signatures as I 
need them, or should they   have been correctly generated from the WSDL? 

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Command line tools in AXIS 2.1.1

2006-12-20 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
  Does AXIS 2.1.1 support RPC? I generated a WSDL by explicitly setting  the 
-st attribute of the java2wsdl command to rpc. However on  executing the 
wsdl2java command the stubs which were generated were  having the comments 
that the Style is document. Also the Document  Style approach is being used 
for sending the SOAP message across.
  On viewing the WSDL I observed that the soap:Binding and the  
soap:Operation are both having the style attribute set to  rpc. I wanted 
to know if I am setting the style attribute correctly.  I am pasting my Ant 
task below
  target name=java2wsdl depends= 
  arg value=-o/
  arg value=wsdl /
  arg value=-cn/
  arg value=com.demo.WebServiceImpl /
  arg value=-l/
   arg value=http://localhost:8000/demo/services/WebService; /
  arg value=-of/
  arg value=WebService.wsdl /
  arg value=-st/
  arg value=rpc/
  arg value=-cp/
  arg value=.\build\classes/
   classpath refid=example.classpath/
  Please review the -st attribute. If the same is not correct then please 
suggest me the correct values for the -st attribute.
  Thanks in advance.
  With best regards,
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Re: Java2wsdl ignorring the classpath?

2006-12-20 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Manoj,
  I have got the same errors using JDK 1.5 as well. I believe the flaw is  with 
the way the java2wsdl parses the -cp command line argument. 
  I was able to get around this error by using ant for executing the  java2wsdl 
and wsdl2java commands. Also I believe that the -cp option  is used only for 
locating the class which we have mentioned in the  -cn argument. Hence what I 
would suggest is try using the following  command at the command line
-cn Name of the class -cp  CLasspath for this class ...
  Else you can try using the Ant script which I have written.
  ?xml version=1.0?
  project name=CodegenExample default= basedir=.
  path id=example.classpath
  fileset dir=E:\Work-Folder\AXIS-2.X-POC\build\classes
  include name=*.class /
  fileset dir=D:\thirdparty-tools\axis\axis2-1.1\lib
  include name=*.jar /
  fileset dir=D:\MyProject\jars\externals
  include name=*.jar /
  fileset dir=D:\MyProject\jars\internals
  include name=*.jar /
  target name=java2wsdl depends= 
  arg value=-o/
   arg value=E:\Work-Folder\AXIS-2.X-POC\simmanager-ws\wsdl /
  arg value=-cn/
  arg value=com.msc.sdm.ic.SimMgrWebServiceImpl /
  arg value=-l/
   arg value=http://localhost:8000/sample/services/MyWebService; 
  arg value=-of/
  arg value=MyWebService.wsdl /
  arg value=-st/
  arg value=rpc/
  arg value=-cp/
   arg value=E:\Work-Folder\AXIS-2.X-POC\build\classes/
   classpath refid=example.classpath/
  You would have to just change the hard coded paths. 
  Hope that helps  

Manoj Khangaonkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Thomas,
  With the -cp . (dot) option , I notice that your error is from the jdk jar. 
Not any of the libraries that AXIS2 brings in.
  From your classpath, It seems that you are using JDK 1.6. I have seem emails 
in this group that there are known 
  problems with JDK1.6
  Try JDK 1.5. It has always worked from me.
  I agree that requiring -cp . is annoying and the script needs to pick up the 
existing classpath.

  On 12/20/06, Thomas Bruckmayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi all!

Sorry for the noob-question but i am not able to get java2wsdl running.

When I'am running java2wsdl without -cp opting i got the following message  
An error occured while generating codejava.lang.ClassNotFoundException

When I'am running java2wsdl with -cp . (current directory)
I get Exception in thread main  :
Provider could not be instantiated:
   at  (Java2OMBuilder.j

I've heard that this can be cause when it is not possible to find the maven  
- libs.

So I tried:

java2wsdl -cp .;P:\Apache Software Foundation\Maven 1.0.2\lib -cn
src.swa.webservices.SearchDeveloperService.SearchDeveloper -o SearchDevel

But the i get: An error occured while generating  
codejava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: src.swa.

Maven and current directory are in the %classpath% variable:
D:\workspace\swa_DMCecho %classpath%
.;P:\Java\jdk1.6.0\lib;P:\axis\axis2-  1.1\lib;P:\ant\lib;D:\workspace\swa_DMC
Apache Software Foundation\Maven 1.0.2\lib

But axis2wsdl does not care...
OS: Windows XP


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Comparison between AXIS 1.1 and AXIS 2

2006-12-06 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Guys,

Needed some information on the differences between the AXIS 1.1. and AXIS 2 

Thanks in advance



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Re: Comparison between AXIS 1.1 and AXIS 2

2006-12-06 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Thanks Robert :-)

- Original Message 
From: robert lazarski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 7:06:15 PM
Subject: Re: Comparison between AXIS 1.1 and AXIS 2

The migration guide is a good start:


On 12/6/06, Nilesh Ghorpade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Guys,

  Needed some information on the differences between the AXIS 1.1. and AXIS 2

  Thanks in advance


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Re: THe Axis upgrade - problem with log4j

2006-07-19 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Nandita,You can access the Log4J API's at "".Secondly "Priority" is a class which is present in Log4J "org.apache.log4j.Priority". Also as per my knowledge you should not be using Priority in your  implementation classes. Priority is something similar to the  java.util.logging.Level class which defines the Logging levels."" is the URL  wherein you can find some information about the Log4J forums.Hope this helps.Cheers,Nile  "Bharadwaj, Nandita (GE Healthcare)" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 I upgraded from Axis   Beta 2 to Axis 1.4. The difference in   the jars are...Axis Beta
 2  Axis 1.4  axis.jar  axis.jar  commons-logging.jar  commons-logging-1.0.4.jar  jaxrpc.jar  jaxrpc.jar  log4j-core.jar  log4j-1.2.8.jar  tt-bytecode.jar  wsdl4j.jar  wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar  New jars  axis_ant.jar  commons-discovery-0.2.jar  saaj.jar  We are using   log4j.jar also. Should I delete this log4j.jar?Then, when I tried   to start Orion Application server.. its gving the priorityat   org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender.subAppend(   org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender.subAppend(   org.apache.log4j.WriterAppender.append(   org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton.doAppend(   org.apache.log4j.helpers.AppenderAttachableImpl.appendLoopOnAppenders(   org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(  
 org.apache.log4j.Category.forcedLog(   org.apache.log4j.Category.error(   sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)at   sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(   sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(   java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(  
 java.lang.Class.newInstance0(   java.lang.Class.newInstance(   com.evermind._ay._lte(.:4352)at com.evermind._ay._lee(.:487)at   com.evermind._ay.init(.:317)at com.evermind._am._rtb(.:607)at   com.evermind._ex._rtb(.:581)at com.evermind._eu._bj(.:382)at refering   to 'priority' variable like this -   LoggingEvent_instance.priority.toString()?I am not getting any   APIs for log4j.jar. So I
 am not being able to check whether 'priority'   variable was present in the previous versions of log4j.jar. Can anybody   help?OR is there any   log4j forum I can ask this?  Thanks,  Nandita 
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Re: axis-java2wsdl Not working via ANT ..

2006-07-12 Thread Nilesh Ghorpade
Hi Sushil,The only reason for giving a "ClassNotFoundException" is when the JVM  is not able to load the class. In the Ant code snippet which you have  mentioned in the mail has a classpath element refid pointing to "axis.classpath". Please verify if the "axis.classpath" is defined correctly in your Ant script file.Hope this helps. CheersNile  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Hello,   
 Can anyone let me know reason why following code is not  getting executed and giving classnotfoundexception target name="java2wsdl"  depends="" 
 axis-java2wsdl  output="${build.dir}"  location="http://localhost:8080/axis/hello"  namespace="urn:ws.hello"  porttypename=""  classpath  path refid="axis.classpath"/  /classpath  mapping  package=""  namespace="urn:ws.hello"/  /axis-java2wsdl/targetLooking forward for your prompt reply.Regards,  Sushil AgarwalDisclaimer: - This transmittal and/or attachments  may be privileged or confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, you  are hereby notified that you have received this transmittal in error; any  review, dissemination, or copying is strictly prohibited. If you received this  transmittal in error, please notify us immediately by reply and immediately delete  this message and all its attachments. Thank you. 
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