Re: [1.3] java2wsdl not generating complex type

2005-12-21 Thread Xavier Toth
:( I forgot to have a default constructor and because I'm using Maven 2
ant plugin to run java2wsdl I wasn't seeing the error message.On 12/21/05, Mahesh Seshan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:If this is a problem with Axis 1.3, in you interface, make sure you
reference X (array of X is not sufficient).-MaheshOn 12/19/05, Xavier Toth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: As an argument to a service method I had been using an array of objects of
 type X. The wsdl was generated and everything was good. I decided to extend X so I created the type Y and changed my service to accept an array of objects of type Y. Now java2wsdl fails to generated the schema for the type
 Y. I've even made Y a straight extension on X that is no additional member data in case that might be causing a problem but no luck. I also tried putting X and Y in the same package.

[1.3] java2wsdl not generating complex type

2005-12-19 Thread Xavier Toth
As an argument to a service method I had been using an array of objects
of type X. The wsdl was generated and everything was good. I decided to
extend X so I created the type Y and changed my service to accept an
array of objects of type Y. Now java2wsdl fails to generated the schema
for the type Y. I've even made Y a straight extension on X that is no
additional member data in case that might be causing a problem but no
luck. I also tried putting X and Y in the same package. 

web service client ip address

2005-12-05 Thread Xavier Toth
Is there a way to get a clients ip inside a web service call? If I use
a handler how could I pass the ip on to the service method?

Re: client serialization without wsdl2java generated type

2005-11-08 Thread Xavier Toth
They talk to other boxes not to each other. Anyway I see that I have to register the types with the call object since I'm not using the wsdl2java generated classes.
On 11/7/05, Anne Thomas Manes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
If you have two Java applications running in the same VM, why are you using SOAP to communicate with them?

On 11/4/05, Xavier Toth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have a situation where I'm running a service and a client of the same service in one vm. So I've deleted the wsdl2java generated type (the type of the argument to a service method) because I have a jar with the actual type already. The argument type contains a String and a byte[] and the byte[] is the part that isn't getting to the service correctly. I'm not sure if it is a serialization or deserialization problem. I've added the typemapping from my server side wsdd to my client wsdd but that didn't fix things. Any ideas?

client serialization without wsdl2java generated type

2005-11-04 Thread Xavier Toth
I have a situation where I'm running a service and a client of the same
service in one vm. So I've deleted the wsdl2java generated type (the
type of the argument to a service method) because I have a jar with the
actual type already. The argument type contains a String and a byte[]
and the byte[] is the part that isn't getting to the service correctly.
I'm not sure if it is a serialization or deserialization problem. I've
added the typemapping from my server side wsdd to my client wsdd but
that didn't fix things. Any ideas?

Re: viewing wsdls in browser

2005-09-14 Thread Xavier Toth
Wow, a breath of fresh air, someone who actually helps! Indeed I did
the same thing in my /etc//init.d/httpd. What was you fix as I think it
didn't get into the 1.5 source base? Thanks.On 9/14/05, Yampolsky, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I had this problem, and it turned out that I had set 
AXISCPP_DEPLOY in my httpd init script, but had forgotten to export it. 
The code that looks for the wsdl filesdoesn't check for errorswhen 
itgets AXISCPP_DEPLOY and so segfaults.

I also had problems with axis not setting the correct mime 
type for wsdl files. This caused Firefox to attempt to display them as 
HTML. I coded and submitted a fix for that, but I don't know if it ever 
got into the mainstream distro.

From: Xavier Toth 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 2:30 
PMTo: Apache AXIS C User ListSubject: Re: viewing wsdls in 
You meant '$AXISCPP_DEPLOY/wsdls', right? I'm running Axis C++ 1.5 on 
Apache2 on Fedora Core 4.
On 9/15/05, Samisa 
  Toth wrote: I've run the samples in apache2 but then I tried to 
  view the wsdls in  a browser and it doesn't work. In the apache error 
  log I see a segmentation violation which I'm sure is related to the 
  axis c++ module. The axis server log contains the following: 
  [14/09/2005 11:11:33:000 CDT] 1 -  process_request 0x9d682d0  
  ..J. [14/09/2005 11:11:33:000 CDT] 1 AxisConfig 
   getAxisConfProperty @0x9c91120,[0400]   
  [14/09/2005 11:11:33:000 CDT] 1 AxisConfig  getAxisConfProperty 
  @0x9c91120,@1 null Has this worked for 
  others?hmm... This is strange. It should be working, if you have the 
  wsdl file in $AXISCPP_DEPLOY/wsdl folder.What is the version you 
  are using? On which 

Re: java client c++ server doesn't work

2005-09-14 Thread Xavier Toth
Sorry I found the pervious posting and adding :
((org.apache.axis.client.Stub)binding)._setProperty(org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.PROP_DOMULTIREFS, Boolean.FALSE);
to the java client and solved the problem.
On 9/14/05, Xavier Toth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I built a java client for the c++ Calculator sample service with the
axis tools but it cause the server to generate a segmentation
I used tcpmon to capture the soap from a java client generated with axis-wsdl2java which fails and a c++ client that works:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
ns1:add soapenv:encodingStyle= xmlns:ns1=

in0 href="">
in1 href="">
multiRef id=id0 soapenc:root=0

multiRef id=id1 soapenc:root=0


c++ client soap request:
?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?
ns1:add xmlns:ns1=http://localhost/axis/Calculator
in0 xsi:type=xsd:int1/in0
in1 xsi:type=xsd:int2/in1

I'm a bit surprised that java clients and c++ servers won't work
together since these are both axis based. Is there something I could do
when generating the java client to get it to generate compatible soap?
I'm guessing that this is a c++ issue with href in the argument
elements in0 and in1?