RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-10 Thread Merten Schumann


thanx alot for this clarification! :-)

I'll stop providing doc/lit for my service (which is an API 
I have to expose) for now and rethink about it if someone really needs the 
doc/lit and cannot use for some reason wrapped/lit and the other 

Now, IMHO, shouldn't java2wsdl stop generating doc/lit if 
the Java class is "not correct". I mean, the generated WSDL is senseless.I 
do now understand this warnings
 [axis-java2wsdl] Request Message type 
information has multiple parts than one single wrapped complexType. Use 
WRAPPED/LITERAL if interoping with some other soap stack becomes a 
problem... But shouldn't that bemade 

Another thing is that java2wsdl generated the doc/lit WSDL 
for me for method which take no parameter at all too. Then, when I deployed the 
beast to WebSphere, the AS complained about this methods (what I do understand 

Again, thank you very much!

  From: Anne Thomas Manes 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 6:15 
  AMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: problems 
  against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC 
  When using unwrapped document style, your method must accept an 
  object (not individual parameters) as input. Therefore a method signature 
  like String 
  /*data*/ workWithInstance(String id, String param);isn't 
  valid with unwrapped document style. Also, when using unwrapped 
  document style, you need to use a different input object for each method. A 
  SOAP message signature is defined by the QName of the child element of the 
  SOAP Body -- which, in the case of unwrapped document style, is the input 
  parameter. If you have two methods that take the same input parameter, Axis 
  has no way to distinguish the two method signatures. Also, you must tell Axis 
  how to map the input element to the appropriate method, which you do using the 
  operation definition in the WSDD. Think about it -- Axis receives a 
  request containing id. How is it supposed to figure out that you 
  actually want to invoke disposeInstance?It's generally a really bad 
  idea to try to generate unwrapped document style using java2wsdl. It's much 
  better to use wrapped document style. If you want to use unwrapped document 
  style, then you should start with WSDL rather than with Java. See 
  for a description of the wrapped convention.Anne
  On 10/7/05, Merten 
you, Anne! I think I tried to make a web service doc/lit which is not meant 
to be doc/lit. My AxisClient ist not really working, the next method I 
called, I ran into the next problem.

What I 
have is this (I'm starting with the service interface and generate with Axis 
java2wsdl the WSDL, I have to use this approach for some 
 String /*id*/ getInstance();
 boolean /*success*/ disposeInstance(String 
 String /*data*/ workWithInstance(String id, String 
 ... some more methods taking "String id" and all 

with rpc/enc rpc/lit and wrapped/lit my clients work 

doc/lit I could successfully call getInstance(). But when I call 
thenworkWithInstance(), things go wrong. My Tomcat/Axis server 
"responds" with a NPE andWebSphere complains about method disposeInstance() not 
matching (!). It seems, the mechanism to find the correct method for the 
SOAP request goes wrong for some reason.

So, I 
think my idea just to provide all the possible flavors of style/use against 
the same service interface was wrong. I did not catch the idea of 
document-style web services. I think I tried to make a typical 
rpc-styleproblem (exposing my underlying API) to be a doc-style web 
service and ran into problems.

  From: Anne Thomas Manes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 2:47 PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: 
  problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC 
  When using document style, if your input object does not have 
  the same local name as the operation, then you need to specify an 
  operation definition in the WSDD that tells Axis how to map the 
  incoming QName to the appropriate method. See 
  .When using wrapped style, the wrapper element for your input 
  message has the same name as the operation, so from a programming 
  perspective, it looks and feels like RPC style -- but it is in fact 
  document style. Anne
  On 10/6/05, Merten 
  Schumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
my AxisClient working against doc/lit! The problem was, besides 

Re: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-08 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
When using unwrapped document style, your method must accept an object
(not individual parameters) as input. Therefore a method signature like

 String /*data*/ workWithInstance(String id, 
String param);

isn't valid with unwrapped document style. 

Also, when using unwrapped document style, you need to use a different
input object for each method. A SOAP message signature is defined by
the QName of the child element of the SOAP Body -- which, in the case
of unwrapped document style, is the input parameter. If you have two
methods that take the same input parameter, Axis has no way to
distinguish the two method signatures. Also, you must tell Axis how to
map the input element to the appropriate method, which you do using the
operation definition in the WSDD. Think about it -- Axis
receives a request containing id. How is it supposed to figure
out that you actually want to invoke disposeInstance?

It's generally a really bad idea to try to generate unwrapped document
style using java2wsdl. It's much better to use wrapped document style.
If you want to use unwrapped document style, then you should start with
WSDL rather than with Java. 

See for a description of the wrapped convention.

AnneOn 10/7/05, Merten Schumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thank you, Anne! I think I tried to make a web service 
doc/lit which is not meant to be doc/lit. My AxisClient ist not really working, 
the next method I called, I ran into the next problem.

What I have is this (I'm starting with the service 
interface and generate with Axis java2wsdl the WSDL, I have to use this approach 
for some reason):
 String /*id*/ 
 boolean /*success*/ disposeInstance(String 
 String /*data*/ workWithInstance(String id, 
String param);
 ... some more methods taking String id and 
all ...

Now, with rpc/enc rpc/lit and wrapped/lit my clients work 

With doc/lit I could successfully call getInstance(). But 
when I call thenworkWithInstance(), things go wrong. My Tomcat/Axis server 
responds with a NPE andWebSphere 
complains about method disposeInstance() not matching (!). It seems, the 
mechanism to find the correct method for the SOAP request goes wrong for some 

So, I think my idea just to provide all the possible 
flavors of style/use against the same service interface was wrong. I did not 
catch the idea of document-style web services. I think I tried to make a typical 
rpc-styleproblem (exposing my underlying API) to be a doc-style web 
service and ran into problems.

  From: Anne Thomas Manes 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 2:47 
  PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: problems 
  against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC 
  When using document style, if your input object does not have the 
  same local name as the operation, then you need to specify an 
  operation definition in the WSDD that tells Axis how to map the 
  incoming QName to the appropriate method. See
  using wrapped style, the wrapper element for your input message has the same 
  name as the operation, so from a programming perspective, it looks and feels 
  like RPC style -- but it is in fact document style. Anne
  On 10/6/05, Merten 
my AxisClient working against doc/lit! The problem was, besides 
fromcall.setOperationStyle(document) I have to use a QName with 
thenamespace set correctly instead of just a String for my 
methodparameters in call.addParameter() ... Uff.I'm still not 
able to get my JAX-RPC (Dynamic Invocation Interface)client running. 
It's not working with both Sun JAX-RPC and Axis JAX-RPC.There's no 
possibility there to set a QName in addParameter, as far as I can see 
...Bhuvan Gupta sent me a helpful link,
The document leads me to the impression, that for a web service to 
bedocument style ready the method parameter names should be named in 
away to allow the web service server side to find out (by given 
parameter names only) which method to be called (since in the SOAP 
envelope nooperation name is included). Is this correct?Ummm, 
it's not really easy with this style/use combinations :-) 
Merten -Original Message-  From: Merten 
Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:08 AM To:  
Subject: RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or 
Axis JAX-RPC client Ummm, I think I need to learn my 
lessons. As I mentioned, clients are working against 
wrapped/literal.  Well, I thought wrapped/literal is a kind of 
document-style?!? But when I do 
it's not working (I get the message

RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-07 Thread Merten Schumann

Thank you, Anne! I think I tried to make a web service 
doc/lit which is not meant to be doc/lit. My AxisClient ist not really working, 
the next method I called, I ran into the next problem.

What I have is this (I'm starting with the service 
interface and generate with Axis java2wsdl the WSDL, I have to use this approach 
for some reason):
 String /*id*/ 
 boolean /*success*/ disposeInstance(String 
 String /*data*/ workWithInstance(String id, 
String param);
 ... some more methods taking "String id" and 
all ...

Now, with rpc/enc rpc/lit and wrapped/lit my clients work 

With doc/lit I could successfully call getInstance(). But 
when I call thenworkWithInstance(), things go wrong. My Tomcat/Axis server 
"responds" with a NPE andWebSphere 
complains about method disposeInstance() not matching (!). It seems, the 
mechanism to find the correct method for the SOAP request goes wrong for some 

So, I think my idea just to provide all the possible 
flavors of style/use against the same service interface was wrong. I did not 
catch the idea of document-style web services. I think I tried to make a typical 
rpc-styleproblem (exposing my underlying API) to be a doc-style web 
service and ran into problems.

  From: Anne Thomas Manes 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 2:47 
  PMTo: axis-user@ws.apache.orgSubject: Re: problems 
  against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC 
  When using document style, if your input object does not have the 
  same local name as the operation, then you need to specify an 
  operation definition in the WSDD that tells Axis how to map the 
  incoming QName to the appropriate method. See 
  using wrapped style, the wrapper element for your input message has the same 
  name as the operation, so from a programming perspective, it looks and feels 
  like RPC style -- but it is in fact document style. Anne
  On 10/6/05, Merten 
my AxisClient working against doc/lit! The problem was, besides 
fromcall.setOperationStyle("document") I have to use a QName with 
thenamespace set correctly instead of just a String for my 
methodparameters in call.addParameter() ... Uff.I'm still not 
able to get my JAX-RPC (Dynamic Invocation Interface)client running. 
It's not working with both Sun JAX-RPC and Axis JAX-RPC.There's no 
possibility there to set a QName in addParameter, as far as I can see 
...Bhuvan Gupta sent me a helpful link, 
The document leads me to the impression, that for a web service to 
be"document style ready" the method parameter names should be named in 
away to allow the web service server side to find out (by given 
parameter names only) which method to be called (since in the SOAP 
envelope nooperation name is included). Is this correct?Ummm, 
it's not really easy with this style/use combinations :-) 
Merten -Original Message-  From: Merten 
Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:08 AM To:  
    Subject: RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or 
Axis JAX-RPC client Ummm, I think I need to learn my 
lessons. As I mentioned, clients are working against 
wrapped/literal.  Well, I thought wrapped/literal is a kind of 
document-style?!? But when I do 
it's not working (I get the message "No such operation 'txt'" back). 
 It's working, when I 
docall.setOperationStyle("rpc") or 
nothing (so "rpc" seems to be the default). Ummm, so is 
wrapped/literal at the end "rpc" style? 
Merten  -Original 
Message-  From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:45 AM   To: 
 Subject: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or 
 Axis JAX-RPC client   Hello,  
  I'm trying to invoke a simple web service method 
String  bounceMessage(String txt). I'm testing all style/use 
combinations,  rpc/enc rpc/lit doc/lit wrap/lit. My clients are 
JAX-RPC clients   (Dynamic Invocation Interface and Dynamic 
Proxy) and  AxisClient. The web  service is sitting 
in either a J2EE container (WebSphere) or in  Tomcat+Axis 
(1.2.1).Well, for all style/use combinations 
things seem to work fine, "even"  wrapped/lit works. But 
it's not working with doc/lit. Here is what  happens, when my 
web service is hosted by Tomcat/Axis:When I use 
call.setOperationStyle("document") in my AxisClient or  
call.setProperty(Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY, "document&q

RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-06 Thread Merten Schumann
Ummm, I think I need to learn my lessons.
As I mentioned, clients are working against wrapped/literal.
Well, I thought wrapped/literal is a kind of document-style?!?
But when I do use
it's not working (I get the message No such operation 'txt' back).
It's working, when I do
or nothing (so rpc seems to be the default).

Ummm, so is wrapped/literal at the end rpc style?

 -Original Message-
 From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:45 AM
 Subject: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or 
 Axis JAX-RPC client
 I'm trying to invoke a simple web service method String
 bounceMessage(String txt). I'm testing all style/use combinations,
 rpc/enc rpc/lit doc/lit wrap/lit. My clients are JAX-RPC clients
 (Dynamic Invocation Interface and Dynamic Proxy) and 
 AxisClient. The web
 service is sitting in either a J2EE container (WebSphere) or in
 Tomcat+Axis (1.2.1).
 Well, for all style/use combinations things seem to work fine, even
 wrapped/lit works. But it's not working with doc/lit. Here is what
 happens, when my web service is hosted by Tomcat/Axis:
 When I use call.setOperationStyle(document) in my AxisClient or
 call.setProperty(Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY, document) in my
 JAX-RPC DII code, I end up with a message
No such operation 'txt'
 So it seems the server is trying to take txt (the parameter) for the
 When I do not try to set the style to document, I end up with a
SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT
 expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.
 I searched for this error message the net, found some information that
 things should be fine with Axis 1.2.1, well, that's what I 
 use but it's
 not working, anyway. :-)
 BTW: things are not working with doc/lit web service if I 
 test the with
 Sun JAX-RPC RI from J2EE 1.4 package too
 So, is doc/lit in Axis (1.2.1) well supported? I could try to 
 switch to
 1.3, would make sense if doc/lit support has been enhanced there ...

RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-06 Thread Merten Schumann
Got my AxisClient working against doc/lit! The problem was, besides from
call.setOperationStyle(document) I have to use a QName with the
namespace set correctly instead of just a String for my method
parameters in call.addParameter() ... Uff.

I'm still not able to get my JAX-RPC (Dynamic Invocation Interface)
client running. It's not working with both Sun JAX-RPC and Axis JAX-RPC.
There's no possibility there to set a QName in addParameter, as far as I
can see ...

Bhuvan Gupta sent me a helpful link,
The document leads me to the impression, that for a web service to be
document style ready the method parameter names should be named in a
way to allow the web service server side to find out (by given parameter
names only) which method to be called (since in the SOAP envelope no
operation name is included). Is this correct?

Ummm, it's not really easy with this style/use combinations :-)

 -Original Message-
 From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:08 AM
 Subject: RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient 
 or Axis JAX-RPC client
 Ummm, I think I need to learn my lessons.
 As I mentioned, clients are working against wrapped/literal.
 Well, I thought wrapped/literal is a kind of document-style?!?
 But when I do use
 it's not working (I get the message No such operation 'txt' back).
 It's working, when I do
 or nothing (so rpc seems to be the default).
 Ummm, so is wrapped/literal at the end rpc style?
  -Original Message-
  From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:45 AM
  Subject: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or 
  Axis JAX-RPC client
  I'm trying to invoke a simple web service method String
  bounceMessage(String txt). I'm testing all style/use combinations,
  rpc/enc rpc/lit doc/lit wrap/lit. My clients are JAX-RPC clients
  (Dynamic Invocation Interface and Dynamic Proxy) and 
  AxisClient. The web
  service is sitting in either a J2EE container (WebSphere) or in
  Tomcat+Axis (1.2.1).
  Well, for all style/use combinations things seem to work 
 fine, even
  wrapped/lit works. But it's not working with doc/lit. Here is what
  happens, when my web service is hosted by Tomcat/Axis:
  When I use call.setOperationStyle(document) in my AxisClient or
  call.setProperty(Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY, document) in my
  JAX-RPC DII code, I end up with a message
 No such operation 'txt'
  So it seems the server is trying to take txt (the 
 parameter) for the
  When I do not try to set the style to document, I end up with a
 SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT
  expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.
  I searched for this error message the net, found some 
 information that
  things should be fine with Axis 1.2.1, well, that's what I 
  use but it's
  not working, anyway. :-)
  BTW: things are not working with doc/lit web service if I 
  test the with
  Sun JAX-RPC RI from J2EE 1.4 package too
  So, is doc/lit in Axis (1.2.1) well supported? I could try to 
  switch to
  1.3, would make sense if doc/lit support has been enhanced there ...

Re: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client

2005-10-06 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
When using document style, if your input object does not have the same
local name as the operation, then you need to specify an
operation definition in the WSDD that tells Axis how to map the
incoming QName to the appropriate method. See

When using wrapped style, the wrapper element for your input message
has the same name as the operation, so from a programming perspective,
it looks and feels like RPC style -- but it is in fact document style. 

AnneOn 10/6/05, Merten Schumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Got my AxisClient working against doc/lit! The problem was, besides fromcall.setOperationStyle(document) I have to use a QName with thenamespace set correctly instead of just a String for my method
parameters in call.addParameter() ... Uff.I'm still not able to get my JAX-RPC (Dynamic Invocation Interface)client running. It's not working with both Sun JAX-RPC and Axis JAX-RPC.There's no possibility there to set a QName in addParameter, as far as I
can see ...Bhuvan Gupta sent me a helpful link,
The document leads me to the impression, that for a web service to bedocument style ready the method parameter names should be named in away to allow the web service server side to find out (by given parameter
names only) which method to be called (since in the SOAP envelope nooperation name is included). Is this correct?Ummm, it's not really easy with this style/use combinations :-) Merten -Original Message-
 From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:08 AM To:
 Subject: RE: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or Axis JAX-RPC client Ummm, I think I need to learn my lessons. As I mentioned, clients are working against wrapped/literal.
 Well, I thought wrapped/literal is a kind of document-style?!? But when I do usecall.setOperationStyle(document) it's not working (I get the message No such operation 'txt' back).
 It's working, when I docall.setOperationStyle(rpc) or nothing (so rpc seems to be the default). Ummm, so is wrapped/literal at the end rpc style?
Merten  -Original Message-  From: Merten Schumann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:45 AM
  To:  Subject: problems against doc/lit service with AxisClient or  Axis JAX-RPC client   Hello,
   I'm trying to invoke a simple web service method String  bounceMessage(String txt). I'm testing all style/use combinations,  rpc/enc rpc/lit doc/lit wrap/lit. My clients are JAX-RPC clients
  (Dynamic Invocation Interface and Dynamic Proxy) and  AxisClient. The web  service is sitting in either a J2EE container (WebSphere) or in  Tomcat+Axis (1.2.1). 
  Well, for all style/use combinations things seem to work fine, even  wrapped/lit works. But it's not working with doc/lit. Here is what  happens, when my web service is hosted by Tomcat/Axis:
   When I use call.setOperationStyle(document) in my AxisClient or  call.setProperty(Call.OPERATION_STYLE_PROPERTY, document) in my  JAX-RPC DII code, I end up with a message
 No such operation 'txt'  So it seems the server is trying to take txt (the parameter) for the  operation.   When I do not try to set the style to document, I end up with a
  message SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT  expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.  I searched for this error message the net, found some
 information that  things should be fine with Axis 1.2.1, well, that's what I  use but it's  not working, anyway. :-)   BTW: things are not working with doc/lit web service if I
  test the with  Sun JAX-RPC RI from J2EE 1.4 package too   So, is doc/lit in Axis (1.2.1) well supported? I could try to  switch to  1.3, would make sense if doc/lit support has been enhanced there ...