Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Silvester, Amaral, Leite and Bronco

2011-06-24 Thread John Raposo
Dear Wendy:
Here is what I have:
Manuel Pereira Branco and Maria Moniz (I do not have parents for them) are in 
Genealogias de S. Miguel e Santa Maria by Rodrigo Rodrigues. He lists the 
marriages of two of their children:
1. Manuel Pereira Branco married Maria de Jesus, daughter of António de Frias 
Resende (himself son of Francisco Vieira and Ana de Frias), in Fenais da Ajuda 
on 20 Nov 1779. 
2. Duarte Pereira married Maria de Bettencourt (aka Maria d Paixão, b. 
2-Sept-1720), daughter of Manuel Moniz Vieira Paixão and Madalena Soares 
(herself the daughter of Manuel de Roe and Maria de Arruda) on 29 Nov 1741. 
Duarte must have died before 1754 because Maria da Paixão married Custódio de 
Medeiros on 10-10-1754. There are no children listed from the first marriage 
but that does not mean there were none.
Is either of the children of Manuel Pereira Branco and Maria Moniz you 
ancestor? If so, although I do not have the ancestry of Manuel Pereira Branco 
and Maria Moniz, I do have the ancestry for their daughters-in-law, Maria des 
Jesus and Maria da Paixão. Let me know if I can help. 

From: wendi Sylvester shaw
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Silvester, Amaral, Leite and Bronco


 I am sorry but I can not read this very well. I can pick out peices, but I am 
a little bit lost. These are all my ancestors, I can see by the names but could 
you please translate to english.Are these your ancestors also? I am pretty 
excited to have found family! I have inserted some notes and some more 
information. Thank you so much for sharing. Wendi Sylvester Shaw

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 3:18 PM, John Raposo wrote:

Here is what I have; I hope it helps.
John Miranda Raposo:
 i do not know these names are they maria's parents and husband? and is this 
the date she was born or married? was this a first marriage?
7 - Maria de Jesus, que casou nos Fenais da Ajuda a 26.12.1745, com António de 
Frias Resende, filho de Francisco Vieira e Ana de Frias.
Tiveram: what does this mean?
this is the same Maria? she married Manuel P Branco on 20 Nov 1779 son of 
Manuel p. Branco and Maria Moniz
8 - Maria de Jesus, casou nos Fenais da Ajuda a 20.11.1779 com Manuel Pereira 
Branco, filho de Manuel Pereira Branco e Maria Moniz.

this has totally lost me! I can see that Duarte Pereira must be a brother to 
young Manuel P Branco and a son of older Manuel P Branco an Maria Moniz
8 - Maria de Bettencourt ou Maria da Paixão, nasceu a 2.9.1720 e aí casou 2 
vezes: a primeira a 29.11.1741, com Duarte Pereira, filho de Manuel Pereira 
Branco e Maria Furtado; e a segunda vez, a 10.10.1754, com Custódio de 
Medeiros, baptizado na Achadinha filho de Manuel de Frias Pereira, da 
Povoação., e Jerónima de Medeiros, casados na Achadinha a 30.12.1714.
Teve do 2.º casamento:
9 - Francisca de Bettencourt, que me 1783 se habilitou ao legado de Isabel 
Carneiro. Casou nos Fenais da Ajuda a 25.4.1800, com Manuel da Câmara, 
baptizado na Relva, filho de António da Câmara e Isabel Francisca.
9 - José Moniz de Sá, casou nos Fenais da Ajuda a 22.5.1880, com Ana Joaquina 
de Bettencourt 
10 - Maria Cândida de Sá Bettencourt, casou no Nordestinho a 17.2.1822, com o 
alferes José Joaquim de Amaral Vasconcelos 
Here is some more:
11 - Maria Moniz da Ponte, que casou nos Fenais da Ajuda a 7.3.1791 com 
Guilherme de Viveiros, baptizado na Maia e filho de Manuel de Viveiros e 
Teresa de Sousa.
12 -   Manuel de Medeiros, que segue:this must be jose de medeiros brother?
12 -   Pulquéria de Jesus, que casou nos Fenais da Ajuda a 18.12.1823 com José 
de Medeiros, filho de Silvestre de Medeiros e Teresa Maria.
this Pulqueri de jesus is Jose de Medeiros first wife. Married 18 Dec 1823 she 
died before 1925. 
I have Maria Roza as his second wife married on 17 july 1825 her parents Joes 
Pacheco and Dionizia Munis
- Original Message -
From: Wendi Sylvester Shaw
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 5:56 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Silvester, Amaral, Leite and Bronco

On Oct 14, 5:22 pm, Wendi Sylvester Shaw wrote:
 Hi, I am new to this group, but not to genealogy. This is my 12th year
 of researching my ancestors. On my fathers side my ancestors come from
 Fenais da Ajuda, Sao Miguel, Azores and on my mother's side they come
 from Serra de  Antonio, Santerum, Portugal

Fenais Da AJuda Family
1.Manuel Pereira Branco m. Maria Furtada 1729  Fenais da Ajuda
2.Manuel Pereira Branco m. Maria Moniz
3.Silvestre de Medeiros b.1756 m. Thereza Maria Rosa Vieria  31
1781 Santo Reis Magos Fenais da Ajuda
4.Jose De Medeiros Silvestre b.1800 m.Maria Rosa 17 July 1825 Santo
Reis Magos Fenais da Ajuda
5. Francisco De Mederios Silvestre b.1832 m. Jacintha Rosa Pacheco 23
Nov 1868 Santo Reis Magos Fenais da 

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed

2011-06-24 Thread CaraBela
Thank you.
In a message dated 6/23/2011 4:10:54 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

 Cut  and paste it into Google translate and it gives a pretty good idea
of what  is said. Mainly it gives the names and relationships to  the


 I received this Funeral  Notice but  I need it translated. I believe it  
 for my  ggg grandmother. Could some kind person on  this site help me   
 I'd really appreciate it.
 Thanks so much!

 Pelas 8% horas da manhã de  hontem,
 realisou-se o  funeral da sra. Ja
 cintha Botelho  Neves, saindo o préstito
 fúnebre da  residência de seu
  genro sr. Guilherme Tavares de 523
 Nash Road para a  Egreja de  Nossa
 Senhora da Conceição, onde houvemissa
 de corpo  presente  pelo rev. sr.
 António Luiz da Silva, seguindo  dali
 para o cemitério de S.  João Baptistt,
 onde o  cadáver ficou sepultado no
 lote da família.
 As  alças do  caixão pegaram os srs,
 Oscar Pacheco, João da Silva, Augusto
  do  Rego e Gil Alves.
 Sobre a sepultura foram depostas
  coroas de flores pelas  seguintes pessoas:—
 Filha e genro  Guilherme Tavares;
 filho e nora, Thiago  Bolelho
 Neves e  Maria Neves; netas, Mrs. Oscar
 Pacheco e Mrs. Mathilde   Tavares
 Silva e maridos; netos. Laura e Norman
 Neves;  bisnetos, Edna e  Bertha
 Pacheco; Mrs. Maria F. Alves e  familia;
 Mr. e Mrs. Buptista;  afilhado,
 Gil Alves e  família; Mr. Afonso e familia;
 Mr. e Mrs. Sousa; E.  H.  Gregory
 e família; Alice Crane, Hannab
 Anderton e Mary Qiiinn,  Mrs.  Andrew
 Lonergan e Mrs. P. W. Senterr
 Mr. e Mrs.  Medeiros, Mr. e Mrs.  Gui
 lherme Medeiros.
 Dirigiu o  funeral o sr. Charles A.
 Freitas com  agencia na rua  Rivet.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Furtado and George from Faial

2011-06-24 Thread Yukonangels
Sorry my dyslexia ;Morgantini I just read the name wrong. I am  sorry. I 
sometimes read letters that just aren't there. That is fun when doing  family 
lines. I have to read each and every letter.
In a message dated 6/23/2011 10:47:59 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Hi  Margie 
Was  the family names spelled Morganti or Morgantini?? My family spelled it 
 Morganti and Sonoma,  is here my grandfather was for a short time and  3rd 
cousins still live there.  
Judy  Furtado, George, Martin, Morganti   
From: [] On Behalf 
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 9:23  AM
Subject: Re:  [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Furtado and George from  Faial

Excuse  me for butting in, but there was a a Morgantini family in Sonoma Ca 
when I was  growing up. I believe there are a couple around  still.


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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Silvester, Amaral, Leite and Bronco

2011-06-24 Thread wendi Sylvester shaw
Thank you so much

On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 10:26 PM, Cheri Mello wrote:


 Get the Word List from Family Search. It's easier to navigate to it on the
 Azores GenWeb here:

 casou is married
 filho is son
 filha is daughter
 The dates are Year Month Day
 Tiveram = they had (the list of kids).

 So when John posted:
 7 - Maria de Jesus, que casou nos Fenais da Ajuda a 26.12.1745, com António
 de Frias Resende, filho de Francisco Vieira e Ana de Frias.

 You read:
 Maria de Jesus, married Fenais da Ajuda 26 Dec 1745 with Antonio de Frias
 Resende, son of Francisco Vieira and Ana de Frias.

 I think you'll be able to get the gist of it with the Word List.  Then
 there will be only a couple of things remaining.

 Cheri Mello
 Listowner, Azores-Gen
 Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed! Please

2011-06-24 Thread CaraBela
When I used the translator in I got a translation that I really  
don't understand. I was wondering if someone that knows the language could 
help  me out with what this really says. I also listed the translated 
paragraph below  it. 
Na casa de-sua residência, á rua
do Conde, deixoinle .existir esta  manhã
a sra. D. Maria Carolina Horta
Pacheco, senhora de esmeradas  virtudes.
A extnta era mãe extremosa* e estremecidissima
do ilustre  professor
de Ensino Normal, sr. Francisco Pacheco
Horta e dos srs.  António, Antero
e Oscar Pacheco Horta, ausentes.
O seu funeral realisa-se  amanhã
pelas 8 horas da manhã, sendo o féretro
conduzido em  berlinda.
Portuguese to English translation


In-house residence, the  street
Conde, deixoinle. there this  morning
Mrs.. D. Maria  Carolina Horta
Pacheco, neat lady of  virtues.
The mother was extremely  * extnta and estremecidissima
the  distinguished professor
Teaching Normal, sr. Francisco  Pacheco
Horta and srs. Anthony,  Antero
and Oscar Pacheco Horta,  absent.
His funeral was realized  tomorrow
by 8 am, with the  coffin
conducted in the hot  seat.

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[AZORES-Genealogy] De Genere Lists--FYI

2011-06-24 Thread Carol Warnock
Dear Group--

This is more in the lines of an FYI in case anyone is interested.  Recently
I sent an e-mail to Joao Ventura regarding the
 De Genere lists which are the records that candidates (in Portugal) for the
priesthood had to submit to prove they were
 not Jewish. Well, this morning I received a response from Joao that he is
currently working on putting those records online.
To quote him [the website] is currently under construction.  Once he has
it up and running the cost is US $50.00 and
the records will be permanently unlocked.  This would probably only be of
interest to people who have one or more
priests in their family background. (I have two.)

Carol Silva Warnock

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Furtado and George from Faial

2011-06-24 Thread Marek Delacroix
Don't know if interested, but I too live in Oregon.  I'm researching DeAvila 
Brazil, Brio, Braio, and Enos. 

From: Frank or JoElayne Johnson
Sent: Thu, June 23, 2011 1:58:45 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Furtado and George from Faial

Judy, There are lots of genealogical societies in Oregon. I know. I lived there 
for 22 years. Excellent help at Family Centers at LDS locations. Check 'em out. 
You'll get lots of encouragement.
JoElayne Ferre' Johnson

From: Rick  Judy Gaarde
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 9:15 AM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Furtado and George from Faial

JoElayne I wish I could but I am up here in Oregon so I will have to learn from 
afar, and keep in touch this way I guess.
Thanks, Judy G 
Furtado, George, Martin, Morganti [] On Behalf Of 
or JoElayne Johnson
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2011 8:03 AM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Furtado and George from Faial
To add to Cheri's message, I am in the Bay Area and belong to a genealogical 
society. It has quite a few members but I don't know of any (but me) 
the Azores. I still learn a lot by being a member. Join mine then there will be 
two of us :-)
JoElayne Ferre' Johnson

From:Cheri Mello
To: Azores Genealogy
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 10:29 PM
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Furtado and George from Faial
Judy G,

You would have to define what you mean by a Portuguese club.  There are several 
Portuguese halls in CA and a couple in NV, ID, and HI (for the west coast).  If 
you are looking for a Portuguese genealogy club, there's one in Taunton, MA and 
Honolulu, HI.  That's it.

We mention Ellis Island from time to time.   Perhaps not as recently.

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 
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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Translation help needed

2011-06-24 Thread Katharine
Yesterday at 8 AM, the funeral of Mrs. Jacintha Botelho Neves was
held, with the procession of mourners leaving from the residence of
her son-in-law Mr. Guilherme Tavares de 523 Nash Road for the Church
of Nossa Senhora da Conceição [Our Lady of Conception], where a mass
was held in the presence of her body by Rev. Mr. António Luiz da
Silva, following from there to the cemetery of São  João Baptista [St.
John the Baptist], where the body was buried in the family plot.

The pall-bearers were Mr. Oscar Pacheco, Mr. João da Silva, Mr.
Augusto do  Rego and Mr. Gil Alves. Floral arrangements were placed on
the grave by the following persons:—

Daughter and son-in-law Guilherme Tavares; son and daughter-in-law,
Thiago Botelho Neves and Maria Neves; granddaughters, Mrs. Oscar
Pacheco and Mrs. Mathilde  Tavares Silva and their husbands;
grandchildren Laura and Norman Neves; great-grandchildren, Edna and
Bertha Pacheco; Mrs. Maria F. Alves and family; Mr. and Mrs. Baptista;
godson, Gil Alves and family; Mr. Afonso and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Sousa; E.  H. Gregory and family; Alice Crane, Hannah Anderton and
Mary Quinn, Mrs.  Andrew Lonergan and Mrs. P. W. Senterr [sic] Mr. and
Mrs. Medeiros, Mr. and Mrs. Guilherme Medeiros.
Mr. Charles A. Freitas Mortuary on Rivet Street conducted the funeral.

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Translation help needed

2011-06-24 Thread Katharine
There appear to be a few typos in the funeral notice, which I've tried
to correct as best I could guess.  Does this help?  Katharine.

= = = = = = = = =
Yesterday at 8 AM, the funeral of Mrs. Jacintha Botelho Neves was
held, with the group (of mourners) leaving from the residence of her
son-in-law Mr. Guilherme Tavares de 523 Nash Road for the Church of
Nossa Senhora da Conceição [Our Lady of Conception], where a mass was
held in the presence of her body by Rev. Mr. António Luiz da Silva,
following from there to the cemetery of São  João Baptista [St. John
the Baptist], where the body was buried in the family plot.

The pall-bearers were Mr. Oscar Pacheco, Mr. João da Silva, Mr.
Augusto do  Rego and Mr. Gil Alves. Floral arrangements were placed on
the grave by the following persons:—

Daughter and son-in-law Guilherme Tavares; son and daughter-in-law,
Thiago Botelho Neves and Maria Neves; granddaughters, Mrs. Oscar
Pacheco and Mrs. Mathilde  Tavares Silva and their husbands;
grandchildren Laura and Norman Neves; great-grandchildren, Edna and
Bertha Pacheco; Mrs. Maria F. Alves and family; Mr. and Mrs. Baptista;
godson, Gil Alves and family; Mr. Afonso and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Sousa; E.  H. Gregory and family; Alice Crane, Hannah Anderton and
Mary Quinn, Mrs.  Andrew Lonergan and Mrs. P. W. Senterr [sic] Mr. and
Mrs. Medeiros, Mr. and Mrs. Guilherme Medeiros.

Mr. Charles A. Freitas Mortuary on Rivet Street conducted the funeral.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Branco /silverstre family

2011-06-24 Thread wendi Sylvester shaw
Thank you George, You were one of the researchers I hired a while ago. This
is the information I have. Thank you so much.

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 3:05 PM, George Pacheco bretanha1...@gmail.comwrote:

 Modified Register for Manuel Pereira Branco

 First Generation

1.  Manuel Pereira Branco  was born in Povoação, S. Miguel,

 Manuel married Maria Fernandes . Maria was born in Povoação, S. Miguel,

 They had the following children:

 +   2   M   i.  Manuel Pereira Branco .

 Second Generation

2.  Manuel Pereira Branco  (Manuel Pereira) was born in
 Povoação, S.
 Miguel, Açores.

 Manuel married Maria Furtado  daughter of Manuel Fontes and Maria
 Cordeiro on 4 Aug 1714 in Povoação, S. Miguel, Açores. Maria was born
 in Povoação, S. Miguel, Açores.

 They had the following children:

 +   3   M   i.  Manuel Pereira Branco  died before Aug

 Third Generation

3.  Manuel Pereira Branco  (Manuel Pereira, Manuel Pereira) was
 in Povoação, S. Miguel, Açores. He died before Aug 1781.

 Manuel married Maria Moniz  daughter of Unreadble and Ana Moniz in
 1729 in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores. Maria was born in Fenais
 da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores. She died before Aug 1781.

 They had the following children:

 +   4   M   i.  Silvestre de Medeiros  was born on 30 Dec
 1743. He died
 before 18 Dec 1823.

 +   5   M   ii. Manuel Pereira Branco .

 Fourth Generation

4.  Silvestre de Medeiros  (Manuel Pereira, Manuel Pereira,
 Pereira) was born on 30 Dec 1743 in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel,
 Açores. He was christened on 2 Jan 1744 in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel,
 Açores. He died before 18 Dec 1823.

 Silvestre married1  Teresa Maria  daughter of João de Frias and Ana
 Maria Rosa Vieira on 31 Aug 1781 in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel,
 Açores. Teresa was born in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores.

 They had the following children:

 +   6   M   i.  Jose Medeiros Silvestre .

5.  Manuel Pereira Branco  (Manuel Pereira, Manuel Pereira,
 Pereira) was born in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores.

 Manuel married Maria de Jesus  daughter of António de Frias Resende
 and Maria de Jesus on 20 Nov 1779 in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel,
 Açores. Maria was born in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores.

 They had the following children:

7   M   i.  Manuel Pereira Branco  was born in Fenais da
 Ajuda, S. Miguel,
 Açores. He died before 8 Jan 1822.
 Manuel married Maria de Jesus  daughter of Maria dos Santos on 12 Feb
 1809 in Maia, S. Miguel, Açores. Maria was born in Maia, S. Miguel,

 Fifth Generation

6.  Jose Medeiros Silvestre  (Silvestre de Medeiros, Manuel
 Manuel Pereira, Manuel Pereira) was born in Fenais da Ajuda, S.
 Miguel, Açores.

 Jose married2  (1) Pulqueria de Jesus  on 18 Dec 1823. Pulqueria was
 born in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores.

 Jose married (2) Maria Rosa  daughter of Jose Pacheco and   Dionizia
 Moniz on 17 Jul 1825 in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores. Maria was
 born3  in Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores.

 They had the following children:

 +   8   M   i.  Francisco Medeiros Silvestre  was born in
 1832. He died in 1910.

 Sixth Generation

8.  Francisco Medeiros Silvestre  (Jose Medeiros Silvestre,
 de Medeiros, Manuel Pereira, Manuel Pereira, Manuel Pereira) was born
 in 1832 in Fenais da Luz, S. Miguel, Açores. He died in 1910 in Fenais
 da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores.

 Francisco married4,5  Jacinta Rosa Pacheco  daughter of Manuel Pacheco
 and Maria Moniz Ventura on 23 Nov 1868 in Fenais da Luz, S. Miguel,
 Açores. Jacinta was born6  on 30 Mar 1850 in Fenais da Luz, S. Miguel,
 Açores. She was christened on 11 Apr 1850 in Ermida de S. Pedro,
 Fenais da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores. She died in 1910 in Fenais da
 Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores.

 daughter of Pai incognito.

 Francisco and Jacinta had the following children:

9   M   i.  Jose Medeiros Silvestre  was born on 28 May
 1871 in Fenais da
 Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores. He died in 1952 in Falmouth, Mass..

 Immigrated to US between 1885-1887

10  M   ii. João  was born on 12 Nov 1877 in Fenais da
 Ajuda, S. Miguel,
 Açores. He was christened on 15 Sep 1877 in Santo   Reis, Fenais da
 Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores.

 +   11  F   iii.Francisca Silvestre  was born on 8 Apr

12  M   iv. João Medeiros Silvestre  was born on 16 Sep
 1887 in Fenais
 da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores. He was christened in Santo   Reis, Fenais
 da Ajuda, S. Miguel, Açores. He died in Dec 1965 in Falmouth, Mass..

 He Immigrated to the US in 1910.

 João married Diamantina Leite Amaral  daughter of Manuel Jacinto
 Amaral and Antonia de Jesus Leite on 15 Dec 1912 in Santo   Christo,
 Fall River, Bristol, Massachusettsss.. 

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Translation help needed

2011-06-24 Thread CaraBela
Oh thank you, thank you! Yes, it makes a lot more sense now. I know most of 
 the people listed in the notice but there were a few I didn't know  now 
it  makes more sense. Thank you so much! I appreciate your time  help. Take  
In a message dated 6/24/2011 11:44:19 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

There  appear to be a few typos in the funeral notice, which I've tried
to correct  as best I could guess.  Does this help?  Katharine.

= = = = =  = = = =
Yesterday at 8 AM, the funeral of Mrs. Jacintha Botelho Neves  was
held, with the group (of mourners) leaving from the residence of  her
son-in-law Mr. Guilherme Tavares de 523 Nash Road for the Church  of
Nossa Senhora da Conceição [Our Lady of Conception], where a mass  was
held in the presence of her body by Rev. Mr. António Luiz da  Silva,
following from there to the cemetery of São  João Baptista [St.  John
the Baptist], where the body was buried in the family plot.

The  pall-bearers were Mr. Oscar Pacheco, Mr. João da Silva, Mr.
Augusto  do  Rego and Mr. Gil Alves. Floral arrangements were placed on
the  grave by the following persons:—

Daughter and son-in-law Guilherme  Tavares; son and daughter-in-law,
Thiago Botelho Neves and Maria Neves;  granddaughters, Mrs. Oscar
Pacheco and Mrs. Mathilde  Tavares Silva  and their husbands;
grandchildren Laura and Norman Neves;  great-grandchildren, Edna and
Bertha Pacheco; Mrs. Maria F. Alves and  family; Mr. and Mrs. Baptista;
godson, Gil Alves and family; Mr. Afonso and  family; Mr. and Mrs.
Sousa; E.  H. Gregory and family; Alice Crane,  Hannah Anderton and
Mary Quinn, Mrs.  Andrew Lonergan and Mrs. P. W.  Senterr [sic] Mr. and
Mrs. Medeiros, Mr. and Mrs. Guilherme  Medeiros.

Mr. Charles A. Freitas Mortuary on Rivet Street conducted the  funeral.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed! Please

2011-06-24 Thread Margaret Vicente

In his residence (home), in the Conde Street, passed away, this morning Mrs.
D. Maria Carolina Horta Pacheco, lady of worthy virtues.  The deceased was
the loving mother of the illustrious Elementary School teacher, Mr.
Francisco Pacheco Horta, and of Messrs. Antonio, Antero and Oscar Pacheco
Horta, absent.  Her funeral will be tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning
with the hearse being conducted by Berlinda*

* Berlinda is a small light weight waggon/coach with 4 wheels.


On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:30 PM, wrote:

 When I used the translator in I got a translation that I really
 don't understand. I was wondering if someone that knows the language could
 help me out with what this really says. I also listed the translated
 paragraph below it.

 Na casa de-sua residência, á rua
 do Conde, deixoinle .existir esta manhã
 a sra. D. Maria Carolina Horta
 Pacheco, senhora de esmeradas virtudes.
 A extnta era mãe extremosa* e estremecidissima
 do ilustre professor
 de Ensino Normal, sr. Francisco Pacheco
 Horta e dos srs. António, Antero
 e Oscar Pacheco Horta, ausentes.
 O seu funeral realisa-se amanhã
 pelas 8 horas da manhã, sendo o féretro
 conduzido em berlinda.
  Portuguese to English translation
  In-house residence, the street
 Conde, deixoinle. there this morning
 Mrs.. D. Maria Carolina Horta
 Pacheco, neat lady of virtues.
 The mother was extremely * extnta and estremecidissima
 the distinguished professor
 Teaching Normal, sr. Francisco Pacheco
 Horta and srs. Anthony, Antero
 and Oscar Pacheco Horta, absent.
 His funeral was realized tomorrow
 by 8 am, with the coffin
 conducted in the hot seat.

 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions
 when they arrive.
 For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail
 (vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
 that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.

Margaret M Vicente

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they arrive.
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(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at  Click in the blue area on the right 
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed! Please

2011-06-24 Thread Margaret Vicente
correction where it reads in his residence should say in her residence

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 9:03 PM, Margaret Vicente


 In his residence (home), in the Conde Street, passed away, this morning
 Mrs. D. Maria Carolina Horta Pacheco, lady of worthy virtues.  The deceased
 was the loving mother of the illustrious Elementary School teacher, Mr.
 Francisco Pacheco Horta, and of Messrs. Antonio, Antero and Oscar Pacheco
 Horta, absent.  Her funeral will be tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning
 with the hearse being conducted by Berlinda*

 * Berlinda is a small light weight waggon/coach with 4 wheels.


 On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:30 PM, wrote:

 When I used the translator in I got a translation that I really
 don't understand. I was wondering if someone that knows the language could
 help me out with what this really says. I also listed the translated
 paragraph below it.

 Na casa de-sua residência, á rua
 do Conde, deixoinle .existir esta manhã
 a sra. D. Maria Carolina Horta
 Pacheco, senhora de esmeradas virtudes.
 A extnta era mãe extremosa* e estremecidissima
 do ilustre professor
 de Ensino Normal, sr. Francisco Pacheco
 Horta e dos srs. António, Antero
 e Oscar Pacheco Horta, ausentes.
 O seu funeral realisa-se amanhã
 pelas 8 horas da manhã, sendo o féretro
 conduzido em berlinda.
  Portuguese to English translation
  In-house residence, the street
 Conde, deixoinle. there this morning
 Mrs.. D. Maria Carolina Horta
 Pacheco, neat lady of virtues.
 The mother was extremely * extnta and estremecidissima
 the distinguished professor
 Teaching Normal, sr. Francisco Pacheco
 Horta and srs. Anthony, Antero
 and Oscar Pacheco Horta, absent.
 His funeral was realized tomorrow
 by 8 am, with the coffin
 conducted in the hot seat.

 To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions
 when they arrive.
 For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail
 (vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the
 right that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my

 Margaret M Vicente

Margaret M Vicente

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they arrive.
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(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at  Click in the blue area on the right 
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.

RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed! Please

2011-06-24 Thread Richard Francis Pimentel
That last three lines done by the translator program is a riot.




Richard Francis Pimentel

Spring, TX

Formerly of Epping, New Hampshire 



From: [] On Behalf Of
Margaret Vicente
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed! Please




In his residence (home), in the Conde Street, passed away, this morning Mrs.
D. Maria Carolina Horta Pacheco, lady of worthy virtues.  The deceased was
the loving mother of the illustrious Elementary School teacher, Mr.
Francisco Pacheco Horta, and of Messrs. Antonio, Antero and Oscar Pacheco
Horta, absent.  Her funeral will be tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning
with the hearse being conducted by Berlinda*


* Berlinda is a small light weight waggon/coach with 4 wheels.



On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:30 PM, wrote:

When I used the translator in I got a translation that I really
don't understand. I was wondering if someone that knows the language could
help me out with what this really says. I also listed the translated
paragraph below it. 


Na casa de-sua residência, á rua
do Conde, deixoinle .existir esta manhã
a sra. D. Maria Carolina Horta
Pacheco, senhora de esmeradas virtudes.
A extnta era mãe extremosa* e estremecidissima
do ilustre professor
de Ensino Normal, sr. Francisco Pacheco
Horta e dos srs. António, Antero
e Oscar Pacheco Horta, ausentes.
O seu funeral realisa-se amanhã
pelas 8 horas da manhã, sendo o féretro
conduzido em berlinda.

Portuguese to English translation

In-house residence, the street
Conde, deixoinle. there this morning
Mrs.. D. Maria Carolina Horta
Pacheco, neat lady of virtues.
The mother was extremely * extnta and estremecidissima
the distinguished professor
Teaching Normal, sr. Francisco Pacheco
Horta and srs. Anthony, Antero
and Oscar Pacheco Horta, absent.
His funeral was realized tomorrow
by 8 am, with the coffin
conducted in the hot seat.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to . Follow the confirmation
directions when they arrive.
For more options, such as changing to List, Digest, Abridged, or No Mail
(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.

Margaret M Vicente

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to Follow the confirmation directions when
they arrive.
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(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed! Please

2011-06-24 Thread Jacki G.
I’m with you Rick. That made me laugh out loud.



Jacki Gentry 


Pittsburg, CA 

Surnames: Medeiros, Fernandes, Pereira, Pacheco, Machado, Azevedo 

Islands: Cedros, Faial and Faja de Cima, Sao Miguel




From: [] On Behalf Of
Richard Francis Pimentel
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 6:50 PM
Subject: RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed! Please


That last three lines done by the translator program is a riot.




Richard Francis Pimentel

Spring, TX

Formerly of Epping, New Hampshire 



From: [] On Behalf Of
Margaret Vicente
Sent: Friday, June 24, 2011 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed! Please




In his residence (home), in the Conde Street, passed away, this morning Mrs.
D. Maria Carolina Horta Pacheco, lady of worthy virtues.  The deceased was
the loving mother of the illustrious Elementary School teacher, Mr.
Francisco Pacheco Horta, and of Messrs. Antonio, Antero and Oscar Pacheco
Horta, absent.  Her funeral will be tomorrow at 8 o'clock in the morning
with the hearse being conducted by Berlinda*


* Berlinda is a small light weight waggon/coach with 4 wheels.



On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:30 PM, wrote:

When I used the translator in I got a translation that I really
don't understand. I was wondering if someone that knows the language could
help me out with what this really says. I also listed the translated
paragraph below it. 


Na casa de-sua residência, á rua
do Conde, deixoinle .existir esta manhã
a sra. D. Maria Carolina Horta
Pacheco, senhora de esmeradas virtudes.
A extnta era mãe extremosa* e estremecidissima
do ilustre professor
de Ensino Normal, sr. Francisco Pacheco
Horta e dos srs. António, Antero
e Oscar Pacheco Horta, ausentes.
O seu funeral realisa-se amanhã
pelas 8 horas da manhã, sendo o féretro
conduzido em berlinda.

Portuguese to English translation

In-house residence, the street
Conde, deixoinle. there this morning
Mrs.. D. Maria Carolina Horta
Pacheco, neat lady of virtues.
The mother was extremely * extnta and estremecidissima
the distinguished professor
Teaching Normal, sr. Francisco Pacheco
Horta and srs. Anthony, Antero
and Oscar Pacheco Horta, absent.
His funeral was realized tomorrow
by 8 am, with the coffin
conducted in the hot seat.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to . Follow the confirmation
directions when they arrive.
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(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
that says Join this group and it will take you to Edit my membership.

Margaret M Vicente

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they arrive.
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(vacation) mode, log into your Google account and visit this group at Click in the blue area on the right
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Translation help needed! Please

2011-06-24 Thread Cheri Mello
I also enjoyed the translation that she was a neat lady of virtues for a
lady of worthy virtues. Either way, she must have been a good person, the
kind you want for your neighbor!

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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