Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Agua de Pau, S.Miguel - Pacheco Raposo Medeiros

2010-06-22 Thread Karlushko
>From Sao Miguel Island I have the deaths of
Catarina Raposo, 23 Mar 1627 in Lagoa, married to Manoel de Oliveira de 
Isabel Raposo, 17 Dec 1634 in same place, daughter of Manoel de Oliveira de 
and Catarina Raposo,
Isabel Raposo, 26 Jan 1622, same place married to Baltazar Pires
all deaths are from Lagoa, Rosario, Ilha de Sao Miguel

Karlushko - Itajai/SC/Brasil - New York/USA
Alemanha, Belgica, Brasil, Luxemburgo, Italia, Portugal, Açores, Espanha
Agueda, Aguiar, André, Antunes, Arruda, Baptista, Beirao, Brasil, Bulcão, 
Cardoso, Correia, Costa, Dias, Dutra, Faria, Fernandes, Ferreira, Figueiro, 
Gaspar, Gato, Gomes Gonçalves, Guedes, Jorge, Leal, Lemos, Macedo, Machado, 
Marques, Martins, Matos, Mello, Miranda, Moreira, Nascimento, Netto, Nogueira, 
Nunes, Oliveira, Pereira, Ponte, Quadrado, Rebello, Rodrigues, Santos, Silva, 
Silveira, Simão, Sodré, Souza, Vieira, Zabuya, Fiorenzano, Bertemes, Reinert, 
Ottekier, Van der Gocht, de Pres, Hesse, Laux, Schumer, Jungklaus.

--- Em seg, 21/6/10, Cheri Mello  escreveu:

De: Cheri Mello 
Assunto: [AZORES-Genealogy] Agua de Pau, S.Miguel - Pacheco Raposo Medeiros
Para: "Azores Genealogy" 
Data: Segunda-feira, 21 de Junho de 2010, 14:17

Repost for Gil Rapoza at gilfox07 at

Hi, my parternal grandparents were from Agua de Pau, Sao Miguel, Azores.  His 
name was Manuel Pacheco Raposo, hers was Maria Conceicao de Mederios.  His 
parents were Pedro Pacheco Raposo & Theodora Augusta.  Her parents were Antonio 
Mederios Madira & Helena Emilia.  Any connections here?    Gil Rapoza 

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[AZORES-Genealogy] Agua de Pau, S.Miguel - Pacheco Raposo Medeiros

2010-06-21 Thread Cheri Mello
Repost for Gil Rapoza at gilfox07 at 

Hi, my parternal grandparents were from Agua de Pau, Sao Miguel, Azores.
His name was Manuel Pacheco Raposo, hers was Maria Conceicao de Mederios.
His parents were Pedro Pacheco Raposo & Theodora Augusta.  Her parents were
Antonio Mederios Madira & Helena Emilia.  Any connections here?Gil

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