Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-02 Thread GENEVA
So sorry, I see that you translated it for me. That's what happens when you 
read your email first thing in the morning without paying attention to the 
whole email. Thank you for taking the time and brining valuable information to 
me and to help me solve the mystery of my Cabral family. 

- Original Message -

Here is the url to google translate: 

Just copy and paste any portuguese text into the left pane and google translate 
will provide you with a translation within a few seconds. 

I think the Senhor de Azurara is referring to the fact that this Cabral line 
were wealthy landowners of an area in Portugal called Azurara. So the 
translation would be "Lord of Azurara". Hence, 2nd lord of Azurara etc etc. 
(See below) 

The Cabral Family 

               The Cabral family has always had a great influence and prestige 
in the municipality of Viseu by his patriotic feeling and strength in the face 
of national crises. This family refused to "kiss the hand of Leonor Teles and 
thus recognize her as Queen of Portugal and [...] miss the landlord's land 
Azurara; later, as a pledge of dedication that Alcaide-Mor Guard Álvaro Gil 
Cabral, stated the independence of Portugal [...] Master of Avis, was when 
Regedor and defender of the realm, and finally, a descendant of the same Álvaro 
Gil Cabral lost as a result of the noble gesture that had to with Philip D. II 
of Spain "1. Though investigations, developed by Dr. Alexandre Alves latest not 
confirm the idea of the last land taken by the Crown. 

          During the time of the monarchy Mangualde was never forgotten, 
because it is the land of the family of Pedro Álvares Cabral, because beyond 
discoverer of Brazil was Alcaide-Mor Village Azurara Beira. 

         So the first time where Cabral Family highlights is its power during 
the crisis of 1383-85, always supporting the Master of Avis. The big defender 
was Álvaro Gil Cabral Alcaide-Mor Guard, grandfather Pedro Álvares Cabral, who 
in turn received the lands of the county Azurara Beira, these being the lands 
and became lord of the Castle of Belmonte: "Master of Avis [...] donated to his 
vassal Alvaro Gil by letter last in Lisbon on March 27, 1384, to land Zurara, 
estate and interest, for him and his legitimate descendants, co todallas rents, 
taxes and forums her assy and the gisa that we auemos ... "2. These handouts 
were given to you before D. John I ascend, "but before ascending the throne as 
King John will reward many who supported him in his fight, having been one of 
them, Álvares Cabral Gil" 3, for the master of Avis rose thanks to popular 
support of members the nobility and bourgeoisie. Álvaro Gil witnessed the 
Cortes of Coimbra, when it was declared D. John I, King of Portugal. Little 
data exist Álvaro Gil Cabral, according to Alexandre Alves, "was the son of D. 
Gil, dean of the Guard, later bishop of the same city [...]. From his marriage 
with Maria (or Catherine) Aires de Loureiro, from Silgueiros, Alvaro Gil were 
the following children: Luís Álvares Cabral "4 and others. Luís Álvares Cabral 
said to be the successor of Zurara, mayor of Belmonte Castle, being selected to 
join the House of Prince Henrique. "Appointed by Infante captain of one of the 
organized armed galleys in Oporto in 1415 in view of Ceuta expedition is quoted 
with his son Fernando Alvares" 5. He married twice and had several children, 
highlighting the successor d'Fernão Álvares Cabral and Fernando Alvares Cabral. 

          After this succeeded by his son Ferdinand Alvares Cabral, ascended 
socially "pagem, young gentleman, squire and knight of the order by Casa do 
Infante D. Henrique." though to Ceuta with his father was not part of the 
conquest, because he got sick and landed in Tarifa to recover, and when he 
moved to Ceuta good for a while defending the city against the Moors. She 
married D. Teresa lived in Viseu de Andrade and had three children, died in the 
first child, the second being his successor Jonathan Cabral. Great defender of 
the people of Azurara leading up to the king saw their problems increased their 
territories "donations Azurara, Butters and Quinta de Santo André [...] of 
Moimenta alongside Gouveia" and cease to be charged "in tomadias and maladias 
Zurara of land, which is reguengo the King "6 in order of King D. Duarte. 
Fernando Alvares Cabral died in 1437. 

          Later amounted Fernão Cabral or Fernão Cabral - The old, was born 
around 1427 and died between 1492 and 1493. Dominated a large expanse of 
territory and married D. Isabel de Gouveia, and had many sons upwards of ten. 
With its prestige was "created of Henry and gentleman of the Houses and the 
Council of Kings Alfonso V and John II" 7. 

          The Regedor Justice of Beira, Riba Coa administrator and justice of 
Viseu, the most feared and austere in the region for his sense of justice and 
severity. During the reign of King Afonso V permeated him to fight

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-02 Thread GENEVA
I have never had the occassion to copy and paste so I can't honestly say that I 
know how to do that. I will try to copy amd paste  and if not retype everything 
that you sent me and have it translated. Thanks for all your time and effort. 

- Original Message -

That was a ROUGH (and i do mean rough) translation through google translate. 

If anyone has a lot more time, here is the original text i found, untranslated. 

A Família Cabral 
A Família Cabral teve sempre uma grande influência e prestígio no concelho de 
Mangualde pelo seu sentimento patriótico e de força perante as crises 
nacionais. Esta família recusou-se  "beija-mão de Leonor Teles e assim a 
reconhecê-la como Rainha de Portugal e [...] perder o senhorio das terras de 
Azurara; mais tarde, como penhor da dedicação que o Alcaide-Mor da Guarda, 
Álvaro Gil Cabral, manifestou pela independência de Portugal [...] Mestre de 
Avis, quando era Regedor e defensor do reino; finalmente, um descendente do 
mesmo Álvaro Gil Cabral as perde em consequência do nobre gesto que teve para 
com D. Filipe II de Espanha" 1  .Embora em investigações, desenvolvidas por Dr. 
Alexandre Alves mais recentes as não confirmem a última ideia de retiradas de 
terras por parte da Coroa. 
  Durante a época da monarquia Mangualde nunca foi esquecida, por se 
tratar da terra de da família de Pedro Álvares Cabral, pois para além de 
descobridor do Brasil foi Alcaide-Mor da vila de Azurara da Beira. 
 Portanto a primeira época onde a Família Cabral destaca o seu poder é 
durante a crise de 1383-85,apoiando sempre o Mestre de Avis. O grande defensor 
era Álvaro Gil Cabral Alcaide-Mor da Guarda, avô de Pedro Álvares Cabral, que 
em troca recebeu as terras do concelho de Azurara da Beira, sendo os estas 
terras e tornou-se senhor do Castelo de Belmonte:  "o Mestre de Avis [...] doou 
ao seu vassalo Álvaro Gil, por carta passada em Lisboa, em 27 de Março de 1384, 
a terra de Zurara, de juro e herdade, para ele e seus descendentes legítimos, 
cõ todallas rendas, foros e tributos dela, assy e pela gisa que a nós 
auemos..." 2 . Estas benesses foram-lhe dadas antes de D. João I ascender: "mas 
antes de subir ao trono, D. João já recompensara muitos dos que o apoiavam na 
sua  luta, tendo sido um deles, Álvares Gil Cabral" 3 , pois o mestre de Avis  
ascendeu graças ao apoio popular, de membros da nobreza e burguesia. Álvaro Gil 
presenciou as Cortes de Coimbra, quando foi declarado D. João I, Rei de 
Portugal. Pouco dados existem de Álvaro Gil Cabral, segundo Alexandre Alves,  
"era filho de D. Gil, deão da Guarda, mais tarde bispo da mesma cidade [...]. 
Do seu casamento com Maria (ou Catarina) Aires de Loureiro, de Silgueiros, 
houve Álvaro Gil os seguintes filhos: Luís Álvares Cabral" 4  e outros. Luís 
Álvares Cabral destacou-se ser o sucessor de Zurara, alcaide do Castelo de 
Belmonte, sendo seleccionado para integrar a Casa do Infante D. Henrique.  
"Nomeado pelo Infante capitão de uma das galés da armada organizada no Porto em 
1415 em vista da expedição de Ceuta, é citado com seu filho Fernando Álvares" 5 
. Ele casou duas vezes e teve vários filhos, destacando-se o sucessor Fernão 
d'Álvares Cabral ou Fernando Álvares Cabral. 
  Depois deste sucedeu-lhe seu filho Fernão Alvares Cabral, ascendeu 
socialmente  "pagem, moço fidalgo, escudeiro e por fim cavaleiro da Casa do 
Infante D. Henrique" . embora fosse para Ceuta com seu pai não fez parte da 
conquista, porque ficou doente e desembarcou em Tarifa até se recuperar, e 
quando bom foi viver para Ceuta durante algum tempo defendendo a cidade contra 
os mouros. Casou com D. Teresa de Andrade moravam em Viseu e teve três filhos, 
o primeiro faleceu em criança, sendo seu sucessor o segundo Fernão Cabral. 
Grande defensor do povo de Azurara levando até ao rei os seus problemas viu 
aumentados seus territórios "doações de Azurara, Manteigas e Quinta de Santo 
André [...] de Moimenta a par de Gouveia"  e deixam de ser cobradas  "tomadias 
e maladias em terras de Zurara, que é reguengo del-Rei" 6  por ordem de El-Rei 
D. Duarte. Fernando Álvares Cabral morreu em 1437. 
  Posteriormente ascendeu Fernão Cabral ou Fernão Cabral - O velho, 
nasceu por volta de 1427 e faleceu entre 1492 ou 1493. Dominavam um grande 
extensão de território e casou com D. Isabel de Gouveia, e tiveram muitos 
filhos para cima de dez. Com seu prestígio foi  "criado do Infante D. Henrique 
e fidalgo das Casas e do Conselho dos reis D. Afonso V e D. João II" 7 . 
  O Regedor da Justiça da Beira, Riba Côa e administrador da justiça de 
Viseu, o mais temido e austero da região pelo seu sentido de justiça e 
severidade. Durante o reinado de D. Afonso V  permeou-o por  combater com ele 
para se apoderar das praças do norte de África e recebeu de forma vitalícia a 
alcaidaria de Belmonte e o padroado de Igreja de São Julião de Mangualde  "D. 
Afonso V, por carta datada de Santarém, em 30 de Ab

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-02 Thread GENEVA
Interesting thatk you I will see what Azurara means. 

- Original Message -

Hi Geneva, 

What you are looking at is a Portuguese abbreviation. 

The little zero after a number, like 1º or 2º means first or second. Spelled 
out in full it is "primeiro" and "segundo." 

So Luis Alvares Cabral 2º Senhor de Azurara means he is the second "Senhor de 
Azurara" which is a title and means he is the land owner of particular property 
granted by the Portuguese king. 

Now, I don't know where or what Azurara is, but you can find it on Google. 

I have a friend in Lisboa who is the hereditary title owner of some similar 
property called Fronteira. These are noble families. But not all are 
properties. Another friend and distant cousin is the current title holder of 
Ávila or maybe it's Bettencourt - I forget (Ávila is a location, but in this 
case it is the Ávila or Bettencourt family from the Azores). 

Most of the time you will only find any links to such families from 500 years 
ago, or more when you hit upon a noble family branch. 

In your example, there is a 2º and then a 3º holder of Azurara. It can be a 
title passed down from father to son, but might also be to some other 
legitimate heir. In this case 3º means "terceiro" or third. 

Doug da Rocha Holmes 
Sacramento, California 
Pico & Terceira Genealogist 

---- Original Message  
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles 
From: GENEVA < > 
Date: Mon, April 01, 2013 4:49 pm 

I tried to send an attachment from geni, but the page came up blank. Anyway I 
was searching . I looked up Cabral and found lots of family members. 
The following had these notations attached to their file. 
 Luis Alvares Cabral 2 degree Senhor de Azurara. Fernao Cabral 4 degree Senhor 
de Azurara and Fernando Alves Cabral 3 degree Senhor de Azurara. 

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RE: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-02 Thread pico
Hi Geneva,What you are looking at is a Portuguese abbreviation.The little zero after a number, like 1º or 2º means first or second. Spelled out in full it is "primeiro" and "segundo."So Luis Alvares Cabral 2º Senhor de Azurara means he is the second "Senhor de Azurara" which is a title and means he is the land owner of particular property granted by the Portuguese king.Now, I don't know where or what Azurara is, but you can find it on Google.I have a friend in Lisboa who is the hereditary title owner of some similar property called Fronteira. These are noble families. But not all are properties. Another friend and distant cousin is the current title holder of Ávila or maybe it's Bettencourt - I forget (Ávila is a location, but in this case it is the Ávila or Bettencourt family from the Azores).Most of the time you will only find any links to such families from 500 years ago, or more when you hit upon a noble family branch. In your example, there is a 2º and then a 3º holder of Azurara. It can be a title passed down from father to son, but might also be to some other legitimate heir. In this case 3º means "terceiro" or third.Doug da Rocha HolmesSacramento, CaliforniaPico & Terceira

---- Original Message 
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles
From: GENEVA <>
Date: Mon, April 01, 2013 4:49 pm

I tried to send an attachment from geni, but the page came up blank. Anyway I was searching I looked up Cabral and found lots of family members. The following had these notations attached to their file.    Luis Alvares Cabral 2 degree Senhor de Azurara. Fernao Cabral 4 degree Senhor de Azurara and Fernando Alves Cabral 3 degree Senhor de Azurara.

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-01 Thread Altino Demelo
That was a ROUGH (and i do mean rough) translation through google translate.

If anyone has a lot more time, here is the original text i found, untranslated.

A Família Cabral
A Família Cabral teve sempre uma grande influência e prestígio no concelho de 
Mangualde pelo seu sentimento patriótico e de força perante as crises 
nacionais. Esta família recusou-se "beija-mão de Leonor Teles e assim a 
reconhecê-la como Rainha de Portugal e [...] perder o senhorio das terras de 
Azurara; mais tarde, como penhor da dedicação que o Alcaide-Mor da Guarda, 
Álvaro Gil Cabral, manifestou pela independência de Portugal [...] Mestre de 
Avis, quando era Regedor e defensor do reino; finalmente, um descendente do 
mesmo Álvaro Gil Cabral as perde em consequência do nobre gesto que teve para 
com D. Filipe II de Espanha"1 .Embora em investigações, desenvolvidas por Dr. 
Alexandre Alves mais recentes as não confirmem a última ideia de retiradas de 
terras por parte da Coroa.
  Durante a época da monarquia Mangualde nunca foi esquecida, por se 
tratar da terra de da família de Pedro Álvares Cabral, pois para além de 
descobridor do Brasil foi Alcaide-Mor da vila de Azurara da Beira.
 Portanto a primeira época onde a Família Cabral destaca o seu poder é 
durante a crise de 1383-85,apoiando sempre o Mestre de Avis. O grande defensor 
era Álvaro Gil Cabral Alcaide-Mor da Guarda, avô de Pedro Álvares Cabral, que 
em troca recebeu as terras do concelho de Azurara da Beira, sendo os estas 
terras e tornou-se senhor do Castelo de Belmonte: "o Mestre de Avis [...] doou 
ao seu vassalo Álvaro Gil, por carta passada em Lisboa, em 27 de Março de 1384, 
a terra de Zurara, de juro e herdade, para ele e seus descendentes legítimos, 
cõ todallas rendas, foros e tributos dela, assy e pela gisa que a nós 
auemos..."2. Estas benesses foram-lhe dadas antes de D. João I ascender: "mas 
antes de subir ao trono, D. João já recompensara muitos dos que o apoiavam na 
sua  luta, tendo sido um deles, Álvares Gil Cabral"3, pois o mestre de Avis  
ascendeu graças ao apoio popular, de membros da nobreza e burguesia. Álvaro Gil
 presenciou as Cortes de Coimbra, quando foi declarado D. João I, Rei de 
Portugal. Pouco dados existem de Álvaro Gil Cabral, segundo Alexandre Alves, 
"era filho de D. Gil, deão da Guarda, mais tarde bispo da mesma cidade [...]. 
Do seu casamento com Maria (ou Catarina) Aires de Loureiro, de Silgueiros, 
houve Álvaro Gil os seguintes filhos: Luís Álvares Cabral"4 e outros. Luís 
Álvares Cabral destacou-se ser o sucessor de Zurara, alcaide do Castelo de 
Belmonte, sendo seleccionado para integrar a Casa do Infante D. Henrique. 
"Nomeado pelo Infante capitão de uma das galés da armada organizada no Porto em 
1415 em vista da expedição de Ceuta, é citado com seu filho Fernando Álvares"5. 
Ele casou duas vezes e teve vários filhos, destacando-se o sucessor Fernão 
d'Álvares Cabral ou Fernando Álvares Cabral.
  Depois deste sucedeu-lhe seu filho Fernão Alvares Cabral, ascendeu 
socialmente "pagem, moço fidalgo, escudeiro e por fim cavaleiro da Casa do 
Infante D. Henrique". embora fosse para Ceuta com seu pai não fez parte da 
conquista, porque ficou doente e desembarcou em Tarifa até se recuperar, e 
quando bom foi viver para Ceuta durante algum tempo defendendo a cidade contra 
os mouros. Casou com D. Teresa de Andrade moravam em Viseu e teve três filhos, 
o primeiro faleceu em criança, sendo seu sucessor o segundo Fernão Cabral. 
Grande defensor do povo de Azurara levando até ao rei os seus problemas viu 
aumentados seus territórios"doações de Azurara, Manteigas e Quinta de Santo 
André [...] de Moimenta a par de Gouveia" e deixam de ser cobradas "tomadias e 
maladias em terras de Zurara, que é reguengo del-Rei"6 por ordem de El-Rei D. 
Duarte. Fernando Álvares Cabral morreu em 1437.
  Posteriormente ascendeu Fernão Cabral ou Fernão Cabral - O velho, 
nasceu por volta de 1427 e faleceu entre 1492 ou 1493. Dominavam um grande 
extensão de território e casou com D. Isabel de Gouveia, e tiveram muitos 
filhos para cima de dez. Com seu prestígio foi "criado do Infante D. Henrique e 
fidalgo das Casas e do Conselho dos reis D. Afonso V e D. João II"7.
  O Regedor da Justiça da Beira, Riba Côa e administrador da justiça de 
Viseu, o mais temido e austero da região pelo seu sentido de justiça e 
severidade. Durante o reinado de D. Afonso V  permeou-o por  combater com ele 
para se apoderar das praças do norte de África e recebeu de forma vitalícia a 
alcaidaria de Belmonte e o padroado de Igreja de São Julião de Mangualde "D. 
Afonso V, por carta datada de Santarém, em 30 de Abril de 1462, faz mercê a 
Fernão Cabral, fidalgo de nossa casa, do padroado da igreja de S. Julião de 
Azurara"8, sendo esta doação confirmada em 1509 por D. Manuel I.  Mandou fazer 
reformas nas casas de Colmeal das Donas, nas grandes tulhas na Quinta de São 
Cosmadinho e na Igreja de São Julião de Mangualde.

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-01 Thread Altino Demelo
Here is the url to google translate:

Just copy and paste any portuguese text into the left pane and google translate 
will provide you with a translation within a few seconds.

I think the Senhor de Azurara is referring to the fact that this Cabral line 
were wealthy landowners of an area in Portugal called Azurara. So the 
translation would be "Lord of Azurara". Hence, 2nd lord of Azurara etc etc. 
(See below)

The Cabral Family

               The Cabral family has always had a great influence and prestige 
in the municipality of Viseu by his patriotic feeling and strength in the face 
of national crises. This family refused to "kiss the hand of Leonor Teles and 
thus recognize her as Queen of Portugal and [...] miss the landlord's land 
Azurara; later, as a pledge of dedication that Alcaide-Mor Guard Álvaro Gil 
Cabral, stated the independence of Portugal [...] Master of Avis, was when 
Regedor and defender of the realm, and finally, a descendant of the same Álvaro 
Gil Cabral lost as a result of the noble gesture that had to with Philip D. II 
of Spain "1. Though investigations, developed by Dr. Alexandre Alves latest not 
confirm the idea of the last land taken by the Crown.

          During the time of the monarchy Mangualde was never forgotten, 
because it is the land of the family of Pedro Álvares Cabral, because beyond 
discoverer of Brazil was Alcaide-Mor Village Azurara Beira.

         So the first time where Cabral Family highlights is its power during 
the crisis of 1383-85, always supporting the Master of Avis. The big defender 
was Álvaro Gil Cabral Alcaide-Mor Guard, grandfather Pedro Álvares Cabral, who 
in turn received the lands of the county Azurara Beira, these being the lands 
and became lord of the Castle of Belmonte: "Master of Avis [...] donated to his 
vassal Alvaro Gil by letter last in Lisbon on March 27, 1384, to land Zurara, 
estate and interest, for him and his legitimate descendants, co todallas rents, 
taxes and forums her assy and the gisa that we auemos ... "2. These handouts 
were given to you before D. John I ascend, "but before ascending the throne as 
King John will reward many who supported him in his fight, having been one of 
them, Álvares Cabral Gil" 3, for the master of Avis rose thanks to popular 
support of members the nobility and bourgeoisie. Álvaro Gil witnessed the 
Cortes of Coimbra, when
 it was declared D. John I, King of Portugal. Little data exist Álvaro Gil 
Cabral, according to Alexandre Alves, "was the son of D. Gil, dean of the 
Guard, later bishop of the same city [...]. From his marriage with Maria (or 
Catherine) Aires de Loureiro, from Silgueiros, Alvaro Gil were the following 
children: Luís Álvares Cabral "4 and others. Luís Álvares Cabral said to be the 
successor of Zurara, mayor of Belmonte Castle, being selected to join the House 
of Prince Henrique. "Appointed by Infante captain of one of the organized armed 
galleys in Oporto in 1415 in view of Ceuta expedition is quoted with his son 
Fernando Alvares" 5. He married twice and had several children, highlighting 
the successor d'Fernão Álvares Cabral and Fernando Alvares Cabral.

          After this succeeded by his son Ferdinand Alvares Cabral, ascended 
socially "pagem, young gentleman, squire and knight of the order by Casa do 
Infante D. Henrique." though to Ceuta with his father was not part of the 
conquest, because he got sick and landed in Tarifa to recover, and when he 
moved to Ceuta good for a while defending the city against the Moors. She 
married D. Teresa lived in Viseu de Andrade and had three children, died in the 
first child, the second being his successor Jonathan Cabral. Great defender of 
the people of Azurara leading up to the king saw their problems increased their 
territories "donations Azurara, Butters and Quinta de Santo André [...] of 
Moimenta alongside Gouveia" and cease to be charged "in tomadias and maladias 
Zurara of land, which is reguengo the King "6 in order of King D. Duarte. 
Fernando Alvares Cabral died in 1437.

          Later amounted Fernão Cabral or Fernão Cabral - The old, was born 
around 1427 and died between 1492 and 1493. Dominated a large expanse of 
territory and married D. Isabel de Gouveia, and had many sons upwards of ten. 
With its prestige was "created of Henry and gentleman of the Houses and the 
Council of Kings Alfonso V and John II" 7.

          The Regedor Justice of Beira, Riba Coa administrator and justice of 
Viseu, the most feared and austere in the region for his sense of justice and 
severity. During the reign of King Afonso V permeated him to fight with him to 
take over the squares of northern Africa and received a lifetime so alcaidaria 
Belmonte and patronage of St. Julien Church Mangualde "D. Afonso V, by letter 
of Santarém, in 30 April 1462, makes the mercy Fernão Cabral, a nobleman of our 
house, the patronage of the church of St. Julian of Azurara "8, and this 
donation confir

Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-01 Thread Shirl Sereque

 My suggestion:to copy and paste the Portuguese text from RR and paste it into 
the online Google translator for a rough translation.

I'm interested in knowing how to do this, also.  I'll need really good 
instructions!  Thanks.
- Shirl -

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-01 Thread GENEVA
I tried to send an attachment. No luck. Page is blank. Family members were on Luis Alvares Cabral, Fernando Alvares C abral, Fernao Cabral. 

- Original Message -


Can you post the link or attach the record where you found this?  It doesn't 
make sense.  Degrees usually refer to a cousin marriage. 

Cheri Mello 
Listowner, Azores-Gen 
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, 

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-01 Thread GENEVA

I tried to send  an attachment from geni, but the page came up blank. Anyway I 
was searching I looked up Cabral and found lots of family members. 
The following had these notations attached to their file. 

 Luis Alvares Cabral 2 degree Senhor de Azurara. Fernao C abral 4 degree Senhor 
de Azurara and Fernando Alves C abral 3 degree Senhor de Azurara. 

I guess the only way to get this information to you is for you to search these 
people, sorry. 

- Original Message -

Geneva, my suggestion is to copy and paste the Portuguese text from RR and 
paste it into the online Google translator for a rough translation. 

Sent from my iPad 

On 2013-04-01, at 1:45 PM, wrote: 

When researching some of my family names I came across some titles that I don't 
understand. There are family members that have the title of Senhor de Azurara 
with 1 degree  or 2 or 3 or 4. What does this mean. 

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-01 Thread GENEVA
Thanks I'll see what I can come up with. 

- Original Message -

Geneva, my suggestion is to copy and paste the Portuguese text from RR and 
paste it into the online Google translator for a rough translation. 

Sent from my iPad 

On 2013-04-01, at 1:45 PM, wrote: 

When researching some of my family names I came across some titles that I don't 
understand. There are family members that have the title of Senhor de Azurara 
with 1 degree  or 2 or 3 or 4. What does this mean. 

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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-01 Thread Altino Demelo
Geneva, my suggestion is to copy and paste the Portuguese text from RR and 
paste it into the online Google translator for a rough translation.

Sent from my iPad

On 2013-04-01, at 1:45 PM, wrote:

> Hello:
> When researching some of my family names I came across some titles that I 
> don't understand. There are family members that have the title of Senhor de 
> Azurara with 1 degree  or 2 or 3 or 4. What does this mean.
> thanks
> geneva
> -- 
> -- 
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Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2013-04-01 Thread Cheri Mello

Can you post the link or attach the record where you found this?  It
doesn't make sense.  Degrees usually refer to a cousin marriage.
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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Re : [AZORES-Genealogy] titles

2009-02-19 Thread SARMENTO Natalia

Dear Nancy,
"Dona" just means "Mrs" or "Miss".

--- En date de : Jeu 19.2.09, nancy jean baptiste  a 
écrit :

De: nancy jean baptiste 
Objet: [AZORES-Genealogy] titles
À: "azores group" 
Date: Jeudi 19 Février 2009, 23h55

#yiv490351162 .hmmessage P
#yiv490351162 {

Greetings Group,
While reading so many records from Sao Jorge I've noticed that occassionally 
women have the title "Dona". I'm curious what it signifies. It isn't simply the 
name Dona but a title of some sort. 
Thank you,
Nancy Jean Baptiste
Pico for da Castro, Cardoza, Pixotto, Furtado 
Sao Jorge for Baptista, Veterino, Bettencourt, Silveira, Teixeira, Pereira, 
Enos, Lemos
Santa Maria for Cabral

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