Re: [BackupPC-users] Deleting backups does not free up disk space

2023-10-27 Thread jbk

On 10/26/23 10:37, wrote:

The main issue is, that I expected the delete button in 
the host overview page to delete that specific backup, 
which contains data it was not supposed to back up.
I know there is deduplication, that's why I deleted the 
recent backups of _all_ hosts, in case the newly 
introduced data was used in another host as well.

Did you restart the daemon after making your changes?
systemctl restart backuppc

If you did not then the edits to the host config would not 
be known to backuppc till the next wakeup scheduled in the 
main config.

Also how thorough the deletion is could be a function of the 
nightly script as configured in the main config. I would 
search the term "nightly" in the main config and read the 
commentary for each of the options and their effects on how 
much of the pool is traversed with each nightly run.

Jim KR
BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Deleting backups does not free up disk space

2023-10-26 Thread whuut

Hi Ged,

Thank you for your answer.

If I understand correctly, and you mean that these cannot be deleted
because they are your only copies of the data from those hosts, then
that means that they are *not* backups.  They're at risk of loss if
they're the only copies.

Yes, you are right – that's true. But that was just the counterargument 
for the last resort solution I'm about to do (in case there will be no 
other solution): purging the entire pool and starting all over again.

But let's put that aside. It is not related to the main problem.

The main issue is, that I expected the delete button in the host 
overview page to delete that specific backup, which contains data it was 
not supposed to back up.
I know there is deduplication, that's why I deleted the recent backups 
of _all_ hosts, in case the newly introduced data was used in another 
host as well.

Should that not delete that data and clear up that disk space if nothing 
links to it anymore?

[...] and start those backups from backup number one

Right now, I can't start any new backups because the pool is 100% full 
and the delete function does not free up disk space. That was the point 
of my post.

Best regards,

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Deleting backups does not free up disk space

2023-10-26 Thread G.W. Haywood via BackupPC-users

Hi there,

On Thu, 26 Oct 2023, Tobias wrote:

... in another installation, we have backups of no longer existing
hosts that cannot be simply deleted. ...

If I understand correctly, and you mean that these cannot be deleted
because they are your only copies of the data from those hosts, then
that means that they are *not* backups.  They're at risk of loss if
they're the only copies.

It sounds to me like you're trying to fit several quarts into a pint
pot, and some of them aren't even of the right beverage.  BackupPC is
a backup system.  If you want an archiving system, don't try to force
BackupPC to be that system.  That's not what it was designed to be.

Your immediate problem seems to be that a full backup is copying a lot
of files which shouldn't have been in the backups in the first place.
To get around that, you could simply call the problem machine(s) by a
different name as far as BackupPC is concerned, set up the exclusions,
and start those backups from backup number one.  Then BPC won't copy
the cruft which you don't need from the previous backup (which as has
been explained is how BackupPC V4 works and there's not much that you
can do about that).  Deduplication and compression will still happen,
unless you do something wilful to prevent it.  You can delete the old
backups in their entirety at your leisure when you have the new ones.

Obviously the main problem is that you need more backup storage space.



BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Deleting backups does not free up disk space

2023-10-26 Thread whuut

Hi everyone,

Coming from a v3 installation, I recently learned about the new 
--one-file-system rsync arg in v4 that caused us to have incomplete 
After removing the arg from RsyncSshArgs and with (at that time) not 
up-to-date exclude lists, that unsurprisingly led to 100% disk usage in 
the pool filesystem the next day.

I quickly identified the host which caused that and deleted the most 
recent backup, followed by a BackupPC_nightly run. But that did not free 
up any disk space.
I went ahead and deleted all backups from the past week for *all* our 
hosts and again followed by a BackupPC_nightly run. That did not do the 
trick either.
Then I removed /var/lib/backuppc/pc/ of the host that caused it 
with a following BackupPC_nightly run, but again no luck.

The log shows this after the BackupPC_nightly run:

2023-10-25 13:15:13  admin3 : BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file 
c0c64d6473be85bbba367d2bf16e955e count 1
2023-10-25 13:15:13  admin3 : BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file 
c0f9f28705e2192fadb9cefd6db6a092 count 1
2023-10-25 13:15:13  admin3 : BackupPC_refCountUpdate: missing pool file 
c1764853cd8ae7503560b190499853de count 1

[...] (many times)

How am I supposed to free up disk space now?

I know I can brute force it by deleting the cpool directory, but I 
wanted to take the opportunity to investigate this.
Because in another installation, we have backups of no longer existing 
hosts that cannot be simply deleted. This approach would not be viable 

We are using a freshly installed (no upgrade) BackupPC 4.4.0 from source 
on Debian 11.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Best regards,

BackupPC-users mailing list

Re: [BackupPC-users] Deleting backups

2022-08-30 Thread Norbert Hoeller via BackupPC-users
After excluding /home/backuppc from the localhome backup, I did a successful 
incremental backup of /home on the 24th.  However, I noticed that the file 
server was very slow on the morning of the 25th and a number of overnight 
backups were still running.  I suspect BackupPC_refCountUpdate was the culprit, 
driving high disk seek rates.  I ended up renaming 
/var/lib/backuppc/pc/localhome and started a new localhome backup series.

I am running 4.3.0 (manual build for Serbian on ARM).  I have held off 
upgrading until an official build but it appears I need to upgrade to 64bit 
Bullseye which is not trivial. 

On August 23, 2022 11:38:53 AM EDT, Norbert Hoeller via BackupPC-users 
>I have a home file server that also runs backuppc for a number of other 
>servers. Backuppc backs up /home (host localhome) on the file server so I can 
>recover from accidentally deleted files.
>Originally, /var/lib/backuppc was mapped to its own partition which 
>periodically caused space issues. I recently moved the backuppc data folder to 
>/home/backuppc and mapped it to /var/lib/backuppc but forgot to exclude the 
>/home/backuppc folder from backups of /home. Backuppc completed backup 325 and 
>part of 326 before I noticed the problem. I excluded /home/backuppc from 
>further backups and did a manual incremental backup which created 327 (partial 
>backup 326 disappeared).  
>Although the cpool size did not increase, pc/localhome is over 2GB bigger. I 
>tried running "BackupPC_Delete -h localhome -n 327 -s home backuppc" in the 
>hope that would clean up the pointers but it merged #327/home/backuppc -> 
>#325/home/backuppc.  I repeated the process with backup 325 which merged 
>#325/home/backuppc -> #324/home/backuppc.  Right now, pc/localhome/324 takes 
>up 644MB while pc/localhome/327 takes up 1015MB, compared to under 15MB before.
>Is there a way to get rid of the unnecessary pointers to /home/backuppc or do 
>I just wait for them to age out?___
BackupPC-users mailing list

[BackupPC-users] Deleting backups

2022-08-23 Thread Norbert Hoeller via BackupPC-users
I have a home file server that also runs backuppc for a number of other 
servers. Backuppc backs up /home (host localhome) on the file server so I can 
recover from accidentally deleted files.

Originally, /var/lib/backuppc was mapped to its own partition which 
periodically caused space issues. I recently moved the backuppc data folder to 
/home/backuppc and mapped it to /var/lib/backuppc but forgot to exclude the 
/home/backuppc folder from backups of /home. Backuppc completed backup 325 and 
part of 326 before I noticed the problem. I excluded /home/backuppc from 
further backups and did a manual incremental backup which created 327 (partial 
backup 326 disappeared).  

Although the cpool size did not increase, pc/localhome is over 2GB bigger. I 
tried running "BackupPC_Delete -h localhome -n 327 -s home backuppc" in the 
hope that would clean up the pointers but it merged #327/home/backuppc -> 
#325/home/backuppc.  I repeated the process with backup 325 which merged 
#325/home/backuppc -> #324/home/backuppc.  Right now, pc/localhome/324 takes up 
644MB while pc/localhome/327 takes up 1015MB, compared to under 15MB before.

Is there a way to get rid of the unnecessary pointers to /home/backuppc or do I 
just wait for them to age out?___
BackupPC-users mailing list