[Bacula-users] Bacula asking for volume which isn't in the library...

2006-01-16 Thread Beren Gamble
Dear all,

I'm using Bacula 1.36.3 and i've got a small problem..

Also, please view this email in Courier font to make it easier to read.

After submitting a job to do a restore on Friday, it asked me to insert tape 
000105L2, so I put it in the library and did update slots. The restore job 
didn't kick off like I expected it to. I had to manually load the tape using 
the mtx-changer script, then type mount in bconsole.

So that's one problem.

The other problem is, when the backup kicked off on Friday, this is what 

13-Jan 21:00 backup2-dir: Start Backup JobId 1548, 
13-Jan 21:04 backup2-dir: Pruned 16 Jobs on Volume 000105L2 from catalog.
13-Jan 21:04 backup2-sd: SERVER1-Daily.2006-01-13_21.00.00 Warning: Director 
wanted Volume 000145L2.
Current Volume 000105L2 not acceptable because:
1998 Volume 000105L2 status is Full, but should be Append, Purged or 
Recycle (cannot automatically recycle current volume, as it still contains 
unpruned data).
13-Jan 21:06 backup2-sd: Please mount Volume 000145L2 on Storage Device 
ULTRIUM for Job SERVER1-Daily.2006-01-13_21.00.00
13-Jan 22:06 backup2-sd: Please mount Volume 000145L2 on Storage Device 
ULTRIUM for Job SERVER1-Daily.2006-01-13_21.00.00
14-Jan 00:06 backup2-sd: Please mount Volume 000145L2 on Storage Device 
ULTRIUM for Job SERVER1-Daily.2006-01-13_21.00.00
14-Jan 04:06 backup2-sd: Please mount Volume 000145L2 on Storage Device 
ULTRIUM for Job SERVER1-Daily.2006-01-13_21.00.00
14-Jan 12:06 backup2-sd: Please mount Volume 000145L2 on Storage Device 
ULTRIUM for Job SERVER1-Daily.2006-01-13_21.00.00
15-Jan 04:06 backup2-sd: Please mount Volume 000145L2 on Storage Device 
ULTRIUM for Job SERVER1-Daily.2006-01-13_21.00.00
16-Jan 04:06 backup2-sd: Please mount Volume 000145L2 on Storage Device 
ULTRIUM for Job SERVER1-Daily.2006-01-13_21.00.00

*list media
Pool: Daily
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | VolBytes| InChanger | LastWritten  
|   1 | 000103L2   | Archive   | 177,088,345,509 | 0 | 2005-12-30 
07:56:42 |
|   3 | 000105L2   | Full  | 491,925,689,553 | 1 | 2005-12-30 
02:40:54 |
|   8 | 000109L2   | Archive   | 438,599,713,457 | 0 | 2005-11-28 
22:35:21 |
|   9 | 000110L2   | Full  | 500,378,968,152 | 0 | 2006-01-11 
05:15:54 |
|  10 | 000111L2   | Full  | 477,435,670,842 | 1 | 2006-01-12 
21:20:21 |
|  11 | 000148L2   | Purged| 473,240,377,132 | 1 | 2005-12-08 
02:46:41 |
|  13 | 000147L2   | Full  | 109,598,673,019 | 1 | 2005-12-15 
17:25:03 |
|  14 | 000146L2   | Full  | 472,102,391,352 | 1 | 2005-12-17 
01:34:20 |
|  15 | 000144L2   | Full  | 484,012,834,448 | 0 | 2005-12-20 
05:55:46 |
|  16 | 000145L2   | Recycle   |   1 | 0 | 2005-12-06 
03:45:08 |
|  18 | 000153L2   | Full  | 354,700,117,399 | 0 | 2005-12-22 
08:27:55 |
|  19 | 000154L2   | Full  | 460,324,626,852 | 0 | 2005-12-24 
00:41:46 |
|  20 | 000150L2   | Full  | 504,695,831,751 | 0 | 2005-12-27 
04:52:30 |
|  24 | 000151L2   | Full  | 479,541,872,974 | 0 | 2005-12-28 
22:09:14 |
|  27 | 000157L2   | Full  | 465,767,535,829 | 1 | 2006-01-10 
01:11:51 |
|  28 | 000149L2   | Full  | 481,157,821,313 | 0 | 2005-12-15 
05:03:01 |
|  29 | 000107L2   | Used  | 352,581,128,967 | 0 | 2006-01-04 
08:55:35 |
Please note, i've removed uneccesary columns*

I don't know why it didn't just change the tape to 000148L2, which is purged 
and ready to be used. Instead it asked for one which wasn't in the changer.

Can someone please help? Doing a restore shouldn't throw the backups out of 



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The information contained in this message and any attachments is confidential 
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[Bacula-users] Extensions to query.sql (was: problems with update slots)

2006-01-16 Thread Arno Lehmann


On 1/15/2006 11:17 PM, Arno Lehmann wrote:
But, and this might be something worth a feature request (Kern, are you 
reading this ;-) there should be a pre-defined query to print out which 
volumes are loaded into which slots in which storage device.

Incidentially, I've got such a query here :-) but unfortunately, the 
server it's stored on is turned off now :-( and, as far as I can tell, 
that query does work with MySQL only.

I'll make that query available tomorrow, and let somone else fix the 
portability - but I guess that query might help a lot resolving such 

Ok, here is what I added to my query.sql file. Nte that it works with 
MySQL only - the only PostgreSQL installation I have available uses file 
based backups, so there never was much need to make these queries 
portable. And doing this by simply writing portable SQL is, 
unfortunately, beyond my SQL capabilities :-)

You will have to correct some line breaks, I notice.

 cut here 
# 16
:List last 25 Jobs ordered by start time with long status:
SELECT JobId,Name,StartTime,Type,Level,JobFiles,JobBytes,JobStatusLong 
AS Status

LEFT JOIN Status ON Job.JobStatus=Status.JobStatus
ORDER BY StartTime
# 17
:List which media bacula thinks is in changer:
SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024) AS GB,Storage.Name 
AS Storag

e,Slot,Pool.Name AS Pool,MediaType,VolStatus
 FROM Media,Storage
 LEFT JOIN Pool ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
 WHERE (Slot  0) AND (InChanger=1)
 AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId
 ORDER BY MediaType ASC, Slot ASC;
# 18
:List media metadata concerning life-time
SELECT VolumeName AS Volume,VolMounts AS Mounts,VolErrors AS Errors,
VolWrites AS Writes,VolStatus AS Status
 FROM Media
 WHERE (VolErrors0) OR (VolStatus='Error') OR (VolMounts50) OR
(VolStatus='Disabled') OR (VolWrites399)
  ORDER BY VolStatus ASC, VolErrors,VolMounts,VolumeName DESC;
# 19
:List all backups for a client with FileSet:
*Enter Client Name:
SELECT DISTINCT Job.JobId AS JobId,Client.Name AS Client,
  FileSet.FileSet AS FileSet,Level,StartTime,JobFiles,
  LPAD(ROUND(JobBytes/1024/1024,2),10,' ') AS MBytes,VolumeNAme FROM 

  WHERE Client.Name='%1' AND Client.ClientId=Job.ClientId
  AND JobStatus='T' AND Job.FileSetId=FileSet.FileSetId
  AND JobMedia.JobId=Job.JobId AND JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId
  ORDER BY Job.StartTime;
# 20
:List all Media
SELECT VolumeName,MediaId,VolStatus,VolBytes/1024/1024 AS 

e,Slot,InChanger,MediaType,LastWritten FROM Media ORDER BY VolumeName ASC;
 cut here 

just append the above to the file query.sql, if necessary (I don't know 
if its technically necessary, but I think it's not) modify the numbers 
in the comment lines, and try it using the sql command in the console.

Here, I get output like this:

Choose a query (1-20): 17
| MediaId | VolumeName   | GB | Storage | Slot | Pool | MediaType | 
VolStatus |
|   3 | DAT-120-0001 | 6.88   | HPDAT   |1 | Incr | DDS2  | Full
|   5 | DAT-120-0003 | 6.79   | HPDAT   |2 | Incr | DDS2  | Append  
|  11 | DAT-120-0009 | 5.09   | HPDAT   |3 | Incr | DDS2  | Error   
|  32 | DAT-120-0023 | 8.44   | HPDAT   |4 | Incr | DDS2  | Full
|  33 | DAT-120-0024 | 6.54   | HPDAT   |5 | Incr | DDS2  | Full
|  37 | DAT-120-0025 | 8.21   | HPDAT   |6 | Incr | DDS2  | Full
|  72 | DLT-IV-0010  | 11.36  | DLT |1 | Full | DLTIV | Append  
|  74 | DLT-IV-0011  | 21.84  | DLT |2 | Full | DLTIV | Purged  
|  75 | DLT-IV-0012  | 18.67  | DLT |3 | Full | DLTIV | Purged  
|  76 | DLT-IV-0013  | 19.13  | DLT |4 | Full | DLTIV | Purged  
|  77 | DLT-IV-0014  | 20.34  | DLT |5 | Full | DLTIV | Purged  
|  78 | DLT-IV-0015  | 18.52  | DLT |6 | Full | DLTIV | Full
|  79 | DLT-IV-0016  | 18.35  | DLT |7 | Full | DLTIV | Purged  


Arno Lehmann  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] problems with update slots

2006-01-16 Thread Arno Lehmann


On 1/16/2006 12:45 AM, George R. Kasica wrote:

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 17:44:30 -0600, you wrote:

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 23:17:07 +0100, you wrote:
On 1/15/2006 10:46 PM, George R. Kasica wrote:

output from list volumes:

Pool: DDS-3-Drive0-Set-A
| MediaId | VolumeName  | VolStatus | VolBytes | VolFiles | VolRetention | 
Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten |
|  11 | D0-SA-V1| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 |  
 1 |1 | 0 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  12 | D0-SA-V2| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 |  
 1 |2 | 0 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  13 | D0-SA-V3| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 |  
 1 |3 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  14 | D0-SA-V4| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 |  
 1 |4 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  15 | D0-SA-V5| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 |  
 1 |5 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  16 | D0-SA-CLEAN0001 | Cleaning  |0 |0 |  604,800 |  
 1 |6 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
Pool: DDS-3-Drive0-Set-B
| MediaId | VolumeName  | VolStatus | VolBytes   | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten |
|  17 | D0-SB-V1| Full  | 15,328,694,433 |   16 |  
604,800 |   1 |1 | 1 | DDS-3 | 2006-01-09 06:11:40 |
|  18 | D0-SB-V2| Append|486,943,359 |1 |  
604,800 |   1 |2 | 1 | DDS-3 | 2006-01-09 06:23:42 |
|  19 | D0-SB-V3| Append|  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |3 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  20 | D0-SB-V4| Append|  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |4 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  21 | D0-SB-V5| Append|  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |5 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  22 | D0-SB-CLEAN0001 | Cleaning  |  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |6 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |

Is this a correct description?

See above does that help any?

A little. Unfortunately, at this point, the information about StorageId 
and MediaType is more important - I'll let you work out how to use the 
query I just posted :-)

At the moment, I can only assume that, for some reason and (partly) 
other than what you wrote earlier, the volumes with identical slot and 
inchanger=1 settings have different media types, or are assigned to 
different storage devices.

I just looked into the source, and I guess the function that handles the 
media records in the catalogs after you called update slots works as 
expected: If the volume it works on has inChanger!=0 and Slot!=0 it sets 
any media InChanger flag to 0 where StorageId and Slot are identical to 
the ones of the current volume. This looks right and simple enough to me.

So, in case your volumes actually have the same StorageIds and 
MediaTypes set (although the latter shouldn't matter...) I'd suggest the 
following: Reset the autochanger management information to 0 for all 
media, load one of the mags, update slots, unmount, load the other mag, 
update slots, and verify which information is in the catalog.

If there still are (more or less) impossible values stored, file a bug 

Looks like that's all I can advise with the current information.


Arno Lehmann  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula asking for volume which isn't in the library...

2006-01-16 Thread Arno Lehmann
Assuming it's not in your hands to remove that stupid disclaimer at the 
bottom of your email I'll answer this, despite my earlier rather snappy 
comment about that sort of nonsense. You might want to tell your mail 
admin that, to get support from me, it might be advisable to make a 
support contract with me, though - then, of course, I'll know I'm an 
intended recipient of your mail.

And, once you're speaking to that admin, please ask her or him to add 
some line breaks to the disclaimer - it's hard to read when I have to 
scroll left and right.


On 1/16/2006 10:23 AM, Beren Gamble wrote:

Dear all,

I'm using Bacula 1.36.3 and i've got a small problem..

Also, please view this email in Courier font to make it easier to read.

Thanks for your consideration with pasting long lines...

After submitting a job to do a restore on Friday, it asked me to insert tape 000105L2, so I put it in the 
library and did update slots. The restore job didn't kick off like I expected it to. I had to 
manually load the tape using the mtx-changer script, then type mount in bconsole.

So that's one problem.

The other problem is, when the backup kicked off on Friday, this is what 

... snip report and console output...

Please note, i've removed uneccesary columns*

Well, unfortunately you didn't send some information I would be very 
interested in. (Not quite true, because it's not in that output anyway...)

I suppose that you use different pools in your autochanger, and that the 
tapes in question belonged to different pools, and that the tapes 
requested are loaded in a slot that was occupied by volumes belonging to 
a different pool before.

Too complicated? - Simply read the thread Maria started on Jan 15. 
Probably you'll know what I mean, and probably you'll find the solution 
to your problem.

The short answer: Manually remove the information regarding autoloader 
inventory from the catalog (set InChanger and Slot to 0), load volmes 
from only one pool into the autochanger, 'update slots' and continue 
work. Make plans to upgrade to 1.38, or make a small patch to your 
Bacula source code and re-compile and -install the director.

I don't know why it didn't just change the tape to 000148L2, which is purged 
and ready to be used. Instead it asked for one which wasn't in the changer.

Can someone please help? Doing a restore shouldn't throw the backups out of 

Quite true, and usually it doesn't, but I suppose you found one of the 
limitations of (up to) 1.36 versions...




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Bacula-users mailing list

Arno Lehmann  http://www.its-lehmann.de

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] LTO-3 vs. fixed block sizes

2006-01-16 Thread Rudolf Cejka
Lance Brown wrote (2006/01/13):
 I have a new Exabyte Magnum 1x7 autoloader with an IBM LTO-3 drive and
 it appears I *have* to use fixed block sizes otherwise it breaks. :-(

 Machine:  Dell Poweredge 2650
 OS:  CentOS 3.6
 Bacula: 1.36.3 installed from RHEL3 RPMs
 Tape:  Exabyte Magnum 1x7 LTO-3

Hello, maybe you can try different version of Linux, newer Bacula 1.38.x
or/and cabling. I have Overland Neo 4200 with LTO-3 and FreeBSD 6.0
and did not experience any problem like yours - and I think there are
others with LTO-3 without problems independently on FreeBSD or Linux.

Rudolf Cejka cejkar at fit.vutbr.cz http://www.fit.vutbr.cz/~cejkar
Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Information Technology
Bozetechova 2, 612 66  Brno, Czech Republic

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Could not connect to Storage

2006-01-16 Thread Andras Horvai
Hi All,

I'm new in the list.

Here is the details:

Linux bacula 2.6.8-11-amd64-k8 #1 Wed Jun 1 01:03:08 CEST 2005 x86_64 GNU/Linux

File daemon's version on the windows server is: 1.38.3

The problem is this:
I added 6 more pools. There is only one volume in each pool. And when the 
wants to start the backup as described via the new pool i receive this error 

13-Jan 21:12 bacula-dir: Start Backup JobId 2001, 
13-Jan 21:16 file-server-fd: file-server-job.2006-01-13_21.01.20 Warning: 
c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\lib\../../lib/bnet.c:853 Could not 
connect to Storage daemon on ERR=No error
Retrying ...
13-Jan 21:32 file-server-fd: file-server-job.2006-01-13_21.01.20 Warning: 
c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\lib\../../lib/bnet.c:853 Could not 
connect to Storage daemon on ERR=No error
Retrying ...


13-Jan 22:48 file-server-fd: file-server-job.2006-01-13_21.01.20 Fatal error: 
Failed to connect to Storage daemon:
13-Jan 22:48 file-server-fd: file-server-job.2006-01-13_21.01.20 Fatal error: 
c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\lib\../../lib/bnet.c:859 Unable to 
connect to Storage daemon on ERR=No error
13-Jan 22:45 bacula-dir: file-server-job.2006-01-13_21.01.20 Fatal error: 
Socket error from Filed on Storage command: ERR=No data available
13-Jan 22:45 bacula-dir: file-server-job.2006-01-13_21.01.20 Error: Bacula 
1.36.3 (22Apr05): 13-Jan-2006 22:45:11
  JobId:  2001
  Backup Level:   Full
  Client: file-server-fd
  FileSet:file-server FD%SF3343-34s%df%afds
  Pool:   Servers-SecondWeek-pool
  Start time: 13-Jan-2006 21:12:10
  End time:   13-Jan-2006 22:45:11
  FD Files Written:   0
  SD Files Written:   0
  FD Bytes Written:   0
  SD Bytes Written:   0
  Rate:   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Volume name(s): 
  Volume Session Id:  3
  Volume Session Time:1137152070
  Last Volume Bytes:  0
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  SD Errors:  0
  FD termination status:  
  SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
  Termination:*** Backup Error ***

What could be the problem?

The configuration:

I have one storage. It is a file storage. This is the bacula-sd.conf:

Storage { 
  Name = bacula-sd
  SDPort = 9103
  WorkingDirectory = /var/bacula/working
  Pid Directory = /var/bacula/working
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20

Device {
  Name = FileStorage
  Media Type = File
  Archive Device = /backup
  LabelMedia = yes; 
  Random Access = Yes;
  AutomaticMount = yes;   
  RemovableMedia = no;
#  AlwaysOpen = yes;

This is the bacula-dir.conf: 

Schedule {
  Name = DesktopsCycle
  Run  = Level=Differential Pool=Desktops-Daily-pool mon-thu at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Desktops-FirstWeek-pool 1st fri at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Desktops-SecondWeek-pool 2nd fri at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Desktops-ThirdWeek-pool 3rd fri at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Desktops-ForthWeek-pool 4th fri at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Desktops-FifthWeek-pool 5th fri at 21:01

Schedule {
  Name = ServersCycle
  Run  = Level=Differential Pool=Servers-Daily-pool mon-thu at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Servers-FirstWeek-pool 1st fri at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Servers-SecondWeek-pool 2nd fri at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Servers-ThirdWeek-pool 3rd fri at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Servers-ForthWeek-pool 4th fri at 21:01
  Run  = Level=Full Pool=Servers-FifthWeek-pool 5th fri at 21:01


Pool {
  Name = Desktops-Daily-pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention =  5 days
  Recycle = yes
  Accept Any Volume = yes 

Pool {
  Name = Desktops-FirstWeek-pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  AutoPrune = Yes
  Volume Retention = 1 month
  Recycle = yes
  Accept Any Volume = yes


Pool {
  Name = Desktops-FifthWeek-pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  AutoPrune = Yes
  Volume Retention = 1 month
  Recycle = yes
  Accept Any Volume = yes

Pool {
  Name = Servers-Daily-pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention =  5 days
  Recycle = yes
  Accept Any Volume = yes

Pool {
  Name = Servers-FirstWeek-pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  AutoPrune = Yes
  Volume Retention = 1 month
  Recycle = yes
  Accept Any Volume = yes


Pool {
  Name = Servers-FifthWeek-pool
  Pool Type = Backup
  AutoPrune = Yes
  Volume Retention = 1 month
  Recycle = yes
  Accept Any Volume = yes

Storage {
  Name = File
  Address =
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = 
  Device = FileStorage
  Media Type = File

Storage {
  Name = File2
  Address =
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = 
  Device = FileStorage

Re: [Bacula-users] Could not connect to Storage

2006-01-16 Thread Jari Fredriksson

Andras Horvai wrote:

Linux bacula 2.6.8-11-amd64-k8 #1 Wed Jun 1 01:03:08 CEST 2005 x86_64

File daemon's version on the windows server is: 1.38.3

1.36 and 1.38 are not propably compatible enough.

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] How do I restore my catalog ?

2006-01-16 Thread Silva

I'm trying to restore the catalog but something is going wrong.

The message is:

13-Jan 13:43 disk-expressdev: RestoreFiles.2006-01-13_13.31.38 Warning:
acquire.c:176 Error getting Volume info: 1997 Volume
Catalog-0005 not in catalog.

Run Restore job
Bootstrap:  /home/bacula/working/BackupCatalog.bsr
Where:  /tmp/bacula-restores
Client: peet-fd
When:   2006-01-13 13:31:12
Priority:   10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes

Yes. I re-initialize my database before run the command above.

Please, any suggestion ?

Thanks in advance.

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] how to successfully recover from bacula-server loss?

2006-01-16 Thread Jo Rhett
My home bacula server died hard the other day.  No problem, everything is
backed up.  So I rebuilt the server with new hard disks, built a minimal
bacula config (I can restore the old one from tape, right?) and bscanned 
the volumes back into the catalog.  That seemed to go well.  (jobid#,
193,924 files, etc)

However, when I am trying now to restore the data it can't find it.
Checking the jobs in the catalog appears to show only the catalog backups.

This is fast becoming frustrating.  How do I get the full catalog restored
so that I can restore the data?

Or better yet, just let me restore ALL of it into one of the hard disk

Amanda at the least was in native dump format so I could manually restore

maiasaura# bconsole -c /usr/local/etc/bconsole.conf
Connecting to Director maiasaura:9101
1000 OK: maiasaura-dir Version: 1.36.3 (22 April 2005)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
 1: List last 20 Jobs run
 2: List Jobs where a given File is saved
 3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
 4: Enter SQL list command
 5: Select the most recent backup for a client
 6: Select backup for a client before a specified time
 7: Enter a list of files to restore
 8: Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time
 9: Cancel
Select item:  (1-9): 1
| JobId | Client   | StartTime   | JobLevel | JobFiles | JobBytes |
| 40| maiasaura-fd | 2006-01-07 18:35:45 | F| 1| 9826143  |
| 39| maiasaura-fd | 2006-01-07 18:34:06 | F| 1| 9825885  |
| 38| maiasaura-fd | 2006-01-07 18:32:37 | F| 1| 9825628  |
| 37| maiasaura-fd | 2006-01-07 18:31:18 | F| 1| 9825371  |
| 36| maiasaura-fd | 2006-01-07 18:30:10 | F| 1| 9825114  |
| 35| maiasaura-fd | 2006-01-07 18:29:10 | F| 1| 9824856  |
| 34| maiasaura-fd | 2006-01-07 18:28:12 | F| 1| 9824921  |
| 25| maiasaura-fd | 2005-12-24 03:11:07 | F| 1| 9826090  |
| 18| maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-26 03:11:24 | F| 1| 9819238  |
| 17| maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-25 03:11:03 | F| 1| 9818829  |
| 16| maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-24 03:10:49 | F| 1| 9818420  |
| 15| maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-23 13:17:46 | F| 1| 9818010  |
| 14| maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-23 13:16:53 | F| 1| 9817901  |
| 12| maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-19 03:11:56 | F| 1| 9816702  |
| 11| maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-18 03:11:58 | F| 1| 9816438  |
| 10| maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-17 03:12:03 | F| 1| 9816174  |
| 9 | maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-16 03:10:55 | F| 1| 9816055  |
| 8 | maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-15 03:10:45 | F| 1| 9815838  |
| 7 | maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-14 11:09:33 | F| 1| 9815433  |
| 5 | maiasaura-fd | 2005-11-12 03:11:12 | F| 1| 9814519  |

Jo Rhett
senior geek
SVcolo : Silicon Valley Colocation

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] problems with update slots

2006-01-16 Thread George R . Kasica
3. Upgrade to 1.38.4 (or whatever is current...). That version supports 
multiple pools in one storage device. The upgrade is not exactly 
hazardous, but to ensure a smooth start I'd recommend that, after you 
upgrade the DIR, you issue a command like 'sqlquery
update Media set InChanger=0, Slot=0;

update slots'
in bconsole to make sure you start with all the right catalog data. Note 
that an upgrade requires a catalog update too, and an upgrade of all 
clients and SDs in your installation.

The quick solution for today, by the way, is to manually change the 
catalog data to correctly represent the loaded volumes. Start with 
setting InChanger and Slot for all volumesto 0, and then set the correct 
values for the volumes currently loaded. Do this with your database 
frontened, not through Baculas console. Don't use update slots afterwards.

Hope this helps... and better make plans for an upgrading weekend.


I'm on 1.38.3 here, but the above raises a question:

I have 2 pools of tapes for each autochanger here (obviously only one
can be loaded at a time) what exactly does this feature allow? I'm not
following here. Right now when I look at a List Volumes, it shows each
pool of tapes in the correct slots and changers, even though only one
group of 6 tapes is actually physically loaded into the device at any
one time.

Does that make any sense?

===[George R. Kasica]===+1 262 677 0766
President   +1 206 374 6482 FAX 
Netwrx Consulting Inc.  Jackson, WI USA 
ICQ #12862186

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] ets

2006-01-16 Thread George R . Kasica
On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 23:17:07 +0100, you wrote:


On 1/15/2006 10:46 PM, George R. Kasica wrote:
3. Upgrade to 1.38.4 (or whatever is current...). That version supports 
multiple pools in one storage device. The upgrade is not exactly 
hazardous, but to ensure a smooth start I'd recommend that, after you 
upgrade the DIR, you issue a command like 'sqlquery
update Media set InChanger=0, Slot=0;

update slots'
in bconsole to make sure you start with all the right catalog data. Note 
that an upgrade requires a catalog update too, and an upgrade of all 
clients and SDs in your installation.

The quick solution for today, by the way, is to manually change the 
catalog data to correctly represent the loaded volumes. Start with 
setting InChanger and Slot for all volumesto 0, and then set the correct 
values for the volumes currently loaded. Do this with your database 
frontened, not through Baculas console. Don't use update slots afterwards.

Hope this helps... and better make plans for an upgrading weekend.

 I'm on 1.38.3 here, but the above raises a question:
 I have 2 pools of tapes for each autochanger here (obviously only one
 can be loaded at a time) what exactly does this feature allow? I'm not
 following here. Right now when I look at a List Volumes, it shows each
 pool of tapes in the correct slots and changers, even though only one
 group of 6 tapes is actually physically loaded into the device at any
 one time.
 Does that make any sense?

Hmm. I'm not sure I completely understand your setup. Let me try to 
express it in my words...

You've got an autochanger device. For simplicity, we only talk about one 
now, ok?
Sure. Same question applies to all.

You've got two pools of volumes for this autochanger, associated by a 
media type setting, right?
Yes, each goes into the 6 tape (or 7 tape depending on device)
cartridge and then one of these is a pool say D0-SetA or D0-SetB for
example. Both are obviously the same media type and go into the same

A 'list volumes' command shows you, for example, that in slot one of 
your autochanger the volumes assigned to both pools are present. Which, 
obviously, would be nonsense...

Pool: DDS-3-Drive0-Set-A
| MediaId | VolumeName  | VolStatus | VolBytes | VolFiles | VolRetention | 
Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten |
|  11 | D0-SA-V1| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 | 
  1 |1 | 0 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  12 | D0-SA-V2| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 | 
  1 |2 | 0 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  13 | D0-SA-V3| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 | 
  1 |3 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  14 | D0-SA-V4| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 | 
  1 |4 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  15 | D0-SA-V5| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 | 
  1 |5 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  16 | D0-SA-CLEAN0001 | Cleaning  |0 |0 |  604,800 | 
  1 |6 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
Pool: DDS-3-Drive0-Set-B
| MediaId | VolumeName  | VolStatus | VolBytes   | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten |
|  17 | D0-SB-V1| Full  | 15,328,694,433 |   16 |  
604,800 |   1 |1 | 1 | DDS-3 | 2006-01-09 06:11:40 |
|  18 | D0-SB-V2| Append|486,943,359 |1 |  
604,800 |   1 |2 | 1 | DDS-3 | 2006-01-09 06:23:42 |
|  19 | D0-SB-V3| Append|  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |3 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  20 | D0-SB-V4| Append|  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |4 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  21 | D0-SB-V5| Append|  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |5 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  22 | D0-SB-CLEAN0001 | Cleaning  |  0 |0 | 

Re: [Bacula-users] problems with update slots

2006-01-16 Thread George R . Kasica
On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 17:44:30 -0600, you wrote:

On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 23:17:07 +0100, you wrote:


On 1/15/2006 10:46 PM, George R. Kasica wrote:
3. Upgrade to 1.38.4 (or whatever is current...). That version supports 
multiple pools in one storage device. The upgrade is not exactly 
hazardous, but to ensure a smooth start I'd recommend that, after you 
upgrade the DIR, you issue a command like 'sqlquery
update Media set InChanger=0, Slot=0;

update slots'
in bconsole to make sure you start with all the right catalog data. Note 
that an upgrade requires a catalog update too, and an upgrade of all 
clients and SDs in your installation.

The quick solution for today, by the way, is to manually change the 
catalog data to correctly represent the loaded volumes. Start with 
setting InChanger and Slot for all volumesto 0, and then set the correct 
values for the volumes currently loaded. Do this with your database 
frontened, not through Baculas console. Don't use update slots afterwards.

Hope this helps... and better make plans for an upgrading weekend.

 I'm on 1.38.3 here, but the above raises a question:
 I have 2 pools of tapes for each autochanger here (obviously only one
 can be loaded at a time) what exactly does this feature allow? I'm not
 following here. Right now when I look at a List Volumes, it shows each
 pool of tapes in the correct slots and changers, even though only one
 group of 6 tapes is actually physically loaded into the device at any
 one time.
 Does that make any sense?

Hmm. I'm not sure I completely understand your setup. Let me try to 
express it in my words...

You've got an autochanger device. For simplicity, we only talk about one 
now, ok?
Sure. Same question applies to all.

You've got two pools of volumes for this autochanger, associated by a 
media type setting, right?
Yes, each goes into the 6 tape (or 7 tape depending on device)
cartridge and then one of these is a pool say D0-SetA or D0-SetB for
example. Both are obviously the same media type and go into the same

A 'list volumes' command shows you, for example, that in slot one of 
your autochanger the volumes assigned to both pools are present. Which, 
obviously, would be nonsense...

Pool: DDS-3-Drive0-Set-A
| MediaId | VolumeName  | VolStatus | VolBytes | VolFiles | VolRetention 
| Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten |
|  11 | D0-SA-V1| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 
|   1 |1 | 0 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  12 | D0-SA-V2| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 
|   1 |2 | 0 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  13 | D0-SA-V3| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 
|   1 |3 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  14 | D0-SA-V4| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 
|   1 |4 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  15 | D0-SA-V5| Append|0 |0 |  604,800 
|   1 |5 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  16 | D0-SA-CLEAN0001 | Cleaning  |0 |0 |  604,800 
|   1 |6 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
Pool: DDS-3-Drive0-Set-B
| MediaId | VolumeName  | VolStatus | VolBytes   | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten |
|  17 | D0-SB-V1| Full  | 15,328,694,433 |   16 |  
604,800 |   1 |1 | 1 | DDS-3 | 2006-01-09 06:11:40 |
|  18 | D0-SB-V2| Append|486,943,359 |1 |  
604,800 |   1 |2 | 1 | DDS-3 | 2006-01-09 06:23:42 |
|  19 | D0-SB-V3| Append|  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |3 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  20 | D0-SB-V4| Append|  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |4 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  21 | D0-SB-V5| Append|  0 |0 |  
604,800 |   1 |5 | 1 | DDS-3 | -00-00 00:00:00 |
|  22 | 

Re: [Bacula-users] tape drive locked/can't swap tapes during Restore?

2006-01-16 Thread Jo Rhett
On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 07:47:54AM +0100, Michael 'buk' Scherer wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 - 5:55pm, Jo Rhett wrote:
 This probably a FAQ but I've looked and I can't figure it out.
 When I am backing up data, or bscanning, or bextracting - when the tape
 drive wants a new tape it releases the tape drive so I can use offline
 and swap tapes.  (HP DDS-3 tape drive)
 However, when I'm doing a restore it prompts me for a new tape drive but
 leaves the drive locked for some reason... I have to completely shut down
 bacula to be able to eject the tape.  Cancelling the restore isn't enough.
 Is there something wrong here?  Keep Drive Open is not enabled...
 (I'll post the configs if you want them, but I'm assuming this is simple...)
 Try the mount / unmount commando in bconsole.
Doesn't work.  Drive busy.

That's the funny thing -- it works fine for backups, just not for restores.

Jo Rhett
senior geek
SVcolo : Silicon Valley Colocation

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bextract shows directories named *none* being restored?

2006-01-16 Thread Jo Rhett
FreeBSD 6.0p2 with Bacula 1.36.3 stock compile options.  It's a DDS-3 tape
drive.  The other threads talk about not being able to do a restore from
the catalog is the same thing.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is a bug now.  Why?  Because I get exactly one
each time it changes directory, in or out.  Like so:

bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   1017 2004-06-06 21:11:48  
bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   1181 2004-06-06 21:11:48  
bextract: drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel512 2004-06-06 21:11:48  *none*
bextract: drwxr-xr-x   3 root wheel   1024 2004-06-06 21:11:48  *none*
bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   1867 2004-06-06 21:11:48  
bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   7627 2004-06-06 21:11:48  
bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   1038 2004-06-06 21:11:48  
bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   8700 2004-06-06 21:11:48  
bextract: drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel512 2004-06-06 21:11:48  *none*
bextract: drwxr-xr-x   3 root wheel512 2004-06-06 21:11:48  *none*
bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   2335 2004-06-06 21:11:48  
bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel  79479 2004-06-06 21:11:48  
bextract: drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel512 2004-06-06 21:11:48  *none*
bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   2548 2004-06-06 21:11:48  
bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel  19837 2004-06-06 21:11:48  

On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 07:49:19AM +0100, Michael 'buk' Scherer wrote:
 Too bad we still don't know anything about your setup.
 Version, Hardware, OS, ...
 Moin btw. ;]
 On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 - 5:57pm, Jo Rhett wrote:
 So I'm successfully restoring from bextract, but it shows this...
 bextract: drwx--   2 501  500  512 2005-10-09 20:37:09 *none*
 bextract: drwx--   3 501  500  512 2005-10-05 23:31:50 *none*
 bextract: drwx--   3 501  500  512 2005-10-05 23:31:50 *none*
 bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 501  500   35 2005-10-05 23:32:26 
 bextract: -rw---   1 501  5002 2005-10-06 23:12:29 
 bextract: -rw---   1 501  5002 2005-10-09 19:46:44 
 bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 501  500   33 2005-10-09 20:25:52 
 bextract: drwx--   8 501  500  512 2005-10-09 20:23:42 *none*
 bextract: -rw---   1 501  500  242 2005-10-09 19:46:29 
 bextract: -rw---   1 501  500 5740 2005-10-09 20:34:51 
 bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 501  500 3738 2005-10-09 20:24:07 
 bextract: drwx--   2 501  500  512 2005-10-09 20:34:48 *none*
 What are all those *none* entries?  They appear to be directories...
   I love deadlines, especially the sound they make as they go whooshing by.
 This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc. Do you grep through log files
 for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
 searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
 Bacula-users mailing list

Jo Rhett
senior geek
SVcolo : Silicon Valley Colocation

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Don't run as root if you can avoid it.

2006-01-16 Thread Russell Howe
James P. Kinney III wrote:
 bacula is a member of the disk group.

Isn't being a member of the disk group effectively the same as being
root, since you can gain access to the block devices containing the
local filesystems?

Russell Howe

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Extensions to query.sql (was: problems with update slots)

2006-01-16 Thread John Kodis
On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 10:27:17AM +0100, Arno Lehmann wrote:

 Ok, here is what I added to my query.sql file. Note that it works with 
 MySQL only - the only PostgreSQL installation I have available uses file 
 based backups, so there never was much need to make these queries 
 portable. And doing this by simply writing portable SQL is, 
 unfortunately, beyond my SQL capabilities :-)

These queries are more portable than you're giving yourself credit
for.  I ran all of these queries against a Postgres database and they
work as expected except for #17, which gives the notice and error
message shown below.  Even in this case, the fix is simple, albeit
non-obvious: just change FROM Media,Storage to FROM Storage,Media,
and all is well.

 # 17: List which media bacula thinks is in changer:
 SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024) AS GB,Storage.Name 
 AS Storage,Slot,Pool.Name AS Pool,MediaType,VolStatus
  FROM Media,Storage
  LEFT JOIN Pool ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
  WHERE (Slot  0) AND (InChanger=1)
  AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId
  ORDER BY MediaType ASC, Slot ASC;
NOTICE:  adding missing FROM-clause entry for table media
ERROR:  JOIN/ON clause refers to media, which is not part of JOIN

bacula= SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024) 
bacula- AS GB,Storage.Name
bacula- AS Storage,Slot,Pool.Name AS Pool,MediaType,VolStatus
bacula-  FROM Storage,Media
bacula-  LEFT JOIN Pool ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
bacula-  WHERE (Slot  0) AND (InChanger=1)
bacula-  AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId
bacula-  ORDER BY MediaType ASC, Slot ASC;
 mediaid | volumename | gb  | storage | slot | pool | mediatype | 
   9 | A1L3   | 755 | Tape|1 | LTO3-backups | LTO-3 | Full
... snip ...
  58 | A00050L3   |   0 | tape|   50 | LTO3-backups | LTO-3 | Append
(49 rows)

Thanks for the contribution Arno.  I can see these queries coming in

-- John Kodis.

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Extensions to query.sql (was: problems with update slots)

2006-01-16 Thread Kern Sibbald
Thanks.  I've added your #17 and 18 to the query.sql file.

On Monday 16 January 2006 10:27, Arno Lehmann wrote:
 # 16

 :List last 25 Jobs ordered by start time with long status:

 SELECT JobId,Name,StartTime,Type,Level,JobFiles,JobBytes,JobStatusLong
 AS Status
 LEFT JOIN Status ON Job.JobStatus=Status.JobStatus
 ORDER BY StartTime
 LIMIT 25;
 # 17

 :List which media bacula thinks is in changer:

 SELECT MediaId,VolumeName,VolBytes/(1024*1024*1024) AS GB,Storage.Name
 AS Storag
 e,Slot,Pool.Name AS Pool,MediaType,VolStatus
   FROM Media,Storage
   LEFT JOIN Pool ON Media.PoolId=Pool.PoolId
   WHERE (Slot  0) AND (InChanger=1)
   AND Media.StorageId=Storage.StorageId
   ORDER BY MediaType ASC, Slot ASC;
 # 18

 :List media metadata concerning life-time

 SELECT VolumeName AS Volume,VolMounts AS Mounts,VolErrors AS Errors,
          VolWrites AS Writes,VolStatus AS Status
   FROM Media
   WHERE (VolErrors0) OR (VolStatus='Error') OR (VolMounts50) OR
          (VolStatus='Disabled') OR (VolWrites399)
    ORDER BY VolStatus ASC, VolErrors,VolMounts,VolumeName DESC;
 # 19

 :List all backups for a client with FileSet:

 *Enter Client Name:
 SELECT DISTINCT Job.JobId AS JobId,Client.Name AS Client,
    FileSet.FileSet AS FileSet,Level,StartTime,JobFiles,
    LPAD(ROUND(JobBytes/1024/1024,2),10,' ') AS MBytes,VolumeNAme FROM
    WHERE Client.Name='%1' AND Client.ClientId=Job.ClientId
    AND JobStatus='T' AND Job.FileSetId=FileSet.FileSetId
    AND JobMedia.JobId=Job.JobId AND JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId
    ORDER BY Job.StartTime;
 # 20

 :List all Media

 SELECT VolumeName,MediaId,VolStatus,VolBytes/1024/1024 AS
 e,Slot,InChanger,MediaType,LastWritten FROM Media ORDER BY VolumeName ASC;

Best regards,



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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] regular error message ...

2006-01-16 Thread Florian Schnabel
now .. my bacula setup works really nicely except for the following 
message i recieve every couple days .. it works one hour later when 
bacula retries.

it looks like it takes to prune/purge old data and thus the first try fails.

is this a design flaw or did i do something wrong in my config ?


15-Jan 21:00 erde-sd: Job Cetus_Job.2006-01-15_21.00.01 waiting. Cannot 
find any appendable volumes.

Please use the label  command to create a new Volume for:
Storage:  FileStorage
Media type:   File
Pool: DaylyPool

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for problems?  Stop!  Download the new AJAX search engine that makes
searching your log files as easy as surfing the  web.  DOWNLOAD SPLUNK!
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bextract shows directories named *none* being restored?

2006-01-16 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Monday 16 January 2006 08:06, Jo Rhett wrote:
 FreeBSD 6.0p2 with Bacula 1.36.3 stock compile options.  It's a DDS-3 tape
 drive.  The other threads talk about not being able to do a restore from
 the catalog is the same thing.

 Anyway, I'm pretty sure this is a bug now.  Why?  

It appears that you are dealing with a Win32 client.  One important 
consideration here is that if you did not backup your Win32 machine with the 
portable = yes option, then bextract will not be able to extract the data.  

That said, bextract in version 1.39.4 *may* be able to extract the data 
because there is new code written by Thorsten that allows extraction of 
BackupRead data on to any machine.

 Because I get exactly one 
 each time it changes directory, in or out.  Like so:

 bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   1017 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 /d/restores//usr/src/contrib/bind/bin/named/test/named.conf bextract:
 -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   1181 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 /d/restores//usr/src/contrib/bind/bin/named/test/root.hint bextract:
 drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel512 2004-06-06 21:11:48  *none*
 bextract: drwxr-xr-x   3 root wheel   1024 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 *none* bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   1867 2004-06-06
 21:11:48  /d/restores//usr/src/contrib/bind/bin/named-bootconf/Makefile
 bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   7627 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   1038 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 /d/restores//usr/src/contrib/bind/bin/named-bootconf/test.boot bextract:
 -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   8700 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 bextract: drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel512 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 *none* bextract: drwxr-xr-x   3 root wheel512 2004-06-06
 21:11:48  *none* bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   2335
 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 /d/restores//usr/src/contrib/bind/bin/named-xfer/Makefile bextract:
 -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel  79479 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 /d/restores//usr/src/contrib/bind/bin/named-xfer/named-xfer.c bextract:
 drwxr-xr-x   2 root wheel512 2004-06-06 21:11:48  *none*
 bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 root wheel   2548 2004-06-06 21:11:48 
 /d/restores//usr/src/contrib/bind/bin/ndc/Makefile bextract: -rw-r--r--   1
 root wheel  19837 2004-06-06 21:11:48 

 On Mon, Jan 16, 2006 at 07:49:19AM +0100, Michael 'buk' Scherer wrote:
  Too bad we still don't know anything about your setup.
  Version, Hardware, OS, ...
  Moin btw. ;]
  On Sun, 15 Jan 2006 - 5:57pm, Jo Rhett wrote:
  So I'm successfully restoring from bextract, but it shows this...
  bextract: drwx--   2 501  500  512 2005-10-09 20:37:09
   *none* bextract: drwx--   3 501  500  512 2005-10-05
   23:31:50 *none* bextract: drwx--   3 501  500  512
   2005-10-05 23:31:50 *none* bextract: -rw-r--r--   1 501  500   
  35 2005-10-05 23:32:26
   /d/restores//space/home/jrhett/.gnome2/procman bextract: -rw---   1
   501  5002 2005-10-06 23:12:29
   /d/restores//space/home/jrhett/.gnome2/.gnome-smproxy-5REe5x bextract:
   -rw---   1 501  5002 2005-10-09 19:46:44
   /d/restores//space/home/jrhett/.gnome2/.gnome-smproxy-yOwaea bextract:
   -rw-r--r--   1 501  500   33 2005-10-09 20:25:52
   /d/restores//space/home/jrhett/.gnome2/yelp bextract: drwx--   8
   501  500  512 2005-10-09 20:23:42 *none* bextract:
   -rw---   1 501  500  242 2005-10-09 19:46:29
   /d/restores//space/home/jrhett/.Xauthority bextract: -rw---   1 501
500 5740 2005-10-09 20:34:51
   /d/restores//space/home/jrhett/.bash_history bextract: -rw-r--r--   1
   501  500 3738 2005-10-09 20:24:07
   /d/restores//space/home/jrhett/.xsession-errors bextract: drwx--  
   2 501  500  512 2005-10-09 20:34:48 *none*
  What are all those *none* entries?  They appear to be directories...
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Best regards,



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Re: [Bacula-users] How do I restore my catalog ?

2006-01-16 Thread Arno Lehmann


On 1/13/2006 9:10 PM, Silva wrote:


I'm trying to restore the catalog but something is going wrong.

The message is:

13-Jan 13:43 disk-expressdev: RestoreFiles.2006-01-13_13.31.38 Warning:
acquire.c:176 Error getting Volume info: 1997 Volume
Catalog-0005 not in catalog.

Run Restore job
Bootstrap:  /home/bacula/working/BackupCatalog.bsr
Where:  /tmp/bacula-restores
Client: peet-fd
When:   2006-01-13 13:31:12
Priority:   10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes

Yes. I re-initialize my database before run the command above.

Please, any suggestion ?

Yes, you should follow the procedure that is given in the disaster 
recovery section of the manual. If that's too much effort _for now_, you 
should read the manual sections which describe the tools you can use to 
recover the catalog without an available catalog... just the usual 
bootstrap problem.

You need the volume(s) with the latest catalog backup, possibly the 
corresponding bootstrap file, and the programs bextract, bls and bscan. 
Usually, not all of of them, though. Finally, you reload your catalog 
database using the database maintenance tool of your choice.


Thanks in advance.

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Arno Lehmann  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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[Bacula-users] Write Boostrap (Job Resource) question/confirmation

2006-01-16 Thread Barry L. Bond

 Another question, just to assure that I'm thinking/doing correctly.

 The description of the Job Resource Write Bootstrap capability says
that the file specified should be a mounted drive on another machine, so
that if your hard disk is lost, you will immediately have a bootstrap
record available.

 My immediate thought is it would be idea to have it on the USB
external hard drives (the SimpleTech, backup done on Saturdays, or Western
Digital, backup done on Tuesdays).  If I were to lose a hard drive on my
Linux system, I would be restoring from one or the other USB device.  The
backup itself would be there, so I would think that would be the ideal
place to have this bootstrap file.

 I currently have 'Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/working/Client1.bsr'
in my two (main) Job Resources.  So, would this be
/media/simpletech/Client1.bsr (for the SimpleTech drive) and/or
/media/wd/Client1.bsr (for the Western Digital drive)?

 And, I guess I could have barrycon for Client1, because that is my
client name.

 Is this the correct idea?

 Thank you!


Barry L. Bond | http://home.cfl.rr.com/os9barry/
Software Engineer, ITT Industries | (My personal home web page, last
  | updated February 17, 2005)
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[Bacula-users] 3 theads in debian

2006-01-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I use debian sarge. When i lauch bacula (/etc/init.d/bacula-sd start) i
obtains 4 threads
# pgrep -l bacula
30232 bacula-sd
30233 bacula-sd
30234 bacula-sd
30235 bacula-sd
I wanted to obtain only one (as it is in my other machine with bacula).
Is somebody knowing where is the parameter which control that (i have
looked in /etc/init.d/bacula-sd and /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf?

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Re: [Bacula-users] Write Boostrap (Job Resource) question/confirmation

2006-01-16 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Monday 16 January 2006 15:58, Barry L. Bond wrote:

  Another question, just to assure that I'm thinking/doing correctly.

  The description of the Job Resource Write Bootstrap capability says
 that the file specified should be a mounted drive on another machine, so
 that if your hard disk is lost, you will immediately have a bootstrap
 record available.

  My immediate thought is it would be idea to have it on the USB
 external hard drives (the SimpleTech, backup done on Saturdays, or Western
 Digital, backup done on Tuesdays).  If I were to lose a hard drive on my
 Linux system, I would be restoring from one or the other USB device.  The
 backup itself would be there, so I would think that would be the ideal
 place to have this bootstrap file.

  I currently have 'Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/working/Client1.bsr'
 in my two (main) Job Resources.  So, would this be
 /media/simpletech/Client1.bsr (for the SimpleTech drive) and/or
 /media/wd/Client1.bsr (for the Western Digital drive)?

  And, I guess I could have barrycon for Client1, because that is my
 client name.

  Is this the correct idea?

I see no problem to write these files to your USB devices. Please note, that 
you should write a bootstrap file for your catalog backup AND a bootstrap 
file (with a different name, of course) for your main backup.  With the main 
backup bootstrap file, you can recover your whole system without first 
restoring your database (if your server goes down, you will need at least a 
dummy database to be able to start the restore job). 

Also, you probably should copy your server's bacula-dir.conf, bacula-sd.conf 
and bacula-fd.conf files to your USB drives.  That makes it a bit easier to 
get back your configuration if necessary ...

All these ideas an a lot more are in the Rescue chapter (and some in the 
Restore) chapter of the current online manual.

Best regards,



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Re: [Bacula-users] 3 theads in debian

2006-01-16 Thread Christoph Haas
On Monday 16 January 2006 16:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use debian sarge. When i lauch bacula (/etc/init.d/bacula-sd start) i
 obtains 4 threads
 # pgrep -l bacula
 30232 bacula-sd
 30233 bacula-sd
 30234 bacula-sd
 30235 bacula-sd
 I wanted to obtain only one (as it is in my other machine with bacula).
 Is somebody knowing where is the parameter which control that (i have
 looked in /etc/init.d/bacula-sd and /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf?

I'm also using Bacula on Debian/Sarge and I just have one thread here.
I surely haven't changed anything in regard to threads. Just that
sometimes the storage daemon hangs/crashes when dealing with Linux kernel
2.6 and SCSI streamers (which Kern pointed out a while ago) and needs 
restarting. But that's a Linux problem - not Bacula's fault.

Do all of these threads disappear when you issue...

 /etc/init.d/bacula-sd stop


Never trust a system administrator who wears a tie and suit.

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Re: [Bacula-users] Could not connect to Storage

2006-01-16 Thread Andras Horvai
Hi Jari,

Thanks for your answer, but the firewall was the problem.


Andras Horvai wrote:
Linux bacula 2.6.8-11-amd64-k8 #1 Wed Jun 1 01:03:08 CEST 2005 x86_64
GNU/Linux bacula-1.36.3
File daemon's version on the windows server is: 1.38.3

1.36 and 1.38 are not propably compatible enough.

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Re: [Bacula-users] Could not connect to Storage

2006-01-16 Thread Landon Fuller

On Jan 16, 2006, at 8:12 AM, Andras Horvai wrote:

Hi Jari,

Thanks for your answer, but the firewall was the problem.

Your next problem will be that 1.36 and 1.38 are not compatible. =)


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Re: [Bacula-users] 3 theads in debian

2006-01-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes! it desappeared on /etc/init.d/bacula
Is it in relation with the number of storage configured?
The problem is that i think my jobs fail because the thead concurently
lock the nst0 device:
fuser -uv /dev/nst0

/dev/nst0root  30232 f  bacula-sd
 root  30233 f  bacula-sd
 root  30235 f  bacula-sd
Perhaps i am totaly wrong but you know ... i am a newbie :-D

Michel Meyers wrote:

 Christoph Haas wrote:
  On Monday 16 January 2006 16:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I use debian sarge. When i lauch bacula (/etc/init.d/bacula-sd start) i
  obtains 4 threads
  I wanted to obtain only one (as it is in my other machine with bacula).
  Is somebody knowing where is the parameter which control that (i have
  looked in /etc/init.d/bacula-sd and /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf?

  I'm also using Bacula on Debian/Sarge and I just have one thread here.
  I surely haven't changed anything in regard to threads. Just that
  sometimes the storage daemon hangs/crashes when dealing with Linux
  2.6 and SCSI streamers (which Kern pointed out a while ago) and needs
  restarting. But that's a Linux problem - not Bacula's fault.

  Do all of these threads disappear when you issue...

   /etc/init.d/bacula-sd stop

 My Debian system also shows multiple threads (on Kernel 2.4, on a
 different system with Kernel 2.6 I only see one per daemon), and yes,
 they all appear/disappear when starting Bacula.

 server:/etc/bacula# pgrep -l bacu
 6442 bacula-sd
 6445 bacula-sd
 6447 bacula-sd
 6448 bacula-fd
 6450 bacula-fd
 6451 bacula-fd
 6454 bacula-dir
 6455 bacula-dir
 6456 bacula-dir
 6457 bacula-dir

 These numbers are in no relation to the concurrent jobs configuraitons


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] 3 theads in debian

2006-01-16 Thread Martin Simmons
 On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:44:02 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 

  Pascal Yes! it desappeared on /etc/init.d/bacula
  Pascal Is it in relation with the number of storage configured?
  Pascal The problem is that i think my jobs fail because the thead concurently
  Pascal lock the nst0 device:
  Pascal fuser -uv /dev/nst0

  Pascal /dev/nst0root  30232 f  bacula-sd
  Pascal  root  30233 f  bacula-sd
  Pascal  root  30235 f  bacula-sd
  Pascal Perhaps i am totaly wrong but you know ... i am a newbie :-D

I don't think this is a problem, because all threads in a process share the
same fds and so they *should* all be users of the device.  The bacula daemons
always run multiple threads (for various purposes).

The confusing thing is that threads and processes both have an id and some
tools (including ps on some Linux kernels) don't know the difference between
process ids and thread ids.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] 3 theads in debian

2006-01-16 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Monday 16 January 2006 20:19, Martin Simmons wrote:
  On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 19:44:02 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Pascal Yes! it desappeared on /etc/init.d/bacula
   Pascal Is it in relation with the number of storage configured?
   Pascal The problem is that i think my jobs fail because the thead
 concurently Pascal lock the nst0 device:
   Pascal fuser -uv /dev/nst0

   Pascal /dev/nst0root  30232 f  bacula-sd
   Pascal  root  30233 f  bacula-sd
   Pascal  root  30235 f  bacula-sd
   Pascal Perhaps i am totaly wrong but you know ... i am a newbie :-D

 I don't think this is a problem, because all threads in a process share the
 same fds and so they *should* all be users of the device.  The bacula
 daemons always run multiple threads (for various purposes).

 The confusing thing is that threads and processes both have an id and some
 tools (including ps on some Linux kernels) don't know the difference
 between process ids and thread ids.

With 2.4 Linux kernels (with a few exceptions), each thread had a separate 
pid.  On 2.6 Linux kernels, all threads share the same pid but have different 
thread ids.  If the above output is for a 2.6 kernel, then there is a 
problem, because there should be only one pid (though Bacula does create 
child processes which will have different pids, they should be short lived in 
normal conditions).


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Best regards,



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Re: [Bacula-users] I/O Error on tape, maintainance of DLT1 drives

2006-01-16 Thread Alexander Bergolth


On 01/14/06 15:20, Julien Cigar wrote:
I had exactly the same problem some months ago, full thread can be found 
here: http://www.nabble.com/Still-problems-with-my-Sony-tapes-t504270.html

Thanks for the hint. But I don't think that this is the same problem.
Your errors were DDS related, I'm using a DLT drive. Besides, the 
scsi-errors are pretty different and your problems seem to have been 
scsi-id related. I don't suspect this to be the problem in my case, as 
the server was shipped with this configuration and the tape drive has 
been working without any problem now for nearly a year.

I believe my problem might have been caused by a drive firmware problem 
or something like that. After that error, the tape was totally 
unresponsive, when I tried to query it using mt status or tapeinfo, the 
following errors showed up in the syslog:

scsi: reservation conflict: host 0 channel 1 id 6 lun 0
st0: Error 70018 (sugg. bt 0x0, driver bt 0x0, host bt 0x7).

After a cold restart, the drive works again now.

However the other issue is that apparently bacula has been informed 
about the error, but it seems to have interpreted it as an end of medium 
condition instead of aborting the backup:

14-Jan 01:57 samba-sd: Samba-Homes.2006-01-14_01.05.00 Error:
block.c:538 Write error at 6:3819 on device DLT1 (/dev/nst0).
ERR=Input/output error.
14-Jan 01:57 samba-sd: Samba-Homes.2006-01-14_01.05.00 Error: Error
writing final EOF to tape. This Volume may not be readable.
dev.c:1553 ioctl MTWEOF error on DLT1 (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output error.
14-Jan 01:57 samba-sd: End of medium on Volume Weekly-2005-06-12_8
Bytes=6,245,922,599 Blocks=96,818 at 14-Jan-2006 01:57.

Is there an option to let bacula abort a backup after a write error?


P.S.: I'd also still be interested in other users experiences with the 
durability of DLT tapes and some recommendations on drive cleaning and 

Alexander Bergolth wrote:


Tonight, I got the following I/O error for the first time:
The Drive is a DLT1 tape:
  Vendor: BNCHMARK  Model: DLT1  Rev: 5538
  Type:   Sequential-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02

14-Jan 01:55 samba-sd: Writing spooled data to Volume. Despooling 
536,904,185 bytes ...
14-Jan 01:57 samba-sd: Samba-Homes.2006-01-14_01.05.00 Error: 
block.c:538 Write error at 6:3819 on device DLT1 (/dev/nst0). 
ERR=Input/output error.
14-Jan 01:57 samba-sd: Samba-Homes.2006-01-14_01.05.00 Error: Error 
writing final EOF to tape. This Volume may not be readable.
dev.c:1553 ioctl MTWEOF error on DLT1 (/dev/nst0). ERR=Input/output 
14-Jan 01:57 samba-sd: End of medium on Volume Weekly-2005-06-12_8 
Bytes=6,245,922,599 Blocks=96,818 at 14-Jan-2006 01:57.

14-Jan 01:57 samba-dir: Recycled volume Weekly-2005-04-22_2
14-Jan 01:57 samba-sd: Please mount Volume Weekly-2005-04-22_2 on 
Storage Device DLT1 (/dev/nst0) for Job Samba-Homes.2006-01-14_01.05.00


This is the dmesg output:
st0: Error with sense data: 6st0: Current: sense key: Not Ready
Additional sense: Logical unit not ready, initializing cmd. required
st0: Error 400f4 (sugg. bt 0x0, driver bt 0x0, host bt 0x4).
st0: Error 400f4 (sugg. bt 0x0, driver bt 0x0, host bt 0x4).

As I don't have very much experience with DLT tapes:
Does this indicate a worn out tape or should I simply clean the drive 
with the cleaning tape?

How many backups should be possible with a DLT tape / at which 
intervals should a tape be changed?

At which intervals should the drive be cleaned?

In this case, the current job is still running and waiting for another 
tape. Is there an option to let bacula abort the job, if such an error 


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Zentrum fuer Informatikdienste - Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien - Austria

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[Bacula-users] Re: LTO-3 vs. fixed block sizes

2006-01-16 Thread Lance Brown
Rudolf Cejka wrote:

 Hello, maybe you can try different version of Linux, newer Bacula 1.38.x
 or/and cabling. I have Overland Neo 4200 with LTO-3 and FreeBSD 6.0
 and did not experience any problem like yours - and I think there are
 others with LTO-3 without problems independently on FreeBSD or Linux.

*nod*  I've received reports from two other folks running bacula on
Ultrium-TD3 drives with no issues.   I don't think it's bacula-version
related because both dd and tar also suffer the same blocking problem on
the last read() system call.  I've swapped out the SCSI cable with no
effect.  I'm going to put CentOS 4 on a spare server and test the
library with it to see if this is CentOS 3 related.  My gut keeps
telling me there is something wrong with the drive, though, since these
drives work for other folks.


Lance A. Brown
Senior Systems Programmer
ISDS, Duke University

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