Re: [Bacula-users] upgrade from 1.38.9 to 2.0.3 and moving to a new server

2007-03-13 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Monday 12 March 2007 17:20, Jeff Dickens wrote:
> I need to move my bacula server to a new machine, and while I'm at it I
> want to upgrade to 2.0.3.   What would be the best approach - move and
> then upgrade, or upgrade and then move, or install the new server with
> 2.0.3 and then move/upgrade the database?

There are many approaches, mostly, it depends on your own preferences.

I've done this several times, and what I found that suited me the best was to
move the conf files over to the new server, then install the new version 
(2.0.3) of Bacula, move and upgrade the database, then modify the conf files 
appropriately (typically a change of Director name, and possibly SD).  Then 
after shutting down the old Bacula, but keeping everything in place, I could 
test the new server with *different* Volumes until I was happy.  

If it doesn't work, you simply shutdown the new Bacula restart the old Bacula 
and the next day, move and upgrade the database again and work on it until 
you are satisfied.  Once it works, you either keep the new Volume you used 
for testing, or simply move and upgrade the old database again.



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Re: [Bacula-users] Change in verification job tape sel ection time - deliberate or accidental?

2007-03-13 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Tuesday 13 March 2007 03:03, Troy Daniels wrote:
> Hi,
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > On Monday 12 March 2007 04:05, Troy Daniels wrote:
> >> Greetings Listers,
> >>
> >> Last week I upgraded my Bacula install to 2.0.2 without any issues
> >> during the upgrade process.
> >>
> >> All seemed to be working well until Friday, but that was only because I
> >> hadn't discovered this issue yet.
> >>
> >> I run several jobs each night, with Full backups on Friday night and
> >> incrementals every other night. Once the backups are completed I have
> >> bacula setup to verify a few of these tape jobs against the catalog with
> >> Volume to Catalog jobs.
> >>
> >> These verify jobs have a higher priority, so they shouldn't start until
> >> after the backup jobs are complete. I also schedule them to start 10
> >> minutes after the backups at 23:15. (All backups are scheduled to start
> >> at 23:05)
> >>
> >> This behaviour seems to have changed in Bacula 2.0.2 however. They seem
> >> to launch immediately and select which tape they'll use for the verify.
> >>
> >> Here's a log excerpt from a job running under 1.38.5 (My old version)
> >>
> >>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir: Verifying against JobId=6017
> >>> Job=fs1.2007-03-01_23.00.00 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir: Bootstrap records
> >>> written to
> >>> /export/bacula/var/backup1-dir.restore.Verify-fs1.2007-03-01_23.15.00.b
> >>>sr 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir:
> >>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir: The job will require the following Volumes:
> >>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir:
> >>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir:09
> >>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir:
> >>
> >> Even tho it was scheduled to run at 23:15, it didn't start until 1:09
> >> the next morning. This is the expected behaviour.
> >>
> >> Here's a log excerpt from Friday night under 2.0.2:
> >>> 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir: Verifying against JobId=6101
> >>> Job=fs1.2007-03-08_23.00.00 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir: Bootstrap records
> >>> written to /export/bacula/var/backup1-dir.restore.11.bsr 09-Mar 23:15
> >>> backup1-dir:
> >>> 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir: The job will require the following
> >>>Volume(s) Storage(s)SD Device(s)
> >>> ===
> >>>== == 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir:
> >>> 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir:10Tape
> >>>OfficeAutochanger 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir:
> >>> 10-Mar 20:57 backup1-dir: Start Verify JobId=6125 Level=VolumeToCatalog
> >>> Job=Verify-fs1.2007-03-09_23.15.00
> >>
> >> As can be seen, the job started at 23:15, selected tape '10' and
> >> then waited until the next night to run (Full backups take most of a day
> >> :) ) Meanwhile, the full backup ran, writing to 2 other tapes.
> >>
> >> The problem encountered by bacula is that tape 10 had been removed
> >> from the Autochanger on Friday morning and replaced with this weeks
> >> incremental tape. So Bacula blocked, waiting for a tape, until I
> >> discovered and cancelled this job this morning. Not ideal, but it did
> >> bring this issue to light.
> >>
> >> What I'd like to know is if this was a deliberately designed feature, or
> >> if it classifies as a bug? If it's deliberate, is there anyway to
> >> control when it performs it's tape selection, or even which job it
> >> verify? I've scanned the Jobs section of the latest manual but didn't
> >> see anything obvious.
> >>
> >> For now I can either work around it(With a Run script running the verify
> >> job), or even work with it (I've wanted to run the Full Backup job
> >> verifies on Sunday for a while anyways.)
> >
> > To the best of my knowledge there is no deliberate change in the way
> > Verify jobs are run.
> >
> > You haven't supplied sufficient information, so I am not able to
> > understand the problem.
> Doh, and I thought I'd described the problem well. Take 2.
> Not sure what else to say about it. Maybe if I summarise it a bit more (My
> previous attempt was a bit verbose)
> When a verify job is scheduled under 2.0.2 to perform a Volume to Catalog
> verify it now selects the job to be verified (and the associated tape(s))
> at the scheduled start time. It then waits until all jobs of lower priority
> finish before performing the actual verify. This results in it verifying
> the previous nights backup instead of the current nights one.
> Under 1.38.5 the job wouldn't select the job to verify until it actually
> ran (Actual start time instead of scheduled start time). In my case this is
> after the job I actually want to verify has finished running for the
> evening.

OK, thanks. This time, the problem is crystal clear.  The above describes what 
I need to know/understand.

I haven't looked at the code, but I suspect that some of the startup code was 
moved earlier in the process.  In general this was done so that the catalog 
entries are more complete if the job is subsequently cancelled before it is 
actually started.  

In this case, if this is what happen

[Bacula-users] Windows backup failure

2007-03-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have just recently set up Bacula to backup a Windows 2003 server. The setup is a bit unusual -
Bacula Director is run on an Ubuntu 6.06 server and is version 1.36.3
The File Director is run on a Windows Small Business Server 2003
The Storage Director is run on a Windows 2000 system using an HP DAT72 device. I have run the test on this system and it works without error.
Using the documentation and various tutorial notes, I have tried to set up the .conf file correctly. From the message I received it appears this is not the case:-
01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: message.c:462 Mail prog: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:88 Fatal malformed reply from localhost: 504 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address
01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: Client1.2007-03-01_18.30.00 Error: message.c:473 Mail program terminated in error.
CMD=/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s "Bacula: Backup Fatal Error of sbserverpdc-fd Full" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ERR=Child exited with code 1
01-Mar 23:50 Ubuntuccc-dir: Start Backup JobId 45, Job=BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00
01-Mar 23:50 Ubuntuccc-dir: BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00 Fatal error: Storage daemon rejected Job command: 3915 Bad Job command. stat=-1 CMD: JobId=45 job=BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00 job_name=BackupCatalog client_name=sbserverpdc-fd type=66 level=70 FileSet=Catalog NoAttr=0 SpoolAttr=0 FileSetMD5=b84+V6+tB/+hy4+qT8tJDD SpoolData=0
Your assistance will be appreciated.
Thank you,
KG Meyer

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[Bacula-users] verify job fails, must init catalog run twice?

2007-03-13 Thread Stephan Ebelt

I see this for quite a while now and it does not seem to disappear with 
2.0.1... maybe someone has the same problem?

yesterday I was upgrading my system and ran a "InitCatalog" manually 
thereafter. This morning my regular verify job failed with reporting that 
some hundred files have changed (all in /lib, /sbin and /usr - stuff updated 
by rpm).

2007-03-13 08:37:11 verify-bender.2007-03-13_08.30.00
Error: Bacula 2.0.1 (12Jan07): 13-Mar-2007 08:37:11
  JobId:                  183
  Job:                    verify-bender.2007-03-13_08.30.00
  FileSet:                verify-bender
  Verify Level:           Catalog
  Client:                 bender-verify
  Verify JobId:           182
  Verify Job:             
  Start time:             13-Mar-2007 08:30:02
  End time:               13-Mar-2007 08:37:11
  Files Examined:         49,803
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  FD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            *** Verify Error ***

now I repeated the very same procedure: manual "InitCatalog" job, then the 
regular (but this time manually started) verify job. This time it went OK. No 
differences found. I bet that tomorrows automatic verify job will also 
terminate OK as that is what always happened previously.

13-Mar 11:45 Bacula 2.0.1 (12Jan07): 13-Mar-2007 
  JobId:  185
  Verify Level:   Catalog
  Client: bender-verify
  Verify JobId:   184
  Verify Job:
  Start time: 13-Mar-2007 11:38:09
  End time:   13-Mar-2007 11:45:19
  Files Examined: 49,803
  Non-fatal FD errors:0
  FD termination status:  OK
  Termination:Verify OK

to me it looks like InitCatalog must run twice before all changes are known 
and the regular verify behaves the way it should.

(note: I have not done any changes to the system between the two jobs and auto 
update is disabled. I am not running a virus scanner or anything else that 
could touch the files).


PS: i can post the complete bconsole conversations and/or config if needed

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[Bacula-users] Spooling questions

2007-03-13 Thread rfwhite
We had an adventure Friday. We had errors in backup and
later, when re-starting the server, in MySQL. To make a long
story short, it turned out that the disk was full. I
eventually found the culprits. They were spool files from
past jobs. I suppose that those jobs failed for one reason
or another and the spool files remained. Deleting them fixed
my immediate problem but left me with two questions.

1) Is it possible for Bacula to write such an "orphan" spool
file to tape?

2) Spooling differential jobs to disk makes perfect sense,
for reasons explained in the manual. On full backups, does
Bacula de-spool from disk at the same time that the FD is
spooling data to the disk? This seems to be what happens, as
I can see tape activity pretty much right away on full
backup jobs, but my boss wonders about this.

Tks n rgds,
Richard White CNE6
Network Engineer
Mason County, Washington

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[Bacula-users] wx-console is bent

2007-03-13 Thread rfwhite
I have been using wx-console on my W2K workstation to check
daily backups for some time now. For the last two days,
though, when I start it, a button gets placed on the task
bar, but that is all; no interactive window, can't switch to
it or anything. The conf file is correct and there is an
entry in my hosts file for the Bacula server.

This behavior seems to coincide with that described in the
previous post, but since that one has been fixed, why would
this persist?

Tks n rgds,
Richard White CNE6
Network Engineer
Mason County, Washington

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Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula-users Digest, Vol 10, Issue 164

2007-03-13 Thread Thomas Arseneault
I got the same thing, it turned out that the upgrade installed in
/etc/bacula while my previous install was in /usr/local/etc/bacula. The
binaries were separate because one set was in /usr/local/sbin while the
other was in /sbin. If I execute the commands from /etc/bacula
everything worked fine. See if that's your issue.

Tom Arseneault
Network Engineer
Voxify, Inc.

-Original Message-

Message: 1
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 09:31:12 -0800 (PST)
From: Zakai Kinan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Bacula-users] Bacula upgrade from 1.38.9 -> 2.0.2
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

I am getting the following error after the upgrade:

26-Feb 22:09 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: Version error
for database "bacula". Want   
ed 9, got 10 
26-Feb 22:09 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: Could not open
database "bacula". 
26-Feb 22:09 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: Version error
for database "bacula". Want   
ed 9, got 10 
26-Feb 22:09 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION 
Please correct configuration file:

This error only occurs after I run the
update_mysql_tables script.  If I restore the old
database schema bacula seems to work.  I don't trust
it because the release notes state that the update
must be run after the upgrade.  I did some research,
but I did not get anything meaningful.  Does anyone
have any ideas?




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[Bacula-users] Failed Windows backup[AntiVir checked]

2007-03-13 Thread Administrator
I have just recently set up Bacula to backup a Windows 2003 server. The setup 
is a bit unusual -

Bacula Director is run on an Ubuntu 6.06 server and is version 1.36.3
The File Director is run on a Windows Small Business Server 2003
The Storage Director is run on a Windows 2000 system using an HP DAT72 device. 
I have run the test on this system and it works without error.
Using the documentation and various tutorial notes, I have tried to set up the 
.conf file correctly. From the message I received it appears this is not the 

01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: message.c:462 Mail prog: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:88 Fatal 
malformed reply from localhost: 504 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Sender address 
rejected: need fully-qualified address
01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: Client1.2007-03-01_18.30.00 Error: message.c:473 
Mail program terminated in error.
CMD=/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s 
"Bacula: Backup Fatal Error of sbserverpdc-fd Full" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ERR=Child exited with code 1
01-Mar 23:50 Ubuntuccc-dir: Start Backup JobId 45, 
01-Mar 23:50 Ubuntuccc-dir: BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00 Fatal error: 
Storage daemon rejected Job command: 3915 Bad Job command. stat=-1 CMD: 
JobId=45 job=BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00 job_name=BackupCatalog 
client_name=sbserverpdc-fd type=66 level=70 FileSet=Catalog NoAttr=0 
SpoolAttr=0 FileSetMD5=b84+V6+tB/+hy4+qT8tJDD SpoolData=0

Your assistance will be appreciated.

Thank you,
KG Meyer
This mail has been processed by an evaluation copy of Antivir Exchange Server 

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[Bacula-users] concurent jobs on a tape

2007-03-13 Thread Stéphane Lardier
is it possible (and does have sense) to run concurrent jobs on a tape ?
no risks of corruption of datas ?
thanks for your tips

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Re: [Bacula-users] mac bacula client

2007-03-13 Thread Charles Galpin

On Mar 6, 2007, at 5:19 AM, Bill Szkotnicki wrote:

> Hi,
> We are having trouble finding a mac version of the bacula client.
> The fink.sourceforge site doesn't seem to be there.
> Does anyone know where to find it?
> Or should we try to build it from the sources?
> Thanks,

Bill, I have been maintaining the bacula-fd package in fink for a few  
months now, and it's current. Check under "unstable". I am not sure  
why it's under unstable, but if you give your feedback I am sure we  
can get it promoted to stable. As always ymmv, but at least bacula-fd  
has been working fine for me (outside of an unrelated network problem  
that is still giving me fits).


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[Bacula-users] Failed Windows backup[AntiVir checked]

2007-03-13 Thread Administrator

> I have just recently set up Bacula to backup a Windows 2003 server. The setup 
> is a bit unusual -
> Bacula Director is run on an Ubuntu 6.06 server and is version 1.36.3
> The File Director is run on a Windows Small Business Server 2003
> The Storage Director is run on a Windows 2000 system using an HP DAT72 
> device. I have run the test on this system and it works without error.
> Using the documentation and various tutorial notes, I have tried to set up 
> the .conf file correctly. From the message I received it appears this is not 
> the case:-
> 01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: message.c:462 Mail prog: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:88 Fatal 
> malformed reply from localhost: 504 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Sender address 
> rejected: need fully-qualified address
> 01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: Client1.2007-03-01_18.30.00 Error: message.c:473 
> Mail program terminated in error.
> CMD=/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s 
> "Bacula: Backup Fatal Error of sbserverpdc-fd Full" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ERR=Child exited with code 1
> 01-Mar 23:50 Ubuntuccc-dir: Start Backup JobId 45, 
> Job=BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00
> 01-Mar 23:50 Ubuntuccc-dir: BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00 Fatal error: 
> Storage daemon rejected Job command: 3915 Bad Job command. stat=-1 CMD: 
> JobId=45 job=BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00 job_name=BackupCatalog 
> client_name=sbserverpdc-fd type=66 level=70 FileSet=Catalog NoAttr=0 
> SpoolAttr=0 FileSetMD5=b84+V6+tB/+hy4+qT8tJDD SpoolData=0
> Your assistance will be appreciated.
> Thank you,
> KG Meyer
This mail has been processed by an evaluation copy of Antivir Exchange Server 

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Re: [Bacula-users] Problems with VSS enabled windows backup

2007-03-13 Thread Damian Lubosch
Frank Altpeter wrote:
> Hi list,

Hi Frank!

> I was just hitting a little confusing problem in backing up a Windows
> 2003 Server with bacula (both client and server have version 2.0.2
> running).
> The Server is configured to backup C: and D:, the FileSet has "Enable
> VSS = yes" defined. The client has been installed with winbacula.exe
> like the other windows hosts im having. The VSS service is up and
> running on the client.
> This is what i'm getting as output from the backup job in my bconsole gui:
> [snip] 
> Does anyone has an idea what i'm missing here? It's quite confusing to
> have a full backup with 0 bytes written...

Please post your configuration data. Maybe your FileSet is wrong.


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Re: [Bacula-users] rpm error

2007-03-13 Thread Scott Barninger
No, he has installed the SuSE distro package which I have set to
conflict with our official project packages for various previously
discussed reasons. He should uninstall that and then install our

On Thu, 2007-03-08 at 13:57 +0100, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello Scott,
> Is this problem related to the fact that he was upgrading two database 
> versions?  I.e. can a 2.0.x rpm do a double database upgrade?  I wonder if he 
> should first try updating to 1.38.11 then do the update to 2.0.x??
> On Thursday 08 March 2007 00:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I've installed and tested bacula 1.36/MySql from the Suse 10.0 install
> > media.  I used this to run some basic tests and check the tape drive.  I'm
> > attempting to upgrade to 2.02 before I start final production
> > configuration.  I'm failing at the rpm command:
> > omares-backup:/home/dthacker # rpm -U -v
> > bacula-mysql-2.0.2-1.su100.i586.rpm warning:
> > bacula-mysql-2.0.2-1.su100.i586.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID
> > 10a792ad error: Failed dependencies:
> > bacula conflicts with bacula-mysql-2.0.2-1
> >
> > What am I missing?  TIA Dave
> >
> >
> > -
> > Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
> > Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share
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> >
> > ___
> > Bacula-users mailing list
> >
> >

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Re: [Bacula-users] rpm error

2007-03-13 Thread Scott Barninger
PS. No, the rpm packages can only do a single database version upgrade.
If an older version is detected it will abort and instruct the user to
upgrade the database with the scripts in the updatedb package.

On Thu, 2007-03-08 at 13:57 +0100, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello Scott,
> Is this problem related to the fact that he was upgrading two database 
> versions?  I.e. can a 2.0.x rpm do a double database upgrade?  I wonder if he 
> should first try updating to 1.38.11 then do the update to 2.0.x??
> On Thursday 08 March 2007 00:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I've installed and tested bacula 1.36/MySql from the Suse 10.0 install
> > media.  I used this to run some basic tests and check the tape drive.  I'm
> > attempting to upgrade to 2.02 before I start final production
> > configuration.  I'm failing at the rpm command:
> > omares-backup:/home/dthacker # rpm -U -v
> > bacula-mysql-2.0.2-1.su100.i586.rpm warning:
> > bacula-mysql-2.0.2-1.su100.i586.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID
> > 10a792ad error: Failed dependencies:
> > bacula conflicts with bacula-mysql-2.0.2-1
> >
> > What am I missing?  TIA Dave
> >
> >
> > -
> > Take Surveys. Earn Cash. Influence the Future of IT
> > Join's Techsay panel and you'll get the chance to share
> > your opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys-and earn cash
> >
> > ___
> > Bacula-users mailing list
> >
> >

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[Bacula-users] Fichier de configuration

2007-03-13 Thread David Feuilloy

Voila ce que je cherche à faire.

J'ai 6 bandes de sauvegardes
Je voudrais sauvegarder un répertoire complet (/home) tous les jours sur une 
bande et réutiliser les bandes chaque semaine.
La 6eme bande je l'utiliserais une semaine sur deux afin d'avoir un backup sur 
2 semaines.
N'étant pas d'une rigueur exemplaire j'aimerais que les bande soient nommées 
automatiquement et recyclées automatiquement.

Mon problème actuel est que j'ai nommé les bandes et je ne sais pas comment 
géré la demande de bande dans le scheduller. Il me demande des bandes 

Quelqu'un aurait t'il déjà effectué ce genre de configuration

Semaine 1 Lundi Mardi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi1
Semaine 2 on écrase Lundi puis Mardi puis Mercredi puis Jeudi Vendredi2
Semaine 3  on écrase Lundi puis Mardi puis Mercredi puis Jeudi puis Vendredi1
Semaine 4  on écrase Lundi puis Mardi puis Mercredi puis Jeudi puis Vendredi2

Si on ne change pas la bande par un oubli malheureux renommer la bande avec le 
nom ou la date du jour et sauvegarde du jour

Merci d'avance 

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[Bacula-users] Configuration question

2007-03-13 Thread David Feuilloy
Well what I seek to do.

I have 6 backup tapes I would like to safeguard a complete repertory
(/home) the every day on a tape and to re-use the bands each week.
The 6th band I would use it one week out of two in order to have a
backup over 2 weeks.
Not being exemplary rigour I would like that the band are named
automatically and recycled automatically.
My current problem is that I named the bands and I do not know how not
managed the request for band in the scheduller.
It asks me different bands.
Somebody would have you it already carried out this kind of

Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1
Week 2 one crushes Monday then Tuesday then Wednesday then Thursday
Friday 2 Week 3 one crushes Monday then Tuesday then Wednesday then
Thursday then Friday 1
Week 4 one crushes Monday then Tuesday then Wednesday then Thursday then
Friday 2
If one does not change the band by an unhappy lapse of memory :
I would like that the band is famous the name or the current date and
that the safeguard crushes the safeguard of the day before.

Thank you in advance

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[Bacula-users] bacula-2.0.3

2007-03-13 Thread Alexander Marx
I searched for two days and didn't find a solution. Maybe you could give me a 

Kubuntu 6.10, bacula 2.0.3 from, compiled with all options, backup 
works well.

NFS share mounted over gbit network

Backup works relative fine (20GB/hour) 

Windows 2003 standardserver with bacula2.0.3 client installed(all options)

SPEED. When i try to restore a little job (1,4MB) it takes about 5 Min to 
complete. The win bacula-client tells me something about a transferrate of 
6,345 Byte/s ???

Backup works fine with 4-6MB/sec but the restore is very slow (unusable).
I have another backupjob, which is over 16GB large. When i should restore this 
job, it would take weeks!

I tried to restore with wx-console, bconsole and bweb/ All options 
the same result:

Please help. What am i missing? The clients are only installed without changes 
to any OS-options.

The Windows2003 standardserver are used as terminalservers which should not 

1 KUBUNTU6.10 with bacula (Director,SD,FD) and a nfs mounted share from a NAS 
Server (Open-E).
5 Windows 2003 Server standard 

All servers have 1000mbit nics and are connected to a gbit switch.

thanx in advance


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Re: [Bacula-users] Change in verification job tape selection time - deliberate or accidental?

2007-03-13 Thread Michel van Schaik

We have seen the same behaviour as described below. When a Verify job is 
scheduled to run before the last Backup job is finished, it will not 
verify the backup that was running but the previous job that already was 
finished at schedule time. So you have to make sure that a backup job is 
finished before you can start a verify job of that backup Job in the new 
version (2.0.x). The difference with 1.38.x is that with that version 
the verify job picked the Backup job when it was starting the verify 
Job, and with the 2.0.x version it is picking the Backup job at Schedule 
You can verify this behaviour when you start a backup and verify job 
(with different priority) at the same time. The verify job will not 
verify the backup job that was started at the same time, but is finished 
before the verify will start.
At the moment we don't schedule a verify job but we schedule an Admin 
Job with a Runafter shellscript that will start the verify job, so that 
the verify job will absolutely sure start after the backup job is finished.
We are running version 2.0.2 at the moment, so maybe the behaviour is 
changed in the 2.0.3 version, I didn't check, but as mentioned above we 
found a way to do a verify of the correct backup tape.

Michel van Schaik

Kern Sibbald wrote:
> On Monday 12 March 2007 04:05, Troy Daniels wrote:
>> Greetings Listers,
>> Last week I upgraded my Bacula install to 2.0.2 without any issues during
>> the upgrade process.
>> All seemed to be working well until Friday, but that was only because I
>> hadn't discovered this issue yet.
>> I run several jobs each night, with Full backups on Friday night and
>> incrementals every other night. Once the backups are completed I have
>> bacula setup to verify a few of these tape jobs against the catalog with
>> Volume to Catalog jobs.
>> These verify jobs have a higher priority, so they shouldn't start until
>> after the backup jobs are complete. I also schedule them to start 10
>> minutes after the backups at 23:15. (All backups are scheduled to start at
>> 23:05)
>> This behaviour seems to have changed in Bacula 2.0.2 however. They seem to
>> launch immediately and select which tape they'll use for the verify.
>> Here's a log excerpt from a job running under 1.38.5 (My old version)
>>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir: Verifying against JobId=6017
>>> Job=fs1.2007-03-01_23.00.00 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir: Bootstrap records
>>> written to
>>> /export/bacula/var/backup1-dir.restore.Verify-fs1.2007-03-01_23.15.00.bsr
>>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir:
>>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir: The job will require the following Volumes:
>>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir:
>>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir:09
>>> 02-Mar 01:09 backup1-dir:
>> Even tho it was scheduled to run at 23:15, it didn't start until 1:09 the
>> next morning. This is the expected behaviour.
>> Here's a log excerpt from Friday night under 2.0.2:
>>> 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir: Verifying against JobId=6101
>>> Job=fs1.2007-03-08_23.00.00 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir: Bootstrap records
>>> written to /export/bacula/var/backup1-dir.restore.11.bsr 09-Mar 23:15
>>> backup1-dir:
>>> 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir: The job will require the following
>>>Volume(s) Storage(s)SD Device(s)
>>> =
>>> == 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir:
>>> 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir:10Tape  
>>>OfficeAutochanger 09-Mar 23:15 backup1-dir:
>>> 10-Mar 20:57 backup1-dir: Start Verify JobId=6125 Level=VolumeToCatalog
>>> Job=Verify-fs1.2007-03-09_23.15.00
>> As can be seen, the job started at 23:15, selected tape '10' and then
>> waited until the next night to run (Full backups take most of a day :) )
>> Meanwhile, the full backup ran, writing to 2 other tapes.
>> The problem encountered by bacula is that tape 10 had been removed from
>> the Autochanger on Friday morning and replaced with this weeks incremental
>> tape. So Bacula blocked, waiting for a tape, until I discovered and
>> cancelled this job this morning. Not ideal, but it did bring this issue to
>> light.
>> What I'd like to know is if this was a deliberately designed feature, or if
>> it classifies as a bug? If it's deliberate, is there anyway to control when
>> it performs it's tape selection, or even which job it verify? I've scanned
>> the Jobs section of the latest manual but didn't see anything obvious.
>> For now I can either work around it(With a Run script running the verify
>> job), or even work with it (I've wanted to run the Full Backup job verifies
>> on Sunday for a while anyways.)
> To the best of my knowledge there is no deliberate change in the way Verify 
> jobs are run.
> You haven't supplied sufficient information, so I am not able to understand 
> the problem.
> Regards,
> Kern
> -

[Bacula-users] Failed Windows backup

2007-03-13 Thread Administrator

> I have just recently set up Bacula to backup a Windows 2003 server. The setup 
> is a bit unusual -
> Bacula Director is run on an Ubuntu 6.06 server and is version 1.36.3
> The File Director is run on a Windows Small Business Server 2003
> The Storage Director is run on a Windows 2000 system using an HP DAT72 
> device. I have run the test on this system and it works without error.
> Using the documentation and various tutorial notes, I have tried to set up 
> the .conf file correctly. From the message I received it appears this is not 
> the case:-
> 01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: message.c:462 Mail prog: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:88 Fatal 
> malformed reply from localhost: 504 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Sender address 
> rejected: need fully-qualified address
> 01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: Client1.2007-03-01_18.30.00 Error: message.c:473 
> Mail program terminated in error.
> CMD=/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s 
> "Bacula: Backup Fatal Error of sbserverpdc-fd Full" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ERR=Child exited with code 1
> 01-Mar 23:50 Ubuntuccc-dir: Start Backup JobId 45, 
> Job=BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00
> 01-Mar 23:50 Ubuntuccc-dir: BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00 Fatal error: 
> Storage daemon rejected Job command: 3915 Bad Job command. stat=-1 CMD: 
> JobId=45 job=BackupCatalog.2007-03-01_23.50.00 job_name=BackupCatalog 
> client_name=sbserverpdc-fd type=66 level=70 FileSet=Catalog NoAttr=0 
> SpoolAttr=0 FileSetMD5=b84+V6+tB/+hy4+qT8tJDD SpoolData=0
> Your assistance will be appreciated.
> Thank you,
> KG Meyer
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Re: [Bacula-users] latest incremental JobID for a client?

2007-03-13 Thread markjt
On 12 Mar 2007 at 21:26, Arno Lehmann wrote:

> > One way I can think of would be to separate the diff/full and icremental 
> > jobs. I could create a job that 
> > only does incrementals, and then use restore option 5. (select most recent 
> > backup for a client) in 
> > the bconsole script.
> That would not work, because for the Levels to reference each other, 
> they have to run through the same Job. I.e. it would create two 
> independent lists of backups if you separated the levels into two Jobs.

Ah, thanks, I completely missed that point :)

> Backing up to disk, you could simply scp or rsync the volume files.

Unfortunately that suggestion was already turned down. It is certainly the best 
way to retain backup 
integrity IMO. But the off-site is outside of my control and the requirement is 
to have the actual 
directory and file structure readily accessible, hence the "restore".

> Of course, you could also use rsync to transfer the data to the off-site 
> system, independent of Bacula.

I agree, but again that idea fails in this case because of a lack of control 
I'm afraid.

Thanks anyhow, at least I know that I will not be waisting time with the 
Perl idea :)


Mark Tiramani
FREDO Internet Services

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[Bacula-users] Bacula 2.0.2 problem with RunScript

2007-03-13 Thread Ondrej PLANKA
Hi list,

I discover problem with RunScript in Bacula ver. 2.0.2.  My Job resource 

RunScript {

RunsWhen = After
RunsOnSuccess = yes
Command = "/etc/init.d/apache start"

When I run backup job, Bacula terminate the job as *** Backup Error *** 
and post messge:

13-Mar 13:17 backup-dir: Backup_STUDENT_STU2.2007-03-13_13.17.29 Fatal 
error: Bad response to RunScript command: wanted 2000 OK RunScript
, got 2999 Invalid command

Please, can anyone help me.

Thanks, Ondra

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Re: [Bacula-users] verify job fails, must init catalog run twice?

2007-03-13 Thread Stephan Ebelt
> to me it looks like InitCatalog must run twice before all changes are known
> and the regular verify behaves the way it should.
> (note: I have not done any changes to the system between the two jobs and
> auto update is disabled. I am not running a virus scanner or anything else
> that could touch the files).

one more addition: the "special" thing on my setup is that its using *two* 
catalogs. One for backup jobs, one for verify jobs. Could that confuse 


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Re: [Bacula-users] Windows backup failure

2007-03-13 Thread Michael Proto
Hash: SHA1

> Using the documentation and various tutorial notes, I have tried to set up 
> the 
> .conf file correctly. From the message I received it appears this is not the 
> case:-
> 01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: message.c:462 Mail prog: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:88 Fatal 
> malformed reply from localhost: 504 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Sender address 
> rejected: 
> need fully-qualified address
> 01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: Client1.2007-03-01_18.30.00 Error: message.c:473 
> Mail program terminated in error.
> CMD=/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s 
> "Bacula: 
> Backup Fatal Error of sbserverpdc-fd Full" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It looks like the sendmail (or sendmail-compatible) process on your
backup server doesn't like the from address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" when Bacula
is trying to send mail. Try changing the "%r" entry in the "mailcommand"
line of your bacula-dir.conf with a valid email address.

- -Proto
- --
Michael Proto| SecureWorks
Unix Administrator   |
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Re: [Bacula-users] Problems with VSS enabled windows backup

2007-03-13 Thread Frank Altpeter
On 3/8/07, Damian Lubosch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frank Altpeter wrote:
>  > Hi list,
> Hi Frank!
>  >
>  > I was just hitting a little confusing problem in backing up a Windows
>  > 2003 Server with bacula (both client and server have version 2.0.2
>  > running).
>  >
>  > The Server is configured to backup C: and D:, the FileSet has "Enable
>  > VSS = yes" defined. The client has been installed with winbacula.exe
>  > like the other windows hosts im having. The VSS service is up and
>  > running on the client.
>  >
>  > This is what i'm getting as output from the backup job in my bconsole
> gui:
>  > [snip] Does anyone has an idea what i'm missing here? It's quite
> confusing to
>  > have a full backup with 0 bytes written...
>  >
>  >
> Please post your configuration data. Maybe your FileSet is wrong.
Thanks for your help in advance - to not pollute the whole list with
my configuration, i have put them online (reducted to the interesting

BTW: If i didn't mention it yet - the same FileSet used for this host
is working on some other windows based clients with success. Only this
one host makes that problem...

Le deagh dhùraghd,

Frank Altpeter

Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix.
I don't think that this is a coincidence.
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Re: [Bacula-users] Failed Windows backup

2007-03-13 Thread Frank Altpeter
First of all: It's not necessary to post the same post three times.
This won't make you get faster answers - it just annoys people and
might lead to a complete ignorance of your request.

To your problem:

On 3/13/07, Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: message.c:462 Mail prog: bsmtp: bsmtp.c:88 Fatal
> malformed reply from localhost: 504 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Sender address
> rejected: need fully-qualified address
> 01-Mar 18:30 Ubuntuccc-dir: Client1.2007-03-01_18.30.00 Error: message.c:473
> Mail program terminated in error.
> CMD=/usr/lib/bacula/bsmtp -h localhost -f "(Bacula) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s
> "Bacula: Backup Fatal Error of sbserverpdc-fd Full" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This doesn't seem to be a bacula problem, but more a problem with your
SMTP configuration.

I think you should check every log file for why the "Mail program
terminated in error". A first step would be to add something valid as
sender address (the one behind the -f switch), for example something
like that:

Messages {
  Name = Daemon
  mailcommand = "/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\)
%r\" -s \"Bacula daemon message\" %r"
  mail = [EMAIL PROTECTED] = all, !skipped
  console = all, !skipped, !saved
  append = "/var/db/bacula/log" = all, !skipped

Le deagh dhùraghd,

Frank Altpeter

Two of the most famous products of Berkeley are LSD and Unix.
I don't think that this is a coincidence.
-- Anonymous

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Re: [Bacula-users] concurent jobs on a tape

2007-03-13 Thread Ryan Novosielski
Hash: SHA1

This question has been asked in the last week or two (please check the
archives) and is well explained in the manual.

Stéphane Lardier wrote:
> hi,
> is it possible (and does have sense) to run concurrent jobs on a tape ?
> no risks of corruption of datas ?
> thanks for your tips
> -
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> Bacula-users mailing list

- --
  _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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[Bacula-users] Question on mailcommand

2007-03-13 Thread John BORIS
I am having a bit of a problem getting the mailcommand setup properly.
Here is what I have now:

  mailcommand = "/root/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h -f
\"\(Bacula\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\"
  operatorcommand = "/root/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h -f
\"\(Bacula\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s \"Bacula: Intervention
needed for %j\" %r"

When the mail shows up at my mail server it is
malformed and is in this form:


This format is screwing up my email server.


I am hesitant to start modifying the line because I am not sure which "
is required and which isn't.  

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

John J. Boris, Sr.
JEN-A-SyS Administrator
Archdiocese of Philadelphia

"Remember! That light at the end of the tunnel
Just might be the headlight of an oncoming train!"

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[Bacula-users] Omitting directories from backup

2007-03-13 Thread Jeff T
Hi, guys.

I'm doing a fairly standard backup of home directories on a linux
system. My users store their email in Maildirs (one directory per
folder) and each has a Spam folder which holds the spam delivered by the
mail server. I'm using a lot of backup space backing up spam, and I'd
like to avoid that.

As an example, the directory structure looks like:

/home/bob/Maildir/Spam/cur (this is where the files really are)
/home/jeff/Maildir/Spam/cur (ditto)

What I am doing now is backing up /home which backs up everything, of
course. I'd like to backup /home but omit /home/*/Maildir/Spam and all
folders under, so skip:

/home/*/Maildir/Spam and

Is this possible in bacula? I saw some stuff for omitting directories or
files, but it wasn't clear if I could set it up like this.


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Re: [Bacula-users] Omitting directories from backup

2007-03-13 Thread Marc Schiffbauer
* Jeff T schrieb am 13.03.07 um 15:35 Uhr:
> Hi, guys.
> I'm doing a fairly standard backup of home directories on a linux
> system. My users store their email in Maildirs (one directory per
> folder) and each has a Spam folder which holds the spam delivered by the
> mail server. I'm using a lot of backup space backing up spam, and I'd
> like to avoid that.
> As an example, the directory structure looks like:
> /home
> /home/bob
> /home/bob/Maildir
> /home/bob/Maildir/Spam
> /home/bob/Maildir/Spam/cur (this is where the files really are)
> /home/jeff
> /home/jeff/Maildir/Spam
> /home/jeff/Maildir/Spam/cur (ditto)
> What I am doing now is backing up /home which backs up everything, of
> course. I'd like to backup /home but omit /home/*/Maildir/Spam and all
> folders under, so skip:
> /home/*/Maildir/Spam and
> /home/*/Maildir/Spam/*
> Is this possible in bacula? I saw some stuff for omitting directories or
> files, but it wasn't clear if I could set it up like this.


have a look at the "exclude = " option.

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Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula 2.0.3-1 released for SuSE 10.1 and 10.2 (x86_64)

2007-03-13 Thread Felix Schwarz

Fedora {5,6} + EL 4 RPMs are released, too.

Please note that there are efforts getting bacula into mainline Fedora. Andreas 
Thienemann did a great job there. I think that these RPMs (once accepted in 
Fedora) will find their way into Enterprise Extras which is good news to all EL 
users out there.

If you like to participate/follow the package creation process, have a look at 
bug 230344:

Building Andreas' srpm works with:
   rpmbuild -ba --define "fedora 6" SPECS/bacula.spec


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[Bacula-users] exclude all but one folder on windows

2007-03-13 Thread Naufal Zamir

Hi everyone,

I am unable to figure out the use of wild cards etc. to exclude everything
from the backup except "documents and settings" folder and "program files"
folder. Can anyone please help me in this regards.

Best Regards
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Re: [Bacula-users] exclude all but one folder on windows

2007-03-13 Thread Rob MacGregor
On 3/13/07, Naufal Zamir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am unable to figure out the use of wild cards etc. to exclude everything
> from the backup except "documents and settings" folder and "program files"
> folder. Can anyone please help me in this regards.

Why not take the reverse approach of only backing those up, or are you
assuming that different systems may have them on different drives?

 Please keep list traffic on the list.

Rob MacGregor
  Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
doesn't become a monster.  Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: [Bacula-users] exclude all but one folder on windows

2007-03-13 Thread Naufal Zamir

No I am only talking about one single system.

I am not sure. If I only use the inlcude option and define only the two
desired folders, will bacula only backup those and exclude everything else?
Do you mean something like following?

FileSet {
 Name = "client009-fileset"
 Enable VSS=yes
 Include {
   Options {
 signature = SHA1
 portable = no
 IgnoreCase = yes
   File = "C:/Document and Settings"
   File = "C:/Program Files

Thanks and regards

On 3/13/07, Rob MacGregor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/13/07, Naufal Zamir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I am unable to figure out the use of wild cards etc. to exclude
> from the backup except "documents and settings" folder and "program
> folder. Can anyone please help me in this regards.

Why not take the reverse approach of only backing those up, or are you
assuming that different systems may have them on different drives?

 Please keep list traffic on the list.

Rob MacGregor
  Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
doesn't become a monster.  Friedrich Nietzsche

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[Bacula-users] Limit incremental backups to ONE drive

2007-03-13 Thread Adam Cécile

Due to speed requirement I use both two drives of my PV132T to run full
weekly backups.
However, I made daily incremental backups too, on monday to tuesday and
now two tapes are required (due to the use of both drives).
Is there anyway to limite incremental backups to one drive ?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards, Adam.

Adam CECILELinbox / Free&ALter Soft
152 rue de Grigy   tél: +33 3 87 50 87 95
Technopôle Metz 2000   fax: +33 3 87 75 19 26   
57070 METZ - France

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[Bacula-users] Fw: Rif: Re: Change tape problem

2007-03-13 Thread Ferdinando Pasqualetti

Hi everybody,
I am following Arno's suggestion about
a problem in writing additional tapes started with 1.38.11 and persisting
in 2.0.2. Arno's idea is that the problem could be on tape or OS and maybe
he is right,  but the same hardware/OS with 1.36.3 did not have the
problem (it could also be a hardware failure in the meantime, but apparently
all the rest works).
What I think happen is that once  there
have been an ERNOSPC writing a tape block the last block is correctly reread
and the tape changed by the autochanger with a prelabelled tape, the the
label is rewritten (or skipped, I do not know) and when the block is written
on the new tape it get again the ERNOSPC error. This is reported again
as an EOT, but the last block control fails and the job fails too.
I have also made a very small modification
to the block.c routine (I am not a programmer and more then that I am not
a C programmer, so this change is not correct for sure, even if it solves
the problem in some way). The change is:

<    if (dev->file ==
0) { dev->clrerror(-1); }

that simply means (I hope) "clear
all errors before writing the block if this is the first tape file"
That because the write continues to
get the errors until an EOF is written. Because the file is normally around
1 Gb this slows down performance to 20-25% during this phase, but I can
deal with it.

What I would like to know is if this
behaviour is really an hardware/firmare/OS problem according to your opinion
and if the block routine could br made more resilient in some way (EOF
mark at tape end, Closing and reopening of fd or whatever).

Many thanks if you would like to give
me an asnswer and very many thanks anyway for this great package.

Ferdinando Pasqualetti
G.T.Dati srl
Tel. 0557310862 - 3356172731 - Fax 055720143


On 3/11/2007 6:33 PM, Ferdinando Pasqualetti wrote:
> Hi Arno,
> I made some tests and this is what I think.
> When there is a tape change after an out of space error susequent
> write continue to get that error even after the tape change by the

> robot. This continue.
> I made some changes to the block.c routine

You'd better discuss this at bacula-devel, I think, or send Kern a mail

explaining the problem and the resolution.

> (very simple, because I'm not 
> a C programmer and also I don't know the logic of sd program). I made

> the routine enter the retry loop even for ERNOSPC if file number is
> This made bacula-sd work correctly (but it took 20 hours to write
> 0). After writing the EOF mark speed is normal again.
> My idea is that changing the tape does not reset the EOD condition
> the tape

That sounds like a bug, either in the hardware or the HBA driver.

> until a file mark is written. I do not know if this a wrong 
> device or OS error, but I believe that the FD of tape should be closed

> and reopened in a tape change.

I know about nothing about these details, so I won't comment on it...

> dd and mt tests always gave correct results, but dd always write an
> mark at the and of the transfer.
> If you have some idea about that I will be very happy. Thank you very

> much in any c asze.

Difficult problem, I think.

If this is a hardware or driver problem, I don't think modifying the SD

code is the right solution.

If it works for you - fine, but it might be that you have to manage that

patch for your installation yourself.


> --
> Ferdinando Pasqualetti
> G.T.Dati srl
> Tel. 0557310862 - 3356172731 - Fax 055720143
> *Ferdinando Pasqualetti/San Lazzaro/Conserve Italia*
> 27/02/2007 09.47
> Per
>                  Arno
> CC
>                  bacula-users

> Oggetto
>                  Rif:
Re: [Bacula-users] Change tape problem Link 
> Hi Arno,
> thank you very much for your answer. I will try asap the tests you
> suggesting. By the way, I purged the volumes involved in the error
> in the original message (it was the third try), restarted the backup
> and here is the (correct) result.
> 25-feb 19:55 bacula-dir: Start Backup JobId 12927, 
> Job=webfs3-job.2007-02-25_19.55.40
> 25-feb 19:55 bacula-dir: Recycled volume "web-004"
> 25-feb 19:55 webfs3: ClientRunBeforeJob: run command "/root/restartsmb"
> 25-feb 19:55 webfs3: ClientRunBeforeJob: Shutting down SMB services:
>  OK  ]
> 25-feb 19:55 webfs3: ClientRunBeforeJob: smbd: nessun processo terminato
> 25-feb 19:55 webfs3: ClientRunBeforeJob: smbd: nessun processo terminato
> 25-feb 19:55 webfs3: ClientRunBeforeJob: Starting SMB services: [
 OK  ]
> 25-feb 19:55 webfs3: ClientRunBeforeJob: [  OK  ]
> 25-feb 19:55 bacula-sd: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot
7, drive 
> 0" command.
> 25-feb 19:57 bacula-sd: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 3,

Re: [Bacula-users] Question on mailcommand

2007-03-13 Thread Kern Sibbald

Please read the section in the manual that describes the bsmtp program. It 
explains these kinds of problems and how to debug them.

On Tuesday 13 March 2007 16:22, John BORIS wrote:
> I am having a bit of a problem getting the mailcommand setup properly.
> Here is what I have now:
>   mailcommand = "/root/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h -f
> \"\(Bacula\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\"
> %r"
>   operatorcommand = "/root/bacula/bin/bsmtp -h -f
> \"\(Bacula\) [EMAIL PROTECTED]" -s \"Bacula: Intervention
> needed for %j\" %r"
> When the mail shows up at my mail server it is
> malformed and is in this form:
> This format is screwing up my email server.
> I am hesitant to start modifying the line because I am not sure which "
> is required and which isn't.
> Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
> John J. Boris, Sr.
> JEN-A-SyS Administrator
> Archdiocese of Philadelphia
> "Remember! That light at the end of the tunnel
> Just might be the headlight of an oncoming train!"
> -
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Re: [Bacula-users] Limit incremental backups to ONE drive

2007-03-13 Thread Michael Proto
Hash: SHA1

Adam Cécile wrote:
> Hello,
> Due to speed requirement I use both two drives of my PV132T to run full
> weekly backups.
> However, I made daily incremental backups too, on monday to tuesday and
> now two tapes are required (due to the use of both drives).
> Is there anyway to limite incremental backups to one drive ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Best regards, Adam.

If you are using a schedule for your incremental backups, and assuming
you have 2 storage resources listed in your director config (one for
each drive), you could add a Storage override directive to the
incremental schedule to use only one of those 2 drives.

- -Proto
- --
Michael Proto| SecureWorks
Unix Administrator   |
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (FreeBSD)


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Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula 2.0.3-1 released for SuSE 10.1 and 10.2 (x86_64)

2007-03-13 Thread Xeos Laenor

Congratulations to him (and surely the others) and thanks a lot to you ;-)
Great Job guys !


2007/3/13, Felix Schwarz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Fedora {5,6} + EL 4 RPMs are released, too.

Please note that there are efforts getting bacula into mainline Fedora.
Thienemann did a great job there. I think that these RPMs (once accepted
Fedora) will find their way into Enterprise Extras which is good news to
all EL
users out there.

If you like to participate/follow the package creation process, have a
look at
bug 230344:

Building Andreas' srpm works with:
   rpmbuild -ba --define "fedora 6" SPECS/bacula.spec


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Re: [Bacula-users] Limit incremental backups to ONE drive

2007-03-13 Thread Adam Cécile
Michael Proto a écrit :
> Adam Cécile wrote:
> > Hello,
> > Due to speed requirement I use both two drives of my PV132T to run full
> > weekly backups.
> > However, I made daily incremental backups too, on monday to tuesday and
> > now two tapes are required (due to the use of both drives).
> > Is there anyway to limite incremental backups to one drive ?
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Best regards, Adam.
> If you are using a schedule for your incremental backups, and assuming
> you have 2 storage resources listed in your director config (one for
> each drive), you could add a Storage override directive to the
> incremental schedule to use only one of those 2 drives.
> -Proto

The problem is the PV132 is an autochanger with two LOT3 drives.
So I have only one "storage" directive.

Adam CECILELinbox / Free&ALter Soft
152 rue de Grigy   tél: +33 3 87 50 87 95
Technopôle Metz 2000   fax: +33 3 87 75 19 26  
57070 METZ - France

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[Bacula-users] autochanger still requesting a volume/tape?

2007-03-13 Thread Jonathan Fine

I'm a new bacula user.  Already have bacula setup to do some disk based
backups(which work great), now i want to use a tape library with
autochanger for some other clients.  I'm pretty sure I have everything
setup right, but for some reason when I run a test backup to tape, I
still get this:

bserv-sd: Please mount Volume "12" on Storage Device "AITDrive0"
(/dev/st0) for Job etctape.2007-03-12_14.31.02

I'm pretty sure I have 'autochanger = yes' in all the appropriate files
and places.

Any ideas?



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[Bacula-users] very slow backup (database update ?)

2007-03-13 Thread Dirk Kleinhesselink
I've been running bacula 1.38 on my linux fileserver with 2 exabyte
magnum LTO-3 libraries for several months and I recently had problems
with a couple of full backups failing due to lost communication with
the FD daemon.  I was writing directly to the tape drive and decided to
try data spooling to improve data transfer to the LTO-3 drive and setup
a 250GB disk area for the spool. Last night I ran a full backup of a 
350GB disk area and it started around 2AM and was still running this
morning.  I could see that it had done one 250GB chunk and was on the
remaining 100GB chunk, which finished dumping to the disk spool area in
more or less reasonable time and then seemed to be spooled to the tape
device - in perhaps not as ideal a time, but nonetheless finished and then
no more data is being sent to the tape drive, the intermediate spool file
has been deleted, but the job still isn't finished.  Status says it is
still running and the SD status says it is:
Attr spooling: 1 active jobs, 2,153,030,897 bytes, 3 total jobs, 
2,188,188,495 max bytes.

I got curious and wondered if it was related to the database, so I 
checked its status and I can see the time being updated on the bacula 
sqlite database file.  The first byte counter in the SD status Attr line 
is decreasing, but very, very slowly.

Does anyone know what the job is now doing (updating the database, 
presumably) ? And why should it be taking so long ?

Some more information - prior to the full backup, I had a running
job that was an incremental that had been promoted to a full of about
27GB.  This job also did the data spool to disk and then spool to tape
in "reasonable time" but then took more than 4 hours to complete the
Attr spooling part.

Thanks for any assistance,


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Re: [Bacula-users] exclude all but one folder on windows

2007-03-13 Thread Rob MacGregor
[ Please don't CC me on list traffic ]

On 3/13/07, Naufal Zamir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No I am only talking about one single system.
> I am not sure. If I only use the inlcude option and define only the two
> desired folders, will bacula only backup those and exclude everything else?

Yup, see the manual section on FileSet:

> Do you mean something like following?
> FileSet {
>   Name = "client009-fileset"
>   Enable VSS=yes
>   Include {
> Options {
>   signature = SHA1
>   portable = no
>   IgnoreCase = yes
> }
> File = "C:/Document and Settings"
> File = "C:/Program Files
>   }

Roughly, yes.  Though you'll want to add the missing quote after
"C:/Program Files

 Please keep list traffic on the list.

Rob MacGregor
  Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he
doesn't become a monster.  Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: [Bacula-users] Difference Between "Archive" and "Read-Only" Volume Status?

2007-03-13 Thread Mike Seda
I have the same question:

"Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?"

Did this ever get answered?

Neal Gamradt wrote:
> All,
> Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
> handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?  
> Does any data get removed from the database with "Archive"?  I have 
> some files I want to pertinently archive on a volume that I am going 
> to take out of rotation, but I don't want to remove them from the 
> database, that way I can restore quickly if I need to.
> Also, does "Disabled" remove the information for that volume from the 
> database?  Thanks!
> Running Redhat Enterprise 4.0 with Bacula 1.38.11 and a Superloader 3 
> with an S4 tape drive.
> Neal
> View Athletes' Collections with Live Search. See it! 
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Re: [Bacula-users] Difference Between "Archive" and "Read-Only" Volume Status?

2007-03-13 Thread Jason King
Not 100% sure, but archived volumes probably stay archived until their 
rentention period is up, then they would go into recycle which would 
then allow bacula to use them. Read-Only is set by the user and bacula 
will never change that attribute.

Mike Seda wrote:
> I have the same question:
> "Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
> handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?"
> Did this ever get answered?
> Neal Gamradt wrote:
>> All,
>> Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
>> handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?  
>> Does any data get removed from the database with "Archive"?  I have 
>> some files I want to pertinently archive on a volume that I am going 
>> to take out of rotation, but I don't want to remove them from the 
>> database, that way I can restore quickly if I need to.
>> Also, does "Disabled" remove the information for that volume from the 
>> database?  Thanks!
>> Running Redhat Enterprise 4.0 with Bacula 1.38.11 and a Superloader 3 
>> with an S4 tape drive.
>> Neal
>> View Athletes' Collections with Live Search. See it! 
>> -
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Re: [Bacula-users] Difference Between "Archive" and "Read-Only" Volume Status?

2007-03-13 Thread Ryan Novosielski
Hash: SHA1

I could be wrong, but I don't believe either one is implemented. :-P Do
I win? :)


Jason King wrote:
> Not 100% sure, but archived volumes probably stay archived until their 
> rentention period is up, then they would go into recycle which would 
> then allow bacula to use them. Read-Only is set by the user and bacula 
> will never change that attribute.
> Mike Seda wrote:
>> I have the same question:
>> "Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
>> handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?"
>> Did this ever get answered?
>> Neal Gamradt wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
>>> handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?  
>>> Does any data get removed from the database with "Archive"?  I have 
>>> some files I want to pertinently archive on a volume that I am going 
>>> to take out of rotation, but I don't want to remove them from the 
>>> database, that way I can restore quickly if I need to.
>>> Also, does "Disabled" remove the information for that volume from the 
>>> database?  Thanks!
>>> Running Redhat Enterprise 4.0 with Bacula 1.38.11 and a Superloader 3 
>>> with an S4 tape drive.
>>> Neal

- --
  _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: [Bacula-users] Difference Between "Archive" and "Read-Only" Volume Status?

2007-03-13 Thread Jason King
Sure :)

Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I could be wrong, but I don't believe either one is implemented. :-P Do
> I win? :)
> =R
> Jason King wrote:
>> Not 100% sure, but archived volumes probably stay archived until their 
>> rentention period is up, then they would go into recycle which would 
>> then allow bacula to use them. Read-Only is set by the user and bacula 
>> will never change that attribute.
>> Mike Seda wrote:
>>> I have the same question:
>>> "Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
>>> handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?"
>>> Did this ever get answered?
>>> Neal Gamradt wrote:

 Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
 handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?  
 Does any data get removed from the database with "Archive"?  I have 
 some files I want to pertinently archive on a volume that I am going 
 to take out of rotation, but I don't want to remove them from the 
 database, that way I can restore quickly if I need to.

 Also, does "Disabled" remove the information for that volume from the 
 database?  Thanks!

 Running Redhat Enterprise 4.0 with Bacula 1.38.11 and a Superloader 3 
 with an S4 tape drive.

> - --
>   _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
>  |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
>  |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
>  \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iD8DBQFF9xAmmb+gadEcsb4RAlsIAJ0V3FIQ2Yc6oQZhp+m+OLPVR15/DgCfQ5OH
> VOwm8OrIsUzzgn3JGcPXVlI=
> =6wYl
> -
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Re: [Bacula-users] Difference Between "Archive" and "Read-Only" Volume Status?

2007-03-13 Thread Mike Seda
Well, I think VolStatus=Archive is implemented. The latest 
rel-bacula.pdf says:

"If the Volume has another status, such as Archive, Read-Only, Disabled, 
Busy, or
Cleaning, the Volume status will not be changed to Purged."

And, Kern told me to "Be sure to mark the tapes you are taking offsite 
as Archive."

Jason King wrote:
> Sure :)
> Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I could be wrong, but I don't believe either one is implemented. :-P Do
>> I win? :)
>> =R
>> Jason King wrote:
>>> Not 100% sure, but archived volumes probably stay archived until their 
>>> rentention period is up, then they would go into recycle which would 
>>> then allow bacula to use them. Read-Only is set by the user and bacula 
>>> will never change that attribute.
>>> Mike Seda wrote:
 I have the same question:

 "Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
 handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?"

 Did this ever get answered?

 Neal Gamradt wrote:
> All,
> Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
> handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?  
> Does any data get removed from the database with "Archive"?  I have 
> some files I want to pertinently archive on a volume that I am going 
> to take out of rotation, but I don't want to remove them from the 
> database, that way I can restore quickly if I need to.
> Also, does "Disabled" remove the information for that volume from the 
> database?  Thanks!
> Running Redhat Enterprise 4.0 with Bacula 1.38.11 and a Superloader 3 
> with an S4 tape drive.
> Neal
>> - --
>>   _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
>>  |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
>>  |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
>>  \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
>> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
>> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
>> iD8DBQFF9xAmmb+gadEcsb4RAlsIAJ0V3FIQ2Yc6oQZhp+m+OLPVR15/DgCfQ5OH
>> VOwm8OrIsUzzgn3JGcPXVlI=
>> =6wYl
>> -
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>> opinions on IT & business topics through brief surveys-and earn cash
>> ___
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Re: [Bacula-users] Difference Between "Archive" and "Read-Only" Volume Status?

2007-03-13 Thread Ryan Novosielski
Hash: SHA1

I may be speaking from old information. I've been dutifully setting my
archive tapes to archive nonetheless, and setting read-only on tapes
that are likely to get inserted but shouldn't be used for whatever
reason. Nice to know at some point they started to do something!

(I've been using Bacula since 1.36.3 and a lot has changed!)

Mike Seda wrote:
> Well, I think VolStatus=Archive is implemented. The latest 
> rel-bacula.pdf says:
> "If the Volume has another status, such as Archive, Read-Only, Disabled, 
> Busy, or
> Cleaning, the Volume status will not be changed to Purged."
> And, Kern told me to "Be sure to mark the tapes you are taking offsite 
> as Archive."
> Jason King wrote:
>> Sure :)
>> Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> I could be wrong, but I don't believe either one is implemented. :-P Do
> I win? :)
> =R
> Jason King wrote:
> Not 100% sure, but archived volumes probably stay archived until their 
> rentention period is up, then they would go into recycle which would 
> then allow bacula to use them. Read-Only is set by the user and bacula 
> will never change that attribute.
> Mike Seda wrote:
>> I have the same question:
>> "Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
>> handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?"
>> Did this ever get answered?
>> Neal Gamradt wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Could someone tell me if there is a difference in the way that Bacula 
>>> handles volumes with the status "Archive" and the status "Read-Only"?  
>>> Does any data get removed from the database with "Archive"?  I have 
>>> some files I want to pertinently archive on a volume that I am going 
>>> to take out of rotation, but I don't want to remove them from the 
>>> database, that way I can restore quickly if I need to.
>>> Also, does "Disabled" remove the information for that volume from the 
>>> database?  Thanks!
>>> Running Redhat Enterprise 4.0 with Bacula 1.38.11 and a Superloader 3 
>>> with an S4 tape drive.
>>> Neal
> --
>   _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
>  |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
>  |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
>  \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
- -
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- --
  _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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Re: [Bacula-users] autochanger still requesting a volume/tape?

2007-03-13 Thread Ryan Novosielski
Hash: SHA1

You don't mention your version, but later versions do not use
Autochanger = yes. Please give vital information like platform and
Bacula version when asking for help.

Take a look at the manual where the Autochanger{} section is explained.

Jonathan Fine wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a new bacula user.  Already have bacula setup to do some disk based
> backups(which work great), now i want to use a tape library with
> autochanger for some other clients.  I'm pretty sure I have everything
> setup right, but for some reason when I run a test backup to tape, I
> still get this:
> bserv-sd: Please mount Volume "12" on Storage Device "AITDrive0"
> (/dev/st0) for Job etctape.2007-03-12_14.31.02
> I'm pretty sure I have 'autochanger = yes' in all the appropriate files
> and places.
> Any ideas?
> thanks,
> Jon

- --
  _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

fn:Ryan Novosielski
adr;dom:MSB C630;;185 South Orange Avenue;Newark;NJ;07103
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Systems Programmer III
tel;work:(973) 972-0922
tel;fax:(973) 972-7412
tel;pager:(866) 20-UMDNJ

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Re: [Bacula-users] Change in verification job tape selection time - deliberate or accidental?

2007-03-13 Thread Troy Daniels
>> When a verify job is scheduled under 2.0.2 to perform a Volume to Catalog
>> verify it now selects the job to be verified (and the associated tape(s))
>> at the scheduled start time. It then waits until all jobs of lower priority
>> finish before performing the actual verify. This results in it verifying
>> the previous nights backup instead of the current nights one.
>> Under 1.38.5 the job wouldn't select the job to verify until it actually
>> ran (Actual start time instead of scheduled start time). In my case this is
>> after the job I actually want to verify has finished running for the
>> evening.
> OK, thanks. This time, the problem is crystal clear.  The above describes 
> what 
> I need to know/understand.
> I haven't looked at the code, but I suspect that some of the startup code was 
> moved earlier in the process.  In general this was done so that the catalog 
> entries are more complete if the job is subsequently cancelled before it is 
> actually started.  
> In this case, if this is what happened, I can see that this will create a 
> problem for you.  However, it does seem to make sense that the Verify job 
> would select the job to be verified when Verify is scheduled rather than at 
> some later time when additional jobs may have run.
> I'm not sure what the solution is. It seems there are two ways to resolve it:
> 1. Start the Verify immediately after the backup (probably with a RunScript.
> 2. Put the code back the way it was in 1.38.11 (assuming that is the problem).
> Do you or anyone else on this list have any comments on the above two 
> possible 
> solutions?

Well I've already updated my config to implement option 1 as a 'workaround', 
and am happy to trigger my verifies that way. I've scheduled a 'TriggerVerify' 
admin job that will run after the backup is complete and launch the verify. I 
used this as I believe using a RunScript within the backup job wouldn't work as 
the backup job will still be 'running' when the verify job is scheduled, so 
it'll  still automatically select the previous nights job.

Also, I personally feel the current implementation isn't as intuitive as how it 
worked in 1.38.11 - however this can probably be dealt with by appropriate 
documentation within the manual. It comes down to the difference in scheduled 
time and start time under Bacula. Especially when you throw priorities into the 
mix. You might schedule a job to start at 23:15, but you can stop it running 
until after the backup job finishes using priorities. Seems to me that if 
you've setup your job to me, you are most likely going to want to verify the 
job that just ran.

What I would *really* like to see is the ability to set which job gets verified 
by jobid - Currently I can say "Verify job 'BackupCatalog' but I cant say 
"Verify last nights/weeks/months/whatever 'BackupCatalog' job"

This would aid in resource scheduling IMO - in my case my full backups take up 
most of Saturday, and there is barely enough time to perform the verifies 
before Saturday nights incremental backups start - it would be nice to be able 
to schedule the verify jobs for Sunday when the tape drive is otherwise idle.

A nice side effect of the changed behaviour is that I can now achieve this.

This probably needs to be a feature request doesn't it - or is there one in 
already that covers it?

Just had another thought - is this change limited to VolumeToCatalog verifies, 
or was it applied across the board to all verify job types? Seems to me, that 
it would be a lot easier to overlook the fact that your verify job is actually 
verifying the previous nights backup if tapes aren't involved.

If I get time today I'll look into the documentation and see if I can come up 
with a suitable addition explaining this situation. I might even throw in a 
feature request if one doesn't already exist.



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