[Bacula-users] Archive/Restoration Query

2007-06-15 Thread Jason Ball
Hi all,

I'm probably doing something a little unusual, alongside using bacula
for the usual backups I'm also performing long term data archives into
a designated archive pool.

From time to time I will receive a request restore a subset of the
data stored in the long term archive.

The long term archives will be retained for seven (7) years.  At this
stage the autochanger has capacity for backups and a copy of archive
tapes, so the tapes can be assumed to be 'In' the changer.   This will
not always be the case, but it is for now.

When a restoration request is received, it will identify a date range
to be restored from archive, i.e.

January 06 - March 07.

I am unable to find any details on how to:

1. Query bacula to identify the volumes required to facilitate the
above restore.

2. Actually specify the date range to be covered in the restore (i.e.
restore all files in the archive fileset, between January 06 and March

While I can probably craft some SQL for point 1 - any hints or
suggestions would be appreciated.

The era of procrastination, of half measures of soothing and baffling
expedients, of delays, is coming to an end. In it's place we are
entering a period of  consequences.  - Winston Churchill
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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] dvd-handler and the dvd+rw-tools patch

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald

Concerning your email below.  Please send your email to the bacula-devel list 
with your patch in diff -u format as an attachment.  We see your email, but 
your patch is not available to the developers when sent to the bacula-users 



Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 17:16:00 -0400
From: Alexandre Bourget [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] dvd-handler and the dvd+rw-tools patch
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

I've reworked dvd-handler, and it now works without any patch. It uses
dvd+rw-mediainfo to grab information about the space left on a DVD

As someone already pointed, there is no error handling when there is
*no* media in the drive.

See the modified dvd-handler attached (from version 2.0.2).

It might need some testing, but it works here.

thanks for the software,

Alexandre Bourget

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] some issues with wxconsole

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald

There are several unfortunate issues with wxconsole.  

1. We have tested and built it against wxWidgets 2.6.x (if I remember right), 
and some users seem to be building it against wxWidgets 2.8, which is almost 
sure to fail since their API has surprise changes on each major version :-(

2. There is and has been no Bacula developer to work on wxconsole for several 
years now.  I have patched a few problems, but my patching is not a good 

3. We are developing a replacement (bat) that we can support, which already 
has far more functionality than wxconsole.

4. So, bottom line, wxconsole is deprecated and thus scheduled to go away in a 
future release (probably 2.4.0).



Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 10:55:10 +1000
From: Chuckles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] some issues with wxconsole
To: Mike Lauwaert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Mike Lauwaert wrote:
 Craig White craig at tobyhouse.com writes:

 bacula 2.03 (on RHELv5)

 wxconsole is nice - thanks - went into restore tab and chose a folder
 for a test restore. Went through, picked the folder and clicked the
 'Restore...' button and the wxconsole locked up with a message at the
 bottom that says 'Failed to retrieve jobid'

 It did indeed restore though but wxconsole is essentially locked up and
 I can't do anything in restore tab at all and in console tab, messages
 are still written but it isn't possible to click into the command line.

 Obviously I could click the wxconsole closed and re-open it.

 Standard error written to terminal states...

 (wxconsole:5370): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_container_remove: assertion
 `GTK_IS_TOOLBAR (container) || widget-parent == GTK_WIDGET (container)'
 failed promptparser-getChoices()=157175896


 I am experiencing the same thing.  Strangely this worked the first time I 
 tested it.  I also get the OK button remains inactive after applying changed 
 to the default restore configuration.  Starting to think wx-console on 
 isn't very reliable and bconsole is the way to go.


I get constant lockups with wx-console on various commands (probably 
every one that i've used at some stage). Can't seem to find a pattern to it.

I access the same director with gnome and text consoles with no problems 
at all

I too am starting to think wx-console isn't reliable at the moment


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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald

If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
responses to the following:

1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula on 
Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory 
on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
sprayed all over the disk.

2. Has anyone tried the Bacula client on Vista, and if so, what are the 
results?  (I believe that the tray monitor will not work, but there may be 
other issues).

3. Are any of you Windows C++ programmers who would like to do a little 

4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a minimal 
knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.

5. I would like to start collecting a list of the major problems you are 
having running the Windows servers.   I currently know about:

- Lack of documentation in the manual (I will fix this after 2.2.0 is

- Restore of encrypted files produces signature errors (I hope to fix this
   before release of 2.2.0, but am not sure as it requires changing the
   signature algorithm -- some major restructuring rather than a simple bug

Best regards,


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Ryan Novosielski
Hash: SHA1

Kern Sibbald wrote:
 If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
 responses to the following:
 1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula on 
 Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory 
 on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
 Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
 extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
 sprayed all over the disk.

I was pleased to see that Bacula was moved to the standard location. I
previously would install it there myself if I had the choice. The names
are long, but I'm a big proponent of having things go where they belong.
 In my mind, the only other piece of software I'm aware of that installs
right at C:\ (Oracle) has not business doing it either.

 4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
 knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.

I would be able to, but cannot currently -- I do not run Windows at home
and I am currently out on medical leave.

- --
  _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

fn:Ryan Novosielski
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email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Systems Programmer III
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] exabyte autochanger

2007-06-15 Thread Ryan Novosielski
Hash: SHA1

Maria McKinley wrote:
 On 6/14/07, tomasz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Maria McKinley wrote:
 tomasz wrote:
 Maria McKinley wrote:
 Broderick Wood wrote:
 I see in another post you say that MTX is working properly from the
 command line.  This makes me believe that LUN support is enabled.

 You should be getting communication problems with MTX if it wasn't.

 BTW  What Operating System and version are you running?

 I am running Debian, Linux version 2.4.27-3-386.

 In another post, I had explained how I got the permissions fixed (at
 least I think, they aren't the same as they use to be, but they are
 what someone else had reccommeded), but bacula was hanging. It did
 quit hanging, and turns out I had forgotten to restart the storage
 daemon. But there still seems to be a problem, as this is what I get

 *update slots
 Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
 Automatically selected Storage: Exabyte
 Connecting to Storage daemon Exabyte at dinah:9103 ...
 3306 Issuing autochanger slots command.
 Device Exabyte has 0 slots.
 No slots in changer to scan.

 Could this still be a permission problem?  Here are my permissions now:

 crw-rw 1 root tape 9,  0 2005-02-25 22:38 /dev/st0
 crw--- 1 root root 21,  0 2005-02-25 22:38 /dev/sg0

 I assumed /dev/sg0 should have the same permissions as /dev/st0, so I
 added this to my script:

 KERNEL==sg*,  GROUP=tape, MODE=0660

 but this didn't change the permissions for /dev/sg0. Is this likely
 to be the problem the changer didn't see any slots, and any idea why
 didn't changing the permissions work like it did for /dev/st0?

 thanks again,

 have been bacula running earlier as root? and right now is running as
 bacula user? check starting script

 cos if so as simple test change devices owner to bacula like
 chown bacula:bacula /dev/st0
 chown bacula:bacula /dev/sg0
 and check if it works from bconsole
 cos as i pointed it earlier when u run mtx in console u are doing it as
 root - dont u? not bacula
 when u r doing it from bconsole u r doing it as bacula group bacula - i
 guess thats how it is running.
 correct me if i am wrong

 Ok, that did it. Changing them both to be owned by bacula fixed it. Now
 I just have figure out how to make sure they stay that way. Thanks a bunch!

 i think u wont do it
 try the same as u done with 'st0' and 'chgrp' for 'sg0' to 'tape' then
 add perm for group
 then stick bacula user into 'tape' group

 bEsT rEgArDs|   Confidence is what you have before you
 tomasz dereszynski  |   understand the problem. -- Woody Allen
 TD840-RIPE  |

 Thanks Tomasz, but I can't get the script to change the group for
 /dev/sg0 for some reason. Here is my script:
 KERNEL==st*,  GROUP=tape, MODE=0660
 KERNEL==nst*, GROUP=tape, MODE=0660
 KERNEL==sg*,  GROUP=tape, MODE=0660
 When I run it, the group and permissions for st* and nst* change, but
 not sg*. Sticking bacula in group tape makes sense to me, but what
 does it mean add perm for group?

He just means what you have above, that the group has write permission
(660 does that just fine, 600 would not). IMO, this is the right way to
do it too.

I seem to remember you finding two things that worked with udev.
Personally, I think the other one (st-whatever) is a lot more closely
related to tape functions than hdparm. Perhaps reloading that one
instead will help?

- --
  _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

fn:Ryan Novosielski
adr;dom:MSB C630;;185 South Orange Avenue;Newark;NJ;07103
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Systems Programmer III
tel;work:(973) 972-0922
tel;fax:(973) 972-7412
tel;pager:(866) 20-UMDNJ

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] DVD Backup handler - Wrong concept?

2007-06-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello List,

when backing up to a dvd, bacula stored its file in the spool directory.
If the DVD is full, does then the whole backup process stop and wait for 
a new media?

Example: I am on holiday for 14 days. After 4 Days the DVD is full. Does 
then backula not back up at all until my DVD is writeable again?
That would mean that i dont even have backups on my hard disk or spool 

In my optionion bacula should carry on writing to the spool directory 
and catch it up once a new DVD is inserted.

Did i understand the whole process wrong, or am i right?
Any comments to this are desired.

Cheers, Mario

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread William
Kern Sibbald wrote:
 If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
 responses to the following:
 1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula on 
 Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory 
 on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
 Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
 extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
 sprayed all over the disk.

I actually prefer having them in the standard locations. On our Windows
servers we have data execution prevention policies which stop programs
from executing if they aren't under C:\Program Files.

 4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
 knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.

I would be willing to run regression scripts. We have a lot of Windows
servers which we run Bacula on (the fd only). And I would like to help
make sure Bacula continues to work on our systems.

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Chuckles
Kern Sibbald wrote:

 If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
 responses to the following:

 1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula on 
 Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory 
 on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
 Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
 extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
 sprayed all over the disk.
I think as long as the user has the option to install where they want, 
it doesn't matter to much what the default is.
 2. Has anyone tried the Bacula client on Vista, and if so, what are the 
 results?  (I believe that the tray monitor will not work, but there may be 
 other issues).

 3. Are any of you Windows C++ programmers who would like to do a little 
I would like to, time is the biggest hurdle and my knowledge of bacula. 
My needs are only very simple so i've never delved deep into its 
functionality. Is there a windows buglist that can be chipped away at?
 4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
 knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.

 5. I would like to start collecting a list of the major problems you are 
 having running the Windows servers.   I currently know about:

 - Lack of documentation in the manual (I will fix this after 2.2.0 is

 - Restore of encrypted files produces signature errors (I hope to fix this
before release of 2.2.0, but am not sure as it requires changing the
signature algorithm -- some major restructuring rather than a simple bug
Can the setup of the database be added to the install, especially if 
your just using sql lite
 Best regards,


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 Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
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 Bacula-users mailing list

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Michel Meyers
Hash: SHA1

Kern Sibbald wrote:
 If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
 responses to the following:
 1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula on 
 Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory 
 on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
 Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
 extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
 sprayed all over the disk.

I definitely prefer the 'old' way of putting everything in c:\bacula and
have kept my FD installations that way when the new installer came out.
I don't care what M$ says, having the program in a directory that is not
OS language specific, doesn't contain spaces and is self contained
offers me certain advantages over their Program Files + Documents and
Settings + Registry mess, namely:

- - Language independant paths: I can use external scripts to update
Bacula. No need to push an installer and somehow coerce the Windows box
to run it so that it can resolve the pathnames 'locally': I can just
give an RPC command to shut down the FD, map the drive, place the new
files in the standard directory and have the FD service come up through
RPC again.)
- - No spaces in filenames: Obviously this avoids many issues with having
to quote pathnames in config files etc etc.
- - Everything in/under one directory: After running the uninstaller,
ensuring that everything is gone is easily done by wiping said
directory. Similarly, finding the configuration files for the program is
much easier that way than having to wade through Documents and
Settings\variable_username\(Local Settings\)Application Data.

Apart from it's what M$ wants, I do not see any advantage to actually
using their convention (unless people use roaming profiles, but I doubt
Bacula is a candidate for that). At least the config files of a program
should always stay with it. That's my, very biased, 2 Eurocents. ;)

That said, as I'm only using the Win32 FD, the defaults in the installer
doesn't really bother me. I simply unpack the files from it using 7-Zip
and then build my own or manually install the FD.

I don't think I can help with any of the other points, maybe the
regression scripts if that is doable in a VM and doesn't require any

Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Jerome Massano
Le vendredi 15 juin 2007 à 09:24 +0200, Kern Sibbald a écrit :
 If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
 responses to the following:
 1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula on 
 Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory 
 on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
 Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
 extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
 sprayed all over the disk.
This is a very good idea, for the reasons you explained (long names with

 2. Has anyone tried the Bacula client on Vista, and if so, what are the 
 results?  (I believe that the tray monitor will not work, but there may be 
 other issues).
Sorry, never tried Vista

 3. Are any of you Windows C++ programmers who would like to do a little 
Sorry, but my programming skills are really too low.

 4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
 knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.
I could give it a try. That would be done on a virtual windows on a
virtual machine

 5. I would like to start collecting a list of the major problems you are 
 having running the Windows servers.   I currently know about:
 - Lack of documentation in the manual (I will fix this after 2.2.0 is
 - Restore of encrypted files produces signature errors (I hope to fix this
before release of 2.2.0, but am not sure as it requires changing the
signature algorithm -- some major restructuring rather than a simple bug
 Best regards,
 This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
 Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
 control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
 Bacula-users mailing list

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] DVD Backup handler - Wrong concept?

2007-06-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Arno,

Arno Lehmann schrieb:

 On 6/15/2007 9:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello List,

 when backing up to a dvd, bacula stored its file in the spool directory.
 If the DVD is full, does then the whole backup process stop and wait for 
 a new media?

 Example: I am on holiday for 14 days. After 4 Days the DVD is full. Does 
 then backula not back up at all until my DVD is writeable again?
 That would mean that i dont even have backups on my hard disk or spool 


 In my optionion bacula should carry on writing to the spool directory 
 and catch it up once a new DVD is inserted.

 That's not how Bacula does it... sounds more like amanda with its disk 
 staging concept.

 Did i understand the whole process wrong, or am i right?
 Any comments to this are desired.

 Well, the solution would be to run backups to disk and later migrate to DVD.

 D2D2D :-)


Thanks Arno :)

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Friday 15 June 2007 09:44, Chuckles wrote:
 Kern Sibbald wrote:
  If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
  responses to the following:
  1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula 
  Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula 
  on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
  Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
  extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
  sprayed all over the disk.

 I think as long as the user has the option to install where they want, 
 it doesn't matter to much what the default is.

Perhaps the best is to provide a way of installing in a specific directory (if 
this does not already exist), which would simplify things for users such as 
myself, then keep a windows default installation that spreads the files out 
in the default locations as it currently does.  I'll think about this a bit 
and take a look at the installer. 

  2. Has anyone tried the Bacula client on Vista, and if so, what are the 
  results?  (I believe that the tray monitor will not work, but there may be 
  other issues).
  3. Are any of you Windows C++ programmers who would like to do a little 

 I would like to, time is the biggest hurdle and my knowledge of bacula. 
 My needs are only very simple so i've never delved deep into its 
 functionality. Is there a windows buglist that can be chipped away at?

As far as I know, the only Windows specific bug is bug #807, where an error 
message is printed for each restored file because the signature does not 
match.  I believe this one requires a significant change in the signature 
comparison algorithm, which is something that I am starting to work on now.

Other than that, what is critical is testing and noting the differences 
between the Linux/Unix systems and Win32 so that it can be added to the 

Some users claim they have problems with wx-console on Win32, but neither 
myself nor other testers have been able to reproduce it.

  4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
  knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.
  5. I would like to start collecting a list of the major problems you are 
  having running the Windows servers.   I currently know about:
  - Lack of documentation in the manual (I will fix this after 2.2.0 is
  - Restore of encrypted files produces signature errors (I hope to fix this
 before release of 2.2.0, but am not sure as it requires changing the
 signature algorithm -- some major restructuring rather than a simple 

 Can the setup of the database be added to the install, especially if 
 your just using sql lite

Yes, if I understand your question, this is already the case. The install 
installs SQLite, PostgreSQL, and MySQL.  In fact the regression scripts can 
run in the same database and at the same time, on the same machine as a 
production setup.  Obviously, if your production setup is big and sensitive, 
you probably would want to run the regression scripts on another machine, 
just for the extra assurance.

If this interests you, I would recommend reading the Regression chapter of the 
Developer's Guide, which is online on the web site. It tells you how to setup 
the regression scripts for Linux/Unix machines.  For Win32, there is a win32 
subdirectory in the regression directory, which *should* have everything a 
Windows guy needs to run them under Win32.

What I would like to do is to have someone setup and run the scripts and 
report back.  Then, I would like to try to unify the scripts so that there 
is only one copy of the actual script, and only the shell scripting around it 
would be different for Linux and Win32.

It takes a bit of time to setup the regression scripts in the beginning -- I 
would say, max 4 to 8 hours for someone that doesn't know them (it will be 
longer on Win32), then it only takes a few minutes to fire them off.  
Obviously, this is not an *urgent* item, so the learning curve can be spread 
over some time.



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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] mystery abaut Recycling

2007-06-15 Thread Ralf Winkler

Diogo, can you please give some more information,
like if you use a file or tape, what is your retention time,
did you set to automatically recycling ...


On 6/8/07, Diogo S Jorge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I perceived an interesting problem of the Bacula here in my server.

I receive a message that it needs intervention of the user to recycle a
volume to continue backup. As soon as I enter in the console, bacula carry
through the routine of pruned and recycling.

Somebody knows how to solve this problem?
View this message in context:
Sent from the Bacula - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Ralf Winkler
Senior Consultant
Mobile: +66 (0)8 9 927 6098
SafeComs Network Security Consulting Co.,  Ltd.
21/16 Premier Condominium, 4th Floor, Unit 401,
Sukhumvit 24 road, Klongton, Klongtoey
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] DVD Backup handler - Wrong concept?

2007-06-15 Thread Arno Lehmann

On 6/15/2007 9:47 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello List,
 when backing up to a dvd, bacula stored its file in the spool directory.
 If the DVD is full, does then the whole backup process stop and wait for 
 a new media?


 Example: I am on holiday for 14 days. After 4 Days the DVD is full. Does 
 then backula not back up at all until my DVD is writeable again?
 That would mean that i dont even have backups on my hard disk or spool 


 In my optionion bacula should carry on writing to the spool directory 
 and catch it up once a new DVD is inserted.

That's not how Bacula does it... sounds more like amanda with its disk 
staging concept.

 Did i understand the whole process wrong, or am i right?
 Any comments to this are desired.

Well, the solution would be to run backups to disk and later migrate to DVD.

D2D2D :-)

 Cheers, Mario


Arno Lehmann  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] problem with incremental jobs

2007-06-15 Thread Ralf Winkler


one question, did you change the fileset after the full backup on friday?
Everytime the fileset is changed, bacula will make a full backup at the next


On 6/12/07, Craig White [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have Friday's set to Full and Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday set to
Incremental. I started last Thursday and it did a full backup because it
said that the 'No prior suitable Full backup found in catalog' - that
made sense. That backup completed.

Then Friday did a Full backup and that completed successfully.

Now Monday's backup should have been an incremental but indeed it did
another Full backup as you can see from the first 2 lines of the log...

11-Jun 20:00 SRV1: No prior Full backup Job record found.
11-Jun 20:00 SRV1: No prior or suitable Full backup found in catalog.
Doing FULL backup.
11-Jun 20:00 SRV1: Start Backup JobId 21,

which makes no sense to me...

appropriate parts of bacula-dir.conf

Job {
  Name = NightlySave
  Type = Backup
  Client = SRV1
  FileSet = Full Set
  Schedule = WeeklyCycle
  Storage = DDS-4
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/NightlySave.bsr
  Max Start Delay = 22h
Schedule {
  Name = WeeklyCycle
  Run = Level=Incremental Pool=MondayPool Monday at 8:00pm
  Run = Level=Incremental Pool=TuesdayPool Tuesday at 8:00pm
  Run = Level=Incremental Pool=WednesdayPool Wednesday at 8:00pm
  Run = Level=Incremental Pool=ThursdayPool Thursday at 8:00pm
  Run = Level=Full Pool=WeeklyPool Friday at 1:00pm

Shouldn't it have run an 'incremental' backup last night?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Ralf Winkler
Senior Consultant
Mobile: +66 (0)8 9 927 6098
SafeComs Network Security Consulting Co.,  Ltd.
21/16 Premier Condominium, 4th Floor, Unit 401,
Sukhumvit 24 road, Klongton, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10500 Thailand
P: +66 (0)2 259 6281-3
F: +66 (0)2 661 1271
Note that Bangkok is +7 hrs  GMT
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Friday 15 June 2007 10:48, Jerome Massano wrote:
 Le vendredi 15 juin 2007 à 09:24 +0200, Kern Sibbald a écrit :
  If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
  responses to the following:
  1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula 
  Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula 
  on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
  Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
  extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
  sprayed all over the disk.
 This is a very good idea, for the reasons you explained (long names with

Thanks. That frosts me too.

  2. Has anyone tried the Bacula client on Vista, and if so, what are the 
  results?  (I believe that the tray monitor will not work, but there may be 
  other issues).
 Sorry, never tried Vista
  3. Are any of you Windows C++ programmers who would like to do a little 
 Sorry, but my programming skills are really too low.
  4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
  knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.
 I could give it a try. That would be done on a virtual windows on a
 virtual machine

Yes, that is fine I think.  Please see my previous email on this for how to 

In addition, if you or any of the other users who have offered their help 
would like to continue and have problems or feedback, I would *strongly* 
recommend to subscribe to the bacula-beta mailing list, where all questions 
and information about regression testing should be sent.  It is OK to copy 
the bacula-devel list as well, but not really appropriate to copy the 
bacula-users list for reporting or questions on regression testing.

Best regards,


  5. I would like to start collecting a list of the major problems you are 
  having running the Windows servers.   I currently know about:
  - Lack of documentation in the manual (I will fix this after 2.2.0 is
  - Restore of encrypted files produces signature errors (I hope to fix this
 before release of 2.2.0, but am not sure as it requires changing the
 signature algorithm -- some major restructuring rather than a simple 
  Best regards,
  This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
  Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
  control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
  Bacula-users mailing list

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Friday 15 June 2007 09:57, Michel Meyers wrote:
 Kern Sibbald wrote:
  If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your
  responses to the following:
  1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula 
  Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula 
  on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard
  Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are
  extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
  sprayed all over the disk.
 I definitely prefer the 'old' way of putting everything in c:\bacula and
 have kept my FD installations that way when the new installer came out.
 I don't care what M$ says, having the program in a directory that is not
 OS language specific, doesn't contain spaces and is self contained
 offers me certain advantages over their Program Files + Documents and
 Settings + Registry mess, namely:
 - Language independant paths: I can use external scripts to update
 Bacula. No need to push an installer and somehow coerce the Windows box
 to run it so that it can resolve the pathnames 'locally': I can just
 give an RPC command to shut down the FD, map the drive, place the new
 files in the standard directory and have the FD service come up through
 RPC again.)
 - No spaces in filenames: Obviously this avoids many issues with having
 to quote pathnames in config files etc etc.
 - Everything in/under one directory: After running the uninstaller,
 ensuring that everything is gone is easily done by wiping said
 directory. Similarly, finding the configuration files for the program is
 much easier that way than having to wade through Documents and
 Settings\variable_username\(Local Settings\)Application Data.

Yes, in the beginning when this new Windows standard layout was proposed, I 
thought it was a reasonable idea, but for the reasons that you mentioned 
above, it is very complicated.  Even worse, for languages where there is an 
accented character in one of these system names, the user must manually edit 
the conf files to make Bacula work because (apparently) the environment 
variable that defines the directory path is encoded in UTF-16, while Bacula 
requires UTF-8 in the conf files :-(

 Apart from it's what M$ wants, I do not see any advantage to actually
 using their convention (unless people use roaming profiles, but I doubt
 Bacula is a candidate for that). At least the config files of a program
 should always stay with it. That's my, very biased, 2 Eurocents. ;)
 That said, as I'm only using the Win32 FD, the defaults in the installer
 doesn't really bother me. I simply unpack the files from it using 7-Zip
 and then build my own or manually install the FD.
 I don't think I can help with any of the other points, maybe the
 regression scripts if that is doable in a VM and doesn't require any

Yes, I believe that it will run in a VM.  It should be interesting to try 
anyway, and the scripts can be run in disk only mode without the need for a 
tape drive.  Even though it is better to run the tape tests, it would be a 
big step forward if even the disk based regression tests were run.

If you have the time, I can see several projects:

1. Examine the install script, and modify it to allow the user to choose 
between a single directory and the standard Windows setup that is currently 
used.  This shouldn't be *too* difficult, because one can pull the old code 
from the SVN that wrote it all to one directory.

2. Possibly enhance the install script to allow the user to select advanced 
install or something and then to specify the path to all the various parts 
that are currently configurable (i.e. scripts, binaries, working 
directory, ...)

3. Try running the regression scripts.  Ideally several people would do this 
together.  In the long run, I would like the regression scripts to be run at 
a number of different places.  For example, one regression tester could 
concentrate on SQLite, and PostgreSQL, another tape tests, AMD, i386,  WinXP, 
Win2003 server, Vista ...  This is not a area where running regression tests 
is lost effort due to duplication of effort.

In any case, any help you can give, and any input on the process would be 
appreciated as I would like to see the Win32 testing effort brought up to the 
same levels as the Linux/Solaris/FreeBSD.  Even though, I personally prefer 
Linux environments, Win32 is important, and I would like to see it properly 
supported by the Bacula project.




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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula Cook Book

2007-06-15 Thread Felix Schwarz
Alexandre Bunn schrieb:
 I pretend test the Bacula Software and I would like a tip of Cook Book 
 to configure bacula for a backup using a Hard Disk.

What about
http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/Automated_Disk_Backup.html ?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] mystery abaut Recycling

2007-06-15 Thread Diogo S Jorge

Ok more informations:

- Use file

- Bacula 2.0.3

Pool {
  Name = tools_pool_I
  Pool Type = Backup
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 7
  Label Format = TOOLS_INCR-
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 10 days
  Maximum Volumes = 2

Schedule {
  Name = sched_tools
  Run = Incremental Pool=tools_pool_I mon-sun at 01:07

Ralf Winkler wrote:
 Diogo, can you please give some more information,
 like if you use a file or tape, what is your retention time,
 did you set to automatically recycling ...
 On 6/8/07, Diogo S Jorge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I perceived an interesting problem of the Bacula here in my server.

 I receive a message that it needs intervention of the user to recycle a
 volume to continue backup. As soon as I enter in the console, bacula
 through the routine of pruned and recycling.

 Somebody knows how to solve this problem?
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Bacula - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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 control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
 Bacula-users mailing list

 Ralf Winkler
 Senior Consultant
 Mobile: +66 (0)8 9 927 6098
 SafeComs Network Security Consulting Co.,  Ltd.
 21/16 Premier Condominium, 4th Floor, Unit 401,
 Sukhumvit 24 road, Klongton, Klongtoey
 Bangkok 10500 Thailand
 P: +66 (0)2 259 6281-3
 F: +66 (0)2 661 1271
 Note that Bangkok is +7 hrs  GMT
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 control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
 Bacula-users mailing list

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Sent from the Bacula - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread John Drescher
 1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula on
 Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory
 on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard
 Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are
 extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
 sprayed all over the disk.

Previously when  bacula defaulted to \bacula I changed that to go to
\Program Files\bacula as I really hate when programs do not follow the
default and clutter up the root folder.

 2. Has anyone tried the Bacula client on Vista, and if so, what are the
 results?  (I believe that the tray monitor will not work, but there may be
 other issues).

I do not have vista in my department or at home.

 3. Are any of you Windows C++ programmers who would like to do a little

Yes, I am a very experienced windows programmer who could do some
windows programming but I am usually short on time.

 4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a minimal
 knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.

All my bacula servers are on linux but I could run some regression
tests as long as it does not require a tape drive in windows.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] mystery abaut Recycling

2007-06-15 Thread Ralf Winkler


thank you, after a first view i would say there is a misconfiguration
between the Volume Retention and the Maximum Volumes.
You have 2 Volumes, but the Retention time is 10 days.
Together wih the Maximum Volume Jobs = 7 you get a problem.
If you have enough space, set the Maximum Volumes to 3.
Otherwise you have to change the Retention time.


On 6/15/07, Diogo S Jorge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok more informations:

- Use file

- Bacula 2.0.3

Pool {
  Name = tools_pool_I
  Pool Type = Backup
  Maximum Volume Jobs = 7
  Label Format = TOOLS_INCR-
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 10 days
  Maximum Volumes = 2

Schedule {
  Name = sched_tools
  Run = Incremental Pool=tools_pool_I mon-sun at 01:07

Ralf Winkler wrote:

 Diogo, can you please give some more information,
 like if you use a file or tape, what is your retention time,
 did you set to automatically recycling ...


 On 6/8/07, Diogo S Jorge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I perceived an interesting problem of the Bacula here in my server.

 I receive a message that it needs intervention of the user to recycle a
 volume to continue backup. As soon as I enter in the console, bacula
 through the routine of pruned and recycling.

 Somebody knows how to solve this problem?
 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Bacula - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

 This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
 Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
 control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
 Bacula-users mailing list

 Ralf Winkler
 Senior Consultant
 Mobile: +66 (0)8 9 927 6098
 SafeComs Network Security Consulting Co.,  Ltd.
 21/16 Premier Condominium, 4th Floor, Unit 401,
 Sukhumvit 24 road, Klongton, Klongtoey
 Bangkok 10500 Thailand
 P: +66 (0)2 259 6281-3
 F: +66 (0)2 661 1271
 Note that Bangkok is +7 hrs  GMT

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 control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
 Bacula-users mailing list

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Sent from the Bacula - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
Bacula-users mailing list

Ralf Winkler
Senior Consultant
Mobile: +66 (0)8 9 927 6098
SafeComs Network Security Consulting Co.,  Ltd.
21/16 Premier Condominium, 4th Floor, Unit 401,
Sukhumvit 24 road, Klongton, Klongtoey
Bangkok 10500 Thailand
P: +66 (0)2 259 6281-3
F: +66 (0)2 661 1271
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Questions for Bacula Windowsusers ...

2007-06-15 Thread David Boyes
  1. I am considering to change the default installation location for
 Bacula on
  Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula
  on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the
  Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are
  extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and
  sprayed all over the disk.

Please don't change this. I talked to the Windows guys here (who are
fairly reasonable sorts) and they expect packages that go into their
environment to comply with the manufacturer's recommended packaging and
location strategy. Putting things in the root directory (aka the old
way) messes up their management plans and the way they do builds, and
makes them grumpy. Grumpy Windows admins is bad, particularly if you
want companies to pick up Bacula into the mainstream. 

Keep in mind that for those whose only experience is with Windows, this
is the way things are supposed to work. They don't know any better, and
things that make them think are difficult, and thus bad. 

Personally, I want it in SYS1.PARMLIB, but the LKED and IEBLIBR steps
just don't want to happen for me...8-)

-- db

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Win32 encryption problems

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald

I am now working on bug #807, where decrypting files gets signature digest 
errors on each file restored.  As far as I can tell, these are *false* error 
messages, most likely due to the fact that Microsoft BackupWrite() does not 
restore exactly the same bits as BackupRead() gave.

Anyway, in looking at the encryption code in detail, which I have not totally 
finished, I come to realize that there are some important problems that need 

1. The code is rather inefficient from several stand points -- see items

2. It does a number of malloc() and free()s for each file backed up
which is something that Bacula does not normally do.  Over time,
I will fix this.

3. In computing the signature digest, during a restore, it first writes the
file to disk, then re-reads the whole file computing the digest that it
compares to the original.  This is very inefficient, and I am planning
to change it in version 2.2.0 to compute the signature digest as it
   reads the data from the SD, and thus to skip reading the file after it
   is written.  

   Upside -- *much* more efficient; the current signature errors
   will be eliminated.

   Downside -- it is probably better to compute the signature from the
   actual file written in case something goes wrong in writing it.  However,
   this doesn't work.

4. The current signature digest algorithm (as far as I can tell) is not saved
   on the Volume. The signature digest algorithm is compiled into the code,
   and it is a different algorithm depending on whether or not you have
   only SHA1 or you have SHA2 algorithms available.  This is *very* bad.
   It means that if you rebuild your Bacula FD, it may not be able to compute
   a signature digest for a restore in the same way it did for the backup.

5. While computing the signature digest for a restore as noted above, the 
code is also computing a digest, which is used for the Bacula file hash
code -- i.e. the old MD5 or SHA1.  This means that two digests are
during the restore, which is unnecessary (as mentioned in the author's
comments in the files).

6. There are a good number of places where the error code returned is
 simply ignored.

7. The code for the most part causes any OpenSSL errors to be lost.
This is now fixed in version 2.1.14

I'm proposing the following:

Item 2.  Eliminate the unnecessary malloc() calls over time (some gone in
version 2.1.14

Item 3. Do the signature digest as the data is received from the SD
   eliminating the need to re-read the file.  I hope to do this before version
   2.2.0 is released.

Items 4-5.  Compute only a single digest and use it for the signature record
   as well as the hash code that goes into the catalog.  I doubt this can be
   done for version 2.2.0 without delaying it another month, because this
   is not so simple (new streams for the Volume) and unfortunately, not
   100% upward transparent -- you will need to modify your Dir conf file to
   have the same level of signature protection as today.

Item 6. Fix over time.

Item 7. Already fixed.

If anyone has any comments or objections, particularly on item 3, now is the 
time to speak up.

Best regards,


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Questions for Bacula Windowsusers ...

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Friday 15 June 2007 13:54, David Boyes wrote:
   1. I am considering to change the default installation location for
  Bacula on
   Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula
   on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the
   Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are
   extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and
   sprayed all over the disk.
 Please don't change this. I talked to the Windows guys here (who are
 fairly reasonable sorts) and they expect packages that go into their
 environment to comply with the manufacturer's recommended packaging and
 location strategy. Putting things in the root directory (aka the old
 way) messes up their management plans and the way they do builds, and
 makes them grumpy. Grumpy Windows admins is bad, particularly if you
 want companies to pick up Bacula into the mainstream. 

OK, it is not going away, but there will probably be some additional options 
or a different default.

 Keep in mind that for those whose only experience is with Windows, this
 is the way things are supposed to work. They don't know any better, and
 things that make them think are difficult, and thus bad. 
 Personally, I want it in SYS1.PARMLIB, but the LKED and IEBLIBR steps
 just don't want to happen for me...8-)
 -- db
 This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
 Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
 control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
 Bacula-devel mailing list

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control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Friday 15 June 2007 13:20, John Drescher wrote:
  1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula 
  Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula 
  on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard
  Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are
  extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
  sprayed all over the disk.
 Previously when  bacula defaulted to \bacula I changed that to go to
 \Program Files\bacula as I really hate when programs do not follow the
 default and clutter up the root folder.
  2. Has anyone tried the Bacula client on Vista, and if so, what are the
  results?  (I believe that the tray monitor will not work, but there may be
  other issues).
 I do not have vista in my department or at home.
  3. Are any of you Windows C++ programmers who would like to do a little
 Yes, I am a very experienced windows programmer who could do some
 windows programming but I am usually short on time.

Well, I have a nice little project, if you can find a bit of time.  It is to 
separate the Win32 tray monitor code from the Bacula FD into a separate 
executable.  This is necessary to support Vista since Vista does not permit 
services to interact with the desktop.  

As a part of this project, if it interests you, I'd like to add a bit more 
functionality, for example the ability to have multiple tray monitors, or one 
that can monitor multiple machines, and also to add a bit more functionality, 
such as implementing a button that initiates a backup, and finally an 
installation option (or perhaps a command line options) that removes the 
ability for the user to terminate the service (unless he/she has 
Administrator privilege).

Most of the code already exists, it is just a matter of removing it from the 
FD and making it a stand alone program.  In the process, I would like to 
re-write it so that the copyright is held only by the Bacula project (i.e. 
FSFE ...).

If this interests you, please see me off list to get this started.  Well, you 
can start by reading the beginning of the Developer's guide (online) about 
the FSFE and the FLA and copyright assignment (transfer).

  4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
  knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.
 All my bacula servers are on linux but I could run some regression
 tests as long as it does not require a tape drive in windows.

It is nice having a tape drive because it provides additional testing, but the 
vast bulk of the tests are disk based.If you are interested in this, 
please read my previous emails about the regression testing ...

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Win32 encryption problems

2007-06-15 Thread Josh Fisher
Kern Sibbald wrote:

 I am now working on bug #807, where decrypting files gets signature digest 
 errors on each file restored.  As far as I can tell, these are *false* error 
 messages, most likely due to the fact that Microsoft BackupWrite() does not 
 restore exactly the same bits as BackupRead() gave.

 Anyway, in looking at the encryption code in detail, which I have not totally 
 finished, I come to realize that there are some important problems that need 

 1. The code is rather inefficient from several stand points -- see items

 2. It does a number of malloc() and free()s for each file backed up
 which is something that Bacula does not normally do.  Over time,
 I will fix this.

 3. In computing the signature digest, during a restore, it first writes the
 file to disk, then re-reads the whole file computing the digest that it
 compares to the original.  This is very inefficient, and I am planning
 to change it in version 2.2.0 to compute the signature digest as it
reads the data from the SD, and thus to skip reading the file after it
is written.  

Upside -- *much* more efficient; the current signature errors
will be eliminated.

Downside -- it is probably better to compute the signature from the
actual file written in case something goes wrong in writing it.  However,
this doesn't work.


I don't think there is a downside. If something goes wrong with writing 
the file, then the file is corrupt and it might as well get a digest 
error on restore as a checksum error, or worse, no error at all.

 4. The current signature digest algorithm (as far as I can tell) is not saved
on the Volume. The signature digest algorithm is compiled into the code,
and it is a different algorithm depending on whether or not you have
only SHA1 or you have SHA2 algorithms available.  This is *very* bad.
It means that if you rebuild your Bacula FD, it may not be able to compute
a signature digest for a restore in the same way it did for the backup.

 5. While computing the signature digest for a restore as noted above, the 
 code is also computing a digest, which is used for the Bacula file hash
 code -- i.e. the old MD5 or SHA1.  This means that two digests are
 during the restore, which is unnecessary (as mentioned in the author's
 comments in the files).

 6. There are a good number of places where the error code returned is
  simply ignored.

 7. The code for the most part causes any OpenSSL errors to be lost.
 This is now fixed in version 2.1.14

 I'm proposing the following:

 Item 2.  Eliminate the unnecessary malloc() calls over time (some gone in
 version 2.1.14

 Item 3. Do the signature digest as the data is received from the SD
eliminating the need to re-read the file.  I hope to do this before version
2.2.0 is released.

 Items 4-5.  Compute only a single digest and use it for the signature record
as well as the hash code that goes into the catalog.  I doubt this can be
done for version 2.2.0 without delaying it another month, because this
is not so simple (new streams for the Volume) and unfortunately, not
100% upward transparent -- you will need to modify your Dir conf file to
have the same level of signature protection as today.

 Item 6. Fix over time.

 Item 7. Already fixed.

 If anyone has any comments or objections, particularly on item 3, now is the 
 time to speak up.

 Best regards,


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Re: [Bacula-users] mystery abaut Recycling

2007-06-15 Thread Diogo S Jorge


Thanks for the reply

Change the Retention time? Why? Change to more or less?

Thanks again!

Ralf Winkler wrote:
 thank you, after a first view i would say there is a misconfiguration
 between the Volume Retention and the Maximum Volumes.
 You have 2 Volumes, but the Retention time is 10 days.
 Together wih the Maximum Volume Jobs = 7 you get a problem.
 If you have enough space, set the Maximum Volumes to 3.
 Otherwise you have to change the Retention time.
 On 6/15/07, Diogo S Jorge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ok more informations:

 - Use file

 - Bacula 2.0.3

 Pool {
   Name = tools_pool_I
   Pool Type = Backup
   Maximum Volume Jobs = 7
   Label Format = TOOLS_INCR-
   Recycle = yes
   AutoPrune = yes
   Volume Retention = 10 days
   Maximum Volumes = 2

 Schedule {
   Name = sched_tools
   Run = Incremental Pool=tools_pool_I mon-sun at 01:07

 Ralf Winkler wrote:
  Diogo, can you please give some more information,
  like if you use a file or tape, what is your retention time,
  did you set to automatically recycling ...
  On 6/8/07, Diogo S Jorge [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I perceived an interesting problem of the Bacula here in my server.
  I receive a message that it needs intervention of the user to recycle
  volume to continue backup. As soon as I enter in the console, bacula
  through the routine of pruned and recycling.
  Somebody knows how to solve this problem?
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  Ralf Winkler
  Senior Consultant
  Mobile: +66 (0)8 9 927 6098
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  Sukhumvit 24 road, Klongton, Klongtoey
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 Ralf Winkler
 Senior Consultant
 Mobile: +66 (0)8 9 927 6098
 SafeComs Network Security Consulting Co.,  Ltd.
 21/16 Premier Condominium, 4th Floor, Unit 401,
 Sukhumvit 24 road, Klongton, Klongtoey
 Bangkok 10500 Thailand
 P: +66 (0)2 259 6281-3
 F: +66 (0)2 661 1271
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Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Win32 encryption problems

2007-06-15 Thread Kern Sibbald
On Friday 15 June 2007 15:00, Josh Fisher wrote:
 Kern Sibbald wrote:
  I am now working on bug #807, where decrypting files gets signature digest 
  errors on each file restored.  As far as I can tell, these are *false* 
  messages, most likely due to the fact that Microsoft BackupWrite() does 
  restore exactly the same bits as BackupRead() gave.
  Anyway, in looking at the encryption code in detail, which I have not 
  finished, I come to realize that there are some important problems that 
  1. The code is rather inefficient from several stand points -- see items
  2. It does a number of malloc() and free()s for each file backed up
  which is something that Bacula does not normally do.  Over time,
  I will fix this.
  3. In computing the signature digest, during a restore, it first writes 
  file to disk, then re-reads the whole file computing the digest that 
  compares to the original.  This is very inefficient, and I am planning
  to change it in version 2.2.0 to compute the signature digest as it
 reads the data from the SD, and thus to skip reading the file after it
 is written.  
 Upside -- *much* more efficient; the current signature errors
 will be eliminated.
 Downside -- it is probably better to compute the signature from the
 actual file written in case something goes wrong in writing it.  
 this doesn't work.

 I don't think there is a downside. If something goes wrong with writing 
 the file, then the file is corrupt and it might as well get a digest 
 error on restore as a checksum error, or worse, no error at all.

Yes, good point.  Thanks.


  4. The current signature digest algorithm (as far as I can tell) is not 
 on the Volume. The signature digest algorithm is compiled into the 
 and it is a different algorithm depending on whether or not you have
 only SHA1 or you have SHA2 algorithms available.  This is *very* bad.
 It means that if you rebuild your Bacula FD, it may not be able to 
 a signature digest for a restore in the same way it did for the backup.
  5. While computing the signature digest for a restore as noted above, the 
  code is also computing a digest, which is used for the Bacula file 
  code -- i.e. the old MD5 or SHA1.  This means that two digests are
  during the restore, which is unnecessary (as mentioned in the author's
  comments in the files).
  6. There are a good number of places where the error code returned is
   simply ignored.
  7. The code for the most part causes any OpenSSL errors to be lost.
  This is now fixed in version 2.1.14
  I'm proposing the following:
  Item 2.  Eliminate the unnecessary malloc() calls over time (some gone in
  version 2.1.14
  Item 3. Do the signature digest as the data is received from the SD
 eliminating the need to re-read the file.  I hope to do this before 
 2.2.0 is released.
  Items 4-5.  Compute only a single digest and use it for the signature 
 as well as the hash code that goes into the catalog.  I doubt this can 
 done for version 2.2.0 without delaying it another month, because this
 is not so simple (new streams for the Volume) and unfortunately, not
 100% upward transparent -- you will need to modify your Dir conf file 
 have the same level of signature protection as today.
  Item 6. Fix over time.
  Item 7. Already fixed.
  If anyone has any comments or objections, particularly on item 3, now is 
  time to speak up.
  Best regards,
  This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
  Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
  control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
  Bacula-users mailing list

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Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Win32 encryption problems

2007-06-15 Thread David Boyes
Small request: can we start to clip the extra text in responses? It's
getting very difficult to find the actual content in these

 Downside -- it is probably better to compute the signature from
 actual file written in case something goes wrong in writing it.
 this doesn't work.
 I don't think there is a downside. If something goes wrong with
 the file, then the file is corrupt and it might as well get a digest
 error on restore as a checksum error, or worse, no error at all.

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Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread John Drescher
 Well, I have a nice little project, if you can find a bit of time.  It is to
 separate the Win32 tray monitor code from the Bacula FD into a separate
 executable.  This is necessary to support Vista since Vista does not permit
 services to interact with the desktop.

 As a part of this project, if it interests you, I'd like to add a bit more
 functionality, for example the ability to have multiple tray monitors, or one
 that can monitor multiple machines, and also to add a bit more functionality,
 such as implementing a button that initiates a backup, and finally an
 installation option (or perhaps a command line options) that removes the
 ability for the user to terminate the service (unless he/she has
 Administrator privilege).

 Most of the code already exists, it is just a matter of removing it from the
 FD and making it a stand alone program.  In the process, I would like to
 re-write it so that the copyright is held only by the Bacula project (i.e.
 FSFE ...).

 If this interests you, please see me off list to get this started.  Well, you
 can start by reading the beginning of the Developer's guide (online) about
 the FSFE and the FLA and copyright assignment (transfer).

I will try to check the developer guide this weekend (several factors
may prevent this). Before committing to this task I need to see how
much effort it will be to get the build environment up and running at
home under my main box at home which runs 64 bit gentoo linux. I have
never used mingw so I will have to learn that. As for the programming
task, I have done similar taskbar applications in the past so this
part should not be too difficult.


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Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Backup of databases and Exchange

2007-06-15 Thread db
Kern Sibbald wrote:
 I don't foresee the Bacula project undertaking these 
 kinds of projects because the Bacula project is about Bacula not about MySQL, 
 PostgreSQL, Exchange, Oracle, DB2, ...   
Bacula is about Bacula? I thought Bacula was about backup?  Like it or 
not, but admins have to take backup of files AND systems. If Bacula 
fails to acknowledge this, then it can't provide a complete backup 
solution and that would be a shame.
Yes you can script a solution to some database systems, but it would be 
nice to have a supported solution that was part of Bacula. Scripting a 
database backup still doesn't help exchange and other systems. The 
possibility to create an exchange module it here, but am I the only own 
that sees the need for it? Doesn't people want an alternative to systems 
like Symantec backup exec as a central complete backup system?

Best regards

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Re: [Bacula-users] volume retention period not working?

2007-06-15 Thread Chantal Rosmuller

 Hi Arno,

 Yes it is absolutely necessary that bacula uses the tape that is in the
 drive, That is what the customer wants. They want to switch the tapes every
 day themselves but when they forget they still want a new backup to be
 made. I noticed that that's not exactly the bacula logic, but it should be
 possible I think.



I still haven't solved this problem. The old tape has to be automatically 
overwritten when the user forgets to change it. The retention period seems to 
work now, but the following happened:

- the backup on the used tape did not take place, message was the same: 
Volume DefaultVolume-0014 status is Used, but should be Append, Purged or 
- I canceled the job and started one manually, still nothing
- then I manually mounted the tape and the backup started

So the recycling works but the tape has to be unmounted and remounted, is 
there anyway to do this automatically?


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Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Backup of databases and Exchange

2007-06-15 Thread db
Kern Sibbald wrote:
 I believe I already explained to you how I plan to get solutions that 
 are part of Bacula, and in explicitly acknowledging this issue, I cannot 
 undstand why you say  If Bacula fails to acknowledge this   At the 
 moment, there are *many* more critical features that Bacula lacks than what 
 you are asking for when one looks at the voting results from the Bacula users 
Oh my bad, I thought you meant that you had to pay for backup of 
commercial systems.

Best regards

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Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Project for strong incremental backup assurance

2007-06-15 Thread Andre Noll
On 15:35, Andre Noll wrote:

  - Reviewing my hash table code (particularly the hash function)  
  src/lib/htable.h src/lib/htable.c
 Will do.

First some general remarks:

- check the return value of malloc()
- keys are restricted to strings. it would be easy to extend this
  to arbitrary data by adding a size field.
- IMHO %p is prefered for printing pointer variables.

--- htable.h

 struct hlink {
void *next;/* next hash item */

why not struct hlink *next?

char *key; /* key this item */
uint32_t hash; /* hash for this key */
 class htable : public SMARTALLOC {
hlink **table; /* hash table */
int loffset;   /* link offset in item */

see below.

uint32_t num_items;/* current number of items */
uint32_t max_items;/* maximum items before growing */

see below.

uint32_t buckets;  /* size of hash table */
uint32_t hash; /* temp storage */
uint32_t index;/* temp storage */
uint32_t mask; /* remainder mask */
uint32_t rshift;   /* amount to shift down */
hlink *walkptr;/* table walk pointer */

This is only used in first() and next(). IMHO the code would be
more readable if this were local to these two methods and
mext() would take a pointer to the predecessor.

uint32_t walk_index;   /* table walk index */

same here.

void hash_index(char *key);/* produce hash key,index */
void grow_table(); /* grow the table */
htable(void *item, void *link, int tsize = 31);
~htable() { destroy(); }
void init(void *item, void *link, int tsize = 31);
bool  insert(char *key, void *item);
void *lookup(char *key);
void *first(); /* get first item in table */
void *next();  /* get next item in table */
void destroy();
void stats();  /* print stats about the table */
uint32_t size();   /* return size of table */


  * Create hash of key, stored in hash then
  *  create and return the pseudo random bucket index
 void htable::hash_index(char *key)
hash = 0;
for (char *p=key; *p; p++) {
   hash += (hash  3) + (uint32_t)*p;

This ist just shifting and multiplication with the bytes in key. I
would expect this hash to have quite some unneccessary collisions
when used on strings, though I'm by no means an expert in this area.

/* Multiply by large prime number, take top bits, mask for remainder */
index = ((hash * 1103515249)  rshift)  mask;
Dmsg2(100, Leave hash_index hash=0x%x index=%d\n, hash, index);

The return statement is unneccesary.

 void htable::init(void *item, void *link, int tsize)
int pwr;
tsize = 2;
for (pwr=0; tsize; pwr++) {
   tsize = 1;
loffset = (char *)link - (char *)item;

This is a constant, known at compile time, so make it a preprocessor
define using offsetof.

mask = ~((~0)pwr);   /* 3 bits = table size = 8 */
rshift = 30 - pwr; /* start using bits 28, 29, 30 */
num_items = 0; /* number of entries in table */
buckets = 1pwr;  /* hash table size -- power of two */
max_items = buckets * 4;   /* allow average 4 entries per chain */

As max_items is always four times the number of buckets, we could
get rid of max_items. More importantly, I think it is not optimal
to store that many keys in the table because that means we'll have
in average four hits per bucket. I'd rather choose max_items _smaller_
than the number of buckets. For instance the git code which uses hash
tables extensively, grows its table whenever it is filled 66%.

table = (hlink **)malloc(buckets * sizeof(hlink *));

unneccessary cast.

memset(table, 0, buckets * sizeof(hlink *));

how about calloc() instead of malloc + memset?

  * Take each hash link and walk down the chain of items
  *  that hash there counting them (i.e. the hits), 
  *  then report that number.

Open addressing might be better than chaining to deal with
hash collisions. In particular if items are never (or rarely)
removed from the table.

  *  Obiously, the more hits in a chain, the more time
  *  it takes to reference them. Empty chains are not so
  *  hot either -- as it means unused or wasted space.
 #define MAX_COUNT 20

Unless I'm mistaken, the code will fail badly if there are more than
MAX_COUNT keys that hash to the same value.

 void htable::stats()
int hits[MAX_COUNT];
int max = 0;
int i, j;
hlink *p;
printf(\n\nNumItems=%d\nTotal buckets=%d\n, num_items, 

[Bacula-users] Bacula and my MYSQL backup

2007-06-15 Thread Mostafa Itani
Dear All,


I am running bacula version 2.0.2 on Linux Redhat enterprise 4. The server
is running moodle application. Basically a web application with MYSQL


I want to make sure that the back up of MYSQL is done even when the database
is being accessed. Meaning when users are modifying the database, and the
backup is running at the same time, I just want to make sure about the
result, and how bacula will handle this. As I read it takes a shadow or
snapshot, backs it up and then delete the image, I just want a confirmation
message, that the database will not be skipped during the back up.


Best regards,

Mostafa Itani

System Administrator

American University of Beirut
College Hall B2

P.O. Box 11-0236 Beirut, Lebanon

Tel:  +961 1 35 - Ext: 3518

Cell: +961 3 811972

Web: www.aub.edu.lb



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Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Project for strong incremental backup assurance

2007-06-15 Thread Andre Noll
On 14:45, Kern Sibbald wrote:

  - keys are restricted to strings. it would be easy to extend this
to arbitrary data by adding a size field.
 Yes, good idea, though I don't immediately see a need to handle anything 
 than strings within Bacula.

Well, one could hash the _contents_ of the files as well to detect renames.

  hlink *walkptr;/* table walk pointer */
  This is only used in first() and next(). IMHO the code would be
  more readable if this were local to these two methods and
  mext() would take a pointer to the predecessor.
 I think what you are suggesting is possible, and I will take a look at it. 
 However, it leads to several problems:
 1. walkptr and walk_index are then no longer treated the same, and IMO that 
 will make it harder to read the code.  I.e. there are 2 pieces of information 
 that would have to be returned and then passed into next().

Yes, that's right, so a struct containing these two pieces of
information would do the trick. Additional benefit is that this would
make the code thread safe.

 2. There will be additional code necessary to adjust the pointer on entry, 
 which I currently avoid by keeping walkptr in the class.

I don't quite follow. Which adjustments you are seeing here? BTW:
The next() method only works as expected if there are no inserts in
between. I think this isn't an obvious fact and should be documented.

While thinking a bit more on it, it would probably be a good thing
to replace first() and next() by a new function for_each_key() that
takes a pointer to a function to be called for each entry of the hash
table. That way, nothing of the internal details needs being exposed
and walk_ptr/walk_index could still be local.

 3. It complicates the user code in that it must pass the old pointer to the 
 next() routine and if it is symmetric also walk_index.

That's a of course true. And it raises the question what to do if the
user passes outdated information to next().

  This ist just shifting and multiplication with the bytes in key. I
  would expect this hash to have quite some unneccessary collisions
  when used on strings, though I'm by no means an expert in this area.
 If I am not mistaken, this is a *very* common technique.

Yes it is, the question is whether this simple hashing method performs
better than a more sophisticated function (which burns more CPU cycles
for computing the hash but might save time afterwards because the
keys are better distributed). We'll definitely need some tests with
real world data here.

  This is a constant, known at compile time, so make it a preprocessor
  define using offsetof.
 Uh, what is This is a constant?   I don't see any constant. loffset depends 
 on how one calls the routines.  Rather than using a C++ template, which 
 duplicates the code for each different structure that contains a hash link, 
 Bacula computes the offset of the link in the structure, and thus with the 
 same source code can handle any number of different user structures that have 
 hash links.  I have done the same for alist (allocated list) and dlist 
 (doubly linked lists).  The downside of this technique is that the higher 
 level code must cast because it passes void pointers to the structures.
 It is a bit of a tricky point, so I'm not sure the above is clear.

Thanks for the explanation, I think I understand now, please correct me
if I'm wrong. The user is expected to define a structure containing
at least two members: A pointer to an hlink structure and a pointer
to the data to be hashed.

And yes, you're right, loffset is not a constant if the htable code
aims to work with arbitrary such structures. But for _each_ such
structure it's a constant, so I think one could get rid of the casts
by using some preprocessor magic and offsetof().

For example, if the user struct is

struct my_struct {
struct my_item *item;
struct hlink *link;

struct my_struct *my_array = malloc(42 * sizeof(*my_array));

the user would call

HASH_INIT(my_struct, link, item, 42);

where HASH_INIT would be

#define HASH_INIT(type, link_member, item_member, size) \
hash_init(offsetof(type, link_member) - offsetof(type, 
item_member), size)

and hash_init could be simplified to

void htable::init(int offset, int tsize)
loffset = offset

No casts and type safe.

  More importantly, I think it is not optimal 
  to store that many keys in the table because that means we'll have
  in average four hits per bucket. I'd rather choose max_items _smaller_
  than the number of buckets. For instance the git code which uses hash
  tables extensively, grows its table whenever it is filled 66%.
 I'd like to see some tests on this.  I'm not convinced that the % full is a 
 good criterion because you could then have one bucket 

[Bacula-users] Backup-to-tape in a lights-out environment?

2007-06-15 Thread David Lee Lambert
I've been evaluating Bacula to use for backing up a Linux+Samba fileserver
and a few other Linux application servers to tape.  Right now,  some
Windows servers in the same machine-room are backed up as daily full
backups on a weekly rotation,  using BackupExec.  Someone goes in once a
day during business hours,  puts away last night's tape,  and inserts the
tape for the current day;  the backup runs some time during the night.

It seems like we could force this to happen with backup pools,  one pool for
each weekday night.  However,  I'm not sure how that would interact with
holidays and with the second set of tapes that are kept off-site.  Is there
a way to tell Bacula to use whatever tape is in the drive,  no matter

David Lee Lambert
  Software Developer, Precision Motor Transport Group, LLC
  work phone 517-349-3011 x223
  cell phone 586-873-8813

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Re: [Bacula-users] Console messages

2007-06-15 Thread Kyle Marsh
I would like to know if there is a way to have the messages all be
logged, but not sent to the console unless the console is active -- I
don't plan to be looking at the console much once a system is up and
running, but having hundreds of messages scroll past when you log in
is at least annoying.

~Kyle Marsh

On 6/14/07, Arno Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 6/14/2007 3:07 PM, le dahut wrote:
  Must the console messages (bconsole = messages) be flushed regularly
  or is there a configuration option telling not to store the messages or
  can it stay as it is ?

 As fa as I know the console messages are buffered on disk. You don't
 have to flush them (unless you want to display them, of course...) and
 there is no configuration setting regarding them.

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  Bacula-users mailing list

 IT-Service Lehmann[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 Bacula-users mailing list

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Has this list been having problems sending mail?

2007-06-15 Thread Steve Campbell
I seem to be getting mail from the list that in no way seems consistent. 
This morning I received email from June 9, and this seems to be the norm 

Has there been problems with the list recently sending emails?



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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Backup of databases and Exchange

2007-06-15 Thread db
Marc Cousin wrote:
 It's funny you take Exchange as an example, as the only supported way of 
 backing up Exchange is, I think, NT Backup... And I'd say I trust MS on this 
 one, as most Exchange backup agents (symantec included) we've tested suck big 
 time. As it is, we backup exchange on disk with ntbackup, then through the 
 network with bacula. We do the same with Oracle (RMAN, then bacula).
 You know what ? We already did the same before with our proprietary software, 
 as there were dedicated agents, but none of the worked as well (reliably) as 
 ntbackup or RMAN... no one knows the internals of these softwares as well as 
 their editors.
Ah ok, I see. Thank you for your reply :-)

Best regards

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] FAQ-ish question - Tough situation, I think it's impossible w/ bacula...

2007-06-15 Thread John Drescher

3) Each day a non-bacula-educated user will manually change tapes and
the new tape off-site.
I have an ADMIN job that unmounts the drive, updates the slots then
the drive before any jobs on that SD run.

4) If operator forgets to switch tapes, over-write whatever tape from the
specified pool that's loaded in the tape changer.  Due to other jobs that
before/after it each day, it won't be the tape that's loaded in the tape

The problem here is after manually switching tapes in the autochanger
someone must run the update slots command from bacula before any jobs are
run. This can be as simple as clicking on a button that feeds the command
into bconsole.

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Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula and my MYSQL backup

2007-06-15 Thread Frank Sweetser
Mostafa Itani wrote:
 Dear All,
 I am running bacula version “2.0.2” on Linux Redhat enterprise 4. The
 server is running moodle application. Basically a web application with
 MYSQL database.
 I want to make sure that the back up of MYSQL is done even when the
 database is being accessed. Meaning when users are modifying the
 database, and the backup is running at the same time, I just want to
 make sure about the result, and how bacula will handle this. As I read
 it takes a shadow or snapshot, backs it up and then delete the image, I
 just want a confirmation message, that the database will not be skipped
 during the back up.

Bacula by itself doesn't have anything special for backing up MySQL (or any
other databases) - it just reads the files it's pointed at.  Typically you
want to do something like this:

1)  Ensure the database is in a consistent state (no partial transactions
committed), if necessary by stopping the applications.

2)  Create an extract of the database, such as via mysqldump.

3)  Restart the application.

4)  Let Bacula back up the extract.

Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Has this list been having problems sending mail?

2007-06-15 Thread Rich
On 2007.06.15. 18:15, Russell Howe wrote:
 It could also be the original poster gets fed up waiting for me to find 
 time to run through the queue, and so subscribes and then reposts.
 Then when I go through the queue, I release the original message and you 
 get a dup.
 Sorry about that - I'm struggling to find the time to even go through 
 the queue (nor can I even find the time to maintain my bacula install!)

with delays approaching 4 and more days, would it make sense to disallow 
non-subscribed posting ?

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Has this list been having problems sending mail?

2007-06-15 Thread Jeremy C. Reed
On Fri, 15 Jun 2007, Steve Campbell wrote:

 I seem to be getting mail from the list that in no way seems consistent. 
 This morning I received email from June 9, and this seems to be the norm 
 Has there been problems with the list recently sending emails?

Its been that way for at least six months. I think it is caused by 
a mailing list moderator approving messages.

I am not sure, but I think maybe the approval mechanism causes duplicate 
emails also -- in the case where the original sender carbon-copied two 
bacula lists, but was only subscribed to one. One gets delivered. One gets 
moderated. When approved, it gets sent to both (one gets repeated). At 
least that is what it appears to have been doing to me.

  Jeremy C. Reed

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread George R . Kasica
On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 00:56:32 -0700, you wrote:

Kern Sibbald wrote:
 If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
 responses to the following:
 1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula 
 Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory 
 on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
 Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
 extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
 sprayed all over the disk.

I actually prefer having them in the standard locations. On our Windows
servers we have data execution prevention policies which stop programs
from executing if they aren't under C:\Program Files.
I'd agree with this statement for many clients I work with.

 4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
 knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.
I would be willing to run regression scripts. We have a lot of Windows
servers which we run Bacula on (the fd only). And I would like to help
make sure Bacula continues to work on our systems.
Same situation here, I'd be happy to test out that portion. The SD and
DIR run off linux here. Servers are 2003 with all up to date patches,
and workstations are XP-SP2 again fully updated normally.
===[George R. Kasica]===+1 262 677 0766
President   +1 206 374 6482 FAX 
Netwrx Consulting Inc.  Jackson, WI USA 
ICQ #12862186

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[Bacula-users] RunAfterJob

2007-06-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello List,

i would like to do something with each created volume.
By using the RunAfterJob command and the %v variable it turned out, that 
%v contains only the last volume.

For example:
After a Full Job created 12 Volumes, each 250MB big, the command here: 
RunAfterJob = md5sum %v
Results in md5sum %v volume0012.

Is there something like RunAfterVolume?

Cheers, Mario

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula and my MYSQL backup

2007-06-15 Thread Rich
On 2007.06.12. 11:27, Mostafa Itani wrote:
 Dear All,
 I am running bacula version “2.0.2” on Linux Redhat enterprise 4. The 
 server is running moodle application. Basically a web application with 
 MYSQL database.
 I want to make sure that the back up of MYSQL is done even when the 
 database is being accessed. Meaning when users are modifying the 
 database, and the backup is running at the same time, I just want to 
 make sure about the result, and how bacula will handle this. As I read 
 it takes a shadow or snapshot, backs it up and then delete the image, I 
 just want a confirmation message, that the database will not be skipped 
 during the back up.

there are several ways to accomplish this.

1. if all (or most) of your tables are innodb, the best probably is to 
use mysqldump and dump databases in a single transaction.
a) you can dump the data to files, which later get backed up by bacula;
b) you can take db backup through a pipe

2. you can also place your db on lvm, and backup script can lock all 
tables for writing, take a volume snapshot, unlock tables and then back 
up the snapshot.
could be less reliable for complex systems.

 Best regards,
 Mostafa Itani
 System Administrator
 American University of Beirut
 College Hall B2
 P.O. Box 11-0236 Beirut, Lebanon
 Tel:  +961 1 35 - Ext: 3518
 Cell: +961 3 811972
 Web: www.aub.edu.lb http://www.aub.edu.lb

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Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] User access restrictions to backup data implemented jet?

2007-06-15 Thread Alejandro Lencina

Where can I find whether restricted client acces to backup data is implemented?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Has this list been having problems sending mail?

2007-06-15 Thread Martin Simmons
 On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 16:15:53 +0100, Russell Howe said:
 Jeremy C. Reed wrote, sometime around 15/06/07 15:59:
  On Fri, 15 Jun 2007, Steve Campbell wrote:
  I seem to be getting mail from the list that in no way seems consistent. 
  This morning I received email from June 9, and this seems to be the norm 
  Has there been problems with the list recently sending emails?
  Its been that way for at least six months. I think it is caused by 
  a mailing list moderator approving messages.
  I am not sure, but I think maybe the approval mechanism causes duplicate 
  emails also -- in the case where the original sender carbon-copied two 
  bacula lists, but was only subscribed to one. One gets delivered. One gets 
  moderated. When approved, it gets sent to both (one gets repeated). At 
  least that is what it appears to have been doing to me.
 It could also be the original poster gets fed up waiting for me to find 
 time to run through the queue, and so subscribes and then reposts.
 Then when I go through the queue, I release the original message and you 
 get a dup.
 Sorry about that - I'm struggling to find the time to even go through 
 the queue (nor can I even find the time to maintain my bacula install!)

Don't be disheartened -- I think you are doing a great job at filtering the

BTW, the lists *were* down for 3 days from June 9.  SF had problems.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Win32 encryption problems

2007-06-15 Thread Martin Simmons
 On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 14:18:48 +0200, Kern Sibbald said:
 I am now working on bug #807, where decrypting files gets signature digest 
 errors on each file restored.  As far as I can tell, these are *false* error 
 messages, most likely due to the fact that Microsoft BackupWrite() does not 
 restore exactly the same bits as BackupRead() gave.
 Anyway, in looking at the encryption code in detail, which I have not totally 
 finished, I come to realize that there are some important problems that need 
 3. In computing the signature digest, during a restore, it first writes the
 file to disk, then re-reads the whole file computing the digest that it
 compares to the original.  This is very inefficient, and I am planning
 to change it in version 2.2.0 to compute the signature digest as it
reads the data from the SD, and thus to skip reading the file after it
is written.  
Upside -- *much* more efficient; the current signature errors
will be eliminated.
Downside -- it is probably better to compute the signature from the
actual file written in case something goes wrong in writing it.  However,
this doesn't work.

I would be wary about changing this without knowing exactly which bits are
different between BackupWrite and BackupRead.  It really depends on the
purpose of the signature -- some users might expect it to be a check that the
restored filesystem is the same as saved one.


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Hederer
I've got a problem with current installation of bacula for Win32.
Configuration files are in all users directory. So, they are viewable
from each user even if they are limited. I think this is a problem to

Le vendredi 15 juin 2007 à 10:22 -0500, George R.Kasica a écrit :
 On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 00:56:32 -0700, you wrote:
 Kern Sibbald wrote:
  If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
  responses to the following:
  1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula 
  Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula 
  on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
  Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
  extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
  sprayed all over the disk.
 I actually prefer having them in the standard locations. On our Windows
 servers we have data execution prevention policies which stop programs
 from executing if they aren't under C:\Program Files.
 I'd agree with this statement for many clients I work with.
  4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
  knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.
 I would be willing to run regression scripts. We have a lot of Windows
 servers which we run Bacula on (the fd only). And I would like to help
 make sure Bacula continues to work on our systems.
 Same situation here, I'd be happy to test out that portion. The SD and
 DIR run off linux here. Servers are 2003 with all up to date patches,
 and workstations are XP-SP2 again fully updated normally.

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Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Dave
Hi Kern,
Personal preference, i would prefer c:\bacula for the reasons you 
indicated, the long path names and spaces, but i also have noticed that 
prohibit programs from not working outside program files. What i would 
suggest is a compromise, make the installation location customizable to 
either location with a pair of radio buttons, the end user selects which 
installation location is prefered based on personal preference and 
environmental consideration.

- Original Message - 
From: George R.Kasica [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

 On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 00:56:32 -0700, you wrote:

Kern Sibbald wrote:

 If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your
 responses to the following:

 1. I am considering to change the default installation location for 
 Bacula on
 Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula 
 on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the 
 Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are
 extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
 sprayed all over the disk.

I actually prefer having them in the standard locations. On our Windows
servers we have data execution prevention policies which stop programs
from executing if they aren't under C:\Program Files.
 I'd agree with this statement for many clients I work with.

 4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
 knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.
I would be willing to run regression scripts. We have a lot of Windows
servers which we run Bacula on (the fd only). And I would like to help
make sure Bacula continues to work on our systems.
 Same situation here, I'd be happy to test out that portion. The SD and
 DIR run off linux here. Servers are 2003 with all up to date patches,
 and workstations are XP-SP2 again fully updated normally.
 ===[George R. Kasica]===+1 262 677 0766
 President   +1 206 374 6482 FAX
 Netwrx Consulting Inc.  Jackson, WI USA
 ICQ #12862186

 This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
 Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
 control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
 Bacula-users mailing list

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] some issues with wxconsole

2007-06-15 Thread Craig White
On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 09:10 +0200, Kern Sibbald wrote:
 There are several unfortunate issues with wxconsole.  
 1. We have tested and built it against wxWidgets 2.6.x (if I remember right), 
 and some users seem to be building it against wxWidgets 2.8, which is almost 
 sure to fail since their API has surprise changes on each major version :-(
 2. There is and has been no Bacula developer to work on wxconsole for several 
 years now.  I have patched a few problems, but my patching is not a good 
 3. We are developing a replacement (bat) that we can support, which already 
 has far more functionality than wxconsole.
 4. So, bottom line, wxconsole is deprecated and thus scheduled to go away in 
 future release (probably 2.4.0).

# rpm -qa|grep wx

Sounds good and thanks for the update. I probably wouldn't care much
about wxconsole at all except that it is the only methodology I have
found that gives me any kind of click through to navigate the backup
tree for restore


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Martin Simmons
 On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 17:35:18 +0200, Jean-Sebastien Hederer said:
 I've got a problem with current installation of bacula for Win32.
 Configuration files are in all users directory. So, they are viewable
 from each user even if they are limited. I think this is a problem to

Interesting problem, but c:\bacula is not much better unless you change the
permissions :-(


 Le vendredi 15 juin 2007 à 10:22 -0500, George R.Kasica a écrit :
  On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 00:56:32 -0700, you wrote:
  Kern Sibbald wrote:
   If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
   responses to the following:
   1. I am considering to change the default installation location for 
   Bacula on 
   Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula 
   on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the 
   Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
   extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
   sprayed all over the disk.
  I actually prefer having them in the standard locations. On our Windows
  servers we have data execution prevention policies which stop programs
  from executing if they aren't under C:\Program Files.
  I'd agree with this statement for many clients I work with.
   4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a 
   knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.
  I would be willing to run regression scripts. We have a lot of Windows
  servers which we run Bacula on (the fd only). And I would like to help
  make sure Bacula continues to work on our systems.
  Same situation here, I'd be happy to test out that portion. The SD and
  DIR run off linux here. Servers are 2003 with all up to date patches,
  and workstations are XP-SP2 again fully updated normally.
 This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
 Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
 control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
 Bacula-users mailing list

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[Bacula-users] smartctl

2007-06-15 Thread Craig White
Linux (RHELv5 if that matters)

*** from command line as root, this works fine...

# sh -c 'smartctl -H -d scsi -l error /dev/nst0'
smartctl version 5.36 [i686-redhat-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-6 Bruce
Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/

TapeAlert: OK

Error counter log:
   Errors Corrected by   Total   Correction
   ECC  rereads/errors   algorithm
   fast | delayed   rewrites  corrected  invocations   [10^9
bytes]  errors
read:  00 0 0  0  2.003
write: 00   224   224  0162.565

*** but within bacula-sd.conf ***

14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: smartctl version 5.36 [i686-redhat-linux-gnu]
Copyright (C) 2002-6 Bruce Allen
14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Home page is
14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: 
14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Standard Inquiry (36 bytes) failed [Operation
not permitted]
14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Retrying with a 64 byte Standard Inquiry
14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Standard Inquiry (64 bytes) failed [Operation
not permitted]
14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Request Sense failed, [Operation not
14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: 
14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Error Counter logging not supported
14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: 3997 Bad alert command: sh -c 'smartctl -H -T
permissive -T permissive -T permissive -d scsi -l error /dev/nst0':
ERR=Child exited with code 6.

(the multiple -T permissive commands were suggested)

*** is there something I can do to make this command work or do I have
to comment it out of conf file?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Has this list been having problems sending mail?

2007-06-15 Thread Steve Campbell
Not a problem, actually.

I had just switched to Thunderbird. I just wasn't sure if that was the 
problem or not.

Thanks for the reply and honesty.


Russell Howe wrote:
 Jeremy C. Reed wrote, sometime around 15/06/07 15:59:
 On Fri, 15 Jun 2007, Steve Campbell wrote:

 I seem to be getting mail from the list that in no way seems consistent. 
 This morning I received email from June 9, and this seems to be the norm 

 Has there been problems with the list recently sending emails?
 Its been that way for at least six months. I think it is caused by 
 a mailing list moderator approving messages.


 I am not sure, but I think maybe the approval mechanism causes duplicate 
 emails also -- in the case where the original sender carbon-copied two 
 bacula lists, but was only subscribed to one. One gets delivered. One gets 
 moderated. When approved, it gets sent to both (one gets repeated). At 
 least that is what it appears to have been doing to me.

 It could also be the original poster gets fed up waiting for me to find 
 time to run through the queue, and so subscribes and then reposts.

 Then when I go through the queue, I release the original message and you 
 get a dup.

 Sorry about that - I'm struggling to find the time to even go through 
 the queue (nor can I even find the time to maintain my bacula install!)

 To anyone reading this who isn't subscribed, may I recommend subscribing 
 and setting your subscription to nomail. That way, your posts won't 
 get held waiting for me to click Accept


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] FAQ-ish question - Tough situation, I think it's impossible w/ bacula...

2007-06-15 Thread Flak Magnet
Whoops, I sent my reply to John's initial reply to the devel list!  Sorry 
about that!

On Friday 15 June 2007 11:42:16 am you wrote:

 Sorry. Is it possible to have a job that runs before the user removes
 the tapes to mark all tapes in the changer to status Full? You can
 probably do this with a query by adding an update query to the
 query.sql file and have bconsole execute that query. I am thinking
 this way the tapes need not even be loaded. Just that this must happen
 before you do the update slots command in your admin job.

Not sure what angle you're coming at my problem from.  To mark all tapes as 
Full is certainly possible, I suppose, however I don't think it would address 
my issue nor would it be feasible considering the rest of my installation.

See, in the autochanger I have tapes for four other pools besides the one that 
I'm having the problem I described earlier.  Two pools each for two different 
jobs/filesets. One pool has recyclable volumes with 90 day retention  and the 
other is for archived monthly backups.  Not to mention the scratch pool...

I can't mark all tapes in the changer as full, it would hose my other 
pools/backups that are currently working fine.

Even if I marked just all of the tapes from the FlaksProblemPool as Full, 
I'm not sure what that would accomplish for me.  Already the tapes that are 
written to by the job are marked as Used because of the Maximum Volume Jobs 
directive I included in the pool definition.

-- Flak Magnet (Tim)

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[Bacula-users] Backup Oracle on remote HP-UX

2007-06-15 Thread Mike Vasquez

In the Tips and Suggestion section there is a section where you can run a
script on a remote machine using ssh.  The following, in part, is the
The authentication is done automatically using a private key. First you have
to generate a keypair. I've done this by:

ssh-keygen -b 4096 -t dsa -f Bacula_key

This statement may take a little time to run. It creates a public/private
key pair with no passphrase. You could save the keys in /etc/bacula. Now you
have two new files : Bacula_key which contains the private key and
Bacula_key.pub which contains the public key.

Now you have to append the Bacula_key.pub file to the file authorized_keys
in the \root\.ssh directory of the remote machine. Then you have to add (or
uncomment) the line

AuthorizedKeysFile   %h/.ssh/authorized_keys

to the sshd_config file on the remote machine. Where the %h stands for the
home-directory of the user (root in this case).

Assuming that your sshd is already running on the remote machine, you can
now enter the following on the machine where Bacula runs:

ssh -i Bacula_key  -l root ls -la  (THIS SHOULD BE ssh -i Bacula_key -l
root ls -la)

This should execute the ls -la command on the remote machine.

Now you could add lines like the following to your Director's conf file:

Run Before Job = ssh -i /etc/bacula/Bacula_key \  (the quote
should be after the = sign)
 /etc/init.d/database stop
Run After Job = ssh -i /etc/bacula/Bacula_key \(the
quote should be after the = sign)
 /etc/init.d/database start

Now the problem that I have is when I try to run my script to stop the
oracle database, for some reason it logs me out of the remote machine and
then runs the script.  Here is what I have in my Job directive for a client,

RunBeforeJob = ssh -i /home/oracle/Bacula_key -l oracle \

The log results are, 
BeforeJob: run command ssh -i /home/oracle/Bacula_key -l oracle 
15-Jun 09:50 nmc-sdca-mon1-dir: BeforeJob: Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus
15-Jun 09:50 nmc-sdca-mon1-dir: BeforeJob: Message file sp1lang.msb not
15-Jun 09:50 nmc-sdca-mon1-dir: BeforeJob: SP2-0750: You may need to set
ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory

When I did some debugging, it seems to log me out of the remote machine
before running the script on the remote machine.  I am wondering why?

Does anyone have any ideas?

What I want to do is to stop the Oracle database on a remote HP-UX machine
and then run a full backup and then restart the Oracle database.


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Re: [Bacula-users] Backup Oracle on remote HP-UX

2007-06-15 Thread Frank Sweetser
Mike Vasquez wrote:

 What I want to do is to stop the Oracle database on a remote HP-UX machine
 and then run a full backup and then restart the Oracle database.

While it's not strictly an answer to your question, you might want to at least
consider using a different backup methodology for Oracle that doesn't require
the pre and post scripts:


Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
GPG fingerprint = 6174 1257 129E 0D21 D8D4  E8A3 8E39 29E3 E2E8 8CEC

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Re: [Bacula-users] Backup Oracle on remote HP-UX

2007-06-15 Thread Mike Vasquez

I was able to get the script to work.  The script on the remote server listed
ORACLE_HOME but did not export it.  Once I fixed that, the script was able
to run.  L.

As to this methodology, this is what my boss wants and I am fairly new to
hp-ux.  I am going to do a full test on the devel machine Saturday. I will
take a look at the UR


Frank Sweetser-2 wrote:
 Mike Vasquez wrote:
 What I want to do is to stop the Oracle database on a remote HP-UX
 and then run a full backup and then restart the Oracle database.
 While it's not strictly an answer to your question, you might want to at
 consider using a different backup methodology for Oracle that doesn't
 the pre and post scripts:
 Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu  |  For every problem, there is a solution
 WPI Senior Network Engineer   |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL
 GPG fingerprint = 6174 1257 129E 0D21 D8D4  E8A3 8E39 29E3 E2E8 8CEC
 This SF.net email is sponsored by DB2 Express
 Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take
 control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now.
 Bacula-users mailing list

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Sent from the Bacula - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Bacula-users] FAQ-ish question - Tough situation, I think it's impossible w/ bacula...

2007-06-15 Thread John Drescher
 Even if I marked just all of the tapes from the FlaksProblemPool as Full,
 I'm not sure what that would accomplish for me.  Already the tapes that are
 written to by the job are marked as Used because of the Maximum Volume Jobs
 directive I included in the pool definition.

If they are marked as Full, Archive or Error then bacula will not try
to use them. However, I am not sure why it is failing for being marked


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[Bacula-users] Newbie question about full/inc on differents jobs/pools

2007-06-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi to all:

I'm trying to fit in this scenario:

One pool per day with one LTO-2 tape per day

From monday to Thuesday Incremental backup of 4 servers
Weekend ( Sunday ) Full Backup of each one

Every backup will be retained for 6 days and then reuse the daily trape
corresponding to each day.

I've followed
 as guide example, but when I try to start bacula-dir, refuses with the error 

Starting Bacula Director services: 15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir:  Fatal
error: pool directive in Job nclserver01-diario resource is
required, but not found.
15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: pool directive in Job
nclserver02-diario resource is required, but not found.
15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: pool directive in Job
nclserver03-diario resource is required, but not found.
15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: pool directive in Job
nclserver04-diario resource is required, but not found.
15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION
Please correct configuration file: /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf

I'm not able to see where is my error, any help will be appreciated, If
I'm not able to solve it, i will return to my previous config ( full
each day ) but I prefer to run with the new config to test how is going.

My bacula-dir.conf:

# Default Bacula Director Configuration file
#  The only thing that MUST be changed is to add one or more
#   file or directory names in the Include directive of the
#   FileSet resource.
#  For Bacula release 2.0.3 (06 March 2007) -- redhat 
#  You might also want to change the default email address
#   from root to your address.  See the mail and operator
#   directives in the Messages resource.
Director {# define myself
  Name = nclserver01-dir
  DIRport = 9101# where we listen for UA
  QueryFile = /etc/bacula/query.sql
  WorkingDirectory = /var/bacula
  PidDirectory = /var/run
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
  Password = (xxx) # Console password
  Messages = Daemon
Job {
  Name = nclserver01-diario
  FileSet = Full Set nclserver01
  Client = nclserver01-fd
  Schedule = diario
  Type = Backup
  Messages = Standard
  Storage = HPLTO-2 
  Priority = 10
  Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/nclserver01-diario.bsr
Job {
  Name = nclserver02-diario
  FileSet = Full Set nclserver02
  Client = nclserver02-fd
  Schedule = diario
  Type = Backup
  Messages = Standard
  Storage = HPLTO-2 
  Priority = 10
  Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/nclserver02-diario.bsr
Job {
  Name = nclserver03-diario
  FileSet = Full Set nclserver03
  Client = nclserver03-fd
  Schedule = diario
  Type = Backup
  Messages = Standard
  Storage = HPLTO-2 
  Priority = 10
  Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/nclserver03-diario.bsr
Job {
  Name = nclserver04-diario
  FileSet = Full Set nclserver04
  Client = nclserver04-fd
  Schedule = diario
  Type = Backup
  Messages = Standard
  Storage = HPLTO-2 
  Priority = 10
  Write Bootstrap = /var/bacula/nclserver04-diario.bsr
# List of files to be backed up
FileSet {
  Name = Full Set nclserver02
  Include {
File = /boot
File = /
File = /opt/nucliexperts/comu
File = /opt/nucliexperts/homes
Options {
  signature = MD5
  Exclude {
File = /proc
File = /tmp
File = /.journal
File = /.fsck
File = /media
File = /mnt
File = /sys
File = /opt/maquines_virtuals
File = /opt/maquines_virtuals_II
File = /opt/maquines_virtuals_III
File = /opt/backups_bacula
File = /usr/lib/oracle/xe
FileSet {
  Name = Full Set nclserver03
  Include {
File = /boot
File = /
File = /home
File = /usr
File = /var
File = /u01
Options {
  signature = MD5
  Exclude {
File = /proc
File = /tmp
File = /.journal
File = /.fsck
File = /media
File = /mnt
File = 

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bacula-devel] Win32 encryption problems

2007-06-15 Thread Landon Fuller

On Jun 15, 2007, at 5:18 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:


I am now working on bug #807, where decrypting files gets signature  
errors on each file restored.  As far as I can tell, these are  
*false* error
messages, most likely due to the fact that Microsoft BackupWrite()  
does not

restore exactly the same bits as BackupRead() gave.

Anyway, in looking at the encryption code in detail, which I have  
not totally
finished, I come to realize that there are some important problems  
that need


Thank you for spending the time on this code.

1. The code is rather inefficient from several stand points -- see  


2. It does a number of malloc() and free()s for each file backed up
which is something that Bacula does not normally do.  Over time,
I will fix this.

Given performance profiling, is this a demonstrable issue? Compared  
to the cost of the public-key operations, calling the OS' malloc() is  
a drop in the bucket, and even if the malloc() calls are somehow  
reduced/removed, OpenSSL is still going to make extensive dynamic  

Moreover, by encapsulating data structures (rather than trying to re- 
use buffers from one big loop), I was able to avoid significant  
implementation complexity.

Ultimately my performance profiling has shown that the greatest gains  
would be made in adding support for HMAC validation as an alternative  
to per-file RSA signatures.

4. The current signature digest algorithm (as far as I can tell) is  
not saved
   on the Volume. The signature digest algorithm is compiled into  
the code,
   and it is a different algorithm depending on whether or not you  
   only SHA1 or you have SHA2 algorithms available.  This is *very*  
   It means that if you rebuild your Bacula FD, it may not be able  
to compute
   a signature digest for a restore in the same way it did for the  

This isn't the case -- both the signature and digest algorithm are  
stored in the SignatureData-SignerInfo record and used on restoration.
At no point does any part of the code make any assumptions regarding  
the algorithms of on-disk data -- I was very careful with this.

See crypto_sign_add_signer()

6. There are a good number of places where the error code returned is
 simply ignored.

OpenSSL errors?


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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Newbie question about full/inc on differents jobs/pools

2007-06-15 Thread Martin Simmons
 On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 19:58:32 +0200, ballester [EMAIL PROTECTED] com said:
 Hi to all:
 I'm trying to fit in this scenario:
 One pool per day with one LTO-2 tape per day
 From monday to Thuesday Incremental backup of 4 servers
 Weekend ( Sunday ) Full Backup of each one
 Every backup will be retained for 6 days and then reuse the daily trape
 corresponding to each day.
 I've followed
  as guide example, but when I try to start bacula-dir, refuses with the error 
 Starting Bacula Director services: 15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir:  Fatal
 error: pool directive in Job nclserver01-diario resource is
 required, but not found.
 15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: pool directive in Job
 nclserver02-diario resource is required, but not found.
 15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: pool directive in Job
 nclserver03-diario resource is required, but not found.
 15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: pool directive in Job
 nclserver04-diario resource is required, but not found.
 15-jun 19:48 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION
 Please correct configuration file: /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf
 I'm not able to see where is my error, any help will be appreciated, If
 I'm not able to solve it, i will return to my previous config ( full
 each day ) but I prefer to run with the new config to test how is going.

The error is what the error message says -- you must have a pool directive in
the job resource.  The manual used Pool = Default.


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Re: [Bacula-users] migrate catalog from PostgreSQL to MySQL

2007-06-15 Thread Svein-Erik Lund
On Thursday 14 June 2007 10:53:09 Marc Cousin wrote:
 There is nothing that will totally solve the performance problems you're
 facing... For now, bacula's code does many small operations, each in it's
 transaction, and postgresql isn't good at that...
 Removing indexes may help the insert speed, but don't have too much hopes

One thing that I've seen with Postgresql in general  is that a VACUUM 
ANALYZE can give a big perfomaceboost on writes/updates. This should be run  
before backupjobs begin.

Svein-Erik Lund

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[Bacula-users] From TFM: Restoring Files Can Be Slow

2007-06-15 Thread Emery Guevremont
I just finished rereading the Restoring Files Can Be Slow section of 
the manual. In it, it mentions doing a restore will be about 3 times 
slower than a backup.

Now I've got a situation where I have to remove sensitive data that was 
backed up on several tapes. The way I'm doing this is to bscan a tape so 
as to sync the content to a new catalog, then restore each Jobs in 
seperate restore jobs. Once every job has been restored, I search for 
the sensitive data, delete and then backup every seperate jobs in one 
single job.

So basically I've got a /backup-restore folder that contains each 
seperate jobs in their own folder (ie. /backup-restore/01, 
/backup-restore/02, ... /backup-restore/98). I need to do this in order 
to prevent files with the same name to overwrite each other. Once I 
deleted the sensitive data, I backup the parent (/backup-restore) folder 
in a single job.

The problem I'm having with this is that it took 5 days to only do the 
restore of each jobs. I had 98 jobs that bscan found and added to the 
catalog, all of which are about 100MB to 30GB in size. Here are the 
actual stats:

|99 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 13:16:54 | R| F 
|  839 |  9,375,175,662 | T |
|   100 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 13:21:59 | R| F 
|1,726 | 13,753,356,353 | T |
|   101 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 13:34:53 | R| F 
|1,294 |  7,507,618,432 | T |
|   102 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 13:48:45 | R| F 
|   69 |  2,698,552,655 | T |
|   103 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 14:04:24 | R| F 
|  181 |  1,124,735,587 | T |
|   104 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 14:19:41 | R| F 
|  185 |  6,962,747,990 | T |
|   105 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 14:37:07 | R| F 
|   77 |163,609,625 | T |
|   106 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 14:53:16 | R| F 
|   69 |254,471 | T |
|   107 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 15:09:25 | R| F 
|   81 |  2,552,629 | T |
|   108 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 15:25:30 | R| F 
|   27 | 56,330 | T |
|   109 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 15:41:40 | R| F 
|   27 |386,932,859 | E |
|   110 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 15:57:58 | R| F 
|   45 |400,472,872 | E |
|   111 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 16:14:27 | R| F 
|2 |  0 | T |
|   112 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 16:30:58 | R| F 
|1 |  0 | T |
|   113 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 16:47:34 | R| F 
|   25 | 47,614 | T |
|   114 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 17:04:11 | R| F 
|  120 |  1,456,639,525 | T |
|   115 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 17:21:20 | R| F 
|  115 |924,184,944 | E |
|   116 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 17:39:05 | R| F 
|   24 |  2,012,746,608 | T |
|   117 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 17:57:56 | R| F 
|   22 |  5,516,879,617 | E |
|   118 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 18:19:14 | R| F 
|   39 |156,034 | T |
|   119 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 18:40:33 | R| F 
|2,088 | 29,390,128,004 | T |
|   120 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 19:16:14 | R| F 
|1,740 | 28,320,759,453 | T |
|   121 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 20:02:00 | R| F 
|   90 | 10,878,922,296 | T |
|   122 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 20:48:38 | R| F 
|  170 |  2,252,300,718 | T |
|   123 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 21:36:43 | R| F 
|   82 |  1,178,566,819 | T |
|   124 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 22:24:34 | R| F 
|  634 | 17,735,540,399 | T |
|   125 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-10 23:20:25 | R| F 
|1,188 | 13,807,451,886 | T |
|   126 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-11 00:22:03 | R| F 
|  791 | 16,694,460,936 | T |
|   127 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-11 01:31:54 | R| F 
|   60 |  2,634,776,786 | T |
|   128 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-11 02:42:21 | R| F 
|  101 |  1,090,378,050 | T |
|   129 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-11 03:52:46 | R| F 
|   57 |  1,124,468,166 | T |
|   130 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-11 05:03:28 | R| F 
|  339 |  8,835,238,851 | T |
|   131 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-11 06:17:57 | R| F 
|  856 |  4,534,089,836 | T |
|   132 | RestoreFiles   | 2007-06-11 07:34:35 | R| F 
|  462 |  4,147,681,004 | E |
|   133 | RestoreFiles   | 

Re: [Bacula-users] RunAfterJob

2007-06-15 Thread Arno Lehmann

On 6/15/2007 5:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello List,
 i would like to do something with each created volume.

With or to the volumes?


 By using the RunAfterJob command and the %v variable it turned out, that 
 %v contains only the last volume.


 For example:
 After a Full Job created 12 Volumes, each 250MB big, the command here: 
 RunAfterJob = md5sum %v
 Results in md5sum %v volume0012.
 Is there something like RunAfterVolume?

No, but you could pass the jobid to your script and extract the volumes 
it used from the catalog. I think.


 Cheers, Mario
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Arno Lehmann  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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Re: [Bacula-users] smartctl

2007-06-15 Thread Craig White
On Fri, 2007-06-15 at 21:06 +0200, Andreas Helmcke wrote:
 Craig White wrote:
  Linux (RHELv5 if that matters)
  *** from command line as root, this works fine...
  # sh -c 'smartctl -H -d scsi -l error /dev/nst0'
  smartctl version 5.36 [i686-redhat-linux-gnu] Copyright (C) 2002-6 Bruce
  Home page is http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/
  [...] output cut
  *** but within bacula-sd.conf ***
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: smartctl version 5.36 [i686-redhat-linux-gnu]
  Copyright (C) 2002-6 Bruce Allen
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Home page is
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: 
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Standard Inquiry (36 bytes) failed [Operation
  not permitted]
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Retrying with a 64 byte Standard Inquiry
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Standard Inquiry (64 bytes) failed [Operation
  not permitted]
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Request Sense failed, [Operation not
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: 
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: Alert: Error Counter logging not supported
  14-Jun 20:16 SRV1: 3997 Bad alert command: sh -c 'smartctl -H -T
  permissive -T permissive -T permissive -d scsi -l error /dev/nst0':
  ERR=Child exited with code 6.
  (the multiple -T permissive commands were suggested)
  *** is there something I can do to make this command work or do I have
  to comment it out of conf file?
 Your error messages look a bit strange to me, but nonetheless I would suggest
 to try to use the scsi generic device for the command (most probably /dev/sg0,
 if you don't have more scsi-devices in your system), because the tape device
 normally is held locked by the storage daemon.

apparently /dev/sg2 would work - I changed it but it's already in the
middle of a backup so it doesn't make sense to restart the bacula-sd



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[Bacula-users] Overland ArcVault12 btape issues

2007-06-15 Thread Ken Gunderson
Hello List:

I have an Overland Storage ArcVault12 w/single LTO-2 drive that's
giving me issues when running btape fill.  

The unit is presently at a remote site.  I don't think it is related but
just to be complete, upon arrival and powering up the ArcVault12
exhibited an identity crisis and thought it was an ArcVault24 w/2
drives.  Tweaking a setting in RMU remedied this but I wondered about
it because it knew it was an ArcVault12 when I shipped it.  Techs on
other end say box did not exhibit signs of damage or abuse during
shipping. I ran through the RMU diagnostics and all tests succeeded.

The backup server the unit is connected to is a 1U Tyan B5151, running
FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE-p5, GENERIC kernel, i386 bits. SCSI controller is a
LSI-20320 (U320, PCI-X), wh/uses the mpt driver on FBSD.

Bacula version is bacula-server-2.0.3 built from ports w/o any special
flags passed during make.

Relevant bacula-sd.conf config:

Autochanger {
  Name = Autochanger
  Device = Drive-1
  Changer Command = /usr/local/etc/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d
  Changer Device = /dev/pass1

Device {
  Name = Drive-1  #
  Drive Index = 0
  Media Type = LTO-2
  Archive Device = /dev/nsa0
  AutomaticMount = yes;   # when device opened, read it
  AlwaysOpen = yes;
  RemovableMedia = yes;
  RandomAccess = no;
  AutoChanger = yes
  Alert Command = sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'
# btape test results advise tweaking thusly...
  Hardware End of Medium = No
  Fast Forward Space File = No
  BSF at EOM = yes
  Backward Space Record = No

Addition of above tweaks and btape test completes w/o complaint.

When doing a btape fill, however, the tape fills but then btape just
waits forever, as evidenced here:

btape: btape.c:2343 Last block at: 296:10031 this_dev_block_num=10032
btape: btape.c:2377 End of tape 297:0. VolumeCapacity=203,956,687,872.
Write rate = 19749.8 KB/s Done writing 0 records ...
Wrote state file last_block_num1=10031 last_block_num2=0

15:46:54 Done filling tape at 297:0. Now beginning re-read of tape ...
15-Jun 15:47 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger loaded? drive 0 command.
15-Jun 15:47 btape: 3302 Autochanger loaded? drive 0, result is Slot
1. 15-Jun 15:47 btape: 3301 Issuing autochanger loaded? drive 0
command. 15-Jun 15:47 btape: 3302 Autochanger loaded? drive 0, result
is Slot 1. 15-Jun 15:48 btape: Ready to read from volume TestVolume1
on device Drive-1 (/dev/nsa0). Rewinding.
Reading the first 1 records from 0:0.
1 records read now at 1:5084
Reposition from 1:5084 to 296:10031

Any hints what might be causing this?  I tested the ArcVault prior to
shipping with an old Adaptec 2940 SCSI Card and to the best of my
recollection things just worked.

I read in Bacula docs:

Figure out how to configure your SCSI driver to keep track of
the file position during the MTEOM request. This is the preferred

versus setting Hardware End of File = no and wonder if this might
perhaps be mpt scsi driver related?  Anyone else using an ArcVault
w/FreeBSD can confirm a working configuration?

TIA :)

Best regards,

Ken Gunderson
GPG Key -- 9F5179FD

Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in
the room. - Sir Winston Churchill

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Re: [Bacula-users] RunAfterJob

2007-06-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello Arno, Hello List,

i found this in google:

Mr. Kern added the %v option, but it seems it either got removed in 
bacula 2.0.3 or it changed.

Then i finally found the substitution list: 
But there again, i wont be able to get the Filename so that i can pass 
the to further scripts.

Can anyone commet this?

Thanks, Mario

Arno Lehmann schrieb:

 On 6/15/2007 5:21 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello List,

 i would like to do something with each created volume.

 With or to the volumes?


 By using the RunAfterJob command and the %v variable it turned out, that 
 %v contains only the last volume.


 For example:
 After a Full Job created 12 Volumes, each 250MB big, the command here: 
 RunAfterJob = md5sum %v
 Results in md5sum %v volume0012.

 Is there something like RunAfterVolume?

 No, but you could pass the jobid to your script and extract the volumes 
 it used from the catalog. I think.


 Cheers, Mario

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Re: [Bacula-users] Questions for Bacula Windows users ...

2007-06-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Hederer
Yes, installation should create a specific user with admin rights and 
conf files should be given access only to Admin group.
And wx-console should be accessible only with limited rights when user 
has limited rights.
Is wx-console written in Python or in C++? i don't find sources for 
Win32 installer and wx-console.
I have read there is a new project for replacing wx-console. Is there a 
need for developers?

Jean-Sébastien Hederer - Gérant
Conseil, intégration, hébergement de systèmes informatiques spécialisé en 
solutions logiciel libre de gestion d'entreprise
Mob.: 06 69 56 21 49
Tél.: 02 51 13 50 94
Fax.: 02 40 68 70 06

Martin Simmons a écrit le 15/06/2007 18:27 :

On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 17:35:18 +0200, Jean-Sebastien Hederer said:

I've got a problem with current installation of bacula for Win32.
Configuration files are in all users directory. So, they are viewable
from each user even if they are limited. I think this is a problem to

Interesting problem, but c:\bacula is not much better unless you change the
permissions :-(



Le vendredi 15 juin 2007 à 10:22 -0500, George R.Kasica a écrit :

On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 00:56:32 -0700, you wrote:

Kern Sibbald wrote:


If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your 
responses to the following:

1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula on 
Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory 
on the main disk.  The current installation places files in the standard 
Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are 
extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are

sprayed all over the disk.

I actually prefer having them in the standard locations. On our Windows
servers we have data execution prevention policies which stop programs

from executing if they aren't under C:\Program Files.
I'd agree with this statement for many clients I work with.

4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts?  This requires a minimal 
knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.

I would be willing to run regression scripts. We have a lot of Windows
servers which we run Bacula on (the fd only). And I would like to help
make sure Bacula continues to work on our systems.

Same situation here, I'd be happy to test out that portion. The SD and
DIR run off linux here. Servers are 2003 with all up to date patches,
and workstations are XP-SP2 again fully updated normally.

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Re: [Bacula-users] some issues with wxconsole

2007-06-15 Thread Jean-Sébastien Hederer
What is language for bat? do you need some help for programming? In my 
mind, what mostly lacks in wx-console is a restricted way for normal 
users without admin rights who can only view their own station (and 
perhaps their own files) and can only restore where file were but 
perhaps with a new name.

Jean-Sébastien Hederer - Gérant
Conseil, intégration, hébergement de systèmes informatiques spécialisé en 
solutions logiciel libre de gestion d'entreprise
Mob.: 06 69 56 21 49
Tél.: 02 51 13 50 94
Fax.: 02 40 68 70 06

Kern Sibbald a écrit le 15/06/2007 09:10 :


There are several unfortunate issues with wxconsole.  

1. We have tested and built it against wxWidgets 2.6.x (if I remember right), 
and some users seem to be building it against wxWidgets 2.8, which is almost 
sure to fail since their API has surprise changes on each major version :-(

2. There is and has been no Bacula developer to work on wxconsole for several 
years now.  I have patched a few problems, but my patching is not a good 

3. We are developing a replacement (bat) that we can support, which already 
has far more functionality than wxconsole.

4. So, bottom line, wxconsole is deprecated and thus scheduled to go away in a 
future release (probably 2.4.0).



Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 10:55:10 +1000
From: Chuckles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] some issues with wxconsole
To: Mike Lauwaert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Mike Lauwaert wrote:

Craig White craig at tobyhouse.com writes:


bacula 2.03 (on RHELv5)

wxconsole is nice - thanks - went into restore tab and chose a folder
for a test restore. Went through, picked the folder and clicked the
'Restore...' button and the wxconsole locked up with a message at the
bottom that says 'Failed to retrieve jobid'

It did indeed restore though but wxconsole is essentially locked up and
I can't do anything in restore tab at all and in console tab, messages
are still written but it isn't possible to click into the command line.

Obviously I could click the wxconsole closed and re-open it.

Standard error written to terminal states...

(wxconsole:5370): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_container_remove: assertion
`GTK_IS_TOOLBAR (container) || widget-parent == GTK_WIDGET (container)'
failed promptparser-getChoices()=157175896

I am experiencing the same thing.  Strangely this worked the first time I 
tested it.  I also get the OK button remains inactive after applying changed 
to the default restore configuration.  Starting to think wx-console on 


isn't very reliable and bconsole is the way to go.



I get constant lockups with wx-console on various commands (probably 
every one that i've used at some stage). Can't seem to find a pattern to it.

I access the same director with gnome and text consoles with no problems 
at all

I too am starting to think wx-console isn't reliable at the moment


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