Re: [Bacula-users] job type = 'c' vs 'C'

2011-02-21 Thread Mike Holden
Dan Langille wrote:
> On 2/21/2011 10:20 AM, Christian Manal wrote:
>> Am 21.02.2011 15:52, schrieb Dan Langille:
>>> The values for the type field in the job table are defined here:
>>> Look for 'The Job Type (or simply Type) can have one of the
>>> following
>>> values: '
>>> However, in my job table, I'm seeing two values not listed:
>>> bacula=# select distinct(type) from job order by 1;
>>> --
>>> (7 rows)
>>> bacula=#
>>> Specifically, 'c' and 'g',
>>> Any ideas about that?
>>> For what it's worth, I have just one job of type 'g'.
>>> And all my jobs of type 'c' appear to be Copy jobs.
>> Hi,
>> I think the Wiki has a list that is a bit more up to date:
> I'm glad all the work is being recorded on the wiki.  When I get my
> documentation hat on, the docs will be updated.

In a more sensible database design, there would be a "job_status"
table, which defined all these values and mapped status to
descriptive name, which would then be a parent lookup table to any
others that needed to refer to job status, so they wouldn't even
need documenting separately!
Mike Holden

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Re: [Bacula-users] Bacula not backing up catalogue

2010-12-16 Thread Mike Holden
Telemat wrote:
> Dan Langille wrote:
>> On 12/13/2010 5:10 AM, Telemat wrote:
>> Which is true?
> If you bothered to read the first paragraph then you will see that I
> followed a working setup on ClearOS which backs up the catalog to
> the same tape as the main backup, but on the Ubuntu 10.04 server it
> doesn't backup the catalog at all, but sits there asking for
> apendable media. Considering the data backup is only around 4GB and
> the tapes are 24GB, I would have thought that there's be plenty of
> space.
>> That's really hard to read...
> Why? Its a config file. Users who are familiar with config files
> should be able to follow it.
>> I see you are posting on
>> I suggest not posting configuration files
>> there.
>> Instead, join the bacula users mailing list and post there.
> I will, thank you.
>> That way, the mailing list users will not be subjected to the HTML
>> entities we see below.
> I'm sorry. I won't darken your doorstep again.
>> I don't expect anyone on the mailing list to read the config you
>> sent.
>> It's pretty hard to follow.
> Really, this forum is all about asking for help. If you can't post
> config files for others to see and follow, what's the point of this
> forum, just to chat about issues?
> I have been involved with open source and linux for the best part of
> 10 years and the tone of your reply reminds me of all those trolls
> who frequent the Gentoo and Debian forums telling newcomers to go
> away. Either help with the issue or don't comment if your comment
> isn't constructive.
> I'm not fiddling with a linux install at home, this is a live server
> and we are having issues with the community version of bacula, if
> the config files are hard to follow, then you really are reading the
> wrong forums.

I haven't followed this topic from the outset, but I do recall a
config file being posted a couple of days ago. If that was unrelated
to this, then apologies, and please ignore the interruption!

The config file I saw posted had been copied and pasted from an html
screen of some kind, and consequently had a load of html formatting
included (especially lots of   scattered throughout). It is this
html guff that makes the file impossible to read - remember this is
an email forum, and as such ought to be conducted in plain text, not
half-html. Dan isn't complaining that we won't read config files, or
that you shouldn't post them, but rather, the file that was posted
was difficult/impossible to read. If you want help, ask for it in a
way that allows people to read and understand your problem easily,
otherwise they won't bother.

In this situation, I thought Dan's comments were reasonable. He
mentioned the html tags in the file, and he said it was unreadable.

I will deliberately refrain for commenting on how _your_ posting
attitude looks to others. :-)
Mike Holden

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] what does baculas select-query for mysql look like?

2010-11-18 Thread Mike Holden
Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 17:30:33 +0100, C Keschnat said:
>> I'm having problems with long running select statements (bacula
>> 5.0.2).
>> After activating mysql-slow-logs, I saw logs similar to
>> # Time: 101117 11:32:56
>> # u...@host: bacula[bacula] @ localhost []
>> # Query_time: 2793  Lock_time: 0  Rows_sent: 127104387
>> Rows_examined:
>> 127104387
>> use bacula;
>> SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM `File`;
>> I wanted to test some suggestions I read in bug reports and for
>> that I
>> copied the bacula server to play with it. I tried running
>> date && echo 'SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM `File`;' | mysql -uroot
>> -p bacula
>> >/dev/null && date
>> but the process gets killed with "Out of memory: kill process
>> 16377
>> (mysql)..." after some time. Can anyone tell me how bacula queries
>> the
>> database?
> It makes many different queries, but I doubt that is makes that one.
>  It
> doesn't look like anything it needs to do.
> __Martin

You will need to submit the query exactly as written anyway, which
you haven't done.

SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM `File`;


Note the "/*!40001" and the "*/" in the original code, which is
omitted in the second version? With my experience of Oracle, that
looks like an "execution hint", in other words a directive to help
the database choose the most efficient way of retrieveing the data.
It's a specially formed comment, hence the /* ... */, so you either
need to include the entire comment, or omit it entirely, but you
have included the SQL_NO_CACHE part, and omitted the rest, which is
probably causing some weird error in the database.
Mike Holden - the place to shop
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Issue backing up Oracle database using Bacula

2010-07-01 Thread Mike Holden
Mogaroy wrote:
> Got it working finally !! Thanks Mike, for the detailed explanation,
> and also for updating the wiki. It will definitely save a lot of
> trouble for anyone intending to backup oracle with bacula using the
> steps mentioned in the earlier version of the wiki.
> Thanks to the original author too !
> Regards,
> NK Mogaroy

No problem. Glad you got it working ok.

I'm happy to give back to the bacula project, as I use the product,
but am not expert enough to give good assistance to most users.
Oracle, however is another matter, as I am very much an Oracle
expert, as that is what I get paid for in my day job :-)
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Issue backing up Oracle database using Bacula

2010-06-30 Thread Mike Holden
Mike Holden wrote:
> If I can find how to register as a wiki contributor, I'll update the
> page, otherwise somebody else may wish to take on these minor
> modifications?

I've registered and updated the wiki page at
with the suggested changes.

I've also added a warning that the recovery script quoted on that
page should not be used directly, even with modified paths, as it
simply won't work without heavy changes. You should instead use the
scripts that the backup process generates for you using the "alter
database backup controlfile" commands. It's myu opinion that the
paragraph is too dangerous to include there in it's current form!
Mike Holden

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Issue backing up Oracle database using Bacula

2010-06-30 Thread Mike Holden
Mogaroy wrote:
> Thanks Mike, for clearing up a few things.Appreciate your patience !
> I finally managed to identify the cause of the errors.The problem,
> as I see it, is with the way in which the hotbackupscript.sql is
> being created.
> The host rsync command inside that file is being split into 2 lines
> instead of appearing in a single line.Just to be sure, I edited
> the file to make the first couple of commands appear in a single
> line and tested by running it manually from SQL prompt, and the
> script executes successfully!
> This is how the commands appear in the hotbackupscript.sql file:
> host rm -f /var/oracle/backup/*
> host rsync -vcW
> /home/dbusr/app/dbusr/product/11.1.0/db_1/dbs/ATGINT.dbf
> /var/oracle/backup/
> host rsync -vcW /home/dbusr/app/dbusr/oradata/orcl/ATL_CONTENT_DATA
> /var/oracle/backup/
> host rsync -vcW /home/dbusr/app/dbusr/oradata/orcl/ATL_CONTROL_DATA
> /var/oracle/backup/
> host rsync -vcW
> /home/dbusr/app/dbusr/product/11.1.0/db_1/dbs/atcata.dbf
> /var/oracle/backup/
> host rsync -vcW
> /home/dbusr/app/dbusr/product/11.1.0/db_1/dbs/atcatb.dbf
> /var/oracle/backup/
> I tried different combinations of placing the quotes in the relevant
> line of runhotbackup.sql(with spaces, without space etc), but no
> matter
> how I try, am not able to have the hotbackupscript.sql file
> generated in the right format(i,e having the rsync command in a
> single line).Any
> help here would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks again for guiding me thus far !!
> NK Mogaroy

Sqlplus works with a linelength that, by default, is 80 characters.
This looks like the reason for the text being split.

Try adding the following line to the top of the hotbackup sql script:

set linesize 500

If 500 is not wide enough, you can increase the value still further,
up to several thousand if necessary.

As you can see from the following code snippet (prints a line of 90
stars, both with a line size of 80 and then 500), this will resolve
your issue:

set linesize 80
dbms_output.put_line(LPAD('*', 90, '*'));
set linesize 500
dbms_output.put_line(LPAD('*', 90, '*'));

SQL> set linesize 80
SQL> begin
SQL> dbms_output.put_line(LPAD('*', 90, '*'));
SQL> end;
SQL> /


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> set linesize 500
SQL> begin
SQL> dbms_output.put_line(LPAD('*', 90, '*'));
SQL> end;
SQL> /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Note that email line wrapping may bork that output a bit in
transmission, but you should also be able to see that the second set
of stars is on fewer lines than the first. Try it in your own
sqlplus session to see the difference for yourself!

I would add an extra couple of points of interest here:

1. You may wish to consider adding:

set trimspool on

at the top as, by default, each line is padded to the line width,
making for a much bigger file.

2. If you have a lot of files and tablespaces to process, it is
possible that the buffer size of 2 set up at the top (in the
call to dbms_output.enable(2)) is not big enough. I would
suggest increasing this value to 2 million, which is the maximum
value allowed. I've also go no idea why this is run as a separate
exec call at the top, rather than as the first line of the pl/sql

If I can find how to register as a wiki contributor, I'll update the
page, otherwise somebody else may wish to take on these minor
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Issue backing up Oracle database using Bacula

2010-06-29 Thread Mike Holden
Mogaroy wrote:
> Thanks Mike,

No problem!!

> Will recheck the points you mentioned.Meanwhile, some searching has
> led me to feel that it has something to do with the PL/SQL script
> (runhotbackup.sql) which does the actual backup to local disk
> (/var/oracle/backup) in my case.
> The 'host' command which is used in the script to rsync the
> datafiles is not recognized by PL/SQL, and maybe that's causing it
> to throw the errors.
> To verify, I tried copying a single file, running the command
> manually from SQL prompt, and the file got copied successfully.
> But, since the author of the script has tested the whole thing
> successfully, I'm wondering if it indeed is the cause.
> I came upon an earlier thread where the author mentions about his
> article, and I'm following it up there as well hoping to find a
> solution:

The hotbackup script doesn't use pl/sql to execute a host command.
What is does is create a text file containing a list of commands,
several of which are "host" statements. It then uses that generated
script as input into an sqlplus session to do the actual backup

Like I said earlier, if your commands and database files are stored
in different directories to where the original authore placed them,
you will need to modify the runhotbackup.sql script to put the
correct locations, as well as any of the other files that you copied
from that wiki entry at

In detail, the hotbackup script does the following steps:

creates a file called
/app/oracle/oradata/db1/scripts/hotbackupscript.sql, as defined in
the "spool" statement. This path must exist and be writeable to the
user. This script file will be written to incluse a number of
sqlplus statements, which are later executed using the line
beginning with "@" right at the bottom.

It then adds commands to do the following:

does an "rm" of /app/oracle/backup/*, so again this directory must
exist and be writeable.

Create a list of "ALTER DATABASE" statements to enter and exit hot
backup mode for the tablespace. For each tablespace, it also adds an
"host rsync" command into the file to do the backup copy to
/app/oracle/backup for each datafile in the current tablespace (a
tablespace may have several datafiles).

Finally, once this loop for tablespaces has completed, it adds
various other commands to backup controlfiles, handle archived
redologs etc.

So you see, pl/sql ISN'T running a "host" statement at all, sqlplus is!

Maybe if you told us exactly what changes tou made to the locations
from the original wiki, and what changes you made to the scripts we
may be able to spot what is wrong!

Can you run the hotbackup script directly in sqlplus using "@
runhotbackup.sql" from within sqlplus? If so, then the problem is
elsewhere, if not then error message sill help us diagnose the
problem further.
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Issue backing up Oracle database using Bacula

2010-06-29 Thread Mike Holden
nagaraj mogaroy wrote:
> Thanks for the reply, I have double checked all the points
> highlighted by
> you, and they all seem OK.All the scripts are in place with 775
> permissions,
> and their paths mentioned correctly in sudoers file.Proper
> permissions have
> also been assigned to the bacula and oracle users.
> Any other suggestions, please?

The multiple error messages

> unknown command beginning "/var/oracl..." - rest of line ignored

imply that it is having trouble executing the shell commands. This
could be for one (or more) of several reasons, including any of the

1. The file name does not exist
2. The file exists, but it does not have execute permission for the
current user.
3. The file exists and has correct permissions, but the user doesn't
have permissions to descend into the higher directories (missing
read and/or execute permissions on /var, /var/oracle etc).
4. The script is ok, but it includes a line at the top which looks
like "#!/bin/sh" or similar (without the quotes) (often called a
"shebang" line), but the file /bin/sh doesn't exist. You will need
to correct the location of the appropriate sh or bash or ksh
executable file in this case.
5. sudo or some other security mechanism (SELinux etc) is blocking
execution. You may be able to check the logs for these applications
to see if this is the case.
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Issue backing up Oracle database using Bacula

2010-06-25 Thread Mike Holden
nagaraj mogaroy wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been trying to set up a backup of our Oracle database using
> Bacula,
> following the steps in the below link:
> However, I encounter the following errors during the backup process:
> 25-Jun 08:55 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: SP2-0734:
> unknown
> command beginning "/var/oracl..." - rest of line ignored.
> 25-Jun 08:55 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: -rw-rw
> 16785408 2010/06/25 08:55:03 RBL_CORE.dbf
> 25-Jun 08:55 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob:
> 25-Jun 08:55 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: sent 63
> bytes
> received 20 bytes  23.71 bytes/sec
> 25-Jun 08:55 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: total size
> is
> 16785408  speedup is 202233.83
> 25-Jun 08:55 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob:
> 25-Jun 08:55 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: SP2-0734:
> unknown
> command beginning "/var/oracl..." - rest of line ignored.
> 25-Jun 08:55 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: -rw-rw
> 16785408 2010/06/25 08:55:07 suncata.dbf
> 25-Jun 09:25 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: SP2-0734:
> unknown
> command beginning "/var/oracl..." - rest of line ignored.
> 25-Jun 09:26 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: alter
> system
> archive log all
> 25-Jun 09:26 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: *
> 25-Jun 09:26 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: ERROR at
> line 1:
> 25-Jun 09:26 tapti18522-fd JobId 20: ClientRunBeforeJob: ORA-00271:
> there
> are no logs that need archiving
> The control file and the archive redo logs get backedup alright.It's
> only
> the data files that I am facing the issue.
> Being new to Oracle/sqlplus, I am stuck here, and no amount of
> googling has
> helped.I have also tried setting sqlblanklines to ON in the script,
> as
> suggested in one of the forums, but that didn't help.
> Would greatly appreciate if someone can guide me here.
> Note: I have not added the scripts here as I just copied them from
> the
> mentioned link and pasted them in my server, changing only the paths
> where
> necessary.

Have you downloaded and installed the various scripts mentioned on
that wiki (namely, etc - there
are 5 named)?

If so, what path have you saved them at, and have you made the *.sh
scripts executable after downloading them (using the chmod command)?

If you have saved them to a different location, have you also
changed the sudoers file and any other scripts that refer to them?
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] question on schedules 5th sat/sun

2010-06-11 Thread Mike Holden wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to figure out how to get the schedules right when dealing
> with backups that run for longer than a day. I have a full backup
> set for the
> fifth saturday of a month. I also have jobs (copy jobs) that must
> run only after all other jobs for that cycle have finished. I cannot
> use "5th sun"
> in the schedule because in july for example, the fifth saturday is
> the 31st and the month has no 5th
> sunday.

Schedule the second backup to run 1 minute after the first one, and
at a lower priority, so that it runs immediately after the first one

Not sure if concurrency could be an issue here? You may need to
ensure only 1 job runs at a time.
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Upgrade to 5.02 fails with some sort of database error

2010-06-11 Thread Mike Holden
Marc Chamberlin wrote:
> I just downloaded and installed the following RPMs for Version 5.02
> (upgrading from 5.01) on SuSE11.2 -
> ?bacula-mysql-5.0.2-1.su112.x86_64.rpm
> <>
> ?bacula-libs-5.0.2-1.su112.x86_64.rpm
> <>
> ?bacula-bat-5.0.2-1.su112.x86_64.rpm
> <>
> I removed the previous version of Bacula and the installation went
> fine.
> I simply reused my conf files from version 5.01. (couldn't see
> anything
> different in the example conf files so I figured nothing much has
> changed...) Tried to restart the bacula daemons and I get the
> following
> error -
> 10-Jun 20:01 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: Could not open Catalog
> "MyCatalog", database "bacula".
> 10-Jun 20:01 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: sqlite.c:178 Database
> /var/lib/bacula/bacula.db does not exist, please create it.

The sqlite.c error in the log would suggest that maybe it is trying
to use sqlite rather than mysql?
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate 
GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the 
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How to find all file .avi from full tape

2010-05-31 Thread Mike Holden
Simone Martina wrote:
> Thanks for your suggestions, I propose a query made with help of a
> friend of mine:
> SELECT CONCAT(Path.Path,Filename.Name) FROM Filename Inner Join File
> ON
> Filename.FilenameId = File.FilenameId Inner Join Path ON File.PathId
> =
> Path.PathId where (Filename.Name LIKE "%avi") OR (Filename.Name LIKE
> "%AVI") OR (Filename.Name LIKE "%mpeg") OR (Filename.Name LIKE
> "%MPEG")
> OR (Filename.Name LIKE "%mpg") OR (Filename.Name LIKE "%MPG");

You can simplify the multiple instances of the same extension in
different cases by using UPPER() like this:

OR UPPER((Filename.Name LIKE "%MPG"))

Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Bconsole does not work

2010-05-20 Thread Mike Holden
mario parreño wrote:
> Check file /var/run/

Did you do this part?

If this file exists, and the director is not running, then the
startup script thinks that it _is_ running.

If the director is _not_ running, you can safely remove that file
and try again.
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts


Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] "Wrong" volume label when client not running

2010-05-20 Thread Mike Holden
I have bacula set up to create formatted labels which include the
client name and job name, such that a typical label will look like:


where tux2 is the name of the client.

I also set Max Volume Jobs = 1 for each volume, so it is only ever
used once, and never recycled.

At the moment, the machine tux2 is often shut down, due to an
intermittent (probably hardware or overheating) problem that I
haven't yet got to the bottom of.

When bacula comes to back up the machine when it is shut down, I get
the following log:

20-May 03:05 bacula-dir JobId 5168: Prior failed job found in
catalog. Upgrading to Full.
20-May 03:05 bacula-dir JobId 5168: Start Backup JobId 5168,
20-May 03:05 bacula-dir JobId 5168: Created new Volume
"Daily-tux2-fd-2010_05_20-03_05-Tux2" in
20-May 03:05 bacula-dir JobId 5168: Using Device "FileStorage"
20-May 03:08 bacula-dir JobId 5168: Error: getmsg.c:191 Malformed
20-May 03:08 bacula-dir JobId 5168: Fatal error: No Job status
returned from FD.
20-May 03:05 bacula-dir JobId 5168: Warning: bsock.c:129 Could not
connect to Client: tux2-fd on
tux2.floof.bob:9102. ERR=No route to host

and the client is correctly not backed up. Note however that it
__has__ created and labelled a volume, using the client name tux2.

Now the next backup is started, for a client called "jewel". Because
the failed tux2 backup created a volume, this backup now uses the
confusingly named volume already created but not used:

20-May 03:08 bacula-dir JobId 5169: Start Backup JobId 5169,
20-May 03:08 bacula-dir JobId 5169: Using Device "FileStorage"
20-May 03:08 bacula-sd JobId 5169: Labeled new Volume
"Daily-tux2-fd-2010_05_20-03_05-Tux2" on
device "FileStorage" (/backup/jewel/bacula).
20-May 03:08 bacula-sd JobId 5169: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
"Daily-tux2-fd-2010_05_20-03_05-Tux2" on device "FileStorage"
20-May 03:08 bacula-dir JobId 5169: Max Volume jobs exceeded.
Marking Volume
"Daily-tux2-fd-2010_05_20-03_05-Tux2" as Used.

Would it make more sense to only create and label a volume once we
know the client is ready to be backed up?

Or alternatively, mark the volume as used when the backup fails,
since I have Max Volume Jobs = 1?

I appreciate that this is something of a corner case!

I also appreciate, before someone else point it out, that using
labels with dates in them etc is not a good idea due to recycling
files, but these files are not recycled, and only used once each, so
there is no future confusion built in, so don't bother pointing that
one out to me!! :-)

Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts


Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] File volumes doesnt reach Maximun volumes

2010-04-27 Thread Mike Holden
Jorge Cabello wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm having problems backing up to files in a hard drive.
> I'm using 3 pools: full, differential and incremental. All of the
> with:
> maximum volume jobs = 1
> Volume Retention = 1 month
> AutoPrune = yes
> Recycle = yes
> MaximumVolumeJobs = 1
> RecycleOldestVolume = yes
> Full Pool (1st of each month): Maximum volumes = 2
> Differential Pool (15th of each month):Maximum volumes = 2
> Incremental Pool (not 1st or 15th): Maximun Volumes = 45
> My problem is that the incremental pool does not grow above 30
> volumes. As I
> have read the number of volumes should be increasing till Maximum
> volumes limit
> is reached, right?
> Incremental pool:
> # show pool=XXXIncremental
> Pool: name=XXXIncremental PoolType=Backup
>   use_cat=1 use_once=0 cat_files=1
>   max_vols=48 auto_prune=1 VolRetention=1 month 1 day
>   VolUse=0 secs recycle=1
> LabelFormat=${Job}_Inc_${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Month:p/2/0/r}-${Year}
>   CleaningPrefix=*None* LabelType=0
>   RecyleOldest=1 PurgeOldest=0
>   MaxVolJobs=1 MaxVolFiles=0 MaxVolBytes=0
>   MigTime=0 secs MigHiBytes=0 MigLoBytes=0
> Thanks.

If I read that right, you have retention set to 1 month as well, so
it will recycle after one month! Recycling happens at the first
limit reached, so 1 month happens before 45 volumes.
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

Bacula-users mailing list

[Bacula-users] Pruning before failed jobs - bug?

2010-03-30 Thread Mike Holden
At the moment, one of my client machines is switched off, deliberately.

Bacula tries to back it up overnight, but fails because it cannot connect to 
the client.

Before doing this, it prunes and purges successfully, according to the 
retention rules.

My thought is that if this machine is left off for an extended periopd of time, 
I could
end up in a situation where all the backups are removed. I understand there is 
a new
option to truncate backup files on prune/purge as well, so there is even the 
for the backup to be deleted, as well as the catalog.

So my question is this - should backups be pruned, purged and truncated 
automatically if
the backup fails?
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restoring from possibly (probably!) corrupt disk volume

2010-02-26 Thread Mike Holden
Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 20:45:01 -, Mike Holden said:
>> bextract: record.c:465-0 Block=219743 Ver=2 size=64512
>> bextract: record.c:473-0 Enter read_record_block: remlen=56750 data_len=222 
>> rem=0
>> blkver=2
>> bextract: record.c:533-0 rd_rec_blk() got FI=303570 SessId=62 Strm=GZIP 
>> len=113
>> remlen=56738 data_len=0
>> bextract: record.c:592-0 Rtn full rd_rec_blk FI=303570 SessId=62 Strm=GZIP
>> len=113
>> bextract: read_record.c:207-0 read-OK. state= blk=219743 rem=0
>> file:block=0:1291207847
>> bextract: read_record.c:217-0 recno=43 state= blk=219743 SI=62 ST=1264433856
>> FI=303570
>> bextract: read_record.c:286-0 OK callback. recno=43 state= blk=219743 SI=62
>> ST=1264433856 FI=303570
>> ---
>> End
>> bextract
>> log
>> My guess is that it is probably disappearing on some kind of null or garbage
>> pointer chase.
>> Can someone who understands the internals of what is going on with these 
>> programs
>> offer any information on what I can do to extract the rest of the volume?
> It is probably getting stuck when trying to uncompress that block (Strm=GZIP).
> You might be able to skip that file by doing bextract -b with a bootstrap
> file.  Use FileIndex lines in the bootstrap file to avoid index 303570 (see
> FI=303570 above).
> __Martin

And the winner is ... Martin Simmons!!!

Absolutely brilliant. I have now recovered some files from beyond where it was
sticking before, and hopefully now can recover everything I need where I still 
the file volumes.

Another useful snippet to add to my arsenal.

Just one extra piece of info for anyone who comes across this email in the 
some time, bls with the "-v" flag lists the FileIndex value for each file it
outputs, so you can easily find the numbers you need.

As the Rugby League legend Brian Carney said in a TV interview a while ago "I'm 
chuffed as a rabbit with two d**ks!", before being reminded by the interviewer 
he was live on national TV!

Thanks very much Martin!
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Restoring from possibly (probably!) corrupt disk volume

2010-02-26 Thread Mike Holden
Nobody got any clues at all? (Sorry for top-post, seemed more appropriate this

Mike Holden wrote:
> Been struggling with a difficult restore for a few days now, and need some 
> help
> please.
> The short story is that I am trying to recover files from a disk archive 
> which was
> subsequently deleted from disk, and then recovered using an undelete process 
> on a
> reiserfs disk. Most of the files appear to have recovered ok, but I'm pretty 
> sure
> that the undelete is not complete, and that some files are either missing 
> entirely,
> or have random or zeroed blocks in them instead of real data.
> Nightmare scenario I know, but anything that can be recovered is a bonus here!
> I'm now at the stage of using bls and bextract to recover what I can from 
> files,
> but seem to be hitting a situation where bls lists more files than bextract 
> is able
> to recover. bls gets to pretty much the end of the file, then exits with the
> following few lines:
> -- Begin bls log
> bls: butil.c:282 Using device: "/backup/jewel/bacula" for reading.
> 24-Feb 20:15 bls JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "Monthly-0544" on device
> "FileStorage" (/backup/jewel/bacula).
> bls JobId 0: -rwxrw   1 501  501  69930 2009-10-08 00:54:21
> /home/mike/Documents/tumnus/DVD_Collection.txt
> ... [ big snip ]
> bls JobId 0: -rw-r--r--   1 506  506  16992 2009-10-29 20:31:07
> /home/byang/albums/Cards/Multipack/thumb_C-MP-0127-D.jpg
> bls JobId 0: -rw-r--r--   1 506  506  16607 2009-10-29 20:31:07
> /home/byang/albums/Cards/Multipack/thumb_C-MP-0127-E.jpg
> bls JobId 0: -rw-r--r--   1 506  506  14651 2009-10-29 20:31:07
> /home/byang/albums/Cards/Multipack/thumb_C-MP-0127-F.jpg
> bls JobId 0: -rw-r--r--   1 506  506  15159 2009-10-29 20:31:07
> /home/byang/albums/Cards/Multipack/thumb_C-MP-0127-G.jpg
> bls JobId 0: -rw-r--r--   1 506  506  16259 2009-10-29 20:31:07
> /home/byang/albums/Cards/Multipack/thumb_C-MP-0127-H.jpg
> bls JobId 0: -rw-r--r--   1 506  506  17196 2009-10-29 20:31:07
> /home/byang/albums/Cards/Multipack/thumb_C-MP-0127-I.jpg
> bls JobId 0: -rw-r--r--   1 506  506  20404 2009-10-29 20:31:07
> /home/byang/albums/Cards/Multipack/thumb_C-MP-0127-J.jpg
> bls JobId 0: -rw-r--r--   1 506  506  34680 2009-10-29 20:31:07
> /home/byang/albums/Cards/Multipack/thumb_C-MP-0127-K.jpg
> 24-Feb 20:16 bls JobId 0: Error: block.c:275 Volume data error at 
> 0:2147475478!
> Wanted ID: "BB02", got "". Buffer discarded.
> 50614 files found.
> --- End bls log
> The volume file is as follows:
> [r...@jewel mike]# ls -l /backup/jewel/bacula/Monthly-0544
> -rw-r-. 1 root root 2147479552 2010-02-07 04:33
> /backup/jewel/bacula/Monthly-0544
> The file in question is a single volume from a multi-volume job, split by 
> file size
> of approx 2Gb each.
> When running bextract on the same file, with -vvv -d 3000 options, the 
> progress
> gets as far as the following output, but then just sits there, consuming as 
> much
> cpu as it can get hold of, but doesn't seem to get any more progress, even 
> when
> left for several hours. It always sticks at the same file, which it creates 
> but
> leaves as a zero byte file. The last bit of the log looks like this:
> --- Start bextract log
> ... [ big snip ]
> bextract: create_file.c:90-0 type=5 newmode=41fd
> file=/backup/recovery/mike/home/mike/.openoffice.org2.0/user/uno_packages/cache/registry/
> bextract: create_file.c:118-0 Replace=a 97
> bextract: create_file.c:362-0 Make dir mode=40775
> dir=/backup/recovery/mike/home/mike/.openoffice.org2.0/user/uno_packages/cache/registry/
> bextract: guid_to_name.c:138-0 uid=501 item=1f7e1c8
> bextract: attr.c:281-0 drwxrwxr-x   2 501  501 48 2008-12-13
> 11:32:21  *none*
> bextract: message.c:1102-0 Enter Jmsg type=13
> bextract: message.c:612-0 Enter dispatch_msg type=13 msg=bextract JobId 0:
> drwxrwxr-x   2 501  501 48 2008-12-13 11:32:21  *none*
> bextract: message.c:799-0 STDOUT for following msg: bextract JobId 0: 
> drwxrwxr-x
> 2 501  501 48 2008-12-13 11:32:21  *none*
> bextract JobId 0: drwxrwxr-x   2 501  501 48 2008-12-13 
> 11:32:21
> *none*
> bextract: record.c:465-0 Block=219743 Ver=2 size=64512
> bextract: record.c:473-0 Enter read_record_block: remlen=56984 data_len=195 
> rem=0
> blkver=2
> bextract: record.c:533-0 rd_rec_blk() got FI=30357

[Bacula-users] Restoring from possibly (probably!) corrupt disk volume

2010-02-24 Thread Mike Holden
bextract: attr.c:83-0 Got Attr: FilInx=303570 type=3
bextract: attr.c:116-0 unpack_attr FI=303570 Type=3
attr=P0K Pe+ IG0 B H1 H1 A DAA BAA Q BLQB0q BJQ51F BJQ51F A A E lname= attrEx= 
bextract: match.c:333-0 pat=/
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: match.c:358-0 exc is NULL
bextract: create_file.c:90-0 type=3 newmode=81b4
bextract: create_file.c:118-0 Replace=a 97
bextract: create_file.c:160-0 unlink
bextract: create_file.c:189-0 Make path
bextract: create_file.c:208-0
bextract: bfile.c:900-0 open file
bextract: bfile.c:924-0 Open file 4
bextract: guid_to_name.c:138-0 uid=501 item=1f7e1c8
bextract: attr.c:281-0 -rw-rw-r--   1 501  501  12288 2008-12-13
bextract: message.c:1102-0 Enter Jmsg type=13
bextract: message.c:612-0 Enter dispatch_msg type=13 msg=bextract JobId 0:
-rw-rw-r--   1 501  501  12288 2008-12-13 11:32:21 
bextract: message.c:799-0 STDOUT for following msg: bextract JobId 0: 
1 501  501  12288 2008-12-13 11:32:21 
bextract JobId 0: -rw-rw-r--   1 501  501  12288 2008-12-13 
bextract: record.c:465-0 Block=219743 Ver=2 size=64512
bextract: record.c:473-0 Enter read_record_block: remlen=56750 data_len=222 
bextract: record.c:533-0 rd_rec_blk() got FI=303570 SessId=62 Strm=GZIP len=113
remlen=56738 data_len=0
bextract: record.c:592-0 Rtn full rd_rec_blk FI=303570 SessId=62 Strm=GZIP 
bextract: read_record.c:207-0 read-OK. state= blk=219743 rem=0 
bextract: read_record.c:217-0 recno=43 state= blk=219743 SI=62 ST=1264433856 
bextract: read_record.c:286-0 OK callback. recno=43 state= blk=219743 SI=62
ST=1264433856 FI=303570


My guess is that it is probably disappearing on some kind of null or garbage
pointer chase.

Can someone who understands the internals of what is going on with these 
offer any information on what I can do to extract the rest of the volume?

The file is 2gb in size, but I can make it available for download if that would 

I appreciate that this is probably a lost cause, but the fact that bls lists a 
of files beyond where bextract gets stuck gives me some hope that maybe with a 
appropriate bytes poked into the appropriate part of the volume I can recover 
than I am currently getting. Of course, Sod's Law dictates that the files I am 
interested in are closer to the end of the volume than the beginning!

I should also mention that I am using bacula version 3.0.3 on fedora 12, 
the backup was originally created under bacula 2.4.4 on fedora 10.

Any help would be much appreciated!
Mike Holden


Re: [Bacula-users] Multiple disks as a single storage

2010-02-18 Thread Mike Holden
Cyril Lavier wrote:
> Heitor Faria wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I have a 12 tb disk array and I use the disks individually (since my
>> boss dont want to use RAID).
>> Each disk is a single storage for Bacula (but it makes addministration a
>> little bit complex).
>> Is there a way of using all disks volumes as a single Bacula storage?
>> I think it would be a nice feature.
> You don't use RAID, so you don't need to secure the data storage, so why
> not trying LVM (maybe with GPT EFI)?
> You will have one bug partition, and no problem with multiple disks storage.
> But you will need to delete all data before installing a LVM.

Not a good idea, in my view. Putting an LVM volume over multiple disks with no 
mirroring involved means that if any of your 12 disks fails, you lose the 
of the entire array. Keep them separate and you only lose the disk that failed 
the other 11 continue to work fine.

One "bug" partition could well be an aposite typo :-)
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Some problem with database and volumes

2010-02-05 Thread Mike Holden
> 05-Feb 08:43 ubuntu-dir JobId 18: Bacula ubuntu-dir 2.4.4 (28Dec08): 
> 05-Feb-2010
> 08:43:02
>   Build OS:   i486-pc-linux-gnu debian 5.0
>   JobId:  18
>   Job:Client1.2010-02-05_08.43.00.05
>   Backup Level:   Full
>   Client: "ubuntu-fd" 2.4.4 (28Dec08) 
> i486-pc-linux-gnu,debian,5.0
>   FileSet:"Full Set" 2010-02-03 21:30:47
>   Pool:   "Default" (From Job resource)
>   Storage:"File" (From Job resource)
>   Scheduled time: 05-Feb-2010 08:42:58
>   Start time: 05-Feb-2010 08:43:02
>   End time:   05-Feb-2010 08:43:02
>   Elapsed time:   0 secs
>   Priority:   10
>   FD Files Written:   22
>   SD Files Written:   22
>   FD Bytes Written:   61,877 (61.87 KB)
>   SD Bytes Written:   64,340 (64.34 KB)
>   Rate:   0.0 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   None
>   VSS:no
>   Storage Encryption: no
>   Volume name(s): backup
>   Volume Session Id:  2
>   Volume Session Time:1265355005
>   Last Volume Bytes:  131,077 (131.0 KB)
>   Non-fatal FD errors:0
>   SD Errors:  0
>   FD termination status:  OK
>   SD termination status:  OK
>   Termination:Backup OK
> 05-Feb 08:43 ubuntu-dir JobId 18: Begin pruning Jobs.
> 05-Feb 08:43 ubuntu-dir JobId 18: No Jobs found to prune.
> 05-Feb 08:43 ubuntu-dir JobId 18: Begin pruning Files.
> 05-Feb 08:43 ubuntu-dir JobId 18: No Files found to prune.
> 05-Feb 08:43 ubuntu-dir JobId 18: End auto prune.
> If this means, that bacula is running properly, thanks everybody who helped 
> mi with my
> problem :) It looks like it's working first time after two months of trying 
> to make it
> work.

store0001 -> store0010 should be files, not directories. That is your problem! 
You are
now using a different destination creating files called "backup", so that is
working. If you try to backup to the "store" files again, it will fail. The 
denied" error you were seeing was because it couldn't create a file with the 
same name
as a directory that already exists.

You say you ran an "add" command, but this is to add media, rather than to add 
a volume,
so that may be where you went wrong!
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Some problem with database and volumes

2010-02-04 Thread Mike Holden
>> You didn't read my previous post carefully, did you?
>> I have already set read and write permission on both /mnt and /mnt/mnt1 for 
>> everybody.
>> What about the files inside?
> Well, there are actually no files inside, since backup still doesn't work. 
> It's just an
> empty directory, in which I think bacula should copy backup files.

Has it ever created any files? Looks like store0001 should exist, as that is 

Can you run:

ls -laR /mnt


ps -ef|grep bacula

and post the output (assuming there isn't too much of it!)?

Just noticed that you state chmod 666, which is probably not adequate, since 
you need
execute permission as well. 666 gives rw-, while you need rwx to allow the 
bacula server
to descend into the directories.

Assuming you are running bacula as root, and root owns both /mnt and /mnt/mnt1, 
/mnt and /mnt/mnt1 should have 755 permissions, or even more strictly 750 or 
depending on how paraniod/security conscious you are!

Quoting is a nightmare in this thread so far, because people are top, bottom and
middle-posting, all in the same thread, some are trimming useful stuff, some are
trimming nothing, and the whole thing is an unreadable mess! Please 
bottom-post, and
trim unnecessary text from the mail you are replying to. This explains why I 
read this
thread from the beginning, but didn't notice the 666 reference until just now, 
and why
you had a go at someone for not reading your earlier post, when they probably 
had! You
also keep replying to the thread but removing the "Re:" part of the subject, 
making it
look like a new post rather than a reply to an earlier one. Email is our friend 
when we
use it well, but our enemy when we use it badly!
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] query Error

2010-02-02 Thread Mike Holden
Torsten Maus wrote:
> Hi I just upgraded to version 5 of bacula,
> but I just tried yesterday to restore a job but as I did the following
> procedure:
> restore
>  ->5 - Select the most recent backup for a client
>  -> choose my client:

[ snip ]

> SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use
> For one or more of the JobIds selected, no files were found,
> so file selection is not possible.
> Most likely your retention policy pruned the files.
> Do you want to restore all the files? (yes|no): no
> Regexp matching files to restore? (empty to abort):
> If I want to restore the Catalog the file list can be created but not fuer
> anyother Job. Where is my mistake ? I
> Upgraded the tables, copied the exmaple query file to query.sql . If someone
> would be so nice to help me it would be great.

The error message suggests that the query returns too many rows, and further 
some settings you can change in the database to allow bigger queries to run. 
Most likely
this is an "idiot limit" to stop people running huge queries that will cripple 
database performance - I'm not suggesting you are an idiot, just that the 
database maybe
thinks bacula is an idiot ;-)

Either this is due to a bug in bacula, or you are hitting some limit in your 
configuration. If the latter, then you may need to make some changes to allow 
this to
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Question about recycle = no

2010-01-15 Thread Mike Holden
John Drescher wrote:
>>>> That's what I intend to do as well by changing the find to be this:
>>>> find /mnt/mybook/bacula -mtime +65
>>>> This finds all files that haven't been modified in 65 days or more. If
>>>> the retention period is set to 60 days, this would be a pretty safe way
>>>> to do it.
>>> Looks good to me. Some may want different retention periods per pool
>>> but with labeling the volumes this would be easy to adjust.
>> True, there is that approach.
>> What I'm actually thinking of is going the other way:  get Bacula to
>> tell me what volumes have been pruned and moved into the Scratch pool,
>> then delete them and their disk files.
> That would be a little more complicated but more accurate as you are
> letting bacula decide what gets removed instead of externally forcing
> the issue.
> John

I posted a script recently on another thread which takes care of purging, 
volumes and deleting the files based on individual retention periods. Check the 
over the last couple of weeks or so.
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Auto-deleting purged volumes

2010-01-06 Thread Mike Holden
Marek Simon wrote:
> Phil Stracchino napsal(a):
>> I have a disk-based backup setup that uses dated volumes which are used
>> for a 23-hour period then marked 'used', so that I can be certain a
>> particular day's backups are contained in a single file.  They are of
>> course purged after their retention time expires, at which time they are
>> moved to the Scratch pool.
>> What I would LIKE to happen next is to have these purged volumes
>> automatically deleted both from the catalog AND from disk.  Has anyone
>> else already implemented a solution to this problem?  I'd sooner not
>> reinvent the wheel if there's a perfectly good existing solution out there.

(top-posting fixed)

> Bacula is not intended to delete anything. The way you have a new volume
> for a new day with a new uniq date-based name is not a good way for
> bacula. You shuld have the volumes with generic names and recycle them
> instead of removing them (you do not destroy the tapes after one use
> either).
> However you always can have a cron script or bacula admin job, which
> finds the old volumes and removes them.
> I have similar script for deleting volumes older then 60 days, usefull
> for automatic tide up when you often add and remove clients.
> example:
> STORAGE_PATH=/var/lib/bacula/backup
> /usr/bin/find $STORAGE_PATH/storedevice* -type f -ctime +60 -regex
> '.*-all-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$' -delete
> Marek

Attached is the script I wrote to take care of this. What I found is that over 
backups are occasionally larger than expected due to events like software 
updates or
whatever, and disk space usage slowly increases. I initially took care of this 
by adding
extra space using LVM to grow the partition and reiserfs to grow the filesystem 
into the
new space. Eventually though, you run out of physical disk to add!

Although in principle it is good that bacula keeps backed up data until it is 
in practice, it can lead to infinite disk space growth over time.

The attached script is php, and connects to the bacula database (plug in 
user name, password and server name in the connect statement at the top). It 
first of
all looks for volumes past their expiry date and purges them. It then looks for 
volumes and deletes them. Finally, it looks in the backup directory (plug in 
location here) for files with no matching database entry and deletes them.

Use at your own risk etc. I'm not responsible if it deletes your backups, 
crashes your
car or causes your freezer to thaw out!!!

Automated removal as detailed by Marek above is difficult to implement simply, 
you will probably have multiple retention periods on your files, and you need 
to take
this into account in your deletion. Plus, deleting the files while they are 
still listed
in the bacula database is possibly not a good idea!
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bconsole query for calculating client 7days utilization

2009-12-18 Thread Mike Holden
vishal veerkar wrote:
> After trying some combination with other queries finally i got the break
> through...below query gives the output for All clients utilization in GB for
> specified time window...this may helpful for others
> :List storage used by client and pool after specified time window
> *Enter Start time in -MM-DD HH:MM:SS format:
> *Enter End time in -MM-DD HH:MM:SS format:
> SELECT Client.Name AS Client, Pool.Name as Pool,
>sum(Job.JobFiles) as Files, sum(Job.JobBytes)/(1024*1024*1024) as
> TotalSizeGb
>  FROM Client, Job, Pool
>  WHERE Job.ClientID = Client.ClientID and Job.PoolID = Pool.PoolID
>  AND JobStatus='T'
>  AND Job.StartTime >= '%1'
>  AND Job.StartTime <= '%2'
>  GROUP by Client.ClientID
>  ORDER by Client.Name;

You still have Pool.Name listed in the SELECT list but not in the GROUP BY 
clause. I
would suggest (to give standard SQL code), that you change the "GROUP BY clause 
"GROUP BY Client.Name, Pool.Name". You might want to update the ORDER BY in the 
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bconsole query for calculating client 7days utilization

2009-12-18 Thread Mike Holden
vishal veerkar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to calculate the last 7days total backup utilization of my
> clients. I presently using 2.2.8 with Mysql in catalog DB. I was trying to
> tweak one query from query.sql as below. Frankly speaking i am not a DB
> expert and just want to get the job done.
> :List all backups for a Client after a specified time and size
> *Enter Client Name:
> *Enter time in -MM-DD HH:MM:SS format:
> SELECT DISTINCT Job.JobId,Client.Name as Client,Level,StartTime,JobFiles,
> sum(JobBytes) as Totalsize,VolumeName
>  FROM Client,Job,JobMedia,Media
>  WHERE Client.Name='%1'
>  AND Client.ClientId=Job.ClientId
>  AND JobStatus='T'
>  AND JobMedia.JobId=Job.JobId AND JobMedia.MediaId=Media.MediaId
>  AND Job.StartTime >= '%2'
> * GROUP BY Client.Name;*
> Actually it gives the out put but the size does not match the actual size.

I'm no Mysql expert, but I am an Oracle expert!

I would expect to see more columns listed in the GROUP BY clause for that 
query. Since
the only column that is aggregated is the sum(JobBytes) part, I would expect 
that all
the other output columns in the query would need to be listed in the GROUP BY 

If you want size by client, then you don't need to be listing any columns other 
Client.Name and sum(JobBytes) in the SELECT clause.
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Volumes are above the limit?

2009-12-17 Thread Mike Holden
Carlo Filippetto wrote:
> You can use the name of your job too... as this:
> LabelFormat = "${JobName}-${Level}-${Hour:p/2/0/r}:${Minute:p/2/0/r}"
>> This is my current pool definition – I’m thinking of changing the
>> LabelFormat – I didn’t know that I could do fancy stuff like that!

Be wary of using fancy labels that include the date etc when the volume can be 
at a later date, because the violume name will then be very misleading. It's 
only really
useful for volumes that will only be written once.
Mike Holden - the place to shop
for all manner of hand crafted items,
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Two questions concerning Bacula (Off Course)

2009-09-07 Thread Mike Holden
Reynier Pérez Mira wrote:
> Hi every:
> I have two questions about Bacula.
> 1) Recently my boss tell me that he need  to backup a Oracle 10g R2
> installed on RedHat 4.5 AS. How I can do this?

Personally, I would look to Oracle's own backup tools, like RMAN, and 
configuring a
Flash Recovery Area (FRA) for Oracle backups, rather than using an external 
however good Bacula may be at simple file backups!
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted items,
including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Performance with MySQL queries since 3.0.0 (Dir inserting attributes hang)

2009-06-19 Thread Mike Holden
James Harper wrote:
> The subquery returns a very small result set (0 or 1, assuming you use
> DISTINCT) and so isn't too inefficient. It's when you say 'WHERE NOT
> EXISTS (SOME QUERY WITH LOTS OF RESULTS)' that you start to really bog
> down

True, but if the outer query contains a very large number of records, the
inner query is executed over and over and over and ...

This multiplies the small execution time by a large number.

Think of it like a WHILE loop that executes a block of code each time
round. The inner block of code might be quick, but if the loop goes round
several million times, the cumulative time becomes significant.

One general rule of thumb of SQL execution is that bulk processing is
almost always faster than processing records individually in a loop.
Mike Holden

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Performance with MySQL queries since 3.0.0 (Dir inserting attributes hang)

2009-06-19 Thread Mike Holden
Jari Fredriksson wrote:
>> INSERT INTO Filename( Name )
>> SELECT a.Name
>> FROM (
>> FROM batch
>> ) AS a
>> SELECT Name
>> FROM Filename AS f
>> WHERE f.Name = a.Name
>> )
> That looks silly.
> I would write it shorter as
> INSERT INTO Filename(Name)
> FROM batch AS a
> (
> FROM Filename AS f
> WHERE f.Name = a.Name
> )

You may also want to consider using a JOIN rather than a subquery with a
NOT EXISTS, something like (untested and unvalidated!):

INSERT INTO filename(name)
FROM batch AS a
LEFT JOIN filename AS f USING (name)

I know from experience as an Oracle DBA (my day job) that this can often
produce far more efficient results.

Of course, all options need testing for both speed of execution and
resource usage, bearing in mind that data varies from one installation to
another, and one size may not fit all!
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] [Bulk] Re: thannyd

2009-04-07 Thread Mike Holden
Dan Langille wrote:
> This can be set by each user, on a list by list basis, or applied
> globally to all Bacula lists.

That option would appear to be set to Yes by default, so it probably
wasn't my MTA saving me from duplicates earlier on! I did wonder, because
I get duplicates that way from other lists I subscribe to.

Maybe if this list didn't try to save people from themselves, people would
do thing properly? :-)

Anyway, I think this topic has run its course. I will continue to reply
only to the list. You can make your own mind up about what you do. I don't
believe I have anything further to add on the subject, and I respectfully
suggest we all get back to discussing bacula :-)
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] thannyd

2009-04-07 Thread Mike Holden
James Harper wrote:
>> Dan Langille wrote:
>> > This is standard practice on this list.  If you wish to participate,
>> > please ensure you account for this practice.
>> You may see it as "standard" practice, but it's certainly not
> encouraged
>> practice, and probably only a handful of users do it that way (i.e.
>> wrongly). Some people lazily hit "reply all" and don't bother to check
>> what they are doing. I admit I've done it myself on occasion, either
>> through haste or forgetfulness or distraction, but I do at least
> __try__
>> to do it properly!
> I hit reply-all all the time. What MTA are you using that can't sort out
> duplicates for you?

I see you hit Reply All then, just to prove the point :-)

I also see that you use an email program that can't sort out quotes and
attributions correctly (I'm not attributed above, and one line of my text
is wrongly quoted with a single arrow rather than 2) :-)

My MTA (postfix) does sort out duplicates.

By using reply all, you are sending 2 messages over the internet rather
than one, which is just as bad as sending html email or sending spam? :-)

> The reason I use reply-all is that the sender is not necessarily going
> to receive a copy in their inbox otherwise. They may be subscribed in
> 'digest' mode, or may have their subscription configured to not receive
> a copy at all, which allows them to post and then read the messages via
> the archives. I imagine that wouldn't be an uncommon configuration
> either - say you were responsible for a server running Xen, also running
> Debian, using Bacula for backups, Apache as a web server, MySQL as a
> database, and PHP as a scripting engine, and occasionally asked
> questions on those mailing lists when the need arose. You'd spend half
> of your day just processing email if you actually received all of those
> lists into your inbox!

If someone subscribes to a mailing list and sends a mail they want to see
a reply to, then it's up to them to ensure that they have a setup that
allows them to see those replies, surely. It's not MY responsibility you
ensure that YOU receive my email, it's yours.

Mike Holden

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] thannyd

2009-04-06 Thread Mike Holden
Dan Langille wrote:
> This is standard practice on this list.  If you wish to participate,
> please ensure you account for this practice.

You may see it as "standard" practice, but it's certainly not encouraged
practice, and probably only a handful of users do it that way (i.e.
wrongly). Some people lazily hit "reply all" and don't bother to check
what they are doing. I admit I've done it myself on occasion, either
through haste or forgetfulness or distraction, but I do at least __try__
to do it properly!

If I subscribe to an email list, I don't need anyone to send me a personal
copy of an email they are sending to the list, because I just end up with
2 copies of it.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] thannyd

2009-04-06 Thread Mike Holden
Eric J. Wisti wrote:
> That still doesn't make the "Please verify" messages any more friendly.
> What if someone forges my email address and sends you a spam. I get a
> "Please verify" message, but I had nothing to do with the email that was
> sent, other than being a victim of an email forgery. Now, I also get a
> nice "Please Verify" message. These systems may have been a ok workaround
> before, but now that spam is some 94% of email is spam, all it does is
> increase the amount of "spam", and involve people who may not even be
> connected with the emails you receive.

Welcome to the 2009 internet mate! We're all fed up of spam, but until the
ISPs get their fingers out collectively and block junk at source, we're
stuck with it.

If someone forges your email address to send spam, then you will still get
any bounces back anyway if the victim email addresses fail (unknown email
address, quota exceeded etc). A fair percentage of the spam I receive is
bounce messages from spam sent "on my behalf" (i.e. spoofed From address)
to invalid email addresses.

Not a lot I can do about it, unfortunately. I do try to not lose sleep
about it though :-)
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] MySQL conf for 8GB

2009-03-19 Thread Mike Holden
Ulrich Leodolter wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 17:49 +0000, Mike Holden wrote:
>> Ulrich Leodolter wrote:
>> > PS: RTFM might help too
>> That sounds interesting. Where can I download that from?
> Isn't it a nice url for a perl script?
> On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 17:49 +, Mike Holden wrote:
>> :-)

What a waste of a joke, straight over everyone's head :-(

I was asking for info on the "RTFM" that was mentioned (note that that was
all I quoted from the previous message in my reply) :-)

Ah well, once it needs explaining, the joke kind of loses something!
Mike Holden

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powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] MySQL conf for 8GB

2009-03-18 Thread Mike Holden
Ulrich Leodolter wrote:
> PS: RTFM might help too

That sounds interesting. Where can I download that from?

Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

Apps built with the Adobe(R) Flex(R) framework and Flex Builder(TM) are
powering Web 2.0 with engaging, cross-platform capabilities. Quickly and
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Download the free 60 day trial.
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Howto Backup Oracle with Bacula

2009-02-28 Thread Mike Holden
Victor Hugo dos Santos wrote:
> In production environment downtimes of DB isn't allowed, for around
> this problem, we will need:
>   1 - Configure Oracle DB in backup mode
>   2 - Create a Snapshot from files
>   3 - Run a backup from files with bacula
>   4 - Configure Oracle DB in backup mode off.
>   5 - Destroy the Snapshot

You need to swap items 3 and 4 if you use a snapshot. You need to aim to
keep the database in backup mode for as short a time as possible, as
performance is impacted during that time.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How to properly escape Linux shell commands for ClientRunBeforeJob?

2009-02-16 Thread Mike Holden
Ralf Brinkmann wrote:
> Foo schrieb:
>> So I added in the job definition of the machine:
>> ClientRunBeforeJob = "svnadmin --quiet dump /var/svnrepo
>>> /tmp/svnrepo_backup.svn_dump; gzip -9 /tmp/svnrepo_backup.svn_dump"
>> ClientRunAfterJob = "rm -f /tmp/svnrepo_backup.svn_dump.gz"
>> This fails with:
>>   ClientRunBeforeJob: svnadmin: invalid option character: 9
>>   ClientRunBeforeJob: Type 'svnadmin help' for usage.
>>   Error: Runscript: ClientRunBeforeJob returned non-zero status=1.
>> ERR=Child exited with code 1
> (Client)RunBefore/AfterJob:
> sticking commands one after another on one line separated by semicolon
> seems not to work propperly.

Probably better therefore to write your own shell script to do everything
you want, save it somewhere like /usr/local/bin, and then call the script
from bacula.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Never Mind - Given up on Bacula

2009-02-13 Thread Mike Holden
Steve Handy wrote:
>  I needed a car. I decided to get a used car for nothing. My mom warned
> me, "okay but you get what you pay for son." I bought a used car anyway,
> essentially free. I had for it for a year.  Put well over 5000 dollars
> into it, as problems surmounted, new radiator, fuel pump, and finally the
> engine died. I wised up and BOUGHT A NEW CAR. (Nissan Sentra).
> Steve
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason Dixon []
> Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 4:55 PM
> To: Frank Sweetser
> Cc: Steve Handy; 'John Drescher'; bacula-users
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Never Mind - Given up on Bacula
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 05:12:58PM -0500, Frank Sweetser wrote:
>> Seriously, though, if you think that a paycheck suddenly turns someone
>> into a
>> brilliant software engineer, then you've obviously never had to
>> painstakingly
>> read and explain RFCs to the developers who supposedly implemented them
>> in the
>> product you bought, had a trouble ticket filled with with carefully
>> documented
>> details and transcripts of reliably reproducible problems come back with
>> a
>> response that basically says "Oh, our software doesn't do that, so
>> you're not
>> having that problem!", or, when you finally convince them that it really
>> is a
>> real bug, have the vendor respond by simply retracting any claim to
>> having
>> that feature rather than fix it.  And yes, those are all experiences I
>> have
>> personally had when dealing with "highly paid engineers."
> I used to work for a highly respected security/VPN company.  The lead
> engineer in charge of their IPSec management application walked into the
> test lab one day and saw the "ACK" on the back of my black t-shirt.
>him:   "LOL, that's great.  Bill the cat."
> I turned around, showing him the "SYN" on the front of the shirt.
>him:   "I don't get it."
>me:"You know, the 3-way handshake.  TCP."
>him:   "Nope.  What is it?"
> And there you go.  You too can be a lead engineer of an IPSec company by
> knowing Java.
> --
> Jason Dixon
> OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc.
> 443.325.1357 x.241
> --
> Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco,
> CA
> -OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the
> Enterprise
> -Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source
> participation
> -Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code:
> ___
> Bacula-users mailing list

You can't even use an email client to quote past messages prioperly. What
chance do you have with a piece of software more complex than a simple
text editor?

Feel free to throw good money down the drain on an expensive backup
program that will be less feature rich and more buggy, and with a company
less responsive to bug reports than bacula if you like, but everyone else
here knows you are an idiot already!

Still, you've kept me amused on a Friday where I have been deprived of my
usual dose of BOFH, so I have to commend you for that at least.
Mike Holden

Open Source Business Conference (OSBC), March 24-25, 2009, San Francisco, CA
-OSBC tackles the biggest issue in open source: Open Sourcing the Enterprise
-Strategies to boost innovation and cut costs with open source participation
-Receive a $600 discount off the registration fee with the source code: SFAD
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] bacula-fd not playing nice with time critical apps

2009-02-10 Thread Mike Holden
Foo wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm doing a backup on a Debian Etch server which runs a network/time
> critical app at -20 niceness, but even with nice -n19 bacula-fd still
> causes glitches (packetloss).
> They seem to happen when the backup starts and ends, during the backup
> (doing 20-23 MB/s) there is no problem. An incremental backup that takes 5
> seconds still causes a glitch, although much smaller. Doing an 'estimate
> job=servername' via bconsole causes no glitch, but this is probably due to
> caching after the backup (returns immediately with the correct answer).
> This makes me think it is disk IO related (2x15K rpm SAS drives in RAID1
> on Dell Perc/5i - backup goes to other disk array over Gb Ethernet/Fiber).
> Is there a way to solve this on the Bacula side? The server is normally
> using only a few percent CPU, with bacula-fd going up to 15-25% at most,
> it's scheduling, or some disk related holdup that seems to be the problem.

If you suspect disk I/O may be a sticking point, look at using "ionice".
Works in much the same way as "nice", but for limiting I/O rather than

You could also look at using iotop and iftop to check disk and network
throughtput at the problem times to see what is going on.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] products based on bacula

2009-01-20 Thread Mike Holden
Frank Sweetser wrote:
> Because many mangers, used to dealing with and fighting over budgets 7 out
> of
> 8 hours a day, tend to equate cost with value.  They're used to paying
> more to
> get what they want, so assume that if they're not paying more, whatever
> they're getting must not be what they want.

Totally agree with this. A manager of mine in a previous job point-blank
refused to even consider using CVS for source code control, because it was
"free", even after I pointed out that the owners provided a full paid-for
support service as well. She went with PVCS instead, because it cost
money, despite my misgivings about the performance (java). As it turned
out, everyone hated it, but because it was already paid for, they were
forced to continue using it! It couldn't even do concurrent checkouts,
which I pointed out before the decision was finalised, and this forced
them to change their coding practices to cope with their final choice of
product. Barmy!

I used CVS for my own stuff at work (as a DBA/Unix guy I was outside the
main development loop so wasn't tied in with what they were using), and
was very happy with it.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Add forums to the main page?

2008-12-17 Thread Mike Holden
Kevin Keane wrote:
> Did you know that you don't have to use a Yahoo mail account? You can go
> into your Yahoo profile and add a second (and third and fourth) email
> address, and for each group separately specify which account you want
> the emails to be delivered to. You can also use any of these email
> addresses to post to the groups.

You don't even need a Yahoo account at all - I subscribe to 2 Yahoogroups,
and I don't have any Yahoo accounts. The messages are mailed straight to
me. To get in this way, you simply send a subscribe email from the
required email address to an admin email address for the group.

That said though, Yahoo groups is a bit pants really, and I wouldn't have
subscribed at all if there was any other way!
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Large maildir backup

2008-11-27 Thread Mike Holden
Boris Kunstleben onOffice Software GmbH wrote:
> any idea if there is a better filesystem, im using ext3 on the clients and
> xfs on the director

ext3 is possibly not a good fs for a Maildir. Can't offer you any personal
accounts, but I was looking at Google for something else regarding
filesystem performance for MythTV, which is at the opposite end of the
spectrum (small number of large, sequentially written files with parallel
files in use at the same time (record 3 programs, watch another, all at
the same time, then delete a large file after watching it)). One likely
page I saw was which heads
towards xfs/jfs for your arena.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How to set up large database backup

2008-11-27 Thread Mike Holden
David Jurke wrote:
> The DBAs are already talking about partitioning and making the older
> tablespaces read-only and only backing them up weekly or fortnightly or
> whatever, which solves the problem for the daily backups but still leaves
> us with a weekly/fortnightly backup which won't fit in the backup staging
> disk and won't complete before the next backup is due to kick in. It may
> be that we have to just accept that and not do daily backups over the
> weekend, say, working around the disk space issue somehow.

We use a similar partitioning scheme and make stuff read-only once it is
older. For backups, what we do is split the read-only partitions into 8
groups, and once a week we back up one of these 8 groups on a rota. This
means that each week we only backup one eighth of the RO data, and each RO
file gets backed up once every 8 weeks. The tape retention is set so that
we always have a couple of spare copies of each RO file in the archive
before it is overwritten. This works pretty well for us.

As an additional note, rather than creating multiple smallish files on a
regular basis, I would suggest resizing files - you can even automate this
by use of the AUTOINCREMENT clauses on datafiles. This keeps the number of
files lower. This can have an impact during checkpointing (less files =
faster checkpointing). Although there's no realistic limit on file sizes
these days most of the time, I would suggest keeping files to say 50Gb or
smaller, just because of recovery times when only a single file needs to
be recovered.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] How to set up large database backup

2008-11-26 Thread Mike Holden
Hemant Shah wrote:
> How about exporting/dumping one table at a time and then backing up the
> exported data using bacula.

Unfortunately, export is not really suitable for a DR solution. The main
reason is that each table is exported at a different time, and so the
complex relationships between individual records cannot be maintained
(unless you use the CONSISTENT flag on the export, but the timeframe
involved here would blow your rollback resources, and you would have to do
the entire export as a single operation).

If you are using Oracle 10g or above, I would recommend RMAN together with
BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING. These 2 combined allow you to only back up the data
that has actually changed, thus reducing the size of your backup
significantly in most situations.

If you have enough spare disk space on the server (roughly the same as the
database size plus some more - a bit vague I know but this varies
significantly from one database to another), then look into setting up a
FLASH RECOVERY AREA and use that as a staging area for your backups.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
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Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Error on Bacula job

2008-11-20 Thread Mike Holden
Daniel Bareiro wrote:
> #File = "\\|bash -c \"find /space/backup/$HOSTNAME/*_etc.tar.gz \""
> By the sight, the indicated three directives File were those that gave
> problems ---even redirecting stderr to /dev/null---, because when
> commenting them, I got no error from "estimate" command.

That first one is the suspect. The "find" command expects the first
parameter to be a directory. In that case, it is a filename.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge
Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes
Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
Bacula-users mailing list

Re: [Bacula-users] Getting some stat errors during backup

2008-11-18 Thread Mike Holden
Either the directories or files don't exist, or permissions on the
directories disallow the current user to look inside them. If the files
and dirs really do exist, then check the permissions on all the
directories /, /directory, /directory/directory, /driectory/directory/zips
etc with ls -ld  and check the r and x permissions allow the
appropriate user to browse into them.
Mike Holden - the place to shop for all manner of hand crafted
items, including Jewellery, Greetings Cards and Gifts

Charlie Reddington wrote:
> Okay, that makes sense. So if the file / directory DOES exist, with
> proper read permissions, what can be causing me this error?
> Thanks,
> - charlie -
> On Nov 18, 2008, at 9:29 AM, Kevin Keane wrote:
>> "Could not stat" is Unix-speak for "file not found". The reason many
>> programs call it "could not stat" is that the system call to find out
>> basic information about a file (time stamp, size, etc.) is called
>> stat -
>> and when stat fails, it usually means that the file or directory
>> doesn't
>> exist.
>> Charlie Reddington wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Everything looks to be running pretty smooth, but I have one server
>>> which is giving me some problems. It looks like it's backing up
>>> some of the stuff, but it's missing some.
>>> Here's the log after the backup runs. I kind of expected errors with
>>> the *.pl and *.sh files, but the other one is a directory, and does
>>> exist, with all the files having 755 permissions.
>>> What does the line 'Could not stat' mean?
>>> Can we do anything about the subject not matching the actual log? For
>>> example, Bacula subject line says 'backup OK', but in this file, it
>>> has errors. Any quick fix for that as well?
>>> Thanks for any help here,
>>> - charlie -
>>> --
>>> 18-Nov 03:25 noc02-dir JobId 109: Start Backup JobId 109,
>>> Job=server1.2008-11-17_23.05.47
>>> 18-Nov 03:25 noc02-dir JobId 109: Using Device "FileStorage"
>>> 18-Nov 03:20 serv05-fd JobId 109: DIR and FD clocks differ by -312
>>> seconds, FD automatically compensating.
>>> 18-Nov 03:25 noc02-sd JobId 109: Volume "Inc-0004" previously
>>> written,
>>> moving to end of data.
>>> 18-Nov 03:25 noc02-sd JobId 109: Ready to append to end of Volume
>>> "Inc-0004" size=9761414378
>>> 18-Nov 03:20 serv05-fd JobId 109:  Could not stat /directory/
>>> directory/bin: ERR=No such file or directory
>>> 18-Nov 03:20 serv05-fd JobId 109:  Could not stat /usr/directory/
>>> directory/zips/*.sh: ERR=No such file or directory
>>> 18-Nov 03:20 serv05-fd JobId 109:  Could not stat /usr/directory/
>>> directory/zips/*.pl: ERR=No such file or directory
>>> 18-Nov 03:25 noc02-sd JobId 109: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:11,
>>> Transfer rate = 727.1 K bytes/second
>>> 18-Nov 03:25 noc02-dir JobId 109: Bacula noc02-dir 2.4.2 (26Jul08):
>>> 18-
>>> Nov-2008 03:25:41
>>>   Build OS:   x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu redhat
>>>   JobId:  109
>>>   Job:server1.2008-11-17_23.05.47
>>>   Backup Level:   Incremental, since=2008-11-17 04:36:59
>>>   Client: "server1-fd" 2.4.3 (10Oct08) i686-pc-linux-
>>> gnu,redhat,Enterprise release
>>>   FileSet:"server1-Full-Set" 2008-11-10 11:13:36
>>>   Pool:   "Inc" (From Job IncPool override)
>>>   Storage:"File" (From Job resource)
>>>   Scheduled time: 17-Nov-2008 23:05:00
>>>   Start time: 18-Nov-2008 03:25:30
>>>   End time:   18-Nov-2008 03:25:41
>>>   Elapsed time:   11 secs
>>>   Priority:   11
>>>   FD Files Written:   108
>>>   SD Files Written:   108
>>>   FD Bytes Written:   7,987,926 (7.987 MB)
>>>   SD Bytes Written:   7,999,119 (7.999 MB)
>>>   Rate:   726.2 KB/s
>>>   Software Compression:   84.1 %
>>>   VSS:no
>>>   Storage Encryption: no
>>>   Volume name(s): Inc-0004
>>>   Volume Session Id:  43
>>>   Volume Session Time:1226673695
>>>   Last Volume Byte