[monochrom] Entschwörungstheorie / Zeitgeist the Movie

2010-01-05 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Glashaus, Bayreuth
Dienstag, 12.01.10
Einlass: 19:00 Uhr
Beginn: 19:30 Uhr
Eintritt 3 Euro

Nach der Veranstaltung im letzten Semester zu 
Jud Süß und Nazi-Propaganda, gehen wir dieses 
mal den Themenkomplex Propaganda von der anderen Seite an:

Das Chriszeitgeisttentum, die Anschläge auf das 
World Trade Center, das Zinssystem - dahinter 
stecken schon seit Jahrhunderten SIE, die kleine 
geheime Elite, die sich zur besseren Tarnung 
verschiedener Namen bedient. 
Verschwörungstheorien sind Propaganda, die 
vorgibt von unten zu kommen. Fast täglich tauchen 
im Internet neue Dokumentationen auf, die jetzt 
ein für alle mal erklären wollen, wie die Dinge 
in der Welt der Mächtigen denn nun wirklich 
laufen. Der wohl erfolgreichste derartige Film 
ist Zeitgeist the Movie. Obwohl er in 
klassischen Massenmedien kaum erwähnt wird, wurde 
er millionenfach im Netz gesehen und in Foren und 
auf Blogs vielfach diskutiert.

Doch Verschwörungstheorien können gefährlich 
werden, wenn sie zum Allgemeingut, zur Ideologie 
werden. Als verheerendes Beispiel sind die 
antisemitischen Verschwörungstheorien der 
Nazizeit zu nennen. Aber wie wird nun aus einer 
aufklärerischen Suche nach Erklärungen das 
Andere der Vernunft (Adorno)? Und wie kommt es, 
dass Verschwörungstheorien so populär sind? 
Daniel Kulla, Autor des Buches 
Entschwörungstheorie. Niemand regiert die Welt 
wird eine kritische Einführung zum Film geben. 
Nach dem Film findet eine Diskussionsrunde statt.

Rezi der Intro zum Buch Entschwörungstheorie: 


[monochrom] A machine I like

2010-01-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Simply wonderful.


Posted By johannes to 
at 1/02/2010 01:13:00 PM  

[monochrom] A Music-Based Treatment For Tinnitus

2010-01-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Loud, persistent ringing in the ears, known as 
tinnitus, can be vexing for its millions of 
sufferers. This perceived noise can be 
symptomatic of many different ills—from earwax to 
aging—but the most common cause is from 
noise-induced hearing loss, such as extended 
exposure to construction or loud music, and 
treating many of its underlying neural causes has proven difficult.

But many people with tinnitus might soon be able 
to find refuge in the very indulgence that often 
started the ringing in the first place: music.

A new music-based therapy has shown promise in 
helping reduce the ringing's volume in tinnitus 
sufferers within a year, according to a study 
published online Monday in the Proceedings of the 
National Academy of Sciences. Tinnitus loudness 
can be significantly diminished by an enjoyable, 
low-cost, custom-tailored notched music 
treatment, wrote the researchers, who were led 
in part by Christo Pantev at the Institute for 
Biomagnetism and Biosign Alanalysis at Westfalian 
Wilhelms-University in Munster, Germany.


Posted By johannes to 
at 1/02/2010 02:19:00 PM  

[monochrom] Qat: Yemen's afternoon high

2010-01-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Walk down any major street in Yemen in the 
afternoon or evening, and you'll see men with 
bulging cheeks, chewing qat leaves; their 
constituents, cathinone and cathine, produce a 
high. Qat — or Catha edulis — is cultivated in 
the Horn of Africa as well. But in Yemen, 
buffeted by fierce government-tribal clashes in 
the north, renewed secessionist strength in the 
south and dwindling oil revenues, the qat shrub 
is just about holding the Arab world's poorest country together.

Qat chewing occurs almost everywhere in Yemen, 
except tourist hotels (one in Aden greets 
visitors with a sign, Guns and qat are not 
allowed). Many private homes have a comfortable, 
well-ventilated room, or diwan, set aside for the 
purpose. But it is at street level that the 
pervasiveness and tempo of the activity can best 
be appreciated, in the qat markets, or drifting 
amid those chilling out on it or consuming it 
during their workday as a taxi driver or an 
attendant for kids' camel rides at a park, or 
just shopping for fruit and vegetables.

If it is a ritualised activity, it is a seamless 
one, like taking coffee after a meal is for a westerner.

Partaking of this natural amphetamine is not 
prohibited in the Qur'an, and the jury remains 
out on whether it is addictive or harmful. 
Accepted in Yemen, it is not in other Arab 
countries; and while legal in the UK and much of 
Europe, it is banned in France, Norway, Sweden, the US and Canada.


Posted By johannes to 
at 1/02/2010 02:24:00 PM  

[monochrom] Get Lamp: Pre-Order Jason Scott's Documentary on Text Adventures

2010-01-02 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://www.getlamp.com/Get Lamp is currently scheduled to be 
released on DVD in the second half of March 2010. Ordering now both 
guarantees the earliest possible acquisition of the movie and helps 
fund the initial duplication and packaging costs.

But what is Get Lamp?
With limited sound, simple graphics, and tiny amounts of computing 
power, the first games on home computers would hardly raise an 
eyebrow in the modern era of photorealism and surround sound. In a 
world of Quake, Half-Life and Halo, it is expected that a successful 
game must be loud, fast, and full of blazing life-like action.

But in the early 1980s, an entire industry rose over the telling of 
tales, the solving of intricate puzzles and the art of writing. Like 
living books, these games described fantastic worlds to their 
readers, and then invited them to live within them.

They were called computer adventure games, and they used the most 
powerful graphics processor in the world: the human mind.

Rising from side projects at universities and engineering companies, 
adventure games would describe a place, and then ask what to do next. 
They presented puzzles, tricks and traps to be overcome. They were 
filled with suspense, humor and sadness. And they offered a unique 
type of joy as players discovered how to negotiate the obstacles and 
think their way to victory. These players have carried their memories 
of these text adventures to the modern day, and a whole new 
generation of authors have taken up the torch to present a new set of 
places to explore.

Get Lamp is a documentary that will tell the story of the creation of 
these incredible games, in the words of the people who made them.


Posted By johannes to 
at 1/03/2010 12:45:00 AM  

[monochrom] Paris Opera Ballet Tries Out Hi-Def Simulcasting

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The company's Diaghilev/Ballets Russes centennial program was 
transmitted live to 30 cinemas in Britain. Who went? A dance 
audience, small but devoted and knowledgeable. And they were clearly 
delighted with the screening, which turned out to be not a substitute 
for performance but a different experience altogether - and, in some 
ways, better.

Posted By johannes to 
at 12/27/2009 09:23:00 AM  

[monochrom] An interactive guide to all the best movies of the decade lists

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[...] the question remains: Which movie is the best of the decade? Is 
there any consensus among the accumulating lists? To find out, we 
collected all of the rankings we could find and synthesized the 
results using a simple scoring system: Movies got 50 points for being 
the No. 1 pick on a list, 49 points for a No. 2 nod, and so on, down 
to one point for a No. 50 slot. (Brody, who only chose 26 movies, 
still received 50 points for his top pick.)

To see which movies of the aughts are earning the most end-of-decade 
love, select the Points category from the drop-down menu on the 
left. You can also sort the films by director or by total number of 
appearances on best-of lists. (Some directors had more than one movie 
in the running; mouse over the director's name to see which of his or 
her movies made the cut.)


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/27/2009 09:25:00 AM  

[monochrom] Videogames change the way we work, learn and fight wars

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Videogames are no longer the preserve of adolescent males in dark 
bedrooms. Their emergence as a social medium is changing the way we 
work, learn and fight wars.


PS: But never forget: http://www.monochrom.at/pongBrave New Pong!

Posted By johannes to 
at 12/27/2009 09:27:00 AM  

[monochrom] Wealth Care

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

As Congress wrestles over the parameters of a health care bill, 
amidst maddened catcalls of 'death panels' and 'socialism!', I am 
reminded of the experience of John Black, an old trade unionist, 
revolutionary activist and journalist.

Black, a fervent supporter of the Cuban Revolution, joined the 
Venceremos Brigades, an annual trek of foreigners to the island, who 
assisted in harvesting the sugar crop and other agricultural work.

Although he was in his mid-to-high seventies at the time, Black did 
his part, until the searing tropical heat, or perhaps the work (or 
both) took its toll.

Black was taken to a nearby hospital, and received what he called 
excellent treatment. As he was leaving, he reached for his wallet, 
and began pulling out some bucks. The doctor looked at him 
quizzically -- and then told him to put his money away.

We treated you because you were sick, Senor, the doctor explained, 
Not for the money.

These words blew Black away, and this experience with socialist 
medicine moved him deeply.

What is even more remarkable is that Cuba was doing this during its 
'Special Period:, a time of economic chaos when its biggest trading 
partner, the Soviet Union, stopped bartering things for things (as in 
oil for sugar, for example) and began demanding cold cash for trade.

As of 2006, Cuba had a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $45 billion 
dollars--about the same as the Congo, or the Sultanate of Oman ($44.1bn).

The GDP measures the market value of goods and services purchased 
within a nation over a given period of time -- usually a year.

Do you want to know what the U.S. GDP was for 2007?

Over 13 trillion dollars. 13 trillion.

Guess which country provides free medical care?


Posted By johannes to 
http://www.monochrom.at/english/2009/12/wealth-care.htmmonochrom at 
12/27/2009 09:33:00 AM  

[monochrom] How the Brain Encodes Memories at a Cellular Level

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Scientists at UC Santa Barbara have made a major discovery in how the 
brain encodes memories. The finding, published in the December 24 
issue of the journal Neuron, could eventually lead to the development 
of new drugs to aid memory.

The team of scientists is the first to uncover a central process in 
encoding memories that occurs at the level of the synapse, where 
neurons connect with each other.


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/27/2009 09:37:00 AM  

[monochrom] They Might Be Giants - Put It to the Test

2009-12-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/27/2009 06:58:00 PM  

[monochrom] Killing Capitalism with Christmas!

2009-12-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
http://www.monochrom.at/kiki-and-bubu/Kiki and Bubu (and monochrom) 
wish you a merry X-Mas! Kill! Kill! Kill!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBP5OPLzlq8Link (YouTube)
(iTunes) (or just download it from Pirate Bay)

Posted By johannes to 
at 12/24/2009 04:22:00 PM  

[monochrom] monochrom @ ROFLCon II / Dates Officially Set

2009-12-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Tim reports:
Was planning to get to announce this last week, but got caught up in 
some last minute finagling with MIT. But we've finally got it hammered out.

In any case, happy to announce today that we've officially decided 
that ROFLCon II will be on April 30th and May 1st, 2010.

Got it? Awesome. Planning to open up registration sometime in 
January, and we'll announce on the blog when it goes up. If you've 
already hit up tim AT roflcon DOT org, we've already got you covered 
(even if I haven't responded), and, if you haven't, definitely do 
drop a line if you want to be notified by e-mail when it opens up.


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/22/2009 11:04:00 AM  

[monochrom] monochrom and the Future of Porn

2009-12-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Panel discussion with Johannes Grenzfurthner (monochrom), Rose White 
and Aaron SFSlim Muszalski @ C-Base Berlin, December 29, 2009; 10 PM.

If you ask mainstream pornographers what their vision of the future 
is, it involves cracking down on piracy making more money re-selling 
the same generic products in new formats. What about independent 
pornographers with an eye on longtail markets who are focused on 
creating weird products that most people don't want to buy? Or 
consumers who are seeking porn to cater to their special interests 
not covered in mainstream heteronormative porn? Or people who prefer 
porn and Real Dolls to sexual involvement with other humans? And, 
what of the future of computer-generated porn? While the major adult 
companies are still trying to figure out why people aren't buying as 
many $45 DVDs as they used to, more and more niche pornographers, 
artists, merchants, and performers are popping up to create offbeat 
erotic entertainment with a small, but enthusiastic fanbase. Join 
these nerdy perverts for a discussion on the many directions in which 
the future of porn is really headed.

Posted By johannes to 
at 12/22/2009 07:46:00 PM  

[monochrom] monochrom @ hackerspace.sg: Some stories about Context Hacking and Asia

2009-12-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Johannes, an insane Austrian man we met this 
weekend, will be conducting a rant at 
http://www.hackerspace.sgHackerspace.SG this Thursday evening.

For those who are unfamiliar with the rant: it is 
a tradition of performance art which was 
developed in Europe in the 19th century and 
successfully ported to the Internet in the 
early-to-mid 1990s. It is now being introduced to 
Asia by aesthetic pioneers like Johannes Grenzfurthner.

In recognition of Singapore's leading position as 
the financial and cultural capital of Asia, and 
of Hackerspace.SG as the leading hackerspace in 
Singapore, he has chosen Hackerspace.SG as the 
venue for his first Singapore performance of this artwork.

We invite all members of hackerspace.sg and the 
related community to attend this rant.

There is no fee, though we wish to thank in 
advance all the wonderful people who consume 
beer, wine, or soft drinks, for their cash 
donations into the little glass that says your donations are welcome.

For the purposes of licensing under Chapter 257 
Section 319, this is an exempt entertainment as 
defined by the Public Entertainments and Meetings 
(Specified Arts Entertainment) (Exemption) Order 2005.

And here the desc:
monochrom and the East: Some stories about Context Hacking and Asia
A tour-de-farce by Johannes Grenzfurthner of monochrom

monochrom is a worldwide operating collective 
dealing with technology, art and philosophy and 
was founded in 1993. So to sum up, monochrom is 
an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe 
work, pop attitude, subcultural science, 
political activism and technological disaster.

Johannes wants to tell us stories about 
monochrom's context hacking projects that 
specifically deal with our focus on contemporary Asian topics.

The term context hacking—like its mimetic 
siblinng communication guerrilla—refers to 
unconventional forms of commuunication and/or 
intervention in more conventional processes of 
communication. Context hacking is a specific 
style of political action that observes and makes 
visible the paradoxes and absurdities of power. 
Context hacking uses absurdities as the starting 
point for interventions by playing with 
representations and identities, with alienation and over-identification.

hackerspace.sg, 70A Bussorah Street, Singapore. 8 PM.

Posted By johannes to 
at 12/15/2009 01:03:00 PM  

[monochrom] Fwd: Wikipedia Diskussionsrunde im metalab am 16. Dezember

2009-12-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Guten Morgen,

Ich möchte Sie gerne auf eine Diskussionsrunde hinweisen die
wir morgen Abend im metalab in Wien veranstalten werden.
Wir würden uns sehr über das kommen einiger Medienvertreter freuen,
Beginn wird 18:30 sein.

Anlass ist die aktuell aufgekommene Diskussion über die Kriterien
die ein Artikel erfüllen muss um in die deutschsprachige Wikipedia
aufgenommen zu werden. Für außenstehende sind die Prozesse in der
Wikipedia kaum noch zu verstehen und daher wollen wir einen
Abend lang zwischen den Wiener Wikipedianern und dem Hackern
im metalab diskutieren.

Ich selbst gehöre zu beiden Welten, war sechseinhalb Jahre
Wikipedia-Admin und werde mit einer kurzen Einleitung bzw.
Präsentation zur Diskussions führen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Thomas R. Koll

PS: Noch einige Weblinks die vielleicht von Interesse sind:

Thomas R. Koll - Ruby on Rails Webdeveloper
http://photostre.am | http://ananasblau.com | http://github.com/TomK32

[monochrom] Neoteny unconference – How Epic Fail and Agile Development Can Change the World

2009-12-13 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

e27 reports:
With all the talk about failing, one interesting 
speaker that managed to get all our attention was 
Johannes Grenfurthner who runs Monochrom – an 
art-technology-philosophy group in Vienna. With 
his stage presence and use of different yet 
interesting metaphors conveyed why it's important 
to fail and had interesting points on why 
sometimes competition isn't the right way to create something that people need.


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/14/2009 06:21:00 AM  

[monochrom] Roboexotica USA: February 2010!

2009-12-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

We are glad being able to announce Roboexotica USA 2010!

Roboexotica USA 2010 will be held at the world famous 
http://www.dnalounge.com/DNA lounge! Wednesday and Thursday 
February 17-18th, 2010. DNA Lounge is at 375 Eleventh Street, San 
Francisco, CA 94103.


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/13/2009 03:21:00 AM  

[monochrom] Language 2.0: Or how we change the world with every keystroke

2009-12-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Evelyn will give a talk about language and new forms of communication 
at Neoteny Labs Singapore Camp (Sunday, December 13, 2009; 2:30 PM):
The numerous parallels between modern linguistics and computer 
science may come as a surprise to the audience and their notion of 
language may change significantly. Language is a system of signs and 
we adjust it every day. Especially new forms of communication 
(Twitter, instant messaging etc.) change the way we perceive and use 
language. Many people use the same abbreviations in texting and 
instant messaging, and social networking websites. Acronyms, keyboard 
symbols and shortened words are often used as methods of abbreviation 
in Internet slang. Laccetti, a professor of humanities at Stevens 
Institute of Technology and Molsk, criticizes that acronyms, 
predicting reduced chances of employment for students who use such 
acronyms, stating that, Unfortunately for these students, their 
bosses will not be 'lol' when they read a report that lacks proper 
punctuation and grammar, has numerous misspellings, various made-up 
words, and silly acronyms. Fondiller and Nerone, in their style 
manual, assert that professional or business communication should 
never be careless or poorly constructed whether one is writing an 
electronic mail message or an article for publication, and warn 
against the use of smileys and these abbreviations, stating that they 
are no more than e-mail slang and have no place in business communication.
But this is of course a very conservative way to see the subject 
matter. This talk is meant to explore the many ways in which speakers 
'hack' and re-interpret their language based on the various 
definitions of the term 'hacking'.


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/13/2009 03:43:00 AM  

[monochrom] Nice Neoteny photo set

2009-12-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Nice picture of Johannes at Neoteny in Singapore, taken from a 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/mengwong/sets/72157622989163094/great photoset.

Posted By johannes to 
at 12/13/2009 04:51:00 AM  

[monochrom] Roboexotica 2009 - Video of Adult Mario

2009-12-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Kyle Machulis created a great piece of machinery for 
http://www.roboexotica.orgRoboexotica 2009.


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/09/2009 09:52:00 AM  

[monochrom] Plasmastaub at Roboexotica 2009: Video

2009-12-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Great video of (ACRA-Award-winning) Plasmastaub at 
http://www.roboexotica.orgRoboexotica 2009.


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/08/2009 11:08:00 PM  

[monochrom] monochrom @ Crosstalk Video Art Festival Budapest

2009-12-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Oh yes! Roland Gratzer will represent monochrom at Crosstalk Video 
Art Festival in Budapest!

When? December 10, 2009, 7 PM at Kunsthalle Budapest...

Posted By johannes to 
at 12/08/2009 11:40:00 PM  

[monochrom] Podcast: Schneider / Die Diktatur des man

2009-12-08 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Frank Apunkt Schneider ist Germanist und Mitglied 
der KünstlerInnengruppe monochrom. Er lebt als 
unfreier Autor (u.a. testcard, Skug, Intro, 
Jungle World), unfreier Künstler und Hausmann in 
Bamberg. Im Ventil-Verlag erschien 2007 sein 
erstes Buch mit dem Titel Als die Welt noch 
unterging – Punk und Wave im deutschsprachigen 
Raum von 1978 bis 1985. In unserem Podcast 
dokumentieren wir seinen Vortrag vom 18. November 
2009 mit dem Titel Die Diktatur des man. Von 
der Schwierigkeit, in linken deutschen Medien 
geschlechtsneutral zu sprechen. Bericht aus der 
weitgehend beschissenen Praxis.


[monochrom] Roboexotica 2009: Over and (not yet) out

2009-12-07 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Roboexotica 2009 is over... but there are tons of great images, 
videos and reports out there! We are currently cleaning our event 
location (Drinkomat-Halle) and Franky was so kind to upload 
http://roboexotica.org/?audioaudio files of Saturday's symposion.


Posted By johannes to 
at 12/07/2009 03:35:00 PM  

[monochrom] Wien, das Mekka der Cocktail Roboter

2009-12-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


[monochrom] irgendwelche regelmaessigen 4chan user hier in der bagasch?

2009-12-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


[monochrom] Roboexotica 2009: Opening

2009-12-03 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Today is the grand opening of http://www.roboexotica.orgRoboexotica 2009!

Here is an almost 
http://roboexotica.org/?robots2009complete list 
of all cocktail robots on display. Stunning machinery!

Opening act? Liquidoscope!

And don't forget: new location for this year's 
festival! We found a really awesome space! 600 
square meters of lofty pleasure: the former 
factory of Drinkomat (@ Missindorfstraße, just 
beside Okto TV)! Pretty close to Sargfabrik 
(take U3 to Hütteldorfer Straße)!

Posted By johannes to 
at 12/03/2009 09:25:00 AM  

[monochrom] Roboexotica 2009 / 3. bis 6- Dezember 2009

2009-12-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Adventzeit ist Cocktailroboterzeit

Cocktailmixende Roboter bevölkern diese Woche 
wieder die Stadt - 3. bis 6. Dezember 2009 =

   Wien (OTS) - Roboter sind nicht nur zum 
Arbeiten und Angst machen da. Sie können auch 
Cocktails mixen, selber trinken oder 
alkoholggeschwängerte Bar-Konversationen führen. 
Diesen Robotern wird einmal im Jahr eine weltweit 
einzigartige Veranstaltung gewidmet. 2009 steigt 
die Roböxotica erstmals in der ehemaligen 
Drinkomat-Fabrik in der Missindorfstraße 21, 1140 Wien. Ein würdiger Ort!

   Dort treffen sich eine James Bond-taugliche 
Martini-Mix-Maschine, eine Terminator-Westernbar, 
in der ein Whisky mit Armdrücken erspielt werden 
muss, der unfreundliche Zwillingscomputer von Hal 9000, der
die Besucher in eine Schlägerei verwickeln will, 
ein Geldschnorr-Robot, bar2D2, der von Darth 
Vader und anderen Star-Wars-Gesellen begleitet 
wird und viele mehr. Einige davon wurden von 
StudentInnen der FH Joanneum, Studiengang Informatiosndesign gebaut.

   Doch weil die Roböxotica nicht nur ironisch 
über technologisch-alkoholische Interventionen 
nachdenkt, gibt es wie jedes Jahr ein gut 
sortiertes Symposion. Unter dem Titel 
Technotopia werden Gaststars wie Aaron 
Muszalski (u.a. für Industrial Light und Magic 
tätig), Rose White (die Soziologie-Queen aus 
Kalifornien) oder Sex-Technologie-Experte Kyle Machulis zu Wort kommen.

   Im Showprogramm gibt es am Freitag eine 
monochrom Taugshow und am Sonntag die 
traditionelle ACRA-Preisverleihung für die besten Roboter der Ausstellung.

   Veranstaltet wird das Festival von Shifz, 
monochrom und dem Bureau für Philosophie.

Eröffnung: Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009, 19 Uhr 
(Missindorfstrasse 21, 1140; U3 Hütteldorfer Strasse)


[monochrom] New evidence for early life on Mars: NASA

2009-11-30 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

A new NASA study of a Martian meteorite that made headlines 13 years 
ago strengthens the original claim that the rock contains evidence of 
life on ancient Mars. Researchers at the Johnson Space Center used 
advanced electron microscopes that weren't available in 1996 to 
re-examine the magnetite crystals on the meteorite.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/30/2009 08:53:00 PM  

[monochrom] Wikipedia is bloated with trivia and needs more meat

2009-11-30 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

In its almost nine years of existence, Wikipedia 
has achieved unequivocal success: as the fifth 
most visited website in the world, it features 
more than 14.3m articles in 270 languages 
contributed by more than 100,000 volunteers.

Given that this has been done on a shoestring 
budget, Wikipedia easily puts to shame all other 
efforts to create and disseminate digital knowledge.

The debates about the truthfulness of entries 
have also subsided — perhaps a sign that most of 
us have discoveredd there are plenty of other 
lies on the internet. Wikipedia has become the 
lazy man's Google: why bother sifting through 100 
search results if chances are that someone has 
already done this job for you in a Wikipedia entry?

Most projects would be comfortable with gaining 
so much power in so little time, but Wikipedians 
are an ambitious bunch. Their commitment, as 
codified in the vision statement of the Wikimedia 
foundation, the legal entity behind the project, 
is to create a world where every single human 
being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/30/2009 08:57:00 PM  

[monochrom] Up: Pixar's Defense of Animation

2009-11-30 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

The philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce used the term index to 
describe things like Ellie's note, things that stand as physical 
remnants of the causes of their existence. A footprint is the index 
of a foot, just as a scrape on a fender might be the index of another 
car or of a guardrail. Ellie's writing, a sign of her physical being, 
connects Carl to her through this sort of relationship.

In fact, the film characterizes Carl in part through a collection of 
indexical objects. His most prized remembrance of Ellie is an old 
photograph; many theorists and philosophers of film have claimed 
photography and motion pictures to be the pinnacle of indexicality, 
based on the relationship between the subject of a photograph and the 
resulting image. The scrapbook, full of photographs and other 
memorabilia, reads as a kind of collective index of Ellie's life with 
Carl. It may also be worth noting here that Carl steers his house 
with a weathervane, which Peirce himself famously identifies as 
evidence of the blowing wind.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/30/2009 08:59:00 PM  

[monochrom] The Meaning of Seattle: Truth Only Becomes True Through Action

2009-11-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

WTO+10: Before 1999, the momentum of globalization seemed to sweep 
everything in front of it, including the truth. But in Seattle, 
ordinary women and men made truth real with collective action.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/29/2009 04:52:00 PM  

[monochrom] Where In The World: Computer Scientists Develop Program To Decipher Location Of Photograph

2009-11-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Computer scientists designed a program that can analyze a photograph 
to identify where it was taken. The program scans the scene on the 
photo, noting colors, textures and lines, and uses these elements to 
compare it to more than six million images previously tagged with 
locations on online databases. The program has an average success 
rate of 16 percent, which is better than random chance or a human guess.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/29/2009 05:02:00 PM  

[monochrom] Interview with Baburam Bhattarai: Transition to New Democratic Republic in Nepal

2009-11-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
This interview of Dr. Baburam Bhattarai, a leading figure of the 
Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist, was conducted by the World 
People's Resistance Movement (Britain).


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/28/2009 03:04:00 PM  

[monochrom] abwehramt ueberwachte subversivmesse

2009-11-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


[monochrom] Laughing Squid recommends Roboexotica 2009

2009-11-28 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Roboexotica 2009, an annual festival for cocktail robotics organized 
by SHIFZ, monochrom and Bureau of Philosophy, takes place December 
3-6 at Drinkomat in Vienna, Austria.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/28/2009 11:25:00 PM  

[monochrom] Zombie Turkey!

2009-11-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Gobble! Gobble!

Posted By johannes to 
at 11/27/2009 12:22:00 PM  

[monochrom] The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody

2009-11-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/27/2009 12:28:00 PM  

[monochrom] Armenia excels at chess: The lion and the tiger

2009-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Armenia excels at chess. Its top player now has a shot at becoming 
world champion. How did this tiny country become a giant at the game?
Levon Aronian likes to sleep late. But at 11am on a weekday in August 
this year, his dreams were disturbed by what sounded like people 
chanting his name. In a semi-conscious state he got up, looked out of 
the window and saw a large group of people outside where he was 
staying. You must win for Armenia! shouted the crowd. They were 
there because in his native country, Levon Aronian is a megastar. He 
is 27 years old, charming, handsome, wealthy and the best in his 
nation at chess. And his countrymen take chess very seriously. The 
patriotic zeal focused on him during the August tournament was more 
intense than usual. If Aronian did well, he might one day become 
world champion.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/26/2009 06:04:00 PM  

[monochrom] Starts with candy, ends in napalm

2009-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Barack Obama once described the operations in Afghanistan as a 
necessary war. That war has lasted eight years and General Stanley 
McChrystal, the commander of the US forces there, appointed by Obama, 
is urging him to deploy 40,000 more troops.

In Indochina, the US supported corrupt and illegitimate puppet 
governments, to no avail. In Afghanistan, Britain and the Soviet 
Union failed to subdue the country, despite all their efforts. US 
military losses have been relatively small (880 since 2001, compared 
with 1,200 a month in Vietnam in 1968) and anti-war protests have 
been low-key, but have the western armies any chance of winning, lost 
in mountains, surrounded by drug traffickers (1), and suspected of 
crusading against Islam?

The French foreign minister Bernard Kouchner still hopes to win 
hearts and minds with a bullet-proof vest and McChrystal assures the 
world that the American goal in Afghanistan must not be primarily to 
hunt down and kill Taliban insurgents but to protect the population. 
Apart from their cynicism, these statements are based on a common 
assumption that social development can be combined with military 
operations in a country where it is impossible to distinguish between 
insurgents and civilians. In Vietnam, the US journalist Andrew 
Kopkind summed up this kind of counter-insurgency in 1966 as candy 
in the morning, napalm in the afternoon.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/26/2009 06:07:00 PM  

[monochrom] Should We Defend Undocumented Workers?

2009-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

One winter morning in 1996, Border Patrol agents charged into a Los 
Angeles street-corner clinic where 40 day laborers had lined up to be 
tested for AIDS. One worker, Omar Sierra, had just taken his seat, 
and a nurse had inserted the needle for drawing the blood. As agents 
of the migra ran across the street and sidewalk, Sierra jumped up, 
tore off the tourniquet, pulled the needle out of his vein and ran.
Sierra escaped and made it home. Shaken by his experience and 
determined never to forget his friends who were deported, he wrote a song.

I'm going to sing you a story, friends
that will make you cry,
how one day in front of K-Mart
the migra came down on us,
sent by the sheriff
of this very same place ...

We don't understand why,
we don't know the reason,
why there is so much
discrimination against us.
In the end we'll wind up
all the same in the grave.

With this verse I leave you,
I'm tired of singing,
hoping the migra
won't come after us again,
because in the end, we all have to work.

Sierra states an obvious truth about people in the US without 
immigration papers: We all have to work. Yet, work has become a 
crime for the undocumented. That Hollywood raid took place 13 years 
ago, but since then immigration enforcement against workers has grown 
much more widespread, with catastrophic consequences. In the last 
eight years of the Bush administration in particular, a succession of 
raids treated undocumented workers as criminals.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/26/2009 06:10:00 PM  

[monochrom] Brain scanner can tell a Dali from a Picasso

2009-11-26 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Patterns in brain activity can be used to determine whether someone 
is looking at a surrealist landscape by Salvador Dali or the cubist 
lines of Pablo Picasso.

Yukiyasu Kamitani of ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories in 
Kyoto, Japan, and colleagues showed 12 students dozens of Picassos 
and Dalis while scanning their brains using functional MRI. A program 
then identified patterns in activity that were unique to each artist.

When fed brain scans produced by students looking at fresh paintings 
by the same artists, the program correctly identified the painter 
better than chance alone: it was correct 83 per cent of the time 
among the six students who were art majors and 62 per cent of the 
time among the others.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/26/2009 06:12:00 PM  

[monochrom] Like humans, ants use bacteria to make their gardens grow

2009-11-25 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Leaf-cutter ants, which cultivate fungus for food, have many 
remarkable qualities.

Here's a new one to add to the list: the ant farmers, like their 
human counterparts, depend on nitrogen-fixing bacteria to make their 
gardens grow. The finding, reported Nov. 20 in the journal Science, 
documents a previously unknown symbiosis between ants and bacteria 
and provides insight into how leaf-cutter ants have come to dominate 
the American tropics and subtropics.

What's more, the work, conducted by a team led by University of 
Wisconsin-Madison bacteriologist Cameron Currie, identifies what is 
likely the primary source of terrestrial nitrogen in the tropics, a 
setting where nutrients are otherwise scarce.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/25/2009 01:14:00 PM  

[monochrom] Monsanto: Biotech bonanza

2009-11-25 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Last year's global food crisis made millions for 
agro-giant Monsanto. Tim Hunt of Ethical Consumer 
magazine fails to find any redeeming features in this corporate behemoth.

Try looking objectively at biotech firm Monsanto, 
a company that only ever seems to receive a 
negative press, and see if you can find any 
redeeming features – any ray of light emanating 
from this seeming black hole of corporate 
misanthropy. You will struggle. Monsanto is the 
exemplar of all that is wrong with the world's 
corporate-controlled food system.

Monsanto has a damning history. It worked on the 
atomic bomb in the 1940s and produced the 
chemical weapon Agent Orange during the Vietnam 
war. More recently its herbicides have been used 
to devastating effect against coca-producing peasant farmers in Colombia.

But nightmarish weapons have never been the 
company's primary money-spinner. The big bucks 
come from industrialised agriculture. When it 
comes to food, never before has so much been 
controlled by so few – a situation that is 
worsening as genetically modified (GM) crops and 
patents are pushed further into agriculture.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/25/2009 01:17:00 PM  

[monochrom] Fwd: Reminder: Carl Djerassi, 26th November

2009-11-23 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

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From: Shakespeare  Company Booksellers booksell...@shakespeare.co.at
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 09:41:23 +0200 (SAST)

Shakespeare  Company, Booksellers
1010 Vienna, Sterngasse 2
Tel +43 1 535 50 53

Dear Customers and Friends!

This coming Thursday at 7.30 pm, Novelist and finder of the first 
synthesis of an
oral contraceptive - Carl Djerassi, will introduce his book: Four 
Jews on Parnassus ...
 their wives. A dramatic reading with rarely performed 
music,  framed by Art works
created by Gabriele Seethaler  Carl Djerassi, at Shakespeare  
Company, Booksellers.
on 26th November. For more detailed information please look at our 
web-page under

News, Ideas, Links.

Though the reading will be transmitted via video-life-stream to the 
non-smoking section
of St. Ruprecht next door, space is limited. Please send us an 
e-mail if you want to attend.

The scaffolding has been taken down after 10 weeks and Shakespeare  
Company is
visible again.A provisional shop-sign with two older Shakespeare 
images painted by
Robert Zeppl-Sperl in 1981 has been created and put up. SHAKESPEARE 
(the bust)

has returned to his place in the shop-window with music. Just in time for the
90th Anniversary of Sylvia Beach opening her Shakespeare  Company in Paris.

Let yourself be found by a book ...  We hope you'll  find the time 
to come and enjoy
a cup of tea or coffee while you browse through our stock. New books 
are coming in

almost every day.  Please look at our Web-Page under updated Showcases.

For now we wish you all the best

your Booksellers at
Shakespeare  Company

P.S. We are open 6 days a week from 9 am to 9 pm.
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[monochrom] roboexotica schlafplaetze

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

hallo leute!

heuer wirds eng! wir suchen noch schlafplaetze fuer die special guest 
stars auf der roboexotica!

hat jemand von euch lust den einen oder anderen roboexotica gast 
(david fine, kyle machulis, ben cowden, sf slim) fuer eine woche oder 
so unterzubringen?

liebe gruesse

[monochrom] How Downloading Is Changing Music?

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Digital downloading and distribution, illegally or otherwise, has had 
a greater effect on the recording industry than anything in its 
history. As the legal variety grows rapidly, driven most 
significantly by iTunes, so those old-school players are having to 
adopt radical new business plans to compete in the brave new world of music.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/22/2009 03:48:00 PM  

[monochrom] Red Cosmos: K.E. Tsiolkovskii, Grandfather of Soviet Rocketry

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The details of Konstantin Tsiolkovskii's life, as 
James Andrews explains in his new study of the 
man, are more complex and far more interesting than the legend.
Anyone who has studied the history of the space 
age has come across the name Konstantin 
Tsiolkovskii (1857–1935), often under the more 
common alternative spelling Tsiolkovsky. He is 
generally credited with the development of the 
basic mathematical formulae for space travel. 
Other than that, he is often described as the man 
who after the revolution inspired a small group 
of space enthusiasts, including Glushko and 
Korolev, to begin serious work on rocket 
technology. The details of his life, as James 
Andrews explains in his new study of the man, are 
more complex and far more interesting than the legend.
The details are interesting in and of their own 
right. Herman Oberth wrote to Tsiolkovskii in 
1929: I am sorry I did not hear about your work 
prior to now, or I may have been further along 
with my own analysis and discoveries. Certainly 
the paper the Russian wrote in 1903 on rockets 
fueled by liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen was 
far ahead of its time. His speculations about 
what would happen to the human body in weightlessness were equally prescient.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/22/2009 03:50:00 PM  

[monochrom] Why do human testicles hang like that?

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

[...] the first big question is why so many mammalian species evolved 
hanging scrotal testicles to begin with. The male gonads in some 
phylogenetic lineages went in completely different directions, 
evolutionary speaking. For example, modern elephants' testicles 
remain undescended and are deeply embedded in the body cavity (a 
trait referred to as testicond), whereas other mammals, such as 
seals, have descended testicles but are ascrotal, with the gonads 
simply being subcutaneous.
Gallup and his coauthors jog through several possible theories of our 
species' testicular evolution by descent.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/22/2009 03:56:00 PM  

[monochrom] Modern Architecture and Complaints about the Weather, or, 'Dear Monsieur Le Corbusier, It is still raining in our garage… .'

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Historians of Modern Architecture have cultivated 
the image of the architect as a temperamental 
genius, unconcerned by issues of politeness or 
pragmatics—a reading reinforced in cultural 
representations off Modern Architects, such as 
Howard Roark, the protagonist in Ayn Rand's 1943 
novel The Fountainhead (a character widely 
believed to be based on the architect Frank Lloyd 
Wright). The perception of the Modern Architect 
as an artistic hero or genius has also influenced 
the reception of their work. Despite their 
indisputable place within the architectural 
canon, many important works of Modern 
Architecture were contested on pragmatic grounds, 
such as cost, brief and particularly concerning 
issues of suitability and effectiveness in 
relation to climate and weather. A number of 
famed cases resulted in legal action between 
clients and architects, and in many more examples 
historians have critically framed these accounts 
to highlight alternate issues and agendas.

Complaints about the weather, in relation to 
architecture, inevitably raise issues regarding a 
work's success, particularly in view of the 
tensions between artistry and functionality 
inherent in the discipline of architecture. While 
in more recent decades these ideas have been 
framed around ideas of 
sustainability—particularly in relation to 
contemporary buildings—more traditionally they 
have been engaged through discussions of an 
architect's ethical responsibility to deliver a 
habitable building that meets the client's needs. 
This paper suggests these complaints often raise 
a broader range of issues and are used to 
highlight tensions inherent in the discipline. In 
the history of Modern Architecture, these 
complaints are often framed through gender 
studies, ethics and, more recently, artistic 
asceticism. Accounts of complaints and disputes 
are often invoked in the social construction (or 
deconstruction) of artistic genius – whether in a 
positive or negative light. Through its 
discussion of a number of famed examples, this 
paper will discuss the framing of climate in 
relation to the figure of the Modern Architect 
and the reception of the architectural masterpiece.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/22/2009 05:34:00 PM  

[monochrom] Robniks Vortrag zu Inglourious Basterds/Mittwoc h 17.30h im besetzten Hörsaal C1

2009-11-22 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Robniks Vortrag zu Inglourious Basterds / Mittwoch (25. November) 17.30h
im besetzten Hörsaal C1

Geschichte im Gesicht. Zur Politik und 
Geschichtsästhetik von Quentin Tarantinos Inglourious Basterds

Vortrag mit Filmausschnitten zu Quentin 
Tarantinos Inszenierung von geschichtsmächtig 
handelnden widerständigen Subjekten in der 
Konfrontation mit nationalsozialistischem 
Rassismus und Antisemitismus, zur film- und 
popkulturhistorischen Positionierung von 
Inglourious Basterds und zu Aspekten seiner 
filmkritischen Rezeption, sowie zur Frage einer 
(politisierbaren) Film-Ästhetik des Voraussetzungsbruchs.

 Drehli Robnik

Filmwissenschaftler, Researcher am Ludwig 
Boltzmann-Institut für Geschichte und 
Gesellschaft; lehrt seit 2000 an der Universität 
Wien (Institut für Theater-, Film und 
Medienwissenschaft), gelegentlich an der J.W. 
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main, 
Masaryk-Universität Brno; Publikationen zuletzt: 
Geschichtsästhetik und Affektpolitik. 
Stauffenberg und der 20. Juli im Film 1948-2008 
(Wien: Turia + Kant 2009); Siegfried Kracauer 
in: Felicity Colman (Hg.): Film, Theory and 
Philosophy: The Key Thinkers (London: Acumen 
2009); Die Massen mustern: Biopolitik und 
Geschichte im Zeichen der Filmästhetik bei 
Siegfried Kracauer in: Buchmann/Draxler/Geene 
(Hg): Film, Avantgarde, Biopolitik (Wien: 
Schlebrügge 2009); gelegentlich Edutainer. Lebt in Wien-Erdberg.

[monochrom] Arse Elektronika: Interview with Kyle Machulis on Sex Toy Tech

2009-11-21 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Recording of Kyle's interview on Sex Toy Tech with FM4 Radio, Friday, 
November 20, 2009.

Intro is in German, interview in English language.
http://slashdong.org/other/fm4_interview_2009-11-20.mp3Link (MP3)

Posted By johannes to 
at 11/21/2009 04:47:00 PM  

[monochrom] The Universe According to Scrooge McDuck

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

A profoundly thorough history of Scrooge McDuck and his effect on 
world culture, by Wiley Wiggins.


Posted By sharon to 
at 11/20/2009 08:51:00 AM  

[monochrom] The Universe According to Scrooge McDuck

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

A profoundly thorough history of Scrooge McDuck and his effect on 
world culture, by Wiley Wiggins.


Posted By sharon to 
at 11/20/2009 08:51:00 AM  

[monochrom] Arse Elektronika and qDot on FM4

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Kyle has a second site just for the projects based on his hobby of 
breaking sex-toys. Slashdong. If you feel uncomfortable viewing 
pictures of sex-toys in various states of deconstruction, you may 
want to avoid it. If that type of thing doesn't bother you, then you 
might find it an entertaining read about all sorts of things you 
probably didn't know existed.

Right now Kyle is an Artist in Residence for Monochrom. Tonight they 
will be combining forces in Raum D in the MuseumsQuartier to present 
the most recent Arse Electronika anthology Do Androids Sleep With 
Electric Sheep and Kyle will be giving a talk entitled: What is the 
sex of the future, and why aren't we having it yet?.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/20/2009 11:57:00 AM  

[monochrom] It's Really a War on the Poor: A War on Coca Nobody Believes In

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Since their systemic targeting of producer 
nations through militarized methods of 
eradication, government officials in Washington 
have regularly brandished bogus data when 
concerning the effectiveness and validity of the 
US's so-called 'war on drugs'. Dating back to the 
1980s, Colombia became a figurative and literal 
battleground in this war, as the world's 
principal cultivator of coca. As liberalized 
economic policies debilitated Colombia's rural 
political economy hundreds of thousands of small 
and medium-sized producers, campesinos, and 
landless farmers gravitated toward the narcotic 
industry, via cultivation, as a way of life and 
survival. The United States, denounced such 
activities a threat, as drugs were proclaimed a 
risk to 'national security' (White House, 1986). 
In turn, Washington devoted a great deal of time, 
money, and military resources to curb coca 'at 
the source'. Yet this militarized approach toward 
eradication has consistently produced incredibly 
poor results. Rather than facilitating a decline 
the narcotic industry witnessed an enormous 
expansion over the past two decades.

A fascinating shift related to this historic 
debacle was reported in early November. The 
United States Embassy in Bogota announced a 
miraculous 29 per cent decrease in Colombian coca 
cultivation and an estimated 39 per cent drop in 
cocaine production in 2008 alone. Such figures 
are incredible, for rates of coca cultivation 
have, in actuality, significantly risen since 
Washington embarked on its war on drugs in 
Colombia. Throughout the 1980s, when Colombia was 
identified as a threat to US national security, 
cultivation averaged 46,000 hectares. [1 hectare 
= 2.47 acres.] By the 1990s levels had reached 
61,000 hectares, while the past decade saw median 
rates hovering at 140,000 hectares. Taking the 
subject a step further, when one situates rates 
of coca cultivation in conjunction with rates of 
coca eradicated via manual and aerial techniques 
it becomes glaringly apparent that growth rates 
have done anything but declined. To the contrary, 
coca accelerated – especially under the 
administration of Alvaro Urribe Velez 
[2002-2010]. Such information devastates the 
success Washington (and Bogota¡) today claim.

Who drafted and released the information to the 
public? While formally released through the US 
Embassy in Bogotá, the report and findings came 
from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – 
specifically the US Director of Central 
Inttelligence, Crime and Narcotics Center (CNC). 
What is unique about this is the unspoken absence 
of the White House's Office of National Drug 
Control Policy (ONDCP). For the greater part of 
the last decade, the ONDCP has been the principal 
medium for formally releasing information related 
to coca cultivation levels within Colombia. The 
fact that the CIA/CNC released this report and 
not the ONDCP should spark some question and debate.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/20/2009 07:10:00 PM  

[monochrom] Paying Off the Warlords: Anatomy of an Afghan Culture of Corruption

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Kabul, Afghanistan -- Every morning, dozens of trucks laden with 
diesel from Turkmenistan lumber out of the northern Afghan border 
town of Hairaton on a two-day trek across the Hindu Kush down to 
Afghanistan's capital, Kabul. Among the dozens of businesses 
dispatching these trucks are two extremely well connected companies 
-- Ghazanfar and Zahid Walid -- that helped to swell the election 
coffers of President Hamid Karzai as well as the family business of 
his running mate, the country's new vice president, warlord Mohammed 
Qasim Fahim.

Some of the trucks are on their way to two power stations in the 
northern part of the capital: a recently refurbished, if inefficient, 
plant that has served Kabul for a little more than a quarter of a 
century, and a brand new facility scheduled for completion next year 
and built with money from the U.S. Agency for International 
Development (USAID).

Afghan political analysts observe that Ghazanfar and Zahid Walid are 
striking examples of the multimillion-dollar business conglomerates, 
financed by American as well as Afghan tax dollars and connected to 
powerful political figures, that have, since the fall of the Taliban 
in 2001, emerged as part of a pervasive culture of corruption here. 
Nasrullah Stanikzai, a professor of law and political science at 
Kabul University, says of the companies in the pocket of the 
vice-president: Everybody knows who is Ghazanfar. Everybody knows 
who is Zahid Walid. The [government elite] directly or indirectly 
have companies, licenses, and sign contracts. But corruption is not 
confined just to the Afghans. The international community bears a 
share of this blame.

Indeed, the tale of the reconstruction of Kabul's electricity 
supply is a classic story of how foreign aid has often served to line 
the pockets of both international contractors from the donor 
countries and the local political elite. Unfortunately, these 
aid-financed projects also generally fail -- as the Kabul diesel 
plants appear destined to -- because of a lack of planning and the 
hard cash to keep them operating.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/20/2009 07:12:00 PM  

[monochrom] Reflections On Epilepsy

2009-11-20 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Raymond Tallis applies his mind to his mind.
My experience with neurological patients has 
underlined what ordinary life tells us: that a 
brain in some working order is a necessary 
condition for human consciousness. Unlike 
mind-brain identity theorists, however, I do not 
believe that consciousness is identical with 
neural activity in the cerebral cortex, the brain 
stem, the thalamus or wherever. This does not 
mean that I think I have an immaterial soul; nor 
do I subscribe to a 'ghost-in-the-machine' 
Cartesian dualism. Rather, I am a non-Cartesian 
atheist who just can't help noticing that however 
hard you look, you will not find sensations, 
affections and reasons in bits of the brain, or 
even distributed throughout the brain. So 
although a functioning brain is necessary for 
every aspect of consciousness, from the simplest 
twinge of sensation to the most exquisitely 
constructed sense of self, it is not sufficient 
for consciousness – and ccertainly not for the 
kind of consciousness you and I enjoy.

A necessary condition, or set of conditions, of 
something happening, is that without which it 
will not happen; a sufficient condition, or set 
of conditions, is that which is enough to ensure 
that it happens. In order for me to be knocked 
down by a 97 bus in London, it’s necessary for 
me to be in London. However, being in London is 
not sufficient – otherwise I mightt be even more 
inclined to avoid the place. Something else is 
required – for example that I should be in a 
certain street; that a 97 bus should be in the 
same street; that, preoccupied with the mind-body 
problem, I should walk in front of the bus; and 
that the driver, who may also be pondering the 
mind-body problem, should fail to see me in order to stop in time.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/20/2009 07:15:00 PM  

[monochrom] Ben-Hur: The Book That Shook the World

2009-11-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Hate keeps a man alive.

Those famous words do not actually appear in the original 1880 novel 
Ben-Hur by General Lew Wallace. Karl Tunberg, or more likely 
Christopher Fry or Gore Vidal (there was a dispute over the 
screenplay credit), gave that line to Roman patrician Quintus Arrius 
as he confronted the magnificent, nearly-naked galley slave Judah 
Ben-Hur, played by Charlton Heston, in the 1959 Hollywood 
blockbuster. The film cost MGM $15 million to make, won the studio a 
record eleven Oscars, and was seen by ninety-eight million people in 
cinemas across the United States. It was the only Hollywood movie to 
make the Vatican's official list of approved religious films, and, 
like clockwork, it is rebroadcast on network television every Easter. 
And yet the movie's acclaim still does not compare to the waves of 
religious ecstasy that followed the publication of the novel, which 
is the most influential Christian book written in the nineteenth century.

Since its first publication, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ has never 
been out of print. It outsold every book except the Bible until Gone 
With the Wind came out in 1936, and resurged to the top of the list 
again in the 1960s. By 1900 it had been printed in thirty-six 
English-language editions and translated into twenty others, 
including Indonesian and Braille.

The novel intertwines the life of Jesus with that of a fictional 
protagonist, the young Jewish prince named Judah Ben-Hur, who suffers 
betrayal, injustice, and brutality, and longs for a Jewish king to 
vanquish Rome. It has the appeal of a rollicking historical adventure 
combined with a sincere Christian message of redemption.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/19/2009 04:53:00 PM  

[monochrom] Dancer Plans To Induce Epileptic Seizure In Performance

2009-11-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

A dance artist with epilepsy is to try to induce a seizure on stage - 
but has been urged to reconsider by a charity.

Rita Marcalo has stopped taking her medication ahead of the event at 
The Bradford Playhouse, which the audience will be invited to film.

Arts Council England, which is funding the performance, said it aimed 
to raise awareness about the condition.

But the Epilepsy Action charity expressed concerns and urged Ms 
Marcalo to reconsider the event.

Ms Marcalo, the artistic director of Leeds-based dance company, 
Instant Dissidence, plans to induce a seizure as part of the 24-hour 
Involuntary Dances event on 11 December, which will also include 
dance and poetry readings.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/19/2009 04:56:00 PM  

[monochrom] Oceans' Uptake of Human-Made Carbon May Be Slowing

2009-11-19 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

The oceans play a key role in regulating climate, absorbing more than 
a quarter of the carbon dioxide that humans put into the air. Now, 
the first year-by-year accounting of this mechanism during the 
industrial era suggests the oceans are struggling to keep up with 
rising emissions -- a finding with potentially wide implications for 
future climate. The study appears in the November 19 issue of the 
journal Nature.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/19/2009 04:57:00 PM  

[monochrom] Fwd: Theorie studieren an der Kunsthochschule / Studying Theory at the Art University

2009-11-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 10:33:17 +0100
From: Gerald Raunig rau...@eipcp.net
User-Agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090812)
To: rau...@eipcp.net
Subject: Theorie studieren an der Kunsthochschule / Studying Theory at the
 Art University
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english version below: Studying Theory at the Art University

Zürich: Theorie studieren an der Kunsthochschule

Die neue Website der Vertiefung Theorie 
(Bachelor Medien und Kunst) an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ist online.

Theorie boomt…

…in den Weiten des Kunstfelds, auf den 
Fluchtlinien sozialer Konflikte, an den 
glänzenden Oberflächen der Kreativindustrie. 
Dennoch tut sich eine immer grössere Kluft auf 
zwischen dem blossen Begehren nach Theorie und 
einer tatsächlichen Austauschbeziehung von 
kulturellen Praktiken und Wissensproduktion.

Das Studium in der Vertiefung Theorie bearbeitet 
diese Lücken und Bruchstellen auf der Basis 
eines europaweit einzigartigen Zusammenspiels 
avancierter Theorie mit dem Freiraum 
der   Kunsthochschule. Jenseits akademischer 
Konvention schafft die systematisch angelegte 
Ausbildung einen fundierten Überblick und 
erprobt neue Formen der Text- und 
Theorieproduktion, der   ästhetischen und politischen Intervention.

Die Ausbildung führt in die gegenwärtig 
relevanten Strömungen ästhetischer, politischer 
und kulturwissenschaftlicher Theorien ein und 
setzt sich zum Ziel, die Grundlagen für eine 
kritische und theoretisch versierte 
AutorInnenschaft zu legen. Spezifisch für die 
Vertiefung ist die Fokussierung dieser Theorien 
auf Kunstpraxis und Populär- und Alltagskultur 
sowie die Reflexion von deren   sozialer und 
politischer Dimension. In der Auseinandersetzung 
mit zeitgenössischen Diskursen entwickeln die 
Studierenden textuelle, konzeptionelle und 
organisatorische Kompetenzen, mit denen sie 
kulturelle Praktiken analysieren, mitgestalten und neu erfinden.

Unter der Adresse 
http://vth.zhdk.ch/http://vth.zhdk.ch finden 
Sie Informationen zum Theorie Studium an der 
Kunsthochschule und Hinweise auf unsere 
aktuellen Veranstaltungen, Projekte und Publikationen.

Infotag: 24. November 2009

Bewerbungsfrist (Studienbeginn Herbstsemester 2010/2011): 19. Februar 2010

Mit der Bitte um Weiterleitung an interessierte 
Einzelpersonen und Mailinglisten und den besten Grüssen,

Gerald Raunig / Klaus Schönberger

Leitung Vertiefung Theorie
Bachelor Medien und Kunst
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK


Zurich: Studying Theory at the Art University

The new website of the specialization Theory 
(Bachelor Media and Arts) at the Zurich University of the Arts is online now.

Theory is booming ...

... along the final frontiers of the art field, 
across the flight lines of social conflicts, on 
the glossy surfaces of the creative industries. 
All the same, an ever-widening gulf is opening 
up between the mere desire for theory and an 
actual relationship of exchange between cultural 
practices and knowledge production.

Unique in Europe, the courses offered by the 
Theory major address these gaps and fractures by 
establishing an interplay between advanced 
theory and the free space of the art school. 
Surpassing the boundaries of academic 
convention, the systematic course structure 
provides students with a substantiated overview 
and opportunities to try out new forms of text 
and theory production, of aesthetic and political intervention.

The specialisation offers an introduction to the 
topical drift of aesthetic, political and 
cultural studies, and aims to lay the 
foundations for critical and theoretically 
versed authorship. Specific to this major is the 
focus on artistic practice and popular and 
everyday culture, as well as the examination of 
their social and political dimensions. In the 
course of this preoccupation with  contemporary 
discourses, students develop textual, 
conceptual, and organizational skills enabling 
them to analyze, shape and reinvent cultural practices.

Courses mainly in german language.

At http://vth.zhdk.ch/http://vth.zhdk.ch you 
find information about Studying Theory at the 
Art University as well as announcements about 
our current events, projects and publications.

Information day: 24 November 2009

Deadline for applications (autumn term 2010/2011): 19 February 2010

Please distribute widely.

All the best,

Gerald Raunig / Klaus Schönberger

Leitung Vertiefung Theorie
Bachelor Medien und Kunst
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK

[monochrom] A Teledildonic Soiree: Arse Elektronika Vienna Special

2009-11-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette


Arse Elektronika Vienna Special


Friday, November 20, 8 PM @ Raum D, Museumsquartier, Vienna

== What is the sex of the future, and why aren't we having it yet?

In this talk about the current state of sex toy 
technology, including computer controlled toys, 
teledildonics, and whatever weird stuff he had to 
bring through customs with him, Kyle Machulis (of 
Nonpolynomial Labs and http://slashdong.org) 
covers what's available to the consumer 
currently, why it sucks, and what's coming in the 
near and far future. Outlining the thoughts and 
strategies that go into designing the interface 
to a sex toy, he asks the question: What can the 
DIY and open source community do to help further 
everyone with a access to a computer getting laid?

About the speaker:
Kyle Machulis, aka qDot, is a researcher of 
alternate input mechanisms and haptics, which is 
really a fancy way of saying he breaks sex toys. 
Through his Slashdong webpage, he uses the topic 
of teledildonics (remotely actuated sexual 
experience) to teach the basic concepts of 
software, electrical and mechanical engineering. 
He also tracks the convergence of sex and 
technological advances in toys and interaction, 
building on the idea that paradigms for 
interfaces people would use for intimate 
encounters on computers can be extended to other 
usage experiences. He is one of monochrom's 
collaborators at Arse Elektronika in San Francisco.

== Do Androids Sleep With Electric Sheep? 
Critical Perspectives on Sexuality and 
Pornography in Science and Social Fiction ==

Johannes Grenzfurthner will introduce you to the 
brand new Arse Elektronika Anthology Do Andoids Sleep With Electric Sheep?
Taking up where the successful first part of the 
Arse Elektronika book series left off, this 
anthology stands under the motto future -- and 
the ways in which the present sees itself 
reflected in it. Maintaining a broadened 
perspective on technical development and 
technology while also putting special emphasis on 
its social implementation, this anthology focuses 
on Science and Social Fiction. The genre of the 
fantastic is especially well suited to the 
investigation of the touchy area of sexuality and 
pornography: actual and assumed developments are 
frequently depicted positively and approvingly, 
but just as often with dystopian admonishment. 
Here the classic, and continuingly valid, themes 
of modernism represent a clear link between the 
two aspects: questions of science, research and 
technologization are of interest, as is the 
complex surrounding urbanism, artificiality and 
control (or the loss of control). Depictions of 
the future, irregardless of the form they take, 
always address the present as well. Imaginations 
of the fantastic and the nightmarish give rise to 
a thematic overlapping of the exotic, the 
alienating and, of course, the pornographic/sexual as well.

Featuring essays and stories by Rudy Rucker, 
Richard Kadrey, James Tiptree, Jr., Allen Stein, 
Sharing is Sexy, Jason Brown, Cory Doctorow, 
Annalee Newitz, Tina Lorenz, Reesa Brown, Karin 
Harrasser, Isaac Leung, Rose White, Mela Mikes, 
Viviane, Susan Mernit, Chris Noessel, Kit 
O'Connell, Jens Ohlig, Bonni Rambatan, Thomas 
Roche, Bonnie Ruberg, Mae Saslaw, Violet Blue, 
Nathan Shedroff, 23N!, Benjamin Cowden, Johannes Grenzfurthner, Daniel Fabry.
Edited by Johannes Grenzfurthner, Günther 
Friesinger, Daniel Fabry, Thomas Ballhausen.
Published by RE/Search Publications (San 
Francisco) in cooperation with monochrom.

[monochrom] Roland Barthes: Presence of Mind

2009-11-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Roland Barthes died almost 30 years ago, on 26 
March 1980, but his works continue to engage new 
and old readers with remarkable consistency. 
Books about him keep appearing: literary and 
philosophical essays by Jean-Claude Milner 
(2003), Jean-Pierre Richard (2006) and Eric Marty 
(2006), a gossipy biography of his last years by 
Hervé Algalarrondo (2006), a chapter about his 
piano-playing by François Noudelmann (2008). And 
now we have two new/old texts by Barthes himself, 
transcriptions of his notes on the trip he made 
to China in spring 1974 with his friends from the 
Seuil publishing house and the magazine Tel Quel 
(François Wahl, Philippe Sollers, Julia Kristeva, 
Marcelin Pleynet), and of his so-called diary of 
mourning, a set of jottings made in the immediate 
aftermath of his mother’s death in the autumn of 1977.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/16/2009 02:42:00 PM  

[monochrom] Mistakes in Typography Grate the Purists

2009-11-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Dirt. Noise. Crowds. Delays. Scary smells. Even 
scarier fluids swirling on the floor. There are 
lots of reasons to loathe the New York City 
subway, but one very good reason to love it — 
Helvetica, the typeeface that's used on its signage.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/16/2009 02:45:00 PM  

[monochrom] A Prehistory of n-Categorical Physics

2009-11-16 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

By J. Baez and A. Lauda:
This paper traces the growing role of categories and n-categories in 
physics, starting with groups and their role in relativity, and 
leading up to more sophisticated concepts which manifest themselves 
in Feynman diagrams, spin networks, string theory, loop quantum 
gravity, and topological quantum eld theory. Our chronology ends 
around 2000, with just a taste of later developments such as 
open-closed topological string theory, the categorication of quantum 
groups, Khovanov homology, and Lurie's work on the classication of 
topological quantum eld theories.

http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/history.pdfLink (PDF)

Posted By johannes to 
at 11/16/2009 02:49:00 PM  

[monochrom] Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis 2009 / Zusammenfassung

2009-11-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten 2009


1. Nominierung: die ORF ON-Direktoren für 15 
Jahre fehlende Barrierefreiheit im Scheißinternet 
und generelle Ignoranz; denn ORF ON endet als 
Versorgungspostenpool, der sich in der Konzeption 
von ORF-Dörfern und TV-Theken ergeht, anstatt 
eine umfassende Internetstrategie zu entwickeln.

2. Nominierung: Plagiatsjäger Stefan Weber für 
seine Leistungen als Blockwart eines 
konservativen Wissenschaftsbetriebes, der 
Studierenden Dummheit und Internetkriminalität 
vorwirft, anstatt Überlegungen über einen 
zeitgenössischen Wissenschaftsbetrieb des Web 3.0 zu machen.

3. Nominierung: der Bühnenabend Menschmaschine 
im Rabenhof in der Kategorie fehlgeleitetes 
Infotainment für die Leistung, das Web 2.0 auf 
die Formel Beidlwitze zu reduzieren.

4. Nominierung: Ibrahim Evsan - stellvertretend 
für alle Social Media Gurus, die den Übergriff 
der Technik (Fixierungscode) predigen und gut daran verdienen.

5. Nominierung: Armin Thurnher in der Kategorie 
beleidigter Leitartikler; große Verdienste um die 
österreichische Medienlandschaft sind noch lange 
kein Freibrief für unreflektiertes Gegrantel.

6. Nominierung in der Kategorie Abmahnwahn: Jako 
und Jack Wolfskin für ihren unglaublichen 
juristischen Umgang mit Kleinst-Bloggern und Hobby-Bastlern mit Netzzugang

7. Nominierung in der Kategorie 
ProfilneurosendistinktionsgewinnlerInnen: ein 
paar KolumnistInnen (u.a. Doris Knecht und Polly 
Adler/Angelika Hager) für ihre medialen Anti-Social-Media-Koketterien.

8. Nominierung: die Wiener Grünen für ihre 
missglückte politische Kommunikation im Netz und 
das Verpassen einer einmaligen Chance.

9. Nominierung: Franz Medwenitsch für seine 
jahrelange Tätigkeit als Blockierer von fairen 
Verwertungsmodellen und diesbezüglicher 
lobbyistischer Begleitung von allen 
Gesetzesnovellen auf staatlicher und gemeinschaftlicher Ebene.

10. Nominierung: Wolfgang Schüssel - fürs 
Lebenswerk in der Bereitung internetfreier 
Minuten, denn er strafte die von ihm ungeliebte 
Internetgeneration mit einer miserablen Telekom-Regulierungspolitik ab.

Und der Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten 2009 geht an:

+++Die Wiener Grünen+++

Welche Chance die Wiener Grünen im Umgang mit 
neuen Formen netzgestützter 
Bürger/innenbeteiligung (die Netzinitiative 
Gruene Vorwahlen) vergeben hat, werden manche 
Funktionär/innen der Partei in ihrer eigenen 
Funktionsperiode gar nicht mehr realisieren können.

In einer Partei, die aus den 
BürgerInneninitativen der 1980er hervorgegangen 
ist, wäre es mehr als notwendig gewesen, die neu 
aufkommenden Politik- und Partizipationsansätze 
der NetzuserInnen einzubeziehen.
Doch ein ignoranter Parteikader machte die 
Schotten dicht, und wies bewegte 
SympathisantInnen zurück. Zweifelsohne eine 
vertane Chance, sich als first mover im österreichischen Parteienspektrum zu
positionieren, der Antworten auf die neuen 
Phänomene der Repolitisierung (Stichwort 
#unibrennt) findet. Man könnte bemerken: Was 
kümmert ein strategischer Missgriff einer Partei 
die Allgemeinheit? Der angerichtete Schaden wird 
dort zu einer echten multidimensionalen 
politischen Havarie, wo politische Motivation 
erdrückt, Begeisterung erstickt und 
Gestaltungswillen ausgedämpft wird. Aus diesem Stoff wird

Politikverdrossenheit gemacht.

Grund genug, den Wiener Grünen für die 
Neuerfindung der gläsernen Decke den #wolo09 zu verleihen.

Die Jury: Jana Herwig, Manfred Bruckner, Thomas Thurner, Ingrid Brodnig
(14. November 2009)

Re: [monochrom] Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis 2009 / Zusammenfassung

2009-11-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

interessensfrage: von wem ist dieser text:

das ist eine melange aus unterschiedlichen statements der juror/innen...
es gibt keine direkte autor/innen/schaft...

evelyn und ich haben drueberredigiert...

der jg

Re: [monochrom] wolo09

2009-11-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Mit Ingrid Brodnig in der Jury hatte der Falter ja eher schlechte 
Chancen auf den Preis.

nein, das war eher nicht das problem...
sie hat jedenfalls nicht gegen ihn gestimmt.

Re: [monochrom] [Safari] Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis 2009 / Zusammenfassung

2009-11-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Verwundert, dass monochrom sich zur Verbreitung von Diffamierungen hergibt

wir haben eine jury. und die juror/innen haben unterschiedliche leute 
und institutionen nominiert. da wir ja nur einen preis haben und auch 
nur einen preis vergeben hats (offensichtlich) fuer stefan weber 
nicht gereicht.

btw: die laengeren und detaillierteren nominierungsreden sind noch 
nicht alle zusammengetragen, werden aber nach und nach auf der homepage landen.

der jg 

[monochrom] Reminder: Heute 'Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten'

2009-11-14 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

OTS: Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten (14. Nove,ber 2009)

Wien (OTS) - Dem Scheiß Internet, in das sich 
junge Menschen verkriechen, hat 
ORF-Programmdirektor Wolfgang Lorenz im Herbst 
des Jahres 2008 den Kampf erklärt. Wenn das nicht 
Grund genug ist, nach dem Visionär einen Preis zu 
benennen, was dann? Das Wiener 
KünstlerInnen-Kollektiv monochrom hat deshalb den 
Wolfgang Lorenz Gedenkpreis für internetfreie Minuten gestiftet.

In einer großen Verleihgala am 14. November im 
Wiener Figurentheater Lilarum werden jene 
Menschen ausgezeichnet, die im letzten Jahr durch 
Wort und Tat völlig unqualifizierte Statements 
gegen das Informationszeitalter abgeliefert 
haben. Ein Lobesschwanengesang auf die 
kommunikationstechnologiefeindlichsten und 
kulturpessimistischsten Distinktionsgewinnler! Und -innen!

Die hochkarätige Fachjury, bestehend aus

- Jana Herwig, Medienwissenschaftlerin
- Manfred Bruckner, Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
- Ingrid Brodnig, Journalistin/Falter
- Thomas Thurner, Quartier für digitale Kultur

musste sich zwischen realitätsfremden 
Leitartiklern, angeblichen Basisdemokratlern und 
auch sonst allerlei denkwürdigen Meinungen entscheiden.

Im Rahmen der triumphale Abendshow in Wien werden 
auch diverse Ehrengäste zu Wort kommen:

- Heinz Wittenbrink, Medienwissenschaftler
- Christoph Chorherr, Die Grünen
- Franz Ablinger, Student und Experte
- Andreas Klinger, ein Socialist
- Evelyn Fürlinger, Gesangswunder
- Roland Gratzer, Mediendrüse
- Max Kossatz, der @karli

Der Host: Johannes Grenzfurthner, monochrom

Web: http://www.monochrom.at/wolfgang-lorenz-gedenkpreis/
Twitter: #wolo09
Facebook: http://bit.ly/wolo09

[monochrom] 2012 Debunker guide

2009-11-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Christ on crutches, why does anybody still buy into 2012 Mayan 
Apocalypse theory? It's like all the new age crystal worshipers 
joined a death cult. The Mayans' calendar outlasted their 
civilization, and that's just not good enough for some people. Don't 
you over entitled pricks realize how much work it is to carve 5,125 
years of calendar into stone? I bet your calendar doesn't go past 
this year, and it's printed on fucking tree pulp! As Richard Dawkins 
would say, http://www.rathergood.com/scienceFuck Off. Here's an 
illustrated guide to debunking 2012 theories. Enjoy!

Posted By David Fine to 
at 11/12/2009 06:49:00 PM  

[monochrom] When Sesame Street Was New

2009-11-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Educators were thrilled that children were entering school with a 
grasp of letters, colors and elementary numbers. Later, the show was 
criticized as too winsome, leading children to expect that the 
elements of reading and math would bounce in bright colors across the 
classroom. Nowadays, teachers are probably just grateful if 
kindergartners aren't texting in class.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/10/2009 07:22:00 PM  

[monochrom] Massive Defense Spending Leads to Job Loss

2009-11-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

There is a major national ad campaign, funded by the oil industry and 
other usual suspects, to convince the public that measures to reduce 
greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and slow global warming will result in 
massive job loss. This ad campaign warns of slower growth and the 
loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs, possibly even millions of 
jobs, if some variation of the current proposals being debated by 
Congress get passed into law.

In fact, standard economic models do show that measures designed to 
reduce GHG by raising energy prices will lead to some cost in terms 
of slower economic growth. And slower economic growth implies fewer 
jobs, although the impact will almost certainly be less than 
indicated in these scare stories.

However, the oil industry's scare stories about job loss never put it 
in any context. In these models, any government measure that 
interferes with market outcomes almost by definition reduces 
efficiency, leading to less economic growth and fewer jobs. Efforts 
to slow global warming fall in this category, but so does almost 
everything else, and many items in the everything else category have 
a much larger impact.

For example, defense spending means that the government is pulling 
away resources from the uses determined by the market and instead 
using them to buy weapons and supplies and to pay for soldiers and 
other military personnel. In standard economic models, defense 
spending is a direct drain on the economy, reducing efficiency, 
slowing growth and costing jobs.

A few years ago, the Center for Economic and Policy Research 
commissioned Global Insight, one of the leading economic modeling 
firms, to project the impact of a sustained increase in defense 
spending equal to 1.0 percentage point of GDP. This was roughly equal 
to the cost of the Iraq war.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/10/2009 07:24:00 PM  

[monochrom] Can Oil Be Recycled?

2009-11-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

A new facility aims to test the market for recycled oil
Changing the oil in a car every 5,000 kilometers or so seems to be 
the industry standard (and may well be overkill). But that means a 
whole lot of pouring and draining motor oil into and out of the U.S. 
auto fleet: 1.3 billion gallons or so, to be precise.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/10/2009 07:29:00 PM  

[monochrom] The Vatican joins the search for alien life

2009-11-10 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
The Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences is holding its first 
ever conference on alien life, the discovery of which would have 
profound implications for the Catholic Church.

Posted By johannes to 
at 11/10/2009 07:45:00 PM  

[monochrom] Krach der Roboter on FM4 Soundselection 21

2009-11-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A wonderful song by beloved http://www.monochrom.at/krachKrach der 
Roboter will be featured on FM4 Soundselection 21. The song can be 
found on Krach's first Solo-CD 
http://www.monochrom.at/krach/hello-world!/Hello World! (released 
by monochrom).

http://fm4.orf.at/stories/1631189/Link FM4

Posted By johannes to 
at 11/09/2009 04:00:00 PM  

[monochrom] Frustikus Verleihung, Donnerstag, 12. November

2009-11-09 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Waren Sie schon einmal frustriert nachdem Sie 
etwas benutzt haben? Haben Sie sich schon einmal 
darüber geärgert, daß die Dinge nicht so 
funktionieren wie sie sollten? Begegnen Ihnen 
täglich Produkte, die kaum oder nur umständlich zu bedienen sind?

Bei uns können Sie Ihrem Ärger Luft machen. Wir 
haben ein offenes Ohr für Ihre frustrierenden 
Erlebnisse. Teilen Sie Ihre Erlebnisse mit 
Leidensgenossen und machen Sie auf die vorhandenen Probleme aufmerksam.

Technik muss immer benutzbar und beherrschbar 
sein — daher sind wir Benutzer dazu aufgerufen, 
Dinge zu fordern, die einfach besser zu bedienen sind.
Frustikus, der Preis für Unbenutzbarkeit, führt 
Produkte öffentlich vor, die KonsumentInnen 
frustrieren, da sie nicht Ihren Anforderungen und Bedürfnissen entsprechen.

Einreichungen für den Preis sind ab sofort in den 
Kategorien Geräte, Software, Websites und 
Kundenservices bzw Prozesse aller Art möglich. 
Wer seinem Ärger Luft machen will, kann hier 
einen Beitrag einreichen oder eine Beschreibung 
mit Foto an frusti...@interactiondesign.at schicken.

»Konsumenten nehmen Technik manchmal als 
unfehlbar wahr und suchen die Ursache des 
Scheiterns dann leider bei sich selbst.« sagt 
Jörg Linder, Initiator des Frustikus und 
Usability Consultant. »Ziel des Frustikus ist es, 
das Selbstbewusstsein von Konsumenten zu stärken 
und unbenutzbare Produkte oder Dienste ruhig auch 
mal beim Hersteller zu reklamieren.«

Eine Jury aus Mitgliedern des Instituts für 
Gestaltungs- und Wirkungsforschung der 
Technischen Universität Wien und des 
Berufsverband der deutschsprachigen Usability und 
User Experience Professionals wird die PreisträgerInnen auswählen.

Die Preisverleihung findet am 12. November 2009 
um 20 Uhr im werkzeugH, Schönbrunnerstrasse 61, 
1050 Wien statt. Der Eintritt ist frei. Das 
internationale Kunst-Technologie-Philosophie 
Kollektiv monochrom wird durch den Abend führen.


[monochrom] Lakes of Antarctica Isolated for Millions of Years Discovered wit...

2009-11-07 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Antarctica's icy lakes have been discovered to house a surprisingly 
diverse community of viruses, including some that were previously 
unidentified. The finding could shed light on whether microbial life 
evolved independently in Antarctica, which has been isolated for 
millions of years, or they were introduced there more recently.

Some of these lakes which are frozen nine months of the year, have 
little animal life and are dominated by microorganisms, including 
algae, bacteria, protozoans and viruses.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/07/2009 04:42:00 PM  

[monochrom] Matrix Producer Plans Biopic Of Prophet Muhammad -- without Muhammad

2009-11-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Barrie Osborne is planning a $150 million production, funded by a 
holding company in Qatar, that will educate people about the true 
meaning of Islam. The scholar Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi [will] 
oversee all aspects of the shoot. In accordance with Islamic law, the 
prophet will not actually be depicted on screen.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/04/2009 10:59:00 AM  

[monochrom] IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

2009-11-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Compiled by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in 
Gland, Switzerland, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species aims to 
catalogue and highlight those plants and animals that are facing a 
higher risk of global extinction.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/04/2009 11:02:00 AM  

[monochrom] Myth of the Global Safety Net

2009-11-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Media reports on the economic meltdown have mainly concentrated on 
the impact of the crisis on the rich nations, with little concern for 
the mass of the population living in what used to be called the Third 
World. The current view seems to be that the setbacks in these 
emerging economies may be less severe than expected. China's and 
India's high growth rates have slackened, but the predicted slump has 
not materialized. This line of thought, however, analyses only the 
effects of the crisis on countries as a whole, masking its 
differential impact across social classes. If one considers income 
distribution, and not just macro-calculations of gdp, the global 
downturn has taken a disproportionately higher toll on the most 
vulnerable sectors: the huge armies of the poorly paid, 
under-educated, resourceless workers that constitute the overcrowded 
lower depths of the world economy.

To the extent that these many hundreds of millions are incorporated 
into the production process it is as informal labour, characterized 
by casualized and fluctuating employment and piece-rates, whether 
working at home, in sweatshops, or on their own account in the open 
air; and in the absence of any contractual or labour rights, or 
collective organization. In a haphazard fashion, still little 
understood, work of this nature has come to predominate within the 
global labour force at large. The International Labour Organization 
estimates that informal workers comprise over half the workforce in 
Latin America, over 70 per cent in Sub-Saharan Africa and over 80 per 
cent in India; an Indian government report suggests a figure of more 
than 90 per cent. Cut loose from their original social moorings, the 
majority remain stuck in the vast shanty towns ringing city outskirts 
across the global South.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/04/2009 11:06:00 AM  

[monochrom] Benjamin Cowden: New monochrom artist in residence

2009-11-04 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

One more monochrom artist in residence! Ye!

http://twentysevengears.com/Benjamin Cowden began working with 
metal during an undergraduate anthropology project in Cameroon in 
1997, where he studied how Baka Pygmies turned worn machetes into 
utility knives. He later worked as a blacksmith and focused on 
utilitarian objects and furniture. When he began making sculpture in 
2003, Cowden sought to maintain the physical relationship and 
interactivity of his earlier work. During his graduate studies at 
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Benjamin created interactive 
mechanical devices which explored human experience and the senses. 
Mr. Cowden now lives in Oakland California where he continues to 
explore these themes using mechanics, electronics, and other media.

Posted By johannes to 
at 11/04/2009 02:28:00 PM  

[monochrom] morgen: monochrom @ Uni Graz Besetzung

2009-11-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
monochrom performance am 2. November 2009 um 18 
Uhr im befreiten Hörsaaltrakt Vorklinik (HS 
06.01) der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

schauts vorbei!

[monochrom] monochroms Massives Multiplayer Daumenwrestling @ Top Sites For Cool Games Using Your Hands

2009-11-01 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Great... http://www.monochrom.at/thumbMassive 
Multiplayer Thumb-Wrestling is hitting the 
blogosphere again! http://www.makeuseof.com/makeuseof.com reports...
What do you do when the XBox 360 has gone down, 
your Nintendo DSi is on the fritz, and even your 
board games aren't around because you sold them 
at your yard sale? You and some friends, sitting 
around on your thumbs is no way to spend Saturday night.

What you need are Hand Games! Everyone with hands 
can play them, and we all have hands! OK, most of 
us have hands. Those that don't can referee or be enthusiastic spectators!


Maybe you're just all thumbs when it comes to 
hand games. If that's the case, I'm sure you'd 
excel at the latest in thumb wars – multiplayer! 
No more one on one, with your cousin with the 
freakishly monkey like thumb that reach your 
thumb even while it's still in the air. Level the 
playing field by bringing in the rest of the mutated family and friends.


Posted By johannes to 
at 11/01/2009 04:22:00 PM  

[monochrom] UK Scientists Use Laser To Give False Memories to Flies

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
A team of neuroscientists at the University of Oxford have discovered 
a way to trigger behavior in flies by selectively modifying neurons 
in their brain and stimulating them with a laser in order to simulate 
a learning experience.

Posted By sharon to 
at 10/30/2009 11:51:00 PM  

[monochrom] Kyle Machulis: new monochrom artist in residence

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Our new artist in residence arrived! Hooray!

Kyle Machulis, aka qDot, is a researcher of alternate input 
mechanisms and haptics, which is really a fancy way of saying he 
breaks sex toys. Through his Slashdong webpage 
(http://www.slashdong.orghttp://www.slashdong.org), he uses the 
topic of teledildonics (remotely actuated sexual experience) to teach 
the basic concepts of software, electrical and mechanical 
engineering. He also tracks the convergence of sex and technological 
advances in toys and interaction, building on the idea that paradigms 
for interfaces people would use for intimate encounters on computers 
can be extended to other usage experiences.
He is one of monochrom's collaborators at 
http://www.monochrom.at/arse-elektronikaArse Elektronika in San Francisco.

Posted By johannes to 
at 10/31/2009 12:10:00 PM  

[monochrom] 1989? Why? Because capitalism is superior?

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

The events of 1989 are most often depicted as the failure of 
socialism. It's a powerful interpretation that has served to 
discredit alternatives to the capitalist system, which is said to 
have triumphed, and to bestow upon capitalism an aura of legitimacy 
based not only on a reading of recent history but also on assumptions 
about the natural order, not least human nature. Capitalism, it is 
proposed, is the normal state of human traffic in what people make 
and value and need; socialism is the deviation. Capitalism responds 
to the nature of man--acquisitiveness, competition, egoism and the 
insatiable need for more. Socialism stands in the way of initiative, 
creativity and competition. Going by its nom de guerre, communism, it 
proposes radical equality in a world of unequals. Therefore, it can 
be maintained only by the coercive power of an entrenched elite and a 
repressive state. In the Eastern bloc, once that force was removed 
and party leaders lost confidence in their right to rule, communism 
naturally fell, and people's instinctual drives for material 
accumulation were liberated. Markets won out everywhere, even when 
democracy did not.


Posted By johannes to 
at 10/31/2009 12:26:00 PM  

[monochrom] There Are No Seven Stages of Grief

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

You can even get over it quickly.
The idea that grief is work that we must do began 
with Freud. He believed that if you didn't labor 
at it, you would never recover the psychic energy 
you had invested in a person who was no longer 
there. Over time, psychologists developed ways to 
describe the various stages of this work. 
Elizabeth Kübler-Ross' stages are the most 
familiar: Stage 1, denial--This cannot be! 
Stage 2, anger, followed by bargaining, then 
depression, then acceptance. The stages have 
great intuitive appeal, but, according to 
Bonanno, both Freud and Kübler-Ross were wrong. 
The way that grief unfolds for most people is 
almost nothing like the old model says it should. 
It is not work, and it doesn't occur in stages. 
It can be short-lived for some people and 
never-ending for others. Like breathing and 
consciousness and almost everything else about 
us, grief fluctuates. Our biggest mistake when 
describing grief, Bonanno writes in his deep and 
intelligent book, The Other Side of Sadness, is 
that we underestimate the resilience of the bereaved.

Modern scientists have by now thoroughly picked 
apart Freud and his idiosyncracies, but Bonanno 
says that Freud's pronouncements about grief were 
particularly incomplete. The father of 
psychoanalysis never really explained how work 
turned grief into recovery. His statements 
were brief and preliminary, and he himself 
qualified them as pretty speculative. 
Kübler-Ross' stages of grief have been similarly 
accepted without any rigorous testing. It's also 
crucial to note that Kübler-Ross came up with her 
stages after observing people's reactions to the 
news that they themselves were going to die--not 
to the news that someone else had. Only later did 
she and colleagues apply the five steps to 
grief resulting from another person's death or to 
some other great disappointment.


Posted By johannes to 
at 10/31/2009 12:29:00 PM  

[monochrom] Bacteria As Art: Biophysicists Grow Pretty Bacteria In Petri Dishes To Find Antibiotics

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Biophysicists are growing Petri dishes of different species of 
bacteria in order to develop new antibiotics. The bacteria are 
subjected to different temperatures and have limited food sources 
inside the dish. Despite these conditions, most colonies tend to 
communicate and reproduce. Their growth results in unique patterns of 
varying colors--a sort of bacteria painting. Researchers are hoping 
to learn more about the strategies the bacteria use to thrive, in 
order to find weaknesses that new drugs could exploit.


Posted By johannes to 
at 10/31/2009 12:39:00 PM  

[monochrom] Qualtinger, bitte soo leiwand

2009-10-31 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Wie sehen Sie die Zukunft Österreichs? (Teil 1 von 2)

Wie sehen Sie die Zukunft Österreichs? (Teil 2 von 2)

[monochrom] reminder: Do. 29.10.- Fr. 30.10. HORROR IM MQ! 4.HALLOWEEN-FILM-SPECIAL

2009-10-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

From: Martin Nechvatal martin-nechvatal@martin-nechvatal.com

monochrom präsentiert:



Donnerstag 29.10. bis Freitag 30.10.

jeweils 19:30 und 21:30

Einlass:  ab 18:30

Beginn:  19:30Uhr (pünktlich wegen Double Feature!)

WO:Im MUSEUMSQUARTIER,im QUARTIER 21 ,Abschnitt Electric Avenue,Raum D

Eintritt Frei!

Für eine Auswahl an Getränken ist gesorgt.
Brötchen und anderes gibt es zum Essen.

Zu Filmbeginn gibt eine Trailer-Show mit den Filmen des Festivals.


Do. 29.10.


Fr. 30.10.







mit Paul Kelman,
Lori Hallier,
Neil Affleck u.a.

Drehbuch: Stephen A.Miller und John Beaird

Regie: George Mihalka

Bei einem Einsatz Unter Tage werden mehrere Männer in einem Bergwerk
verschüttet.Währen die Leute in der kleinen Stadt den Valentinstag
feiern,vergessen sie auf die fehlenden Männer.Als diese dann gesucht
werden,kann nur mehr einer lebend gefunden werden.Dieser hat den
Verstand verloren und verbietet von nun an den Valentinstag hier zu
feiern.Als dieses Verbot Jahre später gebrochen wird,werden Kartons mit
blutigen Herzen verschickt.Bald darauf passiert ein brutaler Mord...

Endlich gibt es diesen kanadischen Slasher-Klassiker in der
vollständigen ultra-harten Splatter-Fassung!!

Um einiges härter als sonst im TV und auf den R-Rated DVDs wird hier
schön brutal und einfallsreich in bester Slasher-Manier gemordet.

Die echten Stollen-Sets haben viel Atmosphäre und die Grundstimmung ist
sehr geschmacklos und makaber.Der Täter trägt die ganze Zeit die
Arbeitskleidung plus Helm und Atemmaske,wodurch der Atem auch immer
stöhnend hörbar ist.

Thomas R.Burman hat die blutigen SFX kreiert.Er arbeitete z.b.an DIE

Quentin Tarantino bezeichnet ihn als seinen Lieblings-Slasher.

Der Score von Paul Zaza(z.b.POCORN(SKINNER/USA/1991) ist schönster

Einer dieser guten alten Slasherfilme im Stile von THE PROWLER(DIE FORKE
DES TODES/USA/1981)oder FRIDAY THE 13(USA/1980)die sich von der Masse
angenehm abheben.

2009 erfuhr der Film ein wie ich hörte ziemlich überflüssiges Remake.

Dieser ist nicht in 3D,jedoch Original und komplett Uncut!



D/GB/1973/87min./deutsche Fassung/UNCUT VERSION

Erika Blanc,
Anton Diffring,
Reggie Nalder,
Percy Hoven,
Ellen Umlauf,
Johannes Buzalski,u.a.

Drehbuch: Michael Armstrong und Fred Denger

Regie: Adrian Hoven

Irgendwo im Mittelalter. Der äußerst entstellte Hexenjäger Natas(Reggie
Nalder)foltert,vergewaltigt und tötet junge Frauen im Auftrag vom
Großmeister Balthasar von Ross(Anton Diffring).Als sich ein Graf(Adrian
Hoven) mit seiner Frau bei einer dieser Handlungen einmischt,wird er
ermordet.Die Gräfin Elisabeth von Salmenau(Erika Blanc)ist ihm nun mit
ihrem Sohn(Percy Hoven)ausgeliefert.Sie wird als Hexe bezeichnet.Unter
anderem auch die junge Nonne Clementine(Astrid Kilian).Sie und andere
bekommen die brutale Härte der Inquisition zu spüren...

Absolut sleaziges,grindiges Exploitation-Kino von Frauenliebling Adrian
van Hoven alias Peter Hofkirchner oder Percy Hoven.Teil 2 zu HEXEN BIS
AUFS BLUT GEQUÄLT(MARK OF THE DEVIL/GB/F/D/Ö/1969),den Hoven produzierte
und teilweise die Regie übernahm.Der damalige Regisseur Michael
Armstrong schrieb hier am Skript mit.

Der Vater dieser Filme ist allerdings Michael Reeves.Mit THE WITCHFINDER
GENERAL(GB/1968)brach er damals einige Tabus.Er sollte ursprünglich bei
MARK...Regie führen,nahm sich jedoch leider das Leben.Sein
Regieassi(Armstrong) übernahm dann voll auf Drogen den Job.

Mit viel weniger Budget(Teil 1 wurde in  Krems und im Salzburgerland auf
Schloß Moosham in Mauterndorf gedreht)und einem dadurch nicht so
berühmten Cast an Stars.Wie in dem Vorgänger wird auch hier ausgiebigst
dem Mittelalter entsprechend
gefoltert.Stachel-Bänke,Daumenschrauben,heisse Eisenschuhe
und Pfählungen durch den Hintern gehören zum blutigen Repertoire.Das
führte dazu,das der Film z.b.in der BRD indiziert wurde.In Australien
ist er noch immer verboten.Die Effekte sind einfach,können jedoch

Fast wäre der Film härter als BRENN,HEXE
BRENN(Österreichischer Kino-Titel von Teil 1)geworden,leider musste der
Streifen damals vor dem Start etwas gekürzt werden.Es reicht aber
dennoch,um einigen zart besaiteten Besuchern den Abend zu verderben.
Denn die traurigen realen Hintergründe 

[monochrom] Sa.31.10. THE INCREDIBLE STRANGE SIDESHOW OF HORRORS im VEKKS- inkl.FLYER( komprimiert)

2009-10-29 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette



am Samstag, 31.10. um 23Uhr im Keller vom VEKKS/EINGANG KOSTNIXLADEN!!!

Zentagasse 26, 1050 Wien

(5 Minuten von U4 Pilgramgasse,Margaretenplatz,Margaretenstrasse).

Open ab 21Uhr

Keller ab 22Uhr



Halloweenparty nach der Show


Industrial-Rock,Horror-Music,Metal,Black Metal

Horror-Visuals von Necvatal

HORRORS in Wien.

In der Tradition eines geschmacklosen und derben Zirkus werden hier Acts
geboten die einem zum lachen oder zum kotzen bringen.

Blutrünstige Splattereinlagen und bizarre Attraktionen führen in die
Welten der guten alten Sideshow und des Grand Guignol-Theaters.

Eine Reise in die Abgründe menschlicher Abnormitäten.

LIVE zu sehen sind:

secured by the


[monochrom] monochrom's Climate Training Camp in Graz / pictures!

2009-10-27 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Pictures of monochrom's Climate Training Camp in Graz, last weekend.

Set / Link

http://www.monochrom.at/climate-trainingClimate Training Camp

Posted By johannes to 
at 10/27/2009 12:05:00 PM  

[monochrom] monochrom's Climate Training Camp @ Elevate 2009/Graz

2009-10-24 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Gear up for the future: with our DIY climate booths!

Climate change tends to be seen as the result of failed politics. But 
the causes lay deeper: certain subjects of an economy act against 
each other's interests in international as well as in terms of the 
nation state. It's always the fault of the others who want to eat 
twice a day, as German chancellorette Angela Merkel rightfully stated.

'Climate machines' like portable heaters for example enabled humanity 
to adapt to any climate in the 19th century, creating 
'climate-independent artificial man' (Friedrich Nietzsche). But the 
climatic challenges of the 21st century want to be tackled with a new 
generation of climate machines: adjusting the climate to man's needs 
is no longer the aim, it has to be the other way around.

In a workshop and with lectures the art group monochrom wants to 
convey the knowledge required to build climate booths enabling you to 
train your personal adaptability to the extreme weather conditions of 
the future, today. Success in your job and with your choice of sexual 
partners is guaranteed! On top of that you have the opportunity to 
get a whiff of tomorrow's climate in our climate booths 'sand storm' 
and 'snow storm', and to gain precious experience. There's a lot to 
endure, let's get started.

Next training:
@ Elevate Festival, Forum Stadtpark; October 25, 2009 in Graz.


Posted By johannes to 
at 10/24/2009 11:43:00 PM  

[monochrom] Malen nach Zahlen? / Akademie-Protest

2009-10-18 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

Malen nach Zahlen?

Wir lassen uns nicht aushungern! - Lieber räumen wir die Akademie!

Am 22.Oktober soll eine 
Leistungsvereinbarung (diese teilt die Budgets 
zu) zwischen Bundesministerium und  unserer 
Akademie zum Abschluss gebracht werden, in der 
das Bachelor/Master System in der bildenden 
Kunst - entgegen der Entscheidung der Akademie - erzwungen werden soll.

Lasst uns die Freiheit der Hochschulen und 
der Kunst verteidigen - und nicht nach Zahlen malen!

Pressekonferenz am Dienstag, 20. Oktober um 
12.00 vor der Akademie der Bildenden Künste

(Schillerplatz, 1010 Wien)

Studierende, Lehrende, KollegInnen, 
KünstlerInnen, Kulturschaffende - kommt und 
unterstützt uns mit Euren AKTIONEN UND Beiträgen UND EURER ANWESENHEIT!

Wir laden alle ein und bitten um Verbreitung unseres Anliegens!

Studierende und Lehrende der

Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien

Wir brauchen auch unterstützende Wort- und Bildspenden:


[monochrom] io9: Kalle the LARPer, Best Rant Ever

2009-10-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette

io9 loves Kalle:
This wins the prize for Best Rant Ever. A German live action role 
player (LARPer) named Kalle yells at Americans for being poseurs when 
they LARP. It devolves into Kalle beating the photographer with a stick.


Posted By johannes to 
at 10/16/2009 12:07:00 AM  

[monochrom] Jason Scott @ Arse Elektronika 2009: The Atomic Level of Porn

2009-10-15 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Eddie Codel shot a video of Jason Scott's talk about digital 
retro-porn at http://www.monochrom.at/arse-elektronikaArse Elektronika 2009.

http://vimeo.com/7088524Jason Scott @ Arse Elektronika 2009: The 
Atomic Level of Porn from http://vimeo.com/ekaiekai on 

Posted By johannes to 
at 10/16/2009 01:27:00 AM  

[monochrom] Arse Elektronika 2010: SPACE RACY / Call for Papers, Performances, Films and Machines

2009-10-12 Diskussionsfäden das ende der nahrungskette
Love hotels. Swinger club design. Phallic architecture. The 
gentrification of Times Square, kicking out all the peep shows, and 
similar anti-sex gentrifications and battles. Kids making out in the 
back seats of cars, and people fucking in parks. Housing for 
unconventional family units. Augmented reality sex spaces. Furniture 
for sex. Room design. Creating new environments. Gendered spaces, and 
gender in the creation of space. Architecture by women, and the 
potential for the construction of a feminist architecture. Actively 
gender-segregated spaces, as both empowering and oppressing. 
Queer-segregated spaces, similarly. The acts of human intimacy, 
sexual intercourse, and procreation in weightlessness and the extreme 
environments of space. Erotic space tourism. The visibility of sex, 
genders, and relationship structures in various spaces. Spaces of 
sexual control and permissiveness. Sexual subcultures as spaces of 
social division. Spatial enforcement of relationship structures and 
gendered power structures. Geotagging as an expression for kinks. The 
sexual reading of architecture, especially around historical and 
modern styles and concerning ornament and detail. The eroticization 
of buildings -- architecture for whorehouses, the Las Vegas strip, 
people who want to sleep with buildings. What makes design sexy and 
the construction of sexy as an architectural category as a comment 
on late heteronormativity. The terabyte gloryhole. The space in which 
the male gaze occurs and the space it defines.

Heterosexism, misogyny, and heterocentrism reinforce the dominant 
cultural structure and contribute to the oppression of large sectors 
of society. Sexuality, sex, gender, and related constructs are 
heavily implicated in and reproduce space, and are also constrained 
and restricted by it and by heterosexism. Let's explore this space of 
interactions -- send us your ideas for talks, performances, films and machines.

mailto:arse2010 AT monochrom.atContact.
Deadline: February 28, 2010.

http://www.monochrom.at/arse-elektronikaArse Elektronika page

Posted By johannes to 
at 10/12/2009 07:21:00 PM  

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