[balita-anda] [Tanya] Sariawankah?

2005-11-18 Terurut Topik Rousalia Hadi
Moms  Dads,

Setelah demam yg on/off sejak kamis kemaren n dah ketauan kl ternyata Khaled 
itu ternyata emang keselo di leher blkg n ketiaknya :-( (mungkin karna banyak 
bgt yg gendongin dia n dianya terlalu aktif kl maen kali ya :-( ...) n 
alhamdulillah dah baikan sekarang ...

Tapi ada sedikit problem yg br aku perhatiin dari semalem ... Setiap khaled 
nguap, dia ngga mau buka mulutnya lebar2 (seperti biasa kl ngga lagi sakit) ... 
Setiap dia buka mulut agak lebar, trus langsung nangis ...

Aku sih curiganya kl dia itu sariawan di tenggorokan ... Gimana ya cara 
ngobatinnya? Apa penyebab sariawannya? Apa karna demamnya itu atau kurang makan 

Makasih banyak sebelumnya 

mama khaled

ps : mba uci (mama kavin) thx atas artike roseolanya ... :-)

Re: [balita-anda] [Tanya] Sariawankah?

2005-11-18 Terurut Topik Uci Wiriasastra
The yeast can be passed back and forth between mom's nipples and baby's
mouth. The yeast can begin to infect the skin around the nipples. While
is usually mild, it can turn into a chronic, painful, itchy problem that is
very difficult to eradicate. Symptoms of nipple yeast infection:

a.. sore nipples
b.. red or pink nipples
c.. itchy or burning nipples, even when not feeding baby
d.. puffy, dry, or flaky nipples
e.. deep, shooting breast pain during or after feedings
Because of the possible severity of chronic yeast infections in the
we suggest mom's nipples be treated along with baby's treatment. This will
usually prevent the yeast from taking hold on mom. See below.

If you feel that you have chronic yeast infection of the nipples and/or
breasts, here are some steps you can take to eradicate it:

a.. Treat baby - as above, even if baby's thrush has resolved.
b.. Acidophilus - this is a very important natural remedy for any yeast
infection. Click on it to learn how to take it.
c.. After each nursing, follow these 5 steps:
a.. Breastmilk - massage a bit into the nipples after nursing, then let
b.. White vinegar - mix a solution of one tablespoon white vinegar in
one cup of water. Keep the bottle next to your nursing chair. Dab a bit
each nipple and let air dry after each nursing.
c.. Nystatin anti-fungal cream - available by prescription. Apply 2 to
times a day to each nipple after nursing.
d.. Clortrimazole anti-fungal cream - you can use this over-the-counter
cream in place of Nystatin. Do not use both!
e.. Hydrocortisone ointment 2.5% - available by prescription and if
recommended by your doctor for severely swollen painful nipples. Apply 2 to
3 times a day when not applying nystatin.
d.. Diflucan - this is a very strong prescription anti-fungal pill. It
be used under supervision by your OB/GYN or baby's pediatrician to treat
very severe and stubborn infections.
Occasionally, yeast can become very stubborn,persistent or recur despite
above treatments. Here are some steps you can take to eradicate the yeast
 from you and your baby. Some of these steps are extremely time-consuming.
Take the steps that you feel are most appropriate for you.

a.. Hot water over 122ยบ F will kill yeast, either in the laundry,
dishwasher, sink, or on your skin (not infants - too hot!).

b.. Microwaving your undergarments on high for 5 minutes will kill yeast
(make sure there's no metal in the bra).

c.. Sunlight kills yeast. Hang infected clothing outside to dry in the

d.. Freezing does not kill yeast.

e.. Stored breastmilk pumped during an active yeast infection of the
breasts should be dumped (this will make pumping moms cringe, but should
done if necessary).

f.. Dishwashers - use the hot water setting when washing infected items.

g.. For infected items that you choose to hand wash (such as pump parts,
bottles, artificial nipples, pacifiers, and teethers) dip these into a 10%
bleach solution before thoroughly rinsing. Wear rubber gloves for this.

h.. Disinfect daily any item that comes in contact with mom's breasts,
baby's bottom or mouth. This includes breast shells, breast pads, bras,
spit-up rags, pump parts, artificial nipples, pacifiers, teethers,
toothbrushes, toys, clothing, underwear and cloth diapers.

i.. Towels and washcloths can harbor yeast so they should be used once
then washed in very hot water and sun-dried.

j.. If needed, use disposable items such as paper towels, napkins, cups
and plastic utensils for extreme family cases.

k.. White vinegar added to baths or washing machines can help kill yeast.

As you can see, some of these measures are extremely inconvenient. Only do
these if you have a very resistant case of thrush effecting you or baby.


To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject:[balita-anda] [Tanya] Sariawankah?
 From:  Rousalia Hadi [EMAIL PROTECTED] Add to Contacts
Date:   Fri, 18 Nov 2005 16:17:08 +0700
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Moms  Dads,

Setelah demam yg on/off sejak kamis kemaren n dah ketauan kl ternyata
Khaled itu ternyata emang keselo di leher blkg n ketiaknya :-( (mungkin karna
banyak bgt yg gendongin dia n dianya terlalu aktif kl maen kali ya :-( ...) n
alhamdulillah dah baikan sekarang ...

Tapi ada sedikit problem yg br aku perhatiin dari semalem ... Setiap khaled
nguap, dia ngga mau buka mulutnya lebar2 (seperti biasa kl ngga lagi sakit)
... Setiap dia buka mulut agak lebar, trus langsung nangis ...

Aku sih curiganya kl dia itu sariawan di tenggorokan ... Gimana ya cara
ngobatinnya? Apa penyebab sariawannya? Apa karna demamnya itu atau
kurang makan buah2an?

Makasih banyak sebelumnya 

mama khaled

ps : mba uci (mama kavin) thx atas artike roseolanya ... :-)

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