Re: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

2004-03-31 Terurut Topik YANDI
Makasih ya mbak dewi info-nya, bermanfaat banget.



Kristianti Dewi Joris wrote:

Mama Cacha,

Alpukat memang tidak mengandung serat, tetapi dia mengandung zat-zat 
yang sangat baik untuk metabolisme pencernaan. Dari aku kecil sih mbak 
setiap kali aku ada problem dengan bab, ibu ku kasih aku alpukat dan 
sekarang aku teruskan ke Ruth walupun emang Ruth nggak punya problem 
pencernaan cuman sempet kasihan aja waktu pernah dia ngejan-ngejan 
sampai anusnya (maaf) merah padahal makan pepaya juga. Akhirnya aku 
kasih dia alpukat dan sejak itu kalau bab lebih lancar dan nggak 
banyak ngejan.

Dari bacaan mengenai Constipation, kalau Cacha sudah berumur 8 bulan 
mungkin mbak bisa kasih dia apple juice bikinan sendiri. Ini saya 
sadurkan article mengenai Apple Juice yang sangat baik untuk membantu 
mengatasi masalah sembelit. Maaf masih dalam edisi aslinya (bhs 
Inggris) dan belum sempat menterjemahkan.

Apple juice also has a mild laxative effect that may help provide 
relief from constipation commonly experienced by little ones. Apple 
juice fortified with vitamin C may help children absorb more iron, an 
important nutrient for growth and development.

About Apple Juices

Apples contain pectin, which will add bulk to your stools, and their 
cleansing action will encourage bowel movements. They have a laxative 
effect yet are also used for to help people get back on a regular diet 
after suffering bouts of diarrhea.

The pectin in the apple fiber apparently is the healing factor, which 
explains why it is included in one of the popular over-the-counter 
diarrhea remedies. Also, that same fiber pectin is what dietitians 
have been telling us for decades is necessary to keep us regular and 
to prevent constipation.

When it comes to bowel regularity, apples contain two types of fiber 
tackle the job no matter what it is. Both the insoluble fiber in 
apples and their soluble fiber pectin help relieve constipation (thus 
helping to prevent diverticulosis and colon cancer).

The insoluble fiber works like roughage, while the soluble fiber 
(pectin), which is found primarily in the skin, acts as a stool 
softener by drawing water into the stool and increasing stool bulk. On 
the other hand, because pectin firms up an excessively loose stool, 
it's also used to treat diarrhea. One well-known over-the-counter 
diarrhea remedy, Kaopectate , actually contains an oxidized form of 

Tambahan lagi : a little article about Constipation/sembelit pada bayi

Common causes of constipation in infants/children include:

Introduction of solid food(s)
Diets low in fiber
Diets of excessive milk products
Bananas, Cereals and Applesauce
A change in diet usually relieves constipation. The following tips may 
also help:

For babies younger than 4 months:
Try giving one to two ounces of diluted fruit juice such as grape, 
prune or apple-prune twice daily.

For babies between 4 months and 1 year:
Try strained foods that contain high fiber such as apricots, prunes, 
peaches, plums, pears, peas or spinach twice a day.

In older infants, you may want to avoid baby foods such as rice 
cereal, applesauce and bananas as these may aggravate constipation!

Barley or oatmeal cereals, prunes, peaches, plums, apricots and most 
vegetables are preferred. Juices are helpful, especially apple or 
prune, but use in moderation, as they are not as nutritious for babies 
as formula or breastmilk.

An easy and natural way to remember how to alleviate baby's 
constipation is to cut out the foods that contribute to it - rice 
cereals, bananas, and applesauce.  Recall the BRAT diet for treatment 
of diarrhea in infants - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.  If you 
ever forget which foods to cut out, remember BRAT!

Mama Cacha, semoga info diatas dapat membantu yaMaaf kalau malah 
jadi kepanjangan dan buat yang lain mohon maaf juga kalau tidak berkenan.



Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
Info balita,
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

2004-03-31 Terurut Topik yenny
Maaf jadi ikutan nanya nih...:) Aku juga pernah baca artikel kalau buah
atau sayuran sebelum diberikan ke anak bagusnya dikukus atau direbus.
Cuma aku belum pernah nyoba buah yang dikukus atau direbus. Vitaminnya
nanti malah hilang nggak ya ??? Dan bagusnya berapa lama dikukusnya ???



-Original Message-
From: Hidayah Dhini Ari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 31 Maret 2004 12:26
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

dikukus dulu mbak. ini bener2 saya alami, waktu itu ngasih apel ke anak
saya yg belum setahun, enggak dikukus dulu. eh besoknya dia agak

dhini (faeyza's mom)

-Original Message-
From: Rifa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

maaf sedikit melenceng kalo kaya apple dan  pear itu langsung di blender
apa di kukus dulu ya?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kristianti Dewi Joris 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:55 AM
  Subject: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

  Mama Cacha, 
  Alpukat memang tidak mengandung serat, tetapi dia mengandung zat-zat
yang sangat baik untuk metabolisme pencernaan. Dari aku kecil sih mbak
setiap kali aku ada problem dengan bab, ibu ku kasih aku alpukat dan
sekarang aku teruskan ke Ruth walupun emang Ruth nggak punya problem
pencernaan cuman sempet kasihan aja waktu pernah dia ngejan-ngejan
sampai anusnya (maaf) merah padahal makan pepaya juga. Akhirnya aku
kasih dia alpukat dan sejak itu kalau bab lebih lancar dan nggak banyak

  Dari bacaan mengenai Constipation, kalau Cacha sudah berumur 8 bulan
mungkin mbak bisa kasih dia apple juice bikinan sendiri. Ini saya
sadurkan article mengenai Apple Juice yang sangat baik untuk membantu
mengatasi masalah sembelit. Maaf masih dalam edisi aslinya (bhs Inggris)
dan belum sempat menterjemahkan. 

  Apple juice also has a mild laxative effect that may help provide
relief from constipation commonly experienced by little ones. Apple
juice fortified with vitamin C may help children absorb more iron, an
important nutrient for growth and development. 

  About Apple Juices 

  Apples contain pectin, which will add bulk to your stools, and their
cleansing action will encourage bowel movements. They have a laxative
effect yet are also used for to help people get back on a regular diet
after suffering bouts of diarrhea. 

  The pectin in the apple fiber apparently is the healing factor, which
explains why it is included in one of the popular over-the-counter
diarrhea remedies. Also, that same fiber pectin is what dietitians have
been telling us for decades is necessary to keep us regular and to
prevent constipation. 

  When it comes to bowel regularity, apples contain two types of fiber
tackle the job no matter what it is. Both the insoluble fiber in apples
and their soluble fiber pectin help relieve constipation (thus helping
to prevent diverticulosis and colon cancer). 

  The insoluble fiber works like roughage, while the soluble fiber
(pectin), which is found primarily in the skin, acts as a stool softener
by drawing water into the stool and increasing stool bulk. On the other
hand, because pectin firms up an excessively loose stool, it's also used
to treat diarrhea. One well-known over-the-counter diarrhea remedy,
Kaopectate , actually contains an oxidized form of pectin. 

  Tambahan lagi : a little article about Constipation/sembelit pada bayi

  Common causes of constipation in infants/children include: 

  Introduction of solid food(s) 
  Diets low in fiber 
  Diets of excessive milk products 
  Bananas, Cereals and Applesauce 

  A change in diet usually relieves constipation. The following tips may
also help: 

  For babies younger than 4 months: 
  Try giving one to two ounces of diluted fruit juice such as grape,
prune or apple-prune twice daily. 

  For babies between 4 months and 1 year: 
  Try strained foods that contain high fiber such as apricots, prunes,
peaches, plums, pears, peas or spinach twice a day. 

  In older infants, you may want to avoid baby foods such as rice
cereal, applesauce and bananas as these may aggravate constipation! 

  Barley or oatmeal cereals, prunes, peaches, plums, apricots and most
vegetables are preferred. Juices are helpful, especially apple or prune,
but use in moderation, as they are not as nutritious for babies as
formula or breastmilk. 

  An easy and natural way to remember how to alleviate baby's
constipation is to cut out the foods that contribute to it - rice
cereals, bananas, and applesauce.  Recall the BRAT diet for treatment of
diarrhea in infants - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.  If you ever
forget which foods to cut out, remember BRAT! 

  Mama Cacha, semoga info diatas dapat membantu yaMaaf kalau malah
jadi kepanjangan dan buat yang lain mohon maaf juga kalau tidak


Re: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

2004-03-30 Terurut Topik Kristianti Dewi Joris
Bu, bisa dicoba Haikal dan Cacha dikasih alpukat - kalau doyan. Cara
penyajiannya biasa aja, alpukan (ambil bagian yang putihnya saja - kalau
kecampur yang hijau jadi agak pahit) di blend halus trus dicampur sama susu
formula atau ASI. Sepengetahuan saya alpukat sangat baik bagi pencernaan (baik
bagi orang dewas maupun bayi).

Ruth (5 bulan) sangat suka alpukat dan setiap kali saya kasih dia alpukat saya
perhatikan bab-nya jauh lebih lembek (maaf) dan lancar keluarnya nggak perlu
pakai mengejan segala, even dibandingkan kalau dia makan pepaya.

Mudah-mudahan membantu.


YANDI wrote:

 Mama Haikal.  baby-ku juga umur 8 bulan, pup-nya juga keras
 Pusing banget dah!  Sekitar 1 minggu yg lalu aku ke DSA-nya dan dikasih
 sirup serat, kata DSA-nya itu bukan obat, diminum selama 2 minggu setiap
 hari juga apa2.   Aku coba..emang Cacha jd enak pup-nya, eh aku stop 2
 hari pup-nya keras lagi.. Aku maunya tdk tergantung pake sirup itu.
 Tapi kayaknya mau aku coba lagi, padahal makan pepaya-nya sdh 2kali, air
 putih-nya juga lumayan (mungkin msh kurang kali ya? abis Cacha gak suka
 air putih)

 Mama Haikal sdh nyoba usaha apa aja?  Kata DSA-ku minum sirup serat itu
 aja daripada pup-nya kluar darah.  KEbetulan DSA-ku sub spesialis
 pencernaan.  Oya namanya DUPHALAC (kalo gak salah)... itu sirup yg
 mengandung serat.  Selain itu dicoba banyak minum air putih dan
 makanan tambhannya untuk sementara di-encerin dulu, kalo sdh susu
 formula takarannya dikurangi separoh mbak..agak encer.

 Semoga membantu

 -Yandi, mama Cacha-


 Dear Moms,
 Saya mau tanya nih kenapa ya bayiku umur 8 bulan pupnya keras dan keluar
 darah ? sampai2 dia nangis nahan rasa sakitnya, kasihan deh...mungkin moms
 and dads ada yang tahu penyebabnya dan makanan apa yang harus distop dulu
 sementara babnya belum normal. terima kasih sebelumnya
 Mama haikal.
 Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
 Info balita,
 Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
 Info balita,
 Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

2004-03-30 Terurut Topik YANDI
Mbak Dewi.. memangnya alpukat mengandung serat ya..??  Aku blm 
pernah kasih alpukat ke Cacha, belum berani.  Tapi boleh juga tuh 
kayaknya, nanti aku coba.  

BTW, boleh ya mbak ASI dicampur sama makanan lain Cacha masih 
ASI, selama ini ASI-nya gak pernah aku campur makanan lain, ASI ya buat 
nyusui thok! kalo aku kerja. 

-Mama Cacha-

Kristianti Dewi Joris wrote:

Bu, bisa dicoba Haikal dan Cacha dikasih alpukat - kalau doyan. Cara
penyajiannya biasa aja, alpukan (ambil bagian yang putihnya saja - kalau
kecampur yang hijau jadi agak pahit) di blend halus trus dicampur sama susu
formula atau ASI. Sepengetahuan saya alpukat sangat baik bagi pencernaan (baik
bagi orang dewas maupun bayi).
Ruth (5 bulan) sangat suka alpukat dan setiap kali saya kasih dia alpukat saya
perhatikan bab-nya jauh lebih lembek (maaf) dan lancar keluarnya nggak perlu
pakai mengejan segala, even dibandingkan kalau dia makan pepaya.
Mudah-mudahan membantu.


YANDI wrote:


Mama Haikal.  baby-ku juga umur 8 bulan, pup-nya juga keras
Pusing banget dah!  Sekitar 1 minggu yg lalu aku ke DSA-nya dan dikasih
sirup serat, kata DSA-nya itu bukan obat, diminum selama 2 minggu setiap
hari juga apa2.   Aku coba..emang Cacha jd enak pup-nya, eh aku stop 2
hari pup-nya keras lagi.. Aku maunya tdk tergantung pake sirup itu.
Tapi kayaknya mau aku coba lagi, padahal makan pepaya-nya sdh 2kali, air
putih-nya juga lumayan (mungkin msh kurang kali ya? abis Cacha gak suka
air putih)
Mama Haikal sdh nyoba usaha apa aja?  Kata DSA-ku minum sirup serat itu
aja daripada pup-nya kluar darah.  KEbetulan DSA-ku sub spesialis
pencernaan.  Oya namanya DUPHALAC (kalo gak salah)... itu sirup yg
mengandung serat.  Selain itu dicoba banyak minum air putih dan
makanan tambhannya untuk sementara di-encerin dulu, kalo sdh susu
formula takarannya dikurangi separoh mbak..agak encer.
Semoga membantu

-Yandi, mama Cacha-



Dear Moms,

Saya mau tanya nih kenapa ya bayiku umur 8 bulan pupnya keras dan keluar
darah ? sampai2 dia nangis nahan rasa sakitnya, kasihan deh...mungkin moms
and dads ada yang tahu penyebabnya dan makanan apa yang harus distop dulu
sementara babnya belum normal. terima kasih sebelumnya
Mama haikal.



Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
Info balita,
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]




Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
Info balita,
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

2004-03-30 Terurut Topik Erwin Guci

Lho saya Amu ASI nya mbak.tapi ambil sendiri tempat
nya..alias nyosor sendiri

 Subject:  Re: [balita-anda] Pupnya 
  03/31/2004 10:47 AM  
  Please respond to

Mbak Dewi.. memangnya alpukat mengandung serat ya..??  Aku blm
pernah kasih alpukat ke Cacha, belum berani.  Tapi boleh juga tuh
kayaknya, nanti aku coba.

BTW, boleh ya mbak ASI dicampur sama makanan lain Cacha masih
ASI, selama ini ASI-nya gak pernah aku campur makanan lain, ASI ya buat
nyusui thok! kalo aku kerja.

-Mama Cacha-

Kristianti Dewi Joris wrote:

Bu, bisa dicoba Haikal dan Cacha dikasih alpukat - kalau doyan. Cara
penyajiannya biasa aja, alpukan (ambil bagian yang putihnya saja - kalau
kecampur yang hijau jadi agak pahit) di blend halus trus dicampur sama
formula atau ASI. Sepengetahuan saya alpukat sangat baik bagi pencernaan
bagi orang dewas maupun bayi).

Ruth (5 bulan) sangat suka alpukat dan setiap kali saya kasih dia alpukat
perhatikan bab-nya jauh lebih lembek (maaf) dan lancar keluarnya nggak
pakai mengejan segala, even dibandingkan kalau dia makan pepaya.

Mudah-mudahan membantu.


YANDI wrote:

Mama Haikal.  baby-ku juga umur 8 bulan, pup-nya juga keras
Pusing banget dah!  Sekitar 1 minggu yg lalu aku ke DSA-nya dan dikasih
sirup serat, kata DSA-nya itu bukan obat, diminum selama 2 minggu setiap
hari juga apa2.   Aku coba..emang Cacha jd enak pup-nya, eh aku stop 2
hari pup-nya keras lagi.. Aku maunya tdk tergantung pake sirup itu.
Tapi kayaknya mau aku coba lagi, padahal makan pepaya-nya sdh 2kali, air
putih-nya juga lumayan (mungkin msh kurang kali ya? abis Cacha gak suka
air putih)

Mama Haikal sdh nyoba usaha apa aja?  Kata DSA-ku minum sirup serat itu
aja daripada pup-nya kluar darah.  KEbetulan DSA-ku sub spesialis
pencernaan.  Oya namanya DUPHALAC (kalo gak salah)... itu sirup yg
mengandung serat.  Selain itu dicoba banyak minum air putih dan
makanan tambhannya untuk sementara di-encerin dulu, kalo sdh susu
formula takarannya dikurangi separoh mbak..agak encer.

Semoga membantu

-Yandi, mama Cacha-


Dear Moms,

Saya mau tanya nih kenapa ya bayiku umur 8 bulan pupnya keras dan keluar
darah ? sampai2 dia nangis nahan rasa sakitnya, kasihan deh...mungkin
and dads ada yang tahu penyebabnya dan makanan apa yang harus distop
sementara babnya belum normal. terima kasih sebelumnya

Mama haikal.


Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
Info balita,
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
Info balita,
Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
 Info balita,
 Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

2004-03-30 Terurut Topik Kristianti Dewi Joris

Mama Cacha,
Alpukat memang tidak mengandung serat, tetapi dia mengandung zat-zat
yang sangat baik untuk metabolisme pencernaan. Dari aku kecil sih mbak
setiap kali aku ada problem dengan bab, ibu ku kasih aku alpukat dan sekarang
aku teruskan ke Ruth walupun emang Ruth nggak punya problem pencernaan
cuman sempet kasihan aja waktu pernah dia ngejan-ngejan sampai anusnya
(maaf) merah padahal makan pepaya juga. Akhirnya aku kasih dia alpukat
dan sejak itu kalau bab lebih lancar dan nggak banyak ngejan.
Dari bacaan mengenai Constipation, kalau Cacha sudah berumur 8 bulan
mungkin mbak bisa kasih dia apple juice bikinan sendiri. Ini saya sadurkan
article mengenai Apple Juice yang sangat baik untuk membantu mengatasi
masalah sembelit. Maaf masih dalam edisi aslinya (bhs Inggris) dan belum
sempat menterjemahkan.
"Apple juice also has a mild laxative effect that
may help provide relief from constipation commonly experienced by little
ones. Apple juice fortified with vitamin C may help children absorb more
iron, an important nutrient for growth and development."
About Apple Juices
Apples contain pectin, which will add bulk to
your stools, and their cleansing action will encourage bowel movements.
They have a laxative effect yet are also used for to help people get back
on a regular diet after suffering bouts of diarrhea.
The pectin in the apple fiber apparently is the
healing factor, which explains why it is included in one of the popular
over-the-counter diarrhea remedies. Also, that same fiber pectin is what
dietitians have been telling us for decades is necessary to keep us regular
and to prevent constipation.
When it comes to bowel regularity, apples contain
two types of fiber tackle the job no matter what it is. Both the insoluble
fiber in apples and their soluble fiber pectin help relieve constipation
(thus helping to prevent diverticulosis and colon cancer).
The insoluble fiber works like roughage, while
the soluble fiber (pectin), which is found primarily in the skin, acts
as a stool softener by drawing water into the stool and increasing stool
bulk. On the other hand, because pectin firms up an excessively loose stool,
itÂ’s also used to treat diarrhea. One well-known over-the-counter diarrhea
remedy, Kaopectate , actually contains an oxidized form of pectin.
Tambahan lagi : a little article about Constipation/sembelit pada bayi
Common causes of constipation in infants/children
Introduction of solid food(s)
Diets low in fiber
Diets of excessive milk products
Bananas, Cereals and Applesauce
A change in diet usually relieves constipation.
The following tips may also help:
For babies younger than 4 months:
Try giving one to two ounces of diluted fruit
juice such as grape, prune or apple-prune twice daily.
For babies between 4 months and 1 year:
Try strained foods that contain high fiber such
as apricots, prunes, peaches, plums, pears, peas or spinach twice a day.
In older infants, you may want to avoid baby foods
such as rice cereal, applesauce and bananas as these may aggravate constipation!
Barley or oatmeal cereals, prunes, peaches, plums,
apricots and most vegetables are preferred. Juices are helpful, especially
apple or prune, but use in moderation, as they are not as nutritious for
babies as formula or breastmilk.
An easy and natural way to remember how to alleviate
baby's constipation is to cut out the foods that contribute to it - rice
cereals, bananas, and applesauce. Recall the BRAT diet for treatment
of diarrhea in infants - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. If
you ever forget which foods to cut out, remember BRAT!
Mama Cacha, semoga info diatas dapat membantu
yaMaaf kalau malah jadi kepanjangan dan buat yang lain mohon maaf juga
kalau tidak berkenan.

 Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
 Info balita,
 Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

2004-03-30 Terurut Topik Rifa
maaf sedikit melenceng kalo kaya apple dan  pear itu langsung di blender apa di kukus 
dulu ya?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kristianti Dewi Joris 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 11:55 AM
  Subject: [balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

  Mama Cacha, 
  Alpukat memang tidak mengandung serat, tetapi dia mengandung zat-zat yang sangat 
baik untuk metabolisme pencernaan. Dari aku kecil sih mbak setiap kali aku ada problem 
dengan bab, ibu ku kasih aku alpukat dan sekarang aku teruskan ke Ruth walupun emang 
Ruth nggak punya problem pencernaan cuman sempet kasihan aja waktu pernah dia 
ngejan-ngejan sampai anusnya (maaf) merah padahal makan pepaya juga. Akhirnya aku 
kasih dia alpukat dan sejak itu kalau bab lebih lancar dan nggak banyak ngejan. 

  Dari bacaan mengenai Constipation, kalau Cacha sudah berumur 8 bulan mungkin mbak 
bisa kasih dia apple juice bikinan sendiri. Ini saya sadurkan article mengenai Apple 
Juice yang sangat baik untuk membantu mengatasi masalah sembelit. Maaf masih dalam 
edisi aslinya (bhs Inggris) dan belum sempat menterjemahkan. 

  Apple juice also has a mild laxative effect that may help provide relief from 
constipation commonly experienced by little ones. Apple juice fortified with vitamin C 
may help children absorb more iron, an important nutrient for growth and development. 

  About Apple Juices 

  Apples contain pectin, which will add bulk to your stools, and their cleansing 
action will encourage bowel movements. They have a laxative effect yet are also used 
for to help people get back on a regular diet after suffering bouts of diarrhea. 

  The pectin in the apple fiber apparently is the healing factor, which explains why 
it is included in one of the popular over-the-counter diarrhea remedies. Also, that 
same fiber pectin is what dietitians have been telling us for decades is necessary to 
keep us regular and to prevent constipation. 

  When it comes to bowel regularity, apples contain two types of fiber tackle the job 
no matter what it is. Both the insoluble fiber in apples and their soluble fiber 
pectin help relieve constipation (thus helping to prevent diverticulosis and colon 

  The insoluble fiber works like roughage, while the soluble fiber (pectin), which is 
found primarily in the skin, acts as a stool softener by drawing water into the stool 
and increasing stool bulk. On the other hand, because pectin firms up an excessively 
loose stool, it's also used to treat diarrhea. One well-known over-the-counter 
diarrhea remedy, Kaopectate , actually contains an oxidized form of pectin. 

  Tambahan lagi : a little article about Constipation/sembelit pada bayi 

  Common causes of constipation in infants/children include: 

  Introduction of solid food(s) 
  Diets low in fiber 
  Diets of excessive milk products 
  Bananas, Cereals and Applesauce 

  A change in diet usually relieves constipation. The following tips may also help: 

  For babies younger than 4 months: 
  Try giving one to two ounces of diluted fruit juice such as grape, prune or 
apple-prune twice daily. 

  For babies between 4 months and 1 year: 
  Try strained foods that contain high fiber such as apricots, prunes, peaches, plums, 
pears, peas or spinach twice a day. 

  In older infants, you may want to avoid baby foods such as rice cereal, applesauce 
and bananas as these may aggravate constipation! 

  Barley or oatmeal cereals, prunes, peaches, plums, apricots and most vegetables are 
preferred. Juices are helpful, especially apple or prune, but use in moderation, as 
they are not as nutritious for babies as formula or breastmilk. 

  An easy and natural way to remember how to alleviate baby's constipation is to cut 
out the foods that contribute to it - rice cereals, bananas, and applesauce.  Recall 
the BRAT diet for treatment of diarrhea in infants - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and 
Toast.  If you ever forget which foods to cut out, remember BRAT! 

  Mama Cacha, semoga info diatas dapat membantu yaMaaf kalau malah jadi 
kepanjangan dan buat yang lain mohon maaf juga kalau tidak berkenan. 



   Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
   Info balita,
   Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[balita-anda] Pupnya Keras

2004-03-30 Terurut Topik Kristianti Dewi Joris
Untuk mengatasi masalah sembelit lebih baik apple dan pear diambil airnya (juice) saja 
dengan alat juicer. Kalau diblender ntar jadinya apple or pear sauce, malah nggak baik 
untuk ngatasin sembelit karena apple or pear sauce justru akan memperkeras bab.

Tapi kalau bayi-nya dalam kondisi normal (nutrisi vitamin, mineral  fiber seimbang 
tanpa masalah bab) pemberian apple dan pear baik yang dikukus maupun di blender nggak 

Semoga membantu,

 Kirim bunga, buket balon atau cake, klik,
 Info balita,
 Stop berlangganan, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]