Re: [Barry-devel] Barry Desktop - Mint 18 - Ubuntu 16.04 64bit

2016-08-02 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Aug 02, 2016 at 05:52:29PM -0300, wrote:
> I believe there is an updated package for Fedora 20.
> Do you know if it can be installed in Mint/Ubuntu?

You might be able to convert the RPM to DEB, but I haven't done that
kind of thing in a long time, and getting the dependencies resolved
might be a real headache.

It's worth a shot though if you have the time and really need it.

- Chris

Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry Desktop - Mint 18 - Ubuntu 16.04 64bit

2016-08-02 Thread Chris Frey

Unfortunately there are no plans to update the binary packaging available
on Sourceforge at this time.  The packages that are there are pretty
old, and are only there for historical reasons.

Also, Barry has been removed from Debian unstable due to lack of
upstream and Debian maintenance (I was the main guy for both and just didn't
have the time).  So this means that future Ubuntu and Mint distros
are unlikely to have Barry either, even without opensync support.

- Chris

On Sun, Jul 31, 2016 at 10:40:32AM -0300, wrote:
> Hello:
> I was wondering if there will be an update to Barry Desktop so as to 
> be able to use it with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS / Mint 18 64 bit.
> I have recently migrated fro Mint 17 and I see it is not in the usual 
> repositories.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> ___
> Barry-devel mailing list

Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] 8. Installation problems further update

2015-09-07 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Sep 04, 2015 at 10:05:32AM -0400, Jim Robinson wrote:
> Thanks for that tip. I was going to test today with locking my BBerry 
> and see all still works.
> so will try
> btool -t -P pwd
> &
> Barry desktop.
> breset == BlackBerry reset?
> I also found another one
> bidentify
> Are there any more.

The user-useful programs that come with barry-util are:

/usr/sbin/bresetUSB reset on blackberry
/usr/sbin/pppob PPP over Barry... used if tethering
/usr/bin/btool  Original command line investigative tool
/usr/bin/bwatch Show updating screenshot of device in window
/usr/bin/bioBarry I/O - does various copying of data to and
from device, tarballs, formats, etc
/usr/bin/btardump   Like btool, but for backup files
/usr/bin/btarcmpCompare backups
/usr/bin/bfuse  Mount your Blackberry database as a filesystem
to browse contacts, etc as files.
/usr/bin/bjavaloaderInstall java programs
/usr/bin/balxparse  Read java program files
/usr/bin/bjdwp  Barry Java debugger
/usr/bin/brawchannelUsed for communicating with a running app on
a device.
/usr/bin/bidentify  Displays name, PIN, etc about whatever devices
are plugged in
/usr/bin/brecsumCalculates sha1 sums for database records...
used for testing and development / verfication
/usr/bin/upldif Uploads contacts from LDAP's LDIF format into
the contacts BUT! it erases what exists
before the upload, so use with caution.

These have man pages for more information.

> I was going to ask that question especially since the web searches seem 
> to 60& use 0.22 and 40% 0.40. Also osynctool does not seem as easy to 
> use, as there are fewer examples on the web. Also the structure of the 
> conf files seems to have changed.

Yes, but I believe 0.4x opensync is more rubust in handling syncing and
errors.  Version 0.22 can get more easily confused.  That said, they can
both get confused, which is why you want to script your setup, so you
can restart easily.

> Also I find that  osynctool --configure is a pain as I believe that it 
> uses vim as the editor. I found the locations of the .conf files and use 
> nano. I use aliases all the time to backup a file before editing a file.
> E.g. for fstab
> Aliases look like
> alias fstab_cp='sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_20150904_09:42'
> alias fstab_ed='sudo nano /etc/fstab'
> generate from a part of script file
> alias fstab_cp="sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H:%M)"
> alias fstab_ed="sudo nano /etc/fstab"

Set your environment variable EDITOR to the editor of your choice, and
osynctool should use that instead.

> A new question, or questions
> Does barrybackup backup all of your BlackBerry ID information i.e. PIN 
> messenger number etc.?

The backup only backs up the databases.  Your java programs are not
backed up with it.  Your PIN is baked into your device and doesn't
need to be backed up.  Not sure where the messenger number is stored.

> Since I have managed to get Barrydesktop to work on 12.04 is it a valid 
> experiment to try on 14.04. Ubuntu say that it is supported and use the 
> files including opensync that I downloaded from your web site.

You can try, but the Barry that comes with Ubuntu does not have any
opensync support built in.  You would still need to install the Barry
packages from sourceforge.  I haven't tried this, and you might run
into dependency problems.

- Chris

Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] 8. Installation problems further update

2015-09-03 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 11:42:35AM -0400, Jim Robinson wrote:
>   Found the message in the mail list where it was suggested a problem 
> with the password.
> so tried
> btool -t -P pwd

If you forget to include your password, the device can be left in
a state that Barry can't recover from.  Try unplugging your device, and
trying again *with* the password.  Sometimes the breset command will
suffice to get it working again.

> Big Change
> > escau@escau-desktop:~$ btool -l
> > Blackberry devices found:
> > Device ID: 0x8ec42f0. PIN: 2a11554d, Description: RIM BlackBerry Device, 
> > Name: Touch
> > escau@escau-desktop:~$ btool -t
> > Blackberry devices found:
> > Device ID: 0x8f882f0. PIN: 2a11554d, Description: RIM BlackBerry Device, 
> > Name: Touch
> > Using device (PIN): 2a11554d
> > Database database:
> > Database: 0x0 'Address Book' (records: 39)
> > Database: 0x1 'Address Book - All' (records: 39)
> > Database: 0x2 'Address Book - Last Used Hints' (records: 1)
> > Database: 0x3 'Address Book Options' (records: 1)

Excellent :-)

> Back to Barry desktop.
> now browse database works, I was able to see my databases.
> Backup and Restore worked
> I was able to do a Backup not tried a restore as yet!!

In the backup program, you can restore individual databases.  The process
of restoring will erase the database, and then add all records back.
So limiting to only the database you want to test with, is a good start.

> Then back to trying to use the link to Evolution. Perhaps I will need to 
> learn a lot more on how to use it.

Opensync is indeed a different beast, and I'd say it is more tricky to
get working than Barry itself.  But with fresh backups, experimenting
can be fun, and syncing is the payoff at the end. :-)

I'd recommend sticking with opensync 0.4x, especially since you have it

Note that it is possible to backup and restore from the command line,
using the bio tool, as well as running opensync from the command line,
using osynctool.  During testing, you might want to script things,
so you can setup your sync plugins, configs, etc, and do it repeatedly
from scratch if you need to, and save some typing.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] 8. Installation problems

2015-09-03 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Sep 03, 2015 at 12:44:47AM -0400, Jim Robinson wrote:
> Changed the config to select only contacts, no change.
> I have some tests using
> btool -l
> &
> btool -t as root which I will post tomorrow.
> Are there any other tests that you can suggest.

To make sure that the software is talking successfully with the device,
you can use barrydesktop and browse the databases.  You should see your
calendar and address book entries that way, even edit them if you like.

If that works, then it's just the opensync setup that's the problem.

Make sure you're using the latest evolution plugin.  There are evolution
plugins for versions 2 and 3 available.  Make sure you use 3.

Try syncing just address book at first.  Perhaps post some of the logs
to see what it's doing.  Are you using the osynctool to sync from the
command line, or barrydesktop?

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Installation problems

2015-09-02 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Sep 02, 2015 at 12:25:39PM -0400, Jim Robinson wrote:
> But tried to run Barry Desktop Panel, an error message appears:-
> No OpenSync libraries were found. Sync will be unavailable until you 
> install OpenSync version 0.22 or version 0.4x on your system, along with 
> the needed plugins.

Hi Jim,

First question is... how badly do you need sync support?  If you just
want to make backups and restore, you don't need it, and it is far easier to
install the packages from the official Ubuntu repos than from the
old packages that the Barry Sourceforge site supports.

If you *really* need opensync though, it's not an easy road ahead,
and at this point, I'd probably recommend you build from source.
I haven't done this myself in a long time, so I'll wait for your
response before giving some pointers. :-)

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Exporting whole archives

2014-11-10 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 02:17:25PM +, wrote:
> Waiting for a Thunderbird/lightning plugin, which will be very
> appreciated,

Work on Barry has slowed to almost nothing, so there probably won't
be any new plugins in the near future, unfortunately.

> is there in meantime the possibility to export in .ical
> format the whole calendar and tasks archives of my blackberry, in
> order to import them in Thunderbird, instead of single records of
> them? Multi-selection of records seems not working.

Probably the easiest method is to export the Calendar database to MIME
format from the command line:

bio -i device -d Calendar -o mime

That takes the device as input, select the Calendar database, and uses
MIME as output.

If you have a password set, add the -P option after the '-i device'

bio -i device -P MyPassword -d Calendar -o mime

- Chris

Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry Compilation errror

2014-08-18 Thread Chris Frey
On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 09:05:26PM +0100, John Collins Sunday wrote:
> Please I get the following error when I try to compile barry:

Hi John,

What system are you compiling this on?

I just tested on Debian 7.6 and the ./ worked fine.

Make sure you have all the dependencies installed.  You can find scripts
which may help with that under maintainer/depscripts/.

- Chris

Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry on Ubuntu 14.04

2014-05-31 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 08:24:58AM -0700, Jeremy Gabriel wrote:
> I installed Barry Desktop through the Ubuntu Software Centre but when I try
> to connect my BlackBerry Q10 it gives me an error message saying the

Hi Jeremy,

Sadly, I must stop you here, since Barry does not support devices
of the new Z10 line, including the Q10.

For the Z10/Q10 devices, you may wish to look into OwnCloud and setup
your own private cloud, which, as I understand it, these devices support.

See Nicolas Vivien's message on this here:

> OpenSync libraries are missing and that sync will be disabled until it,

There is no maintainer for Debian OpenSync packages, so syncing is
disabled in the official Debian Barry packages, and this is the same
situation for Ubuntu.

> along with other missing plugins, is installed. I went to but
> found that the installation instructions only provide code up to Ubuntu
> 12.04 (ie main -- I
> can't replace 'squeeze' with 'ubuntu1404').
> Has the Barry software been updated for 14.04 yet (I know its still new)?
> Would it still work if stuck with ubuntu1204?

The netdirect versions of the packages which do have opensync enabled
(available at have not yet been updated to 14.04.
There are no plans to do so yet.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] opensync problem: "error: Controller: requested mode not supported"

2014-01-21 Thread Chris Frey
On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 09:31:34PM +0100, Fritz Reichwald wrote:
> Thanks for the great project. Backup works but I got problems with
> Calendar and Contact synchronization.
> Got a Blackberry 8707v and barry 0.18.4.
> The output of the unsuccessfull synchronization try is attached.

Thanks for the output.  All I can suspect is that perhaps it is a
threading issue, or maybe you have a password set on the device
and the plugin is not handling it correctly.

If there is a password, try turning it off in the device, just as a test.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Document the USB protocol

2013-07-12 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Jul 12, 2013 at 12:27:20PM +0700, rusman wrote:
> I would like to know whether someone has been documenting the USB 
> protocol as in TODO list.

Not yet :-)

> I don't have any experience documenting such protocol before. So if it 
> is ok for me contribute to this project then I need guidance from you 
> guys here.

You're more than welcome to begin the documentation.  You will want to
start looking at the following files:


And the most useful part is grabbing a blackberry and dumping all traffic
with the -v options on most of the Barry commands.  You probably want
to start with btool.

When you view the raw packet hex codes, compare them with the structs inside
src/protostructs.h, starting with Packet struct, and follow the unions and
substructs from there (all in the same header).

The bird's eye view of the protocol is (roughly, from memory):

1. a few initial probe commands, which determine a few important
pieces (

2. open the mode (Desktop, javaloader, modem, etc)

3. open a socket (this determines the first 2 bytes of most of
the rest of the traffic)

Then depending on the mode, the protocol varies.  For Desktop, which is
the protocol used for database access, it is something like:

4. fetch command code list

5. use the Database Access command code

6. fetch the database database

7. for each database you want to read, use the database access
subcommands for read each record, or upload records, etc.

The desktop mode is the largest, as it expands into other source files,
such as the record parsers, which have the r_ prefix:

r_bookmark.h  r_cstore.h   r_message.h r_task.h
r_calendar.h  r_folder.h   r_saved_message.h   r_timezone.h
r_calllog.h   r_hhagent.h  r_pin_message.h r_servicebook.h
r_contact.h   r_memo.h r_sms.h

These have .cc files as well.

For other modes, the protocol is different, but still based on a
socket system, so the initial steps are the same.

You can see the various mode files with a m_ prefix:


It will take some commitment to read through the code, as I don't have
time to document things via email, but I can certainly point you at the
right source files to look at if you find an apparent dead end. :-)

Good luck, and please keep the us updated with your progress.
If you can put your work under the doc/ directory somewhere, and send
patches or git pull requests, I'd be pleased to include it in the
official Barry sources.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] FW: pat minix

2013-06-17 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 03:31:41AM -0700, pat minix wrote:
> pat minix

That looked like spam.  Email me personally if this was a fluke.
Your posts to the lists are now moderated.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Error on "bjavaloader dir"

2013-05-22 Thread Chris Frey
Yeah, that's the most likely explantion.  But if it is a small behavioural
change in the OS, then sometimes we can work around it.

- Chris

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 07:44:50AM -0500, Eddy Castillo wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I also have another 9800 that has no issues, but I don't have access right
> now to it to check the OS version. The one I have here has 6.0 Bundle 2949
> (v6.0.0.668, Platform Do you think it has to do with a change
> in the OS?
> Regards,
> 2013/5/17 Chris Frey 
> > On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:05:26AM -0500, Eddy Castillo wrote:
> > > Thanks for the answer. I'm not sure if this is a change in the protocol
> > in
> > > the 9800 alone. I'm testing different phones and already saw the same
> > > problem with bjavaloader in the 9900 model also.
> >
> > Hi Eddy,
> >
> > I just tested here with a 9800 device, and it worked fine.  Perhaps it is
> > a device firmware issue?
> >
> > The device I'm using has the following version:
> >
> > 6.0 Bundle 2921 (v6.0.0.666, Platform
> >
> > If yours is older, you might try upgrading.  If mine is older, then
> > perhaps I should. :-)
> >
> > - Chris
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) platform delivers complete
> > security visibility with the essential security capabilities. Easily and
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> >
> > ___
> > Barry-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Eddy Castillo
> Statistics, Process Reengineering and Sofware Development Consultant
> Mobile: +52 (899) 214 5631

> --
> AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) platform delivers complete
> security visibility with the essential security capabilities. Easily and
> efficiently configure, manage, and operate all of your security controls
> from a single console and one unified framework. Download a free trial.
> ___
> Barry-devel mailing list

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Error on "bjavaloader dir"

2013-05-17 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 10:05:26AM -0500, Eddy Castillo wrote:
> Thanks for the answer. I'm not sure if this is a change in the protocol in
> the 9800 alone. I'm testing different phones and already saw the same
> problem with bjavaloader in the 9900 model also.

Hi Eddy,

I just tested here with a 9800 device, and it worked fine.  Perhaps it is
a device firmware issue?

The device I'm using has the following version:

6.0 Bundle 2921 (v6.0.0.666, Platform

If yours is older, you might try upgrading.  If mine is older, then
perhaps I should. :-)

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Error on "bjavaloader dir"

2013-05-16 Thread Chris Frey
Hi Eddy,

Thanks for sending the output.  It looks like Barry is expecting an ACK
response, but is receiving the data right away instead.  Perhaps this
is a change in the 9800 protocol behaviour.

Could you post the tail end of a 'dir' command with verbose turned on
with the -v option?

If you feel like compiling (again?), you might try this patch to see if
this makes any difference in how far it gets.

- Chris

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ce354c8..df2439f 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -596,20 +596,15 @@ void JavaLoader::GetDir(JLPacket &packet,
bool include_subdirs)
-   if( packet.Command() != SB_COMMAND_JL_ACK ) {
-   ThrowJLError("JavaLoader::GetDir", packet.Command());
-   }
-   // ack response will contain length of module ID array in next packet
-   unsigned int expect = packet.Size();
+   Data &response = packet.GetReceive();
-   if( expect > 0 ) {
-   Data &response = packet.GetReceive();
+   if( packet.Command() == SB_COMMAND_JL_ACK ) {
-   Protocol::CheckSize(response, 4);
-   dir.ParseTable(Data(response.GetData() + 4, response.GetSize() 
- 4));
-   GetDirectoryEntries(packet, entry_cmd, dir, include_subdirs);
+   Protocol::CheckSize(response, 4);
+   dir.ParseTable(Data(response.GetData() + 4, response.GetSize() - 4));
+   GetDirectoryEntries(packet, entry_cmd, dir, include_subdirs);
 void JavaLoader::GetDirectory(JLDirectory &dir, bool include_subdirs)

On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 11:27:54AM -0500, Eddy Castillo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'am trying to get the list of installed modules on a Blackberry 9800 using
> bjavaloader with the "dir" command, but the response I get from bjavaloader
> is the following:
> =
> Packet command: 110Expected: 100Packet:
> : 03 00 08 00 64 00 6c 02  d.l.
> Barry::Error caught: JavaLoader::GetDir: unexpected packet command code:
> 0x6e
> =
> The phone model is 9800 with OS 6.0 Bundle 2949.
> I tried using barry 0.18.2 and barry 0.18.4 on Ubuntu 12.04.
> All other commands in javaloader seem to be working ok. I don't know if
> this is a bug with barry or I am missing something here. Any comment will
> be appreciated .
> Best Regards,
> -- 
> Eddy Castillo
> Statistics, Process Reengineering and Sofware Development Consultant
> Mobile: +52 (899) 214 5631

> --
> AlienVault Unified Security Management (USM) platform delivers complete
> security visibility with the essential security capabilities. Easily and
> efficiently configure, manage, and operate all of your security controls
> from a single console and one unified framework. Download a free trial.
> ___
> Barry-devel mailing list

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] USB Tether on 9930 Bold gives Timeout in usb_bulk_read

2013-04-11 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 06:13:41PM -0700, Eddie Atherton wrote:
> I downloaded and compiled the latest version and that seems to have solved 
> my issues.

Glad to hear it's working!

> Now all I have to do is get it so the DNS is automatically assigned.  :-)

I think that's the "usepeerdns" pppd option.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] USB Tether on 9930 Bold gives Timeout in usb_bulk_read

2013-04-09 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 07:25:46AM -0700, Eddie Atherton wrote:
> Let me see what is involved to see if I can get the latest version added 
> to our repository.

If it helps, note that my release builds available on SourceForge are
available in repository form, and are signed, as noted in the release

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] USB Tether on 9930 Bold gives Timeout in usb_bulk_read

2013-04-08 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 04:10:55PM -0700, Eddie Atherton wrote:
> The repository I have to use for my company laptop only has 17.1 available 
> at the moment, sorry.

Well, I can give you a patch and you can rebuild your
0.17.1 packages instead I suppose.  What distro
are you using?

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] USB Tether on 9930 Bold gives Timeout in usb_bulk_read

2013-04-08 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Apr 08, 2013 at 03:55:54PM -0700, Eddie Atherton wrote:
> I'm using version 17.1 and the supplied barry-verizon script and chat.

Hi Eddie,

Are you able to try the latest 0.18.4 version?  There was a pppob timeout
fix that may affect you.

If not, try the barry-minimal script, and see if that works any differently.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] Branch 0.19.0 merged, 0.18.x created

2013-04-05 Thread Chris Frey
Now that 0.18.4 is out, I've merged the v0.19.0 development branch into
master, which includes all of Toby Gray's changes from a few months ago.

I've also opened branch v0.18.x for bugfixes on the 0.18 tree, which I
hope will be minor.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] Barry Desktop version 0.18.4 released

2013-04-05 Thread Chris Frey

Chris (1):
  gui: tweaked some gettext strings, and updated barry-backup.pot

Chris Frey (130):
  Barry version 0.18.3-2 (debian)
  Revert "Revert "debian: added support for hardened builds""
  Barry version 0.18.3-3, debian sid release
  debian: fixed build-dep order for autopoint (Closes #676321)
  Updated AUTHORS file
  debian: fixed dependency on ppp for kfreebsd (Closes: #678233)
  debian: made the changelog more verbose as per intrigeri's feedback
  Merge commit 'barry-0.18.3-5'
  Barry version 0.18.4
  maint: abi: add  section to test Barry without error
  doc: added sample command lines to ReleaseChecklist.txt
  maint: updated to remind me of rpmsign config change
  maint: added gksu and beesu to depscripts
  doc: updates to the main page, dependency page, and install pages
  maint: sign debian source package files (.dsc)
  maint: create debian source packages without any pre-generated files
  tools: pppob: fixed ProcessStdin() to handle read() errors
  doc: continued updates to www documentation, including git build 
  doc: updated ReleaseChecklist.txt
  maint: removed fedora14 and added fedora17 for 64bit builds
  maint: removed fedora14 and added fedora17 for 32bit builds
  doc: added documentation for the Desktop GUI, as well as other updates
  doc: added link to Bill Paul's FreeBSD ppp notes to the requirements doc
  doc: updated root directory text files (NEWS, README, TODO)
  doc: fixed image HTML generation to use createImageEx() instead of 
  doc: highlighted that syncing should now be done with the GUI
  tools: added pty support to pppob, with the -t option
  man: updated pppob manpage with -t option
  test: added ptyio to help with testing pppob -t
  desktop: fixed inconsistency between multiple device renames
  debian: added barry-doc package containing html user docs (Closes: 
  rpm: updated barry.spec to include spanish translations
  doc: added correction to debian package removal, now that barry-doc exists
  debian: moved from barry-util package to barrybackup-gui
  po: fixed missing charset in po/es.po
  debian: fixed lintian binary-control-field-duplicates-source for barry-doc
  debian: fixed lintian debhelper-but-no-misc-depends for barry-doc
  debian: added doc-base control file for barry-doc package
  debian: fixed spelling mistake in control file
  lib: fixed unused variable warnings when compiling without __DEBUG_MODE__
  udev: removed udev/69-blackberry.rules which used ACL_MANAGE
  rpm: removed BuildRequires lines from barry.spec
  rpm: added --with kdesu option to barry.spec
  maint: use kdesu on openSUSE binary package builds
  maint: run rpmclean separately, in hope for the day when -j16 is possible 
  desktop: reduce some string copying in favour of _T() strings
  Updated AUTHORS file
  po: minor updates to po file headers
  Updated to remove files
  test: modified to be independent of git working tree
  test: allow to accept any branch on command line
  desktop: string conversion to support i18n
  test: make it obvious which branch we're testing
  desktop: gettextize'ing the desktop code, to extract strings
  Update support files to gettext 0.18.1 from 0.17
  desktop: the desktop code gets its own m4 directory now that i18n begins
  desktop: source files are in UTF-8, so xgettext needs to be told
  desktop: implement the _W() macro
  desktop: added initial .pot and .po files
  desktop: added wxLocale initialization to barrydesktop GUI
  Updated with new gettext 0.18.1 files that need removal
  desktop: split wxi18n.h and i18n.h more strictly
  desktop: split libosyncwrap's strings into its own text domain 
  debian: added and files for Desktop
  rpm: added and files for Desktop
  desktop: minor tweaks, and test strings added for barryosyncwrap text 
  test: added po-osyncwrap to final diff in
  Updates to the scripts to cleanup po files and gettext stuff
  desktop: removed hardcoded text from buttons in prep for i18n
  desktop: added basic support for i18n text drawing on buttons
  desktop: changed PNGButton to use final versions of buttons
  desktop: narrow the available space for button label text
  desktop: use more aggressive font resizing for long i18n button names
  desktop: added French test strings in po
  desktop: support i18n in text of splash screen
  maint: for opensuse builds, use the binary-meta opensuse target
  maint: fixed boneheaded 

Re: [Barry-devel] Can't tether 9600 Blackberry

2013-03-29 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 03:00:37PM -0500, William Campbell wrote:
> Any suggestions would be helpful.  I have included the logs.  It seems to
> die in IPModem right after accepting the password on the first re-try to
> send the Start Response.
> I'm running linuxmint 14 (ubuntu 12.10) and using the latest 64bit binaries
> for barry.

Just a quick response until I get a chance to look at it more closely.
I'd give the barry-minimal scripts a try as well, and see if they work
any better.  Sometimes the special settings we had on various providers
are not needed anymore.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] bio tool & calendar - all & mime

2013-03-11 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 02:22:31PM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> A small patch to permit to convert "Calendar - All" to mime file with
> bio command line tool.

Thanks Nicolas!  Applied.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] upldif hangs

2013-02-19 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 07:09:59PM +0100, YuGiOhJCJ Mailing-List wrote:
> > This is what happened when I try to dump my contacts with upldif:
> > "$ sudo upldif -v
> > 
> > "
> > The program hangs.
> > My objective is to dump my contact list from the SIM card.

Some clarification.  The upldif program is a tool meant to *write* to
your BlackBerry.  Since it has the potential of deleting all your
contacts and then writing what you give it, it does not actually
upload by default.  You have to explicitly give it the -u option.

If you want to *read* data from your blackberry, you want other tools,
such as btool, or bio.

> I found a way to dump my contact list from the SIM card using the btool 
> program instead of the upldif program:
> $ btool -c dn > file.txt
> (in fact, it can't be done directly, I need before this to go in my 
> BlackBerry menu to copy my contact list from the SIM to the phone)
> Then I can upload it using the upldif program:
> $ upldif -u < file.txt

I'm not aware of any direct access to the SIM card, but I haven't looked
too closely either.  If it doesn't show up by default in Address Book,
then it would either be in some other database (btool -t) or it may always
require the "copy from SIM" operation first.

> But if I read the help of the upldif program I can see that it should be able 
> to dump my contact list:
> "$ upldif -h
>  -uDo the upload.  If not specified, only dumps parsed
>  LDIF data to stdout.
> "
> So, I think the behaviour of the upldif program is not the expected behaviour.

Since upldif reads LDIF data on stdin, for safety's sake, it writes what
it thinks it just read to stdout for verification, and it writes it in
BlackBerry record style.  This way you can feed in your ldif data, and make
sure that upldif is parsing your data correctly (by viewing stdout) before
using the -u to blow away your existing contacts and upload.

> Is there a way to copy the contact list from/to the SIM directly ?

Not that I know of.

> Can you correct the behaviour of the upldif program to be the expected 
> behaviour ?

Perhaps I can clarify the man page.  upldif is not for reading, but for writing.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry Install Ubuntu 12.04

2013-02-06 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Feb 05, 2013 at 12:03:00AM -0600, David P. Jessup wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> I have attempted to install Barry on Ubuntu 12.04 and this is the error 
> I am getting:
>Failed to fetch
>Got a single header line over 360 chars
> If you can see anything that I am missing that could help with 
> installing I would appreciate it.

Hi David,

This is a known problem with the site.  They have a
particular header which causes certain versions of apt-get to choke
due to the length.

I've opened a ticket on sourceforge to address this, but so far it has
not gotten a lot of attention.

You can work around it by pre-downloading all the files from the ubuntu1204
barry sourceforge page into your /var/cache/apt/archives directory.
Then apt won't have to download them from sourceforge, and you can still
benefit from the automatic dependency resolution.

Looks like sourceforge is experiencing HTTP 500 errors right now, so I
can't point you to the right URLs. :-(

In the long term, apt-get has been fixed to handle longer header lines,
so hopefully in future versions of Ubuntu this will not be a problem

Let me know if you still have trouble downloading (after sourceforge
comes back from their issues) :-)

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Regarding email's date and time conversion.

2012-11-23 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 06:20:15AM +, wrote:
> Hi,
> How do barry convert email received date and time value to actual datetime.
> For eg:
> Date value = 7718 and Time value = 36967.

Take a look at src/ and src/r_message* and friends.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Getting usb serial number string descriptor

2012-11-22 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 01:09:23PM -0600, Eddy Castillo wrote:
> Hi all,
> Currently I'm working on a program to get a file with a lot of information
> on BB devices using Barry. When I try to get the usb serial number (usb
> device serial number not imei) I can get the iSerialNumber index (on
> DeviceDescriptor) but when I try to get the string descriptor using
> the usb_get_string_simple function I get a segmentation fault every time.
> Do you know what is the correct way to get this information?

Something like this:

+   char buf[1024];
+   int ret = usb_get_string_simple(handle,
+   desc.iSerialNumber, buf, sizeof(buf));

I've added Device::GetSimpleSerialNumber() to the latest git, and I've added
an -s option to the bidentify command line tool, to display the USB
serial number.  Note that this is the same serial number retrieved via
the lsusb tool, so you don't really need Barry, but might as well have
this available through Barry as well.

It works here.  Please let me know if you have trouble.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] [PATCH] lib: minor: remove undue "mode" in Browser Identity string

2012-11-12 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Oct 05, 2012 at 07:52:42AM +0200, Nicolas CARRIER wrote:
> If I'm not wrong the string :
>  "Browser Identity mode"
> should be replaced by :
>  "Browser Identity"
> in /src/
> If I'm right, then I'll update the translation accordingly.

Hi Nicolas,

Thank you for your quick response on the translation work!
Sorry for my delay.

I have applied all 5 of your patches to the master branch.

Thanks again!
- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] WinCE port of Barry

2012-11-12 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 05:32:36PM +0100, Toby Gray wrote:
> Good point. I've put a fix for this in my wince branch.

Hi Toby,

Sorry for the delay.  I've merged your wince branch, all 3 changes that
I found there.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Regarding barry's password hashing.

2012-10-23 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 01:42:00PM +, wrote:
> Thanks for instant reply.
> The length of SHA1 is 160, so how does this convert into password of 20 bytes.

See also SocketZero::SendPasswordHash()

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] translation work

2012-10-04 Thread Chris Frey

Version 0.18.4 might get released this month.  We'll see :-)  But before
that happens, it would be nice if the translations were all up to speed.

I think the French one is looking pretty good.

The Spanish one needs work.

And if there are others out there who want to dive in, let me know.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] WinCE port of Barry

2012-10-04 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 04:55:19PM +0100, Toby Gray wrote:
> Hi,
> I've finally managed to get enough spare timeto make the changes that 
> Chris suggested in his review comments. I've updated my wince branch in 
> github:

Thanks Toby!  My time for Barry has been limited lately, but I took a
brief look tonight.

> The good news is that I managed to get a solution to the tr1 problem 
> without needing to change the barry headers: 


Regarding the new TCP stream support:

I notice that in the unix implementation for brawchannel, you use both
::read() and fwrite() in the Stdin/Stdout stream classes.  Is there a
reason for this?  The ::read() is straight, unix, unbuffered I/O, while
the fwrite() is buffered.  For buffered streams, we normally use cout.

It is safe to use fwrite() here, since we have cout.sync_with_stdio(true);
in most of the tools as I recall, but it would be nice if Barry code
didn't have this dependency.

I think ::write() is satisfactory, unless you know something I don't. :-)

I've merged this, since this is strictly tools/ code, but I can see
stream classes like this being useful elsewhere, and could in the future
be moved to a library, so it would be good to change this.  Also...

+TcpStream::TcpStream(const char * addr, long port)
+   mImpl.reset(new TcpStreamImpl);
+   mImpl->mListenAddress = addr;
+   mImpl->mPort = port;
+   mImpl->mSocket = INVALID_SOCKET;
+   mImpl->mListenSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
+   if( mImpl->mListenSocket == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
+   cerr << "Failed to create listening socket: " << 
+   errno << endl;
+   }
+   if( mImpl->mListenAddress == NULL ) {
+   mImpl->mHostAddress.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
+   } else {
+   mImpl->mHostAddress.s_addr = inet_addr(mImpl->mListenAddress);
+   }

This takes an external const char* and saves it internally, for later use.
This is also dangerous in code that could be used in the library.  I'd use
a std::string in the TcpStreamImpl struct here for safety.

> I also fixed the registering for data packet handling without needing 
> the messy transfer interest function that my previous patches had 
> implemented.

This is better than TransferInterest().  Clever too.  I didn't like exposing
RegisterInterest() with a type argument as the default option, so I
modified things a bit and added comments, trying to make it clear that
most users shouldn't use the new API.  Socket::SyncSend() really needs
both data and sequence packets in order to function, so this entire API
is really only for the socket opening race condition.  It still seems
a bit heavy to me, but I don't have a better way in mind, and this is
pretty clean as is! :-)  Thanks!

> I based all these changes off the v0.19.0 branch rather than master as I 
> that seemed to make more sense.

I've rebased the v0.19.0 branch onto master, and have included all your

Thanks again!

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Extracting Blackberry PRD number using Barry

2012-09-21 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 08:54:02PM -0500, Eddy Castillo wrote:
> Is there any possibility that barry is not showing all the device databases?

Not to my knowledge.  If you need to make sure, try doing a backup
with RIM's Windows Desktop software, and peek into the resulting backup file.
You should see the same databases there as Barry gives.

Also, if the Windows software can display the PRD number anywhere, then
in theory, Barry should be able to fetch it as well.

Be sure to search the Barry output in ASCII, and in hex, and in big and
little endian.  It may be binary encoded in one of the record dumps, so
searching for it may be a bit of work.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Extracting Blackberry PRD number using Barry

2012-09-19 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 02:00:06PM -0500, Eddy Castillo wrote:
> Do you know if there is a way to extract that information using barry or
> how to use barry to know what database stores that information and parse it
> if needed?

I'm not aware of where that data would be, but you might use btool to
dump all the databases in your device, and search the resulting hex dumps
for the expected data.

Alternatively, you might expand one of the backup tarball files, and
do a binary search through the files.

Once you know the database, it's just a matter of reverse engineering
the database format.  You can look at the code in the src/r_*.cc files
for examples of some common formats.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] [PATCH]po: french translation for desktop

2012-08-20 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 09:15:10PM +0200, Nicolas CARRIER wrote:
> Hello,
> Please find attached the corresponding patch !

Thanks!  Applied.

- Chris

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] [PATCH]po: french translation for desktop

2012-08-20 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 01:15:38PM +0200, Nicolas CARRIER wrote:
> Hello,
> At last I could finish the general french translation, which you'll find
> attached.
> I've also ran make update-po to gain some time.

Thanks very much!  I've applied the patch.

In the meantime, I've added a -T option to the bio command line.  Here are
the 2 new fuzzy sections.  If you want to translate them via email,
I can update the .po files for you.

"   -TShow only the names of the databases.\n"

"No name-only option in this mode"

> I still didn't manage to build barry for now but my internet connexion is
> slow and french riviera isn't propitious to intense debugging...
> I think I'll do some correction when I can test it in real condition.

Sounds good.  Enjoy the riviera :-)

- Chris

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] [PATCH]po: french translation for desktop

2012-08-08 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Aug 08, 2012 at 08:29:31AM +0200, Nicolas CARRIER wrote:
> I think there is a room for improvement in a lot of places.
> In fact I'd like to achieve a entire translation to have a global overview
> and detect common patterns.
> I'll be doing a second pass, more precise, after the last .po is translated
> which will take some time. Only 60% is translated so far. Then I think I'll
> have some questions to post to the ml for certain unclear portions.

That sounds great!  And if you find common patterns, even in your first
pass, feel free to modify the source code strings, if that will help you.

I tried to make things as simple as I could, but there are some places where
C++ iostreams breaks the string up.  I used string_vprintf() to turn
most of those into printf-style format strings, where appropriate.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] [PATCH]po: french translation for desktop

2012-08-07 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Aug 06, 2012 at 08:41:30PM +0200, Nicolas CARRIER wrote:
> Hello,
> Please find as an attachment the fifth fr.po file.
> I still couldn't test it, because I wasn't able to compile Barry from
> scratch.
> I'm working on the last file, but it contains half of the strings to
> translate :/
> Not sure I will be able to finish this week...

Thanks again for all your patches.  I've applied them all, and did a small
bit of testing.  Looks pretty good to me... although some strings turn out
to be a little long.  I don't know how flexible the translations could
be in those situations.

Let me know if you continue to have build trouble.  It would be good to
have you test the translations as well.

Also, if some strings are marked "fuzzy", please remove that tag if
possible.  Fuzzy strings don't always come through in the final program,
and the english version shows instead.  The fuzzy marker is generally
there to show translators what needs work, since the last time the source
code was changed.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] [PATCH]po: french translation for open-sync plugin

2012-08-07 Thread Chris Frey
On Sun, Aug 05, 2012 at 07:33:36PM +0200, Nicolas CARRIER wrote:
> Hi !
> I had some time the week-end, so I started to work on French 
> translations for Barry.
> I've worked on the 4 first smallest .po files on the 6 which are present 
> in the Barry project.
> I'm working on the last 2, but as they are much longer, it will take 
> some more time...
> It's the first time I work on a translation, so please, be kind ^^

Thanks very much!

> PS : I couldn't test the result, because I couldn't compile barry 
> successfully, when issuing a :
> make clean
> ./configure --enable-gui
> make
> I've got the following error :
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbarrybackup
> Any idea ?

You need libtar installed to build the barrybackup library, which is
needed for the backup GUI.  I don't know what the output of your configure
command is, but I'm guessing this might be it.

If not, I'll need to see the output, and the config.log.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] Call for translators

2012-07-27 Thread Chris Frey

I've just finished a few large commits, which convert strings to translatable
gettext versions.  This covers the library itself, command line tools, the
backup gui, the plugins, and the desktop.

The files to tackle are as follows, based on the root of the Barry git tree.
Note that both fr.po and es.po, though mostly empty in some spots, have
already been created.  If you're translating those languages, start there.


Please post the mailing list if you claim a language, so you there is not
duplication of effort, or coordinate with whoever voluteers.

I'd really appreciate feedback from the translators.  I tried to add
notes where I thought things might be confusing.  If there is something
especially difficult, PLEASE let me know instead of banging your head
against the wall.  If changes need to be made, I'd rather make them
early, while you're still working on it, than later.

And if you have any questions along the way, please ask.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Issue with making opensync-plugin-0.4x under Arch Linux

2012-07-25 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:07:16PM -0700, Thibi wrote:
> Hello!
> I'm in the process of setting up a PKGBUILD for Arch Linux with the
> desktop and opensync-plugin-0.4x switches enabled, and I'm running
> into an issue of getting opensync-plugin-0.4x to make.

Hi Thibi!

Glad to hear it.  Thank you for your effort.

> Are the recommended toolkit versions on the website incorrect for 0.17.1?

The dependencies on the website may have more than are needed for 0.17.1,
since the website is updated for version 0.18.3, but if you have them all
installed, 0.17.1 should build as well.

I see you're really building version 0.18.3, which is what I'd recommend. :-)

> If it makes any difference, I've replaced all instances of $PKG_CONFIG
> looking for "libopensync1" to "libopensync" to allow pkg-config to
> locate it successfully.

Why do you need to change the pkg-config name?

Which version of opensync are you building against?  If you really want
to use the 0.4x plugin, you should use the latest opensync as well,
or you will run into linking and API changes that won't compile.
Plus, bugs have been fixed in the latest opensync.

The latest opensync is available in the binary-meta tarball in the
Barry file download area.  The binary-meta tarball contains the source
code which the binary packages are based on, not just Barry's source,
but also opensync and plugins.

> Truncated, it ends up with this error:
> >> src/ Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
> >> src/
> >> src/ The usual way to define `LIBTOOL' is to add 
> >> src/ to `' and run `aclocal' and `autoconf' 
> >> again.
> >> make[2]: *** [] Error 1

In the verbose log, I saw:

> >>> make[2]: Entering directory 
> >>> `/tmp/yaourt-tmp-user/aur-barry/src/barry-0.18.3/opensync-plugin-0.4x'
> >>> CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && /bin/sh 
> >>> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-user/aur-barry/src/barry-0.18.3/opensync-plugin-0.4x/missing
> >>>  --run aclocal-1.11
> >>> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-user/aur-barry/src/barry-0.18.3/opensync-plugin-0.4x/missing:
> >>>  line 52: aclocal-1.11: command not found
> >>> WARNING: `aclocal-1.11' is missing on your system.  You should only need 
> >>> it if
> >>>  you modified `acinclude.m4' or `'.  You might want
> >>>  to install the `Automake' and `Perl' packages.  Grab them from
> >>>  any GNU archive site.
> >>>  cd . && /bin/sh 
> >>> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-user/aur-barry/src/barry-0.18.3/opensync-plugin-0.4x/missing
> >>>  --run automake-1.11 --foreign
> >>> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-user/aur-barry/src/barry-0.18.3/opensync-plugin-0.4x/missing:
> >>>  line 52: automake-1.11: command not found
> >>> WARNING: `automake-1.11' is missing on your system.  You should only need 
> >>> it if
> >>>  you modified `', `acinclude.m4' or `'.
> >>>  You might want to install the `Automake' and `Perl' packages.
> >>>  Grab them from any GNU archive site.
> >>> CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd . && /bin/sh 
> >>> /tmp/yaourt-tmp-user/aur-barry/src/barry-0.18.3/opensync-plugin-0.4x/missing
> >>>  --run autoconf
> >>> aclocal.m4:16: warning: this file was generated for autoconf 2.67.
> >>> You have another version of autoconf.  It may work, but is not guaranteed 
> >>> to.
> >>> If you have problems, you may need to regenerate the build system 
> >>> entirely.
> >>> To do so, use the procedure documented by the package, typically 
> >>> `autoreconf'.
> >>> warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call 
> >>> detected in body
> >>> ../../lib/autoconf/lang.m4:193: AC_LANG_CONFTEST is expanded from...
> >>> ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2661: _AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from...
> >>> ../../lib/autoconf/general.m4:2678: AC_LINK_IFELSE is expanded from...
> >>> m4/libtool.m4:1022: _LT_SYS_MODULE_PATH_AIX is expanded from...
> >>> m4/libtool.m4:4170: _LT_LINKER_SHLIBS is expanded from...
> >>> m4/libtool.m4:5253: _LT_LANG_C_CONFIG is expanded from...
> >>> m4/libtool.m4:138: _LT_SETUP is expanded from...
> >>> m4/libtool.m4:67: LT_INIT is expanded from...
> >>> m4/libtool.m4:102: AC_PROG_LIBTOOL is expanded from...
> >>> the top level
> >>> warning: AC_LANG_CONFTEST: no AC_LANG_SOURCE call 
> >>> detected in body

This concerns me, as it appears that during your build, the makefiles are
trying to regenerate themselves, and maybe you don't have all the required
tools.  When configure or scripts start barfing with uppercase symbols,
it's probably because there's a missing piece, and the configure script did
not get created correctly.

I would check your autotools toolchain first, and make sure you have all
the latest versions.  Above, you are using automake-1.9, but here, it's
looking for aclocal 1.11 and automake 1.11.

Let me know if you have more questions.

- Chris


Re: [Barry-devel] WinCE port of Barry

2012-07-25 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:38:04AM +0100, Toby Gray wrote:
> Thanks for looking at this even though I didn't get time to respond to 
> your first email. Is the only abi change the tr1 smart_ptr support? If 
> so then I was planning on seeing if your suggestion for using boost to 
> provide tr1 on WinCE would work, as that would certainly be cleaner.

No, there were also:

1) the uint8_t to uint16_t change in ThrowJVMError() was an ABI breakage.
I might have been able to get away with that, as it is protected
and only used internally, but didn't chance it.

2) lib: Removing some inline member definitions on exported classes.
That caused warnings in my abi checker that I wasn't comfortable
with... functions added and disappearing, I think.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] WinCE port of Barry

2012-07-25 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 11:45:19AM +0100, Toby Gray wrote:
> I've also realised that I should really transform wince/README into a 
> doc/www/wincebuild.php file. Or would you prefer to keep WinCE support a 
> bit hidden until it's been in there for a while?
> I should also probably create a doc/www/androidbuild.php and 
> doc/www/qnxbuild.php, as I've just realized that they are missing.

No no, don't wait.  The more docs the better, and in HTML, even better. :-)

I update the official website manually anyhow, so git documentation
can run ahead of the website until we're ready.

- Chris

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Re: [Barry-devel] WinCE port of Barry

2012-07-25 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 01:10:24PM +0100, Toby Gray wrote:
> On 17/07/12 04:56, Chris Frey wrote:
> > I think it's better to go in the other direction.  For systems that don't
> > have tr1, then:
> >
> > namespace std {
> > namespace tr1 {
> > using boost::shared_ptr;
> > }
> > }
> >
> > I hope that's possible. :-)  It might even prevent the need to bump to 0.19.
> I've asked a C++ standards guru and adding to namespace std is undefined 
> behaviour. From the C++11 standard section
> " The behavior of a C++ program is undefined if it adds declarations or 
> definitions to namespace std or to a
> namespace within namespace std unless otherwise specified"
> However the WinCE build needs to use STLPort anyway for the 
> implementation of the std namespace. STLPORT does a #define on "std" so 
> this should all be ok. I'll let you know once I've tried it and updated 
> my branch if it does work.

Thanks. :-)  If that doesn't work, maybe we need to create our own
Barry::tr1 namespace, and just import std or boost into it.  I'm sure
that would be a v0.19.0 ABI change though.

> Regarding the struct vs. class, there's a question on Stackflow about 
> what the standard says, which seems to conclude that it shouldn't matter:
> The important part though is that the name mangling that Visual Studios 
> does uses 'U' to mean struct and 'V' to mean class ( 

I've tested those two changes, and it doesn't affect ABI compatibility
on Linux, so I've merged those patches as well.

- Chris

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Re: [Barry-devel] WinCE port of Barry

2012-07-24 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 12:10:28PM +0100, Toby Gray wrote:
> I noticed a couple of issues with routing of data and sequence packets 
> early on in channel setup if the device sends data to the PC quickly. I 
> fixed these in 
> and 

I'm not overly keen on the TransferInterest() function.  For one it
requires the non-scoped version of the scope_lock class, which I haven't
merged.  And for another, it adds a new call point for callbacks.

Ideally, callbacks should occur from the same thread that calls DoRead,
whatever application thread is doing that main processing.  I don't
think it is guaranteed that the worker thread will call TransferInterest().
In fact, I think it is likely that it won't.

Is there a way to avoid TransferInterest completely?  The application is
in control of its read thread, and so is the raw channel code, if I'm
not mistaken.  Is there no way to drain the incoming queue before we
transfer interest to a callback?

- Chris

P.S.  I haven't heard much from you in response to my queries.  If you're
just busy, that's ok, but if you're waiting for something from me,
please do let me know. :-)  I've merged all I can so far.

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Re: [Barry-devel] WinCE port of Barry

2012-07-20 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 12:10:28PM +0100, Toby Gray wrote:
> The rest of the commits are a combination of changes to the code to fix 
> warnings or errors from the Microsoft compiler. If the commit messages 
> aren't detailed enough for any of these then let me know and I'll fill 
> in the gaps (and update the commit messages).

I'm merging in the obvious fixes into master, and the changes that I think
might need to wait until version 0.19.0 (due to abi changes, etc), I've put
in a new branch v0.19.0.  Expect that branch to be rebased on master
periodically.  I'm not quite done yet.

You should be able to rebase your branch onto the v0.19.0 branch to see
what I haven't processed yet.

Some questions:


Can you explain why you need a lock() member in scoped_lock?
The idea behind scoped_lock is to force its use in a scoped section,
to prevent forgotten unlocks and to make the sections obvious.

Was there a real need for it?


Author: Toby Gray 
Date:   Thu Jun 7 15:46:53 2012 +0100

lib: Fixing incorrect forward declaration of ProbeResult as a struct, it's r
eally a class.

diff --git a/src/controller.h b/src/controller.h
index 8e3ba85..41727c7 100644
--- a/src/controller.h
+++ b/src/controller.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ namespace Barry {
 // forward declarations
 class SocketRoutingQueue;
-class ProbeResult;
+struct ProbeResult;
 class PrivateControllerData;

Is this a problem with the Microsoft compiler?  I believe that strictly
speaking, according to the C++ spec, class and struct can be used

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] WinCE port of Barry

2012-07-16 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 12:10:28PM +0100, Toby Gray wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been working on a port of Barry to WinCE. It's currently sitting in 
> the "wince" branch on my github:

Thanks Toby!  Looks like a fair bit of code... I'll probably have more
comments after I review it more closely.

> The main commit which adds WinCE support is 
> This adds a wince directory in the root to contain the build files and 
> implementations of some functions not present on WinCE, such as getopt and 
> sleep. I have a feeling that these headers and source code should probably 
> be moved into /src, to go near pre-existing support code such as 
> Would that make sense?
> I have already done similarily for, splitting it up into 
> common code, code for unix systems and code for win32 systems in 

With all the headers in wince/, I'm tempted to try to keep wince-specific
code in its own directory, since it will likely be larger than a simple
file here or there like android.

None of Barry is specifically written with '/' vs. '\' in mind, so you
kind of have your work cut out for you, in those spots. :-)  Fortunately,
most of that code is in the GUI code, I think.  I would sincerely like to
keep such things as low level and out of the way as possible, so I like
what you've done with so far.

What do you think of creating a static library in wince/ which is linked
to the main library when building for Windows?  Maybe that's what you're
doing already.

> As WinCE doesn't have tr1 support I had to change how the shared_ptr 
> support in Barry was referenced. Instead of directly referencing 
> tr1::shared_ptr, I changes this so that there is Barry::tr1::shared_ptr 
> which is provided by boost::shared_ptr on WinCE and by tr1::shared_ptr 
> on all pre-existing platforms.
> This was done in 
> I'm not entirely happy with this, especially as it changes the external API 
> for libbarry, but I couldn't think of an alternative solution.

I think it's better to go in the other direction.  For systems that don't
have tr1, then:

namespace std {
namespace tr1 {
using boost::shared_ptr;

I hope that's possible. :-)  It might even prevent the need to bump to 0.19.

> I added support for brawchannel to read and write the channel data over 
> TCP, instead of STDIN and STDOUT as WinCE doesn't have great terminal 
> support. This has made tools/ a bit of a mess of #ifdef 
> WIN32. I think the best thing to do is to split it into 
> tools/, tools/ and 
> tools/ Does that make sense?

Yes, avoid #ifdefs if at all possible, please. :-)

More comments as I read through the code.

- Chris

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Re: [Barry-devel] linberry's source code

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 07:47:11PM -0430, Israel Marrero wrote:
> excuseme the file is  linberryB.rbp in the root of the tarball

Thanks.  I see it now... unfortunately I don't have realstudio yet, so
it's a little hard to read. :-)

In the linberryB.rbp file, you write:

Linberry Desktop Manager

Is an alternative to RIM Blackberry Desktop manager . It has been
designed for ubuntu, but maybe  work on other Linux distributions.

Linberry was designed by Israel Marrero (PuntoAzul) and has released the first alpha in
December 2010.

The author allows the use of this software without any warranty
and is not responsible for damage that may cause the software
to any device or PC, use it at your own risk!

- LinBerry DM is a software created by Israel Marrero.
- BlackBerry is a trademark of Research In Motion Inc.
-Tux is the official Linux mascot created by Larry Ewing

* To Jehova, the lord of Universe, without Him nothing is possible.
* To Yelitze My wife, my son Misael and my parents Marcelina
and Tito for standme always.
* to my friend Erik Muoz, brother: you're always there when I needed
your help.

For more information go to the official site linberry:
Los Teques, December 11, 2010, Miranda Venezuela

LinBerry, RIM, BlackBerry, and even Tux are mentioned, but Barry is nowhere
to be seen, and there is no link to even in
the acknowledgements above.  Please add an explanation that the low level
communication is done by Barry, and include the URL.

There is no copyright file in the .deb package where licenses are usually
mentioned.  If you want a good starting point for one, you can find it

Even the man pages that do exist in the source tarball have been changed,
with no clarification as to the origin of the code.  The pppob.1 manpage,
for example, renames the URL in such a way that it does not work anymore.
This is the case for many of the URLs that remain.

Why rename it and call it your own?  Would you not be somewhat offended
if I did the same to you?

If the library was renamed back to Barry in your project, it should
be possible to make the linberry GUI work with even the latest Barry
library with little effort, and you could enjoy the upstream bugfixes
that come for free, based on the Barry community's efforts.  I see that
you are using Barry 0.16, when Barry 0.18.3 is available.

It would be better if you joined us, and became part of the Barry community.
But you need to acknowledge our work in order for that to happen.  I wish
to acknowledge your work as well, but it is difficult when it is all mixed
together and you claim full authorship of LinBerry while renaming our code.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] linberry's source code

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 10:52:57PM +, Israel Marrero M  wrote:
> Everithing  you need to see and compile  the source of linbeery is in
> the tarball but for the ide you need a professional license of realstudio
> 2011 r4.1 for linux.

Didn't know that, thanks.

> there in the root of the tarball is de rbl file: Linberry.rbl

The only *.rbl files I can find are:

~/linberry/Source$ find . -name "*.rbl"
./traducciones lingua/linberry2frances.rbl
./traducciones lingua/linberry2ingles.rbl
./traducciones lingua/linberry2aleman~.rbl
./traducciones lingua/linberry2italiano.rbl
./traducciones lingua/linberry2protugues~.rbl
./traducciones lingua/linberry2protugues.rbl
./traducciones lingua/linberry2aleman.rbl
./traducciones lingua/linberry2italiano~.rbl

> Other parts  are in phyton compiled with cxfreezze, but there is the source.

The only *.py files I can see are under the "Blackberry modem/bbtether/"
directory.  Are these the files you mean?

Is there a different source tarball that I missed?

- Chris

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Re: [Barry-devel] linberry's source code

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:03:41PM +, Israel Marrero M  wrote:
> The libtar, is the same project of the libtar for debian... I have no
> make modifications. I Just use the binary
> Is included as a patch for the ubuntu libtar beacause an error on
> backup... But is the same libtar for debian

Good to know, thanks.

> Excuse my english is not good.

No problem.

- Chris

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Re: [Barry-devel] linberry's source code

2012-07-10 Thread Chris Frey
Hi Israel,

I've finally had time to take a look at the source code you've released
so far, for linberry beta2.  Unfortunately, it does not appear to contain
everything needed to build linberry completely from source.

I found some source code to bbtether (now known as Barry4All)
and I found Barry's source code included, which was merely renamed to
"linberry"... both the library name and the C++ namespaces were renamed,
but the code was mostly the same.

I found a 20MB linberry binary in the .deb release package, which does
not match the 17MB linberry binary in the Source tarball.  It is unclear
how to rebuild that binary from the source tarball, since there are no
Makefiles included, except the ones copied from Barry.  Nor can I find
the source files to that large binary.

I found a library under the patch directory, but there is no
source code included to show what was patched.

In fact, there are a lot of .so files, but the source code to them appears
to be missing.  Some of these .so files are linked to Barry as well, which
is GPL.

I grabbed the Source tarball from the link on your website here:

which gave me the download link here:

If there is another source tarball available which includes the complete
sources for linberry, I would be happy to know about it.

Sadly, the Source tarball currently released (at least the one I could
find) is not satisfactory to meet GPL requirements.  The supporting
linberry libraries are still linked to Barry source code, even if it
was just renamed to "linberry".

It is unfortunate that Barry could not be used here in the way it was
intended: as a supporting library for further open source applications
which interface with the BlackBerry.  Instead, a lot of duplication
has been done, unnecessarily.  It is unnecessary to hide the fact that
Barry was used to build linberry, by renaming it; and it adds to your
own maintenance burden, having to maintain your own copy of Barry as well.
It benefits neither Barry nor linberry to have such a duplication of effort.

It appears you have the beginnings of a really nice open source project,
and it would be to the benefit of your own users to release the linberry
sources as required by the GPL.

In the hope of a mutually beneficial resolution, I look forward to the
release of the complete linberry sources.

- Chris

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 05:56:15PM -0400, Chris Frey wrote:
> Hi Israel,
> That's great news.  I look forward to seeing the source code soon.
> Thanks,
> - Chris
> On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 03:42:07AM -0430, Israel Marrero wrote:
> > Dear Chris
> > 
> > In the next 48 hours (+/-) the beta2 of linberry will be released, At 
> > the same time the source code will be releasing on the website
> > 
> > Thanks and regards
> > 
> > Israel
> > 
> > 
> > El 23/04/12 17:15, Chris Frey escribi?:
> > >Hi,
> > >
> > >I am the project lead of the Barry project and I was told about your
> > >project linberry yesterday.
> > >
> > >As far as I can tell, your project webpage is at:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >I took a look at the beta1 deb, but I am unable to find the source code
> > >to linberry, and I would be interested in seeing it, since it is linked
> > >against the Barry library, which is released under the GPL license.
> > >
> > >Barry is purposely written as a library, so I am glad that it is
> > >actually being used that way.  But it is intentionally released under
> > >the GPL, not the LGPL, so that programs built with it must also release
> > >their source code.
> > >
> > >Is the source code available on the web, and I just missed it?  If I missed
> > >it, please direct me to the right page.
> > >
> > >If you don't have the source code available on the web, that's fine.
> > >You can email it to me directly instead.
> > >
> > >You can find more information about GPL source release requirements here:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >I look forward to hearing from you.  It would be great if our projects
> > >could work together, and I'm always looking for feedback on the Barry
> > >API, in order to improve it.
> > >
> > >Thanks,
> > >- Chris
> > >
> > >
> > >

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Re: [Barry-devel] barry-0.18.2 patch for BB Bold (9930)

2012-06-29 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Jun 25, 2012 at 04:59:47PM -0400, Chris Frey wrote:
> Thanks Kurt!  I've created a new branch on called
> "ipmodemfix".  Would you be able to test this to make sure it fixes your
> issue on the Bold?  The line numbers from your patch didn't quite
> line up.

Hi Kurt,

Have you had a chance to test this?  Are you able to build from git, or
do you need a tarball?

- Chris

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] barry-0.18.2 patch for BB Bold (9930)

2012-06-25 Thread Chris Frey
On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 06:24:12PM -0400, wrote:
> Chris:
> I run Gentoo Linux ~x86, and first used barry with the original BB on
> XmBlackberry + barry-0.16,
> later upgrading to a Curve with barry-0.17.x (and -0.18.x as well), and
> now the Bold.
> Patch to fix 'timeout after send passwd':
> File: src/, lines 172+
> -- m_dev.BulkRead(read_ep, data);
> -- ddout("IPModem: Start Response Packet:\n" << data);
> ++try {
> ++m_dev.BulkRead(read_ep, data);
> ++ddout("IPModem: Start Response Packet:\n" << data);
> ++}
> ++catch( Usb::Timeout &to ) {
> ++// do nothing on timeouts
> ++ddout("IPModem: Start Response Timeout");
> ++}
> Effect of code: allow Timeout response for 'Re-send Start Request'.

Thanks Kurt!  I've created a new branch on called
"ipmodemfix".  Would you be able to test this to make sure it fixes your
issue on the Bold?  The line numbers from your patch didn't quite
line up.

> there is also a problem in desktop/, that I can't fix w/o your
> help..
> my suggested fix is something along the lines of:
> File: desktop/src/, lines 270+
> -- string need_sudo;
> ++ #endif
> ++string need_sudo = string(BARRYDESKTOP_SYSTEM_GUI_SU " ");
> Effect of code: when user .configure --with-guisu=, this override
> will occur

I'm unclear what the exact issue is here... in the code, there are
3 states.  One state is for when pppd can be run by the end user.  The
other two states both use the GUI_SU setting from configure.  Ideally,
a GUI_SU should not be required, if system permissions are set correctly,
but some systems prefer not having a setuid pppd, so both modes are needed.

On systems that do have a setuid pppd, the goal is to avoid prompting for a
root password every time, since it is not needed.  But perhaps I got the
permissions tests wrong in the code.

What particular error do you get?  How does it behave for you?

- Chris

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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] linberry's source code

2012-06-15 Thread Chris Frey
Hi Israel,

That's great news.  I look forward to seeing the source code soon.

- Chris

On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 03:42:07AM -0430, Israel Marrero wrote:
> Dear Chris
> In the next 48 hours (+/-) the beta2 of linberry will be released, At 
> the same time the source code will be releasing on the website
> Thanks and regards
> Israel
> El 23/04/12 17:15, Chris Frey escribió:
> >Hi,
> >
> >I am the project lead of the Barry project and I was told about your
> >project linberry yesterday.
> >
> >As far as I can tell, your project webpage is at:
> >
> >
> >
> >I took a look at the beta1 deb, but I am unable to find the source code
> >to linberry, and I would be interested in seeing it, since it is linked
> >against the Barry library, which is released under the GPL license.
> >
> >Barry is purposely written as a library, so I am glad that it is
> >actually being used that way.  But it is intentionally released under
> >the GPL, not the LGPL, so that programs built with it must also release
> >their source code.
> >
> >Is the source code available on the web, and I just missed it?  If I missed
> >it, please direct me to the right page.
> >
> >If you don't have the source code available on the web, that's fine.
> >You can email it to me directly instead.
> >
> >You can find more information about GPL source release requirements here:
> >
> >
> >
> >I look forward to hearing from you.  It would be great if our projects
> >could work together, and I'm always looking for feedback on the Barry
> >API, in order to improve it.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >- Chris
> >
> >
> >

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Re: [Barry-devel] adding Spanish translation

2012-06-12 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 11:29:12PM -0300, Cesar Ballardini wrote:
> 2012/6/12 Chris Frey :
> > On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 07:13:11AM -0300, Cesar Ballardini wrote:
> [...]
> > I've attached the latest barry-backup.pot file.
> Attached the barry-backup-es.po from barry-backup.pot and  es.po from
> po/barry.pot
> Consider it a preview.  I need to build the software and test the GUI
> to see if the translations are appropiate.

Thanks!  I've added it to git, so you should be able just build from there
for your testing.  Please send a patch or update if you need to tweak it.

I only found the barry-backup es.po file atttached, not the barry one.

- Chris

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[Barry-devel] adding Spanish translation

2012-06-12 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Jun 12, 2012 at 07:13:11AM -0300, Cesar Ballardini wrote:
> 2012/6/11 Chris Frey :
> > To that end, would you be interested in helping me do a spanish translation
> > for the Barry tools and GUI? ?I could send you the files with various
> > strings in them, and you could translate them for me and send them back,
> > when you have time.
> I will be my pleasure. Please send me as soon you can.  I don't
> remember the code now, are you using gettext?

Yes, we're using gettext, but so far, really only the Backup GUI is
sufficiently done.

I've attached the latest barry-backup.pot file.

If you are interested, the command line tools, man pages, and the Desktop GUI,
should all be done, but you'll have to wait on me as I go through that code
doing the conversion.

I assume you won't mind waiting.:-)

Anyway, we can start with the backup GUI.  You can browse the Barry source
code at and the code related to the .pot file
is under gui/src/.

- Chris

# Copyright (C) YEAR Net Direct, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: barry-backup 0.18.4\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-12 21:11-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: src/
msgid "Password Required"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Please enter device password: (5 tries remaining)"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Configuration of Current PIN"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Backup path:"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Device name:"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Prompt for label on every backup."
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid ""
"Database restore filter.  Only databases selected in this list will be "
"restored, even if more exist in the backup."
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Device database backup list:"
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/
msgid "Configure..."
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Database Selection"
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/
msgid "Select the device databases you wish to backup:"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Select _All"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "_Deselect All"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Automatically select all databases on every backup"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Question"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Nice detailed question for the user to answer..."
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/ src/
#: src/
msgid "Barry Backup"
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/ src/
#: src/
msgid "_File"
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/ src/
#: src/
msgid "_Help"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Device:"
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/
msgid "Backup"
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/
msgid "Restore..."
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Config..."
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Rescan USB Bus"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "Disconnect All"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "_Device"
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/
msgid "_Connect"
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/
msgid "_Disconnect"
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "_Backup..."
msgstr ""

#: src/
msgid "_Restore..."
msgstr ""

#: src/ src/ src/
msgid "_About"

Re: [Barry-devel] Cross compiling barry for MIPS Architecture

2012-05-31 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 08:46:11PM +0200, Nicolas wrote:
> Warning, MIPS are little endian & big endian. They are able to do the
> both modes.
> So the autotools can't determine the endianness. 

In my tests with the GNU toolchains at least, autotools' endian checks
did succeed.  Whether that will end up with valid binaries, I don't know
since I don't have MIPS hardware to test on.  It also appeared that
the two different compilers (mips and mipsel) had different endianness.

Surely this is a compiler level issue, no?  Is it normal for a single
compiler to produce a MIPS binary that runs in both big and little endian
modes?  I don't have enough MIPS experience to know, but that would be
a surprise to me.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Cross compiling barry for MIPS Architecture

2012-05-28 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 10:11:31AM +0530, Rajendra wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for your response.
> I am using barry official release version: barry-0.15

Have you tried the latest release: barry-0.18.3?

That's what I've been testing with.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Cross compiling barry for MIPS Architecture

2012-05-28 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 05:59:25PM -0400, Chris Frey wrote:
> I'll have to try setting up a mips cross compiler here and see if I
> can reproduce it.

Ok, I've tested the autoconf stuff on Debian Squeeze (stable) using
the toolchain packages, and I'm unable to reproduce the
endian error.

I used the following configure line:

./configure --host=mips-linux-gnu --prefix=/tmp/rootdir-mips

It might be a distro issue, or maybe it depends on which autoconf version
you're using.  Did you rebuild configure yourself, or are you using the
official Barry release tarballs?

What distro are you using?

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Cross compiling barry for MIPS Architecture

2012-05-28 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 04:45:29PM +0530, Rajendra wrote:
> Hi.
> I am trying to cross compile barry package for MIPS architecture.
> To do this, i run the configure command  as
> ./configure --host=mips-linux --prefix=/home/rajendra/maxim-ic/rajendra_fs/
> But end of configure i got the error as
> *checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... unknown
> configure: error: unknown endianness
> presetting ac_cv_c_bigendian=no (or yes) will help

Hi Rajendra,

Thanks for your report.  It is hard to tell from the log you gave,
but I think more clues would be in the config.log file.

I'll have to try setting up a mips cross compiler here and see if I
can reproduce it.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] Barry Desktop version 0.18.3 released

2012-05-25 Thread Chris Frey
The Barry development team is pleased to announce the release of
version 0.18.3.  Source and binary packages are available for immediate
download at the URLs below.

Barry is an Open Source application that provides a Desktop GUI,
synchronization, backup, restore, program management, and raw channel
support for BlackBerry devices.

Barry is primarily developed on Linux, but is intended as a cross platform
library and application set, targeting Linux, BSD, 32/64bit, and
big/little endian systems.  The command line utilities have been reported
to work on Mac OSX and Windows using Cygwin and libusb.

(Note: versions 0.18.1 and 0.18.2 were source-only releases for Debian.)

What's New?

This release contains some exciting new features:

* Fedora 14 and 16 yum support

* Ubuntu 12.04 binary packages, with apt repository

* Added Evolution3 opensync plugin support to Desktop
  (now both evolution2 and evolution3 plugins supported)

* Made Evolution plugin configuration in the Desktop much more
  flexible and forgiving

* Added ability to import and export vcard and vevent objects
  directly into and out of the device, using the Desktop GUI
  (Address Book, Calendar, Memos, and Tasks supported)

* New libtar0 binary packages available on Ubuntu
  to fix FORTIFY_SOURCE crashes

* Library features and bugfixes:
- MimeDump template class to library
- pkg-config now properly uses libbarry-18 for
  the library name instead of libbarry-0

* Fixed parsing and syncing of recurring calendar items

* Fixed the opensync vformat plugin to recognize lower case
  parameter values, which fixes a sync issue with evolution


Binary packages (32 and 64bit) and sources are available on SourceForge for
the following distros:

Debian stable (squeeze)
Ubuntu 10.04, 11.04, 11.10, 12.04
Fedora 14, 16

Apt Repository:

Apt users can also install Barry by adding the following to sources.list:

deb squeeze main


deb squeeze main

Replace "squeeze" with ubuntu1004, ubuntu1104, ubuntu1110, or ubuntu1204
as needed.  The GPG key can be found on the public key servers.
Its fingerprint is:

82DE DE11 74C1 0EA7 C55D  5679 3B52 35AE B6C2 250E

Yum Repository:

Fedora users can create a new barry.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/ with
the following contents:

name=Barry for Fedora $releasever - $basearch



name=Barry sources for Fedora $releasever - Source




The Barry documentation is available online at the usual place:

Documentation updates to better reflect version 0.18.x are planned.
Stay tuned.

Please report any bugs or problems you have to the barry-devel mailing list.
Also, please report which features you are most interested in.



Contributors in this release: (alphabetical order by last name)
intrigeri   - debian packaging
Nicolas VIVIEN  - the evolution3 plugin itself

Chris Frey (63):
  doc: version bump to 0.18.0 in main index page
  doc: updated ReleaseChecklist.txt
  Use version strings from configure instead of hardcoded
  debian: removed hardcoded libbarry18 from plugin control files
  desktop: removed some commented code
  desktop: added support for evo3-sync plugin
  desktop: made all Plugin class members virtual
  maint: enable evo3-sync plugin builds in binary-meta scripts
  maint: removed libopensync-devel from fedora depscript
  desktop: fixed Evolution3 class pointer return override
  desktop: use os4x's osync_error_print_stack() for more detailed error msgs
  debian: fixed syntax errors for debian/copyright
  maint: renamed RPM GPG key filename from -binary-meta to -barry
  Barry version 0.18.1 (debian sid release)
  maint: updated 32 and 64bit build scripts for Ubuntu support

Re: [Barry-devel] Evolution3 sync support added in git

2012-05-07 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, May 07, 2012 at 11:23:32AM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> I have done some workarounds only for OwnCloud.
> For BlackBerry mobiles :
> OwnCloud
>   CalDAV  <=> Evolution <=> Evo3-sync <=> OpenSync <=> barry-sync
> &
>   CardDAV
> And for PlayBook, I have (need workaround into OwnCloud)
> OwnCloud
>   CalDAV
> & <=> PlayBook
>   CardDAV
> And all my client (Evolution, Thunderbird or RoundCube) I use, as
> PlayBook, caldav & carddav directly.

Hm... that BlackBerry sync process looks like it's going through
a lot of steps to reach OwnCloud.  Although syncing to Evolution is
pretty handy.  I think you can even access Google Calendar through it.

Since Barry can produce vcard style data, is there an opportunity to
make Barry more friendly with OwnCloud?

Are you using the PlayBook as a UI client merely to access the cloud data,
or does the PlayBook have the ability to sync contact data directly to itself?

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
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threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Evolution3 sync support added in git

2012-05-06 Thread Chris Frey
On Sun, May 06, 2012 at 07:02:13PM +0200, Nicolas wrote:
> Here, it used every days without issue. Work and tested on debian sid
> and on last fedora release (in using metapackage to build deb/rpm).

Excellent.  I did find a potential segfault bug in the evo3-sync plugin
which the latest git fixes.

> NB: for opencloud, we need still some workarounds that I can provide if
> need.

Workarounds in Barry or opensync?  I'm interested in either.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] Evolution3 sync support added in git

2012-05-04 Thread Chris Frey
Hi list,

For those of you using Ubuntu 12.04 and Fedora 16, the evolution libraries
are now at version 3, and it needs a new plugin.

Nicolas Vivien did the vast majority of the plugin work, and I've just
finished adding support to the Desktop GUI for this plugin as well.

Git has these updates, and binary-meta has been updated as well.

Nicolas... can you give it a test and see how it goes for you?
I've been testing on Fedora 16, haven't tested Ubuntu 12.04 yet.
I imagine that it would work on sid too.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry Desktop version 0.18.0 released

2012-05-02 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, May 02, 2012 at 12:28:23PM -0600, Nathanael Noblet wrote:
> Hello,
>   Congrats on another release. I've got a relatively minor issue. Its
> actually been an issue for awhile. As part of fedora packaging guidelines,
> embedded rpaths is not allowed. I've tried passing the configure script
> --disable-rpath as well as --enable-rpathack. Neither of which result in
> the expected behaviour. You can test this by doing
> ./configure --disable-rpath --enable-rpathhack && make
> find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0r check-rpath-worker
> I'm wondering if anyone knows why the --disable-rpath isn't functioning?

Hi Nathanael,

The --disable-rpath option doesn't do anything for us.  It is part of the
gnulib stuff, and only affects some internal gnulib macros.  It looks
useful, but it doesn't do anything close to what we need. :-)

The --enable-rpathhack was added by me, and should work.  If it works, you
should see some message about fixing "HIDEOUS BREAKAGE" in the configure
script output. :-)  

But this feature only modifies the libtool script in the Barry directory.
I suppose it is possible that some other libtool script is used on Fedora.
Does this happen on Fedora 16 or just 17?  Maybe I can run some tests
here, but all my own rpm test builds have been succeeding so far, and
my barry.spec uses --enable-rpathhack.

- Chris

Live Security Virtual Conference
Exclusive live event will cover all the ways today's security and 
threat landscape has changed and how IT managers can respond. Discussions 
will include endpoint security, mobile security and the latest in malware 
Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] linberry's source code

2012-04-23 Thread Chris Frey

I am the project lead of the Barry project and I was told about your
project linberry yesterday.

As far as I can tell, your project webpage is at:

I took a look at the beta1 deb, but I am unable to find the source code
to linberry, and I would be interested in seeing it, since it is linked
against the Barry library, which is released under the GPL license.

Barry is purposely written as a library, so I am glad that it is
actually being used that way.  But it is intentionally released under
the GPL, not the LGPL, so that programs built with it must also release
their source code.

Is the source code available on the web, and I just missed it?  If I missed
it, please direct me to the right page.

If you don't have the source code available on the web, that's fine.
You can email it to me directly instead.

You can find more information about GPL source release requirements here:

I look forward to hearing from you.  It would be great if our projects
could work together, and I'm always looking for feedback on the Barry
API, in order to improve it.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] RPM build fix

2012-04-19 Thread Chris Frey
Hi Nicolas,

I've fixed the permissions issue that you reported on Fedora.
It should be fixed as of commit dfa4346c2b44871d6a6b19fc23a9a45927155e04

Please let me know if you still have trouble.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Android build script tweak

2012-03-06 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Mar 06, 2012 at 10:38:51AM +, Toby Gray wrote:
> I've got another small fix as well: b0fcf38593c395757354f99be7596053094cc083
> It allows Barry to build with the latest Android build tools (NDK r7b).

Merged.  Thanks!

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Android build script tweak

2012-03-02 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Mar 02, 2012 at 03:41:40PM +, Toby Gray wrote:
> Hi,
> There's a minor tweak needed to the Android build script to get the 
> latest git code to build. It's 2933aedb1c968dc4c90a137be28289c26ca30b94 
> in my git repository at git://

Merged.  Thanks!

- Chris

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Problems with screenshot command on BlackBerry 9900

2012-02-23 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 11:29:08AM +0100, Per Thomas Jahr wrote:
> I'm using the "bjavaloader screenshot" command successfully on a number
> of BlackBerry devices, but on the 9900 (Bold) I'm getting distorted
> images. For example like this one:

Which version of Barry are you using?  I believe the resolution issues
were fixed in the latest git tree.

- Chris

Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
Cloud computing makes use of virtualization - but cloud computing 
also focuses on allowing computing to be delivered as a service.
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry & PlayBook

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Frey
On Sun, Feb 05, 2012 at 07:21:06PM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> You can find a barry update into my git repository :
> 130cd47bf9f2ac7ce7fd91dbba6b9cccf5d39b0e
> I have merged the bplaybook into the barry head.

Thanks... I found the update in your master branch.

> If I remember, you prefer that I write a new Probe Object specific for
> playbook device. But in fact, I think, that it's better if we have a
> commun Probe Object, then a ProbeBlackBerry and a ProbePlayBook object.
> So, ProbeBlackBerry and ProbePlayBook have the same hierarchy.

I still think that it belongs outside the Probe class.  The purpose
of the Probe class is to discover all available BlackBerry devices, and
fill a vector of ProbeResult objects to identify them.

But ProbePlayBook actually changes the state of the device it finds, and
then doesn't add anything to the ProbeResult list.

I don't mind if this functionality exists in the Barry library itself.
Perhaps Probe should add a ProbeResult for the PlayBook by default,
with a flag, to show that it has no database access.  Then you could
pass this ProbeResult into a PlayBookToNetwork() function, which simply
calls the two ControlMsg()'s to do the reset.

I suspect that someday soon, the PlayBook *will* have some kind of
database access, so Probe adding it to ProbeResult makes sense.  But
changing modes is outside Probe's scope in my opinion.

Wouldn't this make the code simpler?

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry & PlayBook

2012-01-26 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 09:15:59PM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> Hi Chris and barry users,
> I have bought a PlayBook (very nice tab).
> PlayBook runs on QNX (or BBX for RIM).
> The new mobiles will be also under BBX. I don't know if the USB protocol
> (for sync, javaloader...) will adapt to BBX devices.
> For the moment, the playbook haven't this feature.
> Nevertheless, the PlayBook provides an USB interface, but not a
> mass-storage interface.
> The PlayBook USB interface simulates a network interface with a DHCP
> server ; so your computer does a dhcp request, and creates a USB network
> interface :

Hi Nicolas,

Just going through old patches and code that haven't been finished yet.

I notice in your PlayBook patch for Barry, there are control msg codes
that change the mode from Product ID 0x8020 (SCSI) to 0x8011 (Network).

Would you happen to know the codes to switch it back?

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] New tool: btarcmp (and other news)

2012-01-25 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 04:35:00PM -0500, Chris Frey wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 01:23:47PM +, Toby Gray wrote:
> > QNX gave an error with some of the overloads in FieldValueHandlerBase. 
> > The problem appears to be that std::time_t on QNX is just a typedef for 
> > std::uint32_t, where as on my linux system time_t is "long int". I can't 
> > think of a solution which doesn't:
> > a) require templates (which would defeat the point of FieldValueHandlerBase)
> > b) require the explicit mention of every possible integer type (which is 
> > not nice as it would require fiddling with where time_t is used in 
> > places like r_calendar to avoid ambiguous overload calls)
> > c) switch to using something like boost::variant, requiring boost to 
> > compile Barry (which would mean finding ports of Boost for Android and QNX)
> > 
> > Do you have any thoughts on any other alternatives?
> Good catch!  Thanks.
> There's the d) option of creating a struct BarryTimeT which just wraps
> time_t.
> This might allow for useful functions to be attached to our time type
> as well.
> What do you think?

I've pushed a 'barrytime' branch, which has these changes done.
Let me know if it works on your system, and any other insights you might
have about it.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] QNX / PlayBook development

2012-01-24 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:55:55PM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> Of course, it's for 2.0
> I use NDK and the OS 2.0 for developpers.

Thanks... then I wasn't just dreaming that. :-)

> But I'm surprised that there isn't DLNA player provided by RIM itself !
> I have read some rumors... but no more.

I hadn't heard of DLNA before now.  Interesting!  Sounds like Apple's
AirPlay, or whatever they all their video streaming features.  Yes,
that would indeed be useful on the PlayBook!

Would be nice if it was possible to broadcast from a PlayBook to an
Apple TV as well. :-)

- Chris

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is just $99.99! Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL - plus HTML5, CSS3, MVC3,
Metro Style Apps, more. Free future releases when you subscribe now!
Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] QNX / PlayBook development

2012-01-24 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 09:49:45PM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> No link with Barry.
> I'm interested in QNX port. 
> Which QNX framework do you use ? pkgsrc ? 
> I think to start a new project for my PlayBook device : a DLNA player.
> And I study how to port glib2, gupnp-* into the QNX system.

I'm curious about this too, but I'm not sure if it's better to wait
until February 17, which is the target date of PlayBook OS 2.0.

The new OS appears to allow for C++ programming on the device, and
even supports a number of open source libraries based on the new

I'm assuming that this stuff is only available in the upcoming 2.0,
or am I wrong, and it's available now with existing 1.0?

- Chris

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Metro Style Apps, more. Free future releases when you subscribe now!
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] New tool: btarcmp (and other news)

2012-01-24 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 01:23:47PM +, Toby Gray wrote:
> QNX gave an error with some of the overloads in FieldValueHandlerBase. 
> The problem appears to be that std::time_t on QNX is just a typedef for 
> std::uint32_t, where as on my linux system time_t is "long int". I can't 
> think of a solution which doesn't:
> a) require templates (which would defeat the point of FieldValueHandlerBase)
> b) require the explicit mention of every possible integer type (which is 
> not nice as it would require fiddling with where time_t is used in 
> places like r_calendar to avoid ambiguous overload calls)
> c) switch to using something like boost::variant, requiring boost to 
> compile Barry (which would mean finding ports of Boost for Android and QNX)
> Do you have any thoughts on any other alternatives?

Good catch!  Thanks.

There's the d) option of creating a struct BarryTimeT which just wraps

This might allow for useful functions to be attached to our time type
as well.

What do you think?

- Chris

Keep Your Developer Skills Current with LearnDevNow!
The most comprehensive online learning library for Microsoft developers
is just $99.99! Visual Studio, SharePoint, SQL - plus HTML5, CSS3, MVC3,
Metro Style Apps, more. Free future releases when you subscribe now!
Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] New tool: btarcmp (and other news)

2012-01-24 Thread Chris Frey
Hi list,

I've recently coded and added a new tool, which I needed in other Barry
development in the Desktop GUI side of things.

The new tool is called btarcmp, which is intented to be a diff for
Barry tar backup files.

Let me know if you find bugs or have suggestions for this tool.

Also, in writing this tool, I had a need to access all record fields
in a programmatic way.  For btarcmp, I wanted to compare them, but I could
see times when just being able to say "do X to all fields in Contact"
would be very useful.

And so the FieldHandle<> template system was born.  If you call a record
class's GetFieldHandles() member (and only if you call it) it will create
a vector of field handles that describe all the fields.  You can then
create a functor class which can be called for each field in the list.

It is documented in the doxygen docs, so I won't go into detail here.

There is an english description for each of the fields as well.  This
brings with it the opportunity to have localized language support
for field descriptions, directly in the library, in the field handles.

Would this be useful?  Nicolas?  Could you take a look at the docs and
code and let me know if this is a good spot for translations?

Also, I'd appreciate if people would grab the latest git tree and compile
it for their systems, and for their locales, before I release version
0.18 (planned for next month).  Nicolas, there's a new string in the
backup GUI, which could use a French translation.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] A couple of build system patches

2012-01-11 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 04:19:25PM +, Toby Gray wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a couple of patches for the build system in my github branch at 
> git://
> 2c7f443777001cbef0db2f84f9f5e586746cb574 - correctly places the 
> networking library as a library rather than a linker flag, fixing a 
> build issue on QNX
> 00949a863e434a1d0f279bd7115b8e1a90022fb0 - Corrects the extension 
> expected on C++ source files, other the latest android build tools 
> reject it as not a valid extension.

Thanks!  Merged both.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Regarding Blackberry data recovery.

2012-01-06 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 04:34:00PM +0530, Rakesh Sharnagate wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> One last question I want to ask:
> Which Initialization USB commands are required to extract records from any
> database.

They are pretty much all Bulk transfers, except for non-database things like
setting the USB power levels.

The Bulk transfers are arranged into packets, the format of which you can
find in protostructs.h, including a socket number, size, command, etc.
Some of these commands have sub-commands, and some command numbers
are dynamic, such as tableCmd.

For example, if you run 'btool -vd Memos' you'll see the USB traffic, for
each stage: probe, mode selection (RIM Desktop), command code discovery
(Database Access), DatabaseDatabase retrieval (a large block with a list
of databases in the device... easy to find in the hex data), and then
the dump of all records in the Memos database (using command 0x40 and
the Database Access code number from the earlier command code discovery).
You'll see sequence packets scattered throughout (command code 0x13).

You can find the probe code in  Look at and for the next stages.  But you'll have to match the packets
against the right structs in protostructs.h to know what the bytes mean.
Not all fields are understood yet, but enough to make it work.

For database access, focus on the Packet struct in protostructs.h, and
follow the other structs that are used in the unions.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Regarding Blackberry data recovery.

2012-01-06 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 02:40:25PM +0530, Rakesh Sharnagate wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thanks for instant reply
> I am trying to develop "Barry" like application for windows platform. Can
> you please tell me from where or how do I get low level details.

For low level details, it's the same answer I gave before. :-)

If you just want to learn the protocol, take a look at the
source code under src/.  Specifically, look at protocol.h,
protostructs.h, packet.{h,cc}, and socket.{h,cc}.  That should
get you started.

Remember you can run the Barry command line tools, such as btool and bio,
with the -v option, to see the low level USB traffic that Barry uses.

But if you want to develop a Barry like application for Windows, you
could just port Barry itself to Windows.  In theory, Barry should work just
fine on Windows, but nobody has truly needed it yet.  You'll need GTK
libraries, libusb for windows, and wxWidgets, and probably some POSIX
wrapper...  maybe cygwin, or you can code wrappers for those yourself.

The subject line said of this email thread says "data recovery",
so if that's the ultimate goal, you might even want to switch to Linux
instead of doing the Windows porting effort.

Hope that helps,
- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Regarding Blackberry data recovery.

2012-01-06 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 02:13:38PM +0530, Rakesh Sharnagate wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I am snooping USB traffic when Blackberry's Desktop Manager is taking
> backup of my Bold 9700 under Windows XP.
> Frankly speaking I am not understanding how to use USB log to start
> interacting with blackberry device and desktop application.
> How do I initialize BB for data transaction ?

Hi Rakesh,

You initial question seemed to be about how to reverse engineer the
BlackBerry USB protocol.  I was assuming you wanted lots of low level

If you just want to use Barry to access your devices, you can do that
via C++ using the Barry library, or even the command line tools like
btool or bio, or the GUI which does backups and restores.

Please let me know which direction you're heading.

- Chris

Ridiculously easy VDI. With Citrix VDI-in-a-Box, you don't need a complex
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] btool save database to device help

2012-01-05 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 07:20:19PM -0600, Bruce Guenter wrote:
> > Are you using 0.2x opensync, or the devel tree (upcoming 0.4x)?
> I've been using 0.39 on Gentoo.

If you're using the devel tree of opensync (all 0.3x versions are development
versions), you might consider switching to the latest git version.

I have a git repo called binary-meta, which builds opensync 0.2x and 0.3x/0.4x
as well as some of the plugins.  It does source builds as well as Debian
and RPM package builds.  Gentoo is one that I haven't tackled.

In any case, my opensync development is happening on git branches
that you can see here: (scroll to the bottom to see the forks)

The latest opensync tree is not the above repo, but this fork:

If you want to build using binary-meta, grab the following tree first, which
will grab the others it needs, including Barry:

If gives you disconnect problems, just keep trying.  Sometimes
it has load trouble.

Once you have binary-meta, see the README files for more information, and
the help text when you type 'make'.

Binary-meta is the source of the next Barry release, when it happens.
The next Barry release is planned to include opensync dependencies and
some plugins as well.  Ideally, I want it easy for people to add Barry
to their apt-get sources or yum repos and keep up to date that way with
binary packages.  If you know someone on the Gentoo side who would like
to help make an ebuild for binary-meta, that would be great, since tracking
that tree is where the latest changes appear, not SVN anymore.

Ok, onward to your actual problem :-)

> Here's what I did:
> osynctool --addgroup g
> osynctool --addmember g barry-sync
> osynctool --addmember g file-sync
> osynctool --configure g 1
> # stuck in the PIN and turned off everything but memos
> # the default config includes debug info turned on
> osynctool --configure g 2
> # put in a real path
> osynctool --discover g
> osynctool --sync g
> This, of course, prints out a lot of info, and ends with:
> Received an entry 1571527172 (vjournal) from member 1 (barry-sync).  
> Changetype ADDED
> note sink of member 1 of type barry-sync just sent all changes
> Main sink of member 1 of type barry-sync just sent all changes
> All clients sent changes or error
> All changes got mapped
> All conflicts have been reported
> The sync failed: Couldn't find Object Type Engine for Object Type "note" 
> while preparing for write phase.
> Main sink of member 2 of type file-sync just disconnected
> note sink of member 1 of type barry-sync had an error: Broken Pipe
> Main sink of member 1 of type barry-sync had an error: Broken Pipe
> All clients have disconnected

I did a quick test here with the latest code, and it worked for me, but
I had to change the file-sync  block to note.

When I did the discover, it showed a mismatch (file-sync defaults to contact)
until I changed it.  Even when syncing, though, it didn't give me an error,
it just didn't sync two different types.

I suspect that either you're missing a plugin, or there's a bug in your
older version of opensync.

Try osynctool --listformats and see if a 'memo' format with 'note' object type
is available.

- Chris

Ridiculously easy VDI. With Citrix VDI-in-a-Box, you don't need a complex
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] btool save database to device help

2012-01-05 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 08:38:28AM -0600, Bruce Guenter wrote:
> I retried, and can confirm it did actually work.  I hadn't actually
> exited the memos application on the BB to check if anything was stored,
> and it showed nothing.  Exiting and restarting MemoPad worked.  Between
> that and the confusing output from btool, I was convinced I had wiped
> all the memos and they weren't uploading again.

Glad it worked for you!  I've changed the status message so it's not
so confusing anymore.

> Actually, what I really want is to sync my memos to/from files, but was
> having problems with osynctool (between barry-sync and file-sync).
> Using btool (or bio) directly seemed to be a useful stop-gap.  Should I
> ask about that here, or is there a better forum?

You're welcome to ask here, or if you prefer on opensync-devel.
I kinda ended up being the opensync maintainer too.  So you've
reached the right guy. :-)

Are you using 0.2x opensync, or the devel tree (upcoming 0.4x)?

- Chris

Ridiculously easy VDI. With Citrix VDI-in-a-Box, you don't need a complex
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Gcc 4.7

2012-01-05 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Jan 05, 2012 at 01:47:56PM -0700, Nathanael Noblet wrote:
> Hello,
>   Fedora 17 will include gcc-4.7 and as such the packages have all been
> rebuilt. Barry failed because of a change in gcc. The following patch fixes
> the issue.

Thanks!  Applied.

- Chris

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costs. Try it free!
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] btool save database to device help

2012-01-05 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 08:27:22PM -0600, Bruce Guenter wrote:
> Hi.
> How do I make btool store a database onto my BlackBerry?  This seems
> like it should be simple but I have been unable to get it to work.  No
> matter what I have tried with btool -s, all I get is "Store counted 0
> records." and an empty database on the BB.

Hi Bruce,

I should fix that message.  Store only counts the records that are
taken from the device, to memory (and eventually to the boost file).
It will report 0 when restoring from file to device.

> Here's what I've done.  I am trying to transfer some memos from my
> computer to my BB.  As a test, I dumped out the current "Memos" database
> to a file with btool -d Memos.  For good measure, I stored it in the
> default format, vcard format, with null conversion, and as a boost dump
> with -f.
> Now I am trying to reload that data back onto the BB.  When I do:
>   btool -s Memos -f Memos.boost
> it does load and parse the memos in that file, reports "# records
> loaded" but still stores nothing.

I've just tried this very test with git master here, and it works.
It does report 0 records, but the records are restored.

If you're running git master, there is also the bio tool, which is
more flexible if you want to work with data in a stream-like style.
You can take record data from one of the supported inputs, and write
it to multiple outputs.

For example:

This simulates btools's -d output:

bio -i device -d Memos -o dump

This reads a boost file and dumps to stdout:

bio -i boost -f Memos.boost -o dump

This reads a boost file and writes to the device:

bio -i boost -f Memos.boost -o device -w erase

The nice thing about bio is that it supports the tar backup format,
which gets away from the boost file format, which can be brittle.

This is just additional information... btool should work just fine
for you.  I would recommend trying this as a confirmation:

btool -d Memos -f Memos.boost
bio -i boost -f Memos.boost -o dump

If you see data, then the boost file is valid, and the problem is in
the btool -s stage.  If this is the case, try adding -v to the btool
command line, and posting the results to see where it's failing.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Regarding Blackberry data recovery.

2012-01-04 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 01:48:28PM +0530, Rakesh Sharnagate wrote:
> I am hobbiest and freelance software programmer. I am working on Blackberry
> data recovery using USB interface from last 3 months. I read USB protocol
> from and and very well aware of USB 2.0 protocol.
> I am trying to reverse engineer Blackberry USB protocol using USBlyzer, but
> didn't achieve success.
> Expecting help !

Hi Rakesh,

When you're snooping the USB traffic, what software is running?  Are you
doing a backup using the Windows desktop software?

Barry already handles the protocol work for backups, restores, javaloader,
modem, screenshots, date/time, etc.  There are a few missing features,
but overall, it is very useable.

If you just want to learn the protocol, take a look at the source code
under src/.  Specifically, look at protocol.h, protostructs.h, packet.{h,cc},
and socket.{h,cc}.  That should get you started.

Hope that helps,
- Chris

Ridiculously easy VDI. With Citrix VDI-in-a-Box, you don't need a complex
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] USB Logs

2011-12-23 Thread Chris Frey
Thanks to you both!  I've updated USB-capture.txt to reflect this info.

- Chris

On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 11:34:10AM +0100, Nicolas CARRIER wrote:
> Hello,
> Personally I run a windows XP on a virtualbox, hosted on a linux desktop.
> Wireshark+usbmon can then sniff all the USB packets even when the device is 
> attached to the virtual machine.
> It works very well.
> On 12/23/11 11:24, Toby Gray wrote:
> > On 23/12/11 02:01, Chris Frey wrote:
> >>> Are there any newer ways to get low-level logging information from running
> >>> loader that anyone is aware of?
> >> I'm afraid that USB-capture.txt is as complete as I know of. :-)
> >
> > There are a couple of other windows tools (all XP only I think) listed
> > at
> >
> > I think I used SnoopyPro in the end.
> >
> > If you've got (quite a lot of) money to spend then you could also go for
> > a hardware USB analyzer, such as the LeCroy Advisor T3
> > (
> >
> >
> > If you've got a BeagleBoard (, or possibly other
> > Linux hardware with a host and OTG USB port, then you might want to have
> > a look at:
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Toby
> >
> > --
> > Write once. Port to many.
> > Get the SDK and tools to simplify cross-platform app development. Create
> > new or port existing apps to sell to consumers worldwide. Explore the
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> >
> > ___
> > Barry-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Nicolas CARRIER - 6081 - 2?me centre
> --
> Write once. Port to many.
> Get the SDK and tools to simplify cross-platform app development. Create 
> new or port existing apps to sell to consumers worldwide. Explore the 
> Intel AppUpSM program developer opportunity.
> ___
> Barry-devel mailing list

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] barrybackup and non-threaded sockets

2011-12-22 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 11:52:05AM +, Christian Brassat wrote:
> Actually I was in a *real* hurry to get it working again, since it's a
> company phone. So I ended up using RIM's official Windows software. The
> phone has since gone back to it's assigned employee, but I can see if I
> can borrow another one for testing purposes, there's about 20 of them
> going around the company.

If you have the time, please do.  If you can get captures of working and
failing USB traces, that would be very helpful.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] USB Logs

2011-12-22 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 03:39:24PM -0500, Jon Hylands wrote:
> Capturing: The RIM way
> --
> It was reported on the mailing list that it is possible to add the
> following entries to the Windows Registry to cause RIM's software
> to create verbose logs in your temp directory.  Apparently this also
> enables sniffing the communication with the BlackBerry simulator.
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RimUsb\Parameters]
> "FileDump"=dword:0001
> "ServiceDebug"=dword:

This is from a report from Robert Yaklin on the list:

Robert, do you remember where you found this information?  If it's documented
somewhere, maybe it's just a minor change.

> Does anyone know if this is still valid? I've tried it, and get nothing new
> in my Windows temp directory...

I haven't actually tried it myself, so I don't know if it is still valid.
Maybe newer desktop software drivers have changed since 2008/2009.

> Are there any newer ways to get low-level logging information from running
> loader that anyone is aware of?

I'm afraid that USB-capture.txt is as complete as I know of. :-)

- Chris

Write once. Port to many.
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new or port existing apps to sell to consumers worldwide. Explore the 
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] barrybackup and non-threaded sockets

2011-12-22 Thread Chris Frey
On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 03:46:08PM +, Christian Brassat wrote:
> Hi,
> I managed to compile Barry on CRUX, but when running barrybackup to
> restore my Curve 9300, I'm running into problems. As soon as the program
> starts up, I get an "Controller: requested mode not supported" error.
> Full output of barrybackup -d can be found here:
> I think this is related to "Controller: Using non-threaded sockets",
> since I get the same error when running btool -z, while everything is
> fine with btool -Z.

Hi Christian,

Sorry for the delay... I've been sick for about a week.

Could you add a -v to the btool command line that succeeds and post that
as well?

It is relatively easy to convert barrybackup to use threaded sockets too,
but we might as well find out what the protocol issue is here, and fix
that.  If you're in a hurry, though, let me know and I can post a patch
for threaded-socket barrybackup.

- Chris

Write once. Port to many.
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new or port existing apps to sell to consumers worldwide. Explore the 
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Install problem

2011-12-08 Thread Chris Frey
On Wed, Dec 07, 2011 at 09:01:23PM -0600, wrote:
> downloaded source.  Ran...
> ./configure
> ./make
> Received this error:
> usbwrap.h:176: error: ???usb_endpoint_descriptor??? was not declared in this 
> scope
> usbwrap.h:176: error: template argument 2 is invalid
> usbwrap.h:176: error: template argument 4 is invalid
> usbwrap.h:181: error: ???usb_endpoint_descriptor??? was not declared in this 
> scope
> usbwrap.h:181: error: template argument 2 is invalid
> usbwrap.h:181: error: template argument 4 is invalid
> usbwrap.h:203: error: field ???desc??? has incomplete type
> usbwrap.h:230: error: ???usb_config_descriptor??? does not name a type
> usbwrap.h:257: error: ???usb_device_descriptor??? does not name a type

Hi Brian,

I'm assuming you downloaded the 0.17.x Barry sources?

What distro are you using?

Did you install the legacy libusb 0.1 API?

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Need feedback: C++11 support

2011-11-29 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 03:22:46PM +, Toby Gray wrote:
> For my desktop use of Barry I'm using Ubuntu 10.04, but I was planning 
> on upgrading to 12.04 when it's released (assuming it's the next LTS 
> Ubuntu). For all the cross compilation the compilers used by me are:
> QNX - gcc-4.4.2

Impressive that QNX is so recent.

> Android - gcc-4.4.3
> Linux ARM - gcc 4.1.2


> Overall I'd probably make my life easier to put off using C++11 features 
> for as long as possible, but it wouldn't be the end of the world if they 
> were used, especially if they made the development of Barry easier.

I'm thinking along the same lines. :-)

I guess Android is also in no hurry to upgrade either, since they don't
support everything as it is.

I hope that compiler support will sneak up on us before we're ready, and
then life will be smooth. :-)

- Chris

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security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry & PlayBook

2011-11-25 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 10:57:51AM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> > > For the moment, I haven't succeed to run my tool from udev ; except if I
> > > do : RUN+=/usr/sbin/bplaybook without filter...
> > 
> > Is the ProductID really 0020?  I don't have one, so I can't check this.
> Yes 0x0020 for SCSI mode.
> Then, 0x0011 for USBNET mode.

Interesting, because the ones you added in common.h seem different:


Am I missing something?

- Chris

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Barry-devel mailing list

[Barry-devel] Need feedback: C++11 support

2011-11-24 Thread Chris Frey
Hi list,

I'm not in a hurry to move to C++11 support, but I do realize that it has
some useful features that would make programming easier.  So someday
Barry will likely use some C++11 features.

The question is: when? :-)

I base a lot of my work and "what's supported?" decisions on the latest
release of Debian stable.  I often upgrade a few months late, too, when
a new stable release of Debian comes out.

I don't know what compiler will be in Wheezy when it becomes stable,
but I assume it will have some support.

Ubuntu 10.04 will likely still be one of the LTS candidates by that time,
and it's C++11 support is limited, to my knowledge.

So I doubt any C++11 stuff will creep into Barry in the next year.

But after 2012?  That depends on the compilers you guys normally use.
Please let me know what is in common use these days, and how long you
plan to use them.

- Chris

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] OS7 devices - GetScreenshot not working

2011-11-24 Thread Chris Frey
Hi Luca,

I've updated the git tree with support for 32bit device screenshots.

They seem to work with my testing here, based on the data you provided.
Please give it a try and let me know.

- Chris

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 04:10:54PM +, Luca Sale wrote:
> Hi Chris/Nicolas,
> thanks for the quick response.
> I've attached the info requested.
> the device attached was a torch 9860.
> Cheers,
> Luca
> > On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:49 PM, Luca Sale  wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:49:15PM +, Luca Sale wrote:
> > > I recently got a new Torch 9860 and tried to get a screenshot but the
> > > result was a not so pretty picture.
> > > Have you guys tested "bjavaloader screenshot" with any of the new devices?
> >
> > Hi Luca,
> >
> > I don't have an OS7 device, so I'm not able to test Barry against it.
> >
> > But I've included a patch below which changed bjavaloader screenshot into a
> > raw data capture.  If you could run it and send the resulting data file,
> > I may be able to add support to Barry... it seems like it is an image format
> > issue.
> >
> > Could you also include the following data captures:
> >
> > btool -vl
> >
> > bjavaloader deviceinfo
> >
> > Thanks!
> > - Chris
> >
> >
> > diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
> > index 9e927ac..5dee60f 100644
> > --- a/tools/
> > +++ b/tools/
> > @@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ void GetScreenshot(Barry::Mode::JavaLoader *javaloader, 
> > const char *filename)
> >
> >
> > // Convert to BMP format
> > -   Data bitmap(-1, GetTotalBitmapSize(info));
> > -   ScreenshotToBitmap(info, image, bitmap);
> > +// Data bitmap(-1, GetTotalBitmapSize(info));
> > +// ScreenshotToBitmap(info, image, bitmap);
> >
> > // Write BMP file
> > FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
> > @@ -196,7 +196,8 @@ void GetScreenshot(Barry::Mode::JavaLoader *javaloader, 
> > const char *filename)
> > }
> > AutoClose ac(fp);
> >
> > -   fwrite(bitmap.GetData(), bitmap.GetSize(), 1, fp);
> > +   fwrite(&info, sizeof(info), 1, fp);
> > +   fwrite(image.GetData(), image.GetSize(), 1, fp);
> >  }
> >
> >  void SaveModule(Barry::Mode::JavaLoader *javaloader, const char *filename)
> >
> >

> --
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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry & PlayBook

2011-11-24 Thread Chris Frey
On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 08:34:00PM -0500, Chris Frey wrote:
> Unfortunately, this doesn't compile against libusb 1.0, so that needs to be
> fixed first.

I think the libusb 1.0 API is libusb_kernel_driver_active() instead of
the libusb 0.1 call of usb_get_driver_np().

I've merged in some of the changes from your patch, with fixes.

Could you give it a try with libusb 1.0 and make sure that it works with
your Playbook?  You'll have to add the playbook part of your patch on
top of what's there to test.

- Chris

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry & PlayBook

2011-11-24 Thread Chris Frey
On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:07:31AM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> You can find my barry commit about PlayBook :

Hi Nicolas,

Thanks for posting the code!

Unfortunately, this doesn't compile against libusb 1.0, so that needs to be
fixed first.

The new ProbeResult m_class should be listed in its constructor too.

Also, I'm not sure the reset portion belongs in Probe.  Does the Playbook
have a Database endpoint?

If there is no Database endpoint, maybe it makes more sense to make
the ProbePlayBook class completely standalone, and not derived from
Probe.  And call it ResetPlayBook or something similar.

It sounds like the SCSI PlayBook mode will hardly ever be used by Barry?
Do we know what other modes exist?

> For the moment, I haven't succeed to run my tool from udev ; except if I
> do : RUN+=/usr/sbin/bplaybook without filter...

Is the ProductID really 0020?  I don't have one, so I can't check this.

Also, you might need to restart udev when editing these things.  Hopefully
udev is smart enough not to need a restart, but worth a try, since I've
had issues in the past.

- Chris

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] OS7 devices - GetScreenshot not working

2011-11-22 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 02:19:17PM +, Luca Sale wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> have you had the chance to have a look at the attachments I sent on the
> 15th?
> is the raw image being fetched from the OS7 device properly?

Hi Luca,

Sorry, I haven't gotten to it yet.  I hope to get to it this week, though,
and I'll let you know my progress whether I have success or not.

Stay tuned... thanks for your quick data capture!

- Chris

All the data continuously generated in your IT infrastructure 
contains a definitive record of customers, application performance, 
security threats, fraudulent activity, and more. Splunk takes this 
data and makes sense of it. IT sense. And common sense.
Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] Barry & PlayBook

2011-11-15 Thread Chris Frey
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 09:15:59PM +0100, Nicolas wrote:
> How can I integrate this in Barry project ? Are you interested in this
> mini application ? 

Absolutely! :-)

> The easy way is only create a new directory "playbook" with sources. The
> sources are independant of barry project.
> Or do you prefer that I use Probe class and your USB wrapper ?

Could I take a look at the source?  It would be nice if it took advantage
of Barry's ability to use both libusb libraries, but I don't know how
feasible that is without seeing the source.

- Chris

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Barry-devel mailing list

Re: [Barry-devel] OS7 devices - GetScreenshot not working

2011-11-14 Thread Chris Frey
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 12:49:15PM +, Luca Sale wrote:
> I recently got a new Torch 9860 and tried to get a screenshot but the
> result was a not so pretty picture.
> Have you guys tested "bjavaloader screenshot" with any of the new devices?

Hi Luca,

I don't have an OS7 device, so I'm not able to test Barry against it.

But I've included a patch below which changed bjavaloader screenshot into a
raw data capture.  If you could run it and send the resulting data file,
I may be able to add support to Barry... it seems like it is an image format

Could you also include the following data captures:

btool -vl

bjavaloader deviceinfo

- Chris

diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 9e927ac..5dee60f 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@ void GetScreenshot(Barry::Mode::JavaLoader *javaloader, 
const char *filename)
// Convert to BMP format
-   Data bitmap(-1, GetTotalBitmapSize(info));
-   ScreenshotToBitmap(info, image, bitmap);
+// Data bitmap(-1, GetTotalBitmapSize(info));
+// ScreenshotToBitmap(info, image, bitmap);
// Write BMP file
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
@@ -196,7 +196,8 @@ void GetScreenshot(Barry::Mode::JavaLoader *javaloader, 
const char *filename)
AutoClose ac(fp);
-   fwrite(bitmap.GetData(), bitmap.GetSize(), 1, fp);
+   fwrite(&info, sizeof(info), 1, fp);
+   fwrite(image.GetData(), image.GetSize(), 1, fp);
 void SaveModule(Barry::Mode::JavaLoader *javaloader, const char *filename)

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