Re: Newbie: Scripting a better HOME button?

2010-07-31 Thread Kendall Conrad
I reworked your code some and got it to work properly as far as my
testing found.

tell application "BBEdit"

set _current_line_number to startLine of selection
-- Find the character offset for the cursor position
set aaa to (characterOffset of line (startLine of selection)) of
front window
set zzz to (characterOffset of selection)
set _current_point to zzz - aaa

-- Get the column number of the first non-whitespace character
set _line_contents to contents of line _current_line_number of front
set _chars to characters of _line_contents
repeat with _i from 1 to count _chars
if item _i of _chars is not in {space, tab} then
set _first_non_whitespace_char to _i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
set _smart_point to _first_non_whitespace_char
select (character (_smart_point) of line (startLine of selection) of
front window)
select insertion point before selection of front window
tell application "System Events"
if _current_point is equal to (_smart_point - 1) then
-- Just go to start of line
key code 123 using command down
end if
end tell
end tell


On Jul 30, 1:45 pm, offtone  wrote:
> Why isn't this working? For some reason _current_point and
> _smart_point never match... Even when I run it with the cursor before
> the first non-whitespace character (at the smart point, basically).
> And how would I go about getting the startColumn of a character in the
> line? Is there a shortcut for that, or would I have to iterate each
> character and basically count a "tab" as 4 columns (which may even
> change depending on user preferences...)?
> What I have so far (Frankensteined from posts above):
> tell application "BBEdit"
>         activate
>         set _current_line_number to startLine of selection
>         set _current_point to insertion point
>         -- Get the column number of the first non-whitespace character
>         tell the front document
>                 set _line_contents to contents of line _current_line_number
>                 set _chars to characters of _line_contents
>                 repeat with _i from 1 to count _chars
>                         if item _i of _chars is not in {space, tab} then
>                                 set _first_non_whitespace_char to _i
>                                 exit repeat
>                         end if
>                 end repeat
>                 set _smart_point to (get insertion point before character
> _first_non_whitespace_char of line _current_line_number)
>         end tell
>         tell application "System Events"
>                 if _current_point is equal to _smart_point then
>                         -- Just go to start of line
>                         key code 123 using command down
>                 else
>                         -- Go to start of line, then skip over whitespace
>                         key code 123 using {shift down, command down}
>                         key code 124 using {shift down, option down}
>                 end if
>         end tell
> end tell

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Re: Newbie: Scripting a better HOME button?

2010-07-31 Thread John Delacour

At 08:52 -0700 30/7/10, offtone wrote:

I'll tinker around! Some solutions have already been posted, and
they're helpful starts for sure.

The script I posted is more than a "helpful start"; it is a full 
solution.  Have you tried it?!


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Re: Newbie: Scripting a better HOME button?

2010-07-31 Thread Kendall Conrad
Well, offtone was wanting the script to first go to the smart home
position, and if done again, would go to the start of the line, and if
already at the start of the line, would go to the smart home. The same
behavior often found in IDEs like NetBeans when using the home key.
Your script only went to the smart home, so it was not a "full
solution" to his problem. It should be obvious he tried your script as
he used most of it in the script he posted.


On Jul 31, 9:30 am, John Delacour  wrote:
> At 08:52 -0700 30/7/10, offtone wrote:
> >I'll tinker around! Some solutions have already been posted, and
> >they're helpful starts for sure.
> The script I posted is more than a "helpful start"; it is a full
> solution.  Have you tried it?!
> JD

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Re: Newbie: Scripting a better HOME button?

2010-07-31 Thread Kendall Conrad
With more testing I found there were some cases where the script
didn't work so I have made further improvements. Below is the new
script. I set command+left to be the shortcut for it, which works out
pretty well.

tell application "BBEdit"
-- Find the character offset for the cursor position
set aaa to (characterOffset of line (startLine of selection)) of
front window
set zzz to (characterOffset of selection)
set _cursor to zzz - aaa
set _smart to 0

-- Get the column number of the first non-whitespace character
set _line to contents of line (startLine of selection) of front
-- Ensure line is not empty
if (count _line) = 0 then return

-- Go through content of line looking for smart home position
set _len to count (_line as text)
repeat with _i from 1 to _len
if item _i of _line is not in {space, tab} then
set _smart to _i - 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat

-- Check if we never found non-whitespace
if item _i of _line is in {space, tab} then set _smart to _len

-- Only true if there was no starting whitespace
if _smart = 0 then
set _smart to 1
set _cursor to 1
end if

-- Check if not at smart position already
if _cursor is not equal to (_smart) then -- Go to smart home
select insertion point after (character (_smart) of line 
of selection) of front window)
else -- Just go to start of line
select insertion point before (character (1) of line (startLine 
selection) of front window)
end if
end tell


On Jul 31, 8:32 am, Kendall Conrad  wrote:
> I reworked your code some and got it to work properly as far as my
> testing found.

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Re: Newbie: Scripting a better HOME button?

2010-07-31 Thread Gabriel Roth
I never would have thought of this feature if not for this thread, but
I really like it. Thanks to the original poster, and to everyone who
contributed to this script, which I've now got bound to Command-Left.

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Kendall Conrad  wrote:
> With more testing I found there were some cases where the script
> didn't work so I have made further improvements. Below is the new
> script. I set command+left to be the shortcut for it, which works out
> pretty well.
> -
> tell application "BBEdit"
>        -- Find the character offset for the cursor position
>        set aaa to (characterOffset of line (startLine of selection)) of
> front window
>        set zzz to (characterOffset of selection)
>        set _cursor to zzz - aaa
>        set _smart to 0
>        -- Get the column number of the first non-whitespace character
>        set _line to contents of line (startLine of selection) of front
> window
>        -- Ensure line is not empty
>        if (count _line) = 0 then return
>        -- Go through content of line looking for smart home position
>        set _len to count (_line as text)
>        repeat with _i from 1 to _len
>                if item _i of _line is not in {space, tab} then
>                        set _smart to _i - 1
>                        exit repeat
>                end if
>        end repeat
>        -- Check if we never found non-whitespace
>        if item _i of _line is in {space, tab} then set _smart to _len
>        -- Only true if there was no starting whitespace
>        if _smart = 0 then
>                set _smart to 1
>                set _cursor to 1
>        end if
>        -- Check if not at smart position already
>        if _cursor is not equal to (_smart) then -- Go to smart home
>                select insertion point after (character (_smart) of line 
> (startLine
> of selection) of front window)
>        else -- Just go to start of line
>                select insertion point before (character (1) of line 
> (startLine of
> selection) of front window)
>        end if
> end tell
> -
> -Kendall
> On Jul 31, 8:32 am, Kendall Conrad  wrote:
>> I reworked your code some and got it to work properly as far as my
>> testing found.
> --
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Re: Newbie: Scripting a better HOME button?

2010-07-31 Thread John Delacour

At 15:47 -0700 31/7/10, Kendall Conrad wrote:

With more testing I found there were some cases where the script
didn't work so I have made further improvements. Below is the new
script. I set command+left to be the shortcut for it, which works out
pretty well.

Applescript is verbose enough without any help at all!  Here's  a 
trimmed down version that takes account of the no-break space.

tell application "BBEdit" to tell front window
  tell the selection to set {_n, _selectionstart} to {startLine, 

  tell line _n to set {_linestart, _line} to {characterOffset, contents}
  set _cursor to _selectionstart - _linestart
  set _smart to 0
  set _linelength to count _line
  if _linelength = 0 then return
  repeat with _i from 1 to _linelength
if item _i of _line is not in {space, tab, ASCII character 202} then
  set _smart to _i - 1
  exit repeat
  set _smart to _linelength
end if
  end repeat
  if _smart = 0 then
set _smart to 1
set _cursor to 1
  end if
  if _cursor is not _smart then
select insertion point after character _smart of line _n
select insertion point before line _n
  end if
end tell

tell application "BBEdit"
-- Find the character offset for the cursor position
set aaa to (characterOffset of line (startLine of selection)) of
front window
set zzz to (characterOffset of selection)
set _cursor to zzz - aaa
set _smart to 0

-- Get the column number of the first non-whitespace character
set _line to contents of line (startLine of selection) of front
-- Ensure line is not empty
if (count _line) = 0 then return

-- Go through content of line looking for smart home position
set _len to count (_line as text)
repeat with _i from 1 to _len
if item _i of _line is not in {space, tab} then
set _smart to _i - 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat

-- Check if we never found non-whitespace
if item _i of _line is in {space, tab} then set _smart to _len

-- Only true if there was no starting whitespace
if _smart = 0 then
set _smart to 1
set _cursor to 1
end if

-- Check if not at smart position already
if _cursor is not equal to (_smart) then -- Go to smart home
		select insertion point after (character (_smart) of 
line (startLine

of selection) of front window)
else -- Just go to start of line
		select insertion point before (character (1) of line 
(startLine of

selection) of front window)
end if
end tell

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