Re: Python Function and Variable Font Colors

2018-02-12 Thread Gregg Thomason
Broadly speaking, BBEdit doesn't color quite as extravagantly as Atom. This 
is out-of-the-box BBEdit Dark, showing a piece of Python:

def is a language keyword, as is the decorator; and the single string is 
colored. However BBEdit doesn't know anything about Python _per se_ so it 
doesn't know that show() is a function name, or list_of_items is a 
variable. So they're just regular text.

That said: if you do 'bbedit --maketags' on the command line, you get a 
ctags file created, and now it looks like this:

Which is closer to what you probably want. I don't like ctags coloring most 
of the time, I think it over-does it on detecting symbols:

But to each their own.

Hope that helps,

On Thursday, February 8, 2018 at 9:05:25 AM UTC-5, Kory Goold wrote:
> Sorry if this is a repeat post. I've used BBEdit for years, and love it.
> I'm teaching myself Python, and the font colors for functions as well as 
> variables are not only set as the same color (regardless of how I adjust 
> them in preference), and they're the same color as whatever I set as the 
> plain text setting.
> Is there a way to separate colors for each of these, i.e. one for 
> functions, one for variables, and another for plain text? I had been using 
> the Atom editor, and it got separated nicely. I recently upgraded to v 12 
> (from 9.x), and was hoping to keep the color scheme I was using with Atom 
> (or at least close to it).
> Thanks!

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Re: javascript OSA script component

2014-10-28 Thread Gregg Thomason
in simple terms does that mean you can't use JavaScript for Automation? (I 
had some very strange issues trying it out during the beta)

On Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:16:44 PM UTC-4, Rich Siegel wrote:

 On Wednesday, October 22, 2014, Dmitry Markman javascript: wrote: 

 it looks like that 
 JS component (Mac OS X 10.10) 
 /System/Library/Components/JavaScript.component has only one x86_64 

 That is correct, and it has been reported as a bug against the 
 OS. (Because it is.) 

 therefore BBEdit 11 won't be able to use that component, because 
 BBEdit is i386 binary. 
 is there any plans to release x86_64 BBEdit? 

 Yes. But not soon enough in relation to this issue. :-) 

 Rich Siegel Bare Bones Software, Inc. javascript: 

 Someday I'll look back on all this and laugh... until they 
 sedate me. 

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Hoping for some insight into Apple Events and Javascript For Automation/Yoz Beta

2014-09-01 Thread Gregg Thomason
Point the first: yes I know this is all beta stuff and I have read so, I understand that you + 
flying leap + rolling donut is an acceptable answer here. I'm just hoping 
enlightenment will occur.

I'm on Yosemite public preview #2, with 10.5.12 (3392).

What I'm trying to do:

Replicate this script:
via Javascript For Automation 

(Actually: I'm really just trying to *get* the selection, and that's 

What's happening is:

I have this JS:

var bbedit = Application('BBEdit');
var front_doc =[0].document;

which works exactly as you'd expect; it prints 11 to the console in 
Script Editor. Looking at the dictionary for BBEdit, and comparing the the 
URL above, I should be able to replace the id() getter with the selection() 

It fails: Error -1728: Can't get object. (Yes I have selected text in the 
front text document, which I can get - all the text - via the text() 
getter, as expected)

Uh, that's weird. So I try just manually running down the list of items in 
the application scripting dictionary. Some work (eg, id(), name()) and 
others fail with various errors (selection(), buildNumber(), etc).

So here's my question:

I was under the impression that, under the hood, Apple Events were 
language-agnostic. Thus, tell application BBEdit to set fred to the 
selection actually compiled to some intermediate representation; it was 
then fed to some IPC dingus (pipe, shared memory - I have no actual idea 
what it is), the targeted app responds with something, and the event loop 

So, is it possible that the Yoz JavaScript OSA bits are failing to 
correctly compile the code to that IR? I can't imagine BBEdit not being 
crazy conformant to the guts part of OSA.

Or, do differences in the implementation of the JS OSA make the 
20-years-or-whatever-of-applescript OSA dictionary unhappy to suddenly have 
this lol-designed-in-10-days nonsense thrown at it?

Have I discovered a bug? Am I doing something completely insane? 

Like I said: I get that acceptable answers are dude, beta or dude, FIGHT 
CLUB but I thought I'd ask nonetheless.

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Re: Javascript for OS X automation

2014-06-26 Thread Gregg Thomason
Different world, now. It is in Apple's best interests to maintain a very 
high performance, featureful and popular Javascript runtime. There's who 
knows how many orders of magnitude more JS devs than the old days, more 
than a few of which work at Apple. I'm pretty confident this go-around will 
be WAY different than the last time.

On Saturday, June 14, 2014 6:34:50 PM UTC-4, San wrote:

 Apple did this once before, years ago... but they gave no support, and 
 then they quickly lost interest. They didn't even provide the JS-OSA 
 library; it came from Late Night Software. There was little documentation 
 and it was a struggle, but I managed to do a few useful things. 

 On your other point, there _is_ internal support for JS automation within 
 BBEdit -- at least it still works in BBEdit 9, where I use a whole bunch of 
 JavaScripted client-side includes for building web pages. (Client-side 
 meaning they run at development time, not on the end-user's machine.) I 
 could never find any documentation for it, just a bare mention in an old 
 BBEdit manual that only showed the process for AppleScript. I was able to 
 figure it out by experimentation. Frankly, though, I wouldn't set up any 
 kind of client-side (devel-time) includes for web pages now; the new ones 
 I'm doing are all PHP on the server instead. I still use the old ones 
 because I already wrote them.

 Let's hope Apple supports JavaScript system automation in a more serious 
 way than they did last time around. Frankly it was pretty half-assed.

 On Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Rick Yentzer 
 javascript: wrote:

 I was excited to see this as well and hoped to see integration with 
 BBEdit. I don't use applescript enough in BBEdit to remember it's syntax. 
 Javascript, however I'm familiar with and use all the time.


 On Saturday, June 14, 2014 2:04:07 AM UTC-4, Bruce Van Allen wrote:

 Hi All, 

 Check this out: 

 This article describes JavaScript for Automation, a new feature 
 in OS X 10.10.

 Many possibilities here. 

 Best Regards, 

- Bruce 


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Re: Clippings with multiple similarly-named substitution placeholders

2013-09-09 Thread Gregg Thomason
Don't forget to send email to with the feature 
request. I've sent a version of this (if not this exactly) before, I think; 
never underestimate the power of upvotes.

On Friday, September 6, 2013 11:00:44 AM UTC-4, Damian Carrillo wrote:

 Hi All, 

 If I have a clipping that uses #PLACEHOLDERSTART# and #PLACEHOLDEREND# to 
 bracket a substitution placeholder, is there any way to make the label 
 between the start and end apply across multiple similarly-named 
 placeholders. For example, picture a typical mutator after the clipping has 
 been inserted into a document: 

 void setSomething(SomeType #name#) { 
this.#name# = #name#; 

 Is there anyway to have the second and third #name# be replaced with the 
 value I type into the first? 



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Re: Extending Other Languages in CLM

2013-04-17 Thread Gregg Thomason
As I understand it, it's sort of impossible. You can manually recreate the 
basics of, say, HTML (the tags, etc) and add in your own stuff, but you 
can't make it so that it inherits all the goodness of the built-in HTML (ie 
knowing that a script tag means the text therein is now Javascript, so use 
the built-in Javascript rules).

But it's been a while since I asked for language inheritance, so maybe 
something's changed?

On Tuesday, April 16, 2013 6:18:58 PM UTC-4, Matthew Montgomery wrote:

 Is it possible to extend say HTML/JavaScript syntax coloring with 
 something like Velocity in a Codeless Language Module? 

 I did find this ( but 
 the past is rearing up here as a .sit archive! 


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Re: BBEdit looks quite bad on Retina MBP

2012-08-11 Thread Gregg Thomason
I am *totally* sure Barebones is going to *completely* ignore their 
flagship application, and prevent it from running magnificently on what is 
clearly the next generation/trend of Apple hardware, you guys.

Yep. All the signs are there. Just look back at their multi-decade history. 
Moreover, *they're doing it specifically to spite you.* Yes, *you*, who ran 
out and bought the latest hardware the day it came out, probably before 
Barebones even had theirs in yet. I know this is true, because reasons.

On Saturday, August 11, 2012 6:07:18 AM UTC-4, William Denniss wrote:

 On Thursday, August 2, 2012 2:18:29 PM UTC+10, William Denniss wrote:

 Putting aside the API debate for a moment, I have a simple question: when 
 will BBEdit render text on the MBP Retina without it looking fuzzy? 
  Frankly it looks terrible right now.

 I need to know if I should put up with it for a short time, or (with 
 considerable sadness) start looking for a replacement.

 I guess from the silence I should do the latter?


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2012-06-26 Thread Gregg Thomason
The page detailing how to integrate Pyflakes + BBEdit + find window no 
longer exists (formerly at;
I don't suppose anyone has a saved copy of the page or the magic therein?

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Shop Talk

2011-09-21 Thread Gregg Thomason
Ever since 10 came out, Barebones has been *cranking* on releases. I know 
the Barebones guys don't want to just spill every last detail, but I'm sort 
of curious about how you guys were able to ramp up your release pace. Did 
some Apple technology allow you to make changes faster (eg ARC or 
something)? Did you make changes in your development workflow?

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Re: Using PyFlakes as the Python Syntax Checker?

2011-08-18 Thread Gregg Thomason
I know nothing about Pyflakes - does it take a file on standard input (Eg at 
your prompt do you do `pyflakes`)? If so you should be able to 
use a unix script to just pass the currently open file (via the env vars 
mentioned in the manual) to pyflakes and send output to STDERR if you've got 
a problem. bonus points if you use AppleScript to save the document first or 
attach it as a save event (checking document type or extension first).

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Re: Using PyFlakes as the Python Syntax Checker?

2011-08-18 Thread Gregg Thomason
I've been meaning to request that script output be able to be sent to a 
tooltip; I'd imagine it'll almost certainly require the use of applescript. 

I don't know of a way to have arbitrary script output end up in the find 
window style, other than an actual find. You might try calling your script 
from a menu-override applescript (override the syntax check item) and see if 
that does it, although if I had to guess they're using special output hooks 
in their checker to have it work.

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Re: Edit Markup

2011-08-09 Thread Gregg Thomason
I've been struggling myself with Edit Markup. I never used it until very 
recently when I found myself building up a templating system from scratch, 
and suddenly I need to mingle my template markup with regular HTML markup.

As near as I can tell:
* it only works w/in the context of a well-formed document, ie you can't 
just open a scratchpad document and start adding tags. 

which is REALLY super annoying as soon as your handy-dandy template system 
decides to support partials/includes because exactly 1 document on your 
thingee is well formed. 

* you can't just hit cmd-m (or whatever your key is) and get the popup, you 
have to have some actual markup to edit. 

I could be TOTALLY off base here; like I said I just started using it 
*after* 10 came out because I rarely edited markup. Just my observations of 
a feature thats very new to me.

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Re: How to get an unsaved document’s selection from a UNIX script?

2011-08-09 Thread Gregg Thomason
Off the top of my head you'll need to pass the selection to Applescript 
which can then call your Ruby (or whatever) script.

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Re: Edit Markup

2011-08-09 Thread Gregg Thomason
Yeah I think in my head the command is Edit or Create or Wrap Text In 
Markup. What I *want* is to have a document open, hit 'cmd-m', and 
magically have the pop-up appear so I can start making whatever markup I 
want, as opposed to writing a tag first. 

So it's less bug and more manage expectations, I guess.

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BBEdit package aimed at Zend Framework hacking

2011-08-06 Thread Gregg Thomason
Hey everyone,
I've found an excuse to exercise the new bbpackage functionality; I'm trying 
to extend a bunch of stuff I need in my day job, working with Zend 
Framework. So I put it up on Github, I hope someone finds it useful. Love to 
hear some feedback!

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Re: source code formatting

2011-08-04 Thread Gregg Thomason
For PHP, install then write a 
simple Text Filter to run your preferred beautifier settings on the input 
(which is either STDIN or argv[1], there's some contradiction between the 
release notes and the manual). Today mine looks like:


require 'PHP/Beautifier.php';

$source = file_get_contents($argv[1]); // might be changed to php://stdin w/ 
$oToken = new PHP_Beautifier();

For perl, you can do the same thing w/ Perltidy. I haven't tried anything 
yet with JS or Python.

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Re: source code formatting

2011-08-04 Thread Gregg Thomason
I don't know MAMP but, you should have the 'pear' command in your path. you 
probably want something like `sudo pear install php-beautifer`. google can 
probably provide the finer details for MAMP.

In any event it's just a PEAR module, so the usual PEAR stuff applies (eg 
setting include_path in your php.ini or in the script at runtime, etc).

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Re: Creating new language file - Not getting all syntax highlighting

2011-07-29 Thread Gregg Thomason
There was a message in another thread, IIRC, that said they're more than a 
little backlogged on support right now. They're usually good about getting 
back to support requests.

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Re: How to add color scheme in BBedit 10?

2011-07-25 Thread Gregg Thomason
Text Colors Preferences, page 206 in the manual (Help-User Manual). Also 
the release notes for 10 have some info.

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Re: Updated PeepOpen support

2011-07-24 Thread Gregg Thomason
BOOM! That was the ticket. Placing the project file @ the root of the source 
tree solved it. When the project file is outside the project, the 
opens-in-new-window-always behavior results. 

Thanks for all the help!

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Re: Updated PeepOpen support

2011-07-23 Thread Gregg Thomason
I'm going  to suspect my configuration (perhaps an 'expert' config option?) 
until I have evidence otherwise, but everything else is awesome. Thanks!

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Re: Updated PeepOpen support

2011-07-23 Thread Gregg Thomason
Don't know if it helps, but: 
* if I do an insta-project (cd /to/place; bbedit .) and use peepopen, it 
works as expected, opening all files in the insta-project window.
* if I open a bbedit project via a .bbprojectd file, I get the 
always-in-a-new-window behavior.

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Re: Updated PeepOpen support

2011-07-23 Thread Gregg Thomason
(sorry to pile on)
Similar circumstances to mine, 

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Re: Updated PeepOpen support

2011-07-22 Thread Gregg Thomason
I noticed a couple issues: one, it demands I tell it where TextWrangler is, 
which I don't have. Two, I'm seeing files opened in a new window rather than 
the project window; I have Open documents in the front window when 
possible checked in BBedit. Thanks! 

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Re: Open files using search a la Textmate

2011-07-20 Thread Gregg Thomason
I would give anything to have Peepopen run on 32-bit Intel, my mainstay 
machine is a 1st gen Intel MBP, so no 64-bit. 

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Re: MobileMe integration

2011-05-23 Thread Gregg Thomason
I put mine on Github, and it seems to work great.

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File List button in search results

2011-03-10 Thread Gregg Thomason
I'm trying to find the File List button mentioned on page 152 of the 
manual (screen shot on page 151). No where to be seen in any find results I 
do. Does it still exist? 


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using applescript to find word boundaries

2011-03-02 Thread Gregg Thomason
I'm a little new do doing anything serious with AppleScript. I've been 
porting the vim Surround plugin, and I've gotten it working great except 
currently it only operates on the selection. I want to have it operate by 
default on whatever the word is under the cursor. 

My problem is while I can locate where the cursor is in the document, I 
can't seem to gin up the right incantation for given an insertion point at 
startColumn foo (say, in the middle of a word), backtrack to the word 
boundary and use that as the new start point. Is this even possible, or am 
I totally approaching it from the wrong mental angle?


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Re: using applescript to find word boundaries

2011-03-02 Thread Gregg Thomason
Great link, can't believe I forgot about that, thanks! 

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Re: BBEdit next version?

2010-03-26 Thread J. Gregg Thomason
On Mar 26, 3:03 am, stratboy wrote:
 :) Can you do some little anticipation on what you're working on or on
 the next release date? :)

They'll never tell, but you can sorta suss out where they're going by
looking at the historical release pace. It's been several months since
the last point update, so either a point release is around the corner
(unlikely w/o a prerelease) or we're entering a long-ish quiet period
towards a minor or even possibly major release. They've pretty much
done a couple point releases per minor version so I assume we'll see a
minor bump some time soon (for an extremely approximate value of

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Re: BBEdit git/mercurial

2010-03-25 Thread J. Gregg Thomason
On Mar 20, 11:31 am, Jim Correia wrote:
 For git, I have a script named with the contents:


         if [ -f $1 ]  [ -f $2 ]; then
                 bbdiff --wait --resume $1 $2
         exit 0

 and then set GIT_EXTERNAL_DIFF to point at this script. `git diff` will 
 review the files one by one in BBEdit. You can specify —no-ext-diff to get 
 the built-in behavior.

I always end up with 'bbedit: Warning: no data available on standard
in' when using this to do git diff, eg
[gr...@tardis: Dir] (master)$ git diff bin/something.rb
bbedit: Warning: no data available on standard in
[gr...@tardis: Dir] (master)$


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Re: auto indent perl

2009-10-09 Thread J. Gregg Thomason

On Oct 8, 8:46 am, Ash Varma wrote:

 I just switched to using BBEdit and just wanted to know if there is a
 method to turn on automagic indenting for my perl scripts, as I type ..

You can use clippings to control indents (eg use a clipping to insert
your 'if' structure) and a scripted filter to run your code through
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2008-12-09 Thread J. Gregg Thomason

I'm wondering if anyone else out there is pining for Git integration.
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