Re: AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-02 Thread jgill
Thanks Christopher,

I am copying and pasting found text

tell application BBEdit
find div class=\placeholder\ searching in text 1 of text document 
index.html options {search mode:grep, starting at top:true, wrap 
around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match words:false, 
extend selection:false} with selecting match
set theResult to balance tags
set t to the text of selection as string
set t to div id=\page_main\  return  t  /div
set the clipboard to t
end tell
.. and in the second script...

find (?s) This is the template for monthly sightings.*?Check in WYSIWYG 
mode and save again\\.br\\r searching in text 1 of text document Month 
2013.htm options {search mode:grep, starting at top:true, wrap 
around:false, backwards:false, case sensitive:false, match words:false, 
extend selection:false} with selecting match

This works as expected. I realise that I could set a variable to the text 
of the selection but I'm still stuck in my old HyperCard ways ;?)

On Saturday, November 1, 2014 4:56:44 PM UTC, jgill wrote:

 I'm using an AppleScript to generate a web page which needs to be saved to 
 a specific local folder. I can't figure out how to access BBEdit's Save 
 as... operation. Save is covered in the BBEdit Dictionary but not Save 

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Re: AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-02 Thread Christopher Stone
On Nov 02, 2014, at 03:36, jgill wrote:
 I am copying and pasting found text


Hey Joe,

A good rule of the thumb in automation is to never use the clipboard, unless 
it's the best tool for the job.  It's a common failure-point and/or slow-down.

This is roughly how I'd go about it.

(I've also cleaned up certain aspects of my previous script.)

set templateFile to alias ((path to home folder as text)  
set basePath to ((path to documents folder as text)  (2014):)
tell (current date) to set newFileName to (its month as text) its year 
set newFilePath to basePath  newFileName

tell application BBEdit
  open templateFile
  tell result to save to newFilePath
  tell text of text document newFileName
set foundReco to find div class=\placeholder\ options ¬
  {search mode:grep, starting at top:true, case sensitive:false}

# I'm not seeing any benefit to this line; am I missing something?
# set theResult to balance tags # == FALSE

set replaceText to div id=\page_main\  return  (contents of text of 
found object of foundReco)  /div

# Assuming the newly created document is the target.
replace (?s) This is the template for monthly sightings.*?Check in WYSIWYG 
mode and save again\\.br\\r using replaceText ¬
  options {search mode:grep, starting at top:true, case sensitive:false}
  end tell
end tell

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Re: AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-02 Thread jgill
Christopher, the reason I am using copy and paste is that there are two 
separate (rather complicated) Applescripts involved here. One which selects 
text from one page and another that inserts that text into a placeholder. 
Short of using an intermediate window, I can't think of any way to transfer 
over 1000 lines of HTML from one window to another across scripts. I 
haven't tried to do it all in a single script because of timing issues. 
Using 'Balance Tags' seems to be a good way to select the contents of an 
entire div (with lots of nested divs). 

Thanks again for your help. Joe

On Saturday, November 1, 2014 4:56:44 PM UTC, jgill wrote:

 I'm using an AppleScript to generate a web page which needs to be saved to 
 a specific local folder. I can't figure out how to access BBEdit's Save 
 as... operation. Save is covered in the BBEdit Dictionary but not Save 

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Re: AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-02 Thread Christopher Stone
On Nov 02, 2014, at 07:59, jgill wrote:
 Christopher, the reason I am using copy and paste is that there are two 
 separate (rather complicated) Applescripts involved here. One which selects 
 text from one page and another that inserts that text into a placeholder.

Hey Joe,

Without seeing the actual process I can't speculate too much, but in general 
it's quite easy to work between two windows in one script.

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Re: AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-02 Thread jgill
Hi Cristopher, I managed to do it with one script. The timing issues I had 
with my old MacPro are not there with my new iMac. It's much faster.

Can I ask how you manage to insert colour-coded scripts into this forum?

Thanks, Joe

On Saturday, November 1, 2014 4:56:44 PM UTC, jgill wrote:

 I'm using an AppleScript to generate a web page which needs to be saved to 
 a specific local folder. I can't figure out how to access BBEdit's Save 
 as... operation. Save is covered in the BBEdit Dictionary but not Save 

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Re: AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-02 Thread Christopher Stone
On Nov 02, 2014, at 13:11, jgill wrote:
 I managed to do it with one script.

Hey Joe,

Very good.

 Can I ask how you manage to insert colour-coded scripts into this forum?

I copy them from Script Debugger (after compiling) and paste them into Mail 
(the Applescript Editor works similarly).

Any source of styled-text should do.

You can post styled-text from Gmail, and I'm fairly sure you can from the 
BBEdit Google-Groups page as well.

If you're dealing with a shell script or other programming language in BBEdit 
you can use the 'Copy as Styled Text' item in BBEdit's Edit Menu.

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AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-01 Thread jgill
I'm using an AppleScript to generate a web page which needs to be saved to 
a specific local folder. I can't figure out how to access BBEdit's Save 
as... operation. Save is covered in the BBEdit Dictionary but not Save 

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Re: AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-01 Thread Christopher Stone
On Nov 01, 2014, at 11:56, jgill wrote:
 I'm using an AppleScript to generate a web page which needs to be saved to a 
 specific local folder. I can't figure out how to access BBEdit's Save as... 

Hey Joe,

There's not a save-as command per se.

Are you saving an unsaved document?

Are you saving a previously saved document to a new location?

What exactly are you doing?

An unsaved document is easy to handle:

set destFolderPath to path to downloads folder as text # HFS path.
set newFileName to A Test File.html
set savePath to destFolderPath  newFileName

tell application BBEdit
  tell front text document
save to savePath
  end tell
end tell

If you're dealing with a previously saved file then the story is a bit 
different.  Handling that improperly can cause you to lose data in the original 
file if it's unsaved.

Here's one way to deal with that:

set destFolderPath to POSIX path of (path to downloads folder as text)
set newFileName to A Test File.html
set savePath to quoted form of (destFolderPath  newFileName)

tell application BBEdit
  tell front text document
if on disk = true then
  if modified of its window = true then
  end if
  set _file to quoted form of (POSIX path of (get its file))
  tell AppleScript
do shell script cp   _file savePath
  end tell
end if
  end tell
end tell

I've used the shell, since I can copy and rename the file in one operation.

If I wanted to be safer I could copy the file with the Finder and then rename 
it.  The Finder will balk if there is an existing file.

Or I could deliberately check to see if there's going to be a collision and 
throw an error.

Or I could duplicate the document in BBEdit and use the first method to save it.

It really depends upon what you need to be done.

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Re: AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-01 Thread jgill
Thank you Christopher,

The files is a template file which I modify with AppleScript. It has a 
default name Month Year.html. The AppleScript opens it, does a paste 
operation, and changes a few lines of text. I then want to save the 
modified files into another folder (2014) as, for instance November 
2014.html.  This changes from month to month appropriately. I could hard 
code the save path or generate it using the date object.

So, it is a previously saved file but is being modified and saved to a 
different location. It will not be replacing the original template.

Thanks, Joe

On Saturday, November 1, 2014 4:56:44 PM UTC, jgill wrote:

 I'm using an AppleScript to generate a web page which needs to be saved to 
 a specific local folder. I can't figure out how to access BBEdit's Save 
 as... operation. Save is covered in the BBEdit Dictionary but not Save 

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Re: AppleScript Save as...

2014-11-01 Thread Christopher Stone
On Nov 01, 2014, at 17:57, jgill wrote:
 So, it is a previously saved file but is being modified and saved to a 
 different location. It will not be replacing the original template.


Hey Joe,

Okay.  Something like this should work.

set _template to alias ((path to home folder as text)  
set basePath to ((path to documents folder as text)  (2014):)
tell (current date)
  set _month to its month as text
  set _year to its year
end tell
set newFileName to _month _year  .html
set newFilePath to basePath  newFileName

tell application BBEdit
  set newDoc to open _template
  tell newDoc to save to newFilePath
  tell document newFileName
# Do your edits.
# Save.
  end tell
end tell

Are you actually pasting into the newly opened template?  If so there's 
probably a better way.

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Applescript save window 1 behaves differently in BBEdit 9

2010-12-23 Thread Dan Pouliot
I have a very simple script to simultaneously save the current BBEdit
file and refresh Safari.

tell application BBEdit
save window 1
end tell

tell application Safari
do JavaScript document.location=document.location in document 1
end tell

This script worked great in BBEdit 8, however it appears to not work
in BBEdit 9. Instead of saving the current doc back to where ever it's
opened from on the server, it brings up a save dialog to save the file
locally. I know this should be easy, but it eludes me. And using the
Record command in the Scripts menu is no help, as Save doesn't get

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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