Re: OFF: Astrological portents

2002-04-04 Thread Gil Robertson

Thank you for posting this Glen.

I am most concerned about the coming period, based on other lines of
information. Your
astrology fits in within the possibility coming from other non
astrological sources.


Glen Atkinson wrote:


 Below are the significant relationships and therefore dates to watch

Re: OT Re: To contribute to testing

2002-04-04 Thread Allan Balliett

Bonnie - If people have your paypal id they can simply go to the 
paypal site and make the size donation they are comfortable with to 
your account. PayPal also offers good support. I'm in the field all 
day every day right now, or I'd offer to walk you through this 
offline. Just saying this to encourage you: PayPal is a VERY EASY 

Hopefully someone on BD Now! can walk you through this offline.

Good Luck!


Hello Allan and All,

Sorry, I haven't been at the computer in a day or so. Taking care of 
one of my daughters who has had a tonsillectomy. Hectic and 

Sorry to post this to the group in general, but I don't know what else to do.

I still have been able to not figure out how others can send their 
contributions to my account.

Allan, if you or anyone else knows how the Paypal works, let me 
know. I do have an account, just confirmed on Saturday finally.

There is a form that I can send to request payments from people, but 
I need to write in a dollar amount.


Re: OFF: Astrological portents

2002-04-04 Thread Moen Creek
Title: Re: OFF: Astrological portents

Allan, you wrote:

So, I don't get it, Glen. I don't think anyone in this country thinks 
of GW as a leader if part of being a leader is making decisions and 
acting on them. It's pretty obvious that he's just the token that a 
group of unknowns put into the White House and operate through. Are 
aspects really relevant when anticipating the actions of an 
individual who lacks Free Will?

This does seem to be the point. Symbols can have much greater impact when they are unencumbered by free will. 


To contribute to testing

2002-04-04 Thread Bonnie York

Okay, I may have this.

Anyone who wants to contribute to the testing can go to

My ID is my email address. This account is only for the purpose of 
collecting for the testing.
As soon as those who have contacted Allan or I have contributed I will 
let you know what the total is and make arrangements for the testing.

Again, my ID is: froghaven(at sign)


Re: The banning of seed exchange legislation

2002-04-04 Thread Bonnie York

Hello bdnow friends,

Because I'm a check for yourself kind of person, I went to the draft 
document and read it. I believe it possible that it would/could be 
applied to biodynamic preps if we are purchasing them through the mail 
and they cross state lines.

I appears to me that anything that is a plant product that is sent 
interstate will be affected  by this.


Universe in synch (was Astrological portents)

2002-04-04 Thread Anthony Nelson-Smith

Hugh (in particular) - did you ever come across the 
news that two Japanese astrophysicists had detected the 'music of the spheres' 
? I read it in 'New Scientist' a couple of years ago and have now 
lost that issue but, in essence, these two were analysing the vibrations of 
planet Earth. They gradually eliminated individual frequencies as they 
assigned sources to each and eventually found that there remained one frequency 
which apparently had no detectable source. They concluded that this is the 
natural frequency of the planet, and that each celestial body has its own 
characteristic frequency. This, to me, seems one of the most fundamental 
validations for astrology - certainly worth quoting at those scoffers who 
conveniently assume that the only influence such a body could have is by its 
gravity, and thus 'demolish' astrology byshowing that a passing vehicle 
has a stronger local gravitational effect than the nearest planet. 

 It ties in with an assertion by 
Dr Percy Seymour,a very brave professional astronomer who supports 
astrology ('The scientific basis of astrology', Quantum Books, 1997), 
thata foetus recognisestheset of frequencies which define its 
character and chooses to be born when external frequencies fit this - rather 
than being defined by whichever set of frequencies happen to be vibrating at the 
time of its birth. Makes one wonder what damage is being done by medical 
intervention in the birth process 
Tony N-S.


2002-04-04 Thread Anthony Nelson-Smith

Is Merla's knapweed the same as ours in Britain - 
Centaurea scabiosa or C. nigra (also known as Hardheads ? I have it 
occasionally in a rough lawn on an old cinder patch but don't find it at all 
invasive (it can easily be mown out). It is, 
indeed,attractiveand valuable as the major food-plant 
ofcinnabar moth larvae ('football jersey' 
caterpillars). Tony 

Re: OT Re: To contribute to testing

2002-04-04 Thread Hilary Wright

Allan, I thought you didn't want us to do things 'offline'?! In any case, if
there's someone who understands Paypal and is willing to talk Bonnie
through, would they please include me on their instructions?

Many thanks

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 1:47 AM
Subject: Re: OT Re: To contribute to testing

 Bonnie - If people have your paypal id they can simply go to the
 paypal site and make the size donation they are comfortable with to
 your account. PayPal also offers good support. I'm in the field all
 day every day right now, or I'd offer to walk you through this
 offline. Just saying this to encourage you: PayPal is a VERY EASY

 Hopefully someone on BD Now! can walk you through this offline.

 Good Luck!


 Hello Allan and All,
 Sorry, I haven't been at the computer in a day or so. Taking care of
 one of my daughters who has had a tonsillectomy. Hectic and
 Sorry to post this to the group in general, but I don't know what else to
 I still have been able to not figure out how others can send their
 contributions to my account.
 Allan, if you or anyone else knows how the Paypal works, let me
 know. I do have an account, just confirmed on Saturday finally.
 There is a form that I can send to request payments from people, but
 I need to write in a dollar amount.

Re: Draft Plan for the Noxious Weeds Prog-Seed Savers EX email

2002-04-04 Thread Merla

SSE wrote:

 Dear Merla Barberie,

 Thank you for your e-mail concerning the USDA's Draft Action Plan for
 the Noxious Weeds Program and possible ramifications for the programs of
 Seed Savers Exchange.
 We have carefully reviewed the plan, which deals only with noxious weeds
 and invasives.  The proposed plan does not include vegetables and apparently
 would not impact Seed Savers' work in any way.  We have no way of knowing,
 however, if this is USDA's first step in gradually restricting other plants
 as well, which is apparently what J. L. Hudson is attempting to stop right
 now by sending his warning to 1,400 nurseries and specifically mentioning
 Thank you for your concern, but we do not think that this will affect
 the efforts of the Seed Savers Exchange.

 Best wishes,

 Kent Whealy
 Executive Director

 - Original Message -
 To: Kent and Diane Whealy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 1:54 PM
 Subject: Statutes to ban exchange of seeds in Draft Weed Control Legislation

  Kent and Diane,
  A certified organic grower sent me this.  I need to know what you
  think.  Are you aware of this?  Do you need support?
  I am having trouble with similar legislation already in place for soil
  and plant amendments...$100 fee to register each soil amendment with the
  state.  This is impossible for 501(c)(3) organizations like the
  Josephine Porter Institite.  What say thou?
  Merla Barberie
  1251 Rolling Thunder Ridge
  Sandpoint, ID 83864
  94020 USA
  USDA Plans Severe Gardening Restrictions
  Direct quotes from USDA Action Plan
 Clean list - Everything not on government approved list banned.
 Penalties - $1000 for home gardeners, up to $250,000 for
 Interstate movement of seeds - Prohibited without permit and
  Send objections to the USDA
  Write your representative (Sample letter)
  What President Bush says
  Your help is needed. The USDA is now accepting public
  comments on their Draft Action Plan for the Noxious
  Weeds Program, which includes the clean list or white
  list proposal. They are now going beyond the clean
  list and are stating that they intend to require permits and
  inspections for ALL seeds and plants moving
  interstate ? this will effectively shut down many
  popular seed exchanges like the North American Rock
  Garden Society exchange and the Seed Saver's Exchange.
  These exchanges have been hailed as important means of
  preserving biodiversity. How many home seed savers will
  be willing to get appropriate licenses and inspections
  when they cost a minimum of $100 (for a nursery stock or
  seed license here in California). Penalties of up to
  $250,000 are proposed with a minimum fine of $1000
  even for home gardeners. Please link to this page.
  Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] and state you are opposed to the
  clean list and any permit or inspection requirements for interstate
  movement of seeds and plants. State that the Draft Action Plan for
  the Noxious Weeds Program is unacceptable must be halted,
  additional time for public comment allowed, and no new restrictions
  on the free flow of any seeds and plants that are not listed noxious
  weeds be put in place.
  Send 4 copies of your comments to:
  Docket No. 01-034-1
  Regulatory Analysis and Development
  PPD, APHIS Suite 3C03
  4700 River Road, Unit 118
  Riverdale, MD 20737-1238
  This is necessary so that your e-mails will not simply be deleted.
  Last year, the USDA requested comments on its clean list proposal -
  they received an overwhelming response - 8 to 1 against, yet they
  are ignoring the clear will of the American people. The government
  tried to impose a clean list policy three times during the 1970s, and
  had to back down each time due to negative response from
  biologists. Apparently, no is not an acceptable response.
  The public comment period ends March 29th, but it is important to
  keep up pressure even after this date, particularly by writing your
  The USDA is clearly out of touch with the American people. They
  just got through the huge furor when they tried to impose Organic
  Rules which allowed irradiation and toxic sewage sludge use. They
  have also instituted new phytosanitary certificate requirements
  which they admit are designed to prevent you from ordering from
  overseas. Please object to the new phytosanitary rules in your letter,
  Write to your representatives and demand that the out-of-control
  USDA be reined in.
  These proposals fundamentally change the regulations on the importation
  and distribution of plants.
  Currently, you may import, possess and distribute all plants except a
  few known harmful species
  that are banned ? a blacklist approach in which everything is
  permitted except what is prohibited.


2002-04-04 Thread Dave Robison

At 12:02 PM 4/4/02 -0500, Tony wrote:

Merla's knapweed the same as ours in Britain - Centaurea scabiosa or C.
nigra (also known as Hardheads ? 
Names are confusing.
Spotted knpweed is Centaurea maculosa
Hardhead is sometimes used as common name for C.
macrocephalea, one of my favorite garden flowers. well behaved tho it has
thugish cousins.
I have it
occasionally in a rough lawn on an old cinder patch but don't find it at
all invasive (it can easily be mown out). It is, indeed, attractive
and valuable as the major food-plant of cinnabar moth larvae ('football
jersey' caterpillars).

Tansy ragwort Senecio spp. is the host for cinnabar moth, at least over
not to be confused with common tansy Tanacetum vulgare 

Dave Robison

Re: OFF: Astrological portents

2002-04-04 Thread Glen Atkinson

Hugh and Tony

Hugh Lovel wrote:
 People ought to know that everything in the universe is in synch or it
 would not exist and could not manifest.

I am continually struck by this reality the more and more I look at what
is real from Astronomy. How can it be any other way. Where is the
impermeable membrane that must be there for the scientists world view to
work. It is false as they say 'the ether' is. How can humans be the only
creature in creation separate and uneffected by creation? Is this not
the ultimate in arrogance and madness?

Tony wrote
certainly worth quoting at those scoffers who conveniently assume that the only 
influence such a body
could have is by its gravity, and thus 'demolish' astrology by showing
that a passing vehicle has a stronger local gravitational effect
than the nearest planet.

Does this statement of the scoffers not suggest that gravity is a
function of movement rather than mass?
Where does gravity function without movement?

The more I look the more I see 'movement' as the forgotten element in
most views of creation.
Are you standing still right now or are you moving/spinning at 115,000
mph through space?
If so whats gravity? Are you being pulled to the Earth or are you being
I say you are being pushed tot he Earth by the spinning, like the
millions of tons of cosmic dust sucked into the Earth each year due to
our spin thru space, not the mysterious gravity which somehow 'attracts'
us from the centre of the Earth. 
And what spinning object does not have an electro magnetic field?
and how does this field influence the attraction so often allotted to

Glen A


Re: Testing Preps

2002-04-04 Thread Bonnie York

On Thursday, April 4, 2002, at 11:24 AM, Merla wrote:


 I just signed up for PayPal and sent my money. I signed up my bank
 account, but I sent the money by my credit card--a mistake because you
 can't receive credit card payments.  Tell me what to do?  Do you upgrade
 your account or refuse my payment and I resend it from my bank account.
 I'm sorry.

Okay Merla, We'll get the hang of this yetG

I can't recieve credit card payments unless I upgrade to a business or 
premier account.

I can/will refuse your credit card payment and then I think you can send 
directly from your bank account or a Paypal account.

Hope you are feeling more positive about your road weed project.


Re: Chemtrails and shellfish poisoning

2002-04-04 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

New Zealand has shell fish to toxic to eat from time to time. The effect is
that the tounge and lips go tingly then numb if a little is eaten. If more
is eaten more of the ailimentary tract is affected. Can cause death if
enough is eaten. We generaly associate this with polution but I'm not sure
that precise causes are known yet.
- Original Message -
From: Anthony Nelson-Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 3:09 AM
Subject: Chemtrails and shellfish poisoning

 Thanks, Nancy and Michael.  Seems like we've not experienced them here
 then.  We do have our own local mystery, tho' - for the last couple of
 months, the cockle fishery in our estuary has been closed because of
 Diarrheic Shellfish Poisoning.  Poisoning of shellfish is usually due to a
 bloom of micro-algae, but only this estuary (the Burry Inlet/Loughor
 Estuary) seems to be affected.  Three other rivers enter Carmarthen Bay
 surely micro-algae would have gone up their estuaries, too: but cockles
 still collected at Ferryside on the Tywi.  There's talk of a mysterious
 toxin which no-one seems able (or willing ?) to identify - but then, it
 would have to be some outfall into the Loughor because, obviously,
 components of a chemtrail would fall over an even wider area.
 Tony N-S,

Re: Testing Preps

2002-04-04 Thread Allan Balliett

I can't recieve credit card payments unless I upgrade to a business 
or premier account.

I can/will refuse your credit card payment and then I think you can 
send directly from your bank account or a Paypal account.

Hope you are feeling more positive about your road weed project.

Anyone who needs to make a credit card payment can do it to my PayPal 
account at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In fact, anyone who has been holding off making a donation to BD Now! 
due to being overseas or need to use a credit card, etc is more than 
welcome to make a contribution via this PayPal account. (But let me 
know your intent.)

Thanks to the couple who recently made a contribution to support 
putting voice audio on line!
