Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-07-31 Thread Pam DeTray

Hi Peter, Glen, Hugh--How does one prepare 501 or any other prep for human intake? 
What is a dose? Have any of you any sort of chart on which prep affects what ailment? 
I have felt inclined to try using 501 on myself all year, but wasn't sure exactly what 
to do.

- Original Message -
From: "Peter Michael Bacchus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've had an interesting experience with 501 in relationship to an abscess in the 
>nerve canal of my lower jaw. The abscess was on the move towards the jaw hinge and it 
>was time to do something decisive. After a discussion with Glen I started taking some 
>501. After about four doses at two hourly intervals the abscess returned to the tooth 
>where it started, then climbed up past the tooth and sat just under the skin beside 
>the tooth.

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Re: Hugh Courtney on "Spirituality"

2002-07-31 Thread Christy Korrow

If we accept
> biodynamics, do we have to accept Steiner's religious outlook?
> I'd like some clarifying comment on this.

> cheers,
>  Matt

You don't need to follow anyone's religious outlook but your own. It is not
our experiences that we have problems with but rather the interpretations of
them. Personally, in my meditative mind, spiritual "beings" are a part of
God as are insects or a blade of grass and it is precisely in being aware of
all of Gods manifestations that eventually get us there (which is here and
everywhere).It is true that the pursuit of "visions of beings" can be a
distraction, but it need not be. I am aware of some meditative teachings
that say to not pay attention to "beings", but by no means all med
teachings. (one very definite teaching that comes to mind is Don Juan) If
you want some clarification on this, try and think of a different form for
these beings such as color, love,energy, light, health, just a sense or what
ever works for you. It's just easier to find our way when we try to find
what's behind the words rather than what the words mean.

In Love and Light,
Mr. Chris

Re: BD 501 (5x)

2002-07-31 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

Hi Allen, The potency was the seventh achieved by four triturations, that is
grinding in a mortar with a pistil for one hour for each stage. the
practioner was given instructions on how to complete the final three.
The Kolisko book 'AGRICULTURE OF TOMORROW' is frequently out of print so it
may be worth enquiring of other list members whether there are any spare
copies around. If there was sufficient demand a request could be made to the
publishers to print another run.
The second edition was printed in 1978 by The Acorn Press, Bournmouth,
England.  ISBN0 906492 OO 9
Thanks for posting the photos. Maybe Glen will beable to bring a few photos
of us when he comes over. You sure must be busy with 163 share C.S.A. and
then hosting this list as well. Do you ever get to sleep in the summer or
does someone else do that for you?
Warm regards to you and your team,

Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-07-31 Thread James Hedley

Dear Virginia,
We always use radionically potentised BD preps. by the way can anyone give
me more information on the 490 series of medical preps mentioned on the list

- Original Message -
From: "Virginia Salares" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:45 PM
Subject: Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

> Hugh,
> Rather than take a BD prep as a homeopathic remedy, can one radionically
> treat oneself with it, dowsing for which prep and for how long?
> Virginia
> - Original Message -
> From: "Hugh Lovel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 10:11 PM
> Subject: Re: BD Prep 503 for humans
> > Right, Allan,
> >
> > Silica remedies can often seem as radical in the human body as they do
> > the field. They can be moderated by treating in tandem with the lime
> > remedies, and then it doesn't seem so radical. In fact, using them along
> > with horn clay is probably the most advisable method. Watch out about
> using
> > silica remedies by themselves.
> >
> > Best,
> > Hugh
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >>I've been experimenting with treating myself with preps for some
> > >>time. I have a lot of questions so I won't run that by you yet, but
> > >>I've found the silica remedies such as horn quartz to be
> > >>astonishing. It's been like a roller coaster with all the thrills,
> > >>but with some obvious fruits too. I'm convinced Steiner's
> > >>agricultural remedies are amongst the best medical remedies
> > >>invented. Please experiment more, and let us know the results.
> > >
> > >Hugh -
> > >
> > >I don't know about 501, but I do know that Joe Lillard has warned
> > >that homeopathic silica is not for everyone and it can bring up a lot
> > >of things for the body that people (or their livers) may not be able
> > >to deal with. It can be currative, of course. Very curative.
> > >
> > >My advice for experimenters, though, would be to not do it unless you
> > >are able to take a lot of time off from work, should you need to.
> > >
> > >-allan
> >
> > Visit our website at:
> >
> >

Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers was Re: Sequential spraying for rain & equisetums role

2002-07-31 Thread Kent J Carson

hi all.. do you have an address to get the Birchier  sprayer that you prefer
SSorch? ):sharon
- Origina:l Message -
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:56 PM
Subject: Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers was Re: Sequential spraying for rain
& equisetums role

> I would suggest a commercial landscape type sprayer that would come
> with a tank, hose-reel and a gasoline powered diaphram pump.  The hose
> come with standard tips and you would have to adjust.  This can best be
> obtained from Northern Tool & Equipment.  For bc and 500 and 508 I like a
> spray nozzle that I make from a brass pipe cap with a 1/8" or smaller hole
> drilled in it.  For silica a "cone jet" from tee - jet spray systems would
> suffice for 501.  Hope that helps some.
> As far as backpack sprayers go I still love the Birchmier, a Swiss model
> probably originating out of the biodynamic impulse...SStorch

Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers was Re: Sequential spraying for rain & equisetums role

2002-07-31 Thread SBruno75

I would suggest a commercial landscape type sprayer that would come complete 
with a tank, hose-reel and a gasoline powered diaphram pump.  The hose would 
come with standard tips and you would have to adjust.  This can best be 
obtained from Northern Tool & Equipment.  For bc and 500 and 508 I like a 
spray nozzle that I make from a brass pipe cap with a 1/8" or smaller hole 
drilled in it.  For silica a "cone jet" from tee - jet spray systems would 
suffice for 501.  Hope that helps some.  
As far as backpack sprayers go I still love the Birchmier, a Swiss model 
probably originating out of the biodynamic impulse...SStorch

Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers

2002-07-31 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -

From: Allan Balliett
> I don't know about the rest of you, but I could sure use mentoring in
> picking a sprayer and in picking sprayer tips. I have to admit, I was
> pretty dumbed up as I looked at the wall of sprayer tips etc at
> TRACTOR SUPPLY the other day.
> I think I've outgrown my SOLO. I want something that will let me put
> more spray out faster. My solo has to be cleaned about every 5
> minutes. A reflection of a larger problem, Im sure, but just the
> same, it gets very grating

Hi Allan and frustrated sprayers
   Dont know if this will help but here goes
During the eighties and early nineties we did a lot of field spraying,
including quite a few thousand acres of contracting, by ground rig boom
spray at very low application rates, super fine nozzles = 25 litres/ha
(about 2.5 gallon/acre). The system needs to be pretty good to operate at
this level but results were fantastic and productivity (work rate per hour
   There is a basic rule for the trouble free operation of any
spraying gear that says " never put anything in the tank that wont go easily
through the nozzle" this manifests much more so with fine jets and low rates
however it seems that the manufacturers of spraying equipment can't be
bothered with this because they continue to put a coarse strainer several
times larger than jet size on the tank inlet then put fine strainers on the
jets. This almost guarantees blockages with any of the things that readers
on this list will be using. (teas, molasses, fish, kelp, BDpreps) all have
fibrous stuff that will block small diameter jet strainers real quick
 Reverse the order of filtration - put a fine mesh filter, smaller
than your jet size on the tank inlet - this is the largest capacity and
easiest to clean one in the system - put a medium filter in the line after
the pump - then put the coarsest screen, almost the same size as the jets,
on the nozzle - in many cases, if the other two are in place and working
properly, and your application rate is over 100 l/ha you can run succesfully
with no nozzle filter at all - life will go much easier with ANY spraying
gear if you stick to this basic trick - its just common sense really but in
most cases you are going to need to home make a better tank inlet filter
than the manufacturer supplies - a piece of fine woven cloth will often do
just nice - this will work with any sprayer from your 2 gallon pump unit on
Hope this helps some as sprayer blockages are just about the ultimate
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

Re: Hugh Courtney on "Spirituality"

2002-07-31 Thread Matthew Cawood

Wednesday, July 31, 2002, 12:36:42 PM, you wrote:

b> HUGH COURTNEY: We talk about non-physical forces that eminate from 
b> the cosmos and from other beings here on Earth. Steiner talks about a 
b> whole hierarchy of spiritual beings that we are no longer aware of in 
b> our present age, but humanity did have this awaremenss for eons.

Interesting that all the great meditation traditions warn against paying
attention to the "beings" that often appear to long-time meditators,
saying that they are merely phantoms that should be shaken off
en-route to the big prize, complete Oneness with God/the
void/everything - enlightenment. Despite Steiner's insistence that anyone could follow
in his footsteps, I've never heard of anyone describing their own
personal experience of Steiner's
spirit-world in exactly Steiner's Euro-centric terms. When this
is referred to, it seems to me to be usually in reference to what
Steiner has said, not what the speaker has personally experienced.

Enlightenment is described in common terms across all religious
traditions. So are the "demons" wrestled with by the enlightened on
their way to enlightenment, although the demons are described in terms
of the meditator's religious background. But Steiner's experience
seems to belong to Steiner alone. He demanded that people test his
teachings, and they have tested and found his thoughts on biodynamics, and
schooling and human development sound. But cosmic beings? Did Steiner pay
too much heed to the shadows of his own mind? If we accept
biodynamics, do we have to accept Steiner's religious outlook?

I'd like some clarifying comment on this.


Salt & asparagus

2002-07-31 Thread Nancy Geffken

This is an old method, I guess - have it described in two books, one 1917 (Garden 
Steps) and 1893 (Gardening for Profit). From the latter:
"The application of salt to Asparagus as a top-dressing is claimed to be of benefit in 
inland districts out of the range of a saline atmosphere, but is of little or no 
benefit in the vicinity of salt water. When used it should be applied in spring only, 
at the rate of half a pound per square yard, strewed on the surface; the rains will 
dissolve it and wash it down to the roots. Besides its beneficial effects upon the 
plant, it is to some extent destructive to the wire worm and other insects that are 
often troublesome to the Asparagus."

I'm about 1/4 mile from the ocean and pile on eelgrass, after the asparagus harvest is 
finished - it goes straight from the shore (where it washes up) to the beds as a mulch 
for moisture and weed control - no rinsing to get rid of salt. The plants are  healthy 
& trouble free - whether due to the salty eelgrass or maybe they just like it here, I 
don't know. Garlic & potatoes are also heavily mulched with eelgrass - it's free. (For 
now - I read last week that it's dying off along the coast here - like a lot of other 

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Fall Gardening Classes

2002-07-31 Thread Christy Korrow

Join us at Dogwood Spring Farm in Burkesville, KY for one of two Fall Gardening Classes!
Sunday afternoon August 25
or Sunday afternoon September 1
10am -3 pm
Grow the healthiest food with out toxic chemicals. Fall is a great time to 
grow delicious foods in your garden or backyard. 

  the best sources for seed, 
  what varieties grow well in this area, 
  problem solve your pest and fertility issues, 
  understand the insects of the garden, 
  build a more intuitive relationship with your garden, 
  find out more about unique health giving biodynamic preparations and 
Cost is $35- includes organic vegetarian lunch and some seeds, soil 
amendments and biodynamic preparations to take home.
Wear sunscreen, or bring a sun hat, some of the class is held in the 
Tell your friends and help us spread the word about these classes.
We are promoting the classes almost exclusively by email now, it saves 
a lot of time, money and paper waste.
Contact Christy Korrow to register by August 20th at 270-864-4167 or [EMAIL PROTECTED], classes 
are kept small, so register soon.
Visit our web site
Sponsored by Rural Center for Responsible 
made possible in part by a grant from the Rudolf Steiner 
Foundation's Fund for New Initiatives
Help us keep our mailing list up to date- are you 
receiving doubles? Do you want to be removed from this list? Let us 

BD Conference in TN

2002-07-31 Thread Christy Korrow

Southeatern BD Conference
Sept. 20-22
Held at beautiful Long hungry Creek Farm/ Red Boiling Springs, TN
Hugh Courtney
Harvey Lisle
Hugh Lovel
Steven Johnson, DO
and many more speakers and other workshops on grapes, flowers, pasture 
rotation, chickens, hand tools and more.
For more info
Cost $125 at the door
$100 pre register
Delicious meals, and free camping

Re: Seawater ?

2002-07-31 Thread Barry Carter

Dear Ed,

At 08:31 AM 7/31/2002, you wrote:
>It has been recommended by a local permaculture authority that I can remin
>my poor depleted Florida sands (soil) by using a 20:1 dilution of seawater.
>Supposedly the broad spectrum of elements in solution would be a temporary,
>but available source of minerals. Care must be taken to use it on
>established growing plants (not seedlings). I have read about Dr Murray's
>experiments with sea solids, and I know there is work being done using
>seawater to grow hydroponically, but I can't find any other references to
>this being practiced. Has anybody heard of this before? Comments on this
>would be appreciated ... seawater (although an hour drive away) is a lot
>easier to get here in Florida than any kind of igneous rock!

Sea water contains great amounts of the ORMUS elements. These are the same 
elements which are in paramagnetic rock dust. You can separate the ORMUS 
minerals from the salt in sea water by precipitating them out using lye 
(sodium hydroxide). Slowly add a lye/water solution (made using eighteen 
ounces of dry lye to a gallon of distilled water) to about 50 gallons of 
ocean water. You want to take the ocean water up to pH 10.78 and no higher. 
Let this set overnight. You will get about ten gallons of white precipitate 
from 50 gallons of ocean water.

Once you have gotten the ocean water up to 10.78 pH you pour off the top 
water leaving the precipitate. This can be done on a boat or at the shore. 
The white precipitate will need to be washed three or four times with fresh 
water to wash out the salt and lye residues.

The clean precipitate can be added to compost and BD preparations or 
applied directly to plants. You can read a short story about the first 
example of this (and see pictures of the giant walnuts produced) at:

The precipitate was applied to the tree in the picture once at the rate of 
about two cups of precipitate in five gallons of water soon after the tree 
was planted (from a seedling) about four years ago. Additionally there has 
been some of the top water from the third wash of precipitate added a few 
times each year.

Tomatoes grown on the same site using the same mix of precipitate in five 
gallons of water applied to a flat of tomato plants have shown increased 
yield and less acidic flavor from control plants on the same site.

The method is described in greater detail at:

Additional ocean water handling suggestions can be found at:

I have been ingesting this white precipitate for about five years now with 
great benefit and no ill effects.


With kindest regards,

Barry Carter
2319 Balm
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Phone: 541-523-3357
Web Pages:
Forest -

"The heart always brings new life to any situation and opens up 
possibilities that would have been impossible without it. Sometimes a 1 
percent change is enough to make all the difference, because that's all it 
takes to reposition a situation which seems to be absolute and to 
demonstrate that it actually is a relativity. Only God is absolute. All 
else is relative. That's why a man who judges becomes imprisoned within the 
deadlocks of his mind."
--From "Love Without End - Jesus Speaks" by Glenda Green

Spray Nozzles and Sprayers was Re: Sequential spraying for rain &equisetums role

2002-07-31 Thread Allan Balliett

I don't know about the rest of you, but I could sure use mentoring in 
picking a sprayer and in picking sprayer tips. I have to admit, I was 
pretty dumbed up as I looked at the wall of sprayer tips etc at 
TRACTOR SUPPLY the other day.

I think I've outgrown my SOLO. I want something that will let me put 
more spray out faster. My solo has to be cleaned about every 5 
minutes. A reflection of a larger problem, Im sure, but just the 
same, it gets very grating

I'm thinking of getting an electric spot sprayer for my pickup and 
getting the longest hose possible for it. I'm expecting to be working 
in a non-tractor garden next season, or I'd be looking for a 
mechanical sprayer.

Also, anyone on the list using that new line of Japanese backpack 
sprayers? The accessories advertised for them look superb (double 
nozzles, etc)

I'd sure like some tips in picking tips and using in-line screens and 
filters. Oh, and a pointer to a good mail order catalog of sprayers 
and supplies would be nice.

thanks -Allan

>Just checked with Hugh at JPI and if you are doing a sequential spray for
>moisture, it is in a leaf period.  If you do it in a fire/fruit or air
>/flower time you will dry things up.  You need to pay attention to these
>times more so if you are spraying for specific reasons.  Equisetum is the
>"trigger" for rain or drying things up.  I use an intermediate spray nozzle
>in between a course air mist and a course soil spray.

Salt and Asparagus

2002-07-31 Thread Allan Balliett

A neighbor was bemoaning the slow down of his 12-year old asparagus 
patch and the perennial weeds that are starting to take it over.

I remember hearing about a way to rejuvenate old asparagus by salting 
the beds. The salting also 'kills' the weeds.

can anyone give me details on this technique?



Sequential spraying for rain & equisetums role

2002-07-31 Thread SBruno75

Just checked with Hugh at JPI and if you are doing a sequential spray for 
moisture, it is in a leaf period.  If you do it in a fire/fruit or air 
/flower time you will dry things up.  You need to pay attention to these 
times more so if you are spraying for specific reasons.  Equisetum is the 
"trigger" for rain or drying things up.  I use an intermediate spray nozzle 
in between a course air mist and a course soil spray.

Re: Seawater ?

2002-07-31 Thread SBruno75

Hey Ed, take several flats and start some wheatgrass and try various 
concentrations, observe results and see what your soils will 

Seawater ?

2002-07-31 Thread sherwood


It has been recommended by a local permaculture authority that I can remin
my poor depleted Florida sands (soil) by using a 20:1 dilution of seawater.
Supposedly the broad spectrum of elements in solution would be a temporary,
but available source of minerals. Care must be taken to use it on
established growing plants (not seedlings). I have read about Dr Murray’s
experiments with sea solids, and I know there is work being done using
seawater to grow hydroponically, but I can’t find any other references to
this being practiced. Has anybody heard of this before? Comments on this
would be appreciated ... seawater (although an hour drive away) is a lot
easier to get here in Florida than any kind of igneous rock!


Re: Nettle water: its proper use & length of fermentation

2002-07-31 Thread Allan Balliett

Chris, et al -

Is the nettle water a real foliar and as such should be sprayed 
around 7 am and before the air temp is above 70degrees and only after 
playing THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA for at least one half hour (at high 
vol) Or is it more of an energetic spray or innoculant that can be 
applied before high sun, but regardless of the air temp?



Off list, was Nettle water: its proper use & length of fermentation

2002-07-31 Thread Gil Robertson

Chris Shade wrote:

> Nettlesome folks,
> Snip  Like in wine making, the skins
> have to be removed at a certin point and the bottles
> occasionally decanted to remove the dead yeast cells
> (same true of beer)..Snip

I see that you do not drink Cooper's Red Label Real Ale. (A meal in
every glass) (The Oz beer drinkers will understand.)

Gil (with a glass in hand).

Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-07-31 Thread Virginia Salares


Rather than take a BD prep as a homeopathic remedy, can one radionically
treat oneself with it, dowsing for which prep and for how long?

- Original Message -
From: "Hugh Lovel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

> Right, Allan,
> Silica remedies can often seem as radical in the human body as they do in
> the field. They can be moderated by treating in tandem with the lime
> remedies, and then it doesn't seem so radical. In fact, using them along
> with horn clay is probably the most advisable method. Watch out about
> silica remedies by themselves.
> Best,
> Hugh
> >>I've been experimenting with treating myself with preps for some
> >>time. I have a lot of questions so I won't run that by you yet, but
> >>I've found the silica remedies such as horn quartz to be
> >>astonishing. It's been like a roller coaster with all the thrills,
> >>but with some obvious fruits too. I'm convinced Steiner's
> >>agricultural remedies are amongst the best medical remedies
> >>invented. Please experiment more, and let us know the results.
> >
> >Hugh -
> >
> >I don't know about 501, but I do know that Joe Lillard has warned
> >that homeopathic silica is not for everyone and it can bring up a lot
> >of things for the body that people (or their livers) may not be able
> >to deal with. It can be currative, of course. Very curative.
> >
> >My advice for experimenters, though, would be to not do it unless you
> >are able to take a lot of time off from work, should you need to.
> >
> >-allan
> Visit our website at:

Re: BD Prep Remedies for Humans

2002-07-31 Thread Allan Balliett

Thanks, Hugh. It seems like a good way to create an appropriate test mass.


>  >Is there anyone using the Rae cards or other technique who would be
>>willing to make up a set of preps for me to work with?
>>-Allan Balliett
>Dear Allan,
>I'll print this out to see if Lorraine is interested.
>Visit our website at: