Re: Hugh Courtney on Spirituality

2002-08-01 Thread Christy Korrow

If we accept
 biodynamics, do we have to accept Steiner's religious outlook?

 I'd like some clarifying comment on this.


You don't need to follow anyone's religious outlook but your own. It is not
our experiences that we have problems with but rather the interpretations of
them. Personally, in my meditative mind, spiritual beings are a part of
God as are insects or a blade of grass and it is precisely in being aware of
all of Gods manifestations that eventually get us there (which is here and
everywhere).It is true that the pursuit of visions of beings can be a
distraction, but it need not be. I am aware of some meditative teachings
that say to not pay attention to beings, but by no means all med
teachings. (one very definite teaching that comes to mind is Don Juan) If
you want some clarification on this, try and think of a different form for
these beings such as color, love,energy, light, health, just a sense or what
ever works for you. It's just easier to find our way when we try to find
what's behind the words rather than what the words mean.

In Love and Light,
Mr. Chris

Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-08-01 Thread Pam DeTray

Hi Peter, Glen, Hugh--How does one prepare 501 or any other prep for human intake? 
What is a dose? Have any of you any sort of chart on which prep affects what ailment? 
I have felt inclined to try using 501 on myself all year, but wasn't sure exactly what 
to do.

- Original Message -
From: Peter Michael Bacchus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I've had an interesting experience with 501 in relationship to an abscess in the 
nerve canal of my lower jaw. The abscess was on the move towards the jaw hinge and it 
was time to do something decisive. After a discussion with Glen I started taking some 
501. After about four doses at two hourly intervals the abscess returned to the tooth 
where it started, then climbed up past the tooth and sat just under the skin beside 
the tooth.

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RE: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers was Re: Sequential spraying for rain equisetums role

2002-08-01 Thread Ed Karen Sherwood

Steve and,

Thanks to your recommendation some time back on the list, I got my new
Birchmeier senior last week. A fine piece of more struggling
with my old solo diaphragm...runs like a watch and is a smooth as
chocolate...Highly recommended (if you have the funds).

Sharon, I just ran a google search with birchmeier and a large city close
to me and found a distributor there...


As far as backpack sprayers go I still love the Birchmier, a Swiss model
probably originating out of the biodynamic impulse...SStorch

Re: BD 501 (5x)

2002-08-01 Thread Allan Balliett

Do you ever get to sleep in the summer or does someone else do that for you?

Thanks for the ever rare expression of empathy, Peter.

Hosting the list, hosting Joel Salatin on Sept 4, hosting the BD 
Conference on October 4-6. Yes, it is all consuming. (I'm sure it 
shows up in my spelling.)

Proxy sleeper? Yes, I could use one.

Thanks for the consideration and the very optimistic outlook on the 
Kolisko book! ;-)


RE: Seawater ?

2002-08-01 Thread Ed Karen Sherwood


Plan on testing it on a small plot in my pasture...I guess if the grass
doesn't turn brown it works...


Thanks for the links..some good info there...we'll try some things as soon
as we get to the coast for water.

Regarding paramagnetic rock dust...where does one find it in the U.S. I
looked into Azomite, but Utah is a long way from Florida. Full semi loads
were not unreasonably priced per ton, but 24 tons would still be a large
investment. (anybody near Florida want to split a load??) Looked in to a
more local source of granite sand from close by in Georgia, but I wonder
now, is any granite dust better than no granite dust. If I did get a
sample from my local source how could I tell or test for quality. I
understand that off-farm inputs must be scrutinized properly, but I've read
some Albrecht and have a clearer understanding of how much help my washed
out subtropical sands needI've got the resources now to do
something...just need to figure out what! (yes I know, been putting the new
25 gal crock to good use, the cows are making contributions daily, and the
summer legume cover is doing well)


Re: Seawater ?

2002-08-01 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

Hi Barry and Nancy, I live close to the ocean near Tauranga in the North
Island of New Zealand. Much of the land around us is grazed by dairy cows.
We have an African grass invaiding called Kykuyu. The frosts used to keep it
in check but our winters are getting warmer. I went down to the sea side
with two twenty litre containers, filled them with seawater and sprayed neat
onto the grass to drip off. That is good and heavy, I expected to see some
burn off, but no, in one place it almost trebled growth and elsewhere only
doubled it. It is interesting to hear others experiences. I wouldn't imagine
this would be good practice in Australia.
- Original Message -
From: Barry Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-08-01 Thread Roger Pye

Barbara Hedley signs herself 'Bioethical Agriculture Consultant' - I 
like that, is it what I do, I wonder? No, I am a bridge-building worker 
bee - bridging the chasm between the information 'haves' and 'have nots'.

Forgive me, I should have introduced myself. I joined this list today 
and in my next message I shall do an intro. For now, let it be known 
that I am a colleague (and friend) of Barbara Hedley and Hamish Mackay, 
a member of the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association in 
Australia, I know a very little about biodynamics and I have a few 
bright ideas.

To get to the point - chamomile. Five years ago I suddenly began to be 
assailed by violent debilitating headaches which put me in bed, totally 
energyless, for three days. Nothing chemical would shift them, I had to 
wait until they passed off naturally. I have suffered from headaches 
 for most of my life but nothing like these. They all began on the left 
side of the head, moving subsequently to cover both temples, then down 
the right side before finally disappearing.

The headaches I was used to were almost without exception confined to 
one side or the other. Those on the left side were stomach-related and I 
could cure them with paracetamol. Those on the right were caused by 
tension or stiff neck - a soluble codeine/aspirin mix such as Solcode 
(now extinct) or Aspalgin did the job there. Sometimes I used both in 

The naturopath I visited (and her successor when she moved away) uses a 
diagnostic and treatment system called Vegatesting. My interpretation of 
how it works and what it does is that it is a form of radionics. At 
first I thought it was mumbo jumbo - sitting for an hour and a half in a 
circuit with a human who asked questions of the cosmos (apparently) and 
two machines, one of which held vials of fluid and the other beeped, 
whirred or burped according to whatever. After an hour I was told I had 
a list of ailments including heavy metal toxicity, depressed immune 
system, the non-HIV form of hepatitis - and Ross River Virus. That's the 
cause of the headaches, I was advised, would I like to know how long it 
had been in my system? Yes, I would. What followed was illuminating.

The naturopath touched my left thumb with her stylus (in my right hand I 
held a cylindrical contact) and asked 'How long has this person had this 
disease - one year?  Five years? More than five years?' Each time the 
noise machine whistled, indicating a 'Yes' answer. She worked her way up 
to 15-20 years before it became uncertain, dropping down the scale. I 
cannot get it closer than that, she said apologetically.

I stared at her, thinking. It was late February 1997 and my headaches 
had begun five weeks before. (You should note that I knew nothing of BD 
or radionics then; did not even come across the terminology until early 
2001.) I counted back 20 years - 1977 - went forward five, one by one. 
What carries Ross River Virus? I asked.

A certain sort of mosquito found in sub-tropical conditions.

I nodded. In the midsummer of 1979 I was living in Canberra with my 
first wife, I said. I went on a driving holiday around part of NSW on 
my own, staying at caravan parks. At least that was my intention. The 
first night I stayed at Wellington, a small town not far to the north of 
the national capital by Australian standards. The second I reached 
Parkes, not much further north because I had dawdled on the way. It was 
incredibly hot and dry and the whole region was suffering from drought, 
very little water in reservoirs, dead sheep and cattle about, awful. I 
woke up on the third morning with a dreadful headache like I had never 
had before.

I paused, remembering.  How strange it was. One of these headaches, I 
continued slowly. The first. Good heavens, I'd forgotten all about it.

The lady smiled at my confusion, asked me whether I had been in similar 
conditions recently. Yes, I had; Robin (my wife) and I had returned five 
weeks before from two weeks in Brisbane in sub-tropical Queensland. She 
nodded. You were bitten again, quite likely. That would do it.  RRVcan 
lie dormant for years and be re-triggered by another attack. Now I'll 
work out the remedy.

Which she did. It contained chamomile. As the weeks and months passed, 
the headaches diminished. I found that chamomile as a tea was as 
effective (if not moreso) than paracetamol in getting rid of the 
'ordinary' left side of the head aches. I also learned my lesson as far 
as radionics is concerned. Came the day I decided it was all hoo-ha and 
gobbledy-gook and went off the herbs and homeopathic solutions. At that 
time I hadn't had a 'bad' headache for over two months; three days later 
I was in bed in agony!

Over four years they got my headaches down to two hours every few 
months. That is where we are at today. I've learned a lot. I know when 
I'm beginning one and what to do to combat it. I don't lose my energy 
any more.

Two days ago I went to see Lisa (the 


2002-08-01 Thread Patti Berg

From the 2002 Southern edition of the Old Farmers' Almanac:


After years of trying to get rid of those nasty, sometimes-fatal fire
ants, scientists think they have a solution imported from Argentina.
The pinhead-size phorid fly, also known as the decapitating fly, injects
an egg into the ant and takes off.  The egg hatches into a maggot, which
slithers into the ant's head and feeds on juices there.  The rest--well,
you can imagine.  These flies are slowly infiltrating fire-ant
strongolds in seven southern states without any apparent danger to the
rest of the ecosystem.

Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-08-01 Thread Hugh Lovel


That's the way I do it. I treat with the potency simulator radionically.
Sometimes, if it is more convenient, I'll make up a potency and take it.



Rather than take a BD prep as a homeopathic remedy, can one radionically
treat oneself with it, dowsing for which prep and for how long?

- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

 Right, Allan,

 Silica remedies can often seem as radical in the human body as they do in
 the field. They can be moderated by treating in tandem with the lime
 remedies, and then it doesn't seem so radical. In fact, using them along
 with horn clay is probably the most advisable method. Watch out about
 silica remedies by themselves.


 I've been experimenting with treating myself with preps for some
 time. I have a lot of questions so I won't run that by you yet, but
 I've found the silica remedies such as horn quartz to be
 astonishing. It's been like a roller coaster with all the thrills,
 but with some obvious fruits too. I'm convinced Steiner's
 agricultural remedies are amongst the best medical remedies
 invented. Please experiment more, and let us know the results.
 Hugh -
 I don't know about 501, but I do know that Joe Lillard has warned
 that homeopathic silica is not for everyone and it can bring up a lot
 of things for the body that people (or their livers) may not be able
 to deal with. It can be currative, of course. Very curative.
 My advice for experimenters, though, would be to not do it unless you
 are able to take a lot of time off from work, should you need to.

 Visit our website at:

Visit our website at:

Re: Hugh Courtney on Spirituality

2002-08-01 Thread Eve Cruse

 If we accept biodynamics, do we have to accept Steiner's religious outlook?

Today almost all 'religious' thought is presented in the context of the
Cartesian split, i.e. those who hold religious beliefs do so while at the
same time accepting, or not critically questioning, science's claim that
'all causes in nature are physical causes'. People who uncritically accept
sciences causal premise, and try to simply 'add on' a religious belief
system of any kind, are by definition 'dualists' in the Cartesian sense.

 I've never heard of anyone describing their own
 personal experience of Steiner's
 spirit-world in exactly Steiner's Euro-centric terms

Steiner was an anti-dualist in the strongest possible sense, so it is very
misleading to think of his anthroposophy as a religion. He often deals
with religious subject matter, but not in a 'religious' manner. He does not
ask for or expect 'belief' in what he says, or claim to be in any sense
infallible. He simply presents the things that he had experienced as a
challenge to our understanding, to accept or reject as we see fit. The
British philologist Owen Barfield, when asked why he placed so much emphasis
on Steiner's work, once stated succinctly If one wanders in a barren desert
does one complain that water only comes from one spring. The desert that he
refers to, is that created over the past several centuries by the Cartesian

Steiner is unique in modern thought in that he is the only genuine
non-dualist (monist) thinker in modern times, and this includes most
proponents of a purely scientific (non-religious) outlook. If anyone wishes
to explore this dimension of Steiner's uniqueness, may I suggest my own
recently published work on the subject, 'Evolution and the New Gnosis'
(ISBN: 0-595-22445-8). This work does not touch on biodynamics per se, but
the subject matter that it does explore is, I suspect, vital to a true
understanding of the future role of biodynamics.

That biodynamics, Waldorf education and the very many other practical
aspects of Steiner's thought (including the Inversion mixer, System Schatz)
work so well, is not an accident. It is because Steiner was able to
consciously draw on the Cosmic wisdom in a way hitherto not possible. He was
a trailblazer on what for mankind as a whole may prove in time to be the
most important trail of all.

My wife Eve, who is a member of this list, has brought this question to my
attention, so I send this posting it in her name.

Don Cruse 

Re: Hugh Courtney on Spirituality

2002-08-01 Thread SRC

Dear Matthew:

I like Don's reply, but wish to cArify something he didn't address.

--- Matthew Cawood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 When this spirit-world
 is referred to, it seems to me to be usually in reference to what
 Steiner has said, not what the speaker has personally experienced.

Steiner's erudition and exprience is so vast, it is frequently an
intimidating influence, rather than a liberating one - esp. as it comes
across in print.  If one works against this it is a great fulcrum for
appreciating his influence - which demands participation in the process.
 Enlightenment is described in common terms across all religious
 traditions. So are the demons wrestled with by the enlightened on
 their way to enlightenment, although the demons are described in terms
 of the meditator's religious background.  But cosmic beings? Did Steiner
 pay too much heed to the shadows of his own mind? If we accept
 biodynamics, do we have to accept Steiner's religious outlook?

As Don said, accepting the datum of one's experience does not have to be a
religious trip, even if those percepts are non-physical, or are the same
beings also described by religion tradition.
Steiner differs from the general Eastern attitude, which is, in broad
terms,  to refuse the reality of phenomena and goe straight for the All.
 Steiner fully accepts the evidence of the senses, but requires training
of the senses and discipline in discrimination and judgement, and
cultivation of moral sensibility.  Under such scrutiny, some beings turn
out to be personal fantasy or hallucinations of the bodily organs.  Some
remain as allies, some as testers, some merely other.  It's a abig world,
and just as in daily life, one needs to be able to separate out the
helpful from the distracting influences.

And you said:

Enlightenment is described in common terms across all religious

I don't know about that  From what I've read and studied, there seems
to be absolutely no agreement whatsoever about the meaning of the word,
not to mention whatever it is that it refers to.  Unless it is used with
such unspecific and vague suggestivity as to be semantically useless:
Stop the mind and you will become enlightened: that's crap.  Spiritual
growth in the West is allied with the cultivation of individuality and
creativity, not the extinguishing of a sense of Self.  According to this
format, if the Self becomes freer from false associations and
identifications, it is then more able to relate in a more free and
unconditioned and appropriate manner to its relations in the world as in
comes in touch with its total uniqueness. These relations include a myriad
of other beings.

Just some ideas...


Just cooperate and everything will be OK: The Authorities 

Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big
ones are kept secret by public incredulity.Marshall McLuhan

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice, there 

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Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Re: Hugh Courtney on Spirituality

2002-08-01 Thread Allan Balliett

Stephen -

write more often and send more post-scripts like these!!

Love that theory and practice one, I have to admit.

Love that 'small secret' one, too. That and the 'big lie.'

Take Care, friend,


Just cooperate and everything will be OK: The Authorities

Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big
ones are kept secret by public incredulity.Marshall McLuhan

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, but 
in practice, there is.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers / Birchmeier

2002-08-01 Thread SHERWOOD


If you are in the East (U.S. that is) check these guys out (it's where I
got mine)

or plug in BIRCHMEIER SPRAYER into google and wade through all the pest
control companies that sell 'em.


 i tried the google search for the birchmeirer sprayer , but all i found
 was a company in france selling livestock drugs . does anyone have a
 U.S. site? :)sharon
 - Original Message -
 From: Merla Barberie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 10:19 AM
 Subject: Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers

 Hi Lloyd,

 Our experiences with the solo system and others of its ilk have been
 they same.  They won't handle BD preps without jamming up and scoring
 pump barrels.

 What we're gone to is a home-built system with  flo jet pump and one
 liter pressure tank to smooth the flow with a fine screen flo jet
 filter on the intake and a commercial hand nozzle, trigger type with
 large diameter tips of much larger size than the intake size screen.
 up to use open barrels of BD preps.  It does fine.  Gives us about a
 ft. jet
 spray reach on the roadside and will reach anywhere in the orchard
 that we
 to because it can be extended with a garden hose.  Since it's a
 it's not subject to the scoring that the piston pumps are and it runs
 a 12
 volt electrical system, though I found that it takes a high amperage
 (trolling motor).  We've destroyed quite a few backpack pumps with BD

 What you said is right on.

 Herb (of HerbnMerla)

 Lloyd Charles wrote:

  - Original Message -
  From: Allan Balliett
   I don't know about the rest of you, but I could sure use mentoring
   in picking a sprayer and in picking sprayer tips. I have to admit,
   I was pretty dumbed up as I looked at the wall of sprayer tips etc
   at TRACTOR SUPPLY the other day.
   I think I've outgrown my SOLO. I want something that will let me
   put more spray out faster. My solo has to be cleaned about every 5
   minutes. A reflection of a larger problem, Im sure, but just the
   same, it gets very grating
  Hi Allan and frustrated sprayers
 Dont know if this will help but here goes
  During the eighties and early nineties we did a lot of field
  spraying, including quite a few thousand acres of contracting, by
  ground rig boom spray at very low application rates, super fine
  nozzles = 25 litres/ha (about 2.5 gallon/acre). The system needs to
  be pretty good to operate
  this level but results were fantastic and productivity (work rate
 There is a basic rule for the trouble free operation of
  spraying gear that says  never put anything in the tank that wont
  through the nozzle this manifests much more so with fine jets and
  however it seems that the manufacturers of spraying equipment can't
  be bothered with this because they continue to put a coarse strainer
  times larger than jet size on the tank inlet then put fine strainers
  jets. This almost guarantees blockages with any of the things that
  on this list will be using. (teas, molasses, fish, kelp, BDpreps)
  fibrous stuff that will block small diameter jet strainers real
   Reverse the order of filtration - put a fine mesh filter,
  than your jet size on the tank inlet - this is the largest capacity
  and easiest to clean one in the system - put a medium filter in the
  the pump - then put the coarsest screen, almost the same size as the
  on the nozzle - in many cases, if the other two are in place and
  working properly, and your application rate is over 100 l/ha you can
  with no nozzle filter at all - life will go much easier with ANY
  gear if you stick to this basic trick - its just common sense really
  most cases you are going to need to home make a better tank inlet
  filter than the manufacturer supplies - a piece of fine woven cloth
  will often
  just nice - this will work with any sprayer from your 2 gallon pump
  Hope this helps some as sprayer blockages are just about the
  ultimate frustration!
  Cheers all
  Lloyd Charles

Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers help

2002-08-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 8/1/02 4:09:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 birchmeirer sprayer  

it's Birchmier

Re: Hugh Courtney on Spirituality

2002-08-01 Thread mroboz

Dear Allan, Steph, etc.,

  Eve Cruse's husband makes Inversion Machines for many purposes.  And in
Canada also! Michael\

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Hugh Courtney on Spirituality

 In a message dated 8/1/02 12:57:57 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  That biodynamics, Waldorf education and the very many other practical
 aspects of Steiner's thought (including the Inversion mixer, System
 work so well, is not an accident.  

 Have been intrested in these inversion mixers for some time.  Do they work
 for biodynamics?  In what way?  I build hydraulic biodynamic stirring
 machines; on the seventh prototype, I believe I hit the winning design.
 anyone doing bd purchased this device?  SStorch

Re: Hugh Courtney on Spirituality

2002-08-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 8/1/02 8:05:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Eve Cruse's husband makes Inversion Machines for many purposes.  And in

Canada also! Michael\

well what do they do with them, mix paint???SStorch

Re: Spray Nozzles and Sprayers help

2002-08-01 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 8/1/02 8:00:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 it's Birchmier 

I mean 

Re: struggling with my old solo diaphragm

2002-08-01 Thread Christiane . Jaeger

perhaps the diaphragm has a crack in it?  needs only to be tiny and the air will
leak out and the pump not work.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/08/2002 19:41:41

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Christiane Jaeger/NRE)

Subject:  struggling with my old solo diaphragm

I recently purchased a new 4-gal SOLO diaphragm sprayer. It worked
great for the first hour or so and I was very glad that I purchased

Now it's got this weird thing going on. You pump it a few times and
it feels 'pumped' but will not spray. I guess this means that the
outlet is clogged.

It's a nice, clean, pump that's had nothing that wouldn't pass
through panty hose mesh poured into it. What a hassle to think of
completely disassembling it to find that blockage.

Or is it not a blockage and just a quirk?

Yesterday I picked up a new 3-gal Shindaiwa backpack sprayer. What a
dream it appears to be!!


inversion machines

2002-08-01 Thread mroboz

Dear Steph,

  We had a couple here when somebody was trying to make Weleda products.
Mixing the ingredients to make medicines.  Ask Weleda in the US, they can
tell you much more. Also, Eve's husband, Don, if he is still doing this
work.  Def. distributes, if not making them from scratch sometimes for
specific clients.  Certainly mixing paints could be one use.  Michael
- Original Message -Eve Cruse's husband makes Inversion
Machines for many purposes.  And in

 Canada also! Michael\


2002-08-01 Thread Patti Berg

What does teres the rub mean?



 In a message dated 8/1/02 11:54:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  without any apparent danger to the
 rest of the ecosystem. 

 teres the rub...SStorch