Re: Koliskos: The Calcium Process in Nature

2002-08-21 Thread Gil Robertson

Here is yet another


Robin Duchesneau wrote:


RESEND: Koliskos: The Calcium Process in Nature

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett


  In reply to L. Charles's past message about Chapter X. 

I'm re-sending this post because it is possible that the last time it 
got cut from the thread.  This time I'm sending the 'smallest 
entity' format.


I  like the concept of going back in earth's geohistories for gaining 
a deeper understanding of minerals and how they interact with life 

Kolisko plunges all the way back to the archaic ; a geological term 
where old layers are void of any fossils.  His statement that the 
whole of earthly matter was living substance, reminds me of the Gaia 
hypothesis; that earth is a living organism.  The slight difference 
being that back then it was in a liquid state.

We can go even further back into time!  Anthroposophy teaches us that 
in ancient times the sun, earth, and the moon were united into one 
single cosmic body.  The moon being inside the earth, and earth being 
inside the sun.  At the time earth's atmosphere contained prussic 
acid and carbonic acid.  What's also interesting is that humans lived 
there, not corporeally, rather as spirits.  When the earth separated 
from the sun we received nitrogen from prussic acid, and oxygen from 
carbonic acid.   This is way nitrogen is a sun element, and oxygen 
belongs to the moon.  As for the origin of carbon, it also comes from 
the sun and moon.  She left us coal inside the soil (formed from 
carbonic acid) and carbon in the exterior, and he left us small 
quantities of carbon that lives in plants.  Calcium was excreted from 
the sun and gave us lime.

Kolisko also mentions that:  ... If we want to understand calcium as 
a substance,then we must observe, for instance, how it slowly 
crystallizes out of the water   My feeling is that we should 
perhaps try this experiment in January and February, when earth's 
crystallization forces are in full effect.

I agree with the statement that: ... We must grasp the whole 
process: the silica-process, the calcium-process, the 
sulphur-process, the nitrogen-process, etc.; a process embraces 
much more than substance alone..  For me, this is the essence of 
Anthroposophy, BD farming, and gaining spiritual knowledge.

Your turn,


RESEND: FW: [globalnews] How Farmers Stopped Mexico's NewInternational Airport From Being Built

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

Issue # 23  Sign Up for Free Mailing List

August 20, 2002

Narco News '02

How the Victory at

Atenco Was Won

The Death of the Texcoco Airport

...and the Struggle Goes On and On

By Maria Botey Pascual

Special to the Narco News Bulletin

With Historic Photos of Insurgent Mexico

By Tina Modotti

Part I of a series

On August 1, the Mexican people won a new victory against the corrupt and
authoritarian system that still rules this country, a victory of
international proportions against the advance of neoliberal looting of the
most humble for the economic enrichment of the greedy.

With the precedents of the struggles that halted the golf club in Tepoztlán,
Morelos, or that stopped the hydroelectric project in Alto Balsas, Guerrero,
among others, and above all the light that was turned on by the Zapatista
uprising beginning in 1994 in Chiapas, the people of the former lake of
Texcoco, with those of San Salvador Atenco as the spear, had the courage to
say it anew: Enough Already!

They took another step to stop the abuses by those who govern, in a process
that unmasked the political simulation by three levels of government (that
hide, of course, behind the supposed rule of law), awakened consciences
and gave root to a new force in the fight for a more just world, where there
ought to be a balanced distribution of wealth and governmental authorities
must allow a role for the true representatives of society.

On October 21, 2001, in the morning's first hour, the church bells rang
throughout the affected towns to announce the terrible news: A large part of
their lands had passed into government hands through an eminent domain
decree that had, as its goal, the construction of a new International
Airport in Mexico.

With an investment, in its first phase, of $2.8 billion dollars, they tried
to build a giant infrastructure for an airport on 5,400 hectares straddling
three towns: Atenco, Texcoco and Chimalhuacán, the first was the most
affected in terms of the percent of land expropriated (70-percent), where
some of its inhabitants would lose almost all of their crops as well as many
of their houses.

Tearful, but also enraged and indignant because they had not been consulted
on the matter - in violation of Chapter V of Mexico's Article 115 governing
municipal governments and land use - hundreds of townspeople blocked the
road between Lechería and Texcoco for various hours on that same morning.
They were armed with sticks, stones and machetes, the rural tool used by the
multitudes in these latitudes that became the symbol of this struggle. The
slogan during nine months of conflict was: We will not give up our land,
even if it means giving up our lives.

Anyone who investigates the causes of this spontaneous and generalized
attitude against the construction of this airport project will hear many
reasons that converged in a word - Dignity! - a word that emerged from each
mouth, youth, adult or elder. Behind it, the famous phrase of Emiliano
Zapata: It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees, and
the histories of the struggle by Pancho Villa and he, of the communiqués of
the 1970s guerrilla movement articulated by Lucio Cabañas and Genero
Vásquez, and of the words of Subcommandante Marcos and the indigenous of
Chiapas, the most recent Mexicans to turn the world downside-up again.

The most basic is The land is life, because it feeds us. In spite of being
one of the most forgotten regions in the Valley of México, the inhabitants
of the land that once held, before the conquest, the great green lake of
Texcoco, they have survived by farming, raising domestic animals,
cultivating corn, beans, lima beans, string beans, alfalfa, barley, wheat,
carrots, squash, onion, tomato, lettuce, and also wild plants like
verdolagas, quelites, quintoniles, hollyhock and rosemary, and medicinal
plants that above all are utilized and understood by the women, and they
have produced all this at a level more or less equal to their level of

They spent more than eighty years recuperating this former lake bottom
yard-by-yard - using ashes and dung (and without government aid) - the salty
lands were delivered at the end of the Revolution, with its history of blood
spilt for Land and Liberty (beforehand the zone belonged to just five
gigantic haciendas), lands that were passed on from ancestors to
grandparents who, bequeathing their parcels, said, Never ever sell it, the
land is worth more than gold.

Faced with the seizure of their lands, the farmer men and women asked
themselves: We're already poor. If they take away the land, how will we
eat? Where are they going to send us to live? Will there be water in those
lands? If they send us to other lands will be able to take those lands from
us, too? Will they rob other farmers for the lands where they put us? If
they send us to the city, how will we live, when all we know how to do is
farm the land? Will we be able to leave our 

SALATIN was Re: Taking another step.

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

Now this sounds great.  I've been doing some research on Joel Salatin and
Polyface Farm.  I like his concepts.  Thanks for the tip Allan.

p.s. below is an excerpt from an interview done with Joel Salatin that I
found particularly interesting.

Yes, Joel is astounding. His ideas are so straight forward and 
practial and INEXPENSIVE, and yet they've been overlooked by most of 
us. LAYERING of enterprise allows him to extract several times the 
typical local annual income per acre and all the while he is building 
better pastures and soils through his practices.

Better than that, Joel wants to see every farmer working like this 
and every household eating fresh, clean, locally grown meats and 
eggs, so he is willing to share EVERYTHING about his operation.

A rare one: an evangelist who has developed a very effective 
demonstration plot of his own before he hit the road telling other 
people what they should do! ;-)

Come on out, folks. It's free and Joel is setting aside a lot of time 
for questions and answers. PLUS, there's a free feed that will 
include not only Joel's fine meat and eggs but also Chile Man's 
famous sauces and salsas.

What more do we need to offer you? ;-)


Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'SmallestEntities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

Allan, I would say this is an anti-virus program/firewall routine in 
the list software working overtime.



Thanks for investigating Roger. The strange thing remains that myself 
and others are receiving the messages ok, so I've got to think that 
the stripping is occurring somewhere on the path to you who are 
affected and not coming from earthlink.

I have forwarded your information and the rest to earthlink. Let's 
hope they et back to us soon.

Thanks and patience!


Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities InAgriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Jane Sherry

 PS I have just found a attachment to Janes post on World Healing day
 saying that an attachment had been stripped. Is there a virus at work?

In some cases when I forward things from GlobalNews, a photo will be
attached to the file I receive from my GlobalNews mailing and before I
forward those mssg's with attached files, I delete the file first. So
perhaps, that's why the message appears about a stripped attachment.



Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

In some cases when I forward things from GlobalNews, a photo will be
attached to the file I receive from my GlobalNews mailing and before I
forward those mssg's with attached files, I delete the file first. So
perhaps, that's why the message appears about a stripped attachment.


I'm assuming that BD Now! people are not receiving ANY of message content.

(Ain't language grand?)

What is it folks?


Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Jane Sherry

All of the messages others are having problems with are coming in fine on my
computer which leads me to think there may be some kind of a virus going
around the list. I just switched computer platforms back to mac from pc's
and I used to get a lot () of viruses coming thru this list. One of them
(I think Lloyd mentioned having this  I hope he deleted it and didn't open
it) is the Snow White ha ha ha virus.

I can't really think of too many more reasons to switch platforms despite
the advertising Mr. Jobs is blasting us with lately. Sorry, Allan, I think
both platforms are equally Ahrimanic. I'm with Storch on this one: get thee
to do my bidding Mr. Ahriman...


 I'm assuming that BD Now! people are not receiving ANY of message content.
 (Ain't language grand?)
 What is it folks?

Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

nah, nah, Jane.

A Mac is a tool and an IBM is a machine.

Machines are Ahrimanic and tools, well, my friend, tools are Divine.


Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Bonnie York

On Wednesday, August 21, 2002, at 03:37 AM, Allan Balliett wrote:

 Allan, I would say this is an anti-virus program/firewall routine in 
 the list software working overtime.



 Thanks for investigating Roger. The strange thing remains that myself 
 and others are receiving the messages ok, so I've got to think that the 
 stripping is occurring somewhere on the path to you who are affected 
 and not coming from earthlink.

My husband is the computer geek in the family and I asked him if he had 
any ideas.

If earthlink  has changed or updated their anti-virus or firewall 
software they may have reverted to the default settings which may be 
more secure.

Still receiving messages with attachment  removed message.


Ferdy for Australia New Zealand

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

Dear Allan,
I will be in Australia and New Zealand from January 13th 2003 until
February 27th, 2003. Are there any connections you know of where I could
learn more about BD down'under? All the best Ferdinand


C-DAR HOUSE: a Centre for the transformation of the voice of the forest
into an understanding of its soul through the arts. Fax: 604 898-1512
Phone: 604-898-9101 Web site:

RE: Not Stripped Attachments

2002-08-21 Thread Trem, Chris

Allan, I have not had any stripped attachments. 
All emails are coming through with no problems.

-Original Message-
From: Allan Balliett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 7:01 AM
Subject: Not Stripped Attachments

I've been asked to ask the list how many people are receiving their 
mail just fine?

i'm not having problem with either of my accounts.

As you probably know, BD Now! 'originates' remote from me and I 
subscribe just like anyone else.


Re: Ferdy for Australia New Zealand

2002-08-21 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

Hi Ferdy,
  There are several of us on the list. I'm in the Tauranga area.
Call me a bit closser to the time so something can be organised.
- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 2:13 AM
Subject: Ferdy for Australia  New Zealand

 Dear Allan,
 I will be in Australia and New Zealand from January 13th 2003 until
 February 27th, 2003. Are there any connections you know of where I could
 learn more about BD down'under? All the best Ferdinand


 C-DAR HOUSE: a Centre for the transformation of the voice of the forest
 into an understanding of its soul through the arts. Fax: 604 898-1512
 Phone: 604-898-9101 Web site:

Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Patti Berg

I wasn't receiving message content on a few messages but now everything
appears back to normal.


Allan Balliett wrote:

 In some cases when I forward things from GlobalNews, a photo will be
 attached to the file I receive from my GlobalNews mailing and before I
 forward those mssg's with attached files, I delete the file first. So
 perhaps, that's why the message appears about a stripped attachment.

 I'm assuming that BD Now! people are not receiving ANY of message content.

 (Ain't language grand?)

 What is it folks?


Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Jane Sherry

I read this to Curtis, Allan  he says right on!

 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 09:11:18 -0400
 Subject: Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
 Agriculture'  and  The Calcium   Process in Nature (long 6 pages)
 nah, nah, Jane.
 A Mac is a tool and an IBM is a machine.
 Machines are Ahrimanic and tools, well, my friend, tools are Divine.

Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities InAgriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Tony Nelson-Smith

Regularly since 17 August. The last attachment I received was 12 August.


Me too, Allan.  Surely it can't be an ISP thing, as we're on so many 
different ones?
Is there any way we can opt either to receive attachments or have them 
stripped, as part of the Subscribe request?  Tony N-S.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

Fw: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Katherine Griebel


  I am not receiving any STRIPPED ATTACHMENT  messages.  I am
receiving the attachments from Jane.  I use Outlook Express and I live in

Kathy Griebel

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

In some cases when I forward things from GlobalNews, a photo will be
attached to the file I receive from my GlobalNews mailing and before I
forward those mssg's with attached files, I delete the file first. So
perhaps, that's why the message appears about a stripped attachment.


I'm assuming that BD Now! people are not receiving ANY of message content.

(Ain't language grand?)

What is it folks?


Re: FW: [globalnews] How Farmers Stopped Mexico's New InternationalAirport From Being Built

2002-08-21 Thread Patti Berg

I got another auto remove.

Jane Sherry wrote:


Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'SmallestEntities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

Again - this doesn't really have anything to do with attacments, does 
it? Isn't it just messages randomly being clipped?

Regularly since 17 August. The last attachment I received was 12 August.


Me too, Allan.  Surely it can't be an ISP thing, as we're on so many 
different ones?
Is there any way we can opt either to receive attachments or have 
them stripped, as part of the Subscribe request? 
Tony N-S.

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

TOOLS was Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'SmallestEntities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

I read this to Curtis, Allan  he says right on!

Another difference between a tool and a machine is that a tool 
extends human school and a machine requires humans to adapt to its 
interface, be it a drill press or badly written OS.

But why, did you turn to Curtis for confirmation of this one? ;-)


Re: Me Too! Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'SmallestEntities In Agriculture'and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Vere Scott

Thanks Allan,

For your attention to this and for your personal communication with me. 
Much appreciated.

Best regards,

Vere Scott

Allan Balliett wrote:
 Allan, I would say this is an anti-virus program/firewall routine in
 the list software working overtime.
 Thanks for investigating Roger. The strange thing remains that myself
 and others are receiving the messages ok, so I've got to think that
 the stripping is occurring somewhere on the path to you who are
 affected and not coming from earthlink.
 I have forwarded your information and the rest to earthlink. Let's
 hope they et back to us soon.
 Thanks and patience!


2002-08-21 Thread Rambler Flowers LTD


Re: Ferdy for Australia New Zealand

2002-08-21 Thread Rambler Flowers LTD

 Dear Allan,
 I will be in Australia and New Zealand from January 13th 2003 until
 February 27th, 2003. Are there any connections you know of where I could
 learn more about BD down'under? All the best Ferdinand


Hi Ferdy If you are travelling by road to the South Island  you go right
past my gate . Do call in for a cuppa tea . email address:
Cheers Tony Robinson
Rambler Flowers
86 The Avenue
New Zealand

Re: Taking another step.

2002-08-21 Thread Rambler Flowers LTD

- Original Message -
From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2002 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: Taking another step.

 At the Mid-Atlantic BD conference you will receive exposure to
 leading farming ideas that lie just outside of the ring of
 biodynamics, such a Elaine Ingham on the Soil Foodweb and Jerry
 Brunetti on Albrecht and Reams approaches to soil health. Lots of
 other great speakers, also.

 Hi Allan I went to an Elaine Ingham  Soil Food Web seminar on the weekend.
wow 7 hours of fantastic information. it was so interesting that I did not
have time to nod of in the afternoon session.
 What I liked about it , is that it is so simple and easy to use , and is
technologically competetive in this tecno driven world and backed with sound
scientific reasoning.
To me it is a very valuable tool  that can be added to small scale intensive
growing especially Flower growing  and if you couple this with CEC
balancing of the soils , and add to it BD wow what a foundation for some
super crops this is about working smarter not harder.
I am just in the process of setting up a 50 litre brewer and will be using
worm compost and Steve Storch's barrel compost recipe and using the brix
meter to monitor and changes.
I had a brief discussion with Elaine  and she was quite excited about the BD
preps in private. she indicated that the difference preps  indicated
differences between fungal and bacterial activity. She indicated that the
test results will be ready for your conference. Privately I felt that she
was quite excited about this.
Elaine is also very interested in learning more about BD  and maybe looking
at better ways to describe BD to farmers. For example she is trying to work
out how to explain the terms etheric and astral  to red neck farmers.
Allan maybe at this conference you, Glen and Hugh could quietly indoctrinate
her in the BD philosophy she would be  superb ambassador.
Just I thought .
 Cheers Tony Robinson
Land Down Under

Re: Not Stripped Attachments

2002-08-21 Thread Rex Teague

On 21 Aug 02, Allan Balliett wrote:

 I've been asked to ask the list how many people are receiving their
 mail just fine?

No problems here, no empty emails in my BDnow email folder.

My suggestion is the new server software is stripping out the HTML 
bloat that the mainstream email software insists on sending and 
reading by default setup. When I inspect the raw message data of the 
posts that have caused conternation with other listees, there is a 
telltale end of line marker that indicates that the text was part of a 
MIME post, the HTML code isn't there.

IMO... good on the new software! Lets keep the archives and 
download times lean and mean by switching our emailers to TEXT 
only. My version of Pegasus emailer does that by default. ;-)

HTH... Rex


2002-08-21 Thread Lloyd Charles

- Original Message -
From: Katherine Griebel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 1:49 AM

   I am not receiving any STRIPPED ATTACHMENT  messages.  I am
 receiving the attachments from Jane.  I use Outlook Express and I live in

 Kathy Griebel

Hi Allan
 Mine is working same as Kathy 'cept I live in Australia
   Lloyd Charles

ps (for Jane) I delete anything with an attachment unless I have a prior
arrangement with the sender


2002-08-21 Thread mroboz

I am receiving many STRIPPED ATTACHMENT messages and I also live in
Canada.  Michael
- Original Message -
From: Lloyd Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 4:36 PM

 - Original Message -
 From: Katherine Griebel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2002 1:49 AM

I am not receiving any STRIPPED ATTACHMENT  messages.  I am
  receiving the attachments from Jane.  I use Outlook Express and I live
  Kathy Griebel

 Hi Allan
  Mine is working same as Kathy 'cept I live in Australia
Lloyd Charles

 ps (for Jane) I delete anything with an attachment unless I have a prior
 arrangement with the sender

Re: BD 501 (formerly Lime and Humus)

2002-08-21 Thread James Hedley

Dear Virginia,
I cannot tell you yet exactly how Silica works in controlling thistles. When
I do the list will be first to know.
My suspicion is that the ability of Silica to unlock mineralisation has
removed the need for the thistles. At present time I dont have any thistles
on the farm to experiment with, those that are there are only small rosettes
which are half dead. I suppose that one could test the mineralisation in the
plant before spraying with 501, and then at various periods afterwards but I
dont have the facilities to do this.
Have a good day

- Original Message -
From: Virginia Salares [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 12:55 PM
Subject: BD 501 (formerly Lime and Humus)


 Please elaborate on how silica (BD 501)prevents thistles from growing.

 - Original Message -
 From: James Hedley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 7:28 AM
 Subject: Re: Lime and Humus

  Dear Hugh et al,
  Silica is the unsung hero of the BD preps. It was not until using BD 501
  that we observed the real potential of the BD method.  It even stops
  thistles from growing and what are left are being grazed out in the
  by the local colony of kangaroos, they know good healthy food when they
  taste it.
  You have maintained that 501 is an atmospheric prep. From my
  you think that it develops the formative patterns in the atmosphere.
  may very well be true but Silica has the unique ability of repairing
  functionally impaired cells by enabling them to throw off inimical
  substances.It also has in Clarke's Materia Medica [p. 1175];
  constitutions which suffer from deficient nutrition due to assimilating
  power. Even if they never used any other of the BD preps in
  farming the use of Silica to dissolve the phosphorus which has become
  up in silicates should be common practice on all farms. The money in the
  Phosphorus bank if released will save many farms from financial
  has been proved by the CSIRO at Mackay during research work into the
  of Orange Rust in sugar cane. A study of  Materia Medica is important to
  the feel of what the realm of activity of substances as could be seen
  study of Silica.. One of the roles of  501 is to allow the plant to
  assimilate nutrients from the soil.
  Have a great day.
   - Original Message -
  From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 1:56 AM
  Subject: Re: Lime and Humus
   James, et. al.,
   There's nothing like silica for making lime available. Read pages 30
   through 33 of Steiner's AGRICULTURE (Lecture Two). Many, many low pH
   have limestone beneath them. The previous post (below) seems an
   method for bringing up the lime. Horn clay should also be able to play
   role in this. It might be a big help, particularly in sandy soils.
   I Florida where most of the soils lack clay there commonly is 60 or
   feet (20 meters or so) of sand at the surface and beneath that are
   limestone and phosphate deposits. This is the result of lime and
   filtering down through the sand over the eons in this high rainfall
   climate. This happens particularly in winter when minerals have the
   greatest tendency to crystalize and precipitate. In Steiner's words,
   if we are dealing with a soil that does not carry these influences
   during the winter as it should, it is good to furnish the soil with
   clay, the dosage of which I will indicate later.
   As many of us know, Steiner did not later indicate this dosage, nor
   more than barely hint at how it might be prepared or administered.
   a brief mention in Lecture Four, page 74 of using orthoclase or
   which are parent materials for clay, to make the horn silica remedy,
   haven't found it now, it may have been in one of the discussions) he
   mentioned capping off the open end of the horn with clay. Presumably
   Steiner lived longer this would have come out.
   Now, however, we are faced with progressive farmers experimenting with
   clay while stricter Steiner preservationists cry, Steiner didn't say
   that. and That's not BD! Personally I don't care what we call it as
   as we elucidate the scientific principles Steiner tried to open our
   On one very well run Australian farm in New South Wales the farmer was
   showing me a stratum of sandy limestone an inch or two thick that was
   exposed in a gully and was a meter or a little less below the surface
   the field. That didn't used to be there when I was a kid. he said.
   you may imagine NSW, with its occasional heavy rains, could leach the
   out of the topsoil and carry it down that far before it hardened into
   stone. If this happened repeatedly just such 

Re: Smallest Entities in Agriculture

2002-08-21 Thread James Hedley


Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

2002-08-21 Thread James Hedley

Dear Markess,
I had put your email away so that I had time to try and digest it and make
sense of the data. I dont understand what you are trying to get at or how I
could use it in the form that you have written it.
For instance what do you mean by this set of potencies,
Harmonics - potencies of 1M to 21M *
 Amplitude - 6X  7X
 Velocity - 28X  30X
 Mode - 26X  29X  33X  47X  54X  69X  72X  79X
 Number - 3X
When I understand what you are trying to get at we could discuss the rest of
the potencies that you suggest.
Have a good day
Janmes Hedley

- Original Message -
From: Moen Creek [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, August 18, 2002 1:52 AM
Subject: Re: Kolisko's Work was Re: Viability of Homeopathic Potencies

 Dear Listers,
 inspired by

 James Hedley's wonderious post of

 Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2002 20:06:39 +1000

 I looked to a basic level of remedies  potencies.
 We're are not reductionest. Potencies are not doing the work but help
 balance and organize energy field patterns. To get caught up in a
 misappropriation of cause is the point of departure between the Vitalist
 and the rock hard scientist.

 When we add a potencized anything to an energy field there are effects 
 affects on multiple areas/levels or maybe none at all. But it is an
 and it's field that is doing the work.

 So what are the aspects these remedies action on fields. Hugh wrote a
 Whitman'esk list at one time of field adjustments and variables. I have
 followed some with the potencies I see as influencing this aspect.

 A field has,

 Harmonics - potencies of 1M to 21M *
 Amplitude - 6X  7X
 Velocity - 28X  30X
 Mode - 26X  29X  33X  47X  54X  69X  72X  79X
 Number - 3X
 Periodicity - 200C (rhythmical actions of plants including flowering 
 Polarization - 1m - 21M *
 Direction - Towards center is 200K - Towards the periphery 1K -100K

 *the differences here is in the handedness of the remedy
 Harmonics are adjusted with Left handedness and polarization by Right
 (your input is most welcome as whether this means type ie hamering,
 stiring to potencize or what.
 For me it is a Radionic rate added to creating the potency
 32.25-51.25 sets it as Left handed
 51.25-32.25 set it as Right

 Fields also have
 can be Conditioned
 and Templated

 What say's you?

 In Love  Light

 Dear list,
 The problems with the work of Lili and Eugen Kolisko is that all the work
 that I have seen never resolved an optimum potency which was common to all
 plant or agricultural work. Potentisation rates of homoeopathic remedies
 not an exact science that says that if you use this potency you will get
 this result. even amongst homoeopathic chat lists there is no common
 acceptance that this , or that potency is better than another, it just
 this person used this remedy at this potency and achieved this result. As
 general rule the greater the similarity to the drug picture the higher
 potency that you will use, the smaller the dose the more beneficial the
 The potencies for agricultural elimination use will  be far different to
 those potencies used  for enhancing life force. Even potencies are only
 really applicable for that particular time in that particular situation..
 The question is what potency will achieve the result that i am looking for
 with the minimum amount of substance.
 Peter Rheumkoff has removed white ants from a house by broadcasting a
 at LMM potency.
 When you are using spiritual forces to counteract something, the greatest
 source of knowledge of the effects of your work will come from the
 realms. Follow your guidance as to what the optimum potency would be.
 I have tried at other times to get people on the list to discuss what they
 are doing potency wise with their preps. I have used BD preps at potencies
 of up to CM [a dilution of 1/1000 done 100 times] with great results.
 There are three effective methods of checking potencies:

 1.] The use of a radionic analysis instrument such as a Don Mattioda or
 Malcolm Rae instrument, a Bio Photon instrument,  a Bruce Copen or an SE-7
 will all give an automatic reading of potencies.Use of a radionic
 will give you an exact potency reading. They will give you a reading of
 vitality which you can use to compare the effects of different potencies
 treatment options.
 2.] The use of a refractometer to test the effects of what you are doing.
 This method is promoted by people such as Arden Andersen and Phillip
 3.] The use of dowsing. As accurate as any radionic instrument.(snip)

 In many cases the correct rate, or alternatively potency rate could be the
 subject of intellectual property which someone may not want to give out.
 Just write to Glen and ask for how he makes his remedies. Even if he did
 tell you everything that he has 


2002-08-21 Thread Roger Pye

Rex Teague wrote:

IMO... good on the new software! Lets keep the archives and 
download times lean and mean by switching our emailers to TEXT 
only. My version of Pegasus emailer does that by default. ;-)

There are two possible causes.

First, it may be an anti-virus thing. If you look at the Norton site 
( for instance  as I have just done, the latest edition 
- Norton's Anti Virus 2003 - automatically detects and blocks viruses in 
incoming emails. So if an ISP is using Nortons or  equivalent AV 
software with the same features, the emails go through with the viruses 
blocked - ie, unable to do any harm to the enduser system. Similarly if 
the enduser's AV software detects and blocks viruses automatically, the 
same thing will happen. Unfortunately, the virus-blocking also takes the 
rest of the email off the screen so the only way to read it is to look 
at 'Message Source' or equivalent in the main menu.

Second, it may simply be updated earthlink list software. All the 
attachment messages forwarded from globalnews before 17 Aug have the 
message text in plain english followed by an HTML version. All those 
forwarded after that date (when I suspect earthlink updated its 
software) have  the plain english text followed by a few lines of 
ordinary code then ATTACHMENT AUTOMATICALLY REMOVED followed by 
another line of ordinary code.


ADMIN: Text only posts

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

Rex is probably correct here. Can posters set their software to send 
text only messages and NO HTML in the future?



IMO... good on the new software! Lets keep the archives and
download times lean and mean by switching our emailers to TEXT
only. My version of Pegasus emailer does that by default. ;-)

HTH... Rex

Re: Not Stripped Attachments

2002-08-21 Thread Lloyd Charles

Allan wrote
 I've been asked to ask the list how many people are receiving their
 mail just fine?

 i'm not having problem with either of my accounts.

 As you probably know, BD Now! 'originates' remote from me and I
 subscribe just like anyone else.

Hi Allan  and other list members

This is all working good for me too. I have had no problems with the
workings of this list at any stage since joining  (fell off a couple of
times but the archive is open to all so its a simple matter to keep up via
archive until you are reinstated) and I would like to congratulate Allan for
setting this up . Its simple, open, free of advertising garbage and other
assorted internet junk, and best of all it works!
So for any of you that are maybe a bit cheesed off of late by the
strippings here is my experience with compost tea list. Which was once
here and working OK  - I have tried to no avail to get connected since they
moved - I just wasted another hour and a half this morning - the yahoo site
is a clutter of commercial rubbish, every time I tried to get on I was told
someone else was already using my name and login and I should go away and
think up another one - I finally got in this morning (I thought) then
couldnt find the archive - the whole thing has been frustrating and if I
eventually succeed the site is a mess of other stuff and slow to operate as
well. So hang in there we have got a good thing going with this list
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! Allan,
All I get is the message, no content. Still happening to day.


Allan Balliett wrote:

 I'm assuming that BD Now! people are not receiving ANY of message content.

 (Ain't language grand?)

 What is it folks?


Re: FW: [globalnews] The Book of Nature

2002-08-21 Thread Gil Robertson

Allan, this is how they look. This just came in.

Jane Sherry wrote:


Compost Tea List

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

What's with the compost tea list?

It seemed like it was going to be the be-all and end-all of 
sustainable organic agriculture. Instead its this very unsatisfying 
hurdy-gurdy. Nothing flows.

Worse, Elaine is virtually totally absent (of course, she's probably 
been lost in OZ recently)

My question to CT list people: do I only feel like I'm only receiving 
half of the messages that must be sent to the list, or is there some 
Gison 'cut up' aspect to it?

Market Farming went through a similar 'conversion' a few years back. 
A couple of weeks of being the best grower's list imaginable and now 
a fairly mundane group of people.

While I'm at it, what in the world has happened to SANET in the last few years?

I'm happy to take this opportunity to thank contributers to BD Now! 
for the many hours that they put in at their keyboards to support BD 
Now!  Thanks to the hundreds of 'lurkers' who continue to give BD 
Now! it's sense of 'presence.'


here is my experience with compost tea list. Which was once
here and working OK  - I have tried to no avail to get connected since they
moved - I just wasted another hour and a half this morning - the yahoo site
is a clutter of commercial rubbish, every time I tried to get on I was told
someone else was already using my name and login and I should go away and
think up another one - I finally got in this morning (I thought) then
couldnt find the archive - the whole thing has been frustrating and if I
eventually succeed the site is a mess of other stuff and slow to operate as
well. So hang in there we have got a good thing going with this list
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

Re: ADMIN: Text only posts

2002-08-21 Thread Jane Sherry

 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 20:18:27 -0400
 Subject: ADMIN: Text only posts
 Rex is probably correct here. Can posters set their software to send
 text only messages and NO HTML in the future?
I had it set in the new system for plain text and didn't change it to html
until today for a test of something else  have turned it back to plain

Posts that are sent to GlobalNews are often sent originally as HTML. Perhaps
this is the source of the problem for some people?


Next Best Time for Sequential Spraying for Rain

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

I'm not able to get to Courtney's advice on the BDA pages tonight.

Can someone tell me the next best date for sequential spraying for 
promoting rain here in Northern Virginia?



Re: Not Stripped Attachments

2002-08-21 Thread Lloyd Charles

 I don't think anyone's complaining about the list set-up, Lloyd,
 certainly I'm not.  It is frustrating when I go to read a message and
 there's nothing there but it would not make me quit as a member, and I
 don't think it would anyone else. I'd just like to find out why this
 glitch is occurring and there's no harm in that.


Sure Roger
But its not happening to all of us so does that mean
that its something outside of the basic listserve setup?? There has got to
be virus or virus protection setup involved in this I think? Different
versions of browser software maybe??
I was'nt meaning to have a go at you or anybody else. Maybe if we put
together a list of those affected and those not and the systems they are
running it might show something up ??
Lloyd Charles

Re: [globalnews] The Book of Nature

2002-08-21 Thread Lloyd Charles

Hi Jane
The traffic on this stripping thing is a bit strange . Is this
the message as you sent it. Or has it been changed / re arranged somehow. I
am set up for text only (no html)
and using Outlook Express. Below is how it came to me.

- Original Message -
From: Jane Sherry [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 11:00 PM
Subject: FW: [globalnews] The Book of Nature


 The world's the book where the eternal Sense
   Wrote his own thoughts; the living temple where,
   Painting his very self, with figures fair
   He filled the whole immense circumference.
 Here then should each man read, and gazing find
   Both how to live and govern, and beware
   Of godlessness; and, seeing God all-where,
   Be bold to grasp the universal mind.
 But we tied down to books and temples dead,
   Copied with countless errors from life, -
   These nobler than that school sublime we call.
 O may our senseless souls at length be led
   To truth by pain, grief, anguish, trouble, strife,
   Turn we to read the one original.


 Be the change you want to see in the world.

A list of the list

2002-08-21 Thread D S Chamberlain

Allan; If time permits, could you tell us how many subscribers there are to
the list and the countries the list goes to, I've often wondered.
David C

Re: Ferdy for Australia New Zealand

2002-08-21 Thread Helen McCall

What part of Australia?

Allan Balliett wrote:

 Dear Allan,
 I will be in Australia and New Zealand from January 13th 2003 until
 February 27th, 2003. Are there any connections you know of where I could
 learn more about BD down'under? All the best Ferdinand


 C-DAR HOUSE: a Centre for the transformation of the voice of the forest
 into an understanding of its soul through the arts. Fax: 604 898-1512
 Phone: 604-898-9101 Web site:

Re: Fw: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Helen McCall

This email come to me with a request for an acknowledgement receipt.  Another

Katherine Griebel wrote:


   I am not receiving any STRIPPED ATTACHMENT  messages.  I am
 receiving the attachments from Jane.  I use Outlook Express and I live in

 Kathy Griebel

 - Original Message -
 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 6:45 AM
 Subject: Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
 Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

 In some cases when I forward things from GlobalNews, a photo will be
 attached to the file I receive from my GlobalNews mailing and before I
 forward those mssg's with attached files, I delete the file first. So
 perhaps, that's why the message appears about a stripped attachment.

 I'm assuming that BD Now! people are not receiving ANY of message content.

 (Ain't language grand?)

 What is it folks?


Re: ADMIN: Text only posts

2002-08-21 Thread Helen McCall

But that requires us having emails for this list formatted differently,
doesn't it?   Not very practical.

Allan Balliett wrote:

 Rex is probably correct here. Can posters set their software to send
 text only messages and NO HTML in the future?



 IMO... good on the new software! Lets keep the archives and
 download times lean and mean by switching our emailers to TEXT
 only. My version of Pegasus emailer does that by default. ;-)
 HTH... Rex

Re: ADMIN: Text only posts

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

But that requires us having emails for this list formatted differently,
doesn't it?   Not very practical.

it requires you setting your email tool to post messages that are in 
a text format rather than an html format. This is a request of a 
simple courtesy for the hundreds of readers of every message you 
send. HTML msgs are bloated and seldom add anything to the meaning of 
the messages.


Re: A list of the list

2002-08-21 Thread Allan Balliett

Allan; If time permits, could you tell us how many subscribers there are to
the list and the countries the list goes to, I've often wondered.
David C

David -

Anything to remain off topic.

The list is comprised of approximately 300 readers, although some may 
come and some may go...daily.

We are received in all civilized areas of the world except, as far as 
I can tell, New York City.


Re: Not Stripped Attachments

2002-08-21 Thread Gil Robertson

Hi! I have just got an email from Allan and one I sent him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] got

I think it may be that I used Note Pad or what ever to copy some material and
it was removed.


Lloyd Charles wrote:

  I don't think anyone's complaining about the list set-up, Lloyd,
  certainly I'm not.  It is frustrating when I go to read a message and
  there's nothing there but it would not make me quit as a member, and I
  don't think it would anyone else. I'd just like to find out why this
  glitch is occurring and there's no harm in that.
 Sure Roger
 But its not happening to all of us so does that mean
 that its something outside of the basic listserve setup?? There has got to
 be virus or virus protection setup involved in this I think? Different
 versions of browser software maybe??
 I was'nt meaning to have a go at you or anybody else. Maybe if we put
 together a list of those affected and those not and the systems they are
 running it might show something up ??
 Lloyd Charles

Fw: Fw: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Katherine Griebel

Hi Helen,

  The request for acknowledgement is an option within the program
Outlook Express.  It just lets a person know if, in fact, the receiver of
the e-mail actually did receive it.

Kathy Griebel

- Original Message -
From: Helen McCall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

This email come to me with a request for an acknowledgement receipt.

Katherine Griebel wrote:


   I am not receiving any STRIPPED ATTACHMENT  messages.  I am
 receiving the attachments from Jane.  I use Outlook Express and I live in

 Kathy Griebel

 - Original Message -
 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 6:45 AM
 Subject: Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
 Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

 In some cases when I forward things from GlobalNews, a photo will be
 attached to the file I receive from my GlobalNews mailing and before I
 forward those mssg's with attached files, I delete the file first. So
 perhaps, that's why the message appears about a stripped attachment.

 I'm assuming that BD Now! people are not receiving ANY of message content.

 (Ain't language grand?)

 What is it folks?


Re: Fw: Fw: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

2002-08-21 Thread Helen McCall

I realise that, but I had assumed that a list would be configured to remove
those sorts of things - seems a bit silly everyone getting that message.   So
that's why I assumed it was a bug.

Katherine Griebel wrote:

 Hi Helen,

   The request for acknowledgement is an option within the program
 Outlook Express.  It just lets a person know if, in fact, the receiver of
 the e-mail actually did receive it.

 Kathy Griebel

 - Original Message -
 From: Helen McCall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 10:05 PM
 Subject: Re: Fw: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
 Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)

 This email come to me with a request for an acknowledgement receipt.

 Katherine Griebel wrote:

I am not receiving any STRIPPED ATTACHMENT  messages.  I am
  receiving the attachments from Jane.  I use Outlook Express and I live in
  Kathy Griebel
  - Original Message -
  From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 6:45 AM
  Subject: Re: STRIPPED ATTACHMENT Re: : Koliskos on 'Smallest Entities In
  Agriculture' and The Calcium Process in Nature (long 6 pages)
  In some cases when I forward things from GlobalNews, a photo will be
  attached to the file I receive from my GlobalNews mailing and before I
  forward those mssg's with attached files, I delete the file first. So
  perhaps, that's why the message appears about a stripped attachment.
  I'm assuming that BD Now! people are not receiving ANY of message content.
  (Ain't language grand?)
  What is it folks?