Re: FW: [globalnews] Northern European Cod Collapse Predicted

2002-11-03 Thread Gil Robertson
Hugh Lovel wrote:. If our government really wanted to make the homeland secure
they would promote regional self-sufficiency and farm self-sufficiency and promote
a lot of smaller farms.

Dearest Hugh,
That is not the American way , or for that matter the Australian Way.

As my late father would have said:- (Slightly paraphrased) "Our Government would
sell their anus and defecate through their ribs into a plastic bag, if there was a
quick quid (archaic money) in it."


Re: FW: [globalnews] Northern European Cod Collapse Predicted

2002-11-03 Thread Hugh Lovel
>Hugh Lovel wrote:. If our government really wanted to make the homeland secure
>they would promote regional self-sufficiency and farm self-sufficiency and
>a lot of smaller farms.
>Dearest Hugh,
>That is not the American way , or for that matter the Australian Way.
>As my late father would have said:- (Slightly paraphrased) "Our Government
>sell their anus and defecate through their ribs into a plastic bag, if
>there was a
>quick quid (archaic money) in it."

Dear Gil,

Don't you know! Your late father was wize enough. Such is the nature of
humanity. On the Ahrimanic side people get seduced by money. On the
Luciferic side they hide their head in the sand and prefer illusion--the
perfect foil for exploitation by the money folks.

Storch talks about grabing the two powers, will and imagination, and
putting them both to work for our benefit. We are ** if we don't.

I'm hoping that these times, these wonderful times, will dispell both greed
and fantasy, which work hand in hand, and that the human race grows up.
However, this will not happen unless we learn how to raise our children
well. More on this later.

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Re:[globalnews] Northern European Cod Collapse Predicted

2002-11-03 Thread Nelson Jacomel Junior
Hi Hugh and Storch
indeed the picture is not collorfull. And I agree with this well known problem 
since the 80s, I remember a study trip to Belgium where such bycatch and 
overfishing were discussed.
The point are the needed countermeasures, otherwise the complexity (a fish 
war, eg spanish vessels fishing in Canada) of that problem will overwhelm many 
good iniciatives.

This mail sent through IMP:

love & fear (was 9/11 conspiracy)

2002-11-03 Thread ron poitras
"So now we are living in a time when we must create love, it is no longer
given.  We must develope this ability quickly.  We must counter the
domintion of our lives through our creation of love and we can enjoy this, a
new paradigm.  These energies are real and present.  The use of genetic
engineering is on the brink of dominating our food system and our childrens
diets.  The womb is at risk of becoming an inaequate place to raise a fetus
to birth into the world.  But we shall overcome this through our creation of
love." (S Storch)

Michael Moore's movie Bowling for Columbine has touch a nerve. It gives
voice to the total irrationality of the gun culture and its source the
pervasive degree of fear that American society is uniquely suffused with.
Moore's says that the underlying reason is the racism that still exists in
our society. This is the love of nationalism, blood love, a form of love no
longer needed in the world. It is in the melting pot of America that this
now destructive form of love is being worked through and hopefully left
behind.  If we are to 'overcome through our love of creation'  it seems to
me we will need to be able to grieve deeply. Giving voice to the injustices,
and the doom and destruction all around us isn't contributing to the
'negative vibes' but part of our necessary process of grieving. There isn't
a day that goes by without my heart being heavy with the loss of life
somewhere. Developing the capacity to allow all the suffering to come in
isn't easy. Robert Sardello has been a voice in the wilderness for me.  From
his book Freeing the Soul From Fear:
" ...if you've grieved, some very interesting things occur. Grieving is a
complete bodily phenomenon. It is not the same thing as sadness or
depression. Every cell of your body cries out in pain. Partly that is a
purification of soul life that makes possible the making of the soul as a
vessel that can be radically receptive. That can only come about by taking
in the suffering of all our fellow human beings.
When we go that deeply into grieving there is this amazing, paradoxical
phenomenon that all of the world suddenly becomes alive. The flowers are
vivid, the sky is vivid. That's a kind of turnaround of soul life where soul
is now open It is a task in which it may look like everything around us
is breaking apart,but I don't think that's what is happening. What is
happening is this movement toward developing the capacity to learn how to
create love in the world."

Re: love & fear (was 9/11 conspiracy)

2002-11-03 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Ones,

Tis VITAL now in our times. As I said in my earlier post, "love is no longer given, it must be created now", this came directly from Robert Sardellos work. ( if you are interested in doing your own research, 2 books "Love and the World", and "Freeing the Soul from Fear" both profound works) he will have a book out soon on the 12 VIrtues.

I awoke this morning knowing that what we have all inhereted, in the times we live ours to heal, ie... to transubstantiate.
Christ said "You will do as I have done, and more.."
Christ is the "Prototype" for humanity.
In my own personal experience with Robert Sardellos work, I have a road map of how the human being does transusbstantiate these impulses of Lucifer and Ahriman, 
There are others working through these impulses in our times, all you "farmers/priests" in the words of Rudolf Steiner, for starters...

I invite us humans to work as Prototypes of CHRIST with Lucifer and Ahriman,, for those of you who know the statue Steiner sculpted out of wood, which is at the current Goetheanum,"The Representative of Man" 
Notice that (we)the Human Being are  the scales of balance for these Beings (Lucifer and AHriman) who have a made a tremendous sacrifice for all humanity to help us evolve for and with our home the Earth.

Yes Christ is already here. In the Etheric, in the clouds. And as Stephen Storch is sharing with us, and Hugh Lovel,  the farmer has nothing but tremendous opportunity to further all of humanity DAILY by your applications of the Preperations and Remedies, derived from Steiners indications for Agriculture.
This does heal the Etheric of the Earth, around the Earth and into the Cosmos.
GLen Atkinsons work regarding the Vortices, how galaxies are created, and humans are microcosmic reflections of these vortices we are here doing our own whirlygig with each other and those galaxies.

What are we creating?!!    

How about Love..

Jane Parker

Re: love & fear (was 9/11 conspiracy)

2002-11-03 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Ron,



>"So now we are living in a time when we must create love, it is no longer
>given.  We must develope this ability quickly.  We must counter the
>domintion of our lives through our creation of love and we can enjoy this, a
>new paradigm.  These energies are real and present.  The use of genetic
>engineering is on the brink of dominating our food system and our childrens
>diets.  The womb is at risk of becoming an inaequate place to raise a fetus
>to birth into the world.  But we shall overcome this through our creation of
>love." (S Storch)
>Michael Moore's movie Bowling for Columbine has touch a nerve. It gives
>voice to the total irrationality of the gun culture and its source the
>pervasive degree of fear that American society is uniquely suffused with.
>Moore's says that the underlying reason is the racism that still exists in
>our society. This is the love of nationalism, blood love, a form of love no
>longer needed in the world. It is in the melting pot of America that this
>now destructive form of love is being worked through and hopefully left
>behind.  If we are to 'overcome through our love of creation'  it seems to
>me we will need to be able to grieve deeply. Giving voice to the injustices,
>and the doom and destruction all around us isn't contributing to the
>'negative vibes' but part of our necessary process of grieving. There isn't
>a day that goes by without my heart being heavy with the loss of life
>somewhere. Developing the capacity to allow all the suffering to come in
>isn't easy. Robert Sardello has been a voice in the wilderness for me.  From
>his book Freeing the Soul From Fear:
>" ...if you've grieved, some very interesting things occur. Grieving is a
>complete bodily phenomenon. It is not the same thing as sadness or
>depression. Every cell of your body cries out in pain. Partly that is a
>purification of soul life that makes possible the making of the soul as a
>vessel that can be radically receptive. That can only come about by taking
>in the suffering of all our fellow human beings.
>When we go that deeply into grieving there is this amazing, paradoxical
>phenomenon that all of the world suddenly becomes alive. The flowers are
>vivid, the sky is vivid. That's a kind of turnaround of soul life where soul
>is now open It is a task in which it may look like everything around us
>is breaking apart,but I don't think that's what is happening. What is
>happening is this movement toward developing the capacity to learn how to
>create love in the world."

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OT: Comfort

2002-11-03 Thread Essie Hull
I picked up John O'Donohue's book, "Anam Cara" ("Soul Friend") the other 
night, and was warmed and moved, as I always am, by his introductory blessing:

(by John O'Donohue)

On the day when
the weight deadens
on your shoulders
and you stumble,
may the clay dance
to balance you.

And when your eyes
freeze behind
the gray window
and the ghost of loss
gets in to you,
may a flock of colors,
indigo, red, green
and azure blue
come to awaken in you
a meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays
in the curach of thought
and a stain of ocean
blackens beneath you,
may there come across the waters
a path of yellow moonlight
to bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you,
an invisible cloak
to mind your life.

His words remind me of what is deeply true - and SStorch reminds me of it 
as well, and Hugh, and many others.
Best, in these times of change and possibility,

Resentment is like drinking poison and then waiting for the other person to die.

Re:[globalnews] Northern European Cod Collapse Predicted

2002-11-03 Thread Hugh Lovel
>Hi Hugh and Storch
>indeed the picture is not collorfull. And I agree with this well known
>since the 80s, I remember a study trip to Belgium where such bycatch and
>overfishing were discussed.
>The point are the needed countermeasures, otherwise the complexity (a fish
>war, eg spanish vessels fishing in Canada) of that problem will overwhelm
>good iniciatives.
>This mail sent through IMP:

Dear Nelson,

You raise good points. Is our current political system up to the tasks?
When the UN was formed Mahatma Ghandi was asked to contribute to the
writing of a BILL of RIGHTS for humanity. He flatly refused, saying that
what was need was not a Bill of Rights but a Bill of Responsibilities. Why?
Because a Bill of Rights makes people the victims of their perpetrators,
while a Bill of Responsibilities makes everyone the policemen of themselves.

We can know, especially now that the nuclear truths of 9/11 and the Bali
bombing are revealed, that our existing political system has failed. It has
not done the job FOR us that we needed to do. We are in the beginnings of a
nuclear war with tactical nuclear weapons. We have to ask, "How responsible
is that?" Very? Maybe? Not at all? I'm sure different people will have
different opinions.

Many years ago an Indian scientist, Dr. Ravi Batra,  stated what he called
the rule of Cognitive Dissonance. He said, "The mind involuntarily rejects
information that is contrary to its beliefs." It is automatic, without
thought. Inside Germany people believed Hitler was a genius and their
savior right up until the end of the war. Everyone outside knew otherwise.
We are seeing a similar phenomenon inside America today. People refuse to
believe their government is not their friend. Most of them are my age or
older, as I am amongst the last of the baby boomers. The old advice that
all is illusion and one must see the world with new eyes, is right on.

How we will restore the fisheries of the world is a world problem, as you
point out. I happen to like eating fish, so I'm  very concerned. I grew up
near the coast of Louisiana where the fishing was great and the pollution
even better. I'm looking at how to grow fresh water prawns on my farm in
north Georgia, but that's a personal solution only. Global solutions may
grow out of personal solutions, since personal solutions pave the way. If I
stop buying fish and start growing some alternative, the question is half
addressed. The other half? The global half? It is times like these when
"the system" comes down around our ears that everyone is piqued to
question, and the opportunities for growth occur.

Do you have any ideas, brother?

Hugh Lovel

Visit our website at:

Re:OFF (rights)

2002-11-03 Thread Stacey Elin Rossi
In my poly sci and legal theory classes, the term
"right" was considered to implicitly assign a "duty",
as by the very nature of what a right is.

> You raise good points. Is our current political
> system up to the tasks?
> When the UN was formed Mahatma Ghandi was asked to
> contribute to the
> writing of a BILL of RIGHTS for humanity. He flatly
> refused, saying that
> what was need was not a Bill of Rights but a Bill of
> Responsibilities. Why?
> Because a Bill of Rights makes people the victims of
> their perpetrators,
> while a Bill of Responsibilities makes everyone the
> policemen of themselves.
> We can know, especially now that the nuclear truths
> of 9/11 and the Bali
> bombing are revealed, that our existing political
> system has failed. It has
> not done the job FOR us that we needed to do. We are
> in the beginnings of a
> nuclear war with tactical nuclear weapons. We have
> to ask, "How responsible
> is that?" Very? Maybe? Not at all? I'm sure
> different people will have
> different opinions.
> Many years ago an Indian scientist, Dr. Ravi Batra, 
> stated what he called
> the rule of Cognitive Dissonance. He said, "The mind
> involuntarily rejects
> information that is contrary to its beliefs." It is
> automatic, without
> thought. Inside Germany people believed Hitler was a
> genius and their
> savior right up until the end of the war. Everyone
> outside knew otherwise.
> We are seeing a similar phenomenon inside America
> today. People refuse to
> believe their government is not their friend. Most
> of them are my age or
> older, as I am amongst the last of the baby boomers.
> The old advice that
> all is illusion and one must see the world with new
> eyes, is right on.
> How we will restore the fisheries of the world is a
> world problem, as you
> point out. I happen to like eating fish, so I'm 
> very concerned. I grew up
> near the coast of Louisiana where the fishing was
> great and the pollution
> even better. I'm looking at how to grow fresh water
> prawns on my farm in
> north Georgia, but that's a personal solution only.
> Global solutions may
> grow out of personal solutions, since personal
> solutions pave the way. If I
> stop buying fish and start growing some alternative,
> the question is half
> addressed. The other half? The global half? It is
> times like these when
> "the system" comes down around our ears that
> everyone is piqued to
> question, and the opportunities for growth occur.

Stacey Elin Rossi

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Throw a shrimp on the Barbie!

2002-11-03 Thread Gil Robertson
Hugh Lovel wrote:  How we will restore the fisheries of the world is a world
problem, as you point out. I happen to like eating fish, so I'm  very concerned.
I grew up near the coast of Louisiana where the fishing was great and the
pollution even better. I'm looking at how to grow fresh water prawns on my farm
in north Georgia, but that's a personal solution only. Global solutions may grow
out of personal solutions, since personal solutions pave the way. If I stop
buying fish and start growing some alternative, the question is half addressed.
The other half? The global half? It is times like these when "the system" comes
down around our ears that everyone is piqued to question, and the opportunities
for growth occur. Do you have any ideas, brother?

Hi! Hugh and the List.

I think you raise an important aspect self sufficiency/ survival:- "I'm looking
at how to grow fresh water prawns on my farm in north Georgia,"

As one trying to use Permaculture principles on my property, I too like the idea
of providing some amount of sea food for at least my own use. I live in a major
fishing/ aquaculture centre, which is aimed almost entirely on export to premium
markets, resulting in little of the catch sold locally and that which is, is at
premium prices.

Hugh, back at about the same time as you published the first two articles what
you then called the Cosmic Pipe, in Acres USA. There was a feature on two men
near, I think Austin Texas, who used bore water to grow sea water Shrimp, some
three hundred miles from the sea. At that time they were a year or two into it
and seemed to be going well. Do you have any later information of them?

To the List:- Is anyone grown fish/ shellfish/ prawns on their property? I have
wondered if one could use the Preps in Aquaculture? I am only doing our native
"Yabbie". a fresh water crayfish which grows to about seven to eight inches long
and has a good amount of meat in the tail. Mine are in a farm dam and look after
them selves and I just catch a feed when I want one. A friend is experimenting
with "Marram" a larger and more commercial fresh water crayfish from SW Western
Australia. He is preparing to sell his current business and I may be getting
involved with water quality etc.


Re: Hated Weed

2002-11-03 Thread Roger Pye
 Merla Barberie wrote:

"The soil has a pH from 6.5 to 5.9 and the CEC for the 6.5 bare soil is 4.0.  A
hawkweed patch has a CEC of 8.7.  Putting missing elements back into the soil
is a good strategy for a farm, how about for a whole 8-mile road or a county
weed program?  Now I've gone and said too much.  I've gotten a lot of help from Australians on
the Net and this trip is my last hurrah at trying to do anything.  I'm ready to
retreat to my own land and just do Bio-dynamics.   People in my neighborhood
don't want the spray, but aren't willing to put time and energy into the road
themselves.  If I don't make it back to Idaho, there's no one to take my

"I think you're complicating the issue." Charles Rogers scuffed the soil 
with a foot. "Maybe the answer is here and that's why you stopped - for 
it surely was not to ask the way to Bombala."

"It wasn't?"

"No, er, ma'am, sorry, I don't know your name, I guess I should have 
introduced myself: I'm Charles Rogers. How are you? Oh, Amanda is it? 
OK. The road is higher than we are, I can't see your car from here; that 
means you could not have seen into this paddock when you were driving or 
from where it is now. Intuition brought you to a stop here, not logic. 
Intuition - and energy, perhaps. I'm a great believer in the power of 
energy to achieve things. By the way, you're a singer as well as a 
herbalist, aren't you? Serious, I mean, choir or chorale, not just 
around the family piano on a Sunday night?"

"Yes, I am! But how did you know?"

"Certain characteristics - the way you talk, breathe, move, hold 
yourself. There will be others, hidden; an ear for pitch or tone, an 
ability to read music, an ambition to be good at what you do for as long 
as possible and so on. Probably the most common characteristic is the 
drive for survival. All living things have it; people, animals, insects, 
plants, soil and the millions of creatures that live within it and make 
the medium itself into a living organism. If we were to take one of each 
of these categories and break them down, analyse and compare their 
contents, we would find similar living processes, nutrients and 
elements. That the atoms which power our multi-purpose cells are the 
same in every way as that which energises the single-celled amoeba."

Charles smiled at his visitor. "Sorry, I don't mean to lecture but I 
have a difficult point to get across which I think may be a solution to 
your roadside problem. Also I'd appreciate it if you would help me with 
a job I want to do just now."

He rummaged in his backpack, produced a small clipboard and pen which he 
handed to her. "All right, Amanda, what I'm going to do is call out some 
figures which I'd like you to write in the second column on the top 
sheet, one on each line starting at the top. I imagine you recognise 
what's written in the first column?"

Unsmiling, Amanda nodded. "Soil analysis terms - Al (uminium), Ca, Mg, 
K, Na, P etc, and the 3rd column has the ideal for this area. But I 
don't understand, you don't have any samples or chemicals or anything, 
how would you have any figures?"

Charles smiled and hefted the pendulum. "Let's take the first one, Al. 
In fact, aluminium or bauxite ore." He glanced at the plumb bob. "Is 
there any bauxite in the soil beneath my feet?"

The bob began to move in a circular clockwise motion at a steady speed, 
finally settling on a back and forward swing.

"On a scale of zero to fifty where zero is none at all, is there more 
than 5?" The pendulum kept swinging at the same even pace. "More than 7? 
More than 9? More than 10?" The bob circled clockwise until it reached a 
side-to-side motion. "OK, ten, that's 100 Amanda. Fine. Right, I'm not 
going to do it aloud, takes too long. Next one is Calcium."

The woman watched fascinated as the pendulum went through its gyrations 
for each of the nutrients, minerals and elements on the sheet, writing 
down the numbers as Charles called them out until he reached the end of 
the list. "Electrical conductivity - OK, seventeen, that's 170. Hold on 
a minute."

He flicked open a long pouch which hung from his belt, extracted two 
long dowsing rods and held them one in each hand pointing in front away 
from his body. "OK, I want you to show me an energy change." He paced 
forward slowly, counting aloud. As he reached 'Five', both rods swung 
inwards to lie next to each other against his chest. He moved them back 
into position. "Is this a ley line?" The left hand rod swung outwards. 
"No. Is it water? No. Is it in the soil? Yes. Right."  He moved forward 
another pace, turned to face his writer.

"Will you flip the sheet, please? I'll just do the first four and EC. Al 
- zero . . . . . . Ca - 35, Mg - 10, K - 10, EC 30. That's zero, 350, 
100, 100, 300. Got that? Good. That's a lot better, much better, no Al, 
no lovegrass." He repositioned the rods. "Show me an energy change." He 
moved forward a pace, the rods swung inwards and he pushed them out 

Re: Throw a shrimp on the Barbie!

2002-11-03 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 11/3/02 5:42:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< To the List:- Is anyone grown fish/ shellfish/ prawns on their property? I 
wondered if one could use the Preps in Aquaculture? >>

I have, over the last two years started using the bd remedies in a small 
freshwater pond and in some compost tea brewing.  All systems are responding 
incredibly well.  I also stir the remedies in seawater and put it back into 
the estuary as a "gift" to the sea where I collect seaweed for my teas and 
compost.  There seems to be a restoration of harmony to the area this season 
and I will be monitering progress in the benthic environment in the years to 
come.  One thing I observed this summer was that there were many more people 
coming here to swim than I have ever seen before, and this beach is quite 
isolated.  Is it co-inkidink???, hard tellin' not knowin', but I will keep 

Re:OFF (rights)

2002-11-03 Thread Hugh Lovel
>In my poly sci and legal theory classes, the term
>"right" was considered to implicitly assign a "duty",
>as by the very nature of what a right is.


You're right, of course. But how many will see that Congress's efforts to
give up our rights to president Bush's agenda involves giving up our
responsibilities? It a bit oblique. Anyway, I think we need to strike out
in a new direction, which is why I resoundingly endorse the Green Party. I
hope you will vote.

Hugh Lovel
Visit our website at:

Re: Throw a shrimp on the Barbie!

2002-11-03 Thread Hugh Lovel
Dear Gil,

When I was in Toowoomba Cheryl, Hamish and I were wondering what to eat. A
local vendor truck had prawns for sale and I fixed up a stir-fry therefrom.
Prawns are like big shrimp. They are huge. Delicious, even if we couldn't
find the sorts of spices used in south Louisiana. But raising prawns inland
in what amounts to ditches  dug in the field and filled with water is
do-able. It is being done. The shrimp farmers in Texas has some problems
with a disease--something they didn't understand. I don't know where they
are now. But in general these things are do-able. I've got 19 other
projects to being to completion first, but prawns are on my list.


>Hugh Lovel wrote:  How we will restore the fisheries of the world is a world
>problem, as you point out. I happen to like eating fish, so I'm  very
>I grew up near the coast of Louisiana where the fishing was great and the
>pollution even better. I'm looking at how to grow fresh water prawns on my
>in north Georgia, but that's a personal solution only. Global solutions
>may grow
>out of personal solutions, since personal solutions pave the way. If I stop
>buying fish and start growing some alternative, the question is half
>The other half? The global half? It is times like these when "the system"
>down around our ears that everyone is piqued to question, and the
>for growth occur. Do you have any ideas, brother?
>Hi! Hugh and the List.
>I think you raise an important aspect self sufficiency/ survival:- "I'm
>at how to grow fresh water prawns on my farm in north Georgia,"
>As one trying to use Permaculture principles on my property, I too like
>the idea
>of providing some amount of sea food for at least my own use. I live in a
>fishing/ aquaculture centre, which is aimed almost entirely on export to
>markets, resulting in little of the catch sold locally and that which is,
>is at
>premium prices.
>Hugh, back at about the same time as you published the first two articles what
>you then called the Cosmic Pipe, in Acres USA. There was a feature on two men
>near, I think Austin Texas, who used bore water to grow sea water Shrimp, some
>three hundred miles from the sea. At that time they were a year or two into it
>and seemed to be going well. Do you have any later information of them?
>To the List:- Is anyone grown fish/ shellfish/ prawns on their property? I
>wondered if one could use the Preps in Aquaculture? I am only doing our native
>"Yabbie". a fresh water crayfish which grows to about seven to eight
>inches long
>and has a good amount of meat in the tail. Mine are in a farm dam and look
>them selves and I just catch a feed when I want one. A friend is experimenting
>with "Marram" a larger and more commercial fresh water crayfish from SW
>Australia. He is preparing to sell his current business and I may be getting
>involved with water quality etc.

Visit our website at:

Re: FW: [globalnews] Northern European Cod Collapse Predicted

2002-11-03 Thread manfred palmer

Dear Hugh:
Though the RS admonition has been our implicit 
motive for valid bd involvement, it's an old bold conviction 
which you and others suggest particularly for healing those in positions 
of orchestrating earthly power (or any anyone else):
Namely, that prep-infused food would be THE hope 
of attaining THEIR healthy thought, vision, and actionpresumably 
with favourable survival rates for any who facilitate their continued existence. 
Reminds me vaguely of the baker and the pharoah story.
I don't doubt that prep-food can only elicit 
Life-enhancing results for those organisms aligned therewith, but most of 
your commentaries encourage... we must ideally be proactive on all 
fronts...consciously acknowledging the power of spirit thru all things we 
engage, and not be misconvinced that prepfood-ingestion alone is the salvation, 
or even a prerequisite. 
"WILLT thou be made whole"?...You mentioned a 
critical factor in all this : (un)willingness to be healed.
I imagine that if i were truly convinced of this 
for me and the world, i would be an utmost example of growing/ingesting 
prepfood. Since i do not do this at an exemplary level, i examine and partially 
conclude that i am not THAT willing! or able, to make all the changes to effect 
that, so far.
 ...And that i must be convinced that other 
social emphases are my lot. Many mansions in the house.
As was mentioned in a previous post, creation is 
again to come up and through the larynx ... (not mutually excluding 
what slips down past its sheath.)  the vibrational import of 
its formative forces finding appropriate shapes in our world.
I appreciate the insights which are shared and am 
confident that we allow space for quantifying/qualifying.
The recent and periodic list concern with the 
appearance/tone of despair/doom was and is a signal of how precarious our sense 
of assurance can be at critical times of world pressure. I have found it 
encouraging to review/reprove my own state of consciousness in the enhanced 
light of this forum... thankful.
In my (remote) view, you have achieved a highly 
complementary level of relevant life-activity from the centre of your 
expanding world.
Without selfjudgement, i cannot assume the same 
evaluation but am even more keen to discover how to implement my resources 
in concert with that intent.
There seem to be the ever-ponderous themes to find 
balanced resolution through our lives:
Express your highest awareness ;
Aquaint your(self) with Your true nature through 
the reflections/implications of that expression.
Judge not, (but judge righteous 
Resist not evil.
Take no thought what you shall eat or drink. 
Whatever you do to the "least" of these, you do 
unto "me."
etc, etc,    ...manfred
I also only know of the other RS (Sardello) by 
reputation and expression and so far they both seem of the same 

  - Original Message - 
  Hugh Lovel 
  Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 11:20 
  Subject: Re: FW: [globalnews] Northern 
  European Cod Collapse Predicted
  >In a message dated 11/2/02 8:05:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes:>><< Looks like a lot of people are going to be 
  "eating cake" for a while. For>folks like ourselves, however, 
  traditionally doom is boom. We should have>people seeking us out in the 
  hope of having a food supply they can count>on. If our government 
  really wanted to make the homeland secure they would>promote regional 
  self-sufficiency and farm self-sufficiency and promote a>lot of smaller 
  farms. Turning to food irradiation and similar strategies is>foolish, 
  though not surprising given the ingrained culture of making as>much 
  money as possible and to heck with the consequences. Fortunately 
  we>don't have to wait for the government, we can proceed on our own. 
  And in>hard times we should do quite well indeed. 
  Hugh, we both know the plan is to starve as many 
  luddites as possible. Hell, >people are starving with the markets full 
  to overflowing. Brains working >at1/4 throttle and bodies in decline. 
  Press On...sstorchRight, Dude,All the earth's billions? 
  Surplus population now that technology has reached a point that one worker can 
  produce enough for scores and scores of other folks? It must seem high time to 
  depopulate the planet--a good plan, eh? A humane plan if you're not one of 
  those bumped off. But all those folks with "brains working at 1/4 throttle and 
  bodies in decline" relegated themselves to the dust heaps by being so stupid 
  as to fall for it in the first place, right? For those who want to function at 
  optimum, and the ruling class must wish to do so, WE biodynamic farmers 
  are what is needed. I've thought about this for more than three decades, and I 
  want to be sure I'm supplying the food for the top officers in the New World 
  Order (which is really the old world order) so they get their brains healed by 
  good food. It s

Re: Throw a shrimp on the Barbie!

2002-11-03 Thread Hugh Lovel
>In a message dated 11/3/02 5:42:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
><< To the List:- Is anyone grown fish/ shellfish/ prawns on their property? I
>wondered if one could use the Preps in Aquaculture? >>
>I have, over the last two years started using the bd remedies in a small
>freshwater pond and in some compost tea brewing.  All systems are responding
>incredibly well.  I also stir the remedies in seawater and put it back into
>the estuary as a "gift" to the sea where I collect seaweed for my teas and
>compost.  There seems to be a restoration of harmony to the area this season
>and I will be monitering progress in the benthic environment in the years to
>come.  One thing I observed this summer was that there were many more people
>coming here to swim than I have ever seen before, and this beach is quite
>isolated.  Is it co-inkidink???, hard tellin' not knowin', but I will keep


As you know, you are a good guy, spreading around the BD preps so
liberally. You must be a liberal? Actually I didn't mean to politicize this
list, and generally I don't care what people's political ideas are other
than the imperitive to maintain a polite society. I was just trying to
sound a heads up, we have this opportunity. And vote Green.

I have customers who are racist and some who are just the opposite. My
successor here is likely to be Isaiah, who is black as it gets. I've been
knowing him since he was two. He handles the racist customers well, and
it's a hoot. He's a very bright young man (20) who has been eating
biodynamic food for the better part of his life--home schooled by his

But in general we can't do too much in spreading Steiner's agricultural
remedies. Including the horn clay. Your enthusiasm is great. Keep it up.
I'm doing what I can too. We will win in the end. If you ever need horn
clay, let me know. I keep making more of it. Wonderful stuff. Works on the
ebb and flow of sap. Made Mark Trelas's peonies all bloom on the day after
spraying. Boy was he surprised. Good thing he didn't do it on his whole
production at once.

Visit our website at:

Re:OFF (rights)

2002-11-03 Thread Stacey Elin Rossi
Oh, yes, absolutely.  I am actually starting a local
green party chapter here in the Northern Berkshires
area of MA.  If anyone on this list is in the area,
and interested, please contact me.

> You're right, of course. But how many will see that
> Congress's efforts to
> give up our rights to president Bush's agenda
> involves giving up our
> responsibilities? It a bit oblique. Anyway, I think
> we need to strike out
> in a new direction, which is why I resoundingly
> endorse the Green Party. I
> hope you will vote.

Stacey Elin Rossi

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