Dan Winter's view of things

2003-01-08 Thread Garuda
If you would like to have a mind bending experience in the outer limits of
quantum physics, give this ago.

Seems to be some legal wrangles over copyrights of esoteric symbols involved
in Dans life right now, however amid his astral drama there sure seems to be
some conceptual realities he is dealing with which can help conceptualise
the Biodynamic reality we are grappling with.
There are some CDs about with his plagarised diagrams ( from a Mr Tenen) on
them. I would not encourage their dissemination, other than to mention that
his 3D graphics are wonderful and worth a look if one passes by your way.
Glen A

"Given That"

2003-01-08 Thread flylo
Allan, you need to elaborate on the "refused entrance to WHAT 
public building?"

And, a couple of other lists I have are mandating NO LURKING 
rules, maybe for the very same thing. If someone audits a list, 
that's fine, but they need to post occasionally if nothing more than 
to say, 'explain more, please', or "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU 
THINKING?"   NO, seriously, don't all the non-chatty folk post that! 
Allan would personally come to Texas and beat me over the head 
with a broadcasting treetrunk! !

At least envirolink doesn't claim to 'own' the messages and ideas 
presented here like YahooGroups does.  (Martha)

Re: Personal Security vs National Security

2003-01-08 Thread Essie Hull
Allan -
What was that about??

At 09:57 PM 01/08/03 -0500, you wrote:

Given that yours truly was recently refused entrance into a public 
building because a web search revealed that my 'world view does not 
coincide with ours.'

Re: Personal Security vs National Security

2003-01-08 Thread Garuda
Yes I agree
Certainly one of my reasons for 'quiter' participation
Glen A
- Original Message - 
From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 3:57 PM
Subject: Personal Security vs National Security

> Given that domestic espionage is in the vogue,
> Given that everywhere I go I run into avid readers of BD Now! who 
> never post to BD Now! because they do not want a permanent GOOGLE 
> searchable record of their spiritual and agricultural insights
> Given that yours truly was recently refused entrance into a public 
> building because a web search revealed that my 'world view does not 
> coincide with ours.'
> And given that so very many people read the archives but never 
> contribute to the list. (Last time I logged it, the colo archive was 
> getting 2000+ hits per week)
> It seems to me that it would be best to move into a more 'member 
> oriented' archive instead of a public archive.
> The major purpose of this list is to speak openly and to share our 
> experiences  in some fairly unusual realms.
> I think everyone is feeling this shyness.  I think this holding back 
> is hurting the list.
> What say, folks?
> -Allan Balliett
> moderator, BD Now!

Re: Personal Security vs National Security

2003-01-08 Thread Helen McCall
Apart from public exposure, what difference would it make?   Any costs
involved?   What changes in mode, etc?   And is it feasible, or would it
involve too much work organising the change?I guess not, or you
wouldn't be suggesting it.

Allan Balliett wrote:

> Given that domestic espionage is in the vogue,
> Given that everywhere I go I run into avid readers of BD Now! who
> never post to BD Now! because they do not want a permanent GOOGLE
> searchable record of their spiritual and agricultural insights
> Given that yours truly was recently refused entrance into a public
> building because a web search revealed that my 'world view does not
> coincide with ours.'
> And given that so very many people read the archives but never
> contribute to the list. (Last time I logged it, the colo archive was
> getting 2000+ hits per week)
> It seems to me that it would be best to move into a more 'member
> oriented' archive instead of a public archive.
> The major purpose of this list is to speak openly and to share our
> experiences  in some fairly unusual realms.
> I think everyone is feeling this shyness.  I think this holding back
> is hurting the list.
> What say, folks?
> -Allan Balliett
> moderator, BD Now!

BD NOW! Archives was Re: tree topic

2003-01-08 Thread Allan Balliett
Could some one be kind enough to give step by step instruction for
accessing the archive? I have never made it.


Gil -

We have two archives.

This first one is the most complete:


The second is by far the easiest to use:


In either case, go to these urls and then look for the BD Now! archives.

Let me know if this doesn't work.

Thanks -Allan

Personal Security vs National Security

2003-01-08 Thread Allan Balliett
Given that domestic espionage is in the vogue,

Given that everywhere I go I run into avid readers of BD Now! who 
never post to BD Now! because they do not want a permanent GOOGLE 
searchable record of their spiritual and agricultural insights

Given that yours truly was recently refused entrance into a public 
building because a web search revealed that my 'world view does not 
coincide with ours.'

And given that so very many people read the archives but never 
contribute to the list. (Last time I logged it, the colo archive was 
getting 2000+ hits per week)

It seems to me that it would be best to move into a more 'member 
oriented' archive instead of a public archive.

The major purpose of this list is to speak openly and to share our 
experiences  in some fairly unusual realms.

I think everyone is feeling this shyness.  I think this holding back 
is hurting the list.

What say, folks?

-Allan Balliett
moderator, BD Now!

where in Texas?

2003-01-08 Thread flylo
Hugh writes: <
I think what you, Jeff, Allan and others, particularly in 
Hawaii, Texas,
the midwest and out on the west coast, have done as 
regards making BD
available to the public >

Are there demo farms in Texas? I know of one or two 
practitioners, but I was unaware of any teaching 
facilities. When Peaceable Kingdom was going strong 
in Brenham, it's (then) director used biodynamic 
methods to some extent. He has since moved to 
Dripping Springs may be involved in a similar enterprise 
there as well? 
Interesting note, when I went to Fredricksburg (alt energy 
convention), they had a short seminar on an intro to 
biodynamics. Two guys had purchased land that once 
was a military base (cement, hard packed dirt, barren, 
inhospitable.) In 2 - 3 years, they had turned it around to 
become one of the more productive farmsteads in the 
area. They were at the seminar, explaining their 
techniques. I don't think I ever converted my notes to the 
computer, but I probably have them around in one of my 
bookshelves. (must go dig now!)

RE: BD Farming in America

2003-01-08 Thread Rex Tyler
As the snow came fluttering down
I thought of snowmen
Thats the child in me
I was re-born
And then recalled
Watching Bees in clover
GM Pollen mixing with wild corn
I looked into the mirror
And remembered
I was nearly 60
and could see
Fancy thinking I'd become a child again
Snow though really does strange things to me

It flutters with such freedom
over everything
Nobody escapes
Its in our face
Children quickly go and find their sledges
Then go off sliding all over the place
As the snow came fluttering down to-day
I wondered
What children think as their daddies go to war
I am nearly 60 and I'm worried
For I'd hoped it wouldn't happen anymore

Rex Tyler
-Original Message-
Behalf Of Hugh Lovel
Sent: 06 January 2003 15:15
Subject: Re: BD Farming in America

Dear Kristy, et. al.,

I think what you, Jeff, Allan and others, particularly in Hawaii, Texas,
the midwest and out on the west coast, have done as regards making BD info
available to the public is quite commendable. Also let us not forget the
salubrious efforts of Hugh Courtney, without whom we would have little in
terms of availability of the Steiner remedies, to say nothing of
availability of literature and presence at conferences auch as ACRES.

I do not agree that what Alex Podolinsky has done in Australia is any model
to copy, as he has run a rigid and even hidebound program where those who
venture outside of his box can be excommunicated. But at least he has
created a support system for farmers who want to put BD into practice.

The BDGFAA (Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association of Australia)
arose in response to the need for more openness than Podolinsky allowed,
and it wouldn't do to give Podolinsky full credit for their efforts. They
have really done a lot--perhaps more than Alex--to spread BD in Australia.

Here in the US it has always been my impression--though for a brief period
we did have a national extension agent--that there was no real support for
farmers from the central organization. If anything there was a cult
atmosphere coming from the central offices and I think it discouraged and
turned off people right and left.

In my own case I have let my membership in the BD Association lapse after
25 years of trying to pull biodynamics forward against the inertia,
resistance and cult atmosphere of the central offices. Maybe Greg is being
extreme in his criticism, but when Demeter excommunicated him and
prohibited Victor Landa from using the term "biodynamic" on any products
not certified by Demeter I had my fill of wrongheadedness.

I'm calling what I do Quantum Agriculture and I only use the term
biodynamic in a transitional way. I don't support the BDA or Demeter in any
way at this point. Probably I'm one of those Greg refered to who dropped
out because they cannot stomach the dogmatism, obstructionism and
cultishness any further. I believe I'm pretty thick skinned or I couldn't
have taken it as long as I did. The whole fumble of claiming to be the
focus of the CSA movement and then doing nothing--even terminating the CSA
conferences--was vexation enough and I should have left then. But there
have been enough other blunders, including terminating the national
extension program, that I should have identified the BDA as non-viable long
ago. As far as I'm concerned they are baggage--excess baggage in my case.

I can't see any reason for name calling or getting upset or any of that
jazz. I have noticed that I'm reaching a wider audience with field
broadcasters by calling my work quantum agriculture instead of BD. I
suspect BD has a notorious reputation as being inscrutable, cultish and a
big turn-off to many farmers.  Really most farmers don't understand quantum
mechanics either, but I don't seem to face anything like the rejection of
my message by couching it in those terms. My lecture room at ACRES was full
this time. I seem to be getting further by leaving BD behind. Does that
tell you anything? It's still the same remedies, still the same insights
into how nature works, I still talk about Rudolf Steiner and the whole nine
yards. I just leave the terminology of biodynamic behind. Quite frankly I
think it is just fine that Demeter owns the term. Let them have it. As far
as I'm concerned it was a big lead anchor around my waist.

Hugh Lovel

>Dear Allan,
>We have certainly made ourselves available regionally, and offer advice and
>suggestions for numerous growers each year, plus orgainzing educational
>events. Jeff Poppen is always also taking in visitors, and holding
>educational events, writing and doing the TV shows. Allan, you do a huge
>amount of educational work yourself. JPI has its new farmer advisory
>I think we are wishing for an outdated paradigm when we expect to have some
>top down organizational figure heads baby us through our movement. This is
>the era of the conciousness soul, the age of individuality. What ever is

Re: From Greg Willis: Fwd: Re: Executive Position

2003-01-08 Thread Garuda
>the Anthros have done has moved Steiner's agricultural forward into the
>21st Century and nothing they have done has advanced Steiner's remedies
>beyond what they were 79 years ago.   Everyone else in the farming world
>knows this.  Why don't they?

The BDANZ prides itself on the fact nothing has changed. Thats what they
want. To keep it 'pure'.
And so be it. Leave them to it.
"We" -everyone else- are taking it to the world in appropriate ways. So lets
get on with it and leave the Saturnite to their desired path
Trees branch and the limb in the light grows faster and becomes dominant.
Such is life

FW: [globalnews] [starhawk] Why we Need Women's Actions andFeminist Voices for Peace

2003-01-08 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] [starhawk] Why we Need Women's Actions  and Feminist Voices for Peace

Why We Need Women’s Actions and Feminist Voices for Peace
   By Starhawk

   Among the hundreds of groups and actions being mounted against the war on Iraq are a significant number called and organized by women.  Code Pink: Unreasonable Women for Peace has disrupted Congressional hearings and mounted an ongoing women’s peace vigil at the White House since November 17.  Women in Black hold vigils in hundreds of communities around the world on a regular basis.  Women Rising for Peace and Justice, the women’s caucus of United for Peace, has issued a call for January 17 to be a day of women’s actions against the war. 
Women are deeply impacted by war, racism and poverty—the three evils named by Martin Luther King.  But when we stand for peace as women, it is not to make a case for our special victimhood, but to represent a different vision of strength.  Women-initiated and women-led actions have a special energy and power.  That power comes not from excluding men—most of these actions welcome men as participants—but because of the joy and visionary potential that arise when we come together as women to defend the values of life and caring that we hold dear.
   To defend those values, we need not just women’s voices against the war, but specifically feminist voices.  For feminism allows us to analyze patriarchy, the constellation of values, ideas and beliefs that reinforces male control over women.
No set of qualities is innately or exclusively ‘female’ or ‘male’.  Men can be compassionate, loving and kind, as women can be tough, brave, or callous.  But patriarchy assigns the qualities associated with aggression and competition to men, and relegates to women the devalued roles of nurturing and service.  Patriarchy values the hard over the soft, the tough over the tender; punishment, vengeance and vindictiveness over compassion, negotiation, and reconciliation.  The ‘hard’ qualities are identified with power, success and masculinity, and exhalted.   The ‘soft’ qualities are identified with weakness, powerlessness, and femininity, and denigrated.  
Under patriarchy, men are shamed and considered weak if they exhibit qualities associated with women.  Politicians win elections by being tough—tough on terror, tough on crime, tough on drugs, tough on welfare mothers. Calls for cooperation, negotiation, compassion or recognition of our mutual interdependence are equated with womanly weakness. In the name of ‘toughness’, the power holders deprive the poor of the means of life, the troubled and the ill of treatment and care, the ordinary citizen of our privacy and civil rights.  Force, punishment, and violence are patriarchy’s answer to conflicts and social problems. 
Patriarchy finds its ultimate expression in war.  War is the field in which the tough can prove their toughness and the winners triumph over the losers.  Soldiers can be coerced into dying or killing when their fear of being called womanlike or cowardly overrides their reluctance to face or deal death. War removes every argument for tenderness and dissolves all strictures on violence.  War is the justification for the clampdown that lets the rulers impose control on every aspect of life.
Wise feminists do not claim that women are innately kinder, gentler, more compassionate than men per se.  If we did, the Margaret Thatchers and Condoleeza Rice’s of the world would soon prove us wrong.  We do claim that patriarchy encourages and rewards behavior that is brutal and stupid.  We need raucous, incautious feminist voices to puncture the pomposity, the arrogance, the hypocrisy of the war mongers, to  point out that gorilla chest-beating does not constitute diplomacy, that having the world’s largest collection of phallic projectile weapons does not constitute moral authority, that invasion and penetration are not acts of liberation.
And we need to remind the world that modern warfare never spares the civilian population.  Rape is always a weapon of war, and women’s bodies are used as prizes for the conquerors.   Women and children and men, too, who have no say in the policies of their rulers face death, maiming, wounding, and the loss of their homes, livelihoods, and loved ones in a war. 

Patriarchy is the brother of racism, which sets one group of people above another, dehumanizing and devaluing the ‘other’, who is seen as deserving of punishment, fair game for violence and annihilation.
We need feminist voices for peace because the issues of women’s freedom and autonomy are being used cynically to justify anti-Arab racism and military takeovers of Arab countries. 
The U.S. and its allies, who now pose as the liberators of women in the Muslim world, are the same powers which gave the Taliban, Saddam Hussein, and Al Qaeda their start-up funds, supported them and put them in power, with no consideration for their impact on women.   The ‘liberators’ of Afghan 

Fwd: Trees as broadcasters

2003-01-08 Thread SBruno75

This impulse was originally given to me by Hugh Courtney at the Josephine 
Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics.

The Tree as Cosmic Pipe
If we observe the physiology of the tree and apply the words of Steiner, 
that the tree trunk proper is simply a more enlivened form of soil; 
Schauberger, explaining that the growth rings from winter to summer create a 
dielectric and are capable of absorbing and generating energy [please also 
refer to the work of Wilhelm Reich {orgone energy and the orgone 
accumulator}].  It becomes obvious that a tree is more than it appears.  I, 
among others believe that trees belong to another kingdom of Nature, [Ents] 
set aside from plants like vegetables, perennials, or annuals.  If we want to 
use the tree for this purpose you can do several things.  If you dowse, use a 
pendulum, you would first ask permission, and then ask "What is the proper 
orientation of this tree in the earth?", the pendulum will respond.  Next you 
would ask, "What is the current orientation of this tree in the earth?", the 
pendulum will respond.  Chances are that if the seed landed or if planted by 
an unconscious human the tree is not properly oriented.  It is not oriented 
to the group soul of the trees, the physical and etheric bodies are out of 
syncronisty with the astral body of the group soul and ego or overlighting 
Devas of the species of tree.  This may be observed through "corkscrewing" of 
the trunk, or an obvious imbalance of the branches of the tree.  If you do 
not dowse you may go right to this aspect.  You would next say, " In 
accordance with God's will and the Christ Jesus let this tree have it's 
proper orientation in the earth for its best possible future growth {and for 
the reception and broadcast of the biodynamic earth healing remedies}".  I 
added the part in parenthesis.  I encourage each person to personalize the 
prayer of intent.
What is done next is that the biodynamic remedies are placed within the 
energy field of the tree.  They are loosely packed in small vials, about the 
size that tinctures come in, wide mouths are preferable, lids down  tight to 
keep water out. The horn manure is place about three to ten feet from the 
trunk on the north side of the tree [depending on size, use your intuition], 
barrel compost on the south side, equisetum tea on the east side [2/3 full in 
case it freezes].  Depth should bd from 6-18 inches deep, a core soil sampler 
works good for this.  The horn silica gets hung in the branches above the 
ground on the west side of the tree.  Evidence of te living energy field is 
that the vials dug up years later are still fresh and vibrant, possibly more  
potent than when they went in.  If using a pendulum you can ask what the 
broadcast radius of the tree is, let each swing be ten or one hundred miles.  
I have many trees thus rigged.  The Crypotomeria has a world wide broadcast, 
there are some 300-400 year old copper beeches that go 1200-1500 miles.  If 
you dowse or intuit, think about the cryptomeria, and ask the broadcast 
potency.  I like to aid all sights where the trees are with actual spraying 
bd remedies.

--- Begin Message ---
This impulse was originally given to me by Hugh Courtney at the Josephine 
Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics.
The Tree as Cosmic Pipe
If we observe the physiology of the tree and apply the words of Steiner, 
that the tree trunk proper is simply a more enlivened form of soil; 
Schauberger, explaining that the growth rings from winter to summer create a 
dielectric and are capable of absorbing and generating energy [please also 
refer to the work of Wilhelm Reich {orgone energy and the orgone 
accumulator}].  It becomes obvious that a tree is more than it appears.  I, 
among others believe that trees belong to another kingdom of Nature, [Ents] 
set aside from plants like vegetables, perennials, or annuals.  If we want to 
use the tree for this purpose you can do several things.  If you dowse, use a 
pendulum, you would first ask permission, and then ask "What is the proper 
orientation of this tree in the earth?", the pendulum will respond.  Next you 
would ask, "What is the current orientation of this tree in the earth?", the 
pendulum will respond.  Chances are that if the seed landed or if planted by 
an unconscious human the tree is not properly oriented.  It is not oriented 
to the group soul of the trees, the physical and etheric bodies are out of 
syncronisty with the astral body of the group soul and ego or overlighting 
Devas of the species of tree.  This may be observed through "corkscrewing" of 
the trunk, or an obvious imbalance of the branches of the tree.  If you do 
not dowse you may go right to this aspect.  You would next say, " In 
accordance with God's will and the Christ Jesus let this tree have it's best 
possible orientation for its best possible future growth {and for the 
reception and roadcast of the biodynamic earth healing remedies}".  I added 
the p

Re: Trees as broadcasters

2003-01-08 Thread SBruno75
This impulse was originally given to me by Hugh Courtney at the Josephine 
Porter Institute for Applied Biodynamics.
The Tree as Cosmic Pipe
If we observe the physiology of the tree and apply the words of Steiner, 
that the tree trunk proper is simply a more enlivened form of soil; 
Schauberger, explaining that the growth rings from winter to summer create a 
dielectric and are capable of absorbing and generating energy [please also 
refer to the work of Wilhelm Reich {orgone energy and the orgone 
accumulator}].  It becomes obvious that a tree is more than it appears.  I, 
among others believe that trees belong to another kingdom of Nature, [Ents] 
set aside from plants like vegetables, perennials, or annuals.  If we want to 
use the tree for this purpose you can do several things.  If you dowse, use a 
pendulum, you would first ask permission, and then ask "What is the proper 
orientation of this tree in the earth?", the pendulum will respond.  Next you 
would ask, "What is the current orientation of this tree in the earth?", the 
pendulum will respond.  Chances are that if the seed landed or if planted by 
an unconscious human the tree is not properly oriented.  It is not oriented 
to the group soul of the trees, the physical and etheric bodies are out of 
syncronisty with the astral body of the group soul and ego or overlighting 
Devas of the species of tree.  This may be observed through "corkscrewing" of 
the trunk, or an obvious imbalance of the branches of the tree.  If you do 
not dowse you may go right to this aspect.  You would next say, " In 
accordance with God's will and the Christ Jesus let this tree have it's best 
possible orientation for its best possible future growth {and for the 
reception and roadcast of the biodynamic earth healing remedies}".  I added 
the part in parenthesis.  I encourage each person to personalize the prayer 
of intent.
What is done next is that the biodynamic remedies are placed within the 
energy field of the tree.  They are loosely packed in small vials, about the 
size that tinctures come in, lids down  tight to keep water out. The horn 
manure is place about three to ten feet from the trunk on the north side of 
the tree [depending on size, use your intuition], barrel compost on the south 
side, equisetum tea on the east side [2/3 full in case it freezes].  Depth 
should bd from 6-18 inches deep, a core soil sampler works good for this.  
The horn silica gets hung in the branches above the ground on the west side 
of the tree.  If using a pendulum you can ask what the broadcast radius of 
the tree is, let each swing be ten or one hundred miles.  

Re: Trees as broadcasters

2003-01-08 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus
Greetings Deborah,
  I use a relatively small tree, ask its
permission first, I haven't done any investigation as to how small one can
go and still be effective. My Guess would be about 8ft. I pick one with a
balanced form. I don't know what there limmits are but have reason to
believe that they can work from one continent to another if that is the wish
of the sender and the receiver. You can set the preparations / remedies at
the base of the tree for soil radiation and a secure crook of a branch or
knot hole for the atmospheric broadcast.
  You can set the boundaries by asking when you
do your start up prayer or meditation, then check it by dowsing. I use a
forked stick or L rods.
   I think that the same rules should apply as
would be valid for any other type of spraying. Keep it to your place, and
allow special friends to draw from it for their place if they wish.  Talk to
your tree and the elementals that live in it, from time to time.
Best wishes
>From the land of the Lord Of The Rings film set.
- Original Message -
From: "Deborah Byron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: tree topic

2003-01-08 Thread Gil Robertson
Could some one be kind enough to give step by step instruction for
accessing the archive? I have never made it.


Lloyd Charles wrote: My BDNOW (email) folder has over 2495 entries. I was
pretty sure  the topic of trees as broadcasters has been addressed before
now,  but I can't locate it in all the conglomerated mess that is BDNOW
folder. July 2001 there are several articles 'trees as cosmic pipe ' or
similar Peter Michael Bacchus, Hugh Lovel, et al