Re: Looking for a new CSA name

2003-01-24 Thread gideon cowen
Earth Shares CSA !!

Gideon. (has different meanings. )
- Original Message - 
From: "Katherine Griebel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: Looking for a new CSA name

> How about "Prime Edibles"
> Kathy Griebel

OT - interesting candidate

2003-01-24 Thread Essie Hull
Folks -
Sorry for the OT, but I wanted to share this: Howard Dean, a Vermonter, is 
a very interesting Democratic candidate.  See:

Re: Certification Story

2003-01-24 Thread Aurora Farm
Thanks Peter for a new good read. I like Dennis's writing.
And yes the skin and human touch is one of the oldest forms of
communication, eh. And what is the skin? An undeveloped optic nerve it would
seem to me. So the I(eye) is all over the body receiving and transmitting
one's spirit would you say? This sets up a certain vibration where one can
attract or repel other vibrations (i.e. other people). If one wants to have
their lineage carry on I would think the whole idea would be to connect with
another of like vibration so the gene pool can go forth and the "meme" can
move through the culture.
At Aurora Farm we definitely understand the importance of good seed and we
have been offering the same to the culture for some years now. Both in the
form of three sons and millions of high vibrational seeds which have
provided quality nutrition to the human family.
I am also aware that we are sitting ducks with pollutants, etc and they will
make one into an idiot with no sense of where they are going nor where they
have come from. Only there do seem to be many waking up in these times and
walking a new path including paying attention to what they eat.
Nor does it escape my viewshed that all these sexual dysfunctions and
illnesses are occurring at a time when we have a population on exponential.
No coincidence here. With all the memory loss maybe we will come to a time
where certain ones will not remember how to 'get it on'. Might be handy for
those eating the good food with the good memory who have all their lights on
to go forth and multiply.
I had a physiology prof. in the late 70's who was gay and he understood and
conveyed marvellously how the endocrine system worked. Very clear and very
concise he was.
And maybe some wont be into multiplying, just appreciating the love and
touch of another human being.
We are into some new times here, some say we wont need to eat anymore once
we attain a certain vibration. In the meantime we might just get to be the
midwives of a whole new order. That is quite a privelege, eh?
Yes good health and joy to all,
Barbara and Woody

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Michael Bacchus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2003 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: Certification Story

>Hi Barbera and Woody,
> We all have many windows or view
>through or from which we view life. There are many who look through the
>window refered to by Hugh.
>One of the definitions of fertility is the ability to produce healthy
>decendents. This is becomming more of a challenge for many farmers not
>wholistic methods of farming, of which the suggestions of Steiner are the
>crowning glory. Part of the reproductive process is the will or desire to
>reproduce which can come into the sensuality part of the process. This
>brings us to the skin and possibly why it was recommended in the peppering
>process for the inversion or reversal of the fertility process of small
>animal 'pests'. Then there is the effect of the chemicals on the pituatry
>gland which is the subject of a chapter in the book by Dennis Klocek,
>"SEEKING SPIRIT VISSION". This is no doubt what Hugh is refering to with
>estrogen mimmicking. There are more and more chemicals that are being
>discovered to be endocrine disrupters to a greater or lesser degree. These
>come to us via the air in many instances. There has been relatively little
>research on the effects of the volatile and aerosoled part of
>In a poluted atmosphere who knows what we are ingesting.  What is retained
>in food is better understood, then there is the ripening factor and the
>diversity of essential sugars come into the equation. We are now standing
>before a new challenge of how genetic modification will affect these
>parameters and plant and insect pherenomes which is part of what we breeth
>in and may have effect on our pituatry gland and consequently our whole
>endocrine system.
>Wishing all health and joy in life.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Aurora Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 2:57 AM
>Subject: Re: Certification Story
>> Dear Hugh, Peter et al:
>> Gee I didn't quite realize that Woody and I were advocating for happier
>> union for couples. You do have a point there except I feel it is more in
>> realm of sensual rather than sexual. After all when we do our work, with
>> consciousness, are we not "making love with Mother Earth, Father Sky and
>> Life Everywhere?"
>> And yes educating the public is something that we have been doing for
>> and the best way to do that is to hold a certain vibration or
>> as you speak the truth about the products you bring to the marketplace.

FW: [globalnews] SRI KRISHNA: The Lustre of Wisdom

2003-01-24 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] SRI KRISHNA: The Lustre of Wisdom

 Learn from these facets of Nature: though trampled on by all, be 
 firm in your adversity like the earth itself; from these mountains 
 which hold their mineral and other resources for the welfare of the 
 world, learn that you must live for others and not for yourself; like 
 the wind, you must be able to pass through unhindered; all-pervasive, 
 touching everything, yet itself untouched, the sky is verily the 
 shining paradigm of the Yogin; you should be limpid, pure, purifying, 
 pleasing and refreshing like water; effulgent with the lustre of 
 wisdom like the fire that reduces to ashes all impurity; like the 
 python, lie still and take only what comes to you, and when nothing 
 comes, fast as the python does; like the sea, deep and unfathomable, 
 neither be swollen by what flows into you nor be depleted by what is 
 withdrawn from you; like the bee, take in little by little, and from 
 good and bad alike, extract the essence even as the bee gathers 
"Peace between countries must rest on the solid foundation of love between
individuals."  -- Mahatma Gandhi

FW: [globalnews] Farm group says USDA put bad corn into feedchain, Bushies Say It's Safe Without Testing It

2003-01-24 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] Farm group says USDA put bad corn into feed chain, Bushies Say It's Safe Without Testing It

Farm group says USDA put bad corn into feed chain 

Friday, January 24, 2003 
By Reuters 

DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowa farmers and an environmental group have charged the U.S. government with selling a problem supply of genetically engineered corn to a feed company despite complaints that the corn had caused hormonal problems in pigs. 

The Iowa Farmers Union (IFU) and Friends of the Earth sent a letter on Thursday to U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman, asking the USDA to bar use of the corn in human or animal food "as long as the cause of reproductive failure in swine is unresolved." 

But a USDA spokesman told Reuters the corn had been tested and found to be safe. 

More than 20 farmers have complained over the last two years about sows that ate the corn developing pseudopregnancy, exhibiting signs of pregnancy for a full term without carrying a fetus. The corn is being tested to see if it caused or contributed to the problems, the groups said. 

They complained Thursday that despite the potential problems, the U.S. Commodity Credit Corporation sold 950 bushels of the suspect corn on Jan. 9 to the G&R Grain and Feed Company in Portsmouth, Iowa. 

"They thought they could sell a minute amount and blend it in with other corn and the farmers would accept it," said Iowa Farmers Union representative Lori Sokolowski. 

"We felt that further scientific testing needed to be done for USDA to determine if this ... is a risk. But they aren't waiting for the testing to be done." 

USDA spokesman Wayne Baggett said USDA's Farm Service Agency "had samples drawn and submitted for grading. The grading showed it (the corn) was saleable." 

Baggett said USDA then had the tests reviewed by Iowa State University veterinary and grain quality experts. "They reviewed the test results and determined that the corn would not be expected to affect swine." 

In August, a USDA researcher wrote "one possible cause" of problems with sows "may be the presence of an unanticipated, biologically active, chemical compound within the corn." 

"Why would USDA Secretary Veneman allow her Department to sell this corn to a feed company before finishing a scientific investigation to learn if it is harmful to pigs or other farm animals?" said IFU's Chris Peterson in a statement issued Thursday. "We want sound science to avoid reproductive problems in Iowa's swine herds. Independent hog farmers have told us that this problem could be the final blow to their farms." 

The sows in question had all eaten a genetically modified corn, some of which was also found contaminated with a type of mold. Researchers have not yet determined what about the corn could cause the hormonal changes, but have not been able to rule out the corn as the cause, the farmers union said. 

"Their hormones are all messed up. The veterinarians couldn't figure out what was wrong with the sows," said Sokolowski 

Friends of the Earth, an activist group generally opposed to biotech crops, said it had been corresponding for months with the USDA on this matter. A letter from the Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration dated Oct. 29 said "scientists are testing the corn to determine if it contains a novel toxin that might impact swine production," but no final determination had ever been communicated. 

The farmers union and Friends of the Earth acknowledged that researchers at Iowa State University have said that genetically engineered Bt corn is not the cause of swine reproductive failures experienced by numerous local farmers. 

But they said, research has not not concluded whether some other aspect of the corn was causing the problems. 

The USDA has about 22,000 bushels of the suspect corn, having obtained it as collateral on a loan to the operators of a Harlan, Iowa, farm. 

The groups said the FSA attempted in late 2002 to sell the corn for ethanol production but it was rejected by a local processor. 

"When there is a mysterious problem that could affect the fate of farmers, our health and the environment, we need answers - not attempts to sweep it under the rug like the USDA has done," said Friends of the Earth spokesman Larry Bohlen. 

Copyright 2003, Reuters 
All Rights Reserved 

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety."  - Benjamin Franklin Historical Review
of Pennsylvania 1759

FW: [globalnews] TIA Spy Databases Very Hard to Create; Will BeInsecure Targets for Hackers, Terrorists

2003-01-24 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] TIA Spy Databases Very Hard to Create; Will Be Insecure Targets for Hackers, Terrorists

>From Dave Farber’s Interesting Persons mailing list. Those who fear the Bushes have created a Total Surveillance Society should take heart. Computer scientists think it’s unlikely to work and if implemented would be a juicy target for hackers of all kinds. US Govt. databases are notoriously insecure. Ask any grey or black data broker selling private companies, landlords and rich, paranoid individuals info about consumers. 
The Bushies can only produce McCarthyism lite, taken seriously on Fox News, but hardly extending into our daily lives, other than at airports. ;-) Not a totalitarian state.
Unless of course, Americans collectively decide out of fear that they must shut up, pucker up and kiss ass. This technology won’t work any better than dot com business plans of the Nineties, but must be opposed publicly none the less.
Be the change you want to see in the world.

-- Forwarded Message
From: Dave Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 03:15:36 -0500
Subject: [IP] TIA - USACM statement

> The USACM news release is posted at:
> Jeff Grove
> ACM Public Policy Office
> (202) 478-6312
> USACM Recommends an Independent Review of the U.S. Government's Total
> Information Awareness Program
> Washington, DC, January 23, 2003... USACM, the U.S. Public Policy Committee of
> the Association for Computing Machinery, today sent a letter to Congress
> recommending a rigorous independent review of the U.S. Government's Total
> Information Awareness (TIA) program.
> "As computer scientists and engineers we have significant doubts that the
> computer-based TIA program will achieve its stated goal of countering
> terrorism through prevention," said Dr. Barbara Simons, Co-chair of USACM.
> "Because of serious security, privacy, economic, and personal risks associated
> with the development of a vast database surveillance system, USACM recommends
> a rigorous independent review of these aspects of TIA. Such a review should
> include an examination of the technical feasibility and practical reality of
> the entire program." Dr. Simons said USACM would be pleased to assist in such
> a review.
> The TIA program is being developed by the Department of Defense as part of an
> effort to counter terrorism. In its current form, the TIA program would
> involve gathering vast amounts of personal information from U.S. citizens to
> compile a database of highly sensitive information, including financial,
> medical, educational, telephone, and travel records.
> USACM Co-Chair Dr. Eugene H. Spafford noted that databases like those proposed
> by TIA would provide new targets for exploitation and attack by malicious
> computer users, criminals, and terrorists. "It is unlikely that sufficiently
> secure databases of the required size and complexity, whether centralized or
> distributed, can be constructed and effectively employed in a secure
> environment, even with significant research advances. There are important
> steps the government can take now to improve current operational systems that
> enhance homeland security without creating major new risks to our information
> infrastructure," concluded Dr. Spafford.
> A copy of USACM's letter to Congress regarding the TIA program can be found
> at:
> About USACM
> ACM is a leading society of computer professionals in education, industry, and
> government. The USACM facilitates communication between computer professionals
> and policy-makers on issues of concern to the computing community. For more
> information, visit the USACM web site at
> ###
> ACM/Press Release
> Last Update: January 23, 2003

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FW: [globalnews] 2003 Astro Forecast

2003-01-24 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: [globalnews] 2003 Astro Forecast

Excuse me if I sent this. Cleaning out my inbox, this seems quite relevant. 
Maya Del Mar’s DayKeeper Journal
J A N U A R Y   2 0 0 3   F E A T U R E   A R T I C L E

What's the Shape of 2003?
by Maya del Mar

Perhaps the tardiness of this article is a clue to the character of 2003—things moving along, but not necessarily on time, or as expected. After all, we do start off this year with Mercury stationing and turning retrograde.

2003 is a "five" year. In the Tarot deck it’s a Hierophant year, a year of teaching and learning. In numerology, it’s a transition year. It’s the middle of a nine-year cycle, when we shift from the first four basic years to the next four more complex years. Nothing is settled once and for all in a five year. It’s a year full of variety and changes, many of them unexpected. We’ll deal with completely new situations, perhaps in new ways. Hang onto your hats!

Chiron brings changes to Capricorn.

The chart for the New Year, set for midnight local time, shows us the year’s foundation. Central is Sun conjoined with Maverick Chiron in Capricorn. This means unpredictable changes in established structures. It includes social structures such as government and business, concrete structures such as buildings and the earth herself, boundaries, such as national borders.

These changes also include all Capricorn energy, especially Capricorn Sun signs. So Caps, you may be in for a wild ride this year. By this time next year you will be ready to push ahead and work with your new forms.

Everybody, take good care of your spine, joints, and especially knees. Skin too. Chronic problems may heal spontaneously, or in unusual ways. Alternative medicine will be especially helpful. Chiropractors, plan for a busy year.

Chiron travels slowly this year, over a few degrees of central Capricorn. For most of the year, it opposes GW’s Sun and the U.S. Sun. When Chiron transits Sun, it points out both wounds to Sun, and the potential for healing. Wounds to the solar principle can show up as arrogance, narcissism, or egomania. One may feel that one’s purpose (Sun) is God-given, and therefore the ends justify the means. Chiron can also increase the controlling, destructive side of Sun.

We can see, then, that in 2003 the U.S. will increase its autocratic and controlling isolationist style, with the predictable consequences of increasing anti-U.S. feeling throughout the world, and certainly raising the potential of anti-U.S. terrorism. This is a perfect formula for keeping the "war on terrorism" going, and the arms makers busy.

Chiron also highlights health issues. The deterioration of the health care system may necessitate some new health planning. The broad field of alternative medicine will burgeon.

Chiron in Capricorn, along with Saturn in Cancer, will also bring changes to Aries and Libra energy. Wounds and healing can occur. There will also be hard work and a new sense of inner authority for all four of the cardinal signs—Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra.

Saturn and Pluto complete their opposition by June.

Saturn, Capricorn’s planet, is still traveling retrograde in Gemini as the year begins. Information channels, bureaucracy, and rigidity in education will persist. Geminis still feel the pressure to toe the line and shape up.

Although Saturn and Pluto will not reach exact opposition again this go-round, they are close to opposition and moving closer. This opposition, which has been in orb since summer 2001, is a major evolutionary force, and has made us all work very hard re-aligning our lives. We have all felt the pressure of those two slave drivers.

Nationally, one result has been a rapid shifting of money and resources to the elites. Another outcome is the stifling of civil liberties through the legal system. A third outcome is a mammoth increase in repressive government bureaucracy. A fourth result is the near-perfection of a state propaganda network.

By the time Saturn stations and turns direct on February 22, it will be less than three degrees from exact opposition to Pluto. This will be the grand finale of the great Saturn-Pluto opposition, and it will be a big one. The structural changes of these last two years will begin to manifest with a bang. This would be a likely time for war to begin, given the current world situation. Or any of a variety of situations to begin or end.

The Pluto-Saturn opposition hangs on through May’s eclipses, which set the pieces of our two-year projects in place.

Saturn enters Cancer in June.

On June 4, Saturn starts a two-and-a-half year run in the emotional, nest-making sign of Cancer. This will herald a major change in the entire work and social emphases in the world.

Now we focus on home, family, emotions, and the building of security. This will be especially significant for both Cancer Sun U.S. and Cancer Sun GW Bush. Saturn says it’s time to grow up. It’s the Great Teacher. Saturn-in-Cancer

Re: Kolisko; Agriculture of Tomorrow

2003-01-24 Thread Maxwriter
Re: << Re: Kolisko; Agriculture of Tomorrow
by James Hedley
22 January 2003 09:05 UTC  < < <
Thread Index

Dear Allan,
Count me in for a hard copy of Agriculture of Tomorrow.
James Hedley>>
Allan, me too, TIA, unless it is prohibitively expensive.(?)
BTW, my AOL account seems to have trouble accessing certain BDNow digests--perhaps 
when they are especially lengthy?--I get a message on my puter screen "This message 
does not exist".

Take care,

Re: Kolisko; Agriculture of Tomorrow

2003-01-24 Thread Prkrjake
Dear Allan,
Yes, copy of Kolisko, thank you.
Jane Parker

csa names

2003-01-24 Thread manfred
Vital Vittles
Working Share
Caring Shares

Re: Looking for a new CSA name

2003-01-24 Thread PAT MCGAULEY
My Garden

Consider please how your customers would love to claim great produce came
from "My Garden"; on repeat sales you could begin gentle teaching if so
inclined.  Yours could become THE official garden of good because those who
tried would be convinced.

Patti, central Florida where we had a hard freeze for a  few hours last
night and are expecting another tonight

FW: PBS Investigates the Near-Meltdown of a Nuclear Power Plantin Ohio

2003-01-24 Thread Jane Sherry
Title: FW: PBS Investigates the Near-Meltdown of a Nuclear Power Plant in Ohio

Dear Jane Sherry, While the United States Senate is considering passing a bill that will cap the liability of nuclear power plant operators should there be an accident or a terrorist attack on the plant, NOW visits Ohio's Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, which was shut down last year because of the most extensive corrosion ever discovered at a nuclear power plant.    The facility was closed after workers found a six-by-five inch cavity in its reactor head that eventually could have caused a meltdown--the closest the U.S. has come to a nuclear accident since Three Mile Island in 1979.  This week FirstEnergy, which operates the plant, postponed a scheduled refueling of the reactor, which once supplied electricity to 150 thousand people. On Friday, January 24, 2003, at 9 p.m., on PBS (check local listings at  ), NOW with Bill Moyers investigates the Davis-Besse incident to uncover whether industry profits were put before public safety and examines concerns about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's ability to effectively monitor all of the nation's 104 nuclear reactors.  Tune in and join the post-broadcast discussion at  
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Re: csa names

2003-01-24 Thread Allan Balliett
Vital Vittles
Working Share
Caring Shares

Thanks, Manfred!! I like your stick-to-it-ness!!!

I'm back to 'fresh and local CSA' which is

Did this name not work for you folks?


Hugh's in Moriarty, NM!

2003-01-24 Thread Scakya
Hi everybody,
 Been frantically busy with last minute details on the conference tommorrow.
Hugh called to let me know he was in Moriarty this evening and let me know
everything was OK. 
Pat Maas
Moriarty Farmer's Market Conference