Re: Radionics and scientists

2003-02-01 Thread Lloyd Charles
Allan wrote>
> I noticed over and over again that as I asked Mr. York or
> Mr. Brinton about the effectiveness of one dynamic approach to
> another - - from Heinz Groetzke's 100% chicken manure tea to radionic
> application, each of them in their own way and own words asked 'Why
> would a person need that? There must be something fairly basic that
> is not right or you wouldn't be looking for something so extreme.'
I agree wholeheartedly with getting the basics right first - but cant agree
that radionics (or homeopathic use of BDpreps ) is extreme - opposite I
would have thought - very subtle ! . I reckon using big licks of compost is
extreme, accepting as normal, a quarter or less of commercial yields is
extreme, growing plants under more or less continuous moisture stress to
induce mineralised fruit is extreme, bombing a vineyard on a regular basis
with elemental sulphur seems extreme, using radionics to remove the need for
some of these tactics would seem to be pretty worthwhile to me.
While I dont agree with the use of radionics to flog a particular brand of
product I do agree with Gil that we should take notice of the results gained
by professional practicioners after all does Alan York consult for free?
Does Brinton do lab testing for free so as to remain unbiased ? I still
think too that once someone (anyone) decides that radionics (or anything
else) has no place in the system they become quite blind to anything but the
most blatantly obvious result. When I posted on brix and frost a few weeks
back Elaine Ingham just could not accept the possibility that I may have
been right in saying that high brix in the crop sap rendered that crop less
prone to frosting - no it was the microbes pure and simple, the critters did
it by generating warmth!!, OK I maybe do have the microbes going better than
the guy down the road, but I sure as hell know I had brix going way way
better, It wouldnt have cost much to consider the possibility. I think these
two guys above are a tad biased in their outlook and approach to radionics
and (probably) homeopathic preps. These days when I hear "prove it" . I just
say  "nah! you go look for your self". If the person has an open mind and
there's something there they'll see it - if they're open to the possibility
and cant see they'll ask to be shown, if they're not open no amount of
'proving' will make the difference!!
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

radionics and powerlines

2003-02-01 Thread Lloyd Charles
Gil wrote>
> My statement concerning the power lines in Hugh's published photo was to
> refer to an image that I assume many on the list, if they are serious
> about non chemical agriculture, would subscribe to Acres and be familiar
> with that photo. The photo is related to Radionic Broadcast, not trees,
> cattle or scrub. I mearly noted that example as an image that I thought
> should be familiar to a reasonable proportion of the list, without
> posting photographs,
I saw this as a slide when Hugh Lovel was in Aus three? years ago, its a
very dramatic representation of high voltage interference with a radionic
broadcast - which was the whole point of Hugh showing it and Gil's drawing
our attention to it!! Anybody that doubts that radionics works should take
the time to see it! As Allan said we dont normally see this effect from
powerlines in normal circumstances - it was the powerline cancelling out the
beneficial energetic effect of the field broadcaster that was being shown.
Cheers all
Lloyd Charles

Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-01 Thread Gil Robertson
My statement concerning the power lines in Hugh's published photo was to 
refer to an image that I assume many on the list, if they are serious 
about non chemical agriculture, would subscribe to Acres and be familiar 
with that photo. The photo is related to Radionic Broadcast, not trees, 
cattle or scrub. I mearly noted that example as an image that I thought 
should be familiar to a reasonable proportion of the list, without 
posting photographs, which it seems many can not handle. I could list 
many things that distort or block a Radionic Broadcast. I believe these 
factors show us clearly how it is working when not blocked or interfered 

As for power transmission lines, both my son and I can detect these when 
being driven, blindfold in a car. [We have some one else drive.] I also 
have an instrument and antenna built in Oz by Hugh Sangster, based on Dr 
Phil Calahan's work, that measures the radiation from Power Lines and 
the readings are parallel with the sensations experienced by a sensitive 
when passing under them.

Some types of fencing material will interfere with Radionic Broadcast, 
just as they can negate micro waves and Radar. I can go into this at 
depth, but it may not be of interest to the list. We also have 
identified like interference with "Towers of Power".


Allan Balliett wrote:
Gil - This wasn't a call to judgement. It was a simple statement that in 
the course of their work, Snip

Re:EMF Fields

2003-02-01 Thread Eric Myren
If any of you out there are interested in EMF fields from a non 
spiritual but extremely controversial scientific point of view.
Check out this 
These two gentlemen literally wrote the book on EMF fields in the 
1970's when it was not fashionable and payed the price with their 
careers . The site is large and it may take time to down load over 
phone lines but it may be worth it


On Saturday, February 1, 2003, at 06:19 PM, Allan Balliett wrote:

Those of us involved, can tell so many stories of positive results, 
it is with wonderment that we read this sort of statement. Is it 
possible that York/ Brinton made their judgement on the work of some 
dabbler who is not properly trained?

Gil - This wasn't a call to judgement. It was a simple statement that 
in the course of their work, neither of these men have seen or heard 
of a farm where radionics was making a definite contribution to the 
the economic success of the enterprise.

More importantly, my statement is from private conversation. It's not 
my intention to encourage personal attacks on men who were simply 
stating their observations.

I will tell you one thing on the powerline story. I'm working out here 
in horse country outside of Washington DC. It's not uncommon to see 
the big arrays of trancontinental power lines x-the road and run away 
in the hills to either side. At the Blue Ridge Center they ran over 
the Blue Ridge right before our eyes. Although I always look, I have  
NEVER^ seen a clear example of the powerlines affecting the growth of 
plants. Furthermore, I regularly see cattle grazing under the lines 
when the cattle have the opportunity to graze hundreds of yards away. 
Furthermore, brush grows freely and wildly under the lines at the Blue 
Ridge Center, requiring brush clearing (lots of young oaks) twice a 

*The only time I saw what appeared to be a case of the growth of grass 
diminished under a line on examination turned out to be caused by 
ROUNDUP and not eminations from the powerlines.

Again, just my observations. No need to feel that I'm challenging your 


Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-01 Thread Allan Balliett
Those of us involved, can tell so many stories of positive results, 
it is with wonderment that we read this sort of statement. Is it 
possible that York/ Brinton made their judgement on the work of some 
dabbler who is not properly trained?

Gil - This wasn't a call to judgement. It was a simple statement that 
in the course of their work, neither of these men have seen or heard 
of a farm where radionics was making a definite contribution to the 
the economic success of the enterprise.

More importantly, my statement is from private conversation. It's not 
my intention to encourage personal attacks on men who were simply 
stating their observations.

I will tell you one thing on the powerline story. I'm working out 
here in horse country outside of Washington DC. It's not uncommon to 
see the big arrays of trancontinental power lines x-the road and run 
away in the hills to either side. At the Blue Ridge Center they ran 
over the Blue Ridge right before our eyes. Although I always look, I 
have  NEVER^ seen a clear example of the powerlines affecting the 
growth of plants. Furthermore, I regularly see cattle grazing under 
the lines when the cattle have the opportunity to graze hundreds of 
yards away. Furthermore, brush grows freely and wildly under the 
lines at the Blue Ridge Center, requiring brush clearing (lots of 
young oaks) twice a season.

*The only time I saw what appeared to be a case of the growth of 
grass diminished under a line on examination turned out to be caused 
by ROUNDUP and not eminations from the powerlines.

Again, just my observations. No need to feel that I'm challenging 
your observations.


Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-01 Thread Allan Balliett
'Bd farms''  that still spray Sulphur or copper still have problems. I
understand Mr Yorks vineyards still use these gross methods. WHat are they
covering up and can grapes be grown with out them?
Yes we have done it for several years - in a plastic house


Thanks for posting.

I think that York's answer would be that economics force them to use 
varities that are technically unsuitable for the sites they are 
planted on but the effectiveness of conventional practices have made 
vineyard owners expect to be shipping grapes from these varities from 
those locals each season. OR the vines were converted from 
conventional to biological and do not perform 100% under biological 

 The use of sulphur is not routine. The use of copper is all but prohibited.

Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-01 Thread Gil Robertson
Allan Balliett wrote: I'll just put this out here for comment: Alan York 
and Will Brinton both
state that they have never seen or heard of claims of crops reliably
produced (this means year after year, something that excludes many
variables: repeatability) through the use of radionics, except by people
who are involved in selling radionics on some level. First person
ndorsements to the contrary are encouraged

Gil writes:-

I have a lot of difficulty make up my mind as to answer or not answer 
this sort of post.

Do York/ Brinton suggest that the only credible people are those who do 
not charge for services rendered? Do they get their chemicals  free and 
the knowledge to apply them without charge? If they need an operation, 
do they pay and trained and equipped person, or do they seek some one 
with some likely looking tools and who does not charge a professional 
fee and accept that as a professional service? If all does not go well, 
do they then denigrate all trained persons?

I can not speak for those whom York/ Brinton are judging. It may be that 
those involved are not fully trained and there fore not providing a 
reliable service. There may be third party influences that are negating 
the Radionics. An example is a photograph Hugh published in an Acres 
USA, that clearly showed the effect of a power line across a crop of 
corn and the resulting reduction of the beneficial effect. We know that 
the effect of Nuclear Power Stations is much larger than the promoters 
would have us think. In many areas, ground water carries so much 
chemicals from other properties, that one must first start a program of 
nullifying that before doing other work.

Those of us involved, can tell so many stories of positive results, it 
is with wonderment that we read this sort of statement. Is it possible 
that York/ Brinton made their judgement on the work of some dabbler who 
is not properly trained?


Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-01 Thread Garuda
> would a person need that?

Even the best BD farm does not cover up the vagieries of bad weather or
extreme drought, frost or low light situation. This is where the BD preps
used wisely can overcome such things in a way nothing else will.

We are also seeing the negative effects of soil structure, which will take
years to sort by physical means can be addressed with the direct spraying of
specific homeopathic BD preps.

'Bd farms''  that still spray Sulphur or copper still have problems. I
understand Mr Yorks vineyards still use these gross methods. WHat are they
covering up and can grapes be grown with out them?
Yes we have done it for several years - in a plastic house

RE: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-01 Thread Allan Balliett
Is there a way to download Alan York's talk so that I can listen to it
without interruption?

What's the interruption? Please explain. Thanks

Physical tapes may become available from Penn State, but the 
organizer implied that he was in no hurry to dupe them.

Let me know what you need to make the sound file work for you.

The file, incidentally, is 150+ megs and took me 2.5 hours to upload on DSL!


RE: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-01 Thread SonomaVineyardLand at WQ
Is there a way to download Alan York's talk so that I can listen to it
without interruption?

Peter Young
Bennett Valley Vineyards

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Allan Balliett
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 4:46 AM
Subject: Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

>My apologies to Mr York! I guess too that I need reminding
>that radionics only works well in the hands of a skilled and talented
>operator, there are'nt many around, count em on your fingers probably
>your country as well as here!

Lloyd - I can't do justice to this because I do not have verbatim 
notes, but I noticed over and over again that as I asked Mr. York or 
Mr. Brinton about the effectiveness of one dynamic approach to 
another - - from Heinz Groetzke's 100% chicken manure tea to radionic 
application, each of them in their own way and own words asked 'Why 
would a person need that? There must be something fairly basic that 
is not right or you wouldn't be looking for something so extreme.' on 
top of that, Alan York said a couple of times (maybe even on the tape 
that I've published at 'I think this 
is all much easier than we are making it.' Which is to say, good 
farming practices are enough to produce a good farm; the preps are 
what are needed to produce food fit for human development. (And the 
development of real soil structure, I'd have to add from the recent 
AP readings!)

Going ahead, because Alan York uses the preps whereever he works (all 
of the preps), I asked him about horn clay. I told him that it is 
widely believed that the preps won't work well unless they were 
mediated through the use of horn clay. He said 'Well, I must be 
remiss. I've never noticed that the preps were not working.'

Again: this is not presented as 'the Truth' or to contradict someone 
else's experience. I'm putting this man's extensive and effective 
biodynamic experiences out here for less experienced growers to 
factor into their decisions for their own approaches.


Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-01 Thread Allan Balliett
My apologies to Mr York! I guess too that I need reminding occassionally
that radionics only works well in the hands of a skilled and talented
operator, there are'nt many around, count em on your fingers probably in
your country as well as here!

Lloyd - I can't do justice to this because I do not have verbatim 
notes, but I noticed over and over again that as I asked Mr. York or 
Mr. Brinton about the effectiveness of one dynamic approach to 
another - - from Heinz Groetzke's 100% chicken manure tea to radionic 
application, each of them in their own way and own words asked 'Why 
would a person need that? There must be something fairly basic that 
is not right or you wouldn't be looking for something so extreme.' on 
top of that, Alan York said a couple of times (maybe even on the tape 
that I've published at 'I think this 
is all much easier than we are making it.' Which is to say, good 
farming practices are enough to produce a good farm; the preps are 
what are needed to produce food fit for human development. (And the 
development of real soil structure, I'd have to add from the recent 
AP readings!)

Going ahead, because Alan York uses the preps whereever he works (all 
of the preps), I asked him about horn clay. I told him that it is 
widely believed that the preps won't work well unless they were 
mediated through the use of horn clay. He said 'Well, I must be 
remiss. I've never noticed that the preps were not working.'

Again: this is not presented as 'the Truth' or to contradict someone 
else's experience. I'm putting this man's extensive and effective 
biodynamic experiences out here for less experienced growers to 
factor into their decisions for their own approaches.


Re: Crystallization ???

2003-02-01 Thread gideon cowen
The idea of spraying 500 at this time comes from the Satller/Wistinghausen
tome on BD. They had very good results when spraying at this time. (not
scientific trials). Somehow enhancing the forces of crystallisation evident
in the crystal formations currently visible. Steiner also mentions this time
as important in the ag. lectures, but as both my books are out on 'loan' at
the moment, I cannot elaborate more. It is a particular window mid Jan. to
mid Feb., S./W. only mention 500. My feeling is that it 'reinforces' the
soil for the coming season.
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 8:17 PM
Subject: Crystallization ???

> I was hoping someone could expound on the period of crystallization that
> is occurring now. Whatfor and how.
> What changes are some of you doing now regarding prep applications now vs
> other times of the year. Would one want to alter application (let's say
> 501 on the soil in the evening), or just ramp up the schedule and apply as
> much as possible in the same fashion as the rest of the year.
> Is this period the same for both northern and southern Hemispheres. If so
> then it couldn't be related to the season of Is it the
> earth's realtionship to the sun, or its position relative to the rest of
> the universe that might cause this period to happen now?
> Just looking for a better understanding...
> Ed
> PS Had some wonderful crystals around these parts (northern Florida) last
> weeklows in the upper teens (apologies to the rest of the world for
> the imperial bias) with more that 14 hours of subfreezing temps for two
> nights. Now we're in the 'warm zone', temps in the 70's, and they're
> calling for a seabreeze front to develop today (normally a late
> spring,early summer occurance).  =:-0

Re: COMPOST TEA was Re: Perry's recnt posts

2003-02-01 Thread Lloyd Charles

- York is not an old guard BD person. He put 'dynamics' way
> behind good farming practice and knowledge of the crops being grown.
> I have no doubt that if he had seen an application of
> effective radionics that he wouldn't be applying it to all of his
> accounts.
My apologies to Mr York! I guess too that I need reminding occassionally
that radionics only works well in the hands of a skilled and talented
operator, there are'nt many around, count em on your fingers probably in
your country as well as here! Its also only one of many tools and if a
person cant use it to good effect then perhaps he's wiser to choose a
simpler tool? Most drivers would make better progress in the family sedan
than driving a ferrari eh?
>. Gimme that man's address and phone
> number and I"ll pass it to Mr. York.
I'll have to check that - he may not want to go there.
Lloyd Charles