Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-12 Thread Glen Atkinson

James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
 Dear Glen, Lloyd, David and felow list members,
 The eight pointed star exercise raises some interesting questions as to why
 you can stand on this pattern and actually feel that there is a difference
 between different spots on the star. 

What is the difference in the experience you have when you stand on the
primary cross as opposed to the secondary cross?

Big hint
Observe your ability to stand still.


Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-11 Thread James and Barbara Hedley

Dear Glen, Lloyd, David and felow list members,
The eight pointed star exercise is a good example of  the skills that I
teach in my workshops, except  I dont teach it as a particularly Goethean
anthropop approach. It really is just a case of tuning in and being aware of
what is happening within you, and around you.
The eight pointed star exercise raises some interesting questions as to why
you can stand on this pattern and actually feel that there is a difference
between different spots on the star. Initially the pattern has no meaning,
it is only an abstract diagram drawn to test a theory, but at some stage the
pattern has become an antennae. That this pattern is capable of broadcasting
and receiving emanations is obvious from the feel that there is something
Why is it that we can use a pattern, [sacred geometry] put a witness ,such
as drop of blood, sputum, hair or any object that his person has had contact
with, write a number, [an abstraction such as a rate] and it can cause an
effect on that which the witness has come from.
Does this action at a distance derive from intent, or is there some other
factors in operation so subtle that unless we are aware of it, just passes
us by. If we go past the belief that it is intent that causes this action or
that, and just become aware of where our thoughts are going and follow them
we become aware that there is a place where those thoughts go. A place where
the thought and the action become one, where there is no cause and effect,
there is just one.The thought is the key activator, not the intent.
Just try this one, stand in the middle of a paddock with a small phial of
Phosphoric Acid in your hand, or any reagent that you fancy, become aware of
the feel of the contents of the phial, get a stick and draw a square or
circle around you and start chanting the mantra Om. do it for as long as you
can, usually the chanting will get to the stage that it will not come out,
just retain your awareness on single pointed focus, you become the antennae
and broadcaster.
Each day before you do this exercise become aware of what is happening in
the area that you are in for the exercise. What has changed? Has the
phosphorus level changed in the area.
 You dont need to use the physical substances, you can  bring them into
manifestation from the unmanifest universe. To gain the confidence to even
attempt this, first you must become aware that there are subtle emanations
which can be amplifiedby awareness of muscle movements, much in the same way
as kinesiology.
It appears from much of the discussion that dowsing is some inferior form of
perception, this is not the case, it is another form of perception.  NASA
trains all astronauts in dowsing, because it is easier in times of stress to
have a unified set of responses which is consistent and in which you have
absolute faith in your clarity under all conditions.
 Goethean perception may work very well in the workshop, or the training
room, but when you have to find an answer in a hurry, are stressed, or move
into a subject that you know nothing about, dowsing perception wins every
Both dowsing and Goethean perception are skills which serve the adept well
if they are proficient at them.
Stay in the light.
- Original Message -
From: Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 7:00 PM
Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e:
Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

 Lloyd Charles wrote:
  More from the land of oz  - I found this lurking uncompleted on My
desktop -
  (Delete is just above the left cursor key if its too out of date)
   Gil Robertson wrote
  While one can undoubtable wait for devine revelation, if
   with a few acres in one situation, but if one is working with many
  properties, as
   Hugh and James are, there is a need to get accurate answers, quickly.

 In HAstings NZ last weekend I was chatting with Joke Bloksma from the
 Louis Bolk Institute in Holland, who is here seminaring on Geothean
 observation. I wish to honour her part in the stimulation of these words
 rather than quote our conversation.
 We were discussing the difference between direct perception and dowsing.
 One of the important parameters of geothean intutition is the feelings,
 pictures, knowings and insights that one gains through ones Astral body
 and Ego when observing or more correctly percieving something.
 There are many other things that can be used as observations as well.
 However staying with this one experience. As one puts out an impulse
 into the environment through asking the question, the environment
 responses instantaneously with the answer. By 'Environment' I mean from
 the localised Astrality and higher Self/Ego out to the Collective
 Unconscious realms and beyond. There is immense intelligence contained
 in these spheres and they feed the answers back.
 The lesson is being able to accept the answers and the experience

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-03-08 Thread Glen Atkinson

D  S Chamberlain wrote:
 Glen: Thank you for posting this insight, it explains some happenings when I
 am dowsing. If I have the message right, we should be able to ask the
 question and receive an answer in our next thought, am I correct?

Pretty much, this is as I experience it.

 Do Devas and other beings have any participation in this?

Between here and the edge off the Solar System there is plenty of
participatory beings, why limit your options by just 'talking' with

 Tried the cross exercise, nothing experienced, has this any significance?

The significance of not experiencing something from this?

Who am I to say.

Try it again and turn out away from the centre of your cross. Do not
focus on the centre.
Generally all one needs do is stand on one point for a minute or two,
then stand on one point 90 deg. away and then stand on the centre point
between them.

Have another go.

The significance and connotation of the experience though can be huge.
In fact it could be considered an essential experience for truly
understanding the inner nature of the 'Periodic table of Elements', the
Agriculture course and Gyroscopic physics generally. :}
Good luck

 David C

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-28 Thread Glen Atkinson

James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
 Study of the intellectual acuity of the Lievegoods and Kolisko's of this
 world this does not help us to become conscious participants and living
 in our environment.

And why not?

 I submit that the insights dowsers acquire from active participation in
 trying to understand the phenomenal world are as relevant, if not more
 relevant, as those acquired from reading about someone else's insights.

Submitment noted, however is dowsing really active participation or
passive response?
Certainly reading will get you no where, as so many of our BD ideologs
are a testament, but using Koliskos, Peliken or Lievegeods insights as a
basis for active observation is a very worthwhile activity, or so it has
seemed to me. 

 Your statement saying that I may as well have said, How can any body use
 Biodynamics without dowsing skills is beyond my comphrehension is a point
 worthy of discussion. Are you saying that dowsing has no part in
 understanding what our BD preps are doing, or as a comparative guide to what
 they are likely to do.

Naturally 'use' and 'outcome' depends on the user and so absolutes are
difficult here. 
However there is whole lot of difference between actively participating
in a process of cognition through interaction with the environment in
many ways, than passively asking your unconscious a yes no answer. You
may get an answer but you have not had the soul experience of the
journey. Do you 'really know' what the astral body is doing or what it
feels like personally or in the earth when it manifests as a groundhog,
once you have asked your pendulum for a remedy to rid them? Do you know
what the possible side effects of this remedy might be on the people,
animals and other plants and what these are going to look like? 

Use and practise develop 'muscles', imagining excercise does not. 

 As for developing into conscious angels I would rather live in this world
 right now and evolve as the rest of mankind develops than to try and be the
 first one there. No future in that. We dont have to change the world , just

I do not believe I said anything about not living in the present. All
humankind have the chance to develop towards being conscious angels. The
joke of our present time and situation is that this will not be
happening in 4000 years as RS suggested, but quiet possibly by 2025. So
the process is on right now for those who want it. RS has pointed out
that just as there are folks who make evolutionary jumps, there are
folks who are left behind as 'laggard beings'. The choice is yours. Pick
up the old atavistic clairvoyance or grow a conscious clairvoyance. RS
worked towards the latter and encouraged others to do the same. This is
why he bothered to outline the workings of the spiritual activities in
the Agriculture lectures and not just tell us about the preps and their
use. He hoped we would make use this information as a basis for us to
develop a conscious relatonship with them. And I believe we easily can
from the base he laid. 

Just as attending an elementary course such as provided by most BDAs is
a start on the road of Steiner Ag, so may dowsing be for some. The trap
of both is to stop there and believe 'you have got it'. Dowsing may well
be enough to turn a 'BD' buck and there is no shame in that. 
While I disagree with your suggestion one can not use a field
broadcaster without dowsing, as I do, I also appreciate it can be beyond
your comphrehension.

Glen A

 - Original Message -
 From: Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 7:26 AM
 Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e:
 Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI
  James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
   How any body can use a field broadcaster without dowsing skills is
 beyond my
   Sincere regards
  Through conscious observation and understanding.
 Apart from using the BD preps with a good organic practise, BD and
  Steiners whole thrust for agriculture was for us to be able to
  consciously live in our environment and act as conscious participants
  The knowledge and skills for developing this insight are available in
  the works of people such as Lievegeod, Kolisko, Haushcka, Bohenmuhl,
  Pelikan and in my own way I have provided the base from which I work in
  this way.
  RS suggested the development of these skills are a necessary part of our
  present evolution process and if we do not take up this challenge to
  walk across this bridge then all we do is repick up the old ways of
  prehistory rather than develop into conscious angels.
  It is yours and each of our choice.
  The really lucky thing is that it IS possible to be conscious of the
  spiritual forces in nature and to grow plants accordingly.
  This is what the Agriculture course is telling us apart from the obvious
  bits on how to make the preps.
  This is the REAl challenge I see put before us

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-27 Thread Hugh Lovel


For sure dowsing is a big help.


Dear Hugh,
Both Lloyd and I have found that the mixtures of reagents can change from
day to day, let alone from year to year. As for dowsing it is an easily
learnt skill as the participants at our dowsing workshops at Sattwa Park
can testify to.
How any body can use a field broadcaster without dowsing skills is beyond my
Sincere regards
- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2002 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was Re:
Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

 Dear Glen, et. al.,

 Your post confirms what Lorraine has found. Mixes are often specific for
 the situation, time and weather circumstance.

 That's why we tailor our broadcaster reagents to each and every farm. And
 change them at a minimum of every year. So what we have found is the
 expertise rather than copying of remedies is the important thing. One has
 to be able to tell (Lorraine does this by dowsing) what potency of each
 remedy she puts on the reagent vials for our broadcasters. Commonly one
 farm is quite different from another.


 Hugh, Alan, Gil and Chris
 Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions. I see the value in Hugh and
 Alans approaches and will work with them and see what I can do with
 Gils comments on 'unknowing messing around' are true to a point however
 dowsing and a radionics box could do some wild things. The uniqueness I
 see is in the original mixing for a specific task.
 This was a question that needed to be asked publically for the community
 to consider.
 While I have made general mixes of things, with our 'personal clients'
 the mixes are most often specific for the situation, time and weather
 circumstance. These would be silly to generally copy.
 I am sure there is a way forward, just in a different direction to that
 already travelled and that imagined to be travelled. Sounds like another
 bit of 'life' taking place.
 Chris Shade wrote:
  Glen has a good point, and frankly, I was surprised
  that Allan so openly suggested that.
  On the flip side, though, most people (who dont'
  already make some of their own preps), won't be in a
  position to make good copies of Glen and Greg's
  potencies.  And if radionic theft is the issue, it
  would have always been the issue with any prep.  You
  just have to figure that your market is those who
  aren't radionics or homeophath jockeys and who need
  some good preps.
  Wishing you market protection and good will from your
  --- Glen Atkinson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Allan Balliett wrote:
A question I have for everyone is Can't Greg's
   remedies be readily
propagated infinitely? Since they are potentized,
   are they not now
the 'mother' for endless batches of equal remedy?
   I would think they
are, but I'd appreciate insights from you more
potentizers. Myself, I assume that once you buy a
   unit from Greg, if
you don't spill it, you need never purchase
   another, but simply dose
your own units from that point on.
   This does not necessarily hold to be true. Firstly
   these are compounds
   which when further potentised can change their
   effectiveness and
   secondly potentising develops in waves and so
   further potentising can
   indeed make them less effective. We have definitely
   found that reducing
   the desired application rate leads to reduced
   effect. 'Stealing them'
   thru a radionics device, without changing the
   potency should work within
   that sphere I guess.
   This is an opportune moment to bring a thought to
   this discussion. With
   Greg and my potencies ( and thus our lives work)
   being 'potentially' so
   easily stolen from us, what incentive is there for
   us to continue
   working on furthering preparation applications. Why
   would we bother? and
   how are our overheads and life expenses to be
   covered by the community
   benefiting so freely from our work?
   in anticipation of the solution
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Yahoo! Sports - Coverage of the 2002 Olympic Games
 Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
 See our web site @

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-27 Thread James and Barbara Hedley

Dear Steve,
Yes that what it is. A chart is an abstract object that has no meaning
except that which we put into it.
- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e:
Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

 In a message dated 2/26/02 4:30:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Through conscious observation and understanding.

 Nothing personal James but as a good example this statement could also
 be How can any body use Biodynamics without dowsing skills is beyond my

 Apart from using the BD preps with a good organic practise, BD and
 Steiners whole thrust for agriculture was for us to be able to
 consciously live in our environment and act as conscious participants

 The knowledge and skills for developing this insight are available in
 the works of people such as Lievegeod, Kolisko, Haushcka, Bohenmuhl,
 Pelikan and in my own way I have provided the base from which I work in
 this way.
 RS suggested the development of these skills are a necessary part of our
 present evolution process and if we do not take up this challenge to
 walk across this bridge then all we do is repick up the old ways of
 prehistory rather than develop into conscious angels.
 It is yours and each of our choice.
 The really lucky thing is that it IS possible to be conscious of the
 spiritual forces in nature and to grow plants accordingly.
 This is what the Agriculture course is telling us apart from the obvious
 bits on how to make the preps.
 This is the REAl challenge I see put before us by Biodynamics.
 This is also be one of the HUGE differences between the BD buck turners
 and some other BD practioners. The BDAs seem to have a small
 appreciation of this need and difference however they do not seem to
 have or promote the skills necessary to make conscious spiritual
 perception a every day reality. So they sit on high and isolate quietly.

 Excellent descriptio nfor a course charted to the future

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-26 Thread Glen Atkinson

James and Barbara Hedley wrote:
 How any body can use a field broadcaster without dowsing skills is beyond my
 Sincere regards

Through conscious observation and understanding.

Nothing personal James but as a good example this statement could also
be How can any body use Biodynamics without dowsing skills is beyond my

Apart from using the BD preps with a good organic practise, BD and
Steiners whole thrust for agriculture was for us to be able to
consciously live in our environment and act as conscious participants

The knowledge and skills for developing this insight are available in
the works of people such as Lievegeod, Kolisko, Haushcka, Bohenmuhl,
Pelikan and in my own way I have provided the base from which I work in
this way.
RS suggested the development of these skills are a necessary part of our
present evolution process and if we do not take up this challenge to
walk across this bridge then all we do is repick up the old ways of
prehistory rather than develop into conscious angels. 
It is yours and each of our choice.
The really lucky thing is that it IS possible to be conscious of the
spiritual forces in nature and to grow plants accordingly.
This is what the Agriculture course is telling us apart from the obvious
bits on how to make the preps. 
This is the REAl challenge I see put before us by Biodynamics.
This is also be one of the HUGE differences between the BD buck turners
and some other BD practioners. The BDAs seem to have a small
appreciation of this need and difference however they do not seem to
have or promote the skills necessary to make conscious spiritual
perception a every day reality. So they sit on high and isolate quietly. 

Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books  Diagrams
See our web site @

Re: Agri-Synthesis® short-lived and overpriced? was R e: Agri-Synthesis® Remedies Tested At UAI

2002-02-26 Thread SBruno75

In a message dated 2/26/02 4:30:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Through conscious observation and understanding.

Nothing personal James but as a good example this statement could also
be How can any body use Biodynamics without dowsing skills is beyond my

Apart from using the BD preps with a good organic practise, BD and
Steiners whole thrust for agriculture was for us to be able to
consciously live in our environment and act as conscious participants

The knowledge and skills for developing this insight are available in
the works of people such as Lievegeod, Kolisko, Haushcka, Bohenmuhl,
Pelikan and in my own way I have provided the base from which I work in
this way.
RS suggested the development of these skills are a necessary part of our
present evolution process and if we do not take up this challenge to
walk across this bridge then all we do is repick up the old ways of
prehistory rather than develop into conscious angels. 
It is yours and each of our choice.
The really lucky thing is that it IS possible to be conscious of the
spiritual forces in nature and to grow plants accordingly.
This is what the Agriculture course is telling us apart from the obvious
bits on how to make the preps. 
This is the REAl challenge I see put before us by Biodynamics.
This is also be one of the HUGE differences between the BD buck turners
and some other BD practioners. The BDAs seem to have a small
appreciation of this need and difference however they do not seem to
have or promote the skills necessary to make conscious spiritual
perception a every day reality. So they sit on high and isolate quietly. 

Excellent description for a course charted through thte future.  Dowsing is a 
good tool but should not become a crutch for us to lean on.  Active 
perception and conscious participation is the key to success in using the BD 