Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-08-01 Thread Pam DeTray

Hi Peter, Glen, Hugh--How does one prepare 501 or any other prep for human intake? 
What is a dose? Have any of you any sort of chart on which prep affects what ailment? 
I have felt inclined to try using 501 on myself all year, but wasn't sure exactly what 
to do.

- Original Message -
From: Peter Michael Bacchus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I've had an interesting experience with 501 in relationship to an abscess in the 
nerve canal of my lower jaw. The abscess was on the move towards the jaw hinge and it 
was time to do something decisive. After a discussion with Glen I started taking some 
501. After about four doses at two hourly intervals the abscess returned to the tooth 
where it started, then climbed up past the tooth and sat just under the skin beside 
the tooth.

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Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-08-01 Thread Roger Pye

Barbara Hedley signs herself 'Bioethical Agriculture Consultant' - I 
like that, is it what I do, I wonder? No, I am a bridge-building worker 
bee - bridging the chasm between the information 'haves' and 'have nots'.

Forgive me, I should have introduced myself. I joined this list today 
and in my next message I shall do an intro. For now, let it be known 
that I am a colleague (and friend) of Barbara Hedley and Hamish Mackay, 
a member of the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association in 
Australia, I know a very little about biodynamics and I have a few 
bright ideas.

To get to the point - chamomile. Five years ago I suddenly began to be 
assailed by violent debilitating headaches which put me in bed, totally 
energyless, for three days. Nothing chemical would shift them, I had to 
wait until they passed off naturally. I have suffered from headaches 
 for most of my life but nothing like these. They all began on the left 
side of the head, moving subsequently to cover both temples, then down 
the right side before finally disappearing.

The headaches I was used to were almost without exception confined to 
one side or the other. Those on the left side were stomach-related and I 
could cure them with paracetamol. Those on the right were caused by 
tension or stiff neck - a soluble codeine/aspirin mix such as Solcode 
(now extinct) or Aspalgin did the job there. Sometimes I used both in 

The naturopath I visited (and her successor when she moved away) uses a 
diagnostic and treatment system called Vegatesting. My interpretation of 
how it works and what it does is that it is a form of radionics. At 
first I thought it was mumbo jumbo - sitting for an hour and a half in a 
circuit with a human who asked questions of the cosmos (apparently) and 
two machines, one of which held vials of fluid and the other beeped, 
whirred or burped according to whatever. After an hour I was told I had 
a list of ailments including heavy metal toxicity, depressed immune 
system, the non-HIV form of hepatitis - and Ross River Virus. That's the 
cause of the headaches, I was advised, would I like to know how long it 
had been in my system? Yes, I would. What followed was illuminating.

The naturopath touched my left thumb with her stylus (in my right hand I 
held a cylindrical contact) and asked 'How long has this person had this 
disease - one year?  Five years? More than five years?' Each time the 
noise machine whistled, indicating a 'Yes' answer. She worked her way up 
to 15-20 years before it became uncertain, dropping down the scale. I 
cannot get it closer than that, she said apologetically.

I stared at her, thinking. It was late February 1997 and my headaches 
had begun five weeks before. (You should note that I knew nothing of BD 
or radionics then; did not even come across the terminology until early 
2001.) I counted back 20 years - 1977 - went forward five, one by one. 
What carries Ross River Virus? I asked.

A certain sort of mosquito found in sub-tropical conditions.

I nodded. In the midsummer of 1979 I was living in Canberra with my 
first wife, I said. I went on a driving holiday around part of NSW on 
my own, staying at caravan parks. At least that was my intention. The 
first night I stayed at Wellington, a small town not far to the north of 
the national capital by Australian standards. The second I reached 
Parkes, not much further north because I had dawdled on the way. It was 
incredibly hot and dry and the whole region was suffering from drought, 
very little water in reservoirs, dead sheep and cattle about, awful. I 
woke up on the third morning with a dreadful headache like I had never 
had before.

I paused, remembering.  How strange it was. One of these headaches, I 
continued slowly. The first. Good heavens, I'd forgotten all about it.

The lady smiled at my confusion, asked me whether I had been in similar 
conditions recently. Yes, I had; Robin (my wife) and I had returned five 
weeks before from two weeks in Brisbane in sub-tropical Queensland. She 
nodded. You were bitten again, quite likely. That would do it.  RRVcan 
lie dormant for years and be re-triggered by another attack. Now I'll 
work out the remedy.

Which she did. It contained chamomile. As the weeks and months passed, 
the headaches diminished. I found that chamomile as a tea was as 
effective (if not moreso) than paracetamol in getting rid of the 
'ordinary' left side of the head aches. I also learned my lesson as far 
as radionics is concerned. Came the day I decided it was all hoo-ha and 
gobbledy-gook and went off the herbs and homeopathic solutions. At that 
time I hadn't had a 'bad' headache for over two months; three days later 
I was in bed in agony!

Over four years they got my headaches down to two hours every few 
months. That is where we are at today. I've learned a lot. I know when 
I'm beginning one and what to do to combat it. I don't lose my energy 
any more.

Two days ago I went to see Lisa (the 

Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-08-01 Thread Hugh Lovel


That's the way I do it. I treat with the potency simulator radionically.
Sometimes, if it is more convenient, I'll make up a potency and take it.



Rather than take a BD prep as a homeopathic remedy, can one radionically
treat oneself with it, dowsing for which prep and for how long?

- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

 Right, Allan,

 Silica remedies can often seem as radical in the human body as they do in
 the field. They can be moderated by treating in tandem with the lime
 remedies, and then it doesn't seem so radical. In fact, using them along
 with horn clay is probably the most advisable method. Watch out about
 silica remedies by themselves.


 I've been experimenting with treating myself with preps for some
 time. I have a lot of questions so I won't run that by you yet, but
 I've found the silica remedies such as horn quartz to be
 astonishing. It's been like a roller coaster with all the thrills,
 but with some obvious fruits too. I'm convinced Steiner's
 agricultural remedies are amongst the best medical remedies
 invented. Please experiment more, and let us know the results.
 Hugh -
 I don't know about 501, but I do know that Joe Lillard has warned
 that homeopathic silica is not for everyone and it can bring up a lot
 of things for the body that people (or their livers) may not be able
 to deal with. It can be currative, of course. Very curative.
 My advice for experimenters, though, would be to not do it unless you
 are able to take a lot of time off from work, should you need to.

 Visit our website at:

Visit our website at:

Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-07-31 Thread Virginia Salares


Rather than take a BD prep as a homeopathic remedy, can one radionically
treat oneself with it, dowsing for which prep and for how long?

- Original Message -
From: Hugh Lovel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

 Right, Allan,

 Silica remedies can often seem as radical in the human body as they do in
 the field. They can be moderated by treating in tandem with the lime
 remedies, and then it doesn't seem so radical. In fact, using them along
 with horn clay is probably the most advisable method. Watch out about
 silica remedies by themselves.


 I've been experimenting with treating myself with preps for some
 time. I have a lot of questions so I won't run that by you yet, but
 I've found the silica remedies such as horn quartz to be
 astonishing. It's been like a roller coaster with all the thrills,
 but with some obvious fruits too. I'm convinced Steiner's
 agricultural remedies are amongst the best medical remedies
 invented. Please experiment more, and let us know the results.
 Hugh -
 I don't know about 501, but I do know that Joe Lillard has warned
 that homeopathic silica is not for everyone and it can bring up a lot
 of things for the body that people (or their livers) may not be able
 to deal with. It can be currative, of course. Very curative.
 My advice for experimenters, though, would be to not do it unless you
 are able to take a lot of time off from work, should you need to.

 Visit our website at:

BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-07-30 Thread James Hedley

Dear List members,

I have been interested lately in what the individual 
preps do. We always seem to use the compost preps in a block to add to compost 
or to brews or to cow pat pit.So I began reading again about the 
individual preps. The description and pictures of the chamomile in the intestine 
of the cow, while the prep 503 was being made, set me thinking. Then I was at a 
workshop on BD and someone said that this was about the digestive process in the 
compost heap. I realised at that moment that it was about the digestive gesture 
or energy, full stop - in anything. 

My digestive system has always been my weak link. So I 
thought to myself - ah I could use this stuff on myself. James, who was sitting 
behind me, leant forward at the same time and said "You ought to take that. It 
would be good for your digestion." Bingo. So when we 
got home, we prepared a homeopathic remedy using a Rae card of sample Prep 503. 
I took one dose. My guidance, when asked should I take more, said "You only put 
it in the compost heap once." 

The effecthas been remarkable. I would describe the 
result as putting the energy into my digestive system. Instead of putting it 
into the ground to put it into the food or into the animal that I would then 
eat, I have taken the separate energy of this preparation directly and I now 
have a digestive gesture in my body that was not there before. 

That was 3 weeks ago now that I took the one dose and I 
can still feel the effects. Firstly there was an increase in warmth around my 
middle that spread within 24 hours to my whole body, and it remains. I have 
experienced a detox and my lymphatic system has been functioning fully. That 
lasted 2 weeks and was not always comfortable, but then no change seems to be 
comfortable. I feel like I digest food now. It feels very good and positive. I 
also get hungry and thirsty in a way I have never experienced before. I have 
also been very relaxed and happy and at peace.The prep 503 has also 
balanced a nitrogen imbalance in me that manifested as dizziness and that has 
now subsided. The prep is used as a nitrogen rebalancer in the 

I was wondering who else has tried this Prep 503 on 
themselves and with what results. I was also wondering if anyone has any other 
experience of using this prep agriculturally by itself also. 

Love and Light Barbara 

Radiasesthesia and Radionic AnalysisRadionic Insect and Parasite 
controlBioethical Agriculture Consultant

FN:James Hedley
ORG:Hedley and Hedley P/L;Bioethicals
TEL;WORK;VOICE:02 6358 8425
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Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-07-30 Thread Glen Atkinson

Hugh  Barbara
Yes I can concure with Barbaras experience and observations and Hughs
suggestion that these are some of the best remedies available for human
How are we different to the soil or plants. We have the same spiritual
bodies, made of the same fabric yet woven together in slightly different
patterns. What works in the soil has to work for humans.
I started taking 503 in 1990. I have taken too much of it over a
extended period and can only describe the experience as developing the
consciousness of a pregnant women. In moderation though it does
wonderful things

Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

2002-07-30 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

Dear List Members,
I've had an interesting experience with 501 in relationship to an abscess in the 
nerve canal of my lower jaw. The abscess was on the move towards the jaw hinge 
and it was time to do something decisive. After a discussion with Glen I started 
taking some 501. After about four dosesat two hourly intervals the abscess 
returned to the tooth where it started, then climbed up past the tooth and sat 
just under the skin beside the tooth. It was accutely painfull and demanding to 
be lanced. I then changed over to Schusseler's cell salt #12, silica 6x and 
after another four doses at two hourly intervals the abscess disolved and 
drained away via the lymph system. Perhaps this would be a good system for 
moving abscesses or tumors that are in inoperable situations.
I was later invited to try the same treatment on a dog that had a large abscess 
on the top of its head. When it headed up and was ready to be released the vet 
and the owner decided to put the dog down instead.
Apart from proving, I believe that any herbal or homoeopathic remedy should only 
be taken for as long as it is needed. If the condition returns then repeat the 

  - Original Message - 
  Hugh Lovel 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 8:36 
  Subject: Re: BD Prep 503 for humans