Re: electron resonance

2003-02-08 Thread Peter Michael Bacchus

   On the pacemaker itself, there has been a remarkable improvement
   in my health, I just wish I'd done it years ago. (But I have to wonder
   what the effects of it on a broadcaster, or the effects of a field
   broadcaster would have on it.) any comments?

 Hi Martha,
If the reason for your pacemaker was heart arythmer it
would have been worth looking at the Magnesium, Potassium balance. I have
helped a number of people with heart arythma with the suggestion of using
Mag. Phos 6x, a Dr. Schusseler cell salt remedy. I haven't used one of
Glen's remedies on this complaint yet but see no reason why a couple of them
wouldn't work.

Re: Omega 3s (was Electron Resonance)

2003-02-03 Thread Maxwriter
 From: Allan Balliett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Omega3s
 Don't forget, folks, that the reason American's lack Omega 3s in
 their diets is that animals who do not eat diets of grains in the
 state of Nature do not produce Omega 3s in confinement agriculture.
 Animals raised in sunshine, on healthy grass and with access to
 their natural diet (like bugs for chickens and fish!) produce
 products that contain Omega3s for humans. (We apparently
 externalized our Omega3 production, preferring to glean it from 
  the food chain...oop!)
 Check out the pages for more technical info, or
 attend PASA this year where there will be plenty of talk about 
  how pasture-raised livestock provides for human health requirements.
 -Allan Balliett
 recovering vegetarian

Hi, Allan, I, too, am a recovering vegetarian!:) (esp. if/when I'm lucky 
enough to get BD-/pasture-raised beef).

Your point about Omega 3s as the result of sunshine and healthy grass (which 
of course also requires sunshine) reminded me of this quote from one of the Dr.
Budwig sites I sent excerpts of to Warren Zevon, where *sun* -- as the original 
birthplace of the *electrons* in seed oils (!) -- is prominently featured:
  Dr. Budwig worked with many patients who were terminally ill and some who 
  had only hours to live. She gave them the combination of oil-protein plus 
  organic foods, plus exercise, fresh air and used the healing powers of the 
  sun to cure these hopeless cases who sometimes started to show improvement 
  within days. Following is a quote from one of her books:
  I often take very sick cancer patients away from hospital where they are 
  said to have only a few days left to live, or perhaps only a few hours. This 
  is mostly accompanied by very good results. The very first thing which these 
  patients and their families tell me is that, in the hospital, it was said 
  that they could no longer urinate or produce bowel movements. They suffered 
  from dry coughing without being able to bring up any mucous. Everything was 
  blocked. It greatly encourages them when suddenly, in all these symptoms, 
  the surface-active fats, with their wealth of electrons, start reactivating 
  the vital functions and the patient immediately begins to feel better. It is 
  very interesting to ask how this sudden change is possible. It has to do 
  with the reaction patterns, with the character of electrons. I will return 
  to these electrons later. In the last two years, I have come to be very fond 
  of them. A friend of my work in Paris, wrote to me how wonderful it is that 
  you have discovered the original birthplace of the electrons in seed oils to 
  be the sun. That's how these connections are made! 

Thank you for the url.
take care,

electron resonance

2003-02-02 Thread Maxwriter
 Dear Folks,
 (First, blessings and speedy peace to the poor souls who lost their lives on today's 
shuttle crash; didn't hear about it till after writing the bulk of this letter)

 Today a confluence of information on a couple of threads in my private 
 life, came together in a way as to sugest the science behind why foods 
 raised biodynamically, could be curative of many dis-ease conditions.
 The commonality of the two threads lies in how they both suggest, in 
 diferent ways, that what I'll shorthand-label electron resonance (which, if I 
 understand corectly from what Hugh L. has said and written, is involved in 
 how his field broadcasters, as well as the wondrous Hieronymous machine he 
 brought to Jeff's bd conference last September, work), may hold the key to 
 reversing disease.
 However, that such a scientific explanation may (likely?) already be 
 available in biodynamic (or perhaps more acurately, quantum) ag circles or 
 literature, does not detract from my excitement at the fact that it looks to 
 me (who is a very uneducated person in matters scientific AND biodynamic) as 
 though both an alternative aproach to curing cancer (the first thread 
 I'll discuss below), and a conventional science research aproach to curing 
 heart, alzheimers, parkinsons, and diabetes problems (the second thread) 
 contain information pointing to electron behavior(/manipulation?) as perhaps 
 key to disease process/treatment (see also, -- thank you Sarah C. for 
 that link given me months ago -- and -- thank you Gentle Ox! -- and 
 thank you Allan for the forum where all this info can be exchanged!)
 Because I am as (science/quantum ag) uneducated as I am, and also because my 
 chronic brainfog from chemical injury has seemed particularly egregious 
 during the writing of this letter, I would apreciate hearing feedback on the 
 below, from the enlightened/clear minds on this list, on whether I'mon the right 
track. And I hope you'll 
 forgive any lack of clarity due to those and other brain-dulling factors (not 
least of which, a couple of teeth in their rather painful death-throes).
 The first thread was that a dear friend of mine's father has colon cancer 
 which he has been treating with conventional (surgery+chemo) means.  Recent 
 severe side effects of the treatment have put the guy in the hospital for at 
 least the past couple weeks, which I just learned today will be folowed by a 
 stay in a nursing home hopefuly for just a week or so.
 Now, some time ago I was handed a tape How to Fight Cancer and Win which 
 was made by a fellow (a beekeeper friend of the people who gave me the tape) 
 whose prostate cancer was substantially reversed (if not cured, I don't 
 remember which, now) by the use of the method described -- a tape filled 
 with testimonials by people with various kinds of cancer who had been cured 
 by it (or put into longterm remission, as documented in their medical 
 records) -- a tape which I described the core info in, by phone to my friend 
 when I first learned of his father's cancer, and then made a copy of and 
 mailed to him in case he thought it warranted being passed on to his father.
 The cancer-fighting method discused on the tape involved at its kernel, 
 daily eating organic cold-pressed flaxseed oil mixed with cottage cheese.  
 Well, there have been so many snake oil formulas for curing cancer (and 
 other ailments) that one cannot really blame those who -- in a lifetime of 
 exposure to and brainwashing by our medical industrial complex -- might be 
 skeptical that such a simple remedy could posibly work to cure cancer. Such 
 skepticism would naturally lead  most people to not consider listening to 
 the tape to be a priority, and aparently that is what hapened with my friend 
 (and with my mother, to whom I also sent a copy of the tape after she was 
 diagnosed with small cell lung cancer, acompanied by a letter summarizing 
 the method and that many had used it with success documented by their 
 medical records, acording to the tape).
 I, on the other hand, having seen so much in my journey with MCS-CI 
 (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity/Chemical Injury) to indicate that 
 conventional medicine leaves much to be desired, WAS open to listening to 
 the tape as a priority.  The testimonials therein, and the fact that no-one 
 making them had anything to gain monetarily by stating their success in 
 their own cancer cases (to my knowledge they did not have a financial stake 
 in flaxseed oil companies or in cottage cheese companies), made suficient 
 impact on me as to the method's likely eficacy, that I imediately started 
 using this combo myself as a preventive measure.
 (As I understand it, because a MCS/chemically-injured person's liver does 
 not properly process and excrete (detoxify) chemicals, they remain 
 buried (sequestered -- the only other thing the body can

Re: electron resonance

2003-02-02 Thread flylo
I hope someone on this list more 'in the know' of bd 'therapies' will 
read the entire thread and start dialog on it.So many people come 
out with statements that 'this will cure cancer' as well as the other 
main killers, we all have to be a little sceptical. But flaxseed oil and 
yogurt or cottage cheese, simple enough that if it didn't send 
anything into remission, a healthy addition to anyone's diet anyhow.
And, if this is a recommendation for heart patients, I'm more than a 
little miffed it has been hushed up until AFTER I've had my (rather 
expensive) implant. 
On the pacemaker itself, there has been a remarkable improvement 
in my health, I just wish I'd done it years ago. (But I have to wonder 
what the effects of it on a broadcaster, or the effects of a field 
broadcaster would have on it.) any comments? 

Re: electron resonance

2003-02-02 Thread Soilculturebiody

field broadcasting might well be focused at ice, crime, poverty, human attitude and rodents in many farming systems, if you really want to help.

The plant health and crop qualtiy is easy if you have food and lack of crime.
