Re: Flock and Sleep

2003-08-07 Thread Bob Showalter
Sara wrote:
 (sub get_number {
 flock (NUMBER, 2);

Use the constants from the Fcntl module.

 Do blah blah blah

 close (NUMBER);

 closing a file automatically removes the lock??


 or should I have to
 unlock it by placing

 flock (NUMBER, 8);
 close (NUMBER);

No, you don't need to do that. In fact, it used to be dangerous, because of
buffering. If you unlocked the file, buffered data could be written after
the lock was released. Perl now automatically flushes the file before
unlocking to avoid this. Bottom line: if you're going to close the file,
don't worry about explicitly unlocking. You only need to unlock if you want
to allow another process to gain the lock while you still hold the file open
(i.e. coordinating changes to the file among multiple processes).

 My second question is how I can delay the execution of a script (If
 two users trying to execute the same script) for 30 sec by using sleep
 function? and If I implement sleep function in my script . Do I
 really need to use 'flock' in my script or there is no need then.

If you want to make sure the two programs aren't changing the file
simultaneously, you should use flock. If you dont' want to block forever if
another process has the file locked, you need to use the LOCK_NB parameter
and then sleep() or whatever until you want to retry the lock.

Note that if multiple processes need to append to the file and each writes
its data with individual calls to syswrite(), you don't need to use locking
(although it doesn't really hurt anything). The kernel will perform
individual writes atomically.

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Re: Perl line breaks

2003-08-07 Thread Octavian Rasnita
This code is working fine under Windows, but maybe you have made some
mistakes in your subroutine that  prints the header...

You don't need to print so many separate lines using the print ...;

You can use:

print EOF;


Teddy's Center:

- Original Message -
From: Mike Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Octavian Rasnita' [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Jon Hogue [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 2:24 AM
Subject: RE: Perl line breaks

I was trying to find a log file to look at.  I guess half the problem is I
am using a hosting service, and it is on a Microsoft IIS server (Windows
NT-based I think, but definitely not UNIX).  I will have to ask the hosting
admin where I might find a log file...

Here is the part of the perl script that I start printing things to the
browser (see previous message for the script that contains the
HTML_header and HTML_ender subroutines):

my $header = 'Successful update';
my $msg = h2Your preferences have been updated

# Finally, put up a HTML document announcing that the update was successful.
print body\n;
print center\n;
print $msg\n;
print pReturn to the a href=\$uname\
onMouseover=\window.status='Back to account management'; return true\
onMouseout=\window.status=''; return true\Account Management/a
print /center\n;

Note that I have also tried using print qq| ... | code as well.

I am now getting a CGI error message along the lines of
Cannot find a string terminator '' in ... line ... (the line above starting
with print p... .  I can't find a problem with that line???

Thanks for your help so far guys!  I am losing a bit of sleep on this one :(

-Original Message-
From: Octavian Rasnita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 06 August, 2003 2:30 AM
To: Jon Hogue
Cc: Mike Harrison; 'Andrew Brosnan'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Perl line breaks

For troubleshooting a script you can take a look in the server's log file
and you will find there any error.

Teddy's Center:

- Original Message -
To: Octavian Rasnita [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Mike Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Andrew Brosnan'
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: Perl line breaks

...and you don't need to print the HTML header in the BEGIN {} block.
You can just print it at the top of the perl program or in the middle of
program but before anything else is printed.

if something is dieing in a module you are loading, you will never know
about it because it will never get to the Content-Type and therefore never
send anything good to your browser. if you use a BEGIN block, you might
catch things that happen in modules you load. i wouldn't recommend doing
that for your normal script, but it is a useful troubleshooting tool.

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Re: obtain web page contents with perl through a proxy server

2003-08-07 Thread awarsd

look at LWP; module at, or on yahoo.
I forgot how to use it. Since it has been long time ago.


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2003-08-07 Thread Marcus Willemsen
Hi everybody,

I've written a script that retrieves data from a database and uses this data to built 
a list of links.
print(a href='$result-{subchapter}'More.../a);
Unfortunatly one Subchapter is named 'MA'. So when I try to retrieve the param 
my $subchpt = $q-param('subchpt');
I get $subchpt = 'M'
So my question is: Is there a possibility to escape the ? 

Greetings Marcus

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obtain web page contents with perl through a proxy server

2003-08-07 Thread wendy soros

I am a new perl user. I have a question of obtaining
web page contents with perl. Hope you can help me.

Here is my question: how can I use perl to access a
webpage, fill in some search parameters, pull out
parts of the search results returned that I really
need and save them in a file? 

For example, a web site has some information about a
bunch of companies for various years. After one puts
in the company name and the relevant years, one would
be directed to another page that has the text contents

I have the file containing the company names and the
years I want. Since the number of companies I have is
large, it would be really nice to have perl pull out
the contents for me. Could it do this? How? What if I
need to access the web page through a proxy server? 

Once again, I am new to the perl community and I am
sorry if the question is too simple. But I do need you
help. Thanks a lot.


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Re: obtain web page contents with perl through a proxy server

2003-08-07 Thread Patricia Hinman
Here is a simple example from one of my scripts.
You can use the method of mirror, getstore, 
use LWP::Simple;
  print STDERR \n Transfered
  }else{print STDERR \n Couldn't transfer file $!;
print STDERR \n Couldn't transfered

#this is from this page at cpan:

perl -MLWP::Simple -e 'getprint;'

 use LWP::Simple;
 $content = get(;);
 die Couldn't get it! unless defined $content;

 if (mirror(;, foo) ==

 if (is_success(getprint(;))) {

--- wendy soros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am a new perl user. I have a question of obtaining
 web page contents with perl. Hope you can help me.
 Here is my question: how can I use perl to access a
 webpage, fill in some search parameters, pull out
 parts of the search results returned that I really
 need and save them in a file? 
 For example, a web site has some information about a
 bunch of companies for various years. After one puts
 in the company name and the relevant years, one
 be directed to another page that has the text
 I have the file containing the company names and the
 years I want. Since the number of companies I have
 large, it would be really nice to have perl pull out
 the contents for me. Could it do this? How? What if
 need to access the web page through a proxy server? 
 Once again, I am new to the perl community and I am
 sorry if the question is too simple. But I do need
 help. Thanks a lot.
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Re: how do i list the methods connected to a object?

2003-08-07 Thread Rob Dixon

Jenda Krynicky wrote:

 Guess what methods does this object support ;-)

 package Len;

 sub new {
 my $self;
 bless \$self, 'Len';

 $AUTOLOAD =~ s/^.*:://;
 return length($AUTOLOAD);

Nice one Jenda! But I couldn't find it on CPAN :-/


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Re: Help with Unlink please

2003-08-07 Thread Steve Grazzini
On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 11:49:20PM -0400, perlwannabe wrote:
 I have made the script as simple as possible and cannot get 
 unlink to work.
 unlink (c:\testdir\*030977*.*) || die unlink failed: $!;

You'd need to expand the wildcards yourself:

  my $pat = 'c:\testdir\*030977*.*';
  foreach (glob($pat)) {
  unlink or warn Couldn't unlink '$_': $!;

And be careful with double-quotes and backslashes.

 I have even simplified further using a file test.txt and
 using unlink (test.txt);  this also failed.

What was the error this time?

(Maybe you're in the wrong directory.)


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RE: While loop on a file handle

2003-08-07 Thread David Wall

--On Wednesday, August 06, 2003 2:50 PM +0200 Jenda Krynicky 

From: Morrison, Trevor (Trevor) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What I am trying to do is to process a file that has say 1000 orders
in it all pretty much of the same format.  I want to open up the file,
and then using a while loop go down through all of the order
one-at-a-time and once I have all the fields populated and I have
reached a certain line at the end of each order write the data to the
database.  Then have it all reset, and process the next order; and do
this until the EOF.  That is the goal.
Seems you want something like this (untested of course):

use Switch;

my %order;
while (IN) {
switch ($_) {
case /^(\w+)\s*: *(.*)/ {$order{lc($1)} = $2}
undef %order;
else {print Incorrectly formated line $.: $_\n}
This assumes that the order file looks somewhat like this:

Name: John Doe
Amount: 10
Goods: gun XYZ-12345
Sum: 10100
Name: John Doe
Amount: 1
Goods: machinegun ABC-987
Sum: 2000
If it's the case that the end-of-order marker is a constant string, it can 
be a little shorter:

while (DATA) {
   my %order = split /\n|:\s*/;
   save_order( \%order );
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Re: How to replace a text in a file

2003-08-07 Thread Janek Schleicher
Vinay Thombre wrote at Tue, 05 Aug 2003 17:31:32 +0530:

 I am novice to Perl and learning very basic things. I want to replace a 
 text in a file with new text. I want to do it programatically. How can I
 do that?

What have you learned so far yet?
What is your tutorial?
What does it say about replacting texts in a file?
What have you tried so far?
What are your exact problems?

I'm asking as it is simpler to write a good answer if we know more about
your knowledge and the problems you are running.
Especially as it is hard to believe that no example of a file changing is
shown in any tutorial.

 I do not want to use Perl command line argumanets. Can anyone help?

Well, you could e.g. do something like

use strict;
use warnings;

open FILE, 'filename' or die Can't open file: $!;
open TEMP, 'filename.bak' or die Can't open temporary file: $!;

while (FILE) {
s/windows/linux/;   # Upgrade your system
print TEMP;

close FILE;
close TEMP;

rename 'filename.bak', 'filename' 
   or die Could not rename temporary to actually file: $!;

Another way would be perhaps to use the module Tie::File.

But why won't you use command line arguments?
The whole above script could be rewritten as

perl -pi -e 's/windows/linux' filename

what is much easier.


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RE: Net::FTP question

2003-08-07 Thread Dan Muey
 On Wed, 6 Aug 2003 12:38:04 -0700, Michael Adrian 
  I have a question re Net::FTP.
  I would like to change the record size when I 'put' the file I'm 
  ftp'ing. What argument would I use, if any to do this?
 Though I don't know how universal it is (as I am a unix guy 
 not a mainframe one), we use a 'SITE' command with specific 
 paramaters to set the record type/record length. Something 
 along the lines of:
 There is a 'site' method that will allow you to send such 
 commands  It this what you meant by record size?
 my $site = 'LRECL=1331 RECFM=FB';
 my $site_result = $ftp-site($site);
 unless ($site_result) {
 die Can't set 'site':  . $ftp-message;
 print SITE command successful\n;

I'm not sure if this is what you want or not but...

You might need to do a step by step version of put() instead of using put():

my $write = $ftp-stor($file); 
$write-write($t, $sizeyouwanttosenditin);


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How to read a bitMap file with Perl ?

2003-08-07 Thread Hari Krishnaan
Hello all,
 Incase of reading a bitmap file into an array variable , if I have to get the hex 
value do I 
 have to convert the bitmap file into Hex before sending it into an array variable
 or after reading the bitmap file into an array what should I do if I want the bitmap
 file data to be output as hexvalue into an another file.I hope I did not confuse 
 anyone with my question.

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RE: http paths in @INC

2003-08-07 Thread Gupta, Sharad
Yep, the require doc says that clearly. I should have read it first before posting.

Just got things working ;)


-Original Message-
From: Bob Showalter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 6:00 PM
To: Gupta, Sharad; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: http paths in @INC

Gupta, Sharad wrote:
 Hi All,

 Can i have something like http:://Somepath

 in @INC.


It is possible to write code allowing simple modules to be fetched via HTTP
and compiled.

RE: how to do paging of records

2003-08-07 Thread Coello, David
oracle doesnt accept a limit clause, so i have to work around that, any ideas! i been 
stuck on this issue over a few days...

-Original Message-
From: Gary Stainburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 2003 8:57 AM
To: Coello, David; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: how to do paging of records

On Wednesday 06 Aug 2003 1:40 pm, Coello, David wrote:
 can anyone help me on how to do paging of records i want a few records per
 page, im using oracle 8i.!!! and cgi.

I personally would look at LIMIT and OFFSET clauses for your select statement 
to enable you to choose the chunk of records retrieved

Gary Stainburn
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RE: Eval for module

2003-08-07 Thread Dan Muey
 That's because eval BLOCK still compiles the block at 
 compile-time.  You want to use eval EXPR.
   eval 'use Module ...; 1';
   if ($@) { uh oh }
 You can also use q{} instead of single quotes for more 
 code-like appearance.

Excellent Jeff! Thanks for that tid bit I missed it somewhere along the way.
Works perfect!



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CGI text process question

2003-08-07 Thread Ben Jacobs-Swearingen

Hello all, this is my first post to this group, and I hope it isn¹t
inappropriate. Anyway I have the following code in a CGI I¹m working on,
it¹s supposed to translate the ugly %(hexhex) markers for non-alphanumeric
characters back into normal text and assign the results to elements of an
array. In the following script $in has a sample line of form input to give
you a better idea of what¹s going on:

$in = 
@in = split(//,$in);

foreach $inp (@in) {
$inp =~ s/^.*=//;
(@hxcodes) = ($inp =~ /\%(\w\w)/g);
$nummatches = $#hxcodes + 1;
if ($nummatches == 0) {
} elsif ($nummatches  0) {
for ($i=0;$i = $nummatches;$i++) {
$trans{$hxcodes[$i]} = pack(C,hex($hxcodes[$i]));
$inp =~ tr/%//d;
$inp =~ s/$hxcodes[$i]/$trans{$hxcodes[$i]}/;

When I try this at home (on MacPerl) and at school (using standard Unix Perl
in OSX) the script works perfectly; however when I try to run it as a CGI on
the server (which is running Perl 5.006001) I get a blank page: presumably
the script is not generating any errors (at least according to the error
log), but it isn¹t giving me any results either. Does anyone have any idea
why that might be? Also I¹m a total novice at Perl, so please no rude
comments about my awkward coding (instructive comments about my awkward
coding would be more than welcome). Thanks in advance!


Fw: Can Perl dealing with PID ?

2003-08-07 Thread Li Ngok Lam
Is there any module in Perl can dealing with Procession ID on Win32?
And does Perll able to stop or start a services / application? 
Any pointers where I can start from ?

Thank you very much...

Re: Simple question

2003-08-07 Thread Li Ngok Lam
You method does work !
However, you can write as :
$line[1] /= 1000; 
# which is the same as $line[1] = $line[1] / 1000;


- Original Message - 
From: Sommer, Henrik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 11:05 PM
Subject: Simple question

 How do I divide a variable in an array ?
 Lets say element one need to be divided by 1000?
 $line[1] = $line[1]/1000; 
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RE: get http through a proxy authentication

2003-08-07 Thread NYIMI Jose (BMB)
For more info check this:


-Original Message-
From: Darbesio Eugenio [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 5:02 PM
Subject: get http through a proxy authentication


In this code I do http request through the env proxy:

   my $user_agent = new LWP::UserAgent;
   $page = ($user_agent-request(HTTP::Request-new(GET=$url)))-as_string;

but my proxy requests an authetication (username/password).

How can I introduce authetication in my code?



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Look Ahead

2003-08-07 Thread Gupta, Sharad

Hi All,

I have a path like:

$s = http::/foo/bar:http::/foo1/bar1:http/foo1/bar1;

I am trying to get all the http paths which are seperated by : like this:

@x = ($s =~ /(http::.*?):(?=http::.*?)/g)

The problem is i get all the elements in @x except the last one.

Where is that??.


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ERRNO ... What am I missing

2003-08-07 Thread Allison, Jason (JALLISON)
Can someone explain the interaction of POSIX ERRNO and PERL scripts?  When
does ERRNO get set and is it set with each PERL call?  I cant seem to track
when '$!' is set.  Sometimes it will be set to 0, and others 2.  I am having
difficultly nailing its behavior down.

If there is good reading I am missing, please let me know.



Re: List::Util / arrays

2003-08-07 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan
On Aug 5, Jakob Kofoed said:

1   5001
2   5002
3   5003

Are those line numbers actually in the file too?  If so, that might cause
problems for you.

open IN, , num2.txt;
my @in = IN;

At this point, @in holds all the lines of the file...

push @col1, $in[0];

... but here, you only store the FIRST line (the first element of @in) in
the @col1 array.

Other people have suggested better approaches; I'm just pointing out the
flaw in your program.

Jeff japhy Pinyan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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RE: :FTP question

2003-08-07 Thread Dan Muey

 I have a question re Net::FTP.
 I would like to change the record size when I 'put' the file 
 I'm ftp'ing. What argument would I use, if any to do this?

Change the record size? What do you mean by record?
Do you mean only ftp xx amount of bytes of a file to the ftp site or 

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Re: Help with Unlink please

2003-08-07 Thread Steve Grazzini
On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 11:00:07PM -0400, perlwannabe wrote:
  Steve Grazzini wrote at Wed, 06 Aug 2003 23:38:00 -0400:
my $pat = 'c:\testdir\*030977*.*';

That looks like trouble. Using forward slashes, as Janek has
done below, would have been smarter.

foreach (glob($pat)) {
unlink or warn Couldn't unlink '$_': $!;
  Or if you want to write it as a one liner,
  you can exploit that unlink also takes a list as its arguments:
  unlink glob c:/testdir/*030977*.* or die No files unlinked: $!;

That's not very good error-reporting.  Maybe unlink failed 
ninety-nine times and succeeded once...
 Neither of these worked.

Did they give any error messages?

 my $test = (c:\\testdir\\testfile.txt);
 unlink glob ($test) || die unlink failed: $!;

And that's the wrong or.  If you use the alphabetical or, 
you'll at least get an error message.

unlink $test or die unlink: $test: $!;


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[New Question] Large file line by line

2003-08-07 Thread Pablo Fischer

Reading all these message about reading a 'big' file (I know that 180MB its 
not a big file), but what's the difference from reading like this:

@file = FILE;
foreach (@file) {
print $_;

and with a While?

Pablo Fischer Sandoval ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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