Re: Clear a hash

2008-01-18 Thread Aaron Priven

I think you want

%hash = ();

which will make sure there are no elements in %hash.

Your statement was

%hash = {};

In this case, the {} will return a reference to an empty hash, and  
the assignment will then attempt to make this reference into a key in  
%hash. Since hash keys can only be strings, not references, it will  
turn this reference into a string like HASH(0x18015d8) (the number  
will vary depending on the memory location in your particular copy of  

So %hash = {} is basically equivalent to %hash = (HASH(0x18015d8),  
undef). This is probably not what you wanted.

On Jan 18, 2008, at 8:57 AM, Kevin Viel wrote:

Is there a way to empty/clear a hash in mass?

For instance:

%hash = {} ;

Might the above create an reference?

Thank you,


Kevin Viel, PhD
Post-doctoral fellow
Department of Genetics
Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research
San Antonio, TX 78227

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Aaron Priven, [EMAIL PROTECTED],com,

Re: Variable division, assignment and sprintf in one line

2007-11-28 Thread Aaron Priven

On Nov 28, 2007, at 11:26 AM, Steve Bertrand wrote:

Is there a way that one can use sprintf on a variable and assign the
value back to the variable without having the leading $var= ?

I don't think you can do it directly, but you can use the aliasing  
properties of sub or for:

$a_really_long_variable_name = 100*1024*1024;
print $a_really_long_variable_name\n;
print $a_really_long_variable_name\n;
sub divide { # ha ha I love this pun
   $_[0] = sprintf (%.2f, (($_[0] /=1024) /=1024));


$a_really_long_variable_name = 100*1024*1024;
print $a_really_long_variable_name\n;
$_ = sprintf (%.2f, (($_ /=1024) /=1024))
  for $a_really_long_variable_name;
print $a_really_long_variable_name\n;

Both give the same output:


The latter is most useful if you really are iterating over a list, of  

Aaron Priven, [EMAIL PROTECTED],com,


2007-10-29 Thread Aaron Priven

I can do this:

my $hashref = \%hash;

But as near as I can tell, there is no way to do the reverse  
operation: making a my %hash that is an alias for a hash reference.

It's possible with a package variable:

our %hash;
my $hashref = { a = 5 , b = 8 };
*hash = $hashref;
print $hash{a};

that prints 5. But there's no way to do this with a lexical (my)  

is this right?

Aaron Priven, [EMAIL PROTECTED],com,

Re: dereferencing

2007-10-29 Thread Aaron Priven

On Oct 29, 2007, at 5:21 PM, Tom Phoenix wrote:

 I don't think that what the original poster
wants is even possible, but I can't see any reason to need it, either.

It's probably not necessary per se, as you can always do anything  
using reference syntax, but it's awkward and requires lots of extra  
dereferencing by the interpreter.

If %hash has a few thousand entries,

routine (%hash);

sub routine {
   my %myhash = @_;

is wasteful and timeconsuming, and I don't want to have to type lots  
of extra arrows just because I passed the hash to a subroutine. And  
now I don't have to. Yay.

Aaron Priven, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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Re: dereferencing

2007-10-29 Thread Aaron Priven

Playing around with this, indeed, proves it can be done:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Alias;
my $hashref = { a = 5, b = 8};
alias my %hash = %{$hashref};
print $hash{a} , \n;

prints 5. (And \%hash == $hashref evaluates true.)

I knew that Data::Alias existed -- it's mentioned in Perl Best  
Practices -- but at least to me, the documentation seemed to imply  
that it couldn't do this, or that it would act like many scalar  
assignments in parallel.


On Oct 29, 2007, at 5:33 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:

Perhaps something like Data::Alias, for example, might do the trick.

Aaron Priven, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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Re: Bad scoping? Bad prototyping?

2006-10-09 Thread Aaron Priven

On Oct 9, 2006, at 10:35 AM, Helliwell, Kim wrote:


sub1(Hello, );


sub sub2($str)

print $str;

sub sub1($str)

Prototyping in perl does not do what you think it does. It does not  
turn your arguments into variables. All it does is supply a scalar or  
list context to entries in your argument list. It is not a useful  
feature for most people most of the time, and should be avoided.

Arguments to subs are always in the array @_

use warnings;
use strict;
# no Top::Posting;

sub1('Hello, ');

sub sub2 {
  my $str = shift; # implicitly uses @_
  print $str;

sub sub1 {
   my $str = shift;

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Re: Polluting the Global Namespace

2006-07-20 Thread Aaron Priven
See perldoc Exporter. If you use @EXPORT instead of @EXPORT_OK, it  
will put those subroutines into the global namespace by default.

On Jul 20, 2006, at 3:09 AM, Shane Calimlim wrote:

I'd like to add some sub routines to the global namespace.  I know  
this is
usually considered bad design for modules, but I intend to do this  
only for
a personal project.  I'd just like to know if this is possible, and  

And if so, using pure perl code or would I have to delve into xs?

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Re: how to add a list of numbers

2006-07-15 Thread Aaron Priven
Well, you can add a list of numbers with the module List::Util . It  
has a routine called sum.

   my @list = (8,10,2,5);
   use List::Util qw(sum);
   my $sum = sum (@list);
   # $sum is now 25

It can add any numbers, random or not.

On Jul 14, 2006, at 11:00 PM, I BioKid wrote:

is there any shortest way to add a list of random numbers ?
for example :



Aaron Priven, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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Re: math formula substitution and evaluation

2006-07-15 Thread Aaron Priven

On Jul 15, 2006, at 5:15 PM, Daniel D Jones wrote:

Given something like the following:

my @variables = [3, 7, 13, 4, 12];

As an aside, you meant parentheses here, not brackets. (Brackets  
return a reference to an anonymous array containing the list, not the  
list itself.)

my @tests = (2*a+b==c, c-d+a==e);

I need to be able to evaluate the mathematical truth of the tests,  
using the

values from @variables, where $variable[0] holds the value of the
variable 'a', $variables[1] holds the value of 'b', etc.  I can do the
evaluation but how do I (reasonably efficiently) substitute the  
values into
the strings?  (The length of the array and the exact tests are not  

until run time.)

In C, I'd do this by walking through the test strings character by  

checking for isalpha, converting the character to its ascii value and
subtracting the ascii value of 'a', and indexing into the array.

This should be easy enough to do, using the length, ord, chr, and  
substr functions (I haven't tested this):

foreach my $test (@tests) {
   for my $charposition (reverse (0 .. length($test))) {
  # go through the string backwards so your count isn't messed  
up by adding

  # more characters than you took away
  my $char = substr($test, $charposition, 1);
  next if $char !~ /[[:alpha:]]/;
  my $variableindex = ord(lc($char)) - ord(a);
  substr($test, $charposition, 1, $variables[$variableindex]);

But it's not a very perl-y way of doing this.

  In Perl I'm
not sure how to do this type of low level character by character  
The only thing which occurs to me is to split() the string into an  
array of
characters, then walk through that array.  Am I on the right track  
or is

there an easier way to do this in Perl?

If the tests really do look like what you've displayed, then the  
easiest way would be to make sure your tests are proper perl code,  
and then run them through eval. Unlike C, Perl has an entire parser  
available at runtime for you to use, so there's no need to write your  

So you'd do something like (also untested):

my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = (3,7,13,4,12);
my @tests = (2*$a+$b==$c, $c-$d+$a==$e);

foreach my $test (@tests) {
   if (eval($test)) {
  print $test is true!\n;

This does mean you have to reformat the tests to be valid perl.

An alternative would be (again, untested)

my %value_of = ( a = 3, b = 7, c = 13, d = 4, e = 12);

foreach my $test (@tests) {
   foreach my $variable (keys %value_of) {

  my $value = '$value_of{' . $variable . '}';

  # the above is in single quotes, so will be evaluated during
  # the eval, not during the substitution below

  $test =~ s/$variable/$value/g;

foreach my $test (@tests) {
   if (eval($test)) {
  print $test is true!\n;

Either way, using eval is potentially be a security issue since if  
these are user-supplied tests, then the user can run arbitrary code  
this way. Fine in some circumstances, bad in others.

Aaron Priven, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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Re: How to get the OS local/default drive using perl?

2006-07-13 Thread Aaron Priven
For a temporary file, you'd want to use the File::Temp module (see ).

For a permanent file, such as a configuration file, you'd probably  
have to figure it out for each operating system, and then test $^O to  
figure out which operating system you're running under. Each OS is  
different in where different kinds of files should be stored.

On Jul 13, 2006, at 12:40 PM, Nishi Bhonsle wrote:


If I have to create a writeable file say write.txt on fly during  
execution under the OS default/local drive of a machine ie C:\ or D: 
\ on
windows and /home/user etc on unix, how can I get that local/ 
default drive
using perl so that I dont have to hardcode C:\ or D:\ or /home etc  

the script as path to the write.txt.

Thanks much.

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Re: regex repetition

2006-07-12 Thread Aaron Priven

Check out the module Set::IntSpan and see if it does what you want.

On Jul 12, 2006, at 3:08 PM, Ryan Moszynski wrote:

I need to write some code to allow users to specify which of a whole
bunch of elements(e.g.512/1024) that they want to view.  My idea for
how to do this was to have them input a semicolon delimited list, for


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... is a valid filename

2006-07-10 Thread Aaron Priven
For what it's worth, ... is indeed a valid filename. Back in  
Ancient Days of Yore, when I was a young undergrad at UC Santa Cruz  
playing on the open-access timeshare Unix system, we all had read  
access to each others' home directories, and it was somewhat common  
for people to put semi-secret stuff in a directory ... and mark it  
readable/searchable by the user only. The name gave no indication of  
what was actually in there, and if you did ls -a, it was easily  
overlooked next to . and .., which is a really pathetic form of  
security by obscurity but better than nothing, especially in 1989.

So unless you have made a decision that you want to exclude files or  
directories that are ... and  and ., you need  
to not just block everything that's made up entirely of periods.

Somebody sent in something just now saying that the regular  
expression posted had to start with a period. That's not true. The  
expression posted was


Because it's in brackets, this is a character class. See Using  
character classes in the perlretut manpage (perldoc perlretut).  
Within a character class, ^  doesn't mean start, it means  
negated character class. From perlretut:

The special character ^ in the first position of a character  
class denotes a negated character class, which matches any  
character but those in the brackets.

And, within a character class, . doesn't have its other meaning for  
any character but newline (unless you've used the s modifier, in  
which case it matches that too), but instead is an ordinary  
character signifying itself.

So [^.] matches a string that has at least one character that's not a  
period in it.


all match because the character class finds the first a in each  
string, and that's a character other than a period. But


does not match, because the character class can't find anything  
that's not a period in it. Similarly, . and .. won't  

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Re: passing by value vs. passing by reference

2006-07-04 Thread Aaron Priven

You should show us some code.

Normally you would do this in the subroutine:

sub routine {

   my $mydir = shift;
   # which puts the value of $_[0] into $mydir
   # and then removes that from the argument list
   chop $mydir;
   # do stuff with $mydir


That makes a copy of the value. It sounds like you are doing this:

sub routine {
   chop $_[0];
   # do stuff with $_[0]

which is harder to understand, since $_[0] has no meaning for anyone,  
and has the disadvantage of changing your original value.

If for some reason you sometimes need to pass the original variable  
and sometimes pass a copy of the value to your subroutine, you could  
pass it an expression that returns the value of $a. There's probably  
a good way I can't think of to do this in all circumstances, but if  
it's a string you could call it with


or if it's a number,

routine($a + 0);

By the way, you should look at chomp and see if it's more like what  
you want than chop. Maybe it is; maybe it isn't.

On Jul 4, 2006, at 10:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a subroutine that, amongst other things, chops a scalar  
$dir, passed to it as an argument.  The problem is that I need $dir  
intact (ie
unchopped) after calling said subroutine, but it has been altered  
by the chop.

Aaron Priven, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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Re: passing by value vs. passing by reference

2006-07-04 Thread Aaron Priven

On Jul 4, 2006, at 10:46 AM, Aaron Priven wrote:

you could pass it an expression that returns the value of $a.

Sorry, I should have said your variable instead of $a here.

Aaron Priven, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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