Moving, modifying files and preserving permission's

2004-11-29 Thread William . Ampeh


I am in the process of migrating our current working environment from
Solaris to Linux.  This should have been very straight forward if I had a
one-to-one mapping of filesystems, but not in my situation.  I am moving
from a multiple 6GB filesystems to a few 20GB filesystems, which means
programs (scripts, C/C++, fortran, Pascal codes, etc.) containing hard
coded PATHS need to be modified and in some cases recompiled.

I have been able to come up  with a "not-so-clean" piece of code which
unfortunately only works on non-nfs mounted filesystems (my initial plan
was to mount the old filesystems on the Linux box, and then using
"finddepth(\&wanted, $old_filesystem)" go down the directory tree,
modifying, recompiling and performing all that needs to be done, then
writing back the resulting file to the new filesystem.  However, this does
not work, so I am going with a 2-step approach (manually copy the files
over to the linux box), then have a scaled-down program do the PATH
conversion, recompilation, etc.

Here is a copy of my old code:
(See attached file:

(See attached file: output.txt)(See attached file: output.txt)


I am still healing my wounds from my weekend failure (i.e., currently in
the process of modifying the above script, to do just the PATH conversion,
and hopefully the recompilation).  However, answers and/or suggestions to
the following question would help.


1./  How do I modify a file and preserve the original permissions (i.e.,
the permission of the parent file)?

   Currently, I am using "File::stat", with the system command as follows:

my $info = stat($old_absolute_name) or die "\n\nno $old_absolute_name: $!
my $permstrs = $info->mode;

print "\n File Mode = ", $info->mode , " USer: ",  $info->uid, "\n\n";
printf "\n Permission = %0.4o  \n\n", $permstrs;
$file_perm = $file_perm & ~ (04000 | 02000);
return unless 114 == (getpwuid($file_uid))[3];   # for testing purposes
`chown ${file_uid}.${file_gid} \'$file_name\'; chmod $file_perm
\'$file_name\'`;  #'for WINDOWS-base filenames -- spaces

2./  Does anyone have anything (code, advise, pointers, etc), they would
like to share?

Thank you,


William Ampeh
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GUI-based menu-ing script for UNIX

2005-08-25 Thread William . Ampeh

Is there any easy to customize GUI-based menu-ing script for UNIX?  I
currently have a text-base menu program for gluing my applications, and I
am interested in putting in revising it to a GUI-based (for a change).
Currently I am looking at aumenu, which according to the documentation, was
developed way back.

Thank you.

William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: CGI execute command via ssh

2005-08-31 Thread William . Ampeh

2 things could be happening:

1./   Timeout
2./size of your descriptors.
That is:on a "?nix" platform type


You see something like:

william:/foobar(1)% limit
cputime unlimited
stacksize   10240 kbytes
coredumpsize0 kbytes
memoryuse   unlimited
vmemoryuse  unlimited
descriptors 1024
memorylocked4 kbytes
maxproc 7168


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

 08/31/2005 10:09   cc 
   CGI execute command via ssh 


I',m trying to execute a command via ssh on a remote maschien via a
perl-cgi script. The app i'm building does this a lot, with 99% of
success. The missing 1% i'm trying to understand and after that to solve.

I use backstick to run the ssh command something like:

my $data = `ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] /root/somewhere/something $args`

This work fine. But the 1% is a command where up to 5 MB are in my
$data. --- Only if i run it local on the Remote i only
fetch 1.6 MB. While i doesn't matter if i should get 2,3, or 5 MB. Most
annoying is that the data are strings .. and the missing one are
randomly placed somewhere.

After a lot of wasted time with no success i kick that solution and
tried to put all the data in a MySQL DB on the remote maschine ( ) again this works better since all data get into that DB.
When execute that script from the cgi script, i get an error message.

While the error message was generate from within the script from the
remote maschine - this error "could no happen". I couldn't get rid of
that error so i again tried a different way.

This time the remote scripte run as a daemon process, with no report
back to the caller, just fire and forget. Again it work direkt from
commandline and via commandline call over ssh and again not from within
the cgi script.

What did i miss?
What das CGI what works so nice agains me?

here the shorted scripts;

CGI Script

use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI::FormBuilder;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser warningsToBrowser);
use constant DEBUG => 0;

my $host = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
die unless ($host=~/^[\w-]+$/);

my $page = CGI->new;
print $page->header;
print $page->start_html;
print `ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] /root/nodedateien $host`;
print $page->end_html;


Remote script

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use DBI;
use POSIX;

my $arg = shift or die ;

die "Can't fork" unless defined ( my $child = fork);
exit 0 if $child;   #parent dies;
open(STDIN, "/dev/null");
open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");
chdir '/';  #change working directory
umask(0);   #forget file mod creation mas

my $dbh =

=> 1, AutoCommit => 1});
my $sth = $dbh->prepare('delete from nodedateien');
$sth = $dbh->prepare('insert into nodedateien
(HL_Name,LL_Name,Backup_Date) Values ( ?,?,? ) ');

open(IN,"/command" |");
my ($val1,$val2,$val3);
for (1 .. 12) {}
 next if (/^\n/);
 next if (/return code/);
 if ($_=~/^BACKUP_DATE: (.+)/) { $val3 = $1}
 if ($_=~/^HL_NAME: (.+)/) { $val1 = $1}
 if ($_=~/^LL_NAME: (.+)/) { $val2 = $1;

sub update
 my ($HL,$LL,$BD) = @_;

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Perl IMAP client for Lotus Notes

2005-10-05 Thread William . Ampeh

Hello All,

I am looking for a way to pull mails from Lotus Notes and process them in
Perl.  I will be glad if anyone will be kind enough to share a code or
provide me with any pointers.

Thank you.


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Please help

2005-10-05 Thread William . Ampeh

Please help me fix this.

When I run it, I get the following message:

Can't call method "select" on an undefined value at ./ line 12.

Thank you


use lib "/home/william/.cpan/build/Mail-IMAPClient-2.2.9/blib/lib";
use Mail::IMAPClient;

$login="myname"; $pass="mypassword";

my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new( Server => $imaphost,
  User   => $login,
  Password=> $pass,
  Uid => 1,# optional
   for my $h (
# grab the Subject and Date from every message in my (fictional!) smut
# the first argument is a reference to an array listing all messages in
the folder
# (which is what gets returned by the $imap->search("ALL") method when
called in
# scalar context) and the remaining arguments are the fields to parse
# The key is the message number, which in this case we don't care
values %{$imap->parse_headers( scalar($imap->search("ALL")) ,
"Subject", "Date")}
   ) {
  # $h is the value of each element in the hash ref returned from
  # and $h is also a reference to a hash.
  # We'll only print the first occurance of each field because we don't
expect more
  # than one Date: or Subject: line per message.
   print map { "$_:\t$h->{$_}[0]\n"} keys %$h ;


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Help unsubscribing from list

2005-10-17 Thread William . Ampeh

How do I unsubscribe from the list?

Thank you


William Ampeh (x3939)
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A simple text or GUI-based menu script

2004-07-07 Thread William . Ampeh


I am finally done with my 508 automation project.  Thanks to everyone who
responded to my mail, especially Jenda Krynicky.  I am finally able to take
any "structured" pdf table and convert it to a "screen readable HTML" file

The end of one project marks the beginning of another.  I have two

1./  Where can I locate a text or GUI-based menu program in Perl to bundle
together a set of scripts and program.

That is, something that will allow me to create a menu based system for
in-house use.  For example, a user selects option 1 to backup files, option
2 to run the "create tables programs", etc.

2./  I just down loaded, but have been
struggle to located all the modules referenced by the demo program.  First
it was and now it is CPANPLUS/   What is the best way
to get all the dependencies of perlmenu installed automatically?

Thank you.

William Ampeh
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: Cron Tab Implementation

2004-07-08 Thread William . Ampeh

I think you are experiencing some of my headaches here.  Why recreate a
fully functional and extensively tested utility?

My solution, when pressed, simply create an input to the utility and fire
up the utility.

That is, if you still want to use Perl for this, simply generate your
crontab file in using a Perl script, and with command ticks, file up cron
from within your Perl program.

Cron is cron and all it needs if a file and a kick start.


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: Excel format from a PERL script

2004-07-08 Thread William . Ampeh

If I understand your question correctly, then all you is
It comes with an example which is very easy to follow.  I have used this
quite a bit and like I said, it is very easy to follow.


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: Could anyone please answer a simple PERL question.

2004-07-08 Thread William . Ampeh

A sure kill is to search for "perl*" and take note of the path.  Then you
can do one of the following:

1./ update your path variable, verify that you have really done that with
the set command.


2./  call up the perl interpreter using the absolute path.

I think he probabily have not installed Perl.


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Request to help beautify a Perl-based menu script

2004-07-09 Thread William . Ampeh


This is the current state of my text-based Perl "menu" script.  It pretty
much does everything I want with the exception of colors (two of my highly
influential users want colors).  I will therefore appreciate any help or


(See attached file:


Menu file:
(See attached file:



xterm -cr blue -im +ls -ms blue \
-title "P   R   O   J   E   C   T   I   O   N  V  1.0" \
-fn "-schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-75-*-*-*-*" -geometry
"116x72+100+10" \
-bg "#e0" -fg black -e /PROJECTS/MENU/ -m 2 \
' \


SAMPLE menufile

  * DATA PICKUP TOOLS (Projection Coordinator/RA ONLY) *

 * Pickup DEPOSIT   ::
 * Pickup HISTORY (uses fofnet database)::
 * Pickup RUTH  ::
 * Add a year of data to a database ::
 * Pickup TFIN  ::
 * Update series manually   ::

   SMALL Pickups   COMPARE
 * Pickup CONSUMER CREDIT   ::
 * CURRENT fofp and CURRENT fofproj ::
 * Pickup OFHEO INDEX   ::
 ? CURRENT fofproj and LAST GREENBOOK fofp  ::
 * CURRENT fofp and current fofnet  ::
 * Pickup MORTGAGES         ::


William Ampeh
Federal Reserve Board
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Re: Could anyone please help with PERL file association.

2004-07-09 Thread William . Ampeh

Right mouse click on Start,select Explore, locate the file, Right mouse
click on the file, click on Open with, select other program, then locate
the Perl interpreter (something like perl???.exe).   You could select
always use to lock the file association.


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: how do you run the debuger for perl/TK in Windows-2000

2004-07-12 Thread William . Ampeh

Simply wrap it around a batch file with a pause at the end.

That is:

@echo off
echo .
echo .
echo .  - D O N E -
echo .
echo .


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Clearing up Google history

2004-07-12 Thread William . Ampeh

How do I clear up my "google history" (IE history can be cleared via Tools,

That is, from any browser, when a user enters "", the user is
presented with a dialog box, any previously entered text is stored, how do
I clear or turn off the history caching feature in google?



William Ampeh
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: What is "Use of uninitialized JOIN" error?

2004-07-13 Thread William . Ampeh

Where do you populate @record?  Such messages occur when  populating an
array with contents of a file (if the file contains a bunch of newlines).
So make sure you know what the array is getting populated with by testing.

Also, you want to join before printing, correct?  So swap the lines (but
that is not the cause of the warning).

> print OUTFILE "$recordlist\n";

I will try to view the contents of @record with
foreach my $item (@record) {
  print " . item: $item\n";


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: [The Subroutine] What is "Use of uninitialized JOIN" error?

2004-07-13 Thread William . Ampeh

sub data_collect {unless (open(OUTFILE,">$fourdayreport"))

{die open(ERRORLOG, ">>$errorlog") &&

print ERRORLOG "Sorry file $dayreport couldn't be created\n"; return


 while( @record = $sth->fetchrow_array() )
# no warnings;

#Since you are not doing anything with $recordlist, I will do one of the
print OUTFILE join(",",@record), "\n";

for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#record; $i++) {
  ( $i < $#record ) ? print "$record[$i]," : print "$record[$i]\n";

 my $recordlist=join(",",@record);

 print OUTFILE "$recordlist\n";

   }return "success";



William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: [The Subroutine] What is "Use of uninitialized JOIN" error?

2004-07-13 Thread William . Ampeh

What about manually stepping through the array elements?

That is:

for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#record; $i++) {
  print "$record[$i],";
print "$record[$#record]\n";


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: [The Subroutine] What is "Use of uninitialized JOIN" error?

2004-07-13 Thread William . Ampeh

What about manually stepping through the array elements?

That is:

for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#record; $i++) {
  print "$record[$i],";
print "$record[$#record]\n";


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: [The Subroutine...revisited] What is "Use of uninitialized JOIN" error?

2004-07-13 Thread William . Ampeh

$recordlist=join(",",@record); #This statement is causing the problem

Have you tried to see if there are any blank records in @record?


William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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Re: Perl <-> Expect

2004-07-15 Thread William . Ampeh
OCK 2:  Username or Password Error.  Use modify
router to update $hostname information!!!\n\n"
exit 1

  expect {
timeout { puts "\n\nWarning:  Process timed out  -- BLOCK
2\n\n"; exit 5 }
Password: { stty -echo; send "$enable_password\r" ; stty echo;
incr loop_detector1}
"#"  { if { $TERMINAL_LENGTH < 1 } {
stty -echo; send "terminal length 0\r";
stty echo; set TERMINAL_LENGTH 1
  } else {

while 1 {
  #puts "\n .. TRIAL
$loop_buf_in_use   \n"
  if { $loop_buf_in_use > 3 } {
puts "\n\nBLOCK 2:  ERROR
from $hostname.  Possibly a buffer in use.  Trials =
exit 1
  stty -echo; send "show config\r";
stty echo; incr loop_buf_in_use
  #expect "show config\r\n"
  expect {
 timeout { puts
"\n\nWarning:  Process timed out on show config -- BLOCK 2\n\n"; exit 5 }
-re "(\r\n)*.*!" { incr
out_buf_in_use; break }
-re "\r\n(\[#\n\r]*)" {
sleep 15 }
eof { puts "\n\n Error from
$hostname.  End of file error -- blk 2.  Possibly a buffer in use!!\n\n";
exit 1 }

  if { $out_buf_in_use > 0 } {
-nocase error: {puts "\n\n Error from $hostname.  Possibly a
password error -- Blk 2. Modify rounter information\n\n"; exit 1}
-nocase error {puts "\n\n Error from $hostname.  Possibly a
password error -- Blk 2. Modify rounter information\n\n"; exit 1}
-nocase bad { puts "\n\n Error from $hostname.  Possibly a
password error -- Blk 2. Modify rounter information\n\n"; exit 1}
"%" { puts "\n\n Error from $hostname.  Possibly a password
error -- Blk 2. Modify rounter information\n\n"; exit 1}
">" {stty -echo; send "enable\r"; stty echo }
eof { puts "\n\n Error from $hostname.  End of file error --
blk 2. Modify rounter information\n\n"; exit 1 }

# ..This is where I am having lots of trouble .
#expect -re "\r\n(.*)\r\n" ;#match output fron show config
expect -re "\n(\[#\r\n]*)\r";#match output fron show config
#expect -re "\r\n(\[#\n\r]*)\r\n"  ;#match output fron show config
#expect -re "\r\n(\[#\n\r]*)"   ;#match output fron show config
#expect -re "\n(\[^\r]*)\r"    ;#match output fron show config
log_user 1; puts "$expect_out(1,string)"   ;#print expected data only to

#..  close session and exit ...
expect {
  "#" { exit 0 }
  eof { puts "\n\n Error from $hostname.  End of file error -- blk 3.
Modify rounter information\n\n"; exit 1 }
  timeout { puts "\n\nWarning:  Timed out: Last BLOCK\n\n"; exit 6 }

exit 1

William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

  "Ohad Ohad"  

   Subject: Perl <-> Expect
  07/15/2004 07:36 

Tcl/Tk training class

2004-10-07 Thread William . Ampeh


Can anyone recommend a Tcl/Tk training in DC/MD/VA?

I am specifically looking for a course in intermediate to advance Tcl/Tk
(including namespaces, packages, and GUI appearance).



William Ampeh (x3939)
Federal Reserve Board

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