Srting matching again

2001-06-26 Thread Yvonne Murphy

Hi all,
The following problem has been causing me alot of hassle and I'd really
appreciate some help with it.

I have the following piece of code which matches perfectly  for a string
between the single qoute and the semi-colon:-

use strict;

#this part is to remove the functions from the qoutes that
#were added when the C::Scan was done.


open (FILE, "functions2.log") or die $!;
open (OUTFILE, ">thosecoolfuncs.log");

while ($mymatch =  ) {

 if ($mymatch =~  m/\'(.+)\;/gis) { #matches anything between the single
qoute and semi-colon and places it in the '$1' variable

 print OUTFILE $1,  "\n\n";

close (OUTFILE);

But the problem occurs when I add this into a bigger code segment, it
just goes crazy! And seems to match te complete opposite.

And ideas?


Re: removing white space

2001-06-27 Thread Yvonne Murphy

Has anyone used the whitespace module. I downloaded it from CPAN but I
couldn't get it to work for me at all.

Re: Srting matching again

2001-06-27 Thread Yvonne Murphy

Hasanuddin Tamir wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Yvonne Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote,
> >  if ($mymatch =~  m/\'(.+)\;/gis) { #matches anything between the single
>  ^^
> >
> >
> > But the problem occurs when I add this into a bigger code segment, it
> > just goes crazy! And seems to match te complete opposite.
> >
> > And ideas?
> You seem to be bitten by the greedy match.  By default, the quantifiers
> (such as + and *) will match as many as possible.  You need the ? to
> suppress the greed behaviour.  This ? is different form the ? used to
> optional unit.
> $_ = "'first; second;";
> print $1, "\n" if /'(.+);/;   # first; second
> print $1, "\n" if /'(.+?);/;  # first
> Btw, /gis seems redundant to me.  So do the backslases.
> hth;
> __END__
> --
> s::a::n->http(

The data in the functions2.log file takes the following format:

'fdecls' => ARRAY(0x80e53c0)
   0  'int fibonacci(int degree);'
   1  'int towerOfHanoiMoves(int numOfDisks);'
   2  'void xyzzy(char* easterEgg);'
   3  'char* interesting();'
   4  'extern void  system_alarm_run(int *alarm);'
   5  'extern void  system_alarm_pause(int *alarm);'
   6  'extern int *system_timer_new( unsigned long tag );'
   7  'extern int *system_timer_callback_new( void (*callback_function)
  (unsigned long tag), unsigned long tag );'
   8  'int system_timer_start( int * timer, long time );'
   9  'longsystem_timer_pause( int * timer );'
   10  'int system_timer_stop( int * timer );'
   11  'int system_timer_del( int * timer );'

And I need to remove the actual function declaration and assign each of
the words to variables, such as, $return_type, $function_name, etc.

Is that any clearer?


Regex......some help quickly!!!!

2001-07-13 Thread Yvonne Murphy

Hi All,
It's Friday evening and my brain is already beginning to close down for
the weekend although I haven't yet given it
permission to do so! I need to get this regex problem I have sorted
soon, but my brain refuses to co-operate with me.

I need to match the following type of #include statement found in a C
header file:

#include " test/bar.h "
#include " other/foo.h "

I need to be able to work on the actual header files so I need to be
able to store
the directory pathnames in a varible.
Any idea/help/suggestions would be so gratefully appreciated
Thanks in advance

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Changing to new directory.

2001-07-25 Thread Yvonne Murphy

Hi all,
Thanks for all your help with previous questions I've had. What I need
to figure out now is how I can strip the actual directory from the
following pathname that I have stored in a variable :

(Just one sample of what I have but there will be different variations
of the $pathname below)

$pathname = /home/username/folders/test/bar.h

So what I really need to be able to do is remove the filename from the
end of the path and once I have the new path I want to be able  to
change to that directory.

So I want to change to say '/home/username/folders/test'

I don't have any idea how to do this so any help would be grateful.


Another regular expression question?

2001-04-20 Thread Yvonne Murphy

I am also very new to Perl! I need to figure out how I could skip a
block of comments in a C header file. For example, if I have something
like the following:

/* This is my block of comments.blah
lots more comments here
and then even more here! with my end of comments
indentifier on the next line!.


And then the actual code down further needs to be processed. Any help
would mean alot to a beginner like me.